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Pemasangan harian

Pemasangan Mingguan

Pemeriksaan pembaruan harian

Data mentah

Tanggal Pemasangan Pemeriksaan Pembaruan
2024-06-28 5 80
2024-06-29 1 76
2024-06-30 2 88
2024-07-01 0 86
2024-07-02 3 74
2024-07-03 0 96
2024-07-04 1 83
2024-07-05 2 89
2024-07-06 0 84
2024-07-07 4 86
2024-07-08 2 89
2024-07-09 3 88
2024-07-10 4 92
2024-07-11 3 96
2024-07-12 0 96
2024-07-13 0 92
2024-07-14 0 68
2024-07-15 2 98
2024-07-16 1 93
2024-07-17 0 89
2024-07-18 3 95
2024-07-19 2 85
2024-07-20 1 76
2024-07-21 1 74
2024-07-22 0 86
2024-07-23 1 92
2024-07-24 1 91
2024-07-25 2 83
2024-07-26 0 83
2024-07-27 0 26
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