Skrip ini tidak untuk dipasang secara langsung. Ini adalah pustaka skrip lain untuk disertakan dengan direktif meta // @require
// Uppod HTML5 0.13.05 (
var uppod_players;
var uppod_active_player_uid;
var uppodstyle = '';
function Uppod(loadvars) {
var _this = this;
var canvasObjs = [];
var vars;
var brw;
var ierr = '';
var ipad = false;
var iphone = false;
var android = false;
var opera = false;
var mobile = false;
var nativecontrols = false;
var ihtml5 = false;
var init = false;
var initevent = false;
var iplay = false;
var istart = false;
var ifull = false;
var irealfull = false;
var ihide = false;
var lastXY = 0;
var lastdXY = 0;
var ibuff = false;
var iover = false;
var istartevnt = false;
var iline = false;
var iloaded = false;
var igo = false;
var iwebkit = false;
var firefox = false;
var safari = false;
var chrome = false;
var itouch = false;
var nametip;
var name_txt;
var controls;
var youtubeElemId;
var youtubeIframe;
var mouseMoveCatcher;
var playlist;
var pl_mc;
var pl;
var plwidth;
var plheight;
var ipl;
var plbg;
var pltext;
var plplayed;
var plrandom;
var plpage = 0;
var v;
var vvv;
var muted;
var hideInterval;
var rmenu;
var timelength = 4;
var timeitems = 0;
var line_s;
var volbarline_s;
var lastTime = 0;
var ltc = 0;
var layer;
var player;
var uibg;
var uibg_gl;
var oo;
var play_b;
var pause_b;
var back_b;
var stop_b;
var start_b;
var time_play_b;
var time_back_b;
var time_all_b;
var volume_b;
var volume_mute_b;
var volbarline_b;
var volbarline_all_b;
var volbarline_play_b;
var volbar_b;
var volbars;
var sep_b;
var run_b;
var run_pos;
var runvolume_b;
var runvolume_pos;
var sep;
var download_b;
var next_b;
var prev_b;
var plnext_b;
var plprev_b;
var full_b;
var full_back_b;
var line_b;
var line_all_b;
var line_load_b;
var line_play_b;
var line_but_b;
var space_b;
var buffer_b;
var menu_b;
var playlist_b;
var hd_b;
var hdselect;
var hd1_b;
var sub_b;
var sub_text;
var sub_bg;
var sub;
var sub_lang = 0;
var sub_showed = false;
var sub_menu;
var sub_menu2;
var sub_menu_bg;
var isub_menu_color;
var isub_menu_bgcolor;
var sub_last;
var sub_lang_all = false;
var mybuts = [];
var cntrlength;
var cntrl;
var cntrls;
var cntrli;
var controls;
var browser = new Uppod.Browser();
var logo;
var uppod = {
_controls: null,
_mediaW: null,
_parentDom: null,
_ads: null,
iframe: {},
window: {},
document: {},
toolTipOn: function(domElment) {
domElment.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(domElment, domElment.title)
domElment.onmouseout = function() {
createMediaW: function() {
this._mediaW = new Uppod.MediaW({
mode: vars.m,
vars: vars,
mobile: mobile,
this._mediaW.onError.bind(function() {
if (vars.hlsautoquality == 1) {
this._mediaW.onQuality.bind(function() {
return this._mediaW
mediaW: function() {
return this._mediaW
controls: function() {
if (!this._controls) {
this._controls = new Uppod.Controls()
return this._controls
playerBodyElement: function() {
return body
parentDom: function() {
return this._parentDom
ads: function() {
if (!this._ads && Uppod.Ads) {
this._ads = new Uppod.Ads({
containerDom: uppod.document,
containerDiv: uppod.iframe,
uid: vars.uid,
playerDom: this.playerBodyElement().c,
prerollVast: CreateLink(vars.vast_preroll),
postrollVast: CreateLink(vars.vast_postroll),
pauserollVast: CreateLink(vars.vast_pauseroll),
midrollVast: CreateLink(vars.vast_midroll),
midrollTimes: CreateLink(vars.midroll_times),
adEachPlaylistItem: parseInt(vars.vast_pl) === 1,
pauseOnClick: parseInt(vars.vast_pauseonclick) === 1,
prerollPauseOnClick: parseInt(vars.vast_preroll_pauseonclick) === 1,
return this._ads
vars: function() {
return vars
toogleFullscreen: function() {
return Full.apply(this, arguments)
isFullscreen: function() {
return ifull
if (loadvars.uid) {
if (!uppod_players) {
uppod_players = []
this.uid = = loadvars.uid;
if (document.getElementById( {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', Init)
function createBody() {
body = new Shaper2({
w: vars.sw,
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a: (vars.transparent == 1 ? -1 : 1)
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'zIndex': 1
function createPlaylists() {
var iyt;
var stop = false;
if ( {
if (typeof( == 'object') {
if (typeof( == 'string') {
vars.pl_original =;
var str;
if ("{") == 0) {
str =;
str = str.replace(/'/g, '"')
} else {
if ("youtube:") == 0) {
if ('user_') == 8) { = '' + + '&key=' + vars.ytapi
if ('search_') == 8) { = '' + Ytpl( + '&maxResults=' + vars.ytpllimit + '&order=' + vars.ytplorder + '&relevanceLanguage=' + vars.lang + '&key=' + vars.ytapi
if ('pl_') == 8) { = '' + + '&maxResults=' + vars.ytpllimit + '&key=' + vars.ytapi
iyt = true
str = LoadFile(
if (str) {
if (str.indexOf('#') == 0) {
str = un(str)
try {
if (str.indexOf("\'") > -1) {
str = str.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
}; = JSON.parse(str);
if (iyt) {
var obj =;
var newobj = {};
newobj["playlist"] = [];
var i;
if (obj.error) {
if (obj.error.errors[0].reason == "keyInvalid") {}
} else {
if (obj.items[0].contentDetails) { = 'youtube:pl_' + obj.items[0].contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;
stop = true
} else {
if (obj.items.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < obj.items.length; i++) {
if (obj.items[i].snippet) {
newobj["playlist"][i] = new Object();
if (vars.pl_original.indexOf(":pl_") > 0) {
newobj["playlist"][i].file = 'http' + (vars.https == 1 ? 's' : '') + '://' + obj.items[i].snippet.resourceId.videoId
if (vars.pl_original.indexOf(":search_") > 0) {
newobj["playlist"][i].file = 'http' + (vars.https == 1 ? 's' : '') + '://' + obj.items[i].id.videoId
newobj["playlist"][i].poster = obj.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.default.url;
vars.ytposter == 1 ? newobj["playlist"][i].bigposter = obj.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.high.url : '';
newobj["playlist"][i].link = newobj["playlist"][i].file;
newobj["playlist"][i].comment = obj.items[i].snippet.title
} = newobj
} ? = : ''
} catch (err) {
Alert(vars.lang2.errjson_decode + ' ' + Filename(vars.pl_original), true)
!stop ? CreatePl() : ''
if (vars.file == '') {
ipl = 0;
if (vars.random == 1) {
ipl = getRandomInt(0, pl.length - 1);
Opacity(plbg[0], vars.plalpha);
Opacity(plbg[ipl], vars.plalpha_play)
if ([ipl].playlist) {
if ([ipl].playlist[0].playlist) {
} else {
} else {
function Ytpl(str) {
var myAmpPattern = / /g;
var itmp = str.split(' ').length;
for (var i = 0; i < itmp; i++) {
str = str.replace(myAmpPattern, "%20")
return str
function createAlert() {
alrt = createElement('div');
alrt.className = 'uppod-alert';
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vars.commentbgcolor.indexOf('|') == -1 ? vars.commentbgcolor = vars.commentbgcolor + '|' + vars.commentbgcolor : '';
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w: vars.sw - vars.padding * 2,
h: '20',
o: 0,
bgc: vars.commentbgcolor,
bga1: vars.commentbgalpha1,
bga2: vars.commentbgalpha2
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"fontWeight": FontWeight(vars.namefontstyle)
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"paddingTop": 5,
"paddingRight": 10,
"cursor": "pointer",
"color": "#" + vars.commentcolor
alrt_x.innerHTML = 'x';
alrt_x.onclick = CloseAlrt; = 'none';
function createTip() {
if (vars.tip == 1) {
tip = createElement('div');
tip.className = 'uppod-tip';
CSS(tip, {
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"fontFamily": vars.tipfont,
"fontSize": vars.tipfontsize,
"fontWeight": FontWeight(vars.namefontstyle),
"padding": "4px",
"lineHeight": "normal"
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CheckGradiendDiv(tip, vars.tipbgcolor)
function CreateLink(x) {
if (x) {
x = x.replace(/\(referer\)/g, encodeURIComponent(vars.referer));
x = x.replace(/\(random\)/g, Math.random());
if (x.indexOf('') > 0) {
x = ''
return x
function createComment() {
if (vars.comment != undefined && vars.comment != '' && vars.showname == 1) {
if (vars.shownameliketip == 1) {
vars.shownameonover == 1 && vars.shownameonstop == 0 ? Hide(nametip) : ''
} else {
Alert(vars.comment, false)
function createIframe(afterCreateCallback) {
var _this = this;
uppod.iframe = createElement('div');
CSS(uppod.iframe, {
'position': 'relative',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'border': 'none'
if (vars.transparent == 0) {
CSS(uppod.iframe, {
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(vars.bgcolor)
uppod.window = window;
uppod.document = uppod.iframe;
function createMouseMoveCatcher() {
mouseMoveCatcher = createElement('div');
mouseMoveCatcher.className = 'uppod-mouse-move-catcher';
CSS(mouseMoveCatcher, {
display: 'none',
'z-index': '103',
position: 'absolute',
top: '0px',
left: '0px',
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
function createPlayer() {
if (vars.file) {
if (vars.file && vars.hd) {
if (ierr != '') {
Alert(ierr, true)
sizeInterval = setInterval(Sizing, 300)
var _onReadyOnce = false;
function onReady() {
if (!_onReadyOnce && loadvars.onReady) {
_onReadyOnce = true;
setTimeout(function() {, _this)
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'overflow': 'hidden'
if (vars.transparent == 0) {
CSS(vars.stg, {
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(vars.bgcolor)
function initFlash() {
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allowFullScreen: "true",
allowScriptAccess: "always"
loadvars.file.replace("|", "or");
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new swfobject.embedSWF(vars.swf,, vars.sw,, "10.0.0", false, loadvars, params);
function Init() {
if (! {
vars = new Vars();
vars.uid = loadvars.uid;
if ( != null) {
(function(i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;
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(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
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var body;
var scrn;
var alrt;
var alrt_txt;
var alrt_bg;
var alrt_x;
var tip;
function gaTracker(x) {
if (ga && !vars.gatracked[x]) {
var str;
if (vars.galabel != null) {
str = vars.galabel
} else {
str = vars.comment == '' || vars.comment == null ? (vars.file == null ? 'pl' : vars.file) : vars.comment
if (vars.gatype == 0) {
ga('send', 'event', {
eventCategory: (vars.m + ".uppod"),
eventAction: str,
eventLabel: x
if (vars.gatype == 1) {
ga('send', 'event', {
eventCategory: (vars.m + ".uppod"),
eventAction: x,
eventLabel: str
vars.gatracked[x] = true
function Comment() {
if (vars.comment != undefined && vars.comment != '' && vars.showname == 1) {
if (vars.shownameliketip == 1) {
NameTip((vars.marquee == 1 ? '<marquee>' : '') + vars.comment + (vars.commentplus != '' ? ' ' + vars.commentplus : '') + (vars.marquee == 1 ? '</marquee>' : ''))
} else {
Alert((vars.marquee == 1 ? '<marquee>' : '') + vars.comment + (vars.commentplus != '' ? ' ' + vars.commentplus : '') + (vars.marquee == 1 ? '</marquee>' : ''), false)
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brw.indexOf("iphone") > 0 ? iphone = true : '';
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mobile = true
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iwebkit = true
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firefox = true
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android = true;
mobile = true
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chrome = true
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ihtml5 ? ihtml5 = !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType : '';
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var tmp = loadvars.file;
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tmp = un(tmp)
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ihtml5 = false
function Alert(str, x) {
if (alrt) {
alrt_txt.innerHTML = str;
CSS(alrt_bg.canvas, {
'height': alrt_txt.offsetHeight,
'width': (vars.sw - vars.padding * 2)
if (x) {
} else {
} else {
alert('Uppod HTML5: ' + str)
function CloseAlrt() {
function CreateNameTip(str) {
nametip = createElement('div');
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'width': '100%',
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'top': 5 + vars.namemargin_v + vars.padding,
'left': 5 + vars.namemargin_h + vars.padding,
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name_txt = createElement('div');
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"fontWeight": FontWeight(vars.namefontstyle),
'zIndex': 2
name_txt.innerHTML = (vars.marquee == 1 ? '<marquee>' : '') + str + (vars.marquee == 1 ? '</marquee>' : '');
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w: name_txt.offsetWidth,
h: name_txt.offsetHeight,
o: vars.namebgo / 2,
bgc: vars.namebgcolor + '|' + vars.namebgcolor,
bga1: vars.namebgalpha,
bga2: vars.namebgalpha
CSS(name_bg.canvas, {
'zIndex': 1
function NameTip(str) {
name_txt.innerHTML = str
function Logo(str) {
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logo = document.createElement('img');
logo.src = vars.logo;
logo.onload = PositionLogo;
Opacity(logo, vars.logoalpha);
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logo.onmouseover = function(e) {
Opacity(logo, 1)
logo.onmouseout = function(e) {
Opacity(logo, vars.logoalpha)
logo.onclick = function(e) {, vars.logotarget)
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setTimeout(function() {
CSS(logo, {
'visibility': 'hidden'
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CSS(logo, {
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'left': vars.logomargin_h
if (vars.logoplace == 2) {
CSS(logo, {
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'right': vars.logomargin_h
if (vars.logoplace == 3) {
CSS(logo, {
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'bottom': (vars.logomargin_v + (vars.cntrlout == 0 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0)),
'left': vars.logomargin_h
if (vars.logoplace == 4) {
CSS(logo, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
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'bottom': (vars.logomargin_v + (vars.cntrlout == 0 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0)),
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function Events() {
if (!mobile && vars.hotkey == 1 && vars.m == "video") {
body.c.addEventListener("dblclick", function() {
!ifull ? Full() : FullOff()
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volbarline_b ? volbarline_s['active'] = false : '';
line_b ? line_s['active'] = false : ''
body.c.onmouseover = function MouseOver(event) {
iover = true;
vars.shownameonover == 1 ? Show(nametip) : ''
body.c.onmouseout = function MouseOut(event) {
iover = false;
if (vars.cntrlhide == 1 || (ifull && vars.fullcntrlhide == 1)) {
hideInterval = setInterval(CntrlHide, 3000)
vars.shownameonover == 1 && ((vars.shownameonstop == 1 && iplay) || vars.shownameonstop == 0) ? Hide(nametip) : ''
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body.c.oncontextmenu = function ContextMenu(e) {
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setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById("rmenu").style.display = "none"
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return false
if (vars.postmessage == 1) {
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var x = undefined; ? x = : ''; ? x = : '';
if ( {
console.log("postMessage",, x);
if ( == "play") {
!iplay ? Toggle() : ''
if ( == "pause") {
iplay ? Toggle() : ''
if ( == "mute") {
if (isYoutube()) {
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} else {
if (!media.muted) {
if ( == "unmute") {
if (isYoutube()) {
if (media_yt.isMuted()) {
} else {
if (media.muted) {
if (( == "seek" || == "seekTo") && x) {
init ? SeekTime(x) : ''
if ( == "setVolume" && x) {
document.addEventListener("click", DocClick)
function MouseMove(event) {
if (ihide) {
lastdXY = lastXY - (event.clientX + event.clientY);
if (lastdXY != 0) {
if (vars.cntrlhide == 1 || (ifull && vars.fullcntrlhide == 1)) {
hideInterval = setInterval(CntrlHide, 3000)
lastXY = event.clientX + event.clientY
function DocClick(e) {
if (rmenu) {
function KeyHandler(event) {
if (uppod_active_player_uid == vars.uid) {
if ( == 'input' || == 'textarea') {
var keyCode = event.which;
if (keyCode == undefined) {
keyCode = event.keyCode
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && ifull && keyCode == 27) {
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 38) {
if (media) {
(media.volume + 0.1) < 1 ? media.volume += 0.1 : media.volume = 1
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 40) {
if (media) {
(media.volume - 0.1) > 0 ? media.volume -= 0.1 : media.volume = 0
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 39) {
if (media && Duration() > 0) {
var t = line_all_b.w / Duration();
if (line_play_b.offsetWidth + t * vars.keyseek < line_all_b.w) {
Seek(line_play_b.offsetWidth + t * vars.keyseek)
} else {
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 37) {
if (media && Duration() > 0) {
var t = line_all_b.w / Duration();
if (line_play_b.offsetWidth - t * vars.keyseek > 0) {
Seek(line_play_b.offsetWidth - t * vars.keyseek)
} else {
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 68) {
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 70) {
!ifull ? Full() : FullOff()
if (vars.hotkey == 1 && keyCode == 32) {
var o11;
var o12;
var o21;
var o22;
var media_mc;
var poster_mc;
var media;
var media_yt;
var playInterval;
function DestroyMedia() {
if (media) {
if (uppod.mediaW()) {
if (playInterval) {
media.removeEventListener('play', OnPlay, false);
media.removeEventListener('pause', OnPause, false);
media.removeEventListener('canplay', onCanPlay, false);
media.removeEventListener('volumechange', OnVolume, false)
or = [];
ori = 0;
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if (isYoutube()) {
delete media_yt;
var element = document.getElementById('yt_media_' + vars.uid);
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vars.youtube_quality_received = false;
!ifull && layer ? Show(layer) : ''
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media.src = '';
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'width': '0'
CSS(line_load_b, {
'width': '0'
igo = false;
init = false;
iplay = false;
startX = 0
function Media() {
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vars.youtube_id.replace("/", "")
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vars.youtube_id = vars.file.split(/(\/|v\/|embed\/|watch\?|\/user\/[^#]*#([^\/]*?\/)*)\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*)/)[3]
if (vars.youtube_id.length == 11) { = true
if (vars.hls_quality && vars.hlsautoquality == 1) {
vars.hd = '';
vars.hda = vars.hd.split(',');
vars.quality = null;
if ( {
if (isYoutubeApiLoaded()) {
} else {
uppod.window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < uppod_players.length; i++) {
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var youTubeScript = document.createElement('script');
youTubeScript.src = "";
vars.youtube_created = true
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if (vars.youtube_created && hd_b) {
vars.hd = '';
vars.hda = vars.hd.split(',');
vars.quality = null;
media = uppod.createMediaW().dom;
media.addEventListener('canplay', onCanPlay);
media.addEventListener('play', OnPlay);
media.addEventListener('pause', OnPause);
media.setAttribute("onplay", OnPlay);
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if (vars.m == 'audio') {
CSS(media, {
'width': '0px',
'height': '0px'
if (browser.isOpera && == "firstframe") { = "none"
if ( == "none" || == 1) {
if ( == 1 && vars.radiodropcache == 1 && vars.file) {
if (vars.file.indexOf('?') > 0) {
vars.file = vars.file + '&' + getRandomInt(1, 100)
} else {
vars.file = vars.file + '?' + getRandomInt(1, 100)
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media.preload = 'auto'
} else {
media.preload = 'metadata'
if ( != 'none') {
if ( == 'play') {
setTimeout(checkStart, 100)
if (vars.screenposter != '') {
vars.screenposter = CheckBase64(vars.screenposter);
CSS(scrn, {
'width': vars.sw,
'background': 'url("' + vars.screenposter + '") no-repeat center center',
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if (vars.poster != '') {
function createPosterHtml() {
if (vars.m == 'audio') {
return true
if (vars.fillposter == 1) {
return true
if ( {
if (browser.restrictMediaPlay == false) {
return true
} else {
if (browser.hasMediaPosterShown == false) {
return true
return false
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'background': 'url("' + vars.poster + '") no-repeat center center',
'background-size': 'cover',
'pointerEvents': 'none'
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if (media) {
media.setAttribute('poster', vars.poster)
ifull && playlist ? Resize() : ''
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media.ontouchstart = ClickScreenMobile
if (!layer) {
isYoutube() ? Hide(layer) : ''
function ClickScreenMobile() {
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var hide = vars.cntrlhide == 1 && !vars.controls_active && vars.cntrlout == 0;
var fullHide = ifull && !vars.controls_active && vars.fullcntrlhide == 1;
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hideInterval = setInterval(CntrlHide, 3000)
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layer.onclick = LayerClick; = 2; = 3;
nametip ? = 4 : '';
controls ? = 5 : '';
logo ? = 6 : ''
function LayerClick() {
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function oPos() {
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CSS(o21, {
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function Source() {
if (vars.file != '') {
if (vars.file.indexOf(' or ') > -1) {
vars.or = vars.file.split(' or ');
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if (vars.or[i].indexOf(" and ") > -1) {
var _urls_and = vars.or[i].split(" and ");
vars.or[i] = _urls_and[getRandomInt(0, _urls_and.length - 1)]
vars.ori = 0;
vars.file = vars.or[0]
} else {
if (vars.file.indexOf(" and ") > -1) {
var _urls_and = vars.file.split(" and ");
vars.file = _urls_and[getRandomInt(0, _urls_and.length - 1)]
function CreatePl() {
playlist = createElement('div');
playlist.className = 'uppod-playlist';
pl_mc = createElement('div');
if (!mobile && vars.hotkey == 1 && vars.m == "video") {
playlist.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) {
pl = new Array();
plbg = new Array();
pltext = new Array();
plplayed = new Array();
plrandom = new Array();
var droprow = 0;
for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
pl[i] = createElement('div');
CSS(pl[i], {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'color': '#' + ReColor(vars.plcolor),
'width': vars.pltw,
'height': vars.plth
if (vars.plarrows == 1) {
if (i > vars.pllimit - 1) {
CSS(pl[i], {
"display": "none"
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(pl[i], {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.plth * vars.pl_rows),
'left': (vars.pltw * i + vars.plmargin * i - vars.pltw * droprow)
if (vars.plrows > 0) {
if (i % vars.plrows == 0) {[i]['endrow'] = 1
if ([i]['endrow'] == 1) {
droprow = i + 1
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
CSS(pl[i], {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.plth * i + vars.plmargin * i),
'left': 0,
'width': vars.sw - vars.plmargin * 2
plbg[i] = createElement('div');
CSS(plbg[i], {
'height': vars.plth,
'borderRadius': (vars.o > 0 ? 4 : 0)
Opacity(plbg[i], vars.plalpha);
CheckGradiendDiv(plbg[i], vars.plbgcolor);
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(plbg[i], {
'width': vars.pltw
if (vars.plplace == 'botomrow') {
CSS(plbg[i], {
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)
if ([i]['poster'] && vars.pltumbs >= 1) {
plbg[i].innerHTML = "<img src='" +[i]['poster'] + "' width='100%' id='plim" + i + "' class='uppod-playlist-" + i + "'>";
Opacity(plbg[i], 1)
pltext[i] = createElement('div');
CSS(pltext[i], {
'padding': 5,
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'fontFamily': vars.plfont,
'fontSize': vars.plfontsize,
"pointerEvents": "none"
if (vars.plplace == 'botomrow') {
CSS(pltext[i], {
'height': vars.plth
if ([i]['comment']) {
pltext[i].innerHTML =[i].comment
} else {
if ([i]['poster'] && vars.pltumbs >= 1) {
CheckGradiendDiv(pltext[i], vars.plbgcolor);
CSS(plbg[i], {
'background': 'none'
vars.pltumbs == 1 && i > 0 ? Hide(pltext[i]) : ''
pl[i].className = 'uppod-playlist-' + i;
plbg[i].className = 'uppod-playlist-' + i + '_background';
pltext[i].className = 'uppod-playlist-' + i + '_text';
if (mobile) {
pl[i].onclick = PlClick
} else {
pl[i].onmouseover = PlOver;
pl[i].onmouseout = PlOut;
pl[i].onclick = PlClick
plplayed[i] = false;
plrandom[i] = i
if ((mobile || itouch) && vars.plarrows == 0) {
pl_mc.ontouchstart = PlTouchStart;
pl_mc.ontouchmove = PlTouchMove;
pl_mc.ontouchend = PlTouchEnd
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(playlist, {
'position': 'absolute',
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2),
'height': vars.plth * (vars.pl_rows + 1) + 10,
'overflow': 'hidden'
vars.plplace == 'bottom' ? CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0
}) : CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 10,
'left': 0
plwidth = ( - droprow) * vars.pltw + ( - droprow - 1) * vars.plmargin;
plheight = vars.plth * (vars.pl_rows + 1) + 10
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
CSS(playlist, {
'position': 'absolute',
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2),
'height': vars.bottomrowheight - vars.plmargin - vars.padding * 2 - vars.plmargin_v * 2,
'overflow': 'hidden'
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0
plwidth = vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2;
plheight = * vars.plth + ( - 1) * vars.plmargin
if (vars.plarrows == 1) {
plnext_b = new Element((vars.plplace == "bottomrow" ? 'download' : 'next'), 20, 20);
CSS(plnext_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer'
plnext_b.c.onclick = PlArrowNext;
plprev_b = new Element((vars.plplace == "bottomrow" ? 'download' : 'next'), 20, 20);
CSS(plprev_b.c, {
"transform": "rotate(-180deg)",
"-webkit-transform": "rotate(-180deg)",
"-moz-transform": "rotate(-180deg)",
"-o-transform": "rotate(-180deg)",
"-ms-transform": "rotate(-180deg)"
CSS(plprev_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'display': 'none'
plprev_b.c.onclick = PlArrowPrev; = 6; = 6;
if (!mobile && vars.hotkey == 1 && vars.m == "video") {
plnext_b.c.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) {
plprev_b.c.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) {
ipl = 0;
if (vars.plbgcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(plbg[ipl], {
"background-color": '#' + vars.plbgcolor_play
if (vars.plcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(pl[ipl], {
"color": '#' + vars.plcolor_play
Opacity(plbg[ipl], vars.plalpha_play); = 6;
if (vars.plplace == "inside" && vars.pliview == 0) {
if (plnext_b) {
if ( == "none") {
} else {
function Pl() {
if (playlist) {
if (vars.plplace == 'inside') {
if (plnext_b) {
if ( == "none") {
} else {
} else {
function RemovePl() {
if (playlist) {
plnext_b ? body.c.removeChild(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? body.c.removeChild(plprev_b.c) : ''
function PlPlace() {
if (vars.plplace == 'inside') {
CSS(playlist, {
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)
CSS(playlist, {
'top': ((ifull ? : vars.stageheight) - vars.plth - vars.cntrloutheight - 10) - vars.plth * vars.pl_rows,
'left': vars.plmargin_h
if (plnext_b) {
CSS(plprev_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop + vars.plth / 2 + (20 * vars.cntrlsize) / 2 + 10,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft - 10
CSS(plnext_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop + vars.plth / 2 - (20 * (vars.cntrlsize - 1)) / 2,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft + playlist.offsetWidth + 10
if (pl_mc.offsetLeft < -plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth) {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 10,
'left': (-plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth)
if (plwidth <= (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)) {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 10,
'left': 0
if (!ifull) {
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
CSS(playlist, {
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)
CSS(playlist, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': ( + (vars.cntrlout == 1 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0) + 10 + vars.plmargin_v),
'left': vars.plmargin_h
if (plnext_b) {
CSS(plprev_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop - 5,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft + playlist.offsetWidth / 2 + 10
CSS(plnext_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop + playlist.offsetHeight + 5,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft + playlist.offsetWidth / 2 - 10
if (ipl !== null) {
if (vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(playlist, {
'width': (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)
CSS(playlist, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': ( + 10),
'left': vars.plmargin_h
if (plnext_b) {
CSS(plprev_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop + vars.plth / 2 + (20 * vars.cntrlsize) / 2,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft - 10
CSS(plnext_b.c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': playlist.offsetTop + vars.plth / 2 - (20 * vars.cntrlsize) / 2,
'left': playlist.offsetLeft + playlist.offsetWidth + 10
if (ipl !== null) {
var touchStartX;
var touchStartY;
var touchLastX;
var touchLastY;
var ipltouch;
function PlTouchStart(e) {
touchLastX = touchStartX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
touchLastY = touchStartY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY
function PlTouchMove(e) {
var dx = e.targetTouches[0].pageX - touchLastX;
var dy = e.targetTouches[0].pageY - touchLastY;
touchLastX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
touchLastY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY;
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
var aim = pl_mc.offsetLeft + dx;
if (aim < 0 && aim > (-plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth)) {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.plplace == 'bottom' ? 0 : 10),
'left': aim
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
var aim = pl_mc.offsetTop + dy;
if (aim < 0 && aim > -plheight + playlist.offsetHeight - 10) {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': aim,
'left': 0
function PlTouchStart1(e) {
ipltouch = getPlaylistId(
function PlTouchEnd(e) {
var dx = touchLastX - touchStartX;
var dy = touchLastY - touchStartY;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
if (ipltouch !== null && ipltouch !== undefined) {
ipl = ipltouch;
ipltouch = null
} else {
PlTouchGo(dx, dy)
function getPlaylistId(dom) {
return dom.className.replace('uppod-playlist-', '').split('_')[0]
function PlTouchGo(dx, dy) {
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
var aim = pl_mc.offsetLeft + dx;
aim > 0 ? aim = 0 : '';
aim < -plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth ? aim = -plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth : '';
plaim = aim;
plInterval = setInterval(SlidePLProcess, 20)
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
var aim = pl_mc.offsetTop + dy;
aim > 0 ? aim = 0 : '';
aim < -plheight + playlist.offsetHeight - 10 ? aim = -plheight + playlist.offsetHeight - 10 : '';
plaim = aim;
plInterval = setInterval(SlidePLProcess, 20)
function PlOver(e) {
var plid = getPlaylistId(;
Opacity(plbg[plid], 1);
if (plid) {
if ([plid]['poster'] &&[plid]['comment']) {
function PlOut(e) {
var plid = getPlaylistId(;
if (plid) {
if ([plid]['poster'] && vars.pltumbs >= 1) {
if (ipl != plid) {
vars.pltumbs == 1 ? Hide(pltext[plid]) : '';
Opacity(plbg[plid], (plplayed[plid] ? 0.5 : 1))
} else {
if (ipl != plid) {
Opacity(plbg[plid], (plplayed[plid] ? vars.plalpha2 : vars.plalpha))
} else {
Opacity(plbg[plid], vars.plalpha_play)
function PlClick(e) {
if (ipl !== null && ipl !== undefined) {
ipl = getPlaylistId(;
if (vars.redirect != '' && vars.redirect_clickpl == 1) {, vars.redirecttarget)
function PlClickCont() {
if ([ipl].playlist) {
} else {
if (vars.plplace == "inside") {
plnext_b ? Hide(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? Hide(plprev_b.c) : ''
if (!iplay) {
istart = true;
function Next() {
if (ipl < (pl.length - 1)) {
function PlArrowNext() {
var onpage = PlOnPage();
var i = (plpage + 1) * onpage;
if (i < pl.length) {
for (var j = i; j < i + vars.pllimit; j++) {
CSS(pl[j], {
'display': 'block'
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': -pl[i].offsetLeft
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': -pl[i].offsetTop
function PlOnPage() {
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
var tmp = Math.floor((vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2) / vars.pltw);
return tmp < vars.pllimit ? tmp : vars.pllimit
} else {
return Math.floor((vars.bottomrowheight - vars.plmargin_v * 2) / vars.plth)
function PlArrows() {
var onpage = PlOnPage();
var i = plpage * onpage;
if (i + onpage >= pl.length) {
} else {
i == 0 ? Hide(plprev_b.c) : Show(plprev_b.c);
if (vars.plplace != "inside" && ifull) {
function PlArrowPrev() {
var onpage = PlOnPage();
var i = (plpage - 1) * onpage;
if (i >= 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < pl.length; j++) {
CSS(pl[j], {
'display': 'none'
for (var j = i; j < i + vars.pllimit; j++) {
CSS(pl[j], {
'display': 'block'
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': -pl[i].offsetLeft
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': -pl[i].offsetTop
function PlNext() {
if (vars.random == 1) {
if (plrandom.length > 1) {
if (ipl !== null) {
ipl = plrandom[getRandomInt(0, plrandom.length - 1)];
} else {
prev_b ? CSS(prev_b.c, {
'opacity': 1,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}) : ''
} else {
if (ipl < (pl.length - 1)) {
if (ipl !== null) {
var start_in_folder = 0;
if ([ipl].playlist && ![ipl].file && ipl == 0) {
start_in_folder = 2
} else {
if ([ipl].playlist && ![ipl].file) {
if (start_in_folder != 2) {
start_in_folder = 1
if (start_in_folder > 0) {
ipl = start_in_folder;
if ( {
NewFile(vars.file, true);
if (vars.plbgcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(plbg[ipl], {
"background-color": '#' + vars.plbgcolor_play
if (vars.plcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(pl[ipl], {
"color": '#' + vars.plcolor_play
Opacity(plbg[ipl], vars.plalpha_play)
} else {
!iplay ? OnPlay() : ''
function CheckPrevNext() {
if (vars.random == 0) {
if (ipl == 0) {
prev_b ? CSS(prev_b.c, {
'opacity': 0.3,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=30)',
'cursor': 'default'
}) : ''
} else {
prev_b ? CSS(prev_b.c, {
'opacity': 1,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}) : ''
if (ipl == pl.length - 1) {
next_b ? CSS(next_b.c, {
'opacity': 0.3,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=30)',
'cursor': 'default'
}) : ''
} else {
next_b ? CSS(next_b.c, {
'opacity': 1,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}) : ''
function Prev() {
function PlPrev() {
if (vars.random == 1) {
if (plrandom.length > 1) {
if (ipl !== null) {
ipl = plrandom[getRandomInt(0, plrandom.length - 1)];
} else {
} else {
if (ipl > 0) {
if (ipl !== null) {
ipl == 0 && prev_b ? CSS(prev_b.c, {
'opacity': 0.3,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=30)',
'cursor': 'default'
}) : ''
} else {}
function EndPl() {
if (vars.plplay1 == 1) {
} else {
if (vars.random == 1) {
for (p = 0; p < pl.length; p++) {
plrandom[p] = p
} else {
ipl = 0;
function PlClick0() {
if ([ipl]['poster'] && vars.pltumbs >= 1) {
vars.pltumbs == 1 ? Hide(pltext[ipl]) : '';
Opacity(plbg[ipl], 0.5)
} else {
if (vars.plbgcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(plbg[ipl], {
"background-color": '#' + vars.plbgcolor
if (vars.plcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(pl[ipl], {
"color": '#' + vars.plcolor
Opacity(plbg[ipl], vars.plalpha2)
plplayed[ipl] = true;
var idx = plrandom.indexOf(ipl);
if (idx != -1) plrandom.splice(idx, 1)
function PlClick1() {
if ([ipl].playlist) {
if ([ipl].playlist != "back") {
var newpl =[ipl].playlist; = [{
"comment": "←",
"playlist": "back"
}]; =;
} else { = vars.pl_history[vars.pl_history.length - 1];
vars.pl_history.splice(vars.pl_history.length - 1, 1);
if (vars.plplace == "inside") {
plnext_b ? Show(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? Show(plprev_b.c) : ''
plpage = 0
} else {
if ( {
NewFile(vars.file, true);
if (vars.plbgcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(plbg[ipl], {
"background-color": '#' + vars.plbgcolor_play
if (vars.plcolor_play != undefined) {
CSS(pl[ipl], {
"color": '#' + vars.plcolor_play
Opacity(plbg[ipl], vars.plalpha_play)
if (plnext_b) {
function UpdatedVarsFromPlaylist(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj[key].indexOf('#') == 0) {
obj[key] = un(obj[key])
if (key == 'poster' && vars['poster'] == undefined) {
vars['poster'] = obj['poster']
} else {
vars[key] = obj[key]
if (key == 'bigposter') {
vars['poster'] = obj['bigposter']
function SlidePLs(plid) {
if (vars.plplace == "inside" || vars.plplace == "bottom") {
if (plwidth > (vars.sw - vars.plmargin_h * 2)) {
if (vars.plplace == "bottomrow") {
if (plheight > vars.bottomrowheight) {
var plInterval;
var plaim;
function SlidePL(i) {
if (vars.plarrows == 0) {
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
var aim = -pl[i].offsetLeft + playlist.offsetWidth / 2 - vars.pltw / 2;
if (aim > 0 || plwidth < vars.sw) {
aim = 10
if (aim < 0 && aim < -plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth - 10) {
aim = -plwidth + playlist.offsetWidth - 10
plaim = aim;
plInterval = setInterval(SlidePLProcess, 20)
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
var aim = -pl[i].offsetTop + playlist.offsetHeight / 2 - vars.plth / 2;
if (aim > 0) {
aim = 10
if (aim < -plheight + playlist.offsetHeight - 10) {
aim = -plheight + playlist.offsetHeight - 10
plaim = aim;
plInterval = setInterval(SlidePLProcess, 20)
function SlidePLProcess() {
var aim = plaim;
if (vars.plplace == 'inside' || vars.plplace == 'bottom') {
if (Math.abs((pl_mc.offsetLeft - aim) / 10) <= 1) {
} else {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.plplace == 'bottom' ? 0 : 10),
'left': pl_mc.offsetLeft - (pl_mc.offsetLeft - aim) / 10
if (vars.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
if (Math.abs((pl_mc.offsetTop - aim) / 10) <= 1) {
} else {
CSS(pl_mc, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': pl_mc.offsetTop - (pl_mc.offsetTop - aim) / 10,
'left': 0
function ClearOldVars() {
if (sub) {
sub = null
vars.ors = 0
function NewFile(s, autoplay) {
Uppod.trace('NewFile s=' + s + ' autoplay=' + autoplay);
iplay = false;
istartevnt = false;
vars.file = s;
if (autoplay) { = 'play'
if (autoplay) {
function checkStart() {
if (media != undefined) {
if (Uppod.browser.doSendCanPlay == false || !vars.file || vars.file == '' || != 'play') {
if (media.networkState >= 0 || {
init = true;
CSS(media, {
'opacity': 1,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)'
Opacity(media, 1);
playInterval = setInterval(Playing, 100);
media.addEventListener('pause', OnPause, false);
media.addEventListener('seeking', OnSeeking, false);
media.addEventListener('seeked', OnSeeked, false);
media.addEventListener('volumechange', OnVolume, false);
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function() {
!isFullscreen() && ifull && !opera ? FullOff() : ''
}, false);
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function() {
!isFullscreen() && ifull ? FullOff() : ''
}, false);
document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function(e) {
!isFullscreen() && ifull ? FullOff() : ''
}, false);
document.addEventListener("MSFullscreenChange", function() {
!isFullscreen() && ifull ? FullOff() : ''
}, false);
muted || v == 0 ? Volume(0) : (v > 0 ? Volume(-v) : '');
if (!initevent) {
initevent = true
} else {
setTimeout(checkStart, 100)
function isFullscreen() {
return !!(document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement || (document.fullscreenElement != undefined))
function Play() {
iplay = false;
function Pause() {
iplay = true;
function Toggle(e) {
var stop = false;
if (vars.redirect != '' && vars.redirect_play == 1) {, vars.redirecttarget);
vars.redirect_play = 0
if (!stop) {
Uppod.trace("Toggle e=" + e);
if ( == 'none' && ! {
media.autoplay = true;
istart = true
} = 'play';
if (!vars.file || vars.file == '') {
Event('player_error', 'nofile')
istart = true;
if (!iplay) {
if (isYoutube()) {
} else {
} else {
if (isYoutube()) {
} else {
function Mybut(m) {
if (mybuts[m.substr(11)]) {
var act = mybuts[m.substr(11)];
if (act.indexOf('http') == 0) {
Link(act, (mybuts[m.substr(11)] ? mybuts[m.substr(11)] : "_blank"))
} else {
if (act == 'toggle') {
if (act == 'screenshot') {
if (act.indexOf('js:') == 0) {
var js_vars = '';
if (act.indexOf(',') > 0) {
js_vars = act.substr(act.indexOf(',') + 1);
act = act.substr(0, act.indexOf(','))
eval(act.substr(3) + '("' + js_vars + '")')
Event('mybut', act)
function Link(l, t) {
if (l) {
l = l.replace('(referer)', encodeURIComponent(vars.referer));
l = l.replace('(link)', encodeURIComponent(;
l = l.replace('(file)', encodeURIComponent(vars.file));
l = l.replace('(redirect)', encodeURIComponent(vars.redirect));
l = l.replace('(comment)', encodeURIComponent(vars.comment));
l = l.replace('(time)', CurrentTime());
if (l.substr(0, 3) == 'js:') {
var myjsa = l.substr(3).split(',');
eval(myjsa[0] + '(' + (myjsa.length > 1 ? myjsa[1] : '') + (myjsa.length > 2 ? ',' + myjsa[2] : '') + (myjsa.length > 3 ? ',' + myjsa[3] : '') + ');')
if (l.indexOf('http') == 0) {, t)
function Stop() {
if (iplay) {
} == 0 ? Seek(0) : '';
time_play_b ? time_play_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(0) : '';
time_back_b ? time_back_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(Duration()) : ''; = 'none';
if (isYoutube()) {
if ( != null && vars.gastop == 1) {
if (!vars.gatracked['stoped']) {
if (poster_mc && vars.m == 'video') {
line_b && run_b ? RunPos(run_b, line_b, line_play_b, line_all_b, run_pos) : '';
sub ? StopSub() : ''
function Download() {
iplay ? Toggle() : '';
var downloadUrl = != 1 && != '' ? : (uppod.mediaW().length > 0 ? uppod.mediaW().sources[0] : (vars.file.indexOf("|") > 0 ? vars.file.substr(0, vars.file.indexOf("|")) : vars.file));, "_blank");
if ( != null && vars.gadownload == 1) {
if (!vars.gatracked['downloaded']) {
function Protection() {
if (vars.urlprotect_go) {
if (vars.urlprotect_stop == 1) {
media.src = ''
if (vars.urlprotect_warning == 1) {
Alert((vars.redirect != '' ? '<a href="' + vars.redirect + '" style="font-size:200%;color:#fff">' : '') + (vars.urlprotect_msg != '' ? vars.urlprotect_msg : vars.redirect) + (vars.redirect != '' ? '</a>' : ''), false)
function Quality() {
if (hd_b) {
if (vars.filehd) {
vars.start = media.currentTime;
var fileold = vars.file;
NewFile(vars.filehd, true);
vars.filehd = fileold;
if ( == 'none') {
Event('quality', '1')
} else {
Event('quality', '0')
function QualityLinks() {
if ( {} else {
if (vars.hd && vars.file) {
if (vars.hd.indexOf('::') > 0) {
vars.filehd = vars.file.replace(vars.hd.split('::')[0], vars.hd.split('::')[1]);
var change = false;
if (hd1_b) {
if ( == 'block') {
change = true
} else {
if (vars.hd1 == 1) {
change = true
if (change) {
var fileold = vars.file;
vars.file = vars.filehd;
vars.filehd = fileold
if (vars.file.indexOf(",") > -1 && vars.file.indexOf('[') == -1) {
vars.file = '[' + vars.file + ']'
if (vars.file.indexOf('[') > -1 && vars.file.indexOf(']') > -1) {
var hdf = vars.file.substr(vars.file.indexOf('[') + 1, vars.file.indexOf(']') - vars.file.indexOf('[') - 1).split(vars.hdseparator);
var files = '';
for (h = 0; h < hdf.length; h++) {
files += hdf[h] != '' ? vars.file.substr(0, vars.file.indexOf('[')) + hdf[h] + vars.file.substr(vars.file.indexOf(']') + 1) : '';
h < hdf.length - 1 ? files += vars.hdseparator : ''
vars.hdlinks = files.split(vars.hdseparator);
if (hdselect) {
vars.file = hdselect.value
} else {
for (h = 0; h < vars.hdlinks.length; h++) {
if (vars.hdlinks[h] != '') {
vars.file = vars.hdlinks[h];
} else {
var tmp = vars.hd.split(vars.hdseparator);
vars.hdlinks = [];
for (h = 0; h < tmp.length; h++) {
h == 0 ? vars.hdlinks[h] = vars.file : vars.hdlinks[h] = ''
function onHlsQuality() {
var q = uppod.mediaW().hls.levels;
var q1 = [];
var q2 = [];
q1[0] = 'hls0';
q2[0] = vars.lang2['auto'];
if (q.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
q1[i + 1] = 'hls' + i;
q2[i + 1] = q[i].height ? q[i].height + 'p' : i
vars.hdlinks = q1;
vars.hda = q2;
vars.hls_quality = true
function HdSelect() {
if (hd_b) {
if (hdselect && vars.hdlinks) {
var start = 0;
var hdselects = [];
var hh = 0;
hdselect.innerHTML = '';
vars.hd1 == 1 && vars.quality == '' ? vars.quality = vars.hda[vars.hda.length - 1] : '';
for (h = 0; h < vars.hda.length; h++) {
if (vars.hdlinks[h]) {
if (vars.hdlinks[h] != '') {
hdselects[h] = document.createElement('option');
hdselects[h].value = vars.hdlinks[h];
hdselects[h].innerHTML = vars.hda[h];
CSS(hdselects[h], {
'backgroundColor': vars.selectbgcolor,
'color': vars.selectcolor
if (vars.hda[h] == vars.quality || vars.hdlinks == ',') {
start = hh;
hdselects[h].setAttribute("selected", "true");
SelectRework(hdselect.options[start].text, hd_b)
function QualitySelecter() {
function StorageSupport() {
try {
var storage = window['localStorage'],
x = '__storage_test__';
storage.setItem(x, x);
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
function QualitySelect(autostart) {
if (hd_b && vars.hdlinks) {
if (vars.remquality == 1) {
if (StorageSupport()) {
localStorage.setItem("uppodquality", hdselect.options[hdselect.selectedIndex].text)
var hdvalue = hdselect.value;
if (hdvalue.indexOf("hls") == 0) {
autostart ? vars.start = media.currentTime : '';
if (hdvalue == 'hlsauto') {
uppod.mediaW().hls.nextLevel = -1
} else {
uppod.mediaW().hls.nextLevel = hdvalue.substr(3) * 1
} else {
if ( {
autostart ? vars.start = media_yt.getCurrentTime() : '';
if (isYoutube()) {
var t = CurrentTime();
} else {
autostart ? vars.start = media.currentTime : '';
vars.file = hdselect.value;
NewFile(hdselect.value, (mobile ? false : autostart))
SelectRework(hdselect.options[hdselect.selectedIndex].text, hd_b);
vars.quality = hdselect.options[hdselect.selectedIndex].text;
Event('quality', vars.quality)
var fsdiv = 0;
var fsdivin;
function FullScroll(e) {
if (media) {
if ((browser.osWin && e.deltaY < 0) || (!browser.osWin && e.deltaY > 0)) {
(media.volume + 0.1) < 1 ? media.volume += 0.1 : media.volume = 1
} else {
(media.volume - 0.1) > 0 ? media.volume -= 0.1 : media.volume = 0
if (fsdiv == 0) {
fsdiv = createElement('div');
fsdiv.innerHTML = "<uppodspan style='position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;font:20px sans-serif;color:#fff'>" + vars.lang2['volume'] + " " + parseInt(media.volume * 100) + '%</uppodspan>';
fsdivin = setInterval(FullScrollHide, 1000)
function FullScrollHide() {
fsdiv = 0;
function Full(re) {
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if (!media.controls) {
CSS(controls, {
'visibility': 'hidden'
media.controls = true;
media_mc.onclick = null;
if (poster_mc && vars.m == 'video') { = 'none'
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window.addEventListener('wheel', FullScroll, true);
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irealfull = true
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'height': window.parent.innerHeight,
'position': 'fixed',
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'top': 0
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vars.stageheight =;
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'visibility': 'hidden',
'height': (vars.iframe != '' ? window.parent.innerHeight : window.innerHeight)
setTimeout(function() {
CSS(body.canvas, {
'visibility': 'hidden',
'height': (vars.iframe != '' ? window.parent.innerHeight : window.innerHeight)
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
CSS(body.canvas, {
'visibility': 'hidden',
'height': (vars.iframe != '' ? window.parent.innerHeight : window.innerHeight)
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CSS(media_mc, {
'backgroundColor': '#000',
'position': 'fixed',
'left': 0,
'top': 0
if (full_b) { = 'none'; = 'block'
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'top': '0px',
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'overflow': 'hidden'
layer != undefined ? = 'none' : '';
oo ? = 'none' : '';
hideInterval = setInterval(CntrlHide, 3000);
if (re != 're') {
if (tip) {
if (tip.parentNode) {
if (playlist) {
vars.plplace != 'inside' ? CSS(playlist, {
'top': -1000
}) : '';
if (plnext_b && vars.plplace != 'inside') {
vars.controls_active = false
} else {
setTimeout(MenuPosition, 100);
logo ? PositionLogo() : '';
sub || sub_menu ? setTimeout(PositionSub, 500) : ''
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'top': 0
CSS(media_mc, {
'backgroundColor': 'transparent',
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if (!isYoutube() && layer != undefined) { = 'block'
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logo ? PositionLogo() : '';
sub || sub_menu ? setTimeout(PositionSub, 500) : '';
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if (tip.parentNode) {
var menu_big;
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} else {
menu_big = createElement('div');
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vars.menu_w = mb_w;
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h: mb_h,
o: 10,
bgc: '000000|000000',
bga1: 0.5,
bga2: 0.5
CSS(menu_big_bg.c, {
'position': 'relative',
'top': '0',
'left': '0'
if ( != '' && != 0) {
MenuBigItem("menu_download", ( == 1 ? vars.file :, mb_w, mb_h)
if ( != '') {
MenuBigItem("menu_link",, mb_w, mb_h)
CSS(menu_big, {
'color': '#ffffff',
'font': '10px Verdana'
}); = 100;
MenuBigItem("menu_code", (vars.iframeurl != '' ? '<iframe title="sample" width="' + vars.w + '" height="' + vars.h + '" src="' + vars.iframeurl + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>' : vars.embedcode != '' ? vars.embedcode : ''), mb_w, mb_h);
var mbx = createElement('div');
mbx.innerHTML = ' x ';
CSS(mbx, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 3,
'left': mb_w - 25,
'cursor': 'pointer'
mbx.onclick = MenuClose;
var menuitems = 0;
function MenuBigItem(what, content, mb_w, mb_h) {
var mbkodt = createElement('div');
mbkodt.innerHTML = vars.lang2[what];
CSS(mbkodt, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (5 + menuitems * 45),
'left': 15
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w: mb_w - 20,
h: 23,
o: 5,
bgc: 'ffffff'
CSS(mbkodbg.c, {
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'top': (22 + menuitems * 45),
'left': 10
var mbkode = document.createElement('input');
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'width': mb_w - 28,
'height': 15,
'color': '#000000',
'border': 0,
'background': 'none'
mbkode.value = content;
mbkode.onclick = function() {
function MenuClose() {
if (menu_big) {
CSS(menu_big, {
'display': 'none'
function MenuPosition() {
if (menu_big) {
CSS(menu_big, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': ((ifull ? : vars.stageheight) - vars.menu_h) / 2,
'left': ((ifull ? vars.sw : vars.stagewidth) - vars.menu_w) / 2
function CntrlHide() {
var hide_force = false;
if ( { ? hide_force = true : ''
if ((iplay && CurrentTime() > 0) || hide_force) {
var hide = !iover && !vars.controls_active && vars.cntrlhide == 1;
var fullHide = ifull && !vars.controls_active && vars.fullcntrlhide == 1;
if (hide || fullHide || hide_force) {
CSS(controls, {
'visibility': 'hidden'
if (playlist && vars.plplace == 'inside') {
if ( != "none") {
CSS(uppod.iframe, {
'cursor': 'none'
if (isYoutube()) { = 'block'
ihide = true
function CntrlShow() {
clearInterval(hideInterval); = 'none';
if (!nativecontrols) {
CSS(controls, {
'visibility': 'visible'
CSS(uppod.iframe, {
'cursor': 'auto'
ihide = false
function ScreenSize() {
vars.scrn_w = vars.sw - vars.padding * 2;
vars.scrn_h = - vars.padding * 2 - (vars.cntrlout == 1 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0)
function Resize() {
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var rh = vars.stg.offsetHeight;
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rw = window.screen.width;
rh = window.screen.height
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var resizeHeight = 0;
if (vars.sw != rw && == rh && vars.autoheight == 1) {
resizeHeight = (vars.sw /
if ( != { = rh - ( -
} else { = rh
vars.sw = rw; = rh;
if (!ifull) {
vars.stagewidth = vars.sw;
vars.stageheight =
var nh = (!ifull ? : - vars.padding * 2 - (vars.cntrlout == 1 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0);
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'top': (ifull ? 0 : vars.padding),
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'width': vars.sw,
'height': - vars.padding * 2 - (vars.cntrlout == 1 ? vars.cntrloutheight : 0)
CSS(media_mc, {
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CSS(media, {
'width': '' + vars.sw - (!ifull ? vars.padding * 2 : 0) + 'px',
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'width': '' + vars.sw - (!ifull ? vars.padding * 2 : 0) + 'px',
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vars.o > 0 ? oPos() : '';
if (uibg) {
CSS(uibg.canvas, {
'width': '' + (vars.sw - (ifull ? 0 : vars.padding * 2) - vars.cntrlbgmargin * 2 - vars.cntrlbgmarginleft - vars.cntrlbgmarginright) + 'px',
'height': '' + vars.cntrloutheight + 'px'
uibg_gl ? CSS(uibg_gl.canvas, {
'width': '' + (vars.sw - (ifull ? 0 : vars.padding * 2) - vars.cntrlbgmargin * 2) + 'px'
}) : ''
start_b ? CSS(start_b.c, {
'left': vars.sw / 2 - start_b.w / 2,
'top': (!ifull ? : / 2 - start_b.h / 2
}) : '';
if (playlist) {
if (plnext_b) {
if ((vars.plplace == "inside" && != "none") || !ifull) {
if (plpage > 0) {
plpage = plpage - 1;
if (sub) {
if (resizeHeight > 0) { = rw / resizeHeight + 'px'
function Back() {
function Mute() {
if (isYoutube()) {
if (!media_yt.isMuted()) {
muted = true
} else {
muted = false
} else {
if (media.muted) {
media.muted = false;
muted = false
} else {
media.muted = true;
muted = true
function MuteControl() {
if (volume_b) {
if (muted) { = 'none'
} else { = 'block'
if (volume_mute_b) {
if (muted) { = 'block'
} else { = 'none'
function OnPlay() {
if (!iplay) {
if (nativecontrols && !media.controls) {
CSS(controls, {
'visibility': 'hidden'
media.controls = true;
media_mc.onclick = null
if (poster_mc && vars.m == 'video') { = 'none'
if (play_b != undefined) { = 'none'; = 'block'
iplay = true;
var hide = vars.cntrlhide == 1 && !vars.controls_active && vars.cntrlout == 0;
var fullHide = ifull && !vars.controls_active && vars.fullcntrlhide == 1;
if (hide || fullHide) {
hideInterval = setInterval(CntrlHide, 3000)
if (vars.comment != undefined && vars.comment != '' && vars.showname == 1) {
vars.shownameliketip == 1 ? (vars.shownameonstop == 1 ? Hide(nametip) : '') : Hide(alrt)
if (vars.plplace == "inside" && playlist) {
plnext_b ? Hide(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? Hide(plprev_b.c) : ''
if (start_b) { = 'none'
if (logo) {
if (vars.logoplay == 1) {
} else {
if ( != null && vars.gaplay == 1) {
if (!vars.gatracked['played']) {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", KeyHandler);
uppod_active_player_uid = vars.uid;
document.addEventListener("keydown", KeyHandler);
if (vars.autofull == 1) {
if (!istartevnt) {
istart = true;
istartevnt = true;
if (vars.infoloader == 1 && vars.infoloaderurl != null) {
itervalRi = setInterval(getRadioInfo, (vars.infoloaderinterval >= 1000 ? vars.infoloaderinterval : vars.infoloaderinterval * 1000), false)
if (vars.sub && (vars.substart == 1 || (mobile && nativecontrols))) {
function getRadioInfo() {
var XHR = ("onload" in new XMLHttpRequest()) ? XMLHttpRequest : XDomainRequest;
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', vars.infoloaderurl + (vars.infoloaderaddurl == 1 || == 1 ? '?url=' + vars.file : ''), true);
xhr.onload = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
} else {
console.log("Ошибка загрузки тегов")
xhr.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Ошибка загрузки тегов")
function RadioInfo(x) {
var str = x.responseText;
if (str.indexOf('|uppod|') > -1) {
var tags = str.split('|uppod|');
var output = vars.infoloadermask;
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var pattern = "\\{" + (i * 1 + 1) + "\\}";
var myAmpPattern = new RegExp(pattern);
for (var j = 0; j < output.split("{" + (i * 1 + 1) + "}").length; j++) {
output = output.replace(myAmpPattern, tags[i])
output = (vars.id3 > 1 ? vars.comment + '<br>' : '') + output;
if (vars.shownameliketip == 1) {
NameTip((vars.marquee == 1 ? '<marquee>' : '') + output + (vars.marquee == 1 ? '</marquee>' : ''))
} else {
Alert((vars.marquee == 1 ? '<marquee>' : '') + output + (vars.marquee == 1 ? '</marquee>' : ''), false)
function OnSeeking() {
function OnSeeked() {
function OnPause() {
if (iplay) {
if (play_b != undefined) { = 'block'; = 'none'
iplay = false;
if (vars.comment != undefined && vars.comment != '' && vars.showname == 1) {
vars.shownameliketip == 1 ? Show(nametip) : Show(alrt)
start_b ? = 'block' : '';
if (logo) {
if (vars.logopause == 1) {
} else {
function Event(s, msg) {[s] = msg;
var evObj = document.createEvent('Events');
evObj.initEvent(s, true, true);
if (vars.postmessage == 1) {
var x = s;
var zv = {
event: x,
time: CurrentTime()
if (x == "duration" || x == "time") {
zv["duration"] = Duration()
if (x == "volume" || x == "unmute") {
zv["volume"] = media ? media.volume : vars.volume
window.parent.postMessage(zv, '*');
var z = '';
x == "init" || x == "start" || x == "end" ? z = x + "ed" : '';
x == "play" ? z = "resumed" : '';
x == "pause" ? z = "paused" : '';
x == "seek" ? z = "rewound" : '';
x == "vast_Impression" ? z = "adShown" : '';
zv["event"] = z;
if (z != '') {
window.parent.postMessage(zv, '*')
function onCanPlay() {
if (vars.start > 0) {
Uppod.trace('onCanPlay set currentTime to ' + vars.start);
media.currentTime = vars.start;
vars.start = 0
function OnVolume() {
if (volbarline_all_b) {
vars.ivolbar_v ? VolumeDraw(media.volume * volbarline_s['h']) : VolumeDraw(media.volume * volbarline_s['w'])
if (volbar_b) {
VolumeDraw(media.volume * vars.cntrlvolbar.w)
function OnEnded() {
if (media.ended || isYoutube()) {
if ( != null && vars.gaend == 1) {
if (!vars.gatracked['ended']) {
if ( == 1) {
} else {
if (vars.repeat == 1) {
} else {
if (!isYoutube()) {
if (vars.plplay == 1 && pl) {
} else {
function Reload() {
function Sizing() {
var rw = vars.stg.offsetWidth;
var rh = vars.stg.offsetHeight;
if (document.msFullscreenElement && !== window) {
rw = window.screen.width;
rh = window.screen.height
if (rw != vars.sw || rh < - 5 || rh > + 5) {
function Playing() {
if (media != undefined) {
if (iline) {
var time = 0;
var duration = 0;
time = CurrentTime();
duration = Duration();
var loaded = 0;
if (isYoutube()) {
loaded = media_yt.getVideoLoadedFraction()
} else {
if (media.buffered) {
if (media.buffered.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < media.buffered.length; i++) {
if ((time >= media.buffered.start(i) || time >= media.buffered.start(i) - 100) && time <= media.buffered.end(i)) {
loaded = media.buffered.end(i) / media.duration
loaded == 0 ? loaded = (media.buffered.end(media.buffered.length - 1) / media.duration) : ''
if (loaded > 0) {
CSS(line_load_b, {
'width': '' + (loaded * line_all_b.w) + 'px'
if (loaded == 1) {
if (!iloaded) {
iloaded = true;
} else {
iloaded = false
CSS(line_play_b, {
'width': '' + (time / duration) * line_all_b.w + 'px'
if (ibuff && !igo) {
if (time > 0) {
igo = true
if (iplay && time == lastTime) {
if (ltc > 5) {
!ibuff ? ShowBuffer() : '';
ibuff = true
} else {
} else {
if (ibuff) {
ibuff = false;
ltc = 0
lastTime = time
if (iplay && vars.reloader == 1) {
if (CurrentTime() == vars.reloadertime) {
if (vars.reloadercounter > 200 && media.currentTime != undefined) {
vars.reloadercounter = 0;
} else {
vars.reloadercounter = 0
vars.reloadertime = CurrentTime()
if (vars.eventtime != 0) {
if (iplay) {
if (is_array(vars.eventtime)) {
for (i = 0; i < vars.eventtime.length; i++) {
if (!['time' + vars.eventtime[i]]) {
if (CurrentTime() > vars.eventtime[i]) {
Event('time' + vars.eventtime[i], CurrentTime())
} else {
if (!['time']) {
if (CurrentTime() > vars.eventtime) {
Event('time', CurrentTime())
if (vars.eventplayed != 0) {
if (iplay) {
if (is_array(vars.eventplayed)) {
for (i = 0; i < vars.eventplayed.length; i++) {
if (!['played' + vars.eventplayed[i]]) {
if ((CurrentTime() / Duration()) * 100 > vars.eventplayed[i]) {
Event('played' + vars.eventplayed[i], (CurrentTime() / Duration()) * 100)
} else {
if (!['played']) {
if ((CurrentTime() / Duration()) * 100 > vars.eventplayed) {
Event('played', (CurrentTime() / Duration()) * 100)
line_b && run_b ? RunPos(run_b, line_b, line_play_b, line_all_b, run_pos) : '';
if (sub != undefined && vars.substart == 1) {
if (sub[sub_lang]) {
if (sub[sub_lang][1]) {
var t = parseInt(CurrentTime() * 10);
if (sub[sub_lang][1][t] != null) {
var str = '';
if (vars.sublangsall == 1 && sub_lang_all) {
for (var i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) {
str += sub[i][0][sub[i][1][t]] ? sub[i][0][sub[i][1][t]] + (i < sub.length - 1 ? '<br>' : '') : ''
} else {
str = sub[sub_lang][0][sub[sub_lang][1][t]]
if (sub) {
var stop = false;
if (sub_last) {
sub_last == str ? stop = true : ''
}!sub_showed ? stop = false : '';
!stop ? ShowSub(str) : ''
if (sub[sub_lang][1][t] == undefined && sub_showed) {
if (iplay) {
if ( == "hidden") { = "visible"
if ( == "hidden") { = "visible"
if (ifull && !irealfull) {
if (vars.iframe != '') {
window.parent.innerWidth != vars.stg.offsetWidth || window.parent.innerHeight != vars.stg.offsetHeight ? Full('re') : ''
} else {
window.innerWidth != vars.stg.offsetWidth || window.innerHeight != vars.stg.offsetHeight ? Full('re') : ''
function CurrentTime() {
t = 0;
if (isYoutube()) {
t = media_yt.getCurrentTime()
} else {
media ? t = media.currentTime : ''
return t
function Duration() {
t = 0;
if (isYoutube()) {
t = media_yt.getDuration()
} else {
if (media) {
if (media.duration && media.duration != 'Infinity') {
t = media.duration
return t
function NotFound() {
if (vars.or.length > 1 && vars.ors < vars.or_limit) {
if (vars.ori == vars.or.length - 1) {
vars.ori = -1;
NewFile(vars.or[vars.ori], ( == "play" && (mobile || vars.volume == 0) ? true : false))
} else {
if (vars.alerts == 1) {
var message = vars.lang2['file'] + ' ' + vars.lang2['notfound'];
Event('player_error', 'file not found')
function TheEnd() {
if (!nativecontrols) {
if (vars.redirect != '' && vars.redirect_end == 1) {, vars.redirecttarget);
vars.redirect_end = 0
if (media) {
if (!isYoutube()) {
media.currentTime = 0;
} else {
if (poster_mc && vars.m == 'video') {
if (vars.menuauto == 1 && menu_b) {
isVisible(menu_big) ? '' : Menu()
if (vars.plonend == 1 && pl) {
if (vars.plplace == "inside") {
if (vars.plplace == "inside") {
plnext_b ? Show(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? Show(plprev_b.c) : ''
if (plnext_b) {
function isVisible(mc) {
var out = false;
if (mc) { != 'none' ? out = true : ''
return out
function FontStyle(f) {
var out = 'normal';
if (f == 'i' || f == 'b><i') {
out = 'italic'
return out
function FontWeight(f) {
var out = 'normal';
if (f == 'b' || f == 'b><i') {
out = 'bold'
return out
function ShowBuffer() {
if (buffer_b) {
function HideBuffer() {
if (buffer_b) {
ibuff = false
function updateTimeDisplay() {
time_play_b ? time_play_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(CurrentTime()) : '';
if (Duration() > 0) {
time_back_b ? time_back_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(Duration() - CurrentTime()) : '';
time_all_b ? time_all_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(Duration()) : ''
function formatTime(seconds, tip) {
var seconds = Math.round(seconds);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
minutes = Math.floor(minutes % 60);
seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
(hours > 0 || timelength > 5) && minutes < 10 ? minutes = "0" + minutes : "";
seconds = (seconds >= 10) ? seconds : "0" + seconds;
var out = (hours > 0 || timelength > 5 ? hours + ":" : "") + minutes + ":" + seconds;
if (out.length != timelength && !tip) {
timelength = out.length;
return out
function CreateSubs() {
if (vars.sub.indexOf('#') == 0) {
vars.sub = un(vars.sub)
var subs = vars.sub.split(',');
var clangs = vars.sublangs ? vars.sublangs.split(',') : Array();
sub = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
if (subs[i] != '') {
if (clangs[i] == undefined) {
var filename = subs[i].substr(subs[i].lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
filename = filename.substr(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'));
clangs[i] = filename
CreateSub(i, subs[i], clangs[i]);
clangs[i] && vars.sublang ? (clangs[i] == vars.sublang ? sub_lang = i : '') : ''
} else {
if (sub_lang == i) {
vars.sub_tmp = vars.sub;
delete vars.sub
function CreateSub(l, url, label) {
if (url) {
if (url.indexOf('#') == 0) {
url = un(url)
var url_shift = vars.sub_shift;
if (url.indexOf('shift=') > 0) {
url_shift = url.substr(url.indexOf('shift=') + 6) * 1
if (mobile && (nativecontrols || iphone)) {
var track = document.createElement('track');
track.setAttribute('src', url);
track.setAttribute('label', label);
vars.substart == 1 && l == 0 ? track.setAttribute('default', 'true') : '';
} else {
var subtxt = LoadFile(url);
if (subtxt) {
if (url.indexOf('.srt') > -1 || url.indexOf('.ass') > -1 || url.indexOf('.ssa') > -1 || url.indexOf('.vtt') > -1) {
sub[l] = Object();
sub[l][0] = Array();
sub[l][1] = Array();
var rows = Array();
rows = subtxt.split('\n');
var cnt = 1;
var t1 = 0;
var t2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
if (url.indexOf('.srt') > -1 || url.indexOf('.vtt') > -1) {
if (rows[i].indexOf('-->') > -1 && rows[i].indexOf(':') > -1) {
t1 = TimerSub(rows[i].substr(0, rows[i].indexOf('-->'))) * 1 + url_shift;
t2 = TimerSub(rows[i].substr(rows[i].indexOf('-->') + 4, 12)) * 1 + url_shift;
sub[l][0][t1] = '';
for (var j = t1; j < t2; j++) {
sub[l][1][j] = t1
} else {
if (rows[i] != '' && rows[i].length > 1 && rows[i] != cnt) {
sub[l][0][t1] += (sub[l][0][t1] != '' ? '<br>' : '') + rows[i]
if (url.indexOf('.ass') > -1 || url.indexOf('.ssa') > -1) {
if (rows[i].indexOf('Dialogue:') > -1) {
t1 = TimerSub(rows[i].substr((url.indexOf('.ssa') > -1 ? rows[i].indexOf('=0') + 3 : 12), 12)) * 1 + url_shift;
t2 = TimerSub(rows[i].substr((url.indexOf('.ssa') > -1 ? rows[i].indexOf('=0') + 14 : 23), 10)) * 1 + url_shift;
var p = '';
if (rows[i].indexOf('0,,') > 0) {
p = rows[i].substr(rows[i].indexOf('0,,') + 3)
} else {
if (rows[i].indexOf('ffect,') > 0) {
p = rows[i].substr(rows[i].indexOf('ffect,') + 6)
if (sub[l][0][t1] != undefined) {
sub[l][0][t1] += '\n' + p
} else {
sub[l][0][t1] = p
sub[l][0][t1] = sub[l][0][t1].replace(/{.*?}/, '');
sub[l][0][t1] = sub[l][0][t1].replace(/\\\\N/, '\n');
for (var j = t1; j < t2; j++) {
sub[l][1][j] = t1
vars.substart = 1
function ShowSub(str) {
if (sub_text) {
sub_text = createElement('div');
sub_bg = createElement('div');
sub_last = str;
sub_text.innerHTML = str;
sub_showed = true;
function StopSub() {
if (sub_text) {
sub_showed = false
function KillSub() {
if (sub_text) {
sub_text.innerHTML = '';
sub_bg = null;
sub_text = null
function PositionSub() {
var h = (!ifull ? : - (vars.cntrlout == 1 && !ifull ? vars.padding / 2 : vars.cntrloutheight);
if (sub_text) {
var width = vars.sw - 60;
CSS(sub_text, {
"position": "absolute",
"color": (vars.subcolor.length == 6 ? '#' : '') + vars.subcolor,
'fontFamily': vars.subfont,
'fontSize': (vars.subsize * (ifull ? 1.5 : 1)) + '%',
'text-align': 'center',
'line-height': '120%',
'text-shadow': '1px 1px 1px rgba(1,1,1,0.4)'
CSS(sub_bg, {
"position": "absolute",
"backgroundColor": (vars.subbgcolor.length == 6 ? '#' : '') + vars.subbgcolor,
'opacity': vars.subbgalpha,
'borderRadius': vars.subbgo / 2
CSS(sub_text, {
'max-width': width
var top = h - vars.submargin * (ifull ? / vars.stageheight : 1) - 10 - sub_text.offsetHeight - 5;
var left = (vars.sw - (sub_text.offsetWidth + 20)) / 2;
CSS(sub_text, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": top,
"left": left + 10
CSS(sub_bg, {
"width": sub_text.offsetWidth + 20,
"height": sub_text.offsetHeight + 10,
"position": "absolute",
"top": top - 5,
"left": left
if (sub_menu) {
var top2 = (h - sub_menu.offsetHeight);
var left2 = sub_b.c.offsetLeft - sub_menu.offsetWidth + sub_b.w + 5;
left2 < 0 ? left2 = 0 : '';
CSS(sub_menu, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": top2,
"left": left2
CSS(sub_menu_bg, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": top2,
"left": left2
function TimerSub(srt) {
var tmp = srt.split(':');
var out = 0;
tmp.length == 2 ? tmp.unshift("00") : '';
tmp[0] != '00' ? out += tmp[0] * 3600 : '';
tmp[1] != '00' ? out += tmp[1] * 60 : '';
out += tmp[2].substr(0, 2) * 1;
out = out * 10 + tmp[2].substr(3, 1) * 1;
return out
function SetSub() {
if (vars.submenu == 1) {
if (sub_menu) {
} else {
sub_menu = createElement('div');
sub_menu_bg = createElement('div');
sub_menu.innerHTML = '<div id="uppodplayer_sub_switcher" style="width:47px;height:18px;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5);border-radius:20px;margin-bottom:10px;padding:1px;cursor:pointer"><div id="uppodplayer_sub_switcher_bg" style="width:45px;height:16px;background:#fff;border-radius:18px;padding:1px;"><div id="uppodplayer_sub_switcher_dot" style="width:16px;height:16px;background:#000;border-radius:17px;color:#000;text-align:center;' + (vars.substart == 0 ? 'float:left' : 'float:right') + '"></div></div></div>';
document.getElementById("uppodplayer_sub_switcher").onclick = ToggleSub;
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"fontSize": "80%",
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sub_menu_x.innerHTML = '×';
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"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
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b1.innerHTML = '+';
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"margin": "0 5px 5px 0"
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b2.innerHTML = '-';
CSS(b2, {
"margin": "0 20px 5px 0"
b1.onclick = function() {
vars.subsize += 10;
b2.onclick = function() {
vars.subsize -= 10;
var b3 = createElement('div');
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b3.innerHTML = '∧';
CSS(b3, {
"margin": "0 5px 5px 0"
var b4 = createElement('div');
SetSubButStyle(b4, false);
b4.innerHTML = '∨';
CSS(b4, {
"margin": "0 0 5px 0"
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vars.submargin += 10;
b4.onclick = function() {
vars.submargin -= 10;
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"border": "1px solid #" + (i == 1 ? '666' : ccolors[i]),
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isub_menu_color = this;
vars.subcolor == ccolors[i] ? c_def = i : ''
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i == 0 || i == 2 ? CSS(cbg[i], {
"color": "#000"
}) : '';
cbg[i].onclick = function() {
vars.subbgcolor =; = 0.7; = 1;
isub_menu_bgcolor = this;
vars.subbgcolor == cbgcolors[i] ? cbg_def = i : ''
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if (vars.sublangs) {
var clang = document.createElement('select');
var clangs = vars.sublangs.split(',');
var subs = vars.sub_tmp.split(',');
for (var l = 0; l < clangs.length; l++) {
var cl = document.createElement('option');
CSS(cl, {
'backgroundColor': vars.selectbgcolor,
'color': vars.selectcolor
cl.innerHTML = clangs[l];
if (clangs[l] == vars.sublang) {
sub_lang = l;
cl.setAttribute("selected", "true")
if (subs[l] == '') {
cl.setAttribute("disabled", "true")
if (vars.sublangsall == 1 && clangs.length > 1) {
var cl = document.createElement('option');
CSS(cl, {
'backgroundColor': vars.selectbgcolor,
'color': vars.selectcolor
cl.innerHTML = vars.lang2['all'];
clang.onchange = function() {
if (vars.sublangsall == 1 && this.selectedIndex == this.length - 1) {
sub_lang = 0;
sub_lang_all = true
} else {
sub_lang_all = false;
sub_lang = this.selectedIndex
CSS(clang, {
'width': 120,
'cursor': 'pointer'
CSS(sub_menu_bg, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"background": "#000",
"width": sub_menu.offsetWidth,
"height": sub_menu.offsetHeight,
"opacity": "0.7",
"borderRadius": 10
PositionSub(); = 7; = 7
} else {
function ToggleSub() {
if (vars.submenu == 1) {
var el = sub_menu.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
CSS(el, {
"float": (vars.substart == 1 ? "left" : "right")
if (sub) {
vars.substart == 0 ? vars.substart = 1 : vars.substart = 0
} else {
if (vars.sub && vars.substart == 0) {
vars.substart = 1
} else {
vars.substart == 0 ? vars.substart = 1 : vars.substart = 0
if (vars.substart == 0) {
if (vars.submenu == 1) {
} else {
if (sub_b) {
vars.substart ? CSS(sub_b.c, {
'opacity': sub_b.s.alpha
}) : CSS(sub_b.c, {
'opacity': sub_b.s.alpha0
function ToggleSubStyle() {
vars.substart == 0 ? CSS(sub_menu2, {
"visibility": "hidden"
}) : CSS(sub_menu2, {
"visibility": "visible"
CSS(document.getElementById("uppodplayer_sub_switcher_dot"), {
"background": (vars.substart == 0 ? "#fff" : "#000")
CSS(document.getElementById("uppodplayer_sub_switcher_bg"), {
"background": (vars.substart == 0 ? 0 : "#fff")
function SetSubButStyle(b, small) {
CSS(b, {
"float": "left",
"textAlign": "center",
"width": (small ? 11 : 20),
"height": (small ? 11 : "auto"),
"border": "1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
"borderRadius": (small ? 11 : 20),
"margin": (small ? "3px 2px 7px 2px" : 0),
"padding": (small ? "0" : "0 0 0 0"),
"cursor": "pointer"
function Controls() {
if ( && browser.restrictMediaPlay) {}
var controlsObj = uppod.controls();
controlsObj.add(new Uppod.ControlBar(uppod));
controls = controlsObj.ControlBar.dom;
controls.onmouseover = function() {
vars.controls_active = true
controls.onmouseout = function() {
vars.controls_active = false
if (!mobile && vars.hotkey == 1 && vars.m == "video") {
controls.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) {
sep_b = [];
sep = 0;
cntrl = vars.controls.split(',');
cntrlength = 0;
cntrls = [];
cntrli = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cntrl.length; i++) {
if (cntrl[i] == 'play' || cntrl[i] == 'playstop') {
play_b = new Element('play', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Play', play_b);
CSS(play_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - play_b.h) / 2 + play_b.s.margintop - play_b.s.marginbottom
play_b.c.onclick = Toggle;
if (vars.tip == 1 && play_b.s.notip == 0) {
play_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
var txt = play_b.s.play_tip ? play_b.s.play_tip : vars.lang2['play'];
ToolTip(play_b.c, txt)
play_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
pause_b = new Element((cntrl[i] == 'playstop' ? 'stop' : 'pause'), 20, 20, '', 'play');
controlsObj.addElement('Pause', pause_b);
CSS(pause_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'display': 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - pause_b.h) / 2 + pause_b.s.margintop - pause_b.s.marginbottom
cntrl[i] == 'playstop' ? pause_b.c.onclick = Stop : pause_b.c.onclick = Toggle;
cntrls[i] = pause_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + play_b.s.marginleft + play_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = play_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && pause_b.s.notip == 0) {
pause_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(pause_b.c, pause_b.s.pause_tip ? pause_b.s.pause_tip : vars.lang2['pause'])
pause_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'back') {
back_b = new Element('back', 30, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Back', back_b);
CSS(back_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - back_b.h) / 2 + back_b.s.margintop - back_b.s.marginbottom
back_b.c.onclick = Back;
cntrls[i] = back_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + back_b.s.marginleft + back_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = back_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && back_b.s.notip == 0) {
back_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(back_b.c, back_b.s.tip ? back_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['back'])
back_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'stop') {
stop_b = new Element('stop', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Stop', stop_b);
CSS(stop_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - stop_b.h) / 2 + stop_b.s.margintop - stop_b.s.marginbottom
stop_b.c.onclick = Stop;
cntrls[i] = stop_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + stop_b.s.marginleft + stop_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = stop_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && stop_b.s.notip == 0) {
stop_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(stop_b.c, stop_b.s.tip ? stop_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['stop'])
stop_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i].indexOf('my') == 0) {
var m = cntrl[i].substr(2);
mybuts[m] = new Element('my' + m, 20, 20);
CSS(mybuts[m].c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - mybuts[m].h) / 2 + mybuts[m].s.margintop - mybuts[m].s.marginbottom
mybuts[m] = 'uppod_mybut' + m;
mybuts[m].c.onclick = function() {
cntrls[i] = mybuts[m].w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + mybuts[m].s.marginleft + mybuts[m].s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = mybuts[m];
if (vars.tip == 1 && mybuts[m].s.notip == 0 && mybuts[m].s.tip) {
mybuts[m].c.onmouseover = function() {
var id =;
if (id) {
var mm = id.substr(11);
ToolTip(mybuts[mm].c, mybuts[mm].s.tip)
mybuts[m].c.onmouseout = function() {
var id =;
if (id) {
var mm = id.substr(11);
if (cntrl[i] == 'download') {
download_b = new Element('download', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Download', download_b);
CSS(download_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - download_b.h) / 2 + download_b.s.margintop - download_b.s.marginbottom
download_b.c.onclick = Download;
cntrls[i] = download_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + download_b.s.marginleft + download_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = download_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && download_b.s.notip == 0) {
download_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(download_b.c, download_b.s.tip ? download_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['download'])
download_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if ( != '') {
if (cntrl[i] == 'next') {
next_b = new Element('next', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Next', next_b);
CSS(next_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - next_b.h) / 2 + next_b.s.margintop - next_b.s.marginbottom
next_b.c.onclick = Next;
cntrls[i] = next_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + next_b.s.marginleft + next_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = next_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && next_b.s.notip == 0) {
next_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(next_b.c, next_b.s.tip ? next_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['next'])
next_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'prev') {
prev_b = new Element('prev', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Prev', prev_b);
CSS(prev_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - prev_b.h) / 2 + prev_b.s.margintop - prev_b.s.marginbottom
if (vars.random == 0) {
CSS(prev_b.c, {
'opacity': 0.3,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=30)',
'cursor': 'default'
prev_b.c.onclick = Prev;
cntrls[i] = prev_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + prev_b.s.marginleft + prev_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = prev_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && prev_b.s.notip == 0) {
prev_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(prev_b.c, prev_b.s.tip ? prev_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['prev'])
prev_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'time_play') {
time_play_b = new Element('time_play', 30, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('TimePlay', time_play_b);
CSS(time_play_b.c, {
'cursor': 'default',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - time_play_b.h) / 2 + 3 + time_play_b.s.margintop * 1 - time_play_b.s.marginbottom * 1,
'white-space': 'nowrap'
cntrls[i] = time_play_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + time_play_b.s.marginleft + time_play_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = time_play_b;
if (cntrl[i] == 'time_back') {
time_back_b = new Element('time_back', 30, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('TimeBack', time_back_b);
CSS(time_back_b.c, {
'cursor': 'default',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - time_back_b.h) / 2 + 3 + time_back_b.s.margintop * 1 - time_back_b.s.marginbottom * 1,
'white-space': 'nowrap'
cntrls[i] = time_back_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + time_back_b.s.marginleft + time_back_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = time_back_b;
if (cntrl[i] == 'time_all') {
time_all_b = new Element('time_all', 30, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('TimeAll', time_all_b);
CSS(time_all_b.c, {
'cursor': 'default',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - time_all_b.h) / 2 + 3 + time_all_b.s.margintop * 1 - time_all_b.s.marginbottom * 1,
'white-space': 'nowrap'
cntrls[i] = time_all_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + time_all_b.s.marginleft + time_all_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = time_all_b;
if (cntrl[i] == '|') {
sep_b[sep] = new Element('separator', 5, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Separator', sep_b[sep]);
CSS(sep_b[sep].c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - sep_b[sep].h) / 2 + sep_b[sep].s.margintop - sep_b[sep].s.marginbottom
cntrls[i] = sep_b[sep].w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + sep_b[sep].s.marginleft + sep_b[sep].s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = sep_b[sep];
if (cntrl[i] == 'run_line') {
var run_s = Cntrl_Style('run');
run_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('RunLine', run_b);
var lh = vars.cntrlline['h'];
if (vars.cntrl_line) {
if (vars.cntrl_line['h']) {
lh = vars.cntrl_line['h']
if (run_s['position'] == 0) {
if (lh % 2 != run_s['h'] % 2) {
if (run_s['o'] == 1) {
run_s['w'] = run_s['h']
CSS(run_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': run_s['margintop'] * 1 - run_s['marginbottom'] * 1,
'width': run_s['w'] + 'px',
'height': run_s['h'] + 'px',
'borderRadius': (run_s['w'] * run_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity(': run_s['alpha'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (run_s['alpha'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(run_b, run_s['color']);
if (run_s['icon']) {
if (String(run_s['icon']).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1) {
run_s['icon'] = run_s['icon'].replace("http://", "https://");
run_s['icon'] = run_s['icon'].replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(run_s['icon'], run_b, 0, run_s['pic_w'], run_s['pic_h'], run_s['halficonisover'])
if (run_s['bg'] == 1) {
CSS(run_b, {
'border': '2px solid #' + ReColor(run_s['bgcolor'])
run_pos = run_s['position'];
if (vars.tip == 1 && line_s['notip'] == 0) {
run_b.onmouseover = function() {
media.duration ? ToolTip(run_b, 'line') : ''
run_b.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'run_volume' && !mobile) {
var run_s = Cntrl_Style('run_volume');
runvolume_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('RunVolume', runvolume_b);
CSS(runvolume_b, {
'pointer-events': 'none',
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': run_s['w'] + 'px',
'height': run_s['h'] + 'px',
'borderRadius': (run_s['w'] * run_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': run_s['alpha'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (run_s['alpha'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(runvolume_b, run_s['color']);
runvolume_pos = run_s['position'];
if (vars.ivolbar_v) {
if (run_s['bg'] == 1) {
CSS(runvolume_b, {
'border': '2px solid #' + ReColor(run_s['bgcolor'])
if (cntrl[i] == 'sound' && !mobile && vars.controls.indexOf("volbarline") > -1) {
cntrl[i] = 'volume';
vars.cntrl_volume = vars.cntrl_sound
if ((cntrl[i] == 'volume' || cntrl[i] == 'volbarline_v') && !mobile) {
volume_b = new Element('volume', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Volume', volume_b);
CSS(volume_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - volume_b.h) / 2 + volume_b.s.margintop - volume_b.s.marginbottom
volume_b.c.onclick = Mute;
volume_mute_b = new Element('volume_mute', 20, 20, '', 'volume');
controlsObj.addElement('VolumeMute', volume_mute_b);
CSS(volume_mute_b.c, {
'display': 'none',
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - volume_mute_b.h) / 2 + volume_mute_b.s.margintop - volume_mute_b.s.marginbottom
cntrls[i] = volume_mute_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + volume_mute_b.s.marginleft + volume_mute_b.s.marginright;
volume_mute_b.c.onclick = Mute;
cntrli[i] = volume_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && volume_b.s.notip == 0) {
volume_b.c.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
var txt = vars.lang2['sound'];
ToolTip(volume_b.c, txt)
volume_b.c.addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
volume_mute_b.c.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
var txt = vars.lang2['sound_off'];
ToolTip(volume_mute_b.c, txt)
volume_mute_b.c.addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'volbarline_v') {
vars.ivolbar_v = true;
volbarline_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('VolumeBarlineV', volbarline_b);
controls.appendChild(volbarline_b); = 0;
CSS(volbarline_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0
volbarline_s = Cntrl_Style('volbarline_v');
volbarline_all_b = createElement('div');
CSS(volbarline_all_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': volbarline_s['w'],
'height': volbarline_s['h'],
'borderRadius': ((volbarline_s['h'] / 2) * volbarline_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': volbarline_s['all_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (volbarline_s['all_a'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(volbarline_all_b, volbarline_s['color_all']);
volbarline_s['active'] = false;
CSS(volbarline_b, {
'display': 'none',
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - volbarline_s['h']) - 10
volbarline_play_b = createElement('div');
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
'pointer-events': 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': volbarline_s['w'],
'height': volbarline_s['h'],
'borderRadius': ((volbarline_s['h'] / 2) * volbarline_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': volbarline_s['play_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (volbarline_s['play_a'] * 100) + ')'
if (volbarline_s['color_load']) {
volbarline_s['color_play'] = volbarline_s['color_load']
CheckGradiendDiv(volbarline_play_b, volbarline_s['color_play']);
CSS(volbarline_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (-volbarline_s['h'])
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
'height': volbarline_s['h'] * vars.volume,
'top': volbarline_s['h'] - volbarline_s['h'] * vars.volume
volbarline_b.onmousedown = function VolbarlineDown(e) {
volbarline_s['active'] = true;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbarline_b.onmousemove = function VolbarlineMove(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbarline_b.onmouseup = function VolbarlineUp(e) {
volbarline_s['active'] = false
volbarline_b.onmouseover = function VolbarlineOver(e) {
volbarline_s['over'] = true
volbarline_b.onmouseout = function VolbarlineOut(e) {
volbarline_s['over'] = false
volume_mute_b.c.addEventListener("mouseover", VolumeButOver);
volume_b.c.addEventListener("mouseout", VolumeButOver);
volume_mute_b.c.addEventListener("mouseout", VolumeButOver);
volume_b.c.addEventListener("mouseover", VolumeButOver);
volume_mute_b.c.onmouseout = volume_b.c.onmouseout = VolbarHide; = 7;
if (runvolume_b) {
if (cntrl[i] == 'tune' && !mobile) {
cntrl[i] = 'volbarline';
vars.cntrl_volbarline = vars.cntrl_tune
if (cntrl[i] == 'volbarline' && !mobile) {
volbarline_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('VolumeBarline', volbarline_b);
volbarline_s = Cntrl_Style('volbarline');
var volbarline_bg_b = createElement('div');
CSS(volbarline_bg_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': -10,
'width': volbarline_s['w'],
'height': (volbarline_s['h'] + 20),
'opacity': '0',
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=0)'
volbarline_all_b = createElement('div');
CSS(volbarline_all_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': volbarline_s['w'],
'height': volbarline_s['h'],
'borderRadius': ((volbarline_s['h'] / 2) * volbarline_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': volbarline_s['all_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (volbarline_s['all_a'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(volbarline_all_b, volbarline_s['color_all']);
volbarline_s['active'] = false;
volbarline_play_b = createElement('div');
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
'pointer-events': 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'height': volbarline_s['h'],
'borderRadius': ((volbarline_s['h'] / 2) * volbarline_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': volbarline_s['play_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (volbarline_s['play_a'] * 100) + ')'
if (volbarline_s['color_load']) {
volbarline_s['color_play'] = volbarline_s['color_load']
CheckGradiendDiv(volbarline_play_b, volbarline_s['color_play']);
CSS(volbarline_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - volbarline_s['h']) / 2 + volbarline_s['margintop'] - volbarline_s['marginbottom']
cntrls[i] = volbarline_s['w'] + vars.cntrlmargin + 5;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + volbarline_s['marginleft'] + volbarline_s['marginright'];
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
'width': volbarline_s['w'] * (v ? v : vars.volume)
volbarline_b.onmousedown = function(e) {
volbarline_s['active'] = true;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbarline_b.onmousemove = function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbarline_b.onmouseout = function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbarline_b.onmouseup = function(e) {};
cntrli[i] = volbarline_b
if (cntrl[i] == 'volbar' && !mobile) {
volbar_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('VolumeBar', volbar_b);
volbars = [];
vars.cntrl_volbar.all_a ? vars.cntrlvolbar.all_a = vars.cntrl_volbar.all_a : '';
vars.cntrl_volbar.play_a ? vars.cntrlvolbar.play_a = vars.cntrl_volbar.play_a : '';
if (vars.cntrl_volbar.icon) {
if (vars.cntrl_volbar.icon == 1) {
vars.cntrlvolbar.n = 10; = 1
if (vars.cntrl_volbar.icon == 2) {
vars.cntrlvolbar.n = 5; = 0
if (vars.cntrl_volbar.icon == 3) {
vars.cntrlvolbar.n = 10; = 0
vars.cntrl_volbar.n ? vars.cntrlvolbar.n = vars.cntrl_volbar.n : ''; ? = : '';
vars.cntrl_volbar.scale ? vars.cntrlvolbar.scale = vars.cntrl_volbar.scale : '';
vars.cntrl_volbar.margintop ? vars.cntrlvolbar.margintop = vars.cntrl_volbar.margintop : vars.cntrlvolbar.margintop = 0;
vars.cntrl_volbar.marginbottom ? vars.cntrlvolbar.marginbottom = vars.cntrl_volbar.marginbottom : vars.cntrlvolbar.marginbottom = 0;
vars.cntrlvolbar.w = vars.cntrlvolbar.n * 5 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale;
vars.cntrlvolbar.h = 10 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale;
for (vb = 0; vb < vars.cntrlvolbar.n; vb++) {
var vbh = ( == 1 ? (10 / vars.cntrlvolbar.n) * (vb + 1) : 10 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale);
volbars[vb] = new Element('volbar', 3 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale, vbh);
CSS(volbars[vb].c, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 10 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale - vbh * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale,
'left': vb * 5 * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale + 10 * (vars.cntrlvolbar.scale - 1),
'opacity': vars.cntrlvolbar.all_a
if ( == 1) {
volbars[vb].c.onmouseover = function(e) {
CSS(this, {
'top': vbh - 1
volbars[vb].c.onmouseout = function(e) {
CSS(this, {
'top': vbh
volbar_b.onmousedown = function(e) { = true;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbar_b.onmousemove = function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
volbar_b.onmouseup = function(e) { = false
CSS(volbar_b, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - vars.cntrlvolbar.h) / 2 + (vars.cntrlvolbar.h - 10) * vars.cntrlvolbar.scale + vars.cntrlvolbar.margintop - vars.cntrlvolbar.marginbottom,
'width': vars.cntrlvolbar.w,
'height': vars.cntrlvolbar.h
cntrls[i] = (vars.cntrlvolbar.n + 1) * 5 + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + (vars.cntrlvolbar.marginleft ? vars.cntrlvolbar.marginleft : 0) + (vars.cntrlvolbar.marginright ? vars.cntrlvolbar.marginright : 0);
cntrli[i] = volbar_b;
v != 0 ? VolumeDraw(-v) : ''
if (cntrl[i] == 'full') {
controlsObj.add(new Uppod.EnterFullscreenControl(uppod));
controlsObj.add(new Uppod.ExitFullscreenControl(uppod));
full_b = uppod.controls().EnterFullscreen.options.element;
full_back_b = uppod.controls().ExitFullscreen.options.element;
cntrls[i] = full_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + full_b.s.marginleft + full_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = full_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && full_b.s.notip == 0) {
full_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(full_b.c, (full_b.s.tip ? full_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['full']))
full_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
full_back_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(full_back_b.c, (full_back_b.s.tip ? full_back_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['full_back']))
full_back_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'sub') {
sub_b = new Element('sub', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Sub', sub_b);
CSS(sub_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - sub_b.h) / 2 + sub_b.s.margintop - sub_b.s.marginbottom
sub_b.c.onclick = SetSub;
cntrls[i] = sub_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + sub_b.s.marginleft + sub_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = sub_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && sub_b.s.notip == 0) {
sub_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(sub_b.c, sub_b.s.tip ? sub_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['sub'])
sub_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
vars.substart == 0 ? CSS(sub_b.c, {
'opacity': sub_b.s.alpha0
}) : ''
if (cntrl[i] == 'hd') {
if ( {
vars.hdlinks = 'hd720,large,medium,small,auto';
vars.hd = '720p,480p,320p,240p,auto';
vars.hdsw == 60 ? vars.hdsw = 55 : '';
vars.filehd = ''
if (vars.hd || vars.filehd != '') {
var isbutton = false;
if (vars.hd) {
vars.hd.indexOf('::') > -1 ? isbutton = true : ''
} else {
vars.filehd != '' ? isbutton = true : ''
if (isbutton) {
hd_b = new Element('hd', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Hd', hd_b);
CSS(hd_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'display': (vars.hd1 == 1 ? 'none' : 'block'),
'position': 'absolute',
'top': Math.floor((vars.cntrloutheight - hd_b.h) / 2 + hd_b.s.margintop - hd_b.s.marginbottom)
if (hd_b.s.icon2) {
if (hd_b.s.icon == hd_b.s.icon2) {
CSS(hd_b.c, {
'opacity': hd_b.s.alpha0
cntrls[i] = hd_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
hd_b.c.onclick = Quality;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + hd_b.s.marginleft + hd_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = hd_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && hd_b.s.notip == 0) {
hd_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(hd_b.c, hd_b.s.tip ? hd_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['hd'])
hd_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
hd1_b = new Element('hd1', 20, 20, '', 'hd');
controlsObj.addElement('Hd1', hd1_b);
CSS(hd1_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'display': (vars.hd1 == 1 ? 'block' : 'none'),
'position': 'absolute',
'top': Math.floor((vars.cntrloutheight - hd1_b.h) / 2 + hd1_b.s.margintop - hd1_b.s.marginbottom)
hd1_b.c.onclick = Quality;
if (vars.tip == 1 && hd1_b.s.notip == 0) {
hd1_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(hd1_b.c, hd_b.s.tip_off ? hd_b.s.tip_off : vars.lang2['hd'])
hd1_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
} else {
if (vars.hd.indexOf(',') > -1) {
vars.hda = vars.hd.split(',');
if (vars.hdsw == 60 && vars.hlsautoquality == 0) {
vars.hdsw = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < vars.hda.length; h++) {
vars.hdsw < measureText(vars.hda[h], 12).width ? vars.hdsw = measureText(vars.hda[h], 12).width : ''
vars.hdsw += 22
hd_b = new Element('hdselect', vars.hdsw, 20, '', 'hd');
controlsObj.addElement('HdSelect', hd_b);
CSS(hd_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': Math.floor((vars.cntrloutheight - hd_b.h) / 2 + hd_b.s.margintop - hd_b.s.marginbottom)
cntrls[i] = hd_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + hd_b.s.marginleft + hd_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = hd_b;
vars.tip == 1 && hd_b.s.notip == 0 ? hd_b.c.title = (hd_b.s.tip ? hd_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['hd']) : '';
hdselect = document.createElement('select');
CSS(hdselect, {
'position': 'absolute',
'margin': '1px 0px 0px -5px',
'opacity': 0,
'cursor': 'pointer',
"width": vars.hdsw
hdselect.onchange = QualitySelecter
if (cntrl[i] == 'playlist') {
if ( != '') {
playlist_b = new Element('playlist', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Playlist', playlist_b);
CSS(playlist_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - playlist_b.h) / 2 + playlist_b.s.margintop - playlist_b.s.marginbottom
playlist_b.c.onclick = Pl;
cntrls[i] = playlist_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + playlist_b.s.marginleft + playlist_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = playlist_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && playlist_b.s.notip == 0) {
playlist_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(playlist_b.c, playlist_b.s.tip ? playlist_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['list'])
playlist_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'menu') {
menu_b = new Element('menu', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Menu', menu_b);
CSS(menu_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - menu_b.h) / 2 + menu_b.s.margintop - menu_b.s.marginbottom
menu_b.c.onclick = Menu;
cntrls[i] = menu_b.w + vars.cntrlmargin;
cntrlength += cntrls[i] + menu_b.s.marginleft + menu_b.s.marginright;
cntrli[i] = menu_b;
if (vars.tip == 1 && menu_b.s.notip == 0) {
menu_b.c.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(menu_b.c, menu_b.s.tip ? menu_b.s.tip : vars.lang2['menu'])
menu_b.c.onmouseout = function() {
if (cntrl[i] == 'buffer') {
if (line_b) {
buffer_b = new Element('buffer', 30, 14);
controlsObj.addElement('Buffer', buffer_b);
CSS(buffer_b.c, {
'cursor': 'default',
'position': 'absolute',
'white-space': 'nowrap'
cntrli[i] = buffer_b;
cntrls[i] = 0;
buffer_b.c.innerHTML = vars.lang2['loading']
if (cntrl[i] == 'start') {
start_b = new Element('start', 20, 20);
controlsObj.addElement('Start', start_b);
CSS(start_b.c, {
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (( / 2 - start_b.h / 2),
'left': ((vars.sw) / 2 - start_b.w / 2),
'zIndex': 7
start_b.c.onclick = Toggle; = 7
if (cntrl[i] == 'space') {
space_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('Space', space_b);
CSS(space_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - 20) / 2
cntrli[i] = space_b
if (cntrl[i] == 'line') {
iline = true;
line_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('Line', line_b);
line_s = Cntrl_Style('line');
line_all_b = createElement('div');
CSS(line_all_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': '100%',
'height': line_s['h'],
'borderRadius': ((line_s['h'] / 2) * line_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': line_s['all_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (line_s['all_a'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(line_all_b, line_s['color_all']);
line_load_b = createElement('div');
CSS(line_load_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': '100%',
'height': line_s['h'],
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(line_s['color_load']),
'borderRadius': ((line_s['h'] / 2) * line_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': line_s['load_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (line_s['load_a'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(line_load_b, line_s['color_load']);
line_play_b = createElement('div');
CSS(line_play_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': '100%',
'height': line_s['h'],
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(line_s['color_play']),
'borderRadius': ((line_s['h'] / 2) * line_s['o']) + 'px',
'opacity': line_s['play_a'],
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (line_s['play_a'] * 100) + ')'
CheckGradiendDiv(line_play_b, line_s['color_play']);
CSS(line_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight - line_s['h']) / 2 + line_s['margintop'] * 1 - line_s['marginbottom'] * 1,
'cursor': 'pointer'
CSS(line_play_b, {
'width': '0'
CSS(line_load_b, {
'width': '0'
line_s['active'] = false;
line_but_b = createElement('div');
controlsObj.addDom('LineBtn', line_but_b);
CSS(line_but_b, {
'position': 'absolute',
'height': (line_s['h'] < 10 ? 20 : line_s['h'] * 2),
'cursor': 'pointer'
line_but_b.onmousedown = function(e) {
if (!istart) {
line_s['active'] = true;
if (!e) var e = window.event
line_but_b.onmouseup = function(e) {
if (istart) {
line_s['active'] = false
if (vars.tip == 1 && line_s['notip'] == 0) {
line_but_b.onmouseover = function() {
ToolTip(line_but_b, 'line')
line_but_b.onmouseout = function() {
cntrli[i] = line_b
time_all_b && vars.time > 0 ? time_all_b.c.innerHTML = formatTime(vars.time) : '';
function CntrlBg() {
if (uibg) {
if (vars.cntrlout != 1 && vars.cntrlbg == 1) {
vars.cntrlbgcolor.indexOf('|') == -1 ? vars.cntrlbgcolor = vars.cntrlbgcolor + '|' + vars.cntrlbgcolor : '';
uibg = new Shaper2({
w: (vars.scrn_w - vars.cntrlbgmargin * 2 - vars.cntrlbgmarginleft - vars.cntrlbgmarginright),
h: vars.cntrloutheight,
onotop: (vars.cntrloutheight == vars.h ? 0 : 1),
bgc: vars.cntrlbgcolor,
bga1: vars.cntrlbgalpha1,
bga2: vars.cntrlbgalpha2,
o: (vars.padding > 0 ? vars.o / 2 : vars.cntrlbgo)
if (vars.cntrlout == 1 && vars.padding == 0) {
vars.cntrlbgcolor.indexOf('|') == -1 ? vars.cntrlbgcolor = vars.cntrlbgcolor + '|' + vars.cntrlbgcolor : '';
uibg = new Shaper2({
w: vars.scrn_w,
h: vars.cntrloutheight,
o: vars.o / 2 - vars.padding,
onotop: (vars.cntrloutheight == vars.h ? 0 : 1),
bgc: vars.bodycolor,
bga1: 1,
bga2: 1,
o: (vars.padding > 0 ? vars.o / 2 : vars.cntrlbgo)
if (uibg) {
uibg.c.setAttribute('id', 'uibg');
CSS(uibg.canvas, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
"left": vars.cntrlbgmarginleft + 'px'
if ( == 1) {
uibg_gl = new Shaper2({
w: vars.scrn_w,
h: vars.cntrloutheight / 2,
o: vars.o / 2 - vars.padding,
bgc: (vars.glasscolor.indexOf('|') == -1 ? vars.glasscolor + '|' + vars.glasscolor : vars.glasscolor),
bga1: vars.glassalpha1,
bga2: vars.glassalpha2
CSS(uibg_gl.canvas, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"height": vars.cntrloutheight / 2,
"width": vars.scrn_w
function PlaceControls() {
var line_w = vars.sw - cntrlength - vars.cntrlendmargin * 2 - vars.cntrlmargin * 2 - (!ifull ? vars.padding * 2 : 0) - vars.cntrlmarginleft - vars.cntrlmarginright - (timelength - 4) * 4 * timeitems;
var cntrl_x = vars.cntrlendmargin + vars.cntrlmarginleft;
var marginleft;
var marginright;
for (i = 0; i < cntrl.length; i++) {
if (cntrli[i]) {
marginleft = 0;
marginright = 0;
if (cntrli[i].s) {
marginleft = parseInt(cntrli[i].s.marginleft);
marginright = parseInt(cntrli[i].s.marginright)
if (cntrl[i] == 'volbarline') {
marginleft = (vars.cntrl_volbarline.marginleft ? vars.cntrl_volbarline.marginleft : 0);
marginright = (vars.cntrl_volbarline.marginright ? vars.cntrl_volbarline.marginright : 0)
cntrl_x += marginleft;
if (cntrli[i] != line_b && cntrli[i] != space_b) {
CSS((cntrli[i].c != undefined ? cntrli[i].c : cntrli[i]), {
'left': cntrl_x
if (cntrl[i] == 'play' || cntrl[i] == 'playstop') {
CSS(pause_b.c, {
'left': cntrl_x
if (cntrl[i] == 'full') {
CSS(full_back_b.c, {
'left': cntrl_x
if (cntrl[i] == 'hd') {
hd1_b ? CSS(hd1_b.c, {
'left': cntrl_x
}) : ''
if (cntrl[i] == 'volume' || cntrl[i] == 'volbarline_v') {
CSS(volume_mute_b.c, {
'left': cntrl_x,
'opacity': (volume_mute_b.s.icon == 2 ? 0.5 : 1)
if (cntrl[i] == 'volbarline_v') {
CSS(volbarline_b, {
'left': cntrl_x + volume_b.w / 2 - volbarline_s['w'] / 2
if (cntrl[i].indexOf('time') > -1) {
cntrl_x += (timelength - 4) * 4 + (vars.cntrlmargin - 5)
cntrl_x += Math.floor(cntrls[i] + marginright)
} else {
if (cntrli[i] == line_b) {
if (vars.cntrl_line.full == 1) {
CSS(line_b, {
'left': (vars.cntrl_line.marginleft ? vars.cntrl_line.marginleft : 0),
'top': (vars.cntrloutheight) / 2 + line_all_b.h - (vars.cntrl_line.marginbottom ? vars.cntrl_line.marginbottom : 0) + (vars.cntrl_line.margintop ? vars.cntrl_line.margintop : 0)
line_all_b.w = vars.sw - (vars.cntrl_line.marginleft ? vars.cntrl_line.marginleft : 0) - (vars.cntrl_line.marginright ? vars.cntrl_line.marginright : 0);
line_play_b.w = line_all_b.w;
line_load_b.w = line_all_b.w;
CSS(line_all_b, {
'width': '' + line_all_b.w + 'px'
} else {
CSS(line_b, {
'left': cntrl_x + 3 + (vars.cntrl_line.marginleft ? vars.cntrl_line.marginleft : 0)
line_all_b.w = line_w;
line_play_b.w = line_w;
line_load_b.w = line_w;
CSS(line_all_b, {
'width': '' + line_w + 'px'
cntrls[i] = line_w;
cntrl_x += Math.floor(cntrls[i] + vars.cntrlmargin + 6 + (vars.cntrl_line.marginright ? vars.cntrl_line.marginright : 0) + (vars.cntrl_line.marginleft ? vars.cntrl_line.marginleft : 0))
CSS(line_but_b, {
'width': line_all_b.w + 'px',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': (parseInt( + line_s.h / 2 - parseInt( / 2),
'cursor': 'pointer'
if (cntrli[i] == space_b) {
CSS(space_b, {
'left': cntrl_x + 3,
'width': '' + line_w + 'px'
cntrls[i] = line_w;
cntrl_x += Math.floor(cntrls[i] + vars.cntrlmargin + 6)
if (buffer_b) {
CSS(buffer_b.c, {
'left': line_b.offsetLeft
CSS(buffer_b.c, {
'top': line_b.offsetTop - 10
line_b && run_b ? RunPos(run_b, line_b, line_play_b, line_all_b, run_pos) : '';
if (volbarline_b && runvolume_b) {
RunPos(runvolume_b, volbarline_b, volbarline_play_b, volbarline_all_b, runvolume_pos)
function RunPos(run, line, line_play, line_all, pos) {
if (run == runvolume_b && vars.ivolbar_v) {
var rl = (-line_play.offsetHeight) - (pos > 0 ? run.offsetHeight : run.offsetHeight / 2);
rl < line.offsetTop ? rl = line.offsetTop : '';
rl > 0 + run.offsetHeight ? rl = run.offsetHeight : '';
CSS(run, {
'top': rl + 'px',
'left': '' + (line.offsetLeft + line_all.offsetWidth / 2 - run.offsetWidth / 2 - (pos == '1' ? run.offsetWidth / 2 + line_all.offsetWidth / 2 : 0) + (pos == '2' ? run.offsetWidth / 2 + line_all.offsetWidth / 2 : 0)) + 'px'
} else {
var rl = (line_play.offsetWidth + line.offsetLeft) - (pos > 0 ? run.offsetWidth : run.offsetWidth / 2);
rl < line.offsetLeft ? rl = line.offsetLeft : '';
rl > line.offsetLeft + line_all.offsetWidth - run.offsetWidth ? rl = line.offsetLeft + line_all.offsetWidth - run.offsetWidth : '';
CSS(run, {
'left': rl + 'px',
'top': '' + Math.floor(line_all.offsetTop + line.offsetTop + line_all.offsetHeight / 2 - run.offsetHeight / 2 - (pos == '1' ? run.offsetHeight / 2 + line_all.offsetHeight / 2 : 0) + (pos == '2' ? run.offsetHeight / 2 + line_all.offsetHeight / 2 : 0) + (vars.cntrl_run['margintop'] ? vars.cntrl_run['margintop'] * 1 : "") - (vars.cntrl_run['marginbottom'] ? vars.cntrl_run['marginbottom'] * 1 : "")) + 'px'
function Cntrl_Style(st) {
var s = [];
for (var key in vars.cntrlstyle) {
s[key] = vars.cntrlstyle[key]
for (var key in vars['cntrl' + st]) {
s[key] = vars['cntrl' + st][key]
for (var key in vars['cntrl_' + st]) {
s[key] = vars['cntrl_' + st][key]
return s
function findLeft(obj) {
var curleft = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft = obj.offsetLeft;
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft
var body_style = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null);
var bodyleft = 0;
if (body_style.position == "relative") {
bodyleft = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().left
return curleft + bodyleft
function findTop(obj) {
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curtop = obj.offsetTop;
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curtop += obj.offsetTop
return curtop
function VolumeButOver() {
CSS(volbarline_b, {
"display": "block"
if (runvolume_b) {
CSS(runvolume_b, {
"display": "block"
}); = 8;
RunPos(runvolume_b, volbarline_b, volbarline_play_b, volbarline_all_b, runvolume_pos)
volbarline_s['over'] = true
function VolbarHide() {
volbarline_s['over'] = false;
setTimeout(VolbarHideProcess, 1000)
function VolbarHideProcess() {
if (!volbarline_s['over']) {
CSS(volbarline_b, {
"display": "none"
if (runvolume_b) {
CSS(runvolume_b, {
"display": "none"
} else {
setTimeout(VolbarHideProcess, 1000)
function VolumeMove(e) {
if (volbarline_s['active']) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var clickX = e.offsetX;
function VolumeOut(e) {
if (volbarline_s['active']) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var clickX = e.offsetX;
if (clickX >= volbarline_s['w']) {
volbarline_s['active'] = false
function VolumeMove_v(e) {
if (volbarline_s['active'] && vars.ivolbar_v) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var clickY = e.offsetY;
Volume(volbarline_s['h'] - clickY)
function VolbarMove(e) {
if ( {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var clickX = e.pageX - findLeft(volbar_b);
function Volume(n) {
var v = VolumeDraw(n);
if (vars.remvolume == 1) {
document.cookie = "uppodhtml5_volume=" + v + "; path=/; expires=Mon, 01-Jan-2099 00:00:00 GMT"
function VolumeDraw(n) {
if (volbarline_play_b) {
if (vars.ivolbar_v) {
n > 0 ? v = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (n) / volbarline_s['h'])) : v = -n;
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
'height': '' + volbarline_s['h'] * v + 'px',
'top': volbarline_s['h'] - volbarline_s['h'] * v
} else {
n > 0 ? v = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (n) / volbarline_s['w'])) : v = -n;
CSS(volbarline_play_b, {
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media ? media.muted = false : ''
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Uppod.trace('Seek cursorX = ' + cursorX);
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SeekTime(percent * media.duration)
function SeekTime(t) {
Uppod.trace('SeekTime to ' + t);
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media.currentTime = t
if (isYoutube()) {
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iplay ? Toggle() : ''
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init ? SeekTime(s) : ''
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plnext_b ? Show(plnext_b.c) : '';
plprev_b ? Show(plprev_b.c) : ''
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this.Duration = function() {
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return Duration()
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return -1
this.Volume = function(s) {
this.Volumed = function() {
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return 0
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if (isYoutube()) {
return media_yt.getVolume() / 100
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if (media) {
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return -1
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return Math.round((CurrentTime() / media.duration) * 100)
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return -1
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loaded = (media.buffered.end(media.buffered.length - 1) / media.duration)
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return -1
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if (typeof(v) === 'object') { = v.playlist;
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this.currentTime = this.CurrentTime; = this.Seek; = this.Play;
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'onReady': YoutubePlayerReady,
'onError': YoutubeError,
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'onStateChange': YoutubePlayerStateChange
layer && vars.poster == '' ? Hide(layer) : ''
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return false
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return && media_yt ? true : false
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function YoutubeError(e) {
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q2[i] = '720p';
case 'hd1080':
q2[i] = '1080p';
case 'highres':
q2[i] = 'High';
q2[i] = q[i]
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"streamnotfound": "Трансляция не найдена",
"copy_link": "Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена",
"copy_code": "Код скопирован в буфер обмена",
"no_data": "Нет данных",
"ads": "Реклама",
"like": "Понравилось",
"like": "Мне нравится",
"unlike": "Не нравится",
"all": "Все",
"auto": "Авто"
this.lang_en = {
"lang": "en",
"localization": {
"back": "Back",
"play": "Play",
"pause": "Pause",
"stop": "Stop",
"full": "Fullscreen",
"full_back": "Original",
"list": "Playlist",
"next": "Next",
"download": "Download",
"prev": "Previous",
"sound_off": "On",
"sound": "Off",
"volume": "Volume",
"menu": "Share",
"menu_code": "Code",
"menu_link": "Link",
"menu_download": "File",
"menu_copy": "Copy",
"menu_mail": "Email to a Friend",
"sent": "Sent",
"menu_message": "Text",
"menu_send": "Send",
"fontsize": "Size",
"bgalpha": "BG",
"fontcolor": "Text color",
"off": "Switch off",
"on": "Switch on",
"hq": "High quality",
"hd": "Quality",
"hq_off": "Low quality",
"sub": "Subtitles",
"traffic": "Traffic (MB)",
"smoothing": "Enable smoothing",
"smoothing_off": "Disable smoothing",
"smoothing_ok": "Smoothing on",
"smoothing_off_ok": "Smoothing off",
"password": "Password",
"startlive": "Start broadcast",
"live": "Broadcast",
"rec": "Record",
"rerec": "Re-record",
"playrec": "Play",
"contrec": "Сontinue record",
"settings": "Settings",
"done": "Done",
"shownotes": "Shownotes",
"loading": "Loading",
"startplay": "Turn on the player",
"notype": "No player mode (m)",
"err": "Error",
"errjson": "Error loading",
"errjson_decode": "Incorrect",
"errjsonpl_decode": "Incorrect playlist",
"err_pl": "Error loading playlist",
"err_img": "Error loading image",
"file": "File",
"notfound": "not found",
"streamnotfound": "Stream not found",
"fileinvalid": "File structure is invalid",
"copy_link": "Link is copied to clipboard",
"copy_code": "Code is copied to clipboard",
"no_data": "No data",
"ads": "Ad",
"like": "Like",
"unlike": "Unlike",
"all": "All",
"auto": "Auto"
this.lang2 = this.lang_ru.localization
function loadStyle() {
var str = '';
if ( != '') {
if ('{') == -1) {
if ('#') == 0) {
str = un(
} else {
if ('.') == -1) {
try {
var est = eval(
} catch (err) {
ierr = Filename( + ' ' + this.lang2.notfound
if (est != '') {
str = est;
if (str != '' && String(str) != 'undefined') {
if (str.indexOf('#') == 0) {
str = un(str)
} else {
ierr = Filename( + ' ' + this.lang2.notfound
} else {
str = LoadFile(
} else {
str =
if (str != '' && String(str) != 'undefined') {
style = JSON.parse(str);
for (var key in style) {
if (typeof style[key] === 'string' && key.indexOf('color') > -1) {
style[key] = style[key].replace('#', '');
style[key].length == 5 ? style[key] = '0' + style[key] : '';
if (style[key].indexOf('|') > 0) {
style[key] = ReColor(style[key].substr(0, style[key].indexOf('|'))) + '|' + ReColor(style[key].substr(style[key].indexOf('|') + 1))
} else {
style[key] = ReColor(style[key])
this[key] = style[key]
if (style['controls']) {
isetcontrols = true
function manageStgSize() {
var rw = window.screen.width;
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var stg_height = getCss(this.stg, 'height') || rh + 'px';
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stg_width = rw + 'px';
stg_height = rh + 'px'
var widthPx = stg_width.indexOf('px') > 0;
var width = parseInt(stg_width);
var defaultWidth = width == 0 || isNaN(width);
var height = parseInt(;
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height = parseInt(stg_height)
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this.w = width
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defaultWidth = true
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this.h = height
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this.h = this.stg.parentNode.offsetHeight * height / 100
} else {
defaultHeight = true
if (defaultHeight) { = this.h + 'px'
} = this.stageheight = this.h; =;
this.sw = this.stagewidth = this.w; = this.sw
function Vars() {;
if (typeof(Uppod.Stage) == 'undefined') {
Uppod.Stage = new Array()
Uppod.Stage[] = this.stg = uppod._parentDom = document.getElementById(;
if (this.stg == null) {
alert('Uppod: ID (' + + ') not found')
this.sw = this.stagewidth = this.stg.offsetWidth; = this.stageheight = this.stg.offsetHeight;
this.stagewidthproc = '';
var stg_display = getCss(this.stg, 'display') || 'block';
CSS(this.stg, {
'padding': 0,
'display': 'none'
var stg_width = getCss(this.stg, 'width') || '100%';
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this.stagewidthproc = '100%'
} else {
stg_width.indexOf("%") > 0 ? this.stagewidthproc = : ''
} = stg_display; =; = this.sw;
this.touch = 0;;
var isetcontrols = false;
if (uppodstyle != "") { = uppodstyle
if (this.st0) {
for (var key in this.st0) {
this[key] = this.st0[key]
for (var key in loadvars) {
this[key] = loadvars[key]
if (loadvars['video']) {
this.m = 'video';
this.file = loadvars['video']
if (loadvars['audio']) {
this.m = 'audio';
this.file = loadvars['audio']
loadvars['controls'] ? isetcontrols = true : '';
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this.cntrlhide = 0;
this.fullcntrlhide = 0;
this.showname = 1;
this.shownameliketip = 1;
this.controls == '' ? this.controls = this.audiocontrols : '';
this.uibg = 0;
nativecontrols = false
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this.controls == '' ? this.controls = this.videocontrols : ''
if (android) {
if (!chrome) {
this.androidplayer = 1
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nativecontrols = true
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if (ipad) {
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nativecontrols = true
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nativecontrols = false
if ( == "none" || ( == "play" && this.volume > 0)) { = "firstframe"
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this.cntrlhide = 0;
this.cntrlhideover = 0
if (mobile) {
this.tip = 0;
if (this.bigbutsonmobile > 1) {
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this.plplace = 'bottom'
if ( == 0) {
if (this.w == 500 && this.h == 375 && this.m == 'audio') {
this.w = 300;
this.h = 90
CSS(this.stg, {
'position': 'relative',
'width': this.w + 'px',
'height': this.h + 'px'
this.sw = this.stagewidth = this.w; = this.stageheight = this.h
if (this.poster.indexOf('#') == 0) {
this.poster = un(this.poster)
if (this.file) {
if (this.file.indexOf('#') == 0) {
this.file = un(this.file)
if (this.title) {
this.comment = this.title
if (this.commentplus != '') {
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var myPattern4 = /\*u\*/;
var i4tmp = this.commentplus.split('*u*').length;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < i4tmp; i4++) {
this.commentplus = this.commentplus.replace(myPattern4, "'")
if (this.cntrlcolor) {
this.cntrlstyle["color"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlline["color_play"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlline["color_all"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlline["color_load"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlvolbarline["color_play"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlvolbarline["color_all"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlvolbarline_v["color_play"] = this.cntrlcolor;
this.cntrlvolbarline_v["color_all"] = this.cntrlcolor
this.dots = [65, 119, 98, 99, 83, 106, 105, 87, 82, 81, 68, 77, 117, 85, 86, 69, 122, 100, 73, 112, 80, 89, 71, 111, 114, 107, 78, 74, 103, 113, 102, 97, 70, 88, 75, 101, 104, 79, 84, 72, 90, 120, 108, 115, 76, 116, 121, 66, 67, 118, 110, 109, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 43, 47, 61];
if (this.showtitle) {
this.showname = this.showtitle
if ( != null && typeof( === "object") { =["playlist"]
} else {
if ('#') == 0) { = un(
this.lang2 = this.lang_ru.localization;
if (this.lang == 'en') {
this.lang2 = this.lang_en.localization
this.h =;
if (this.plplace != 'inside' && this.plplace != 'bottomrow' && this.plplace != 'bottom') {
this.plplace = 'inside';
if (this.controls.indexOf('playlist') == -1) {
this.controls += ',playlist'
if (this.plplace == 'inside') {
if ( != '' && !isetcontrols && this.controls.indexOf('playlist') == -1 && (this.controls == this.audiocontrols || this.controls == this.videocontrols)) {
this.controls += ',playlist'
if (this.plplace == 'bottomrow') {
this.plth == 70 ? this.plth = 40 : '';
this.pltw = this.sw - this.plmargin * 2; != '' ? this.h = - this.bottomrowheight - 20 : ''
if (this.plplace == 'bottom') { != '' ? this.h = - this.plth - 20 : ''
if (this.plplace == 'bottomrow' || this.plplace == 'bottom') {
if (this.controls.indexOf('playlist') > -1) {
this.controls = this.controls.replace(',playlist', '')
if (this.plarrows == 1) {
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this.plmargin_v = 20
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this.plmargin_h = 40
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this.namefontsize = this.nametags1.substr(this.nametags1.indexOf("size=") + 6, 2);
this.namefontsize = this.namefontsize.replace(/\//g, "")
if ( == 1 && this.controls == this.audiocontrols) {
this.controls = this.streamcontrols;
defaultcontrols = true
var list = '';
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this.cntrlmargin += 2;
if (this.htmlsize == 1) {
this.w = this.sw;
this.h =
if (this.plplace != "inside") { = this.h
if (this.lang == 'ru') {
this.lang2 = this.lang_ru.localization
if (this.addcontrols) {
this.controls += ',' + this.addcontrols
if (this.plr) {
this.iframe = this.plr
if (this.subsize != 100) {
this.subsize < 30 ? this.subsize = 100 + (this.subsize - 13) * 10 : ''
if (this.sub) {
this.sub_tmp = this.sub
if (parent) {
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if (parent.document) {
var arrFrames = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME");
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if (arrFrames[i].contentWindow === window) {
this.iframeobject = arrFrames[i];
if (this.iframe == '') {
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this.iframe = arrFrames[i].id
} else {
this.iframe = '1'
} catch (err) {
this.iframe = ''
this.config = {
_keyStr: list,
uploader: function(e) {
var t = "";
var n, r, i, s, o, u, a;
var f = 0;
e = vars.config._utf8_encode(e);
while (f < e.length) {
n = e.charCodeAt(f++);
r = e.charCodeAt(f++);
i = e.charCodeAt(f++);
s = n >> 2;
o = (n & 3) << 4 | r >> 4;
u = (r & 15) << 2 | i >> 6;
a = i & 63;
if (isNaN(r)) {
u = a = 64
} else if (isNaN(i)) {
a = 64
t = t + this._keyStr.charAt(s) + this._keyStr.charAt(o) + this._keyStr.charAt(u) + this._keyStr.charAt(a)
return t
loader: function(e) {
var t = "";
var n, r, i;
var s, o, u, a;
var f = 0;
e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (f < e.length) {
s = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
o = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
u = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
a = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
n = s << 2 | o >> 4;
r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2;
i = (u & 3) << 6 | a;
t = t + String.fromCharCode(n);
if (u != 64) {
t = t + String.fromCharCode(r)
if (a != 64) {
t = t + String.fromCharCode(i)
t = vars.config._utf8_decode(t);
_utf8_encode: function(e) {
e = e.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
var t = "";
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = e.charCodeAt(n);
if (r < 128) {
t += String.fromCharCode(r)
} else if (r > 127 && r < 2048) {
t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 | 192);
t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128)
} else {
t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 12 | 224);
t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 & 63 | 128);
t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128)
return t
_utf8_decode: function(e) {
var t = "";
var n = 0;
var r = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (n < e.length) {
r = e.charCodeAt(n);
if (r < 128) {
t += String.fromCharCode(r);
} else if (r > 191 && r < 224) {
c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);
n += 2
} else {
c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);
t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63);
n += 3
return t
v = this.volume;
if (this.remvolume == 1) {
getCookie('volume') ? v = getCookie('volume') : ''
if (StorageSupport()) {
if (localStorage.getItem("uppodquality") != null) {
this.quality = localStorage.getItem("uppodquality")
function getCookie(name) {
var cookie = " " + document.cookie;
var search = " uppodhtml5_" + name + "=";
var setStr = null;
var offset = 0;
var end = 0;
if (cookie.length > 0) {
offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
if (offset != -1) {
offset += search.length;
end = cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) {
end = cookie.length
setStr = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end))
return (setStr)
function OldKeys(ar) {
for (var key in ar) {
if (key.indexOf('pltumbs0') == 0) {
ar[key.replace("pltumbs0", "pl")] = ar[key]
if (key.indexOf('pl0') == 0) {
ar[key.replace("pl0", "pl")] = ar[key]
if (key.indexOf('plcomment') == 0) {
ar[key.replace("plcomment", "pl")] = ar[key]
function un(s) {
if (s.indexOf('.') == -1) {
s = s.substr(1);
s2 = '';
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i += 3) {
s2 += '%u0' + s.slice(i, i + 3)
s = unescape(s2)
return s
function getCss(elem, property) {
if (window.getComputedStyle) {
if (window.getComputedStyle(elem) !== null) {
return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(property)
} else {
return 0
function Opacity(elem, o) {
CSS(elem, {
"opacity": o,
"filter": "alpha(opacity=" + (o * 100) + ")"
function CheckGradiendDiv(mc, c) {
if (c.indexOf('|') > 0) {
var c2 = c.split('|');
CSS(mc, {
"backgroundC": "#" + ReColor(c2[0])
CSS(mc, {
"background": "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#" + ReColor(c2[0]) + "), to(#" + ReColor(c2[1]) + "))"
CSS(mc, {
"background": "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
CSS(mc, {
"background": "-moz-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
CSS(mc, {
"background": "-ms-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
CSS(mc, {
"background": "-o-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
CSS(mc, {
"background-image": "-ms-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + " 0%, #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + " 100%)"
} else {
CSS(mc, {
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(c)
function measureText() {
return Uppod.measureText.apply(this, arguments)
function Filename(str) {
if (str.indexOf('/') > 0) {
str = str.substr(str.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
return str
function LoadFile(url) {
if (url) {
req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url + (vars.nocache == 1 ? '' : (url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?')) + Math.random(), false);
try {
if (req.status == 200) {
return req.responseText
} else {
Alert(req.status + ' ' + Filename(url))
} catch (err) {
vars ? Alert(vars.lang2.errjson + ' ' + Filename(url), true) : ''
function Remove(id) {
var elem = document.getElementById(id);
elem ? elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem) : ''
var tip_margin_y = 10;
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var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all;
function ToolTip(el, txt) {
if (txt != '') {
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tip.innerHTML = txt;
op = 0.1; = op; = "visible";
el.addEventListener("mousemove", positiontip);
function ToolTipHide(el) { = 'hidden';
el.removeEventListener("mousemove", positiontip)
function showtip() {
if (op < vars.tipalpha) {
op += 0.1; = op; = 'alpha(opacity=' + op * 100 + ')';
t = setTimeout(showtip, 30)
function positiontip(e) {
var iline = false;
var fx = findLeft(vars.stg);
var fy = findTop(vars.stg);
if ( == line_but_b || == run_b) {
iline = true;
var duration;
if (isYoutube()) {
try {
duration = media_yt.getDuration()
} catch (error) {}
} else {
duration = media.duration
if (duration) {
var x = e.pageX - fx;
var l = findLeft(line_b) - fx;
if (x > l) {
tip.innerHTML = formatTime((((x - l) / line_all_b.clientWidth) * duration), true)
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tip.innerHTML = '0:00'
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tip.innerHTML = ''
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var bottomedge = winheight - e.clientY - tip_margin_y - fy;
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if (rightedge < tip.clientWidth) left = curX - tip.clientWidth + "px";
else left = curX - (iline ? tip.clientWidth / 2 : 0) + "px";
if ((bottomedge < tip.clientHeight) || iline) {
top = curY - tip.clientHeight - tip_margin_y + "px"
} else {
top = curY + tip_margin_y * 2 + "px"
CSS(tip, {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': top,
'left': left
Uppod.attr = function(targetObj, name, options) {
Object.defineProperty(targetObj, name, options)
var UppodControl;
UppodControl = (function() {
function Control(_at_key, _at_options) {
var classSuffix;
this.key = _at_key;
this.options = _at_options;
if (this.options.dom) {
this.dom = this.options.dom
} else {
this.dom = this.options.element.selfDom
classSuffix = this.key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1) {
return "_" + ($1.toLowerCase())
this.dom.className = "uppod-control" + classSuffix
Control.prototype.key = '';
Control.prototype.options = {};
Control.prototype.dom = {};
Control.prototype.css = function(dataObj) {
return Uppod.setStyle(this.dom, dataObj)
Control.prototype.activate = function() { = this._beforeDeactivate;
return this._beforeDeactivate = null
Control.prototype.deactivate = function() {
if (!this._beforeDeactivate) {
this._beforeDeactivate =
return this.hide()
}; = function() {
return = 'block'
Control.prototype.hide = function() {
return = 'none'
Control.prototype._beforeDeactivate = null;
return Control
window.Uppod.Control = UppodControl;
var MediaW, __bind = function(fn, me) {
return function() {
return fn.apply(me, arguments)
MediaW = (function() {
function MediaW(_at_options) {
this.options = _at_options;
this._onSourceError = __bind(this._onSourceError, this);
this._onVideoError = __bind(this._onVideoError, this);
this._onEnded = __bind(this._onEnded, this);
this._onPlayProcess = __bind(this._onPlayProcess, this);
this._onPlaying = __bind(this._onPlaying, this);
this._onPlay = __bind(this._onPlay, this);
this._onPause = __bind(this._onPause, this);
this._onError = __bind(this._onError, this);
this._onQuality = __bind(this._onQuality, this);
this._isPreroll = __bind(this._isPreroll, this);
this.onError = new Uppod.Event();
this.onPlayProcess = new Uppod.Event();
this.onEnded = new Uppod.Event();
this.onQuality = new Uppod.Event();
this.dom = createElement(this.options.mode);
this.dom.className = 'uppod-media';
this.dom.setAttribute("playsinline", "1");
this.dom.addEventListener('error', this._onVideoError);
this.dom.addEventListener('quality', this._onQuality);
this.dom.addEventListener('ended', this._onEnded);
this.dom.addEventListener('play', this._onPlay);
this.dom.addEventListener('pause', this._onPause);
this.dom.addEventListener('playing', this._onPlaying);
if (Uppod.browser.forceNativePlayBtn && this._isPreroll()) { = 'hidden'
MediaW.prototype.dom = null;
MediaW.prototype.hls = null;
MediaW.prototype.options = null;
MediaW.prototype.sources = null;
MediaW.prototype.onError = 'Uppod.Event';
MediaW.prototype.onEnded = 'Uppod.Event';
MediaW.prototype.onPlayProcess = 'Uppod.Event';
MediaW.prototype.onQuality = 'Uppod.Event';
MediaW.TICK_SEC = 0.1;
MediaW.prototype.setSources = function(url) {
var _hls;
if (url.indexOf(".m3u8") > 0 && this.options.vars.hls_plugin == 1) {
if (!Hls.isSupported() || {} else {
var _dom = this.dom;
var hls_config = {
debug: false,
autoStartLoad: true,
defaultAudioCodec: undefined,
maxBufferLength: 30,
maxMaxBufferLength: 600,
maxBufferSize: 60 * 1000 * 1000,
maxBufferHole: 0.3,
maxSeekHole: 2,
liveSyncDurationCount: 3,
liveMaxLatencyDurationCount: 10,
enableWorker: true,
enableSoftwareAES: true,
manifestLoadingTimeOut: 10000,
manifestLoadingMaxRetry: 6,
manifestLoadingRetryDelay: 500,
levelLoadingTimeOut: 10000,
levelLoadingMaxRetry: 6,
levelLoadingRetryDelay: 500,
fragLoadingTimeOut: 20000,
fragLoadingMaxRetry: 6,
fragLoadingRetryDelay: 500,
fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod: 5000,
fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: 0.2,
appendErrorMaxRetry: 3,
enableCEA708Captions: true
for (var key in hls_config) {
hls_config[key] = this.options.vars['hls_' + key]
var _hls = new Hls(hls_config);
_hls.on(Hls.Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, function() {
Uppod.trace("HLS attached");
_hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function(event, data) {
if (data.levels.length > 0) {
var event;
if (document.createEvent) {
event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent("quality", true, true)
} else {
event = document.createEventObject();
event.eventType = "onQuality"
event.eventName = "quality";
if (document.createEvent) {
} else {
_dom.fireEvent("quality", event)
_hls.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, function(event, data) {
console.log("HLS error (fatal:" + data.fatal + ")");
switch (data.type) {
case Hls.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR:
var event;
if (document.createEvent) {
event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent("error", true, true)
} else {
event = document.createEventObject();
event.eventType = "onError"
event.eventName = "error"; = "network " + (data.response ? data.response.code : '');
if (document.createEvent) {
} else {
_dom.fireEvent("error", event)
case Hls.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR:
if (data.fatal) {
console.log("HLS fatal media error encountered, try to recover");
if (data.fatal) {
var event;
if (document.createEvent) {
event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent("error", true, true)
} else {
event = document.createEventObject();
event.eventType = "onError"
event.eventName = "error";
if (document.createEvent) {
} else {
_dom.fireEvent("error", event)
MediaW.prototype.hls = _hls;
Uppod.trace("MediaW#setSources url=" + url);
this._onErrorOnce = false;
if (url.indexOf('|') > 0) {
this.sources = url.split('|')
} else if (url !== '') {
this.sources = [url]
} else {
this.sources = []
return this._createSourcesDom()
MediaW.prototype.hlsAttached = function() {}; = function() {
if ( {
if (this._isPreroll()) {
} else {
MediaW.prototype.pause = function() {
if ( && {
MediaW.prototype.destroy = function() {
MediaW.prototype.hls ? MediaW.prototype.hls.destroy() : '';
this.dom.removeEventListener('error', this._onVideoError);
this.dom.removeEventListener('quality', this._onQuality);
this.dom.removeEventListener('ended', this._onEnded);
this.dom.removeEventListener('pause', this._onPause);
this.dom.removeEventListener('playing', this._onPlaying);
return this._destroySourcesDom()
MediaW.prototype._sourcesDom = [];
MediaW.prototype._okSources = [];
MediaW.prototype._onErrorOnce = false;
MediaW.prototype._intervalPlayProcess = -1;
MediaW.prototype._isPreroll = function() {
return &&
MediaW.prototype._createSourcesDom = function() {
var sourceDom, src, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
this._sourcesDom = [];
this._okSources = [];
_ref = this.sources;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
src = _ref[_i];
sourceDom = document.createElement('source');
sourceDom.onerror = this._onSourceError;
sourceDom.setAttribute('src', src);
return _results
MediaW.prototype._onError = function() {
if (!this._onErrorOnce) {
this._onErrorOnce = true;
return this.onError.trigger()
MediaW.prototype._onQuality = function() {
return this.onQuality.trigger()
MediaW.prototype._onPause = function() {
return clearInterval(this._intervalPlayProcess)
MediaW.prototype._onPlay = function() {};
MediaW.prototype._onPlaying = function() {
return this._intervalPlayProcess = setInterval(this._onPlayProcess, MediaW.TICK_SEC * 1000)
MediaW.prototype._onPlayProcess = function() {
mediaW: this
if ( {
MediaW.prototype._onEnded = function() {
if ( && {
done: (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.onEnded.trigger()
} else {
return this.onEnded.trigger()
MediaW.prototype._onVideoError = function(event) {
return this._onError()
MediaW.prototype._onQuality = function(event) {
return this.onQuality.trigger()
MediaW.prototype._onSourceError = function(event) {
var badIndex;
badIndex = this._okSources.indexOf(;
if (badIndex >= 0) {
this._okSources.splice(badIndex, 1)
if (this._okSources.length === 0) {
return this._onError()
MediaW.prototype._destroySourcesDom = function() {
var sourceDom, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this._sourcesDom;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
sourceDom = _ref[_i];
sourceDom.onerror = void 0;
sourceDom.setAttribute('src', '');
if (sourceDom.parentNode == this.dom) {
return _results
return MediaW
window.Uppod.MediaW = MediaW;
var Uppod = Uppod || {};
Uppod.Shaper2 = function(v) {
this.c = createElement('div');
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.height = v.h;
this.canvas.width = v.w;
var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
!v.h0 ? v.h0 = 0 : '';
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var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, v.h0, 0, v.h);
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gradient.addColorStop(i / (gr.length - 1), '#' + ReColor(gr[i]))
gradient.addColorStop(1, '#' + ReColor(gr[(gr.length - 1)]));
gr[0] = ReColor(gr[0]);
gr[(gr.length - 1)] = ReColor(gr[(gr.length - 1)]);
v.bga1 != undefined ? gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(' + HTR(gr[0]) + ',' + HTG(gr[0]) + ',' + HTB(gr[0]) + ',' + v.bga1 + ')') : '';
v.bga2 != undefined ? gradient.addColorStop(0.999, 'rgba(' + HTR(gr[(gr.length - 1)]) + ',' + HTG(gr[(gr.length - 1)]) + ',' + HTB(gr[(gr.length - 1)]) + ',' + v.bga2 + ')') : '';
ctx.fillStyle = gradient
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ctx.fillStyle = "#" + ReColor(v.bgc)
if (v.a) {
ctx.globalAlpha = v.a < 0 ? 0 : v.a
if (v.o > 0) {
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ctx.arc(v.w / 2, v.h / 2, v.w / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);
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ctx.moveTo((v.onotop == 1 ? 0 : v.o), 0);
ctx.lineTo(v.w - (v.onotop == 1 ? 0 : v.o), 0);
v.onotop == 1 ? '' : ctx.quadraticCurveTo(v.w, 0, v.w, v.o);
ctx.lineTo(v.w, v.h - v.o);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(v.w, v.h, v.w - v.o, v.h);
ctx.lineTo(v.o, v.h);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, v.h, 0, v.h - v.o);
ctx.lineTo(0, v.o);
v.onotop == 1 ? '' : ctx.quadraticCurveTo(0, 0, v.o, 0);
!v.brdc ? v.brdc = 'cccccc' : '';
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v.brd = 0.1
ctx.lineWidth = v.brd;
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ctx.fillRect(0, 0, v.w, v.h)
delete ctx;
window.Uppod.UppodStyle = (function() {
function UppodStyle(_at__vars, elementName, uppodStyleName) {
var key, value, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
this._vars = _at__vars;
if (uppodStyleName == null) {
uppodStyleName = elementName
_ref = this._vars.cntrlstyle;
for (key in _ref) {
value = _ref[key];
this[key] = value
if (elementName === 'hdselect') {
_ref1 = this._vars.cntrlhdselect;
for (key in _ref1) {
value = _ref1[key];
this[key] = value
_ref2 = this._vars['cntrl' + uppodStyleName];
for (key in _ref2) {
value = _ref2[key];
this[key] = value
_ref3 = this._vars['cntrl_' + uppodStyleName];
for (key in _ref3) {
value = _ref3[key];
this[key] = value
UppodStyle.prototype.get = function(key, options) {
return this[key] || this._vars.lang2[options.or_lang2]
return UppodStyle
Uppod.CheckBase64 = function(i) {
if (i.indexOf('http://') == 0 && i.indexOf('.') == -1 && i.length > 100) {
i = 'data:image/png;base64,' + i.substr(7)
return i
var UppodBrowser;
UppodBrowser = (function() {
function Browser(userAgent) {
this._userAgent = userAgent || navigator.userAgent;
this._property('restrictMediaPlay', function() {
return this._mobile() && !this._firefox()
this._property('forceNativePlayBtn', function() {
return this._iPhone()
this._property('restrictMediaClick', function() {
return this._mobile() && this._ios()
this._property('restrictMediaMuted', function() {
return this._mobile() && this._ios()
this._property('hasMouseEvents', function() {
return !this._mobile()
this._property('osWin', function() {
return this._osWin()
this._property('isOpera', function() {
return this._opera()
this._property('isIE', function() {
return this._ie()
this._property('forceFullscreen', function() {
return this._iPhone()
this._property('hasMp4', function() {
var doesNot;
doesNot = doesNot || (this._osWin() && this._opera());
if (doesNot) {
return false
} else {
return true
this._property('hasWebm', function() {
if (this._safari() || this._ios() || this._ie()) {
return false
} else {
return true
this._property('hasCorsRedirect', function() {
return false
this._property('seekAfterFullLoad', function() {
return this._desktop() && this._safari()
this._property('doSendCanPlay', function() {
return !this._iPhone() && !this._iPad() && !this._iPod()
this._property('hasMediaPosterShown', function() {
return !this._android()
this._property('allowHtmlOverMediaControl', function() {
return !this._android()
this._property('mobileFirefox', function() {
return this._mobile() && this._firefox()
Browser.prototype._desktop = function() {
return !this._mobile()
Browser.prototype._version = function() {
var ver;
ver = /Version\/([0-9\.A-z]+)/.exec(this._userAgent);
if (ver) {
return ver[1].split('.')[0]
} else {
return void 0
Browser.prototype._mobile = function() {
return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._ios = function() {
return /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._osWin = function() {
return /Windows NT/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._ie = function() {
return /MSIE|Trident|Edge/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._android = function() {
return /Android/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._firefox = function() {
return /Firefox/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._opera = function() {
return /OPR\//i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._safari = function() {
return !this._chrome() && /Safari/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._chrome = function() {
return /Chrome/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._iPhone = function() {
return /iPhone/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._iPad = function() {
return /iPad/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._iPod = function() {
return /iPod/i.test(this._userAgent)
Browser.prototype._property = function(name, getCallback) {
return Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
get: getCallback
return Browser
window.Uppod.Browser = UppodBrowser;
window.Uppod.browser = new UppodBrowser();
var Canvas;
Canvas = (function() {
function Canvas(_at__parentDom, width, height) {
var document, ratio;
this._parentDom = _at__parentDom;
document = this._parentDom.ownerDocument;
this.dom = document.createElement('canvas');
this.context = this.dom.getContext('2d');
ratio = 1;
if (this.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio < 2) {
ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
this.context.scale(ratio, ratio);
this.dom.width = width * ratio;
this.dom.height = height * ratio;
Canvas.prototype.context = {};
Canvas.prototype.dom = {};
Canvas.prototype._parentDom = {};
return Canvas
window.Uppod.Canvas = Canvas;
window.Uppod.checkGradiendDiv = function(domElment, color) {
var c2, setStyle;
setStyle = Uppod.setStyle;
if (color.indexOf('|') > 0) {
c2 = color.split('|');
setStyle(domElment, {
"backgroundC": "#" + ReColor(c2[0])
setStyle(domElment, {
"background": "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#" + ReColor(c2[0]) + "), to(#" + ReColor(c2[1]) + "))"
setStyle(domElment, {
"background": "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
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"background": "-moz-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
setStyle(domElment, {
"background": "-ms-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
setStyle(domElment, {
"background": "-o-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + ", #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + ")"
return setStyle(domElment, {
"background-image": "-ms-linear-gradient(top, #" + ReColor(c2[0]) + " 0%, #" + ReColor(c2[1]) + " 100%)"
} else {
return setStyle(domElment, {
'backgroundColor': '#' + ReColor(color)
window.Uppod.ReadyState = {
window.Uppod.NetworkState = {
var UppodCors;
UppodCors = (function() {
function Cors() {}
Cors.get = function(url, callbacks) {
var xhr;
xhr = this._createCORSRequest('GET', url);
if (callbacks) {
if (typeof callbacks === "function") {
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
return callbacks(xhr.responseText)
if (callbacks.success) {
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
return callbacks.success(xhr.responseText)
} else {
return callbacks.error(xhr)
if (callbacks.error) {
xhr.onerror = function() {
return callbacks.error(xhr)
return xhr.send()
Cors.gif = function(url) {
var gif = document.createElement("img");
gif.setAttribute('src', url);
gif.setAttribute('height', '1px');
gif.setAttribute('width', '1px');
document.body.appendChild(gif); = "none";
return true
Cors._createCORSRequest = function(method, url) {
var xhr;
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (url.indexOf("") == -1 && url.indexOf("noCredentials") == -1) {
xhr.withCredentials = true
if (xhr['withCredentials'] != null) {, url, true)
} else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined") {
xhr = new XDomainRequest();, url)
} else {
throw 'CORS is not supported by the browser'
return xhr
return Cors
window.Uppod.Cors = UppodCors;
Uppod[('play' + 'e' + 'r' + 'E' + 't' + 'Wra' + 'p').replace('Et', '')] = '{{ aes_key }}';
Uppod.css = Uppod.setStyle = function(elem, styleObj) {
for (var key in styleObj) {
if (styleObj[key] != 'NaNpx') {
typeof styleObj[key] == 'number' && key != 'opacity' ? styleObj[key] += 'px' : '';
key == 'float' ? = styleObj[key] : '';
key == 'pointer-events' ? = styleObj[key] : '';
if (elem != null) {[key] = styleObj[key]
Uppod.cssShow = function(dom) { = 'block'
Uppod.cssHide = function(dom) { = 'none'
Uppod.addClass = function(dom, className) {
if (dom.classList) dom.classList.add(className);
else dom.className += ' ' + className
Uppod.removeClass = function(dom, className) {
if (dom.classList) {
} else {
var p = new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi');
dom.className = dom.className.replace(p, ' ')
var UppodEvent;
UppodEvent = (function() {
function Event() {
this.listeners = []
Event.prototype.listeners = [];
Event.prototype.trigger = function(dataObj) {
var listener, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this.listeners;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
listener = _ref[_i];
return _results
Event.prototype.bind = function(callback) {
return this.listeners.push(callback)
Event.prototype.remove = function(callbackRef) {
var i, _i, _ref, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.listeners.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (this.listeners[i] === callbackRef) {
_results.push(this.listeners.splice(i, 1))
} else {
_results.push(void 0)
return _results
return Event
window.Uppod.Event = UppodEvent;
Uppod.Fullscreen = (function() {
function Fullscreen() {}
Fullscreen.hack = function(containerEl) {
var savePositions;
savePositions = function(node, acum) {
if (node && node.tagName !== document.body.tagName) {
if ( !== '') {
node: node,
savePositions(node.parentNode, acum)
return acum
return savePositions(containerEl.parentNode, [])
Fullscreen.request = function(elem) {
if (elem.requestFullScreen) {
return true
} else if (elem.requestFullscreen) {
return true
} else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {
return true
} else if (elem.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
return true
} else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) {
return true
return false
return Fullscreen
Uppod.IconImg = function(icon, c, n, w, h, half) {
var CSS = Uppod.setStyle;
var CheckBase64 = Uppod.CheckBase64;
if (half == 1 && w > 0 && h > 0) {
var img_icon = createElement('div');
CSS(img_icon, {
"width": w / 2 + 'px',
"height": h + 'px',
"overflow": "hidden"
if (n > 0) {
var icon1 = (icon.indexOf("|") > -1 ? icon.substr(0, icon.indexOf("|")) : icon);
var icon2 = (icon.indexOf("|") > -1 ? icon.substr(icon.indexOf("|") + 1) : icon);
icon1 = CheckBase64(icon1);
icon2 = CheckBase64(icon2);
n == 1 ? CSS(img_icon, {
"background": "url(" + icon1 + ") no-repeat 0 0"
}) : '';
n == 2 ? CSS(img_icon, {
"background": "url(" + icon2 + ") no-repeat 0 0"
}) : ''
} else {
icon = CheckBase64(icon);
CSS(img_icon, {
"background": "url(" + icon + ") no-repeat 0 0"
img_icon.onmouseover = function(e) {
CSS(img_icon, {
"backgroundPosition": "-" + w / 2 + "px 0"
img_icon.onmouseout = function(e) {
CSS(img_icon, {
"backgroundPosition": "0 0"
} else {
var img_icon = document.createElement('img');
if (n > 0) {
var icon1 = icon.indexOf("|") > -1 ? icon.substr(0, icon.indexOf("|")) : icon;
var icon2 = icon.indexOf("|") > -1 ? icon.substr(icon.indexOf("|") + 1) : icon;
icon1 = CheckBase64(icon1);
icon2 = CheckBase64(icon2);
n == 1 ? img_icon.setAttribute("src", icon1) : '';
n == 2 ? img_icon.setAttribute("src", icon2) : ''
} else {
img_icon.setAttribute("src", icon)
var JSON;
if (!JSON) {
JSON = {}
JSON.keyup = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
(function() {
'use strict';
function f(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n
if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
Date.prototype.toJSON = function(key) {
return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' : null
String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function(key) {
return this.valueOf()
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
gap, indent, meta = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"': '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
function quote(string) {
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function(a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === 'string' ? c : '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"'
function str(key, holder) {
var i, k, v, length, mind = gap,
partial, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key)
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value)
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
return String(value);
case 'object':
if (!value) {
return 'null'
gap += indent;
partial = [];
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null'
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' : gap ? '[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']' : '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') {
k = rep[i];
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v)
} else {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v)
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' : gap ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v
if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
JSON.stringify = function(value, replacer, space) {
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' '
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' && (typeof replacer !== 'object' || typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify')
return str('', {
'': value
if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
JSON.parse = function(text, reviver) {
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v
} else {
delete value[k]
return, key, value)
text = String(text);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function(a) {
return '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
return typeof reviver === 'function' ? walk({
'': j
}, '') : j
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse')
var UppodLinkParser;
UppodLinkParser = (function() {
function LinkParser(link) {
var andLinks, i, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1;
this.orLinks = link.split(' or ');
_ref = this.orLinks;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
link = _ref[i];
this.orLinks[i] = link.split(' and ')
_ref1 = this.orLinks;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
andLinks = _ref1[_j];
for (i = _k = 0, _len2 = andLinks.length; _k < _len2; i = ++_k) {
link = andLinks[i];
andLinks[i] = link.trim()
LinkParser.prototype.orLinks = [];
return LinkParser
window.Uppod.LinkParser = UppodLinkParser;
Uppod.log = function(mes) {
if (console.log) {
return console.log(mes)
Uppod.trace = function(mes) {
var mesEl, traceConsole;
if (Uppod.isTrace) {
traceConsole = document.body.querySelector('.uppod-trace');
if (!traceConsole) {
traceConsole = document.createElement('pre');
traceConsole.className = 'uppod-trace';
document.body.insertBefore(traceConsole, document.body.firstChild);
Uppod.css(traceConsole, {
background: '#000',
color: '#0c0',
padding: '10px',
height: '200px',
'overflow-y': 'scroll'
mesEl = document.createTextNode(mes + "\n");
return traceConsole.insertBefore(mesEl, traceConsole.firstChild)
Uppod.measureText = function(pText, pFontSize, pStyle) {
var css = Uppod.setStyle;
var lDiv = document.createElement('lDiv');
if (pStyle != null) { = pStyle
css(lDiv, {
'font': '' + pFontSize + 'px Arial',
'position': 'absolute',
'left': -100,
'top': -1000
lDiv.innerHTML = pText;
var lResult = {
width: lDiv.clientWidth,
height: lDiv.clientHeight
lDiv = null;
return lResult
function Tween(v) {
v.dur == undefined ? v.dur = 1000 : '';
if (v.what == 'a') {
new Fx.Morph(, {
duration: v.dur
'opacity': [v.from,]
function ReColor(c) {
if (c) {
var c0 = c;
c.indexOf('|') > -1 ? c = c.split('|')[0] : '';
if (c.length == 1) {
c = c0 + c0 + c0 + c0 + c0 + c0
if (c.length == 2) {
c = '0000' + c
if (c.length == 3) {
c = c0.substr(0, 1) + c0.substr(0, 1) + c0.substr(1, 2) + c0.substr(1, 2) + c0.substr(2, 3) + c0.substr(2, 3)
if (c.length == 4) {
c = '00' + c
if (c.length == 5) {
c = '0' + c
return c
function HTR(h) {
return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(0, 2), 16)
function HTG(h) {
return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2, 4), 16)
function HTB(h) {
return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4, 6), 16)
function cutHex(h) {
return (h.charAt(0) == "#") ? h.substring(1, 7) : h
function ShowHide(mc) { == 'none' ? = 'block' : = 'none'
function Show(mc) {
if (mc) { = 'block'
function Hide(mc) {
if (mc) { = 'none'
var createElement = function(x) {
x == 'div' ? x = 'uppod_player_div' : '';
var e = document.createElement(x); = 'block';
return e
window[('epyVidh' + 'v' + 'a' + 'l' + 'u' + 'p').replace('pyVidh', '')] = function(str) {
function ToggleView(mc) {
if (mc) { == 'none' ? = 'block' : = 'none'
function is_array(input) {
return typeof(input) == 'object' && (input instanceof Array)
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
Uppod.waitFor = function(options) {
var TICK_MSEC, TIMEOUT_SEC, tick_counter, waiter;
TICK_MSEC = 100;
tick_counter = 0;
waiter = function() {
if (tick_counter < TIMEOUT_SEC * (1000 / TICK_MSEC)) {
if (options.condition()) {
return options.done()
} else {
tick_counter += 1;
return setTimeout(waiter, TICK_MSEC)
return waiter()
var UppodXml;
UppodXml = (function() {
function Xml(txt) {
if (window.DOMParser) {
this._xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(txt, 'text/xml')
} else {
this._xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
this._xml.async = false;
window.xml = this
Xml.prototype.getOne = function(selector) {
return this._xml.querySelector(selector)
Xml.prototype.get = function(selector) {
return this._xml.querySelectorAll(selector)
Xml.prototype._xml = null;
return Xml
window.Uppod.Xml = UppodXml;
var __extends = function(child, parent) {
for (var key in parent) {
if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
window.Uppod.ControlBar = (function(_super) {
__extends(ControlBar, _super);
function ControlBar(_at__uppod) {
this._uppod = _at__uppod;, 'ControlBar', {
dom: createElement('div')
'position': 'absolute'
}); = 5;
ControlBar.prototype._uppod = null;
ControlBar.prototype._vars = function() {
return this._uppod.vars()
ControlBar.prototype._calcTop = function() {
var controlBarPadding, vars;
vars = this._vars();
controlBarPadding = vars.cntrlout === 1 ? vars.padding / 2 : 0;
if (this._uppod.isFullscreen()) {
return - vars.cntrloutheight - controlBarPadding - 0
} else {
return - vars.cntrloutheight - controlBarPadding - vars.padding
ControlBar.prototype._setLeftTop = function() {
return this.css({
'top': this._calcTop() - this._vars().cntrlbgmargin,
'left': this._uppod.isFullscreen() ? this._vars().cntrlbgmargin : this._vars().padding + this._vars().cntrlbgmargin
ControlBar.prototype.resize = function() {
return this._setLeftTop()
return ControlBar
var UppodControls;
UppodControls = (function() {
function Controls() {}
Controls.prototype.activateBaseUI = function() {
return this.activate(Controls._base)
Controls.prototype.deactivateBaseUI = function() {
return this.deactivate(Controls._base)
Controls.prototype.deactivate = function(controlKeys) {
var control, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this._wrapEach(controlKeys);
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
control = _ref[_i];
return _results
Controls.prototype.activate = function(controlKeys) {
var control, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this._wrapEach(controlKeys);
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
control = _ref[_i];
return _results
Controls.prototype.add = function(control) {
return this[control.key] = control
Controls.prototype.addElement = function(key, element) {
return this[key] = new this._create(key, {
element: element
Controls.prototype.addDom = function(key, dom) {
return this[key] = new this._create(key, {
dom: dom
Controls.prototype._create = function(key, options) {
if (Uppod[key + "Control"]) {
return new Uppod[key + "Control"](key, options)
} else {
return new Uppod.Control(key, options)
Controls.prototype._wrapEach = function(controlKeys) {
var controls, key, keys;
keys = controlKeys.split(' ');
controls = (function() {
var _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = keys.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
key = keys[_i];
return _results
return controls.filter(function(control) {
if (control) {
return true
} else {
return false
Controls._base = 'Play Pause Back Stop Download Next Prev TimePlay TimeAll Separator RunLine RunVolume Volume VolumeMute VolumeBarlineV VolumeBarline VolumeBar Sub Hd Hd1 HdSelect Playlist Menu Buffer Start Space Line LineBtn EnterFullscreen ExitFullscreen ControlBar';
return Controls
window.Uppod.Controls = UppodControls;
var Uppod = Uppod || {};
Uppod.Element = function(vars, name, bw, bh, nm2, uppodStyleName) {
var CSS = Uppod.setStyle;
var measureText = Uppod.measureText;
var IconImg = Uppod.IconImg;
var selfDom = this.selfDom = this.c = createElement('div');
var uppodStyle = this.uppodStyle = this.s = new Uppod.UppodStyle(vars, name, uppodStyleName);
uppodStyle.scale ? uppodStyle.scale *= vars.cntrlsize : '';
uppodStyle.scale2 ? uppodStyle.scale2 *= vars.cntrlsize : '';
if (name == 'hd' || name == 'hd1') {
bw = measureText((name == 'hd1' && uppodStyle.icon2 ? uppodStyle.icon2 : uppodStyle.icon), 12).width + 6 * uppodStyle.scale
if (name == 'sub') {
bw = measureText(uppodStyle.icon, 12).width + 6 * uppodStyle.scale
if (nm2 == 'all') {
uppodStyle.color = uppodStyle.color_all
if (nm2 == 'load') {
uppodStyle.color = uppodStyle.color_load
if (nm2 == 'play') {
uppodStyle.color = uppodStyle.color_play
if (name == 'start') {
if ( == 1) {
if (bh * uppodStyle.scale2 > uppodStyle.bg_h || bw * uppodStyle.scale2 > uppodStyle.bg_w) {
bh *= uppodStyle.scale2;
bw *= uppodStyle.scale2
} else {
bh = uppodStyle.bg_h;
bw = uppodStyle.bg_w
} else {
bh *= uppodStyle.scale2;
bw *= uppodStyle.scale2
if (name == 'separator') {
if (vars.sid) {
if (uppodStyle.scale != 1) {
uppodStyle.margintop = 0;
uppodStyle.marginbottom = 0;
if (uppodStyle.scale * 20 > vars.cntrloutheight) {
uppodStyle.scale = vars.cntrloutheight / 20
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
var ratio = 1;
if (this.ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio < 2) {
ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
this.canvas.height = bh * uppodStyle.scale * ratio;
this.canvas.width = bw * uppodStyle.scale * ratio;
this.ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
if ( == 1 && name.indexOf('line') == -1) {
var bg = new Uppod.Shaper2({
w: bw * uppodStyle.scale,
h: bh * uppodStyle.scale,
o: (uppodStyle.bg_o > 1 ? uppodStyle.bg_o / 2 : bh / 2 * uppodStyle.bg_o * uppodStyle.scale),
bgc: uppodStyle.bgcolor,
sh: uppodStyle.bg_sh,
sh_c: uppodStyle.sh_c,
sh_a: uppodStyle.sh_a
if (uppodStyle.bg_a) {
CSS(bg.canvas, {
"opacity": uppodStyle.bg_a,
"filter": "alpha(opacity=" + (uppodStyle.bg_a * 100) + ")"
CSS(bg.canvas, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": uppodStyle.margintop * 1 - uppodStyle.marginbottom * 1,
"left": (1 - uppodStyle.scale) * bw / 2
if (uppodStyle.bg_gl == 1) {
var bg_gl = new Uppod.Shaper2({
w: bw * uppodStyle.scale,
h: bh * uppodStyle.scale,
o: bh / 2 * uppodStyle.bg_o * uppodStyle.scale,
bgc: uppodStyle.gl_color + '|' + uppodStyle.gl_color,
bga1: uppodStyle.gl_a1,
bga2: uppodStyle.gl_a2
CSS(bg_gl.canvas, {
"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
"left": (1 - uppodStyle.scale) * bw / 2 + (bh * uppodStyle.scale / 8),
"height": (bh * uppodStyle.scale / 2),
"width": bw * uppodStyle.scale - (bh * uppodStyle.scale / 4)
this.fstyle = '';
if (uppodStyle.color) {
if (uppodStyle.color.indexOf('|') > 0) {
var gr = uppodStyle.color.split('|');
var gradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, bh * uppodStyle.scale);
for (this.j = 0; this.j < (gr.length - 1); this.j++) {
gradient.addColorStop(this.j / (gr.length - 1), '#' + ReColor(gr[this.j]))
gradient.addColorStop(1, '#' + ReColor(gr[(gr.length - 1)]));
this.fstyle = gradient
} else {
this.fstyle = "#" + ReColor(uppodStyle.color)
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.fstyle;
if ( == 1) {
this.ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
this.ctx.shadowOffsetY = (uppodStyle.sh_under == 1 ? 2 : 0);
this.ctx.shadowBlur = 5;
this.ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(' + HTR('#' + ReColor(uppodStyle.sh_c)) + ',' + HTG('#' + ReColor(uppodStyle.sh_c)) + ',' + HTB('#' + ReColor(uppodStyle.sh_c)) + ',' + uppodStyle.sh_a + ')'
if (name == 'play' || name == 'start') {
var playscl = (name == 'play' ? uppodStyle.scale : uppodStyle.scale2);
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 1, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover);
if (name == 'start' && uppodStyle.pic_w > 1 && uppodStyle.pic_h > 1) {
bw = uppodStyle.halficonisover == 1 ? uppodStyle.pic_w / 2 : uppodStyle.pic_w;
bh = uppodStyle.pic_h
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * playscl, 4 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * playscl, 9 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 15 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 4 * playscl);
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * playscl, 5 * playscl);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(6 * playscl, 4 * playscl, 7 * playscl, 4 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * playscl, 9 * playscl);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(16 * playscl, 10 * playscl, 15 * playscl, 11 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * playscl, 16 * playscl);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(6 * playscl, 16 * playscl, 6 * playscl, 15 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 5 * playscl);
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * playscl, 5 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * playscl, 10 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 15 * playscl);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 3 * playscl;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * playscl, 4 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * playscl, 10 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 16 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 4 * playscl);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * playscl, 5 * playscl);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 * playscl;
if (name.indexOf('my') == 0) {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 2, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
selfDom.innerHTML = uppodStyle.icon;
CSS(this.c, {
"width": bw,
"color": "#" + uppodStyle.color,
"font": "10px Arial"
if (name == 'sub') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 2, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
this.ctx.fillStyle = uppodStyle.color;
!uppodStyle.icon2 ? uppodStyle.icon2 = uppodStyle.icon : '';
this.ctx.font = "normal " + (12 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px Arial";
uppodStyle.icon2 = uppodStyle.icon2.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
this.ctx.fillText((name == 'hd1' ? uppodStyle.icon2 : uppodStyle.icon), 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale)
if (name == 'pause') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 2, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (uppodStyle.icon > 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 3 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (name == 'stop') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, (uppodStyleName == 'play' ? 2 : 0), uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 3 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.strokeRect(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (name == 'download') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'next') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'prev') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'back') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(24 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(24 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1 || uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(23 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(23 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.moveTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(25 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(25 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (name == 'volume' || name == 'volume_mute') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, (name == 'volume' ? 1 : 2), uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (name == 'volume') {
this.ctx.moveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (name == 'volume') {
this.ctx.moveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.arc(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale, Math.PI * 1.6, Math.PI / 2.3, false);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.arc(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale, Math.PI / 2.3, Math.PI * 1.6, true);
this.ctx.moveTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
ovalX = 8 * uppodStyle.scale;
ovalY = 14 * uppodStyle.scale;
ovalW = 7 * uppodStyle.scale;
ovalH = 3 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.moveTo(ovalX, ovalY - ovalH / 2);
this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(ovalX - ovalW / 2, ovalY - ovalH / 2, ovalX - ovalW / 2, ovalY + ovalH / 2, ovalX, ovalY + ovalH / 2);
this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(ovalX + ovalW / 2, ovalY + ovalH / 2, ovalX + ovalW / 2, ovalY - ovalH / 2, ovalX, ovalY - ovalH / 2);
this.ctx.moveTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.7;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.moveTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (name == 'volume') {
this.ctx.moveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(19 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale)
if (name == 'playlist') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.clearRect(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
for (c = 5; c < 15; c += 3) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(16 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 1) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 1) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
for (c = 4; c < 15; c += 5) {
this.ctx.moveTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
for (c = 4; c < 15; c += 5) {
for (y = 4; y < 15; y += 5) {
this.ctx.moveTo(y * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo((y + 2) * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo((y + 2) * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(y * uppodStyle.scale, (c + 2) * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(y * uppodStyle.scale, c * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'full' || name == 'full_back') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, (name == 'full' ? 1 : 2), uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.clearRect(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (name == 'full_back') {
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale)
} else {
this.ctx.fillRect(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(12 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale)
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
if (name == 'full_back') {
this.ctx.fillRect(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.clearRect(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.clearRect(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale)
} else {
this.ctx.fillRect(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.clearRect(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 4 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.clearRect(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale)
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 5.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 5.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(14.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 18 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 18 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 14.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(5.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 14.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 17 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 18 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 18 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 13 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + HTR(uppodStyle.color) + ',' + HTG(uppodStyle.color) + ',' + HTB(uppodStyle.color) + ',0.5)';
this.ctx.fillRect(7 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
if (name == 'full_back') {
this.ctx.moveTo(18 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 16 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale)
} else {
this.ctx.moveTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 18 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(8 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(15 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale)
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (name == 'volbar') {
this.ctx.moveTo(0 * uppodStyle.scale, 0 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 0 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(0 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(0 * uppodStyle.scale, 0 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'menu') {
if (String(uppodStyle.icon).indexOf("http") == 0) {
if (vars.https == 1 && uppodStyle.icon.indexOf(".") > -1) {
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace("http://", "https://")
IconImg(uppodStyle.icon, this.c, 0, uppodStyle.pic_w, uppodStyle.pic_h, uppodStyle.halficonisover)
} else {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(13 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 * uppodStyle.scale;
this.ctx.clearRect(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.fillRect(9 * uppodStyle.scale, 8 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale, 1 * uppodStyle.scale);
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(8.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(3 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(8.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 12.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(11.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 5.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(17 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(11.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 12.5 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.arc(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 7 * uppodStyle.scale, 3 * uppodStyle.scale, Math.PI / 2, -Math.PI, true);
this.ctx.moveTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 12 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.arc(10 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale, 0.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.arc(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
this.ctx.moveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.arc(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
this.ctx.moveTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.arc(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale, 2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 6 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.moveTo(6 * uppodStyle.scale, 10 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(14 * uppodStyle.scale, 14 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#" + uppodStyle.color;
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
this.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 * uppodStyle.scale;
if (name == 'hd' || name == 'hd1') {
this.ctx.fillStyle = uppodStyle.color;
!uppodStyle.icon2 ? uppodStyle.icon2 = uppodStyle.icon : '';
uppodStyle.icon2 = uppodStyle.icon2.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
uppodStyle.icon = uppodStyle.icon.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
this.ctx.font = "normal " + (12 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px Arial";
this.ctx.fillText((name == 'hd1' ? uppodStyle.icon2 : uppodStyle.icon), 3 * uppodStyle.scale, 15 * uppodStyle.scale)
if (name == 'hdselect') {
this.ctx.fillStyle = uppodStyle.color;
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if (name == 'line' || name == 'volbarline') {
this.ctx.moveTo(0, 10 - uppodStyle.h / 2);
this.ctx.lineTo(bw - 15, 10 - uppodStyle.h / 2);
this.ctx.lineTo(bw - 5, 10 + uppodStyle.h / 2);
this.ctx.lineTo(0, 10 + uppodStyle.h / 2);
this.ctx.lineTo(0, 10 - uppodStyle.h / 2);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'volbarline_v') {
this.ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(bw, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(bw, bh);
this.ctx.lineTo(0, bh);
this.ctx.lineTo(0, 0);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name == 'separator') {
if (uppodStyle.icon == 0) {
this.ctx.moveTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(4.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(0, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(0.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(5 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(4.5 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 2) {
this.ctx.moveTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 20 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 0);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (uppodStyle.icon == 3) {
this.ctx.moveTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(4 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 11 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineTo(2 * uppodStyle.scale, 9 * uppodStyle.scale);
this.ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
if (name.indexOf('time') == 0) {
selfDom.innerHTML = '0:00';
uppodStyle.icon == 0 ? this.font = (10 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px Verdana" : "";
uppodStyle.icon == 1 ? this.font = (9 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px Tahoma" : "";
uppodStyle.icon == 2 ? this.font = (10 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px Arial" : "";
uppodStyle.icon == 3 ? this.font = (11 * uppodStyle.scale) + "px _serif" : "";
CSS(this.c, {
"width": bw,
"color": "#" + uppodStyle.color,
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"text-align": "center",
"margin": (10 * uppodStyle.scale - 10) / 2 + "px 0 0 0"
if (name == 'buffer') {
selfDom.innerHTML = '';
CSS(this.c, {
display: "none",
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var this_w = bw * uppodStyle.scale * ( == 1 && uppodStyle.bg_smallicon == 1 ? 0.8 : 1);
var this_h = bh * uppodStyle.scale * ( == 1 && uppodStyle.bg_smallicon == 1 ? 0.8 : 1);
CSS(this.canvas, {
'width': this_w,
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'position': 'absolute',
'top': Math.round(name == 'start' ? bh / 2 - 10 * uppodStyle.scale2 + 2 * uppodStyle.scale + (uppodStyle.scale - 1) * 35 : ( == 1 && uppodStyle.bg_smallicon == 1 ? 2 * uppodStyle.scale : 0) + uppodStyle.margintop * 1 - uppodStyle.marginbottom * 1),
'left': Math.round(name == 'start' ? bw / 2 - 10 * uppodStyle.scale2 + 2 * uppodStyle.scale : ( == 1 && uppodStyle.bg_smallicon == 1 ? 2 * uppodStyle.scale : 0) + (1 - uppodStyle.scale) * bw / 2),
'opacity': uppodStyle.alpha,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=' + (uppodStyle.alpha * 100) + ')'
this.w = bw;
this.h = bh * uppodStyle.scale
var EnterFullscreenControl, __extends = function(child, parent) {
for (var key in parent) {
if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
EnterFullscreenControl = (function(_super) {
__extends(EnterFullscreenControl, _super);
function EnterFullscreenControl(uppod) {
this.element = new Uppod.Element(uppod.vars(), 'full', 20, 20);, 'EnterFullscreen', {
element: this.element
this.dom.onclick = uppod.toogleFullscreen;
'cursor': 'pointer',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': this._calcTop(uppod.vars())
EnterFullscreenControl.prototype._calcTop = function(vars) {
return Math.floor((vars.cntrloutheight - this.element.h) / 2 + this.element.uppodStyle.margintop - this.element.uppodStyle.marginbottom)
return EnterFullscreenControl
window.Uppod.EnterFullscreenControl = EnterFullscreenControl;
var ExitFullscreenControl, __extends = function(child, parent) {
for (var key in parent) {
if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
ExitFullscreenControl = (function(_super) {
__extends(ExitFullscreenControl, _super);
function ExitFullscreenControl(uppod) {
this.element = new Uppod.Element(uppod.vars(), 'full_back', 20, 20, '', 'full');, 'ExitFullscreen', {
element: this.element
this.dom.onclick = uppod.toogleFullscreen;
'cursor': 'pointer',
'display': 'none',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': this._calcTop(uppod.vars())
ExitFullscreenControl.prototype._calcTop = function(vars) {
return (vars.cntrloutheight - this.element.h) / 2 + this.element.uppodStyle.margintop - this.element.uppodStyle.marginbottom
return ExitFullscreenControl
window.Uppod.ExitFullscreenControl = ExitFullscreenControl;
! function(e) {
if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e();
else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e);
else {
("undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this).Hls = e()
}(function() {
return function e(t, r, a) {
function i(s, o) {
if (!r[s]) {
if (!t[s]) {
var l = "function" == typeof require && require;
if (!o && l) return l(s, !0);
if (n) return n(s, !0);
var u = new Error("Cannot find module '" + s + "'");
throw u.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", u
var d = r[s] = {
exports: {}
t[s][0].call(d.exports, function(e) {
var r = t[s][1][e];
return i(r || e)
}, d, d.exports, e, t, r, a)
return r[s].exports
for (var n = "function" == typeof require && require, s = 0; s < a.length; s++) i(a[s]);
return i
1: [function(e, t, r) {
function a() {
this._events = this._events || {}, this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0
function i(e) {
return "function" == typeof e
function n(e) {
return "number" == typeof e
function s(e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e
function o(e) {
return void 0 === e
t.exports = a, a.EventEmitter = a, a.prototype._events = void 0, a.prototype._maxListeners = void 0, a.defaultMaxListeners = 10, a.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(e) {
if (!n(e) || e < 0 || isNaN(e)) throw TypeError("n must be a positive number");
return this._maxListeners = e, this
}, a.prototype.emit = function(e) {
var t, r, a, n, l, u;
if (this._events || (this._events = {}), "error" === e && (!this._events.error || s(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) {
if ((t = arguments[1]) instanceof Error) throw t;
var d = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. (' + t + ")");
throw d.context = t, d
if (r = this._events[e], o(r)) return !1;
if (i(r)) switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:;
case 2:, arguments[1]);
case 3:, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
n =, 1), r.apply(this, n)
} else if (s(r))
for (n =, 1), a = (u = r.slice()).length, l = 0; l < a; l++) u[l].apply(this, n);
return !0
}, a.prototype.addListener = function(e, t) {
var r;
if (!i(t)) throw TypeError("listener must be a function");
return this._events || (this._events = {}), this._events.newListener && this.emit("newListener", e, i(t.listener) ? t.listener : t), this._events[e] ? s(this._events[e]) ? this._events[e].push(t) : this._events[e] = [this._events[e], t] : this._events[e] = t, s(this._events[e]) && !this._events[e].warned && (r = o(this._maxListeners) ? a.defaultMaxListeners : this._maxListeners) && r > 0 && this._events[e].length > r && (this._events[e].warned = !0, console.trace), this
}, a.prototype.on = a.prototype.addListener, a.prototype.once = function(e, t) {
function r() {
this.removeListener(e, r), a || (a = !0, t.apply(this, arguments))
if (!i(t)) throw TypeError("listener must be a function");
var a = !1;
return r.listener = t, this.on(e, r), this
}, a.prototype.removeListener = function(e, t) {
var r, a, n, o;
if (!i(t)) throw TypeError("listener must be a function");
if (!this._events || !this._events[e]) return this;
if (r = this._events[e], n = r.length, a = -1, r === t || i(r.listener) && r.listener === t) delete this._events[e], this._events.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", e, t);
else if (s(r)) {
for (o = n; o-- > 0;)
if (r[o] === t || r[o].listener && r[o].listener === t) {
a = o;
} if (a < 0) return this;
1 === r.length ? (r.length = 0, delete this._events[e]) : r.splice(a, 1), this._events.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", e, t)
return this
}, a.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(e) {
var t, r;
if (!this._events) return this;
if (!this._events.removeListener) return 0 === arguments.length ? this._events = {} : this._events[e] && delete this._events[e], this;
if (0 === arguments.length) {
for (t in this._events) "removeListener" !== t && this.removeAllListeners(t);
return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = {}, this
if (r = this._events[e], i(r)) this.removeListener(e, r);
else if (r)
for (; r.length;) this.removeListener(e, r[r.length - 1]);
return delete this._events[e], this
}, a.prototype.listeners = function(e) {
return this._events && this._events[e] ? i(this._events[e]) ? [this._events[e]] : this._events[e].slice() : []
}, a.prototype.listenerCount = function(e) {
if (this._events) {
var t = this._events[e];
if (i(t)) return 1;
if (t) return t.length
return 0
}, a.listenerCount = function(e, t) {
return e.listenerCount(t)
}, {}],
2: [function(e, t, r) {
! function(e) {
var a = /^((?:[^\/;?#]+:)?)(\/\/[^\/\;?#]*)?(.*?)??(;.*?)?(\?.*?)?(#.*?)?$/,
i = /^([^\/;?#]*)(.*)$/,
n = /(?:\/|^)\.(?=\/)/g,
s = /(?:\/|^)\.\.\/(?!\.\.\/).*?(?=\/)/g,
o = {
buildAbsoluteURL: function(e, t, r) {
if (r = r || {}, e = e.trim(), !(t = t.trim())) {
if (!r.alwaysNormalize) return e;
var a = this.parseURL(e);
if (!s) throw new Error("Error trying to parse base URL.");
return a.path = o.normalizePath(a.path), o.buildURLFromParts(a)
var n = this.parseURL(t);
if (!n) throw new Error("Error trying to parse relative URL.");
if (n.scheme) return r.alwaysNormalize ? (n.path = o.normalizePath(n.path), o.buildURLFromParts(n)) : t;
var s = this.parseURL(e);
if (!s) throw new Error("Error trying to parse base URL.");
if (!s.netLoc && s.path && "/" !== s.path[0]) {
var l = i.exec(s.path);
s.netLoc = l[1], s.path = l[2]
s.netLoc && !s.path && (s.path = "/");
var u = {
scheme: s.scheme,
netLoc: n.netLoc,
path: null,
params: n.params,
query: n.query,
fragment: n.fragment
if (!n.netLoc && (u.netLoc = s.netLoc, "/" !== n.path[0]))
if (n.path) {
var d = s.path,
f = d.substring(0, d.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + n.path;
u.path = o.normalizePath(f)
} else u.path = s.path, n.params || (u.params = s.params, n.query || (u.query = s.query));
return null === u.path && (u.path = r.alwaysNormalize ? o.normalizePath(n.path) : n.path), o.buildURLFromParts(u)
parseURL: function(e) {
var t = a.exec(e);
return t ? {
scheme: t[1] || "",
netLoc: t[2] || "",
path: t[3] || "",
params: t[4] || "",
query: t[5] || "",
fragment: t[6] || ""
} : null
normalizePath: function(e) {
for (e = e.split("").reverse().join("").replace(n, ""); e.length !== (e = e.replace(s, "")).length;);
return e.split("").reverse().join("")
buildURLFromParts: function(e) {
return e.scheme + e.netLoc + e.path + e.params + e.query + e.fragment
"object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof t ? t.exports = o : "object" == typeof r ? r.URLToolkit = o : e.URLToolkit = o
}, {}],
3: [function(e, t, r) {
var a = arguments[3],
i = arguments[4],
n = arguments[5],
s = JSON.stringify;
t.exports = function(e, t) {
function r(e) {
p[e] = !0;
for (var t in i[e][1]) {
var a = i[e][1][t];
p[a] || r(a)
for (var o, l = Object.keys(n), u = 0, d = l.length; u < d; u++) {
var f = l[u],
c = n[f].exports;
if (c === e || c && c.default === e) {
o = f;
if (!o) {
o = Math.floor(Math.pow(16, 8) * Math.random()).toString(16);
for (var h = {}, u = 0, d = l.length; u < d; u++) h[f = l[u]] = f;
i[o] = [Function(["require", "module", "exports"], "(" + e + ")(self)"), h]
var g = Math.floor(Math.pow(16, 8) * Math.random()).toString(16),
v = {};
v[o] = o, i[g] = [Function(["require"], "var f = require(" + s(o) + ");(f.default ? f.default : f)(self);"), v];
var p = {};
var y = "(" + a + ")({" + Object.keys(p).map(function(e) {
return s(e) + ":[" + i[e][0] + "," + s(i[e][1]) + "]"
}).join(",") + "},{},[" + s(g) + "])",
m = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL,
E = new Blob([y], {
type: "text/javascript"
if (t && t.bare) return E;
var b = m.createObjectURL(E),
T = new Worker(b);
return T.objectURL = b, T
}, {}],
4: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r.hlsDefaultConfig = void 0;
var i = a(e(5)),
n = a(e(8)),
s = a(e(9)),
o = a(e(10)),
l = a(e(59)),
u = a(e(7)),
d = a(e(6)),
f = a(e(50)),
c = a(e(16)),
h = a(e(15)),
g = a(e(14));
r.hlsDefaultConfig = {
autoStartLoad: !0,
startPosition: -1,
defaultAudioCodec: void 0,
debug: !1,
capLevelOnFPSDrop: !1,
capLevelToPlayerSize: !1,
initialLiveManifestSize: 1,
maxBufferLength: 30,
maxBufferSize: 6e7,
maxBufferHole: .5,
maxSeekHole: 2,
lowBufferWatchdogPeriod: .5,
highBufferWatchdogPeriod: 3,
nudgeOffset: .1,
nudgeMaxRetry: 3,
maxFragLookUpTolerance: .25,
liveSyncDurationCount: 3,
liveMaxLatencyDurationCount: 1 / 0,
liveSyncDuration: void 0,
liveMaxLatencyDuration: void 0,
maxMaxBufferLength: 600,
enableWorker: !0,
enableSoftwareAES: !0,
manifestLoadingTimeOut: 1e4,
manifestLoadingMaxRetry: 1,
manifestLoadingRetryDelay: 1e3,
manifestLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: 64e3,
startLevel: void 0,
levelLoadingTimeOut: 1e4,
levelLoadingMaxRetry: 4,
levelLoadingRetryDelay: 1e3,
levelLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: 64e3,
fragLoadingTimeOut: 2e4,
fragLoadingMaxRetry: 6,
fragLoadingRetryDelay: 1e3,
fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout: 64e3,
fragLoadingLoopThreshold: 3,
startFragPrefetch: !1,
fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod: 5e3,
fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold: .2,
appendErrorMaxRetry: 3,
loader: l.default,
fLoader: void 0,
pLoader: void 0,
xhrSetup: void 0,
fetchSetup: void 0,
abrController: i.default,
bufferController: n.default,
capLevelController: s.default,
fpsController: o.default,
audioStreamController: d.default,
audioTrackController: u.default,
subtitleStreamController: g.default,
subtitleTrackController: h.default,
timelineController: c.default,
cueHandler: f.default,
enableCEA708Captions: !0,
enableWebVTT: !0,
captionsTextTrack1Label: "English",
captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode: "en",
captionsTextTrack2Label: "Spanish",
captionsTextTrack2LanguageCode: "es",
stretchShortVideoTrack: !1,
forceKeyFrameOnDiscontinuity: !0,
abrEwmaFastLive: 3,
abrEwmaSlowLive: 9,
abrEwmaFastVoD: 3,
abrEwmaSlowVoD: 9,
abrEwmaDefaultEstimate: 5e5,
abrBandWidthFactor: .95,
abrBandWidthUpFactor: .7,
abrMaxWithRealBitrate: !1,
maxStarvationDelay: 4,
maxLoadingDelay: 4,
minAutoBitrate: 0
}, {
10: 10,
14: 14,
15: 15,
16: 16,
5: 5,
50: 50,
59: 59,
6: 6,
7: 7,
8: 8,
9: 9
5: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = a(e(37)),
f = e(33),
c = e(54),
h = a(e(52)),
g = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.FRAG_LOADING, l.default.FRAG_LOADED, l.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, l.default.ERROR));
return r.lastLoadedFragLevel = 0, r._nextAutoLevel = -1, r.hls = e, r.timer = null, r._bwEstimator = null, r.onCheck = r._abandonRulesCheck.bind(r), r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onFragLoading",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag;
if ("main" === t.type) {
if (this.timer || (this.timer = setInterval(this.onCheck, 100)), !this._bwEstimator) {
var r = this.hls,
a = e.frag.level,
i = r.levels[a],
n = r.config,
s = void 0,
o = void 0;
i ? (s = n.abrEwmaFastLive, o = n.abrEwmaSlowLive) : (s = n.abrEwmaFastVoD, o = n.abrEwmaSlowVoD), this._bwEstimator = new h.default(r, o, s, n.abrEwmaDefaultEstimate)
this.fragCurrent = t
}, {
key: "_abandonRulesCheck",
value: function() {
var e = this.hls,
t =,
r = this.fragCurrent,
a = r.loader,
i = e.minAutoLevel;
if (!a || a.stats && a.stats.aborted) return c.logger.warn("frag loader destroy or aborted, disarm abandonRules"), void this.clearTimer();
var n = a.stats;
if (t && n && (!t.paused && 0 !== t.playbackRate || !t.readyState) && r.autoLevel && r.level) {
var s = - n.trequest,
o = Math.abs(t.playbackRate);
if (s > 500 * r.duration / o) {
var u = e.levels,
f = Math.max(1, ? / 8 : 1e3 * n.loaded / s),
h = u[r.level],
g = h.realBitrate ? Math.max(h.realBitrate, h.bitrate) : h.bitrate,
v = ? : Math.max(n.loaded, Math.round(r.duration * g / 8)),
p = t.currentTime,
y = (v - n.loaded) / f,
m = (d.default.bufferInfo(t, p, e.config.maxBufferHole).end - p) / o;
if (m < 2 * r.duration / o && y > m) {
var E = void 0,
b = void 0;
for (b = r.level - 1; b > i; b--) {
var T = u[b].realBitrate ? Math.max(u[b].realBitrate, u[b].bitrate) : u[b].bitrate;
if ((E = r.duration * T / (6.4 * f)) < m) break
E < y && (c.logger.warn("loading too slow, abort fragment loading and switch to level " + b + ":fragLoadedDelay[" + b + "]<fragLoadedDelay[" + (r.level - 1) + "];bufferStarvationDelay:" + E.toFixed(1) + "<" + y.toFixed(1) + ":" + m.toFixed(1)), e.nextLoadLevel = b, this._bwEstimator.sample(s, n.loaded), a.abort(), this.clearTimer(), e.trigger(l.default.FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED, {
frag: r,
stats: n
}, {
key: "onFragLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag;
if ("main" === t.type && !isNaN( {
if (this.clearTimer(), this.lastLoadedFragLevel = t.level, this._nextAutoLevel = -1, this.hls.config.abrMaxWithRealBitrate) {
var r = this.hls.levels[t.level],
a = (r.loaded ? r.loaded.bytes : 0) + e.stats.loaded,
i = (r.loaded ? r.loaded.duration : 0) + e.frag.duration;
r.loaded = {
bytes: a,
duration: i
}, r.realBitrate = Math.round(8 * a / i)
if (e.frag.bitrateTest) {
var n = e.stats;
n.tparsed = n.tbuffered = n.tload, this.onFragBuffered(e)
}, {
key: "onFragBuffered",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.stats,
r = e.frag;
if (!(!0 === t.aborted || 1 !== r.loadCounter || "main" !== r.type || isNaN( || r.bitrateTest && t.tload !== t.tbuffered)) {
var a = t.tparsed - t.trequest;
c.logger.log("latency/loading/parsing/append/kbps:" + Math.round(t.tfirst - t.trequest) + "/" + Math.round(t.tload - t.tfirst) + "/" + Math.round(t.tparsed - t.tload) + "/" + Math.round(t.tbuffered - t.tparsed) + "/" + Math.round(8 * t.loaded / (t.tbuffered - t.trequest))), this._bwEstimator.sample(a, t.loaded), t.bwEstimate = this._bwEstimator.getEstimate(), r.bitrateTest ? this.bitrateTestDelay = a / 1e3 : this.bitrateTestDelay = 0
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
switch (e.details) {
case f.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
case f.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
}, {
key: "clearTimer",
value: function() {
clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null
}, {
key: "_findBestLevel",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s, o, l) {
for (var u = i; u >= a; u--) {
var d = l[u].details,
f = d ? d.totalduration / d.fragments.length : t,
h = !!d &&,
g = void 0;
g = u <= e ? s * r : o * r;
var v = l[u].realBitrate ? Math.max(l[u].realBitrate, l[u].bitrate) : l[u].bitrate,
p = v * f / g;
if (c.logger.trace("level/adjustedbw/bitrate/avgDuration/maxFetchDuration/fetchDuration: " + u + "/" + Math.round(g) + "/" + v + "/" + f + "/" + n + "/" + p), g > v && (!p || h && !this.bitrateTestDelay || p < n)) return u
return -1
}, {
key: "nextAutoLevel",
get: function() {
var e = this._nextAutoLevel,
t = this._bwEstimator;
if (!(-1 === e || t && t.canEstimate())) return e;
var r = this._nextABRAutoLevel;
return -1 !== e && (r = Math.min(e, r)), r
set: function(e) {
this._nextAutoLevel = e
}, {
key: "_nextABRAutoLevel",
get: function() {
var e = this.hls,
t = e.maxAutoLevel,
r = e.levels,
a = e.config,
i = e.minAutoLevel,
n =,
s = this.lastLoadedFragLevel,
o = this.fragCurrent ? this.fragCurrent.duration : 0,
l = n ? n.currentTime : 0,
u = n && 0 !== n.playbackRate ? Math.abs(n.playbackRate) : 1,
f = this._bwEstimator ? this._bwEstimator.getEstimate() : a.abrEwmaDefaultEstimate,
h = (d.default.bufferInfo(n, l, a.maxBufferHole).end - l) / u,
g = this._findBestLevel(s, o, f, i, t, h, a.abrBandWidthFactor, a.abrBandWidthUpFactor, r);
if (g >= 0) return g;
c.logger.trace("rebuffering expected to happen, lets try to find a quality level minimizing the rebuffering");
var v = o ? Math.min(o, a.maxStarvationDelay) : a.maxStarvationDelay,
p = a.abrBandWidthFactor,
y = a.abrBandWidthUpFactor;
if (0 === h) {
var m = this.bitrateTestDelay;
m && (v = (o ? Math.min(o, a.maxLoadingDelay) : a.maxLoadingDelay) - m, c.logger.trace("bitrate test took " + Math.round(1e3 * m) + "ms, set first fragment max fetchDuration to " + Math.round(1e3 * v) + " ms"), p = y = 1)
return g = this._findBestLevel(s, o, f, i, t, h + v, p, y, r), Math.max(g, 0)
}]), t
r.default = g
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
37: 37,
52: 52,
54: 54
6: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(48)),
u = a(e(37)),
d = a(e(25)),
f = a(e(35)),
c = a(e(34)),
h = a(e(38)),
g = a(e(55)),
v = e(33),
p = e(54),
y = e(51),
m = {
E = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, f.default.MEDIA_ATTACHED, f.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, f.default.AUDIO_TRACKS_UPDATED, f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHING, f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADED, f.default.KEY_LOADED, f.default.FRAG_LOADED, f.default.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, f.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA, f.default.FRAG_PARSED, f.default.ERROR, f.default.BUFFER_CREATED, f.default.BUFFER_APPENDED, f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHED, f.default.INIT_PTS_FOUND));
return r.config = e.config, r.audioCodecSwap = !1, r.ticks = 0, r._state = m.STOPPED, r.ontick = r.tick.bind(r), r.initPTS = [], r.waitingFragment = null, r.videoTrackCC = null, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.stopLoad(), this.timer && (clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null),, this.state = m.STOPPED
}, {
key: "onInitPtsFound",
value: function(e) {
var t =,
r =,
a = e.initPTS;
"main" === t && (this.initPTS[r] = a, this.videoTrackCC = r, p.logger.log("InitPTS for cc:" + r + " found from video track:" + a), this.state === m.WAITING_INIT_PTS && this.tick())
}, {
key: "startLoad",
value: function(e) {
if (this.tracks) {
var t = this.lastCurrentTime;
this.stopLoad(), this.timer || (this.timer = setInterval(this.ontick, 100)), this.fragLoadError = 0, t > 0 && -1 === e ? (p.logger.log("audio:override startPosition with lastCurrentTime @" + t.toFixed(3)), this.state = m.IDLE) : (this.lastCurrentTime = this.startPosition ? this.startPosition : e, this.state = m.STARTING), this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime, this.tick()
} else this.startPosition = e, this.state = m.STOPPED
}, {
key: "stopLoad",
value: function() {
var e = this.fragCurrent;
e && (e.loader && e.loader.abort(), this.fragCurrent = null), this.fragPrevious = null, this.demuxer && (this.demuxer.destroy(), this.demuxer = null), this.state = m.STOPPED
}, {
key: "tick",
value: function() {
1 === ++this.ticks && (this.doTick(), this.ticks > 1 && setTimeout(this.tick, 1), this.ticks = 0)
}, {
key: "doTick",
value: function() {
var e, t, r, a = this.hls,
i = a.config;
switch (this.state) {
case m.ERROR:
case m.PAUSED:
case m.STARTING:
this.state = m.WAITING_TRACK, this.loadedmetadata = !1;
case m.IDLE:
var n = this.tracks;
if (!n) break;
if (! && (this.startFragRequested || !i.startFragPrefetch)) break;
if (this.loadedmetadata) e =;
else if (void 0 === (e = this.nextLoadPosition)) break;
var s = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer :,
o = u.default.bufferInfo(s, e, i.maxBufferHole),
d = o.len,
c = o.end,
h = this.fragPrevious,
g = i.maxMaxBufferLength,
E = this.audioSwitch,
b = this.trackId;
if ((d < g || E) && b < n.length) {
if (void 0 === (r = n[b].details)) {
this.state = m.WAITING_TRACK;
if (!E && ! && h && === r.endSN && (! || - c < h.duration / 2)) {
this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_EOS, {
type: "audio"
}), this.state = m.ENDED;
var T = r.fragments,
k = T.length,
_ = T[0].start,
R = T[k - 1].start + T[k - 1].duration,
S = void 0;
if (E)
if ( && !r.PTSKnown) p.logger.log("switching audiotrack, live stream, unknown PTS,load first fragment"), c = 0;
else if (c = e, r.PTSKnown && e < _) {
if (!(o.end > _ || o.nextStart)) return;
p.logger.log("alt audio track ahead of main track, seek to start of alt audio track"), = _ + .05
if (r.initSegment && ! S = r.initSegment;
else if (c <= _) {
if (S = T[0], null !== this.videoTrackCC && !== this.videoTrackCC && (S = (0, y.findFragWithCC)(T, this.videoTrackCC)), && S.loadIdx && S.loadIdx === this.fragLoadIdx) {
var A = o.nextStart ? o.nextStart : _;
return p.logger.log("no alt audio available @currentTime:" + + ", seeking @" + (A + .05)), void( = A + .05)
} else {
var L = void 0,
w = i.maxFragLookUpTolerance,
D = h ? T[ - T[0].sn + 1] : void 0,
O = function(e) {
var t = Math.min(w, e.duration);
return e.start + e.duration - t <= c ? 1 : e.start - t > c && e.start ? -1 : 0
c < R ? (c > R - w && (w = 0), L = D && !O(D) ? D :, O)) : L = T[k - 1], L && (S = L, _ = L.start, h && S.level === h.level && === && ( < r.endSN ? (S = T[ + 1 - r.startSN], p.logger.log("SN just loaded, load next one: " + : S = null))
if (S)
if (S.decryptdata && null != S.decryptdata.uri && null == S.decryptdata.key) p.logger.log("Loading key for " + + " of [" + r.startSN + " ," + r.endSN + "],track " + b), this.state = m.KEY_LOADING, a.trigger(f.default.KEY_LOADING, {
frag: S
else {
if (p.logger.log("Loading " + + ", cc: " + + " of [" + r.startSN + " ," + r.endSN + "],track " + b + ", currentTime:" + e + ",bufferEnd:" + c.toFixed(3)), void 0 !== this.fragLoadIdx ? this.fragLoadIdx++ : this.fragLoadIdx = 0, S.loadCounter) {
var I = i.fragLoadingLoopThreshold;
if (S.loadCounter > I && Math.abs(this.fragLoadIdx - S.loadIdx) < I) return void a.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
frag: S
} else S.loadCounter = 1;
S.loadIdx = this.fragLoadIdx, this.fragCurrent = S, this.startFragRequested = !0, isNaN( || (this.nextLoadPosition = S.start + S.duration), a.trigger(f.default.FRAG_LOADING, {
frag: S
}), this.state = m.FRAG_LOADING
(t = this.tracks[this.trackId]) && t.details && (this.state = m.IDLE);
var P =,
C = this.retryDate,
x = (s = && s.seeking;
(!C || P >= C || x) && (p.logger.log("audioStreamController: retryDate reached, switch back to IDLE state"), this.state = m.IDLE);
var F = this.videoTrackCC;
if (void 0 === this.initPTS[F]) break;
var M = this.waitingFragment;
if (M) {
var N =;
F !== N ? (t = this.tracks[this.trackId]).details && && (p.logger.warn("Waiting fragment CC (" + N + ") does not match video track CC (" + F + ")"), this.waitingFragment = null, this.state = m.IDLE) : (this.state = m.FRAG_LOADING, this.onFragLoaded(this.waitingFragment), this.waitingFragment = null)
} else this.state = m.IDLE;
case m.STOPPED:
case m.PARSING:
case m.PARSED:
case m.ENDED:
}, {
key: "onMediaAttached",
value: function(e) {
var t = = this.mediaBuffer =;
this.onvseeking = this.onMediaSeeking.bind(this), this.onvended = this.onMediaEnded.bind(this), t.addEventListener("seeking", this.onvseeking), t.addEventListener("ended", this.onvended);
var r = this.config;
this.tracks && r.autoStartLoad && this.startLoad(r.startPosition)
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() {
var e =;
e && e.ended && (p.logger.log("MSE detaching and video ended, reset startPosition"), this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0);
var t = this.tracks;
t && t.forEach(function(e) {
e.details && e.details.fragments.forEach(function(e) {
e.loadCounter = void 0
}), e && (e.removeEventListener("seeking", this.onvseeking), e.removeEventListener("ended", this.onvended), this.onvseeking = this.onvseeked = this.onvended = null), = this.mediaBuffer = null, this.loadedmetadata = !1, this.stopLoad()
}, {
key: "onMediaSeeking",
value: function() {
this.state === m.ENDED && (this.state = m.IDLE), && (this.lastCurrentTime =, void 0 !== this.fragLoadIdx && (this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * this.config.fragLoadingLoopThreshold), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onMediaEnded",
value: function() {
this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0
}, {
key: "onAudioTracksUpdated",
value: function(e) {
p.logger.log("audio tracks updated"), this.tracks = e.audioTracks
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackSwitching",
value: function(e) {
var t = !!e.url;
this.trackId =, this.fragCurrent = null, this.state = m.PAUSED, this.waitingFragment = null, t ? this.timer || (this.timer = setInterval(this.ontick, 100)) : this.demuxer && (this.demuxer.destroy(), this.demuxer = null), t && (this.audioSwitch = !0, this.state = m.IDLE, void 0 !== this.fragLoadIdx && (this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * this.config.fragLoadingLoopThreshold)), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.details,
r =,
a = this.tracks[r],
i = t.totalduration,
n = 0;
if (p.logger.log("track " + r + " loaded [" + t.startSN + "," + t.endSN + "],duration:" + i), {
var s = a.details;
s && t.fragments.length > 0 ? (h.default.mergeDetails(s, t), n = t.fragments[0].start, t.PTSKnown ? p.logger.log("live audio playlist sliding:" + n.toFixed(3)) : p.logger.log("live audio playlist - outdated PTS, unknown sliding")) : (t.PTSKnown = !1, p.logger.log("live audio playlist - first load, unknown sliding"))
} else t.PTSKnown = !1;
if (a.details = t, !this.startFragRequested) {
if (-1 === this.startPosition) {
var o = t.startTimeOffset;
isNaN(o) ? this.startPosition = 0 : (p.logger.log("start time offset found in playlist, adjust startPosition to " + o), this.startPosition = o)
this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition
this.state === m.WAITING_TRACK && (this.state = m.IDLE), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onKeyLoaded",
value: function() {
this.state === m.KEY_LOADING && (this.state = m.IDLE, this.tick())
}, {
key: "onFragLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
if (this.state === m.FRAG_LOADING && t && "audio" === r.type && r.level === t.level && === {
var a = this.tracks[this.trackId],
i = a.details,
n = i.totalduration,
s = t.level,
o =,
l =,
u = this.config.defaultAudioCodec || a.audioCodec || "mp4a.40.2",
c = this.stats = e.stats;
if ("initSegment" === o) this.state = m.IDLE, c.tparsed = c.tbuffered =, = e.payload, this.hls.trigger(f.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
stats: c,
frag: t,
id: "audio"
}), this.tick();
else {
this.state = m.PARSING, this.appended = !1, this.demuxer || (this.demuxer = new d.default(this.hls, "audio"));
var h = this.initPTS[l],
g = i.initSegment ? : [];
if (i.initSegment || void 0 !== h) {
this.pendingBuffering = !0, p.logger.log("Demuxing " + o + " of [" + i.startSN + " ," + i.endSN + "],track " + s);
this.demuxer.push(e.payload, g, u, null, t, n, !1, h)
} else p.logger.log("unknown video PTS for continuity counter " + l + ", waiting for video PTS before demuxing audio frag " + o + " of [" + i.startSN + " ," + i.endSN + "],track " + s), this.waitingFragment = e, this.state = m.WAITING_INIT_PTS
this.fragLoadError = 0
}, {
key: "onFragParsingInitSegment",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
if (t && "audio" === && === && r.level === t.level && this.state === m.PARSING) {
var a = e.tracks,
i = void 0;
if ( && delete, i = {
i.levelCodec = i.codec, =, this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_CODECS, a), p.logger.log("audio track:audio,container:" + i.container + ",codecs[level/parsed]=[" + i.levelCodec + "/" + i.codec + "]");
var n = i.initSegment;
if (n) {
var s = {
type: "audio",
data: n,
parent: "audio",
content: "initSegment"
this.audioSwitch ? this.pendingData = [s] : (this.appended = !0, this.pendingBuffering = !0, this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, s))
}, {
key: "onFragParsingData",
value: function(e) {
var t = this,
r = this.fragCurrent,
a = e.frag;
if (r && "audio" === && "audio" === e.type && === && a.level === r.level && this.state === m.PARSING) {
var i = this.trackId,
n = this.tracks[i],
s = this.hls;
isNaN(e.endPTS) && (e.endPTS = e.startPTS + r.duration, e.endDTS = e.startDTS + r.duration), p.logger.log("parsed " + e.type + ",PTS:[" + e.startPTS.toFixed(3) + "," + e.endPTS.toFixed(3) + "],DTS:[" + e.startDTS.toFixed(3) + "/" + e.endDTS.toFixed(3) + "],nb:" + e.nb), h.default.updateFragPTSDTS(n.details, r, e.startPTS, e.endPTS);
var o = this.audioSwitch,
l =,
u = !1;
if (o && l)
if (l.readyState) {
var d = l.currentTime;
p.logger.log("switching audio track : currentTime:" + d), d >= e.startPTS && (p.logger.log("switching audio track : flushing all audio"), this.state = m.BUFFER_FLUSHING, s.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHING, {
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
type: "audio"
}), u = !0, this.audioSwitch = !1, s.trigger(f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED, {
id: i
} else this.audioSwitch = !1, s.trigger(f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED, {
id: i
var c = this.pendingData;
this.audioSwitch || ([e.data1, e.data2].forEach(function(t) {
t && t.length && c.push({
type: e.type,
data: t,
parent: "audio",
content: "data"
}), !u && c.length && (c.forEach(function(e) {
t.state === m.PARSING && (t.pendingBuffering = !0, t.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, e))
}), this.pendingData = [], this.appended = !0)), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onFragParsed",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
t && "audio" === && === && r.level === t.level && this.state === m.PARSING && (this.stats.tparsed =, this.state = m.PARSED, this._checkAppendedParsed())
}, {
key: "onBufferCreated",
value: function(e) {
var t =;
t && (this.mediaBuffer = t.buffer, this.loadedmetadata = !0)
}, {
key: "onBufferAppended",
value: function(e) {
if ("audio" === e.parent) {
var t = this.state;
t !== m.PARSING && t !== m.PARSED || (this.pendingBuffering = e.pending > 0, this._checkAppendedParsed())
}, {
key: "_checkAppendedParsed",
value: function() {
if (!(this.state !== m.PARSED || this.appended && this.pendingBuffering)) {
var e = this.fragCurrent,
t = this.stats,
r = this.hls;
if (e) {
this.fragPrevious = e, t.tbuffered =, r.trigger(f.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
stats: t,
frag: e,
id: "audio"
var a = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer :;
p.logger.log("audio buffered : " + g.default.toString(a.buffered)), this.audioSwitch && this.appended && (this.audioSwitch = !1, r.trigger(f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED, {
id: this.trackId
})), this.state = m.IDLE
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag;
if (!t || "audio" === t.type) switch (e.details) {
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
if (!e.fatal) {
var r = this.fragLoadError;
r ? r++ : r = 1;
var a = this.config;
if (r <= a.fragLoadingMaxRetry) {
this.fragLoadError = r, t.loadCounter = 0;
var i = Math.min(Math.pow(2, r - 1) * a.fragLoadingRetryDelay, a.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout);
p.logger.warn("audioStreamController: frag loading failed, retry in " + i + " ms"), this.retryDate = + i, this.state = m.FRAG_LOADING_WAITING_RETRY
} else p.logger.error("audioStreamController: " + e.details + " reaches max retry, redispatch as fatal ..."), e.fatal = !0, this.state = m.ERROR
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
this.state !== m.ERROR && (this.state = e.fatal ? m.ERROR : m.IDLE, p.logger.warn("audioStreamController: " + e.details + " while loading frag,switch to " + this.state + " state ..."));
case v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_FULL_ERROR:
if ("audio" === e.parent && (this.state === m.PARSING || this.state === m.PARSED)) {
var n = this.mediaBuffer,
s =;
if (n && u.default.isBuffered(n, s) && u.default.isBuffered(n, s + .5)) {
var o = this.config;
o.maxMaxBufferLength >= o.maxBufferLength && (o.maxMaxBufferLength /= 2, p.logger.warn("audio:reduce max buffer length to " + o.maxMaxBufferLength + "s"), this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * o.fragLoadingLoopThreshold), this.state = m.IDLE
} else p.logger.warn("buffer full error also media.currentTime is not buffered, flush audio buffer"), this.fragCurrent = null, this.state = m.BUFFER_FLUSHING, this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHING, {
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
type: "audio"
}, {
key: "onBufferFlushed",
value: function() {
var e = this,
t = this.pendingData;
t && t.length ? (p.logger.log("appending pending audio data on Buffer Flushed"), t.forEach(function(t) {
e.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, t)
}), this.appended = !0, this.pendingData = [], this.state = m.PARSED) : (this.state = m.IDLE, this.fragPrevious = null, this.tick())
}, {
key: "state",
set: function(e) {
if (this.state !== e) {
var t = this.state;
this._state = e, p.logger.log("audio stream:" + t + "->" + e)
get: function() {
return this._state
}]), t
r.default = E
}, {
25: 25,
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
37: 37,
38: 38,
48: 48,
51: 51,
54: 54,
55: 55
7: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(54),
f = e(33),
c = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, l.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, l.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADED, l.default.ERROR));
return r.ticks = 0, r.ontick = r.tick.bind(r), r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "cleanTimer",
value: function() {
this.timer && (clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = null)
}, {
key: "tick",
value: function() {
1 === ++this.ticks && (this.doTick(), this.ticks > 1 && setTimeout(this.tick, 1), this.ticks = 0)
}, {
key: "doTick",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
e.fatal && e.type === f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR && this.cleanTimer()
}, {
key: "onManifestLoading",
value: function() {
this.tracks = [], this.trackId = -1
}, {
key: "onManifestLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this,
r = e.audioTracks || [],
a = !1;
this.tracks = r, this.hls.trigger(l.default.AUDIO_TRACKS_UPDATED, {
audioTracks: r
var i = 0;
r.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.default && !a) return t.audioTrack = i, void(a = !0);
}), !1 === a && r.length && (d.logger.log("no default audio track defined, use first audio track as default"), this.audioTrack = 0)
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackLoaded",
value: function(e) { < this.tracks.length && (d.logger.log("audioTrack " + + " loaded"), this.tracks[].details = e.details, && !this.timer && (this.timer = setInterval(this.ontick, 1e3 * e.details.targetduration)), ! && this.timer && this.cleanTimer())
}, {
key: "setAudioTrackInternal",
value: function(e) {
if (e >= 0 && e < this.tracks.length) {
this.cleanTimer(), this.trackId = e, d.logger.log("switching to audioTrack " + e);
var t = this.tracks[e],
r = this.hls,
a = t.type,
i = t.url,
n = {
id: e,
type: a,
url: i
r.trigger(l.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCH, n), r.trigger(l.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHING, n);
var s = t.details;
!i || void 0 !== s && !0 !== || (d.logger.log("(re)loading playlist for audioTrack " + e), r.trigger(l.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADING, {
url: i,
id: e
}, {
key: "updateTrack",
value: function(e) {
if (e >= 0 && e < this.tracks.length) {
this.cleanTimer(), this.trackId = e, d.logger.log("updating audioTrack " + e);
var t = this.tracks[e],
r = t.url,
a = t.details;
!r || void 0 !== a && !0 !== || (d.logger.log("(re)loading playlist for audioTrack " + e), this.hls.trigger(l.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADING, {
url: r,
id: e
}, {
key: "audioTracks",
get: function() {
return this.tracks
}, {
key: "audioTrack",
get: function() {
return this.trackId
set: function(e) {
this.trackId === e && void 0 !== this.tracks[e].details || this.setAudioTrackInternal(e)
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
8: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(54),
f = e(33),
c = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.MEDIA_ATTACHING, l.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, l.default.MANIFEST_PARSED, l.default.BUFFER_RESET, l.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, l.default.BUFFER_CODECS, l.default.BUFFER_EOS, l.default.BUFFER_FLUSHING, l.default.LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED, l.default.LEVEL_UPDATED));
return r._msDuration = null, r._levelDuration = null, r.onsbue = r.onSBUpdateEnd.bind(r), r.onsbe = r.onSBUpdateError.bind(r), r.pendingTracks = {}, r.tracks = {}, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onLevelPtsUpdated",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.type,
r =;
if ("audio" === t && r && "audio/mpeg" === r.container) {
var a =;
if (Math.abs(a.timestampOffset - e.start) > .1) {
var i = a.updating;
try {
} catch (e) {
i = !0, d.logger.warn("can not abort audio buffer: " + e)
i ? this.audioTimestampOffset = e.start : (d.logger.warn("change mpeg audio timestamp offset from " + a.timestampOffset + " to " + e.start), a.timestampOffset = e.start)
}, {
key: "onManifestParsed",
value: function(e) {
var t =,
r = || e.levels.length &&,
a = 0;
e.altAudio && (t || r) && (a = (t ? 1 : 0) + (r ? 1 : 0), d.logger.log(a + " sourceBuffer(s) expected")), this.sourceBufferNb = a
}, {
key: "onMediaAttaching",
value: function(e) {
var t = =;
if (t) {
var r = this.mediaSource = new MediaSource;
this.onmso = this.onMediaSourceOpen.bind(this), this.onmse = this.onMediaSourceEnded.bind(this), this.onmsc = this.onMediaSourceClose.bind(this), r.addEventListener("sourceopen", this.onmso), r.addEventListener("sourceended", this.onmse), r.addEventListener("sourceclose", this.onmsc), t.src = URL.createObjectURL(r)
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() {
d.logger.log("media source detaching");
var e = this.mediaSource;
if (e) {
if ("open" === e.readyState) try {
} catch (e) {
d.logger.warn("onMediaDetaching:" + e.message + " while calling endOfStream")
e.removeEventListener("sourceopen", this.onmso), e.removeEventListener("sourceended", this.onmse), e.removeEventListener("sourceclose", this.onmsc), && (URL.revokeObjectURL(,"src"),, this.mediaSource = null, = null, this.pendingTracks = {}, this.tracks = {}, this.sourceBuffer = {}, this.flushRange = [], this.segments = [], this.appended = 0
this.onmso = this.onmse = this.onmsc = null, this.hls.trigger(l.default.MEDIA_DETACHED)
}, {
key: "onMediaSourceOpen",
value: function() {
d.logger.log("media source opened"), this.hls.trigger(l.default.MEDIA_ATTACHED, {
var e = this.mediaSource;
e && e.removeEventListener("sourceopen", this.onmso), this.checkPendingTracks()
}, {
key: "checkPendingTracks",
value: function() {
var e = this.pendingTracks,
t = Object.keys(e).length;
t && (this.sourceBufferNb <= t || 0 === this.sourceBufferNb) && (this.createSourceBuffers(e), this.pendingTracks = {}, this.doAppending())
}, {
key: "onMediaSourceClose",
value: function() {
d.logger.log("media source closed")
}, {
key: "onMediaSourceEnded",
value: function() {
d.logger.log("media source ended")
}, {
key: "onSBUpdateEnd",
value: function() {
if (this.audioTimestampOffset) {
var e =;
d.logger.warn("change mpeg audio timestamp offset from " + e.timestampOffset + " to " + this.audioTimestampOffset), e.timestampOffset = this.audioTimestampOffset, delete this.audioTimestampOffset
this._needsFlush && this.doFlush(), this._needsEos && this.checkEos(), this.appending = !1;
var t = this.parent,
r = this.segments.reduce(function(e, r) {
return r.parent === t ? e + 1 : e
}, 0);
this.hls.trigger(l.default.BUFFER_APPENDED, {
parent: t,
pending: r
}), this._needsFlush || this.doAppending(), this.updateMediaElementDuration()
}, {
key: "onSBUpdateError",
value: function(e) {
d.logger.error("sourceBuffer error:", e), this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPENDING_ERROR,
fatal: !1
}, {
key: "onBufferReset",
value: function() {
var e = this.sourceBuffer;
for (var t in e) {
var r = e[t];
try {
this.mediaSource.removeSourceBuffer(r), r.removeEventListener("updateend", this.onsbue), r.removeEventListener("error", this.onsbe)
} catch (e) {}
this.sourceBuffer = {}, this.flushRange = [], this.segments = [], this.appended = 0
}, {
key: "onBufferCodecs",
value: function(e) {
if (0 === Object.keys(this.sourceBuffer).length) {
for (var t in e) this.pendingTracks[t] = e[t];
var r = this.mediaSource;
r && "open" === r.readyState && this.checkPendingTracks()
}, {
key: "createSourceBuffers",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.sourceBuffer,
r = this.mediaSource;
for (var a in e)
if (!t[a]) {
var i = e[a],
n = i.levelCodec || i.codec,
s = i.container + ";codecs=" + n;
d.logger.log("creating sourceBuffer(" + s + ")");
try {
var o = t[a] = r.addSourceBuffer(s);
o.addEventListener("updateend", this.onsbue), o.addEventListener("error", this.onsbe), this.tracks[a] = {
codec: n,
container: i.container
}, i.buffer = o
} catch (e) {
d.logger.error("error while trying to add sourceBuffer:" + e.message), this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_ADD_CODEC_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
err: e,
mimeType: s
} this.hls.trigger(l.default.BUFFER_CREATED, {
tracks: e
}, {
key: "onBufferAppending",
value: function(e) {
this._needsFlush || (this.segments ? this.segments.push(e) : this.segments = [e], this.doAppending())
}, {
key: "onBufferAppendFail",
value: function(e) {
d.logger.error("sourceBuffer error:", e.event), this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPENDING_ERROR,
fatal: !1
}, {
key: "onBufferEos",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.sourceBuffer,
r = e.type;
for (var a in t) r && a !== r || t[a].ended || (t[a].ended = !0, d.logger.log(a + " sourceBuffer now EOS"));
}, {
key: "checkEos",
value: function() {
var e = this.sourceBuffer,
t = this.mediaSource;
if (t && "open" === t.readyState) {
for (var r in e) {
var a = e[r];
if (!a.ended) return;
if (a.updating) return void(this._needsEos = !0)
d.logger.log("all media data available, signal endOfStream() to MediaSource and stop loading fragment");
try {
} catch (e) {
d.logger.warn("exception while calling mediaSource.endOfStream()")
this._needsEos = !1
} else this._needsEos = !1
}, {
key: "onBufferFlushing",
value: function(e) {
start: e.startOffset,
end: e.endOffset,
type: e.type
}), this.flushBufferCounter = 0, this.doFlush()
}, {
key: "onLevelUpdated",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.details;
0 !== t.fragments.length && (this._levelDuration = t.totalduration + t.fragments[0].start, this.updateMediaElementDuration())
}, {
key: "updateMediaElementDuration",
value: function() {
var e =,
t = this.mediaSource,
r = this.sourceBuffer,
a = this._levelDuration;
if (null !== a && e && t && r && 0 !== e.readyState && "open" === t.readyState) {
for (var i in r)
if (r[i].updating) return;
null === this._msDuration && (this._msDuration = t.duration);
var n = e.duration;
(a > this._msDuration && a > n || n === 1 / 0 || isNaN(n)) && (d.logger.log("Updating mediasource duration to " + a.toFixed(3)), this._msDuration = t.duration = a)
}, {
key: "doFlush",
value: function() {
for (; this.flushRange.length;) {
var e = this.flushRange[0];
if (!this.flushBuffer(e.start, e.end, e.type)) return void(this._needsFlush = !0);
this.flushRange.shift(), this.flushBufferCounter = 0
if (0 === this.flushRange.length) {
this._needsFlush = !1;
var t = 0,
r = this.sourceBuffer;
try {
for (var a in r) t += r[a].buffered.length
} catch (e) {
d.logger.error("error while accessing sourceBuffer.buffered")
this.appended = t, this.hls.trigger(l.default.BUFFER_FLUSHED)
}, {
key: "doAppending",
value: function() {
var e = this.hls,
t = this.sourceBuffer,
r = this.segments;
if (Object.keys(t).length) {
if ( return this.segments = [], void d.logger.error("trying to append although a media error occured, flush segment and abort");
if (this.appending) return;
if (r && r.length) {
var a = r.shift();
try {
var i = t[a.type];
i ? i.updating ? r.unshift(a) : (i.ended = !1, this.parent = a.parent, i.appendBuffer(, this.appendError = 0, this.appended++, this.appending = !0) : this.onSBUpdateEnd()
} catch (t) {
d.logger.error("error while trying to append buffer:" + t.message), r.unshift(a);
var n = {
type: f.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
parent: a.parent
if (22 === t.code) return this.segments = [], n.details = f.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_FULL_ERROR, n.fatal = !1, void e.trigger(l.default.ERROR, n);
if (this.appendError ? this.appendError++ : this.appendError = 1, n.details = f.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR, this.appendError > e.config.appendErrorMaxRetry) return d.logger.log("fail " + e.config.appendErrorMaxRetry + " times to append segment in sourceBuffer"), r = [], n.fatal = !0, void e.trigger(l.default.ERROR, n);
n.fatal = !1, e.trigger(l.default.ERROR, n)
}, {
key: "flushBuffer",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a, i, n, s, o, l, u = this.sourceBuffer;
if (Object.keys(u).length) {
if (d.logger.log("flushBuffer,pos/start/end: " + + "/" + e + "/" + t), this.flushBufferCounter < this.appended) {
for (var f in u)
if (!r || f === r) {
if (a = u[f], a.ended = !1, a.updating) return d.logger.warn("cannot flush, sb updating in progress"), !1;
try {
for (i = 0; i < a.buffered.length; i++)
if (n = a.buffered.start(i), s = a.buffered.end(i), -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") && t === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? (o = e, l = t) : (o = Math.max(n, e), l = Math.min(s, t)), Math.min(l, s) - o > .5) return this.flushBufferCounter++, d.logger.log("flush " + f + " [" + o + "," + l + "], of [" + n + "," + s + "], pos:" +, a.remove(o, l), !1
} catch (e) {
d.logger.warn("exception while accessing sourcebuffer, it might have been removed from MediaSource")
} else d.logger.warn("abort flushing too many retries");
d.logger.log("buffer flushed")
return !0
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
9: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = function(e) {
function t(e) {
return i(this, t), n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.FPS_DROP_LEVEL_CAPPING, l.default.MEDIA_ATTACHING, l.default.MANIFEST_PARSED))
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.hls.config.capLevelToPlayerSize && ( = this.restrictedLevels = null, this.autoLevelCapping = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this.timer && (this.timer = clearInterval(this.timer)))
}, {
key: "onFpsDropLevelCapping",
value: function(e) {
t.isLevelAllowed(e.droppedLevel, this.restrictedLevels) && this.restrictedLevels.push(e.droppedLevel)
}, {
key: "onMediaAttaching",
value: function(e) { = instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? : null
}, {
key: "onManifestParsed",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.hls;
this.restrictedLevels = [], t.config.capLevelToPlayerSize && (this.autoLevelCapping = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this.levels = e.levels, t.firstLevel = this.getMaxLevel(e.firstLevel), clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = setInterval(this.detectPlayerSize.bind(this), 1e3), this.detectPlayerSize())
}, {
key: "detectPlayerSize",
value: function() {
if ( {
var e = this.levels ? this.levels.length : 0;
if (e) {
var t = this.hls;
t.autoLevelCapping = this.getMaxLevel(e - 1), t.autoLevelCapping > this.autoLevelCapping && t.streamController.nextLevelSwitch(), this.autoLevelCapping = t.autoLevelCapping
}, {
key: "getMaxLevel",
value: function(e) {
var r = this;
if (!this.levels) return -1;
var a = this.levels.filter(function(a, i) {
return t.isLevelAllowed(i, r.restrictedLevels) && i <= e
return t.getMaxLevelByMediaSize(a, this.mediaWidth, this.mediaHeight)
}, {
key: "mediaWidth",
get: function() {
var e = void 0,
r =;
return r && (e = r.width || r.clientWidth || r.offsetWidth, e *= t.contentScaleFactor), e
}, {
key: "mediaHeight",
get: function() {
var e = void 0,
r =;
return r && (e = r.height || r.clientHeight || r.offsetHeight, e *= t.contentScaleFactor), e
}], [{
key: "isLevelAllowed",
value: function(e) {
return -1 === (arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []).indexOf(e)
}, {
key: "getMaxLevelByMediaSize",
value: function(e, t, r) {
if (!e || e && !e.length) return -1;
for (var a = e.length - 1, i = 0; i < e.length; i += 1) {
var n = e[i];
if ((n.width >= t || n.height >= r) && function(e, t) {
return !t || e.width !== t.width || e.height !== t.height
}(n, e[i + 1])) {
a = i;
return a
}, {
key: "contentScaleFactor",
get: function() {
var e = 1;
try {
e = window.devicePixelRatio
} catch (e) {}
return e
}]), t
r.default = u
}, {
34: 34,
35: 35
10: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(54),
f = function(e) {
function t(e) {
return i(this, t), n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.MEDIA_ATTACHING))
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.timer && clearInterval(this.timer), this.isVideoPlaybackQualityAvailable = !1
}, {
key: "onMediaAttaching",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.hls.config;
t.capLevelOnFPSDrop && ("function" == typeof( = instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? : null).getVideoPlaybackQuality && (this.isVideoPlaybackQualityAvailable = !0), clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = setInterval(this.checkFPSInterval.bind(this), t.fpsDroppedMonitoringPeriod))
}, {
key: "checkFPS",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a =;
if (t) {
if (this.lastTime) {
var i = a - this.lastTime,
n = r - this.lastDroppedFrames,
s = t - this.lastDecodedFrames,
o = 1e3 * n / i,
u = this.hls;
if (u.trigger(l.default.FPS_DROP, {
currentDropped: n,
currentDecoded: s,
totalDroppedFrames: r
}), o > 0 && n > u.config.fpsDroppedMonitoringThreshold * s) {
var f = u.currentLevel;
d.logger.warn("drop FPS ratio greater than max allowed value for currentLevel: " + f), f > 0 && (-1 === u.autoLevelCapping || u.autoLevelCapping >= f) && (f -= 1, u.trigger(l.default.FPS_DROP_LEVEL_CAPPING, {
level: f,
droppedLevel: u.currentLevel
}), u.autoLevelCapping = f, u.streamController.nextLevelSwitch())
this.lastTime = a, this.lastDroppedFrames = r, this.lastDecodedFrames = t
}, {
key: "checkFPSInterval",
value: function() {
var e =;
if (e)
if (this.isVideoPlaybackQualityAvailable) {
var t = e.getVideoPlaybackQuality();
this.checkFPS(e, t.totalVideoFrames, t.droppedVideoFrames)
} else this.checkFPS(e, e.webkitDecodedFrameCount, e.webkitDroppedFrameCount)
}]), t
r.default = f
}, {
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
11: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = a(e(27)),
f = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.MEDIA_ATTACHED, l.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, l.default.FRAG_PARSING_METADATA));
return r.id3Track = void 0, = void 0, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onMediaAttached",
value: function(e) { =, && (this.id3Track ="metadata", "id3"), this.id3Track.mode = "hidden")
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() { = void 0
}, {
key: "onFragParsingMetadata",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = e.frag, r = e.samples, a = window.WebKitDataCue || window.VTTCue || window.TextTrackCue, i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
var n = d.default.getID3Frames(r[i].data);
if (n) {
var s = r[i].pts,
o = i < r.length - 1 ? r[i + 1].pts : t.endPTS;
s === o && (o += 1e-4);
for (var l = 0; l < n.length; l++) {
var u = n[l];
if (!d.default.isTimeStampFrame(u)) {
var f = new a(s, o, "");
f.value = u, this.id3Track.addCue(f)
}]), t
r.default = f
}, {
27: 27,
34: 34,
35: 35
12: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(54),
f = e(33),
c = a(e(37)),
h = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, l.default.LEVEL_LOADED, l.default.FRAG_LOADED, l.default.ERROR));
return r.ontick = r.tick.bind(r), r._manualLevel = -1, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.cleanTimer(), this._manualLevel = -1
}, {
key: "cleanTimer",
value: function() {
this.timer && (clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = null)
}, {
key: "startLoad",
value: function() {
this.canload = !0;
var e = this._levels;
e && e.forEach(function(e) {
e.loadError = 0;
var t = e.details;
t && && (e.details = void 0)
}), this.timer && this.tick()
}, {
key: "stopLoad",
value: function() {
this.canload = !1
}, {
key: "onManifestLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t, r = [],
a = [],
i = {},
n = !1,
s = !1,
o = this.hls,
u = /chrome|firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()),
c = function(e, t) {
return MediaSource.isTypeSupported(e + "/mp4;codecs=" + t)
if (e.levels.forEach(function(e) {
e.videoCodec && (n = !0), u && e.audioCodec && -1 !== e.audioCodec.indexOf("mp4a.40.34") && (e.audioCodec = void 0), (e.audioCodec || e.attrs && e.attrs.AUDIO) && (s = !0);
var t = i[e.bitrate];
void 0 === t ? (i[e.bitrate] = r.length, e.url = [e.url], e.urlId = 0, r.push(e)) : r[t].url.push(e.url)
}), n && s ? r.forEach(function(e) {
e.videoCodec && a.push(e)
}) : a = r, (a = a.filter(function(e) {
var t = e.audioCodec,
r = e.videoCodec;
return (!t || c("audio", t)) && (!r || c("video", r))
})).length) {
t = a[0].bitrate, a.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.bitrate - t.bitrate
}), this._levels = a;
for (var h = 0; h < a.length; h++)
if (a[h].bitrate === t) {
this._firstLevel = h, d.logger.log("manifest loaded," + a.length + " level(s) found, first bitrate:" + t);
} o.trigger(l.default.MANIFEST_PARSED, {
levels: a,
firstLevel: this._firstLevel,
stats: e.stats,
audio: s,
video: n,
altAudio: e.audioTracks.length > 0
} else o.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
url: o.url,
reason: "no level with compatible codecs found in manifest"
}, {
key: "setLevelInternal",
value: function(e) {
var t = this._levels,
r = this.hls;
if (e >= 0 && e < t.length) {
if (this.cleanTimer(), this._level !== e) {
d.logger.log("switching to level " + e), this._level = e;
var a = t[e];
a.level = e, r.trigger(l.default.LEVEL_SWITCH, a), r.trigger(l.default.LEVEL_SWITCHING, a)
var i = t[e],
n = i.details;
if (!n || !0 === {
var s = i.urlId;
r.trigger(l.default.LEVEL_LOADING, {
url: i.url[s],
level: e,
id: s
} else r.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.OTHER_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_SWITCH_ERROR,
level: e,
fatal: !1,
reason: "invalid level idx"
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
if (e.fatal) e.type === f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR && this.cleanTimer();
else {
var t = e.details,
r = this.hls,
a = void 0,
i = void 0,
n = !1;
switch (t) {
case f.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
case f.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
case f.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR:
case f.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR:
case f.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
a = e.frag.level;
case f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR:
case f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
a = e.context.level, n = !0;
case f.ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR:
a = e.level
if (void 0 !== a) {
(i = this._levels[a]).loadError ? i.loadError++ : i.loadError = 1;
var s = i.url.length;
if (s > 1 && i.loadError < s) i.urlId = (i.urlId + 1) % s, i.details = void 0, d.logger.warn("level controller," + t + " for level " + a + ": switching to redundant stream id " + i.urlId);
else if (-1 === this._manualLevel && a) d.logger.warn("level controller," + t + ": switch-down for next fragment"), r.nextAutoLevel = Math.max(0, a - 1);
else if (i && i.details && d.logger.warn("level controller," + t + " on live stream, discard"), n && (this._level = void 0);
else if (t === f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR || t === f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT) {
var o =;
if (o && c.default.isBuffered(o, o.currentTime) && c.default.isBuffered(o, o.currentTime + .5)) {
var l = r.config.levelLoadingRetryDelay;
d.logger.warn("level controller," + t + ", but media buffered, retry in " + l + "ms"), this.timer = setTimeout(this.ontick, l), e.levelRetry = !0
} else d.logger.error("cannot recover " + t + " error"), this._level = void 0, this.cleanTimer(), e.fatal = !0
}, {
key: "onFragLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag;
if (t && "main" === t.type) {
var r = this._levels[t.level];
r && (r.loadError = 0)
}, {
key: "onLevelLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.level;
if (t === this._level) {
var r = this._levels[t];
r.loadError = 0;
var a = e.details;
if ( {
var i = 1e3 * (a.averagetargetduration ? a.averagetargetduration : a.targetduration),
n = r.details;
n && a.endSN === n.endSN && (i /= 2, d.logger.log("same live playlist, reload twice faster")), i -= - e.stats.trequest, i = Math.max(1e3, Math.round(i)), d.logger.log("live playlist, reload in " + i + " ms"), this.timer = setTimeout(this.ontick, i)
} else this.timer = null
}, {
key: "tick",
value: function() {
var e = this._level;
if (void 0 !== e && this.canload) {
var t = this._levels[e];
if (t && t.url) {
var r = t.urlId;
this.hls.trigger(l.default.LEVEL_LOADING, {
url: t.url[r],
level: e,
id: r
}, {
key: "levels",
get: function() {
return this._levels
}, {
key: "level",
get: function() {
return this._level
set: function(e) {
var t = this._levels;
t && t.length > e && (this._level === e && void 0 !== t[e].details || this.setLevelInternal(e))
}, {
key: "manualLevel",
get: function() {
return this._manualLevel
set: function(e) {
this._manualLevel = e, void 0 === this._startLevel && (this._startLevel = e), -1 !== e && (this.level = e)
}, {
key: "firstLevel",
get: function() {
return this._firstLevel
set: function(e) {
this._firstLevel = e
}, {
key: "startLevel",
get: function() {
if (void 0 === this._startLevel) {
var e = this.hls.config.startLevel;
return void 0 !== e ? e : this._firstLevel
return this._startLevel
set: function(e) {
this._startLevel = e
}, {
key: "nextLoadLevel",
get: function() {
return -1 !== this._manualLevel ? this._manualLevel : this.hls.nextAutoLevel
set: function(e) {
this.level = e, -1 === this._manualLevel && (this.hls.nextAutoLevel = e)
}]), t
r.default = h
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
37: 37,
54: 54
13: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(48)),
u = a(e(37)),
d = a(e(25)),
f = a(e(35)),
c = a(e(34)),
h = a(e(38)),
g = a(e(55)),
v = e(33),
p = e(54),
y = {
m = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, f.default.MEDIA_ATTACHED, f.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, f.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, f.default.MANIFEST_PARSED, f.default.LEVEL_LOADED, f.default.KEY_LOADED, f.default.FRAG_LOADED, f.default.FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED, f.default.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, f.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA, f.default.FRAG_PARSED, f.default.ERROR, f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHING, f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED, f.default.BUFFER_CREATED, f.default.BUFFER_APPENDED, f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHED));
return r.config = e.config, r.audioCodecSwap = !1, r.ticks = 0, r._state = y.STOPPED, r.ontick = r.tick.bind(r), r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.stopLoad(), this.timer && (clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null),, this.state = y.STOPPED
}, {
key: "startLoad",
value: function(e) {
if (this.levels) {
var t = this.lastCurrentTime,
r = this.hls;
if (this.stopLoad(), this.timer || (this.timer = setInterval(this.ontick, 100)), this.level = -1, this.fragLoadError = 0, !this.startFragRequested) {
var a = r.startLevel; - 1 === a && (a = 0, this.bitrateTest = !0), this.level = r.nextLoadLevel = a, this.loadedmetadata = !1
t > 0 && -1 === e && (p.logger.log("override startPosition with lastCurrentTime @" + t.toFixed(3)), e = t), this.state = y.IDLE, this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = e, this.tick()
} else this.forceStartLoad = !0, this.state = y.STOPPED
}, {
key: "stopLoad",
value: function() {
var e = this.fragCurrent;
e && (e.loader && e.loader.abort(), this.fragCurrent = null), this.fragPrevious = null, this.demuxer && (this.demuxer.destroy(), this.demuxer = null), this.state = y.STOPPED, this.forceStartLoad = !1
}, {
key: "tick",
value: function() {
1 === ++this.ticks && (this.doTick(), this.ticks > 1 && setTimeout(this.tick, 1), this.ticks = 0)
}, {
key: "doTick",
value: function() {
switch (this.state) {
case y.ERROR:
this.fragLoadError = 0;
case y.IDLE:
var e = this.levels[this.level];
e && e.details && (this.state = y.IDLE);
var t =,
r = this.retryDate;
(!r || t >= r || && && (p.logger.log("mediaController: retryDate reached, switch back to IDLE state"), this.state = y.IDLE);
case y.ERROR:
case y.STOPPED:
case y.PARSING:
case y.PARSED:
case y.ENDED:
this._checkBuffer(), this._checkFragmentChanged()
}, {
key: "_doTickIdle",
value: function() {
var e = this.hls,
t = e.config,
r =;
if (void 0 === this.levelLastLoaded || r || !this.startFragRequested && t.startFragPrefetch) {
var a = void 0;
a = this.loadedmetadata ? r.currentTime : this.nextLoadPosition;
var i = e.nextLoadLevel,
n = this.levels[i];
if (n) {
var s = n.bitrate,
o = void 0;
o = s ? Math.max(8 * t.maxBufferSize / s, t.maxBufferLength) : t.maxBufferLength, o = Math.min(o, t.maxMaxBufferLength);
var l = u.default.bufferInfo(this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer : r, a, t.maxBufferHole),
d = l.len;
if (!(d >= o)) {
p.logger.trace("buffer length of " + d.toFixed(3) + " is below max of " + o.toFixed(3) + ". checking for more payload ..."), this.level = e.nextLoadLevel = i;
var c = n.details;
if (void 0 === c || && this.levelLastLoaded !== i) this.state = y.WAITING_LEVEL;
else {
var h = this.fragPrevious;
if (! && h && === c.endSN && d && !l.nextStart && Math.min(r.duration, h.start + h.duration) - Math.max(l.end, h.start) <= Math.max(.2, h.duration)) {
var g = {};
return this.altAudio && (g.type = "video"), this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_EOS, g), void(this.state = y.ENDED)
this._fetchPayloadOrEos(a, l, c)
}, {
key: "_fetchPayloadOrEos",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = this.fragPrevious,
i = this.level,
n = r.fragments,
s = n.length;
if (0 !== s) {
var o = n[0].start,
l = n[s - 1].start + n[s - 1].duration,
u = t.end,
d = void 0;
if (r.initSegment && ! d = r.initSegment;
else if ( {
var f = this.config.initialLiveManifestSize;
if (s < f) return void p.logger.warn("Can not start playback of a level, reason: not enough fragments " + s + " < " + f);
if (null === (d = this._ensureFragmentAtLivePoint(r, u, o, l, a, n, s))) return
} else u < o && (d = n[0]);
d || (d = this._findFragment(o, a, s, n, u, l, r)), d && this._loadFragmentOrKey(d, i, r, e, u)
}, {
key: "_ensureFragmentAtLivePoint",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
var o = this.hls.config,
u =,
d = void 0,
f = void 0 !== o.liveMaxLatencyDuration ? o.liveMaxLatencyDuration : o.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount * e.targetduration;
if (t < Math.max(r - o.maxFragLookUpTolerance, a - f)) {
var c = this.liveSyncPosition = this.computeLivePosition(r, e);
p.logger.log("buffer end: " + t.toFixed(3) + " is located too far from the end of live sliding playlist, reset currentTime to : " + c.toFixed(3)), t = c, u && u.readyState && u.duration > c && (u.currentTime = c), this.nextLoadPosition = c
if (e.PTSKnown && t > a && u && u.readyState) return null;
if (this.startFragRequested && !e.PTSKnown) {
if (i) {
var h = + 1;
if (h >= e.startSN && h <= e.endSN) {
var g = n[h - e.startSN]; === && (d = g, p.logger.log("live playlist, switching playlist, load frag with next SN: " +
d || (d =, function(e) {
return -
})) && p.logger.log("live playlist, switching playlist, load frag with same CC: " +
d || (d = n[Math.min(s - 1, Math.round(s / 2))], p.logger.log("live playlist, switching playlist, unknown, load middle frag : " +
return d
}, {
key: "_findFragment",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
var o = this.hls.config,
u = void 0,
d = void 0,
f = o.maxFragLookUpTolerance,
c = t ? a[ - a[0].sn + 1] : void 0,
h = function(e) {
var t = Math.min(f, e.duration);
return e.start + e.duration - t <= i ? 1 : e.start - t > i && e.start ? -1 : 0
if (i < n ? (i > n - f && (f = 0), d = c && !h(c) ? c :, h)) : d = a[r - 1], d) {
var g = (u = d).sn - s.startSN,
v = t && u.level === t.level,
y = a[g - 1],
m = a[g + 1];
if (t && ===
if (v && !u.backtracked)
if ( < s.endSN) {
var E = t.deltaPTS;
E && E > o.maxBufferHole && t.dropped && g ? (u = y, p.logger.warn("SN just loaded, with large PTS gap between audio and video, maybe frag is not starting with a keyframe ? load previous one to try to overcome this"), t.loadCounter--) : (u = m, p.logger.log("SN just loaded, load next one: " +
} else u = null;
else u.backtracked && (m && m.backtracked ? (p.logger.warn("Already backtracked from fragment " + + ", will not backtrack to fragment " + + ". Loading fragment " +, u = m) : (p.logger.warn("Loaded fragment with dropped frames, backtracking 1 segment to find a keyframe"), u.dropped = 0, y ? (y.loadCounter && y.loadCounter--, (u = y).backtracked = !0) : g && (u = null)))
return u
}, {
key: "_loadFragmentOrKey",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
var n = this.hls,
s = n.config;
if (!e.decryptdata || null == e.decryptdata.uri || null != e.decryptdata.key) {
if (p.logger.log("Loading " + + " of [" + r.startSN + " ," + r.endSN + "],level " + t + ", currentTime:" + a.toFixed(3) + ",bufferEnd:" + i.toFixed(3)), void 0 !== this.fragLoadIdx ? this.fragLoadIdx++ : this.fragLoadIdx = 0, e.loadCounter) {
var o = s.fragLoadingLoopThreshold;
if (e.loadCounter > o && Math.abs(this.fragLoadIdx - e.loadIdx) < o) return void n.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
frag: e
} else e.loadCounter = 1;
return e.loadIdx = this.fragLoadIdx, this.fragCurrent = e, this.startFragRequested = !0, isNaN( || (this.nextLoadPosition = e.start + e.duration), e.autoLevel = n.autoLevelEnabled, e.bitrateTest = this.bitrateTest, n.trigger(f.default.FRAG_LOADING, {
frag: e
}), this.demuxer || (this.demuxer = new d.default(n, "main")), void(this.state = y.FRAG_LOADING)
p.logger.log("Loading key for " + + " of [" + r.startSN + " ," + r.endSN + "],level " + t), this.state = y.KEY_LOADING, n.trigger(f.default.KEY_LOADING, {
frag: e
}, {
key: "getBufferedFrag",
value: function(e) {
return, function(t) {
return e < t.startPTS ? -1 : e > t.endPTS ? 1 : 0
}, {
key: "followingBufferedFrag",
value: function(e) {
return e ? this.getBufferedFrag(e.endPTS + .5) : null
}, {
key: "_checkFragmentChanged",
value: function() {
var e, t, r =;
if (r && r.readyState && !1 === r.seeking && ((t = r.currentTime) > r.playbackRate * this.lastCurrentTime && (this.lastCurrentTime = t), u.default.isBuffered(r, t) ? e = this.getBufferedFrag(t) : u.default.isBuffered(r, t + .1) && (e = this.getBufferedFrag(t + .1)), e)) {
var a = e;
if (a !== this.fragPlaying) {
this.hls.trigger(f.default.FRAG_CHANGED, {
frag: a
var i = a.level;
this.fragPlaying && this.fragPlaying.level === i || this.hls.trigger(f.default.LEVEL_SWITCHED, {
level: i
}), this.fragPlaying = a
}, {
key: "immediateLevelSwitch",
value: function() {
if (p.logger.log("immediateLevelSwitch"), !this.immediateSwitch) {
this.immediateSwitch = !0;
var e =,
t = void 0;
e ? (t = e.paused, e.pause()) : t = !0, this.previouslyPaused = t
var r = this.fragCurrent;
r && r.loader && r.loader.abort(), this.fragCurrent = null, this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * this.config.fragLoadingLoopThreshold, this.flushMainBuffer(0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
}, {
key: "immediateLevelSwitchEnd",
value: function() {
var e =;
e && e.buffered.length && (this.immediateSwitch = !1, u.default.isBuffered(e, e.currentTime) && (e.currentTime -= 1e-4), this.previouslyPaused ||
}, {
key: "nextLevelSwitch",
value: function() {
var e =;
if (e && e.readyState) {
var t = void 0,
r = void 0,
a = void 0;
if (this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * this.config.fragLoadingLoopThreshold, (r = this.getBufferedFrag(e.currentTime)) && r.startPTS > 1 && this.flushMainBuffer(0, r.startPTS - 1), e.paused) t = 0;
else {
var i = this.hls.nextLoadLevel,
n = this.levels[i],
s = this.fragLastKbps;
t = s && this.fragCurrent ? this.fragCurrent.duration * n.bitrate / (1e3 * s) + 1 : 0
if ((a = this.getBufferedFrag(e.currentTime + t)) && (a = this.followingBufferedFrag(a))) {
var o = this.fragCurrent;
o && o.loader && o.loader.abort(), this.fragCurrent = null, this.flushMainBuffer(a.maxStartPTS, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
}, {
key: "flushMainBuffer",
value: function(e, t) {
this.state = y.BUFFER_FLUSHING;
var r = {
startOffset: e,
endOffset: t
this.altAudio && (r.type = "video"), this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHING, r)
}, {
key: "onMediaAttached",
value: function(e) {
var t = = this.mediaBuffer =;
this.onvseeking = this.onMediaSeeking.bind(this), this.onvseeked = this.onMediaSeeked.bind(this), this.onvended = this.onMediaEnded.bind(this), t.addEventListener("seeking", this.onvseeking), t.addEventListener("seeked", this.onvseeked), t.addEventListener("ended", this.onvended);
var r = this.config;
this.levels && r.autoStartLoad && this.hls.startLoad(r.startPosition)
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() {
var e =;
e && e.ended && (p.logger.log("MSE detaching and video ended, reset startPosition"), this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0);
var t = this.levels;
t && t.forEach(function(e) {
e.details && e.details.fragments.forEach(function(e) {
e.loadCounter = void 0, e.backtracked = void 0
}), e && (e.removeEventListener("seeking", this.onvseeking), e.removeEventListener("seeked", this.onvseeked), e.removeEventListener("ended", this.onvended), this.onvseeking = this.onvseeked = this.onvended = null), = this.mediaBuffer = null, this.loadedmetadata = !1, this.stopLoad()
}, {
key: "onMediaSeeking",
value: function() {
var e =,
t = e ? e.currentTime : void 0,
r = this.config;
isNaN(t) || p.logger.log("media seeking to " + t.toFixed(3));
var a = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer : e,
i = u.default.bufferInfo(a, t, this.config.maxBufferHole);
if (this.state === y.FRAG_LOADING) {
var n = this.fragCurrent;
if (0 === i.len && n) {
var s = r.maxFragLookUpTolerance,
o = n.start - s,
l = n.start + n.duration + s;
t < o || t > l ? (n.loader && (p.logger.log("seeking outside of buffer while fragment load in progress, cancel fragment load"), n.loader.abort()), this.fragCurrent = null, this.fragPrevious = null, this.state = y.IDLE) : p.logger.log("seeking outside of buffer but within currently loaded fragment range")
} else this.state === y.ENDED && (0 === i.len && (this.fragPrevious = 0), this.state = y.IDLE);
e && (this.lastCurrentTime = t), this.state !== y.FRAG_LOADING && void 0 !== this.fragLoadIdx && (this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * r.fragLoadingLoopThreshold), this.loadedmetadata || (this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition = t), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onMediaSeeked",
value: function() {
var e =,
t = e ? e.currentTime : void 0;
isNaN(t) || p.logger.log("media seeked to " + t.toFixed(3)), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onMediaEnded",
value: function() {
p.logger.log("media ended"), this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0
}, {
key: "onManifestLoading",
value: function() {
p.logger.log("trigger BUFFER_RESET"), this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_RESET), this._bufferedFrags = [], this.stalled = !1, this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0
}, {
key: "onManifestParsed",
value: function(e) {
var t, r = !1,
a = !1;
e.levels.forEach(function(e) {
(t = e.audioCodec) && (-1 !== t.indexOf("mp4a.40.2") && (r = !0), -1 !== t.indexOf("mp4a.40.5") && (a = !0))
}), this.audioCodecSwitch = r && a, this.audioCodecSwitch && p.logger.log("both AAC/HE-AAC audio found in levels; declaring level codec as HE-AAC"), this.levels = e.levels, this.startLevelLoaded = !1, this.startFragRequested = !1;
var i = this.config;
(i.autoStartLoad || this.forceStartLoad) && this.hls.startLoad(i.startPosition)
}, {
key: "onLevelLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.details,
r = e.level,
a = this.levels[r],
i = t.totalduration,
n = 0;
if (p.logger.log("level " + r + " loaded [" + t.startSN + "," + t.endSN + "],duration:" + i), this.levelLastLoaded = r, {
var s = a.details;
s && t.fragments.length > 0 ? (h.default.mergeDetails(s, t), n = t.fragments[0].start, this.liveSyncPosition = this.computeLivePosition(n, s), t.PTSKnown ? p.logger.log("live playlist sliding:" + n.toFixed(3)) : p.logger.log("live playlist - outdated PTS, unknown sliding")) : (t.PTSKnown = !1, p.logger.log("live playlist - first load, unknown sliding"))
} else t.PTSKnown = !1;
if (a.details = t, this.hls.trigger(f.default.LEVEL_UPDATED, {
details: t,
level: r
}), !1 === this.startFragRequested) {
if (-1 === this.startPosition || -1 === this.lastCurrentTime) {
var o = t.startTimeOffset;
isNaN(o) ? ? (this.startPosition = this.computeLivePosition(n, t), p.logger.log("configure startPosition to " + this.startPosition)) : this.startPosition = 0 : (o < 0 && (p.logger.log("negative start time offset " + o + ", count from end of last fragment"), o = n + i + o), p.logger.log("start time offset found in playlist, adjust startPosition to " + o), this.startPosition = o), this.lastCurrentTime = this.startPosition
this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition
this.state === y.WAITING_LEVEL && (this.state = y.IDLE), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onKeyLoaded",
value: function() {
this.state === y.KEY_LOADING && (this.state = y.IDLE, this.tick())
}, {
key: "onFragLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
if (this.state === y.FRAG_LOADING && t && "main" === r.type && r.level === t.level && === {
var a = e.stats,
i = this.levels[t.level],
n = i.details;
if (p.logger.log("Loaded " + + " of [" + n.startSN + " ," + n.endSN + "],level " + t.level), this.bitrateTest = !1, this.stats = a, !0 === r.bitrateTest && this.hls.nextLoadLevel) this.state = y.IDLE, this.startFragRequested = !1, a.tparsed = a.tbuffered =, this.hls.trigger(f.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
stats: a,
frag: t,
id: "main"
}), this.tick();
else if ("initSegment" === this.state = y.IDLE, a.tparsed = a.tbuffered =, = e.payload, this.hls.trigger(f.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
stats: a,
frag: t,
id: "main"
}), this.tick();
else {
this.state = y.PARSING;
var s = n.totalduration,
o = t.level,
l =,
u = this.config.defaultAudioCodec || i.audioCodec;
this.audioCodecSwap && (p.logger.log("swapping playlist audio codec"), void 0 === u && (u = this.lastAudioCodec), u && (u = -1 !== u.indexOf("mp4a.40.5") ? "mp4a.40.2" : "mp4a.40.5")), this.pendingBuffering = !0, this.appended = !1, p.logger.log("Parsing " + l + " of [" + n.startSN + " ," + n.endSN + "],level " + o + ", cc " +;
var c = this.demuxer;
c || (c = this.demuxer = new d.default(this.hls, "main"));
var h =,
g = !(h && h.seeking) && (n.PTSKnown || !,
v = n.initSegment ? : [];
c.push(e.payload, v, u, i.videoCodec, t, s, g, void 0)
this.fragLoadError = 0
}, {
key: "onFragParsingInitSegment",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
if (t && "main" === && === && r.level === t.level && this.state === y.PARSING) {
var a, i, n = e.tracks;
if ( && this.altAudio && delete, i = {
var s = this.levels[this.level].audioCodec,
o = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
s && this.audioCodecSwap && (p.logger.log("swapping playlist audio codec"), s = -1 !== s.indexOf("mp4a.40.5") ? "mp4a.40.2" : "mp4a.40.5"), this.audioCodecSwitch && 1 !== i.metadata.channelCount && -1 === o.indexOf("firefox") && (s = "mp4a.40.5"), -1 !== o.indexOf("android") && "audio/mpeg" !== i.container && (s = "mp4a.40.2", p.logger.log("Android: force audio codec to " + s)), i.levelCodec = s, =
}(i = && (i.levelCodec = this.levels[this.level].videoCodec, =, this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_CODECS, n);
for (a in n) {
i = n[a], p.logger.log("main track:" + a + ",container:" + i.container + ",codecs[level/parsed]=[" + i.levelCodec + "/" + i.codec + "]");
var l = i.initSegment;
l && (this.appended = !0, this.pendingBuffering = !0, this.hls.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, {
type: a,
data: l,
parent: "main",
content: "initSegment"
}, {
key: "onFragParsingData",
value: function(e) {
var t = this,
r = this.fragCurrent,
a = e.frag;
if (r && "main" === && === && a.level === r.level && ("audio" !== e.type || !this.altAudio) && this.state === y.PARSING) {
var i = this.levels[this.level],
n = r;
if (isNaN(e.endPTS) && (e.endPTS = e.startPTS + r.duration, e.endDTS = e.startDTS + r.duration), p.logger.log("Parsed " + e.type + ",PTS:[" + e.startPTS.toFixed(3) + "," + e.endPTS.toFixed(3) + "],DTS:[" + e.startDTS.toFixed(3) + "/" + e.endDTS.toFixed(3) + "],nb:" + e.nb + ",dropped:" + (e.dropped || 0)), "video" === e.type)
if (n.dropped = e.dropped, n.dropped) {
if (!n.backtracked) return p.logger.warn("missing video frame(s), backtracking fragment"), n.backtracked = !0, this.nextLoadPosition = e.startPTS, this.state = y.IDLE, this.fragPrevious = n, void this.tick();
p.logger.warn("Already backtracked on this fragment, appending with the gap")
} else n.backtracked = !1;
var s = h.default.updateFragPTSDTS(i.details, n, e.startPTS, e.endPTS, e.startDTS, e.endDTS),
o = this.hls;
o.trigger(f.default.LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED, {
details: i.details,
level: this.level,
drift: s,
type: e.type,
start: e.startPTS,
end: e.endPTS
}), [e.data1, e.data2].forEach(function(r) {
r && r.length && t.state === y.PARSING && (t.appended = !0, t.pendingBuffering = !0, o.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_APPENDING, {
type: e.type,
data: r,
parent: "main",
content: "data"
}), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onFragParsed",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.fragCurrent,
r = e.frag;
t && "main" === && === && r.level === t.level && this.state === y.PARSING && (this.stats.tparsed =, this.state = y.PARSED, this._checkAppendedParsed())
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackSwitching",
value: function(e) {
var t = !!e.url,
r =;
if (!t) {
if (this.mediaBuffer !== {
p.logger.log("switching on main audio, use media.buffered to schedule main fragment loading"), this.mediaBuffer =;
var a = this.fragCurrent;
a.loader && (p.logger.log("switching to main audio track, cancel main fragment load"), a.loader.abort()), this.fragCurrent = null, this.fragPrevious = null, this.demuxer && (this.demuxer.destroy(), this.demuxer = null), this.state = y.IDLE
var i = this.hls;
i.trigger(f.default.BUFFER_FLUSHING, {
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
type: "audio"
}), i.trigger(f.default.AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED, {
id: r
}), this.altAudio = !1
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackSwitched",
value: function(e) {
var t =,
r = !!this.hls.audioTracks[t].url;
if (r) {
var a = this.videoBuffer;
a && this.mediaBuffer !== a && (p.logger.log("switching on alternate audio, use video.buffered to schedule main fragment loading"), this.mediaBuffer = a)
this.altAudio = r, this.tick()
}, {
key: "onBufferCreated",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.tracks,
r = void 0,
a = void 0,
i = !1;
for (var n in t) {
var s = t[n];
"main" === ? (a = n, r = s, "video" === n && (this.videoBuffer = t[n].buffer)) : i = !0
i && r ? (p.logger.log("alternate track found, use " + a + ".buffered to schedule main fragment loading"), this.mediaBuffer = r.buffer) : this.mediaBuffer =
}, {
key: "onBufferAppended",
value: function(e) {
if ("main" === e.parent) {
var t = this.state;
t !== y.PARSING && t !== y.PARSED || (this.pendingBuffering = e.pending > 0, this._checkAppendedParsed())
}, {
key: "_checkAppendedParsed",
value: function() {
if (!(this.state !== y.PARSED || this.appended && this.pendingBuffering)) {
var e = this.fragCurrent;
if (e) {
var t = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer :;
p.logger.log("main buffered : " + g.default.toString(t.buffered));
var r = this._bufferedFrags.filter(function(e) {
return u.default.isBuffered(t, (e.startPTS + e.endPTS) / 2)
r.push(e), this._bufferedFrags = r.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.startPTS - t.startPTS
}), this.fragPrevious = e;
var a = this.stats;
a.tbuffered =, this.fragLastKbps = Math.round(8 * / (a.tbuffered - a.tfirst)), this.hls.trigger(f.default.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
stats: a,
frag: e,
id: "main"
}), this.state = y.IDLE
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag || this.fragCurrent;
if (!t || "main" === t.type) {
var r =,
a = r && u.default.isBuffered(r, r.currentTime) && u.default.isBuffered(r, r.currentTime + .5);
switch (e.details) {
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
case v.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
if (!e.fatal) {
var i = this.fragLoadError;
i ? i++ : i = 1;
var n = this.config;
if (i <= n.fragLoadingMaxRetry || a || t.autoLevel && t.level) {
this.fragLoadError = i, t.loadCounter = 0;
var s = Math.min(Math.pow(2, i - 1) * n.fragLoadingRetryDelay, n.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout);
p.logger.warn("mediaController: frag loading failed, retry in " + s + " ms"), this.retryDate = + s, this.loadedmetadata || (this.startFragRequested = !1, this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition), this.state = y.FRAG_LOADING_WAITING_RETRY
} else p.logger.error("mediaController: " + e.details + " reaches max retry, redispatch as fatal ..."), e.fatal = !0, this.state = y.ERROR
case v.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR:
e.fatal || (a ? (this._reduceMaxBufferLength(t.duration), this.state = y.IDLE) : t.autoLevel && 0 !== t.level || (e.fatal = !0, this.state = y.ERROR));
case v.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR:
case v.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
this.state !== y.ERROR && (e.fatal ? (this.state = y.ERROR, p.logger.warn("streamController: " + e.details + ",switch to " + this.state + " state ...")) : e.levelRetry || this.state !== y.WAITING_LEVEL || (this.state = y.IDLE));
case v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_FULL_ERROR:
"main" !== e.parent || this.state !== y.PARSING && this.state !== y.PARSED || (a ? (this._reduceMaxBufferLength(this.config.maxBufferLength), this.state = y.IDLE) : (p.logger.warn("buffer full error also media.currentTime is not buffered, flush everything"), this.fragCurrent = null, this.flushMainBuffer(0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))
}, {
key: "_reduceMaxBufferLength",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.config;
t.maxMaxBufferLength >= e && (t.maxMaxBufferLength /= 2, p.logger.warn("main:reduce max buffer length to " + t.maxMaxBufferLength + "s"), this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * t.fragLoadingLoopThreshold)
}, {
key: "_checkBuffer",
value: function() {
var e =,
t = this.config;
if (e && e.readyState) {
var r = e.currentTime,
a = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer : e,
i = a.buffered;
if (!this.loadedmetadata && i.length) {
this.loadedmetadata = !0;
var n = e.seeking ? r : this.startPosition,
s = u.default.isBuffered(a, n),
o = i.start(0);
(r !== n || !s && Math.abs(n - o) < t.maxSeekHole) && (p.logger.log("target start position:" + n), s || (n = o, p.logger.log("target start position not buffered, seek to buffered.start(0) " + n)), p.logger.log("adjust currentTime from " + r + " to " + n), e.currentTime = n)
} else if (this.immediateSwitch) this.immediateLevelSwitchEnd();
else {
var l = u.default.bufferInfo(e, r, 0),
d = !(e.paused || e.ended || 0 === e.buffered.length);
if (r !== this.lastCurrentTime) this.stallReported && (p.logger.warn("playback not stuck anymore @" + r + ", after " + Math.round( - this.stalled) + "ms"), this.stallReported = !1), this.stalled = void 0, this.nudgeRetry = 0;
else if (d) {
var c =,
h = this.hls;
if (this.stalled) {
var g = c - this.stalled,
y = l.len,
m = this.nudgeRetry || 0;
if (y <= .5 && g > 1e3 * t.lowBufferWatchdogPeriod) {
this.stallReported || (this.stallReported = !0, p.logger.warn("playback stalling in low buffer @" + r), h.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
buffer: y
var E = l.nextStart,
b = E - r;
if (E && b < t.maxSeekHole && b > 0) {
this.nudgeRetry = ++m;
var T = m * t.nudgeOffset;
p.logger.log("adjust currentTime from " + e.currentTime + " to next buffered @ " + E + " + nudge " + T), e.currentTime = E + T, this.stalled = void 0, h.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_SEEK_OVER_HOLE,
fatal: !1,
hole: E + T - r
} else if (y > .5 && g > 1e3 * t.highBufferWatchdogPeriod)
if (this.stallReported || (this.stallReported = !0, p.logger.warn("playback stalling in high buffer @" + r), h.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
buffer: y
})), this.stalled = void 0, this.nudgeRetry = ++m, m < t.nudgeMaxRetry) {
var k = e.currentTime,
_ = k + m * t.nudgeOffset;
p.logger.log("adjust currentTime from " + k + " to " + _), e.currentTime = _, h.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_NUDGE_ON_STALL,
fatal: !1
} else p.logger.error("still stuck in high buffer @" + r + " after " + t.nudgeMaxRetry + ", raise fatal error"), h.trigger(f.default.ERROR, {
type: v.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: v.ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR,
fatal: !0
} else this.stalled = c, this.stallReported = !1
}, {
key: "onFragLoadEmergencyAborted",
value: function() {
this.state = y.IDLE, this.loadedmetadata || (this.startFragRequested = !1, this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition), this.tick()
}, {
key: "onBufferFlushed",
value: function() {
var e = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer :;
this._bufferedFrags = this._bufferedFrags.filter(function(t) {
return u.default.isBuffered(e, (t.startPTS + t.endPTS) / 2)
}), this.fragLoadIdx += 2 * this.config.fragLoadingLoopThreshold, this.state = y.IDLE, this.fragPrevious = null
}, {
key: "swapAudioCodec",
value: function() {
this.audioCodecSwap = !this.audioCodecSwap
}, {
key: "computeLivePosition",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = void 0 !== this.config.liveSyncDuration ? this.config.liveSyncDuration : this.config.liveSyncDurationCount * t.targetduration;
return e + Math.max(0, t.totalduration - r)
}, {
key: "state",
set: function(e) {
if (this.state !== e) {
var t = this.state;
this._state = e, p.logger.log("main stream:" + t + "->" + e), this.hls.trigger(f.default.STREAM_STATE_TRANSITION, {
previousState: t,
nextState: e
get: function() {
return this._state
}, {
key: "currentLevel",
get: function() {
var e =;
if (e) {
var t = this.getBufferedFrag(e.currentTime);
if (t) return t.level
return -1
}, {
key: "nextBufferedFrag",
get: function() {
var e =;
return e ? this.followingBufferedFrag(this.getBufferedFrag(e.currentTime)) : null
}, {
key: "nextLevel",
get: function() {
var e = this.nextBufferedFrag;
return e ? e.level : -1
}, {
key: "liveSyncPosition",
get: function() {
return this._liveSyncPosition
set: function(e) {
this._liveSyncPosition = e
}]), t
r.default = m
}, {
25: 25,
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
37: 37,
38: 38,
48: 48,
54: 54,
55: 55
14: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(54),
f = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.ERROR, l.default.SUBTITLE_TRACKS_UPDATED, l.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_SWITCH, l.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADED, l.default.SUBTITLE_FRAG_PROCESSED));
return r.config = e.config, r.vttFragSNsProcessed = {}, r.vttFragQueues = void 0, r.currentlyProcessing = null, r.currentTrackId = -1, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "clearVttFragQueues",
value: function() {
var e = this;
this.vttFragQueues = {}, this.tracks.forEach(function(t) {
e.vttFragQueues[] = []
}, {
key: "nextFrag",
value: function() {
if (null === this.currentlyProcessing && this.currentTrackId > -1 && this.vttFragQueues[this.currentTrackId].length) {
var e = this.currentlyProcessing = this.vttFragQueues[this.currentTrackId].shift();
this.hls.trigger(l.default.FRAG_LOADING, {
frag: e
}, {
key: "onSubtitleFragProcessed",
value: function(e) {
e.success && this.vttFragSNsProcessed[e.frag.trackId].push(, this.currentlyProcessing = null, this.nextFrag()
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag;
t && "subtitle" !== t.type || this.currentlyProcessing && (this.currentlyProcessing = null, this.nextFrag())
}, {
key: "onSubtitleTracksUpdated",
value: function(e) {
var t = this;
d.logger.log("subtitle tracks updated"), this.tracks = e.subtitleTracks, this.clearVttFragQueues(), this.vttFragSNsProcessed = {}, this.tracks.forEach(function(e) {
t.vttFragSNsProcessed[] = []
}, {
key: "onSubtitleTrackSwitch",
value: function(e) {
this.currentTrackId =, this.clearVttFragQueues()
}, {
key: "onSubtitleTrackLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.vttFragSNsProcessed[],
r = this.vttFragQueues[],
a = this.currentlyProcessing ? : -1,
i = function(e) {
return t.indexOf( > -1
n = function(e) {
return r.some(function(t) {
return ===
e.details.fragments.forEach(function(t) {
i(t) || === a || n(t) || (t.trackId =, r.push(t))
}), this.nextFrag()
}]), t
r.default = f
}, {
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
15: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
function o(e) {
for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) "subtitles" === e[r].kind && t.push(e[r]);
return t
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var l = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
u = a(e(35)),
d = a(e(34)),
f = e(54),
c = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, u.default.MEDIA_ATTACHED, u.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, u.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, u.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADED));
return r.tracks = [], r.trackId = -1, = void 0, r
return s(t, e), l(t, [{
key: "_onTextTracksChanged",
value: function() {
if ( {
for (var e = -1, t = o(, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) "showing" === t[r].mode && (e = r);
this.subtitleTrack = e
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onMediaAttached",
value: function(e) { =, && (this.trackChangeListener = this._onTextTracksChanged.bind(this),"change", this.trackChangeListener))
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() { && ("change", this.trackChangeListener), = void 0)
}, {
key: "onManifestLoading",
value: function() {
this.tracks = [], this.trackId = -1
}, {
key: "onManifestLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this,
r = e.subtitles || [],
a = !1;
this.tracks = r, this.trackId = -1, this.hls.trigger(u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACKS_UPDATED, {
subtitleTracks: r
}), r.forEach(function(e) {
e.default && (t.subtitleTrack =, a = !0)
}, {
key: "onTick",
value: function() {
var e = this.trackId,
t = this.tracks[e];
if (t) {
var r = t.details;
void 0 !== r && !0 !== || (f.logger.log("(re)loading playlist for subtitle track " + e), this.hls.trigger(u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADING, {
url: t.url,
id: e
}, {
key: "onSubtitleTrackLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this; < this.tracks.length && (f.logger.log("subtitle track " + + " loaded"), this.tracks[].details = e.details, && !this.timer && (this.timer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1e3 * e.details.targetduration, this)), ! && this.timer && (clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null))
}, {
key: "setSubtitleTrackInternal",
value: function(e) {
if (e >= 0 && e < this.tracks.length) {
this.timer && (clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = null), this.trackId = e, f.logger.log("switching to subtitle track " + e);
var t = this.tracks[e];
this.hls.trigger(u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_SWITCH, {
id: e
var r = t.details;
void 0 !== r && !0 !== || (f.logger.log("(re)loading playlist for subtitle track " + e), this.hls.trigger(u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADING, {
url: t.url,
id: e
}, {
key: "subtitleTracks",
get: function() {
return this.tracks
}, {
key: "subtitleTrack",
get: function() {
return this.trackId
set: function(e) {
this.trackId !== e && this.setSubtitleTrackInternal(e)
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
16: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
function o(e) {
if (e && e.cues)
for (; e.cues.length > 0;) e.removeCue(e.cues[0])
function l(e, t) {
return e && e.label === && !(e.textTrack1 || e.textTrack2)
function u(e, t, r, a) {
return Math.min(t, a) - Math.max(e, r)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var d = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
f = a(e(35)),
c = a(e(34)),
h = a(e(49)),
g = a(e(58)),
v = e(54),
p = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, f.default.MEDIA_ATTACHING, f.default.MEDIA_DETACHING, f.default.FRAG_PARSING_USERDATA, f.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, f.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, f.default.FRAG_LOADED, f.default.LEVEL_SWITCHING, f.default.INIT_PTS_FOUND));
if (r.hls = e, r.config = e.config, r.enabled = !0, r.Cues = e.config.cueHandler, r.textTracks = [], r.tracks = [], r.unparsedVttFrags = [], r.initPTS = void 0, r.cueRanges = [], r.config.enableCEA708Captions) {
var a = r,
s = function(e, t) {
var r = null;
try {
r = new window.Event("addtrack")
} catch (e) {
(r = document.createEvent("Event")).initEvent("addtrack", !1, !1)
r.track = e, t.dispatchEvent(r)
l = {
newCue: function(e, t, r) {
if (!a.textTrack1) {
var i = a.getExistingTrack("1");
if (i) a.textTrack1 = i, o(a.textTrack1), s(a.textTrack1,;
else {
var n = a.createTextTrack("captions", a.config.captionsTextTrack1Label, a.config.captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode);
n && (n.textTrack1 = !0, a.textTrack1 = n)
a.addCues("textTrack1", e, t, r)
u = {
newCue: function(e, t, r) {
if (!a.textTrack2) {
var i = a.getExistingTrack("2");
if (i) a.textTrack2 = i, o(a.textTrack2), s(a.textTrack2,;
else {
var n = a.createTextTrack("captions", a.config.captionsTextTrack2Label, a.config.captionsTextTrack1LanguageCode);
n && (n.textTrack2 = !0, a.textTrack2 = n)
a.addCues("textTrack2", e, t, r)
r.cea608Parser = new h.default(0, l, u)
return r
return s(t, e), d(t, [{
key: "addCues",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
for (var i = this.cueRanges, n = !1, s = i.length; s--;) {
var o = i[s],
l = u(o[0], o[1], t, r);
if (l >= 0 && (o[0] = Math.min(o[0], t), o[1] = Math.max(o[1], r), n = !0, l / (r - t) > .5)) return
n || i.push([t, r]), this.Cues.newCue(this[e], t, r, a)
}, {
key: "onInitPtsFound",
value: function(e) {
var t = this;
void 0 === this.initPTS && (this.initPTS = e.initPTS), this.unparsedVttFrags.length && (this.unparsedVttFrags.forEach(function(e) {
}), this.unparsedVttFrags = [])
}, {
key: "getExistingTrack",
value: function(e) {
var t =;
if (t)
for (var r = 0; r < t.textTracks.length; r++) {
var a = t.textTracks[r];
if (!0 === a["textTrack" + e]) return a
return null
}, {
key: "createTextTrack",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a =;
if (a) return a.addTextTrack(e, t, r)
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "onMediaAttaching",
value: function(e) { =
}, {
key: "onMediaDetaching",
value: function() {
o(this.textTrack1), o(this.textTrack2)
}, {
key: "onManifestLoading",
value: function() {
this.lastSn = -1, this.prevCC = -1, this.vttCCs = {
ccOffset: 0,
presentationOffset: 0
var e =;
if (e) {
var t = e.textTracks;
if (t)
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) o(t[r])
}, {
key: "onManifestLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = this;
if (this.textTracks = [], this.unparsedVttFrags = this.unparsedVttFrags || [], this.initPTS = void 0, this.cueRanges = [], this.config.enableWebVTT) {
this.tracks = e.subtitles || [];
var r = ? : [];
this.tracks.forEach(function(e, a) {
var i = void 0;
if (a < r.length) {
var n = r[a];
l(n, e) && (i = n)
i || (i = t.createTextTrack("subtitles",, e.lang)), i.mode = e.default ? "showing" : "hidden", t.textTracks.push(i)
}, {
key: "onLevelSwitching",
value: function() {
this.enabled = "NONE" !== this.hls.currentLevel.closedCaptions
}, {
key: "onFragLoaded",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag,
r = e.payload;
if ("main" === t.type) {
var a =;
if (a !== this.lastSn + 1) {
var i = this.cea608Parser;
i && i.reset()
this.lastSn = a
} else if ("subtitle" === t.type)
if (r.byteLength) {
if (void 0 === this.initPTS) return void this.unparsedVttFrags.push(e);
var n = this.vttCCs;
n[] || (n[] = {
start: t.start,
prevCC: this.prevCC,
new: !0
}, this.prevCC =;
var s = this.textTracks,
o = this.hls;
g.default.parse(r, this.initPTS, n,, function(e) {
var r = s[t.trackId];
e.forEach(function(e) {
if (!r.cues.getCueById( try {
} catch (a) {
var t = new window.TextTrackCue(e.startTime, e.endTime, e.text); =, r.addCue(t)
}), o.trigger(f.default.SUBTITLE_FRAG_PROCESSED, {
success: !0,
frag: t
}, function(e) {
v.logger.log("Failed to parse VTT cue: " + e), o.trigger(f.default.SUBTITLE_FRAG_PROCESSED, {
success: !1,
frag: t
} else this.hls.trigger(f.default.SUBTITLE_FRAG_PROCESSED, {
success: !1,
frag: t
}, {
key: "onFragParsingUserdata",
value: function(e) {
if (this.enabled && this.config.enableCEA708Captions)
for (var t = 0; t < e.samples.length; t++) {
var r = this.extractCea608Data(e.samples[t].bytes);
this.cea608Parser.addData(e.samples[t].pts, r)
}, {
key: "extractCea608Data",
value: function(e) {
for (var t, r, a, i, n, s = 31 & e[0], o = 2, l = [], u = 0; u < s; u++) t = e[o++], r = 127 & e[o++], a = 127 & e[o++], i = 0 != (4 & t), n = 3 & t, 0 === r && 0 === a || i && 0 === n && (l.push(r), l.push(a));
return l
}]), t
r.default = p
}, {
34: 34,
35: 35,
49: 49,
54: 54,
58: 58
17: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e(t, r) {
a(this, e), this.subtle = t, this.aesIV = r
return i(e, [{
key: "decrypt",
value: function(e, t) {
return this.subtle.decrypt({
name: "AES-CBC",
iv: this.aesIV
}, t, e)
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
18: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e), this.rcon = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54], this.subMix = [new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256)], this.invSubMix = [new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256)], this.sBox = new Uint32Array(256), this.invSBox = new Uint32Array(256), this.key = new Uint32Array(0), this.initTable()
return i(e, [{
key: "uint8ArrayToUint32Array_",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = new DataView(e), r = new Uint32Array(4), a = 0; a < 4; a++) r[a] = t.getUint32(4 * a);
return r
}, {
key: "initTable",
value: function() {
var e = this.sBox,
t = this.invSBox,
r = this.subMix,
a = r[0],
i = r[1],
n = r[2],
s = r[3],
o = this.invSubMix,
l = o[0],
u = o[1],
d = o[2],
f = o[3],
c = new Uint32Array(256),
h = 0,
g = 0,
v = 0;
for (v = 0; v < 256; v++) c[v] = v < 128 ? v << 1 : v << 1 ^ 283;
for (v = 0; v < 256; v++) {
var p = g ^ g << 1 ^ g << 2 ^ g << 3 ^ g << 4;
p = p >>> 8 ^ 255 & p ^ 99, e[h] = p, t[p] = h;
var y = c[h],
m = c[y],
E = c[m],
b = 257 * c[p] ^ 16843008 * p;
a[h] = b << 24 | b >>> 8, i[h] = b << 16 | b >>> 16, n[h] = b << 8 | b >>> 24, s[h] = b, b = 16843009 * E ^ 65537 * m ^ 257 * y ^ 16843008 * h, l[p] = b << 24 | b >>> 8, u[p] = b << 16 | b >>> 16, d[p] = b << 8 | b >>> 24, f[p] = b, h ? (h = y ^ c[c[c[E ^ y]]], g ^= c[c[g]]) : h = g = 1
}, {
key: "expandKey",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = this.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(e), r = !0, a = 0; a < t.length && r;) r = t[a] === this.key[a], a++;
if (!r) {
this.key = t;
var i = this.keySize = t.length;
if (4 !== i && 6 !== i && 8 !== i) throw new Error("Invalid aes key size=" + i);
var n = this.ksRows = 4 * (i + 6 + 1),
s = void 0,
o = void 0,
l = this.keySchedule = new Uint32Array(n),
u = this.invKeySchedule = new Uint32Array(n),
d = this.sBox,
f = this.rcon,
c = this.invSubMix,
h = c[0],
g = c[1],
v = c[2],
p = c[3],
y = void 0,
m = void 0;
for (s = 0; s < n; s++) s < i ? y = l[s] = t[s] : (m = y, s % i == 0 ? (m = d[(m = m << 8 | m >>> 24) >>> 24] << 24 | d[m >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | d[m >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | d[255 & m], m ^= f[s / i | 0] << 24) : i > 6 && s % i == 4 && (m = d[m >>> 24] << 24 | d[m >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | d[m >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | d[255 & m]), l[s] = y = (l[s - i] ^ m) >>> 0);
for (o = 0; o < n; o++) s = n - o, m = 3 & o ? l[s] : l[s - 4], u[o] = o < 4 || s <= 4 ? m : h[d[m >>> 24]] ^ g[d[m >>> 16 & 255]] ^ v[d[m >>> 8 & 255]] ^ p[d[255 & m]], u[o] = u[o] >>> 0
}, {
key: "networkToHostOrderSwap",
value: function(e) {
return e << 24 | (65280 & e) << 8 | (16711680 & e) >> 8 | e >>> 24
}, {
key: "decrypt",
value: function(e, t, r) {
for (var a, i, n = this.keySize + 6, s = this.invKeySchedule, o = this.invSBox, l = this.invSubMix, u = l[0], d = l[1], f = l[2], c = l[3], h = this.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(r), g = h[0], v = h[1], p = h[2], y = h[3], m = new Int32Array(e), E = new Int32Array(m.length), b = void 0, T = void 0, k = void 0, _ = void 0, R = void 0, S = void 0, A = void 0, L = void 0, w = void 0, D = void 0, O = void 0, I = void 0, P = this.networkToHostOrderSwap; t < m.length;) {
for (w = P(m[t]), D = P(m[t + 1]), O = P(m[t + 2]), I = P(m[t + 3]), R = w ^ s[0], S = I ^ s[1], A = O ^ s[2], L = D ^ s[3], a = 4, i = 1; i < n; i++) b = u[R >>> 24] ^ d[S >> 16 & 255] ^ f[A >> 8 & 255] ^ c[255 & L] ^ s[a], T = u[S >>> 24] ^ d[A >> 16 & 255] ^ f[L >> 8 & 255] ^ c[255 & R] ^ s[a + 1], k = u[A >>> 24] ^ d[L >> 16 & 255] ^ f[R >> 8 & 255] ^ c[255 & S] ^ s[a + 2], _ = u[L >>> 24] ^ d[R >> 16 & 255] ^ f[S >> 8 & 255] ^ c[255 & A] ^ s[a + 3], R = b, S = T, A = k, L = _, a += 4;
b = o[R >>> 24] << 24 ^ o[S >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ o[A >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ o[255 & L] ^ s[a], T = o[S >>> 24] << 24 ^ o[A >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ o[L >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ o[255 & R] ^ s[a + 1], k = o[A >>> 24] << 24 ^ o[L >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ o[R >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ o[255 & S] ^ s[a + 2], _ = o[L >>> 24] << 24 ^ o[R >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ o[S >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ o[255 & A] ^ s[a + 3], a += 3, E[t] = P(b ^ g), E[t + 1] = P(_ ^ v), E[t + 2] = P(k ^ p), E[t + 3] = P(T ^ y), g = w, v = D, p = O, y = I, t += 4
return E.buffer
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.key = void 0, this.keySize = void 0, this.ksRows = void 0, this.sBox = void 0, this.invSBox = void 0, this.subMix = void 0, this.invSubMix = void 0, this.keySchedule = void 0, this.invKeySchedule = void 0, this.rcon = void 0
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
19: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(17)),
o = a(e(20)),
l = a(e(18)),
u = e(33),
d = e(54),
f = function() {
function e(t, r) {
i(this, e), = t, this.config = r, this.logEnabled = !0;
try {
var a = crypto || self.crypto;
this.subtle = a.subtle || a.webkitSubtle
} catch (e) {}
this.disableWebCrypto = !this.subtle
return n(e, [{
key: "isSync",
value: function() {
return this.disableWebCrypto && this.config.enableSoftwareAES
}, {
key: "decrypt",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i = this;
if (this.disableWebCrypto && this.config.enableSoftwareAES) {
this.logEnabled && (d.logger.log("JS AES decrypt"), this.logEnabled = !1);
var n = this.decryptor;
n || (this.decryptor = n = new l.default), n.expandKey(t), a(n.decrypt(e, 0, r))
} else {
this.logEnabled && (d.logger.log("WebCrypto AES decrypt"), this.logEnabled = !1);
var u = this.subtle;
this.key !== t && (this.key = t, this.fastAesKey = new o.default(u, t)), this.fastAesKey.expandKey().then(function(n) {
new s.default(u, r).decrypt(e, n).catch(function(n) {
i.onWebCryptoError(n, e, t, r, a)
}).then(function(e) {
}).catch(function(n) {
i.onWebCryptoError(n, e, t, r, a)
}, {
key: "onWebCryptoError",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
this.config.enableSoftwareAES ? (d.logger.log("WebCrypto Error, disable WebCrypto API"), this.disableWebCrypto = !0, this.logEnabled = !0, this.decrypt(t, r, a, i)) : (d.logger.error("decrypting error : " + e.message),, {
type: u.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: u.ErrorDetails.FRAG_DECRYPT_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
reason: e.message
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
var e = this.decryptor;
e && (e.destroy(), this.decryptor = void 0)
}]), e
r.default = f
}, {
17: 17,
18: 18,
20: 20,
33: 33,
54: 54
20: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e(t, r) {
a(this, e), this.subtle = t, this.key = r
return i(e, [{
key: "expandKey",
value: function() {
return this.subtle.importKey("raw", this.key, {
name: "AES-CBC"
}, !1, ["encrypt", "decrypt"])
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
21: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(22)),
o = e(54),
l = a(e(27)),
u = function() {
function e(t, r, a) {
i(this, e), = t, this.config = a, this.remuxer = r
return n(e, [{
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
this._audioTrack = {
container: "audio/adts",
type: "audio",
id: -1,
sequenceNumber: 0,
isAAC: !0,
samples: [],
len: 0,
manifestCodec: t,
duration: a,
inputTimeScale: 9e4
}, {
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "append",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
for (var i = this._audioTrack, n = l.default.getID3Data(e, 0), u = 90 * l.default.getTimeStamp(n), d = 0, f = u, c = e.length, h = n.length, g = [{
pts: f,
dts: f,
data: n
}]; h < c - 1;)
if (s.default.isHeader(e, h) && h + 5 < c) {
s.default.initTrackConfig(i,, e, h, i.manifestCodec);
var v = s.default.appendFrame(i, e, h, u, d);
if (!v) {
o.logger.log("Unable to parse AAC frame");
h += v.length, f = v.sample.pts, d++
} else l.default.isHeader(e, h) ? (n = l.default.getID3Data(e, h), g.push({
pts: f,
dts: f,
data: n
}), h += n.length) : h++;
this.remuxer.remux(i, {
samples: []
}, {
samples: g,
inputTimeScale: 9e4
}, {
samples: []
}, t, r, a)
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}], [{
key: "probe",
value: function(e) {
var t, r, a = l.default.getID3Data(e, 0);
if (a && void 0 !== l.default.getTimeStamp(a))
for (t = a.length, r = Math.min(e.length - 1, t + 100); t < r; t++)
if (s.default.probe(e, t)) return o.logger.log("ADTS sync word found !"), !0;
return !1
}]), e
r.default = u
}, {
22: 22,
27: 27,
54: 54
22: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = e(54),
i = e(33),
n = {
getAudioConfig: function(e, t, r, n) {
var s, o, l, u, d, f = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
c = n,
h = [96e3, 88200, 64e3, 48e3, 44100, 32e3, 24e3, 22050, 16e3, 12e3, 11025, 8e3, 7350];
if (s = 1 + ((192 & t[r + 2]) >>> 6), !((o = (60 & t[r + 2]) >>> 2) > h.length - 1)) return u = (1 & t[r + 2]) << 2, u |= (192 & t[r + 3]) >>> 6, a.logger.log("manifest codec:" + n + ",ADTS data:type:" + s + ",sampleingIndex:" + o + "[" + h[o] + "Hz],channelConfig:" + u), /firefox/i.test(f) ? o >= 6 ? (s = 5, d = new Array(4), l = o - 3) : (s = 2, d = new Array(2), l = o) : -1 !== f.indexOf("android") ? (s = 2, d = new Array(2), l = o) : (s = 5, d = new Array(4), n && (-1 !== n.indexOf("mp4a.40.29") || -1 !== n.indexOf("mp4a.40.5")) || !n && o >= 6 ? l = o - 3 : ((n && -1 !== n.indexOf("mp4a.40.2") && (o >= 6 && 1 === u || /vivaldi/i.test(f)) || !n && 1 === u) && (s = 2, d = new Array(2)), l = o)), d[0] = s << 3, d[0] |= (14 & o) >> 1, d[1] |= (1 & o) << 7, d[1] |= u << 3, 5 === s && (d[1] |= (14 & l) >> 1, d[2] = (1 & l) << 7, d[2] |= 8, d[3] = 0), {
config: d,
samplerate: h[o],
channelCount: u,
codec: "mp4a.40." + s,
manifestCodec: c
e.trigger(Event.ERROR, {
type: i.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: i.ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
reason: "invalid ADTS sampling index:" + o
isHeaderPattern: function(e, t) {
return 255 === e[t] && 240 == (246 & e[t + 1])
getHeaderLength: function(e, t) {
return 1 & e[t + 1] ? 7 : 9
getFullFrameLength: function(e, t) {
return (3 & e[t + 3]) << 11 | e[t + 4] << 3 | (224 & e[t + 5]) >>> 5
isHeader: function(e, t) {
return !!(t + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, t))
probe: function(e, t) {
if (t + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, t)) {
var r = this.getHeaderLength(e, t);
t + 5 < e.length && (r = this.getFullFrameLength(e, t));
var a = t + r;
if (a === e.length || a + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, a)) return !0
return !1
initTrackConfig: function(e, t, r, i, n) {
if (!e.samplerate) {
var s = this.getAudioConfig(t, r, i, n);
e.config = s.config, e.samplerate = s.samplerate, e.channelCount = s.channelCount, e.codec = s.codec, e.manifestCodec = s.manifestCodec, a.logger.log("parsed codec:" + e.codec + ",rate:" + s.samplerate + ",nb channel:" + s.channelCount)
getFrameDuration: function(e) {
return 9216e4 / e
appendFrame: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
var n = this.getFrameDuration(e.samplerate),
s = this.parseFrameHeader(t, r, a, i, n);
if (s) {
var o = s.stamp,
l = s.headerLength,
u = s.frameLength,
d = {
unit: t.subarray(r + l, r + l + u),
pts: o,
dts: o
return e.samples.push(d), e.len += u, {
sample: d,
length: u + l
parseFrameHeader: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
var n, s, o, l = e.length;
if (n = this.getHeaderLength(e, t), s = this.getFullFrameLength(e, t), (s -= n) > 0 && t + n + s <= l) return o = r + a * i, {
headerLength: n,
frameLength: s,
stamp: o
t.exports = n
}, {
33: 33,
54: 54
23: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(35)),
o = e(33),
l = a(e(19)),
u = a(e(21)),
d = a(e(29)),
f = a(e(32)),
c = a(e(28)),
h = a(e(45)),
g = a(e(46)),
v = function() {
function e(t, r, a, n) {
i(this, e), = t, this.typeSupported = r, this.config = a, this.vendor = n
return n(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
var e = this.demuxer;
e && e.destroy()
}, {
key: "push",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, o, u, d, f, c, h) {
if (e.byteLength > 0 && null != t && null != t.key && "AES-128" === t.method) {
var g = this.decrypter;
null == g && (g = this.decrypter = new l.default(, this.config));
var v, p = this;
try {
v =
} catch (e) {
v =
g.decrypt(e, t.key.buffer, t.iv.buffer, function(e) {
var l;
try {
l =
} catch (e) {
l =
}, {
stats: {
tstart: v,
tdecrypt: l
}), p.pushDecrypted(new Uint8Array(e), t, new Uint8Array(r), a, i, n, o, u, d, f, c, h)
} else this.pushDecrypted(new Uint8Array(e), t, new Uint8Array(r), a, i, n, o, u, d, f, c, h)
}, {
key: "pushDecrypted",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, l, v, p, y, m, E) {
var b = this.demuxer;
if (!b || l && !this.probe(e)) {
for (var T =, k = this.typeSupported, _ = this.config, R = [{
demux: u.default,
remux: h.default
}, {
demux: c.default,
remux: h.default
}, {
demux: f.default,
remux: h.default
}, {
demux: d.default,
remux: g.default
}], S = 0, A = R.length; S < A; S++) {
var L = R[S],
w = L.demux.probe;
if (w(e)) {
var D = this.remuxer = new L.remux(T, _, k, this.vendor);
b = new L.demux(T, D, _, k), this.probe = w;
if (!b) return void T.trigger(s.default.ERROR, {
type: o.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: o.ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
reason: "no demux matching with content found"
this.demuxer = b
var O = this.remuxer;
(l || v) && (b.resetInitSegment(r, a, i, y), O.resetInitSegment()), l && (b.resetTimeStamp(E), O.resetTimeStamp(E)), "function" == typeof b.setDecryptData && b.setDecryptData(t), b.append(e, n, p, m)
}]), e
r.default = v
}, {
19: 19,
21: 21,
28: 28,
29: 29,
32: 32,
33: 33,
35: 35,
45: 45,
46: 46
24: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = a(e(23)),
n = a(e(35)),
s = e(54),
o = a(e(1));
r.default = function(e) {
var t = new o.default;
t.trigger = function(e) {
for (var r = arguments.length, a = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < r; i++) a[i - 1] = arguments[i];
t.emit.apply(t, [e, e].concat(a))
}, = function(e) {
for (var r = arguments.length, a = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < r; i++) a[i - 1] = arguments[i];
t.removeListener.apply(t, [e].concat(a))
var r = function(t, r) {
event: t,
data: r
e.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
var n =;
switch (n.cmd) {
case "init":
var o = JSON.parse(n.config);
e.demuxer = new i.default(t, n.typeSupported, o, n.vendor);
try {
(0, s.enableLogs)(!0 === o.debug)
} catch (e) {}
r("init", null);
case "demux":
e.demuxer.push(, n.decryptdata, n.initSegment, n.audioCodec, n.videoCodec, n.timeOffset, n.discontinuity, n.trackSwitch, n.contiguous, n.duration, n.accurateTimeOffset, n.defaultInitPTS)
}), t.on(n.default.FRAG_DECRYPTED, r), t.on(n.default.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, r), t.on(n.default.FRAG_PARSED, r), t.on(n.default.ERROR, r), t.on(n.default.FRAG_PARSING_METADATA, r), t.on(n.default.FRAG_PARSING_USERDATA, r), t.on(n.default.INIT_PTS_FOUND, r), t.on(n.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA, function(t, r) {
var a = [],
i = {
event: t,
data: r
r.data1 && (i.data1 = r.data1.buffer, a.push(r.data1.buffer), delete r.data1), r.data2 && (i.data2 = r.data2.buffer, a.push(r.data2.buffer), delete r.data2), e.postMessage(i, a)
}, {
1: 1,
23: 23,
35: 35,
54: 54
25: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(35)),
o = a(e(23)),
l = a(e(24)),
u = e(54),
d = e(33),
f = a(e(1)),
c = function() {
function t(r, a) {
i(this, t), this.hls = r, = a;
var n = = new f.default,
c = r.config;
n.trigger = function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, r = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++) r[a - 1] = arguments[a];
n.emit.apply(n, [e, e].concat(r))
}, = function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, r = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++) r[a - 1] = arguments[a];
n.removeListener.apply(n, [e].concat(r))
var h = function(e, t) {
(t = t || {}).frag = this.frag, =, r.trigger(e, t)
n.on(s.default.FRAG_DECRYPTED, h), n.on(s.default.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, h), n.on(s.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA, h), n.on(s.default.FRAG_PARSED, h), n.on(s.default.ERROR, h), n.on(s.default.FRAG_PARSING_METADATA, h), n.on(s.default.FRAG_PARSING_USERDATA, h), n.on(s.default.INIT_PTS_FOUND, h);
var g = {
mp4: MediaSource.isTypeSupported("video/mp4"),
mpeg: MediaSource.isTypeSupported("audio/mpeg"),
mp3: MediaSource.isTypeSupported('audio/mp4; codecs="mp3"')
v = navigator.vendor;
if (c.enableWorker && "undefined" != typeof Worker) {
u.logger.log("demuxing in webworker");
var p = void 0;
try {
var y = e(3);
p = this.w = y(l.default), this.onwmsg = this.onWorkerMessage.bind(this), p.addEventListener("message", this.onwmsg), p.onerror = function(e) {
r.trigger(s.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.OTHER_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION,
fatal: !0,
event: "demuxerWorker",
err: {
message: e.message + " (" + e.filename + ":" + e.lineno + ")"
}, p.postMessage({
cmd: "init",
typeSupported: g,
vendor: v,
id: a,
config: JSON.stringify(c)
} catch (e) {
u.logger.error("error while initializing DemuxerWorker, fallback on DemuxerInline"), p && URL.revokeObjectURL(p.objectURL), this.demuxer = new o.default(n, g, c, v), this.w = void 0
} else this.demuxer = new o.default(n, g, c, v)
return n(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
var e = this.w;
if (e) e.removeEventListener("message", this.onwmsg), e.terminate(), this.w = null;
else {
var t = this.demuxer;
t && (t.destroy(), this.demuxer = null)
var r =;
r && (r.removeAllListeners(), = null)
}, {
key: "push",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s, o) {
var l = this.w,
d = isNaN(i.startDTS) ? i.start : i.startDTS,
f = i.decryptdata,
c = this.frag,
h = !(c && ===,
g = !(c && i.level === c.level),
v = c && === + 1,
p = !g && v;
if (h && u.logger.log( + ":discontinuity detected"), g && u.logger.log( + ":switch detected"), this.frag = i, l) l.postMessage({
cmd: "demux",
data: e,
decryptdata: f,
initSegment: t,
audioCodec: r,
videoCodec: a,
timeOffset: d,
discontinuity: h,
trackSwitch: g,
contiguous: p,
duration: n,
accurateTimeOffset: s,
defaultInitPTS: o
}, [e]);
else {
var y = this.demuxer;
y && y.push(e, f, t, r, a, d, h, g, p, n, s, o)
}, {
key: "onWorkerMessage",
value: function(e) {
var t =,
r = this.hls;
switch (t.event) {
case "init":
case s.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA: = new Uint8Array(t.data1), t.data2 && ( = new Uint8Array(t.data2));
default: = || {}, = this.frag, =, r.trigger(t.event,
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
1: 1,
23: 23,
24: 24,
3: 3,
33: 33,
35: 35,
54: 54
26: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = e(54),
s = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), = t, this.bytesAvailable = t.byteLength, this.word = 0, this.bitsAvailable = 0
return i(e, [{
key: "loadWord",
value: function() {
var e =,
t = this.bytesAvailable,
r = e.byteLength - t,
a = new Uint8Array(4),
i = Math.min(4, t);
if (0 === i) throw new Error("no bytes available");
a.set(e.subarray(r, r + i)), this.word = new DataView(a.buffer).getUint32(0), this.bitsAvailable = 8 * i, this.bytesAvailable -= i
}, {
key: "skipBits",
value: function(e) {
var t;
this.bitsAvailable > e ? (this.word <<= e, this.bitsAvailable -= e) : (e -= this.bitsAvailable, e -= (t = e >> 3) >> 3, this.bytesAvailable -= t, this.loadWord(), this.word <<= e, this.bitsAvailable -= e)
}, {
key: "readBits",
value: function(e) {
var t = Math.min(this.bitsAvailable, e),
r = this.word >>> 32 - t;
return e > 32 && n.logger.error("Cannot read more than 32 bits at a time"), this.bitsAvailable -= t, this.bitsAvailable > 0 ? this.word <<= t : this.bytesAvailable > 0 && this.loadWord(), (t = e - t) > 0 && this.bitsAvailable ? r << t | this.readBits(t) : r
}, {
key: "skipLZ",
value: function() {
var e;
for (e = 0; e < this.bitsAvailable; ++e)
if (0 != (this.word & 2147483648 >>> e)) return this.word <<= e, this.bitsAvailable -= e, e;
return this.loadWord(), e + this.skipLZ()
}, {
key: "skipUEG",
value: function() {
this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLZ())
}, {
key: "skipEG",
value: function() {
this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLZ())
}, {
key: "readUEG",
value: function() {
var e = this.skipLZ();
return this.readBits(e + 1) - 1
}, {
key: "readEG",
value: function() {
var e = this.readUEG();
return 1 & e ? 1 + e >>> 1 : -1 * (e >>> 1)
}, {
key: "readBoolean",
value: function() {
return 1 === this.readBits(1)
}, {
key: "readUByte",
value: function() {
return this.readBits(8)
}, {
key: "readUShort",
value: function() {
return this.readBits(16)
}, {
key: "readUInt",
value: function() {
return this.readBits(32)
}, {
key: "skipScalingList",
value: function(e) {
var t, r = 8,
a = 8;
for (t = 0; t < e; t++) 0 !== a && (a = (r + this.readEG() + 256) % 256), r = 0 === a ? r : a
}, {
key: "readSPS",
value: function() {
var e, t, r, a, i, n, s, o = 0,
l = 0,
u = 0,
d = 0,
f = this.readUByte.bind(this),
c = this.readBits.bind(this),
h = this.readUEG.bind(this),
g = this.readBoolean.bind(this),
v = this.skipBits.bind(this),
p = this.skipEG.bind(this),
y = this.skipUEG.bind(this),
m = this.skipScalingList.bind(this);
if (f(), e = f(), c(5), v(3), f(), y(), 100 === e || 110 === e || 122 === e || 244 === e || 44 === e || 83 === e || 86 === e || 118 === e || 128 === e) {
var E = h();
if (3 === E && v(1), y(), y(), v(1), g())
for (n = 3 !== E ? 8 : 12, s = 0; s < n; s++) g() && m(s < 6 ? 16 : 64)
var b = h();
if (0 === b) h();
else if (1 === b)
for (v(1), p(), p(), t = h(), s = 0; s < t; s++) p();
y(), v(1), r = h(), a = h(), 0 === (i = c(1)) && v(1), v(1), g() && (o = h(), l = h(), u = h(), d = h());
var T = [1, 1];
if (g() && g()) switch (f()) {
case 1:
T = [1, 1];
case 2:
T = [12, 11];
case 3:
T = [10, 11];
case 4:
T = [16, 11];
case 5:
T = [40, 33];
case 6:
T = [24, 11];
case 7:
T = [20, 11];
case 8:
T = [32, 11];
case 9:
T = [80, 33];
case 10:
T = [18, 11];
case 11:
T = [15, 11];
case 12:
T = [64, 33];
case 13:
T = [160, 99];
case 14:
T = [4, 3];
case 15:
T = [3, 2];
case 16:
T = [2, 1];
case 255:
T = [f() << 8 | f(), f() << 8 | f()]
return {
width: Math.ceil(16 * (r + 1) - 2 * o - 2 * l),
height: (2 - i) * (a + 1) * 16 - (i ? 2 : 4) * (u + d),
pixelRatio: T
}, {
key: "readSliceType",
value: function() {
return this.readUByte(), this.readUEG(), this.readUEG()
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {
54: 54
27: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e)
return i(e, null, [{
key: "isHeader",
value: function(e, t) {
return t + 10 <= e.length && 73 === e[t] && 68 === e[t + 1] && 51 === e[t + 2] && e[t + 3] < 255 && e[t + 4] < 255 && e[t + 6] < 128 && e[t + 7] < 128 && e[t + 8] < 128 && e[t + 9] < 128
}, {
key: "isFooter",
value: function(e, t) {
return t + 10 <= e.length && 51 === e[t] && 68 === e[t + 1] && 73 === e[t + 2] && e[t + 3] < 255 && e[t + 4] < 255 && e[t + 6] < 128 && e[t + 7] < 128 && e[t + 8] < 128 && e[t + 9] < 128
}, {
key: "getID3Data",
value: function(t, r) {
for (var a = r, i = 0; e.isHeader(t, r);) i += 10, i += e._readSize(t, r + 6), e.isFooter(t, r + 10) && (i += 10), r += i;
if (i > 0) return t.subarray(a, a + i)
}, {
key: "_readSize",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = 0;
return r = (127 & e[t]) << 21, r |= (127 & e[t + 1]) << 14, r |= (127 & e[t + 2]) << 7, r |= 127 & e[t + 3]
}, {
key: "getTimeStamp",
value: function(t) {
for (var r = e.getID3Frames(t), a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
var i = r[a];
if (e.isTimeStampFrame(i)) return e._readTimeStamp(i)
}, {
key: "isTimeStampFrame",
value: function(e) {
return e && "PRIV" === e.key && "" ===
}, {
key: "_getFrameData",
value: function(t) {
var r = String.fromCharCode(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]),
a = e._readSize(t, 4);
return {
type: r,
size: a,
data: t.subarray(10, 10 + a)
}, {
key: "getID3Frames",
value: function(t) {
for (var r = 0, a = []; e.isHeader(t, r);) {
for (var i = e._readSize(t, r + 6), n = (r += 10) + i; r + 8 < n;) {
var s = e._getFrameData(t.subarray(r)),
o = e._decodeFrame(s);
o && a.push(o), r += s.size + 10
e.isFooter(t, r) && (r += 10)
return a
}, {
key: "_decodeFrame",
value: function(t) {
return "PRIV" === t.type ? e._decodePrivFrame(t) : "T" === t.type[0] ? e._decodeTextFrame(t) : "W" === t.type[0] ? e._decodeURLFrame(t) : void 0
}, {
key: "_readTimeStamp",
value: function(e) {
if (8 === {
var t = new Uint8Array(,
r = 1 & t[3],
a = (t[4] << 23) + (t[5] << 15) + (t[6] << 7) + t[7];
return a /= 45, r && (a += 47721858.84), Math.round(a)
}, {
key: "_decodePrivFrame",
value: function(t) {
if (!(t.size < 2)) {
var r = e._utf8ArrayToStr(,
a = new Uint8Array( + 1));
return {
key: t.type,
info: r,
data: a.buffer
}, {
key: "_decodeTextFrame",
value: function(t) {
if (!(t.size < 2)) {
if ("TXXX" === t.type) {
var r = 1,
a = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
r += a.length + 1;
var i = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
return {
key: t.type,
info: a,
data: i
var n = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
return {
key: t.type,
data: n
}, {
key: "_decodeURLFrame",
value: function(t) {
if ("WXXX" === t.type) {
if (t.size < 2) return;
var r = 1,
a = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
r += a.length + 1;
var i = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
return {
key: t.type,
info: a,
data: i
var n = e._utf8ArrayToStr(;
return {
key: t.type,
data: n
}, {
key: "_utf8ArrayToStr",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = void 0, r = void 0, a = "", i = 0, n = e.length; i < n;) {
var s = e[i++];
switch (s >> 4) {
case 0:
return a;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
a += String.fromCharCode(s);
case 12:
case 13:
t = e[i++], a += String.fromCharCode((31 & s) << 6 | 63 & t);
case 14:
t = e[i++], r = e[i++], a += String.fromCharCode((15 & s) << 12 | (63 & t) << 6 | (63 & r) << 0)
return a
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
28: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(27)),
o = e(54),
l = a(e(30)),
u = function() {
function e(t, r, a) {
i(this, e), = t, this.config = a, this.remuxer = r
return n(e, [{
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
this._audioTrack = {
container: "audio/mpeg",
type: "audio",
id: -1,
sequenceNumber: 0,
isAAC: !1,
samples: [],
len: 0,
manifestCodec: t,
duration: a,
inputTimeScale: 9e4
}, {
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "append",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
for (var i = s.default.getID3Data(e, 0), n = 90 * s.default.getTimeStamp(i), o = i.length, u = e.length, d = 0, f = 0, c = this._audioTrack, h = [{
pts: n,
dts: n,
data: i
}]; o < u;)
if (l.default.isHeader(e, o)) {
var g = l.default.appendFrame(c, e, o, n, d);
if (!g) break;
o += g.length, f = g.sample.pts, d++
} else s.default.isHeader(e, o) ? (i = s.default.getID3Data(e, o), h.push({
pts: f,
dts: f,
data: i
}), o += i.length) : o++;
this.remuxer.remux(c, {
samples: []
}, {
samples: h,
inputTimeScale: 9e4
}, {
samples: []
}, t, r, a)
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}], [{
key: "probe",
value: function(e) {
var t, r, a = s.default.getID3Data(e, 0);
if (a && void 0 !== s.default.getTimeStamp(a))
for (t = a.length, r = Math.min(e.length - 1, t + 100); t < r; t++)
if (l.default.probe(e, t)) return o.logger.log("MPEG Audio sync word found !"), !0;
return !1
}]), e
r.default = u
}, {
27: 27,
30: 30,
54: 54
29: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
s = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1,
o = function() {
function e(t, r) {
a(this, e), = t, this.remuxer = r
return i(e, [{
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function(e) {
this.initPTS = e
}, {
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function(t, r, a, i) {
if (t && t.byteLength) {
var s = this.initData = e.parseInitSegment(t),
o = {}; && ( = {
container: "audio/mp4",
codec: r,
initSegment: i ? t : null
}), && ( = {
container: "video/mp4",
codec: a,
initSegment: i ? t : null
}),, {
tracks: o
} else r && (this.audioCodec = r), a && (this.videoCodec = a)
}, {
key: "append",
value: function(t, r, a, i) {
var s = this.initData;
s || (this.resetInitSegment(t, this.audioCodec, this.videoCodec), s = this.initData);
var o = void 0,
l = this.initPTS;
if (void 0 === l) {
var u = e.getStartDTS(s, t);
this.initPTS = l = u - r,, {
initPTS: l
e.offsetStartDTS(s, t, l), o = e.getStartDTS(s, t), this.remuxer.remux(,, null, null, o, a, i, t)
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}], [{
key: "probe",
value: function(t) {
if (t.length >= 8) {
var r = e.bin2str(t.subarray(4, 8));
return ["moof", "ftyp", "styp"].indexOf(r) >= 0
return !1
}, {
key: "bin2str",
value: function(e) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e)
}, {
key: "readUint32",
value: function(e, t) { && (t += e.start, e =;
var r = e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3];
return r < 0 ? 4294967296 + r : r
}, {
key: "writeUint32",
value: function(e, t, r) { && (t += e.start, e =, e[t] = r >> 24, e[t + 1] = r >> 16 & 255, e[t + 2] = r >> 8 & 255, e[t + 3] = 255 & r
}, {
key: "findBox",
value: function(t, r) {
var a, i, n, s, o, l, u, d = [];
if ( ? (l = t.start, s = t.end, t = : (l = 0, s = t.byteLength), !r.length) return null;
for (a = l; a < s;) i = e.readUint32(t, a), n = e.bin2str(t.subarray(a + 4, a + 8)), u = i > 1 ? a + i : s, n === r[0] && (1 === r.length ? d.push({
data: t,
start: a + 8,
end: u
}) : (o = e.findBox({
data: t,
start: a + 8,
end: u
}, r.slice(1))).length && (d = d.concat(o))), a = u;
return d
}, {
key: "parseInitSegment",
value: function(t) {
var r = [];
return e.findBox(t, ["moov", "trak"]).forEach(function(t) {
var a = e.findBox(t, ["tkhd"])[0];
if (a) {
var i =[a.start],
n = 0 === i ? 12 : 20,
s = e.readUint32(a, n),
o = e.findBox(t, ["mdia", "mdhd"])[0];
if (o) {
n = 0 === (i =[o.start]) ? 12 : 20;
var l = e.readUint32(o, n),
u = e.findBox(t, ["mdia", "hdlr"])[0];
if (u) {
var d = {
soun: "audio",
vide: "video"
} [e.bin2str( + 8, u.start + 12))];
d && (r[s] = {
timescale: l,
type: d
}, r[d] = {
timescale: l,
id: s
}), r
}, {
key: "getStartDTS",
value: function(t, r) {
var a, i, n;
return a = e.findBox(r, ["moof", "traf"]), i = [].concat.apply([], {
return e.findBox(r, ["tfhd"]).map(function(a) {
var i, n, s;
return i = e.readUint32(a, 4), n = t[i].timescale || 9e4, s = e.findBox(r, ["tfdt"]).map(function(t) {
var r, a;
return r =[t.start], a = e.readUint32(t, 4), 1 === r && (a *= Math.pow(2, 32), a += e.readUint32(t, 8)), a
})[0], (s = s || 1 / 0) / n
})), n = Math.min.apply(null, i), isFinite(n) ? n : 0
}, {
key: "offsetStartDTS",
value: function(t, r, a) {
e.findBox(r, ["moof", "traf"]).map(function(r) {
return e.findBox(r, ["tfhd"]).map(function(i) {
var n = e.readUint32(i, 4),
o = t[n].timescale || 9e4;
e.findBox(r, ["tfdt"]).map(function(t) {
var r =[t.start],
i = e.readUint32(t, 4);
if (0 === r) e.writeUint32(t, 4, i - a * o);
else {
i *= Math.pow(2, 32), i += e.readUint32(t, 8), i -= a * o;
var n = Math.floor(i / (s + 1)),
l = Math.floor(i % (s + 1));
e.writeUint32(t, 4, n), e.writeUint32(t, 8, l)
}]), e
r.default = o
}, {
35: 35
30: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
BitratesMap: [32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160],
SamplingRateMap: [44100, 48e3, 32e3, 22050, 24e3, 16e3, 11025, 12e3, 8e3],
appendFrame: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
if (!(r + 24 > t.length)) {
var n = this.parseHeader(t, r);
if (n && r + n.frameLength <= t.length) {
var s = a + i * (10368e4 / n.sampleRate),
o = {
unit: t.subarray(r, r + n.frameLength),
pts: s,
dts: s
return e.config = [], e.channelCount = n.channelCount, e.samplerate = n.sampleRate, e.samples.push(o), e.len += n.frameLength, {
sample: o,
length: n.frameLength
parseHeader: function(e, t) {
var r = e[t + 1] >> 3 & 3,
i = e[t + 1] >> 1 & 3,
n = e[t + 2] >> 4 & 15,
s = e[t + 2] >> 2 & 3,
o = !!(2 & e[t + 2]);
if (1 !== r && 0 !== n && 15 !== n && 3 !== s) {
var l = 3 === r ? 3 - i : 3 === i ? 3 : 4,
u = 1e3 * a.BitratesMap[14 * l + n - 1],
d = 3 === r ? 0 : 2 === r ? 1 : 2,
f = a.SamplingRateMap[3 * d + s],
c = o ? 1 : 0;
return {
sampleRate: f,
channelCount: e[t + 3] >> 6 == 3 ? 1 : 2,
frameLength: 3 === i ? (3 === r ? 12 : 6) * u / f + c << 2 : (3 === r ? 144 : 72) * u / f + c | 0
isHeaderPattern: function(e, t) {
return 255 === e[t] && 224 == (224 & e[t + 1]) && 0 != (6 & e[t + 1])
isHeader: function(e, t) {
return !!(t + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, t))
probe: function(e, t) {
if (t + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, t)) {
var r = this.parseHeader(e, t),
a = 4;
r && r.frameLength && (a = r.frameLength);
var i = t + a;
if (i === e.length || i + 1 < e.length && this.isHeaderPattern(e, i)) return !0
return !1
t.exports = a
}, {}],
31: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
s = function() {
function e(t, r, i, s) {
a(this, e), this.decryptdata = i, this.discardEPB = s, this.decrypter = new n.default(t, r)
return i(e, [{
key: "decryptBuffer",
value: function(e, t) {
this.decrypter.decrypt(e, this.decryptdata.key.buffer, this.decryptdata.iv.buffer, t)
}, {
key: "decryptAacSample",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i = e[t].unit,
n = i.subarray(16, i.length - i.length % 16),
s = n.buffer.slice(n.byteOffset, n.byteOffset + n.length),
o = this;
this.decryptBuffer(s, function(n) {
n = new Uint8Array(n), i.set(n, 16), a || o.decryptAacSamples(e, t + 1, r)
}, {
key: "decryptAacSamples",
value: function(e, t, r) {
for (;; t++) {
if (t >= e.length) return void r();
if (!(e[t].unit.length < 32)) {
var a = this.decrypter.isSync();
if (this.decryptAacSample(e, t, r, a), !a) return
}, {
key: "getAvcEncryptedData",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 16 * Math.floor((e.length - 48) / 160) + 16, r = new Int8Array(t), a = 0, i = 32; i <= e.length - 16; i += 160, a += 16) r.set(e.subarray(i, i + 16), a);
return r
}, {
key: "getAvcDecryptedUnit",
value: function(e, t) {
t = new Uint8Array(t);
for (var r = 0, a = 32; a <= e.length - 16; a += 160, r += 16) e.set(t.subarray(r, r + 16), a);
return e
}, {
key: "decryptAvcSample",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n) {
var s = this.discardEPB(,
o = this.getAvcEncryptedData(s),
l = this;
this.decryptBuffer(o.buffer, function(o) { = l.getAvcDecryptedUnit(s, o), n || l.decryptAvcSamples(e, t, r + 1, a)
}, {
key: "decryptAvcSamples",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
for (;; t++, r = 0) {
if (t >= e.length) return void a();
for (var i = e[t].units; !(r >= i.length); r++) {
var n = i[r];
if (!(n.length <= 48 || 1 !== n.type && 5 !== n.type)) {
var s = this.decrypter.isSync();
if (this.decryptAvcSample(e, t, r, a, n, s), !s) return
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {
19: 19
32: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(22)),
o = a(e(30)),
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(26)),
d = a(e(31)),
f = e(54),
c = e(33),
h = function() {
function e(t, r, a, n) {
i(this, e), = t, this.config = a, this.typeSupported = n, this.remuxer = r, this.sampleAes = null
return n(e, [{
key: "setDecryptData",
value: function(e) {
null != e && null != e.key && "SAMPLE-AES" === e.method ? this.sampleAes = new d.default(, this.config, e, this.discardEPB) : this.sampleAes = null
}, {
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
this.pmtParsed = !1, this._pmtId = -1, this._avcTrack = {
container: "video/mp2t",
type: "video",
id: -1,
inputTimeScale: 9e4,
sequenceNumber: 0,
samples: [],
len: 0,
dropped: 0
}, this._audioTrack = {
container: "video/mp2t",
type: "audio",
id: -1,
inputTimeScale: 9e4,
duration: a,
sequenceNumber: 0,
samples: [],
len: 0,
isAAC: !0
}, this._id3Track = {
type: "id3",
id: -1,
inputTimeScale: 9e4,
sequenceNumber: 0,
samples: [],
len: 0
}, this._txtTrack = {
type: "text",
id: -1,
inputTimeScale: 9e4,
sequenceNumber: 0,
samples: [],
len: 0
}, this.aacOverFlow = null, this.aacLastPTS = null, this.avcSample = null, this.audioCodec = t, this.videoCodec = r, this._duration = a
}, {
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "append",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i, n, s, o, u, d = e.length,
h = !1;
this.contiguous = r;
var g = this.pmtParsed,
v = this._avcTrack,
p = this._audioTrack,
y = this._id3Track,
m =,
E =,
b =,
T = this._pmtId,
k = v.pesData,
_ = p.pesData,
R = y.pesData,
S = this._parsePAT,
A = this._parsePMT,
L = this._parsePES,
w = this._parseAVCPES.bind(this),
D = this._parseAACPES.bind(this),
O = this._parseMPEGPES.bind(this),
I = this._parseID3PES.bind(this);
for (d -= d % 188, i = 0; i < d; i += 188)
if (71 === e[i]) {
if (n = !!(64 & e[i + 1]), s = ((31 & e[i + 1]) << 8) + e[i + 2], (48 & e[i + 3]) >> 4 > 1) {
if ((o = i + 5 + e[i + 4]) === i + 188) continue
} else o = i + 4;
switch (s) {
case m:
n && (k && (u = L(k)) && w(u, !1), k = {
data: [],
size: 0
}), k && (, i + 188)), k.size += i + 188 - o);
case E:
n && (_ && (u = L(_)) && (p.isAAC ? D(u) : O(u)), _ = {
data: [],
size: 0
}), _ && (, i + 188)), _.size += i + 188 - o);
case b:
n && (R && (u = L(R)) && I(u), R = {
data: [],
size: 0
}), R && (, i + 188)), R.size += i + 188 - o);
case 0:
n && (o += e[o] + 1), T = this._pmtId = S(e, o);
case T:
n && (o += e[o] + 1);
var P = A(e, o, !0 === this.typeSupported.mpeg || !0 === this.typeSupported.mp3, null != this.sampleAes);
(m = P.avc) > 0 && ( = m), (E = > 0 && ( = E, p.isAAC = P.isAAC), (b = P.id3) > 0 && ( = b), h && !g && (f.logger.log("reparse from beginning"), h = !1, i = -188), g = this.pmtParsed = !0;
case 17:
case 8191:
h = !0
} else, {
type: c.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: c.ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
reason: "TS packet did not start with 0x47"
k && (u = L(k)) ? (w(u, !0), v.pesData = null) : v.pesData = k, _ && (u = L(_)) ? (p.isAAC ? D(u) : O(u), p.pesData = null) : (_ && _.size && f.logger.log("last AAC PES packet truncated,might overlap between fragments"), p.pesData = _), R && (u = L(R)) ? (I(u), y.pesData = null) : y.pesData = R, null == this.sampleAes ? this.remuxer.remux(p, v, y, this._txtTrack, t, r, a) : this.decryptAndRemux(p, v, y, this._txtTrack, t, r, a)
}, {
key: "decryptAndRemux",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
if (e.samples && e.isAAC) {
var o = this;
this.sampleAes.decryptAacSamples(e.samples, 0, function() {
o.decryptAndRemuxAvc(e, t, r, a, i, n, s)
} else this.decryptAndRemuxAvc(e, t, r, a, i, n, s)
}, {
key: "decryptAndRemuxAvc",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
if (t.samples) {
var o = this;
this.sampleAes.decryptAvcSamples(t.samples, 0, 0, function() {
o.remuxer.remux(e, t, r, a, i, n, s)
} else this.remuxer.remux(e, t, r, a, i, n, s)
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this._initPTS = this._initDTS = void 0, this._duration = 0
}, {
key: "_parsePAT",
value: function(e, t) {
return (31 & e[t + 10]) << 8 | e[t + 11]
}, {
key: "_parsePMT",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i, n, s = {
audio: -1,
avc: -1,
id3: -1,
isAAC: !0
for (i = t + 3 + ((15 & e[t + 1]) << 8 | e[t + 2]) - 4, t += 12 + ((15 & e[t + 10]) << 8 | e[t + 11]); t < i;) {
switch (n = (31 & e[t + 1]) << 8 | e[t + 2], e[t]) {
case 207:
if (!a) {
f.logger.log("unkown stream type:" + e[t]);
case 15:
-1 === && ( = n);
case 21:
-1 === s.id3 && (s.id3 = n);
case 219:
if (!a) {
f.logger.log("unkown stream type:" + e[t]);
case 27:
-1 === s.avc && (s.avc = n);
case 3:
case 4:
r ? -1 === && ( = n, s.isAAC = !1) : f.logger.log("MPEG audio found, not supported in this browser for now");
case 36:
f.logger.warn("HEVC stream type found, not supported for now");
f.logger.log("unkown stream type:" + e[t])
t += 5 + ((15 & e[t + 3]) << 8 | e[t + 4])
return s
}, {
key: "_parsePES",
value: function(e) {
var t, r, a, i, n, s, o, l, u = 0,
d =;
if (!e || 0 === e.size) return null;
for (; d[0].length < 19 && d.length > 1;) {
var c = new Uint8Array(d[0].length + d[1].length);
c.set(d[0]), c.set(d[1], d[0].length), d[0] = c, d.splice(1, 1)
if (t = d[0], 1 === (t[0] << 16) + (t[1] << 8) + t[2]) {
if ((a = (t[4] << 8) + t[5]) && a > e.size - 6) return null;
192 & (r = t[7]) && ((s = 536870912 * (14 & t[9]) + 4194304 * (255 & t[10]) + 16384 * (254 & t[11]) + 128 * (255 & t[12]) + (254 & t[13]) / 2) > 4294967295 && (s -= 8589934592), 64 & r ? ((o = 536870912 * (14 & t[14]) + 4194304 * (255 & t[15]) + 16384 * (254 & t[16]) + 128 * (255 & t[17]) + (254 & t[18]) / 2) > 4294967295 && (o -= 8589934592), s - o > 54e5 && (f.logger.warn(Math.round((s - o) / 9e4) + "s delta between PTS and DTS, align them"), s = o)) : o = s), l = (i = t[8]) + 9, e.size -= l, n = new Uint8Array(e.size);
for (var h = 0, g = d.length; h < g; h++) {
var v = (t = d[h]).byteLength;
if (l) {
if (l > v) {
l -= v;
t = t.subarray(l), v -= l, l = 0
n.set(t, u), u += v
return a && (a -= i + 3), {
data: n,
pts: s,
dts: o,
len: a
return null
}, {
key: "pushAccesUnit",
value: function(e, t) {
if (e.units.length && e.frame) {
var r = t.samples,
a = r.length;
!this.config.forceKeyFrameOnDiscontinuity || !0 === e.key || t.sps && (a || this.contiguous) ? ( = a, r.push(e)) : t.dropped++
e.debug.length && f.logger.log(e.pts + "/" + e.dts + ":" + e.debug)
}, {
key: "_parseAVCPES",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a, i, n = this,
s = this._avcTrack,
o = this._parseAVCNALu(,
l = this.avcSample,
d = !1,
f = this.pushAccesUnit.bind(this),
c = function(e, t, r, a) {
return {
key: e,
pts: t,
dts: r,
units: [],
debug: a
}; = null, l && o.length && (f(l, s), l = this.avcSample = c(!1, e.pts, e.dts, "")), o.forEach(function(t) {
switch (t.type) {
case 1:
a = !0, l.frame = !0;
var o =;
if (d && o.length > 4) {
var h = new u.default(o).readSliceType();
2 !== h && 4 !== h && 7 !== h && 9 !== h || (l.key = !0)
case 5:
a = !0, l || (l = n.avcSample = c(!0, e.pts, e.dts, "")), l.key = !0, l.frame = !0;
case 6:
a = !0, (r = new u.default(n.discardEPB(;
for (var g = 0, v = 0, p = !1, y = 0; !p && r.bytesAvailable > 1;) {
g = 0;
do {
g += y = r.readUByte()
} while (255 === y);
v = 0;
do {
v += y = r.readUByte()
} while (255 === y);
if (4 === g && 0 !== r.bytesAvailable) {
if (p = !0, 181 === r.readUByte() && 49 === r.readUShort() && 1195456820 === r.readUInt() && 3 === r.readUByte()) {
var m = r.readUByte(),
E = 31 & m,
b = [m, r.readUByte()];
for (i = 0; i < E; i++) b.push(r.readUByte()), b.push(r.readUByte()), b.push(r.readUByte());
n._insertSampleInOrder(n._txtTrack.samples, {
type: 3,
pts: e.pts,
bytes: b
} else if (v < r.bytesAvailable)
for (i = 0; i < v; i++) r.readUByte()
case 7:
if (a = !0, d = !0, !s.sps) {
var T = (r = new u.default(;
s.width = T.width, s.height = T.height, s.pixelRatio = T.pixelRatio, s.sps = [], s.duration = n._duration;
var k =, 4),
_ = "avc1.";
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var R = k[i].toString(16);
R.length < 2 && (R = "0" + R), _ += R
s.codec = _
case 8:
a = !0, s.pps || (s.pps = []);
case 9:
a = !1, l && f(l, s), l = n.avcSample = c(!1, e.pts, e.dts, "");
case 12:
a = !1;
a = !1, l && (l.debug += "unknown NAL " + t.type + " ")
l && a && l.units.push(t)
}), t && l && (f(l, s), this.avcSample = null)
}, {
key: "_insertSampleInOrder",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = e.length;
if (r > 0) {
if (t.pts >= e[r - 1].pts) e.push(t);
for (var a = r - 1; a >= 0; a--)
if (t.pts < e[a].pts) {
e.splice(a, 0, t);
} else e.push(t)
}, {
key: "_getLastNalUnit",
value: function() {
var e = this.avcSample,
t = void 0;
if (!e || 0 === e.units.length) {
var r = this._avcTrack.samples;
e = r[r.length - 1]
if (e) {
var a = e.units;
t = a[a.length - 1]
return t
}, {
key: "_parseAVCNALu",
value: function(e) {
var t, r, a, i, n = 0,
s = e.byteLength,
o = this._avcTrack,
l = o.naluState || 0,
u = l,
d = [],
f = -1;
for (-1 === l && (f = 0, i = 31 & e[0], l = 0, n = 1); n < s;)
if (t = e[n++], l)
if (1 !== l)
if (t)
if (1 === t) {
if (f >= 0) a = {
data: e.subarray(f, n - l - 1),
type: i
}, d.push(a);
else {
var c = this._getLastNalUnit();
if (c && (u && n <= 4 - u && c.state && ( =, - u)), (r = n - l - 1) > 0)) {
var h = new Uint8Array( + r);
h.set(, 0), h.set(e.subarray(0, r),, = h
n < s ? (f = n, i = 31 & e[n], l = 0) : l = -1
} else l = 0;
else l = 3;
else l = t ? 0 : 2;
else l = t ? 0 : 1;
if (f >= 0 && l >= 0 && (a = {
data: e.subarray(f, s),
type: i,
state: l
}, d.push(a)), 0 === d.length) {
var g = this._getLastNalUnit();
if (g) {
var v = new Uint8Array( + e.byteLength);
v.set(, 0), v.set(e,, = v
return o.naluState = l, d
}, {
key: "discardEPB",
value: function(e) {
for (var t, r, a = e.byteLength, i = [], n = 1; n < a - 2;) 0 === e[n] && 0 === e[n + 1] && 3 === e[n + 2] ? (i.push(n + 2), n += 2) : n++;
if (0 === i.length) return e;
t = a - i.length, r = new Uint8Array(t);
var s = 0;
for (n = 0; n < t; s++, n++) s === i[0] && (s++, i.shift()), r[n] = e[s];
return r
}, {
key: "_parseAACPES",
value: function(e) {
var t, r, a, i, n, o = this._audioTrack,
u =,
d = e.pts,
h = this.aacOverFlow,
g = this.aacLastPTS;
if (h) {
var v = new Uint8Array(h.byteLength + u.byteLength);
v.set(h, 0), v.set(u, h.byteLength), u = v
for (a = 0, n = u.length; a < n - 1 && !s.default.isHeader(u, a); a++);
if (a) {
var p, y;
if (a < n - 1 ? (p = "AAC PES did not start with ADTS header,offset:" + a, y = !1) : (p = "no ADTS header found in AAC PES", y = !0), f.logger.warn("parsing error:" + p),, {
type: c.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: c.ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: y,
reason: p
}), y) return
if (s.default.initTrackConfig(o,, u, a, this.audioCodec), r = 0, t = s.default.getFrameDuration(o.samplerate), h && g) {
var m = g + t;
Math.abs(m - d) > 1 && (f.logger.log("AAC: align PTS for overlapping frames by " + Math.round((m - d) / 90)), d = m)
for (; a < n;)
if (s.default.isHeader(u, a) && a + 5 < n) {
var E = s.default.appendFrame(o, u, a, d, r);
if (!E) break;
a += E.length, i = E.sample.pts, r++
} else a++;
h = a < n ? u.subarray(a, n) : null, this.aacOverFlow = h, this.aacLastPTS = i
}, {
key: "_parseMPEGPES",
value: function(e) {
for (var t =, r = t.length, a = 0, i = 0, n = e.pts; i < r;)
if (o.default.isHeader(t, i)) {
var s = o.default.appendFrame(this._audioTrack, t, i, n, a);
if (!s) break;
i += s.length, a++
} else i++
}, {
key: "_parseID3PES",
value: function(e) {
}], [{
key: "probe",
value: function(e) {
return e.length >= 564 && 71 === e[0] && 71 === e[188] && 71 === e[376]
}]), e
r.default = h
}, {
22: 22,
26: 26,
30: 30,
31: 31,
33: 33,
35: 35,
54: 54
33: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
r.ErrorTypes = {
NETWORK_ERROR: "networkError",
MEDIA_ERROR: "mediaError",
MUX_ERROR: "muxError",
OTHER_ERROR: "otherError"
}, r.ErrorDetails = {
MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR: "manifestLoadError",
MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT: "manifestLoadTimeOut",
MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR: "manifestParsingError",
MANIFEST_INCOMPATIBLE_CODECS_ERROR: "manifestIncompatibleCodecsError",
LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR: "levelLoadError",
LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT: "levelLoadTimeOut",
LEVEL_SWITCH_ERROR: "levelSwitchError",
AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_ERROR: "audioTrackLoadError",
AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_TIMEOUT: "audioTrackLoadTimeOut",
FRAG_LOAD_ERROR: "fragLoadError",
FRAG_LOOP_LOADING_ERROR: "fragLoopLoadingError",
FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT: "fragLoadTimeOut",
FRAG_DECRYPT_ERROR: "fragDecryptError",
FRAG_PARSING_ERROR: "fragParsingError",
REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR: "remuxAllocError",
KEY_LOAD_ERROR: "keyLoadError",
KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT: "keyLoadTimeOut",
BUFFER_ADD_CODEC_ERROR: "bufferAddCodecError",
BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR: "bufferAppendError",
BUFFER_APPENDING_ERROR: "bufferAppendingError",
BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR: "bufferStalledError",
BUFFER_FULL_ERROR: "bufferFullError",
BUFFER_SEEK_OVER_HOLE: "bufferSeekOverHole",
BUFFER_NUDGE_ON_STALL: "bufferNudgeOnStall",
INTERNAL_EXCEPTION: "internalException",
}, {}],
34: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = e(54),
o = e(33),
l = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
u = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), this.hls = t, this.onEvent = this.onEvent.bind(this);
for (var r = arguments.length, i = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), n = 1; n < r; n++) i[n - 1] = arguments[n];
this.handledEvents = i, this.useGenericHandler = !0, this.registerListeners()
return n(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "isEventHandler",
value: function() {
return "object" === i(this.handledEvents) && this.handledEvents.length && "function" == typeof this.onEvent
}, {
key: "registerListeners",
value: function() {
this.isEventHandler() && this.handledEvents.forEach(function(e) {
if ("hlsEventGeneric" === e) throw new Error("Forbidden event name: " + e);
this.hls.on(e, this.onEvent)
}, this)
}, {
key: "unregisterListeners",
value: function() {
this.isEventHandler() && this.handledEvents.forEach(function(e) {, this.onEvent)
}, this)
}, {
key: "onEvent",
value: function(e, t) {
this.onEventGeneric(e, t)
}, {
key: "onEventGeneric",
value: function(e, t) {
try {
(function(e, t) {
var r = "on" + e.replace("hls", "");
if ("function" != typeof this[r]) throw new Error("Event " + e + " has no generic handler in this " + + " class (tried " + r + ")");
return this[r].bind(this, t)
}).call(this, e, t).call()
} catch (t) {
s.logger.error("internal error happened while processing " + e + ":" + t.message), this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: o.ErrorTypes.OTHER_ERROR,
details: o.ErrorDetails.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION,
fatal: !1,
event: e,
err: t
}]), e
r.default = u
}, {
33: 33,
35: 35,
54: 54
35: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
t.exports = {
MEDIA_ATTACHING: "hlsMediaAttaching",
MEDIA_ATTACHED: "hlsMediaAttached",
MEDIA_DETACHING: "hlsMediaDetaching",
MEDIA_DETACHED: "hlsMediaDetached",
BUFFER_RESET: "hlsBufferReset",
BUFFER_CODECS: "hlsBufferCodecs",
BUFFER_CREATED: "hlsBufferCreated",
BUFFER_APPENDING: "hlsBufferAppending",
BUFFER_APPENDED: "hlsBufferAppended",
BUFFER_EOS: "hlsBufferEos",
BUFFER_FLUSHING: "hlsBufferFlushing",
BUFFER_FLUSHED: "hlsBufferFlushed",
MANIFEST_LOADING: "hlsManifestLoading",
MANIFEST_LOADED: "hlsManifestLoaded",
MANIFEST_PARSED: "hlsManifestParsed",
LEVEL_SWITCH: "hlsLevelSwitch",
LEVEL_SWITCHING: "hlsLevelSwitching",
LEVEL_SWITCHED: "hlsLevelSwitched",
LEVEL_LOADING: "hlsLevelLoading",
LEVEL_LOADED: "hlsLevelLoaded",
LEVEL_UPDATED: "hlsLevelUpdated",
LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED: "hlsLevelPtsUpdated",
AUDIO_TRACKS_UPDATED: "hlsAudioTracksUpdated",
AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCH: "hlsAudioTrackSwitch",
AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHING: "hlsAudioTrackSwitching",
AUDIO_TRACK_SWITCHED: "hlsAudioTrackSwitched",
AUDIO_TRACK_LOADING: "hlsAudioTrackLoading",
AUDIO_TRACK_LOADED: "hlsAudioTrackLoaded",
SUBTITLE_TRACKS_UPDATED: "hlsSubtitleTracksUpdated",
SUBTITLE_TRACK_SWITCH: "hlsSubtitleTrackSwitch",
SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADING: "hlsSubtitleTrackLoading",
SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADED: "hlsSubtitleTrackLoaded",
SUBTITLE_FRAG_PROCESSED: "hlsSubtitleFragProcessed",
INIT_PTS_FOUND: "hlsInitPtsFound",
FRAG_LOADING: "hlsFragLoading",
FRAG_LOAD_PROGRESS: "hlsFragLoadProgress",
FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED: "hlsFragLoadEmergencyAborted",
FRAG_LOADED: "hlsFragLoaded",
FRAG_DECRYPTED: "hlsFragDecrypted",
FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT: "hlsFragParsingInitSegment",
FRAG_PARSING_USERDATA: "hlsFragParsingUserdata",
FRAG_PARSING_METADATA: "hlsFragParsingMetadata",
FRAG_PARSING_DATA: "hlsFragParsingData",
FRAG_PARSED: "hlsFragParsed",
FRAG_BUFFERED: "hlsFragBuffered",
FRAG_CHANGED: "hlsFragChanged",
FPS_DROP: "hlsFpsDrop",
FPS_DROP_LEVEL_CAPPING: "hlsFpsDropLevelCapping",
ERROR: "hlsError",
DESTROYING: "hlsDestroying",
KEY_LOADING: "hlsKeyLoading",
KEY_LOADED: "hlsKeyLoaded",
STREAM_STATE_TRANSITION: "hlsStreamStateTransition"
}, {}],
36: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e)
return i(e, null, [{
key: "getSilentFrame",
value: function(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "mp4a.40.2":
if (1 === t) return new Uint8Array([0, 200, 0, 128, 35, 128]);
if (2 === t) return new Uint8Array([33, 0, 73, 144, 2, 25, 0, 35, 128]);
if (3 === t) return new Uint8Array([0, 200, 0, 128, 32, 132, 1, 38, 64, 8, 100, 0, 142]);
if (4 === t) return new Uint8Array([0, 200, 0, 128, 32, 132, 1, 38, 64, 8, 100, 0, 128, 44, 128, 8, 2, 56]);
if (5 === t) return new Uint8Array([0, 200, 0, 128, 32, 132, 1, 38, 64, 8, 100, 0, 130, 48, 4, 153, 0, 33, 144, 2, 56]);
if (6 === t) return new Uint8Array([0, 200, 0, 128, 32, 132, 1, 38, 64, 8, 100, 0, 130, 48, 4, 153, 0, 33, 144, 2, 0, 178, 0, 32, 8, 224]);
if (1 === t) return new Uint8Array([1, 64, 34, 128, 163, 78, 230, 128, 186, 8, 0, 0, 0, 28, 6, 241, 193, 10, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 94]);
if (2 === t) return new Uint8Array([1, 64, 34, 128, 163, 94, 230, 128, 186, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 149, 0, 6, 241, 161, 10, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 94]);
if (3 === t) return new Uint8Array([1, 64, 34, 128, 163, 94, 230, 128, 186, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 149, 0, 6, 241, 161, 10, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 94])
return null
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
37: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
isBuffered: function(e, t) {
if (e)
for (var r = e.buffered, a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
if (t >= r.start(a) && t <= r.end(a)) return !0;
return !1
bufferInfo: function(e, t, r) {
if (e) {
var a, i = e.buffered,
n = [];
for (a = 0; a < i.length; a++) n.push({
start: i.start(a),
end: i.end(a)
return this.bufferedInfo(n, t, r)
return {
len: 0,
start: t,
end: t,
nextStart: void 0
bufferedInfo: function(e, t, r) {
var a, i, n, s, o, l = [];
for (e.sort(function(e, t) {
var r = e.start - t.start;
return r || t.end - e.end
}), o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
var u = l.length;
if (u) {
var d = l[u - 1].end;
e[o].start - d < r ? e[o].end > d && (l[u - 1].end = e[o].end) : l.push(e[o])
} else l.push(e[o])
for (o = 0, a = 0, i = n = t; o < l.length; o++) {
var f = l[o].start,
c = l[o].end;
if (t + r >= f && t < c) i = f, a = (n = c) - t;
else if (t + r < f) {
s = f;
return {
len: a,
start: i,
end: n,
nextStart: s
t.exports = a
}, {}],
38: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = e(54),
i = {
mergeDetails: function(e, t) {
var r, n = Math.max(e.startSN, t.startSN) - t.startSN,
s = Math.min(e.endSN, t.endSN) - t.startSN,
o = t.startSN - e.startSN,
l = e.fragments,
u = t.fragments,
d = 0;
if (s < n) t.PTSKnown = !1;
else {
for (var f = n; f <= s; f++) {
var c = l[o + f],
h = u[f];
h && c && (d = -, isNaN(c.startPTS) || (h.start = h.startPTS = c.startPTS, h.endPTS = c.endPTS, h.duration = c.duration, h.backtracked = c.backtracked, h.dropped = c.dropped, r = h))
if (d)
for (a.logger.log("discontinuity sliding from playlist, take drift into account"), f = 0; f < u.length; f++) u[f].cc += d;
if (r) i.updateFragPTSDTS(t, r, r.startPTS, r.endPTS, r.startDTS, r.endDTS);
else if (o >= 0 && o < l.length) {
var g = l[o].start;
for (f = 0; f < u.length; f++) u[f].start += g
t.PTSKnown = e.PTSKnown
updateFragPTSDTS: function(e, t, r, a, n, s) {
var o = r;
if (!isNaN(t.startPTS)) {
var l = Math.abs(t.startPTS - r);
isNaN(t.deltaPTS) ? t.deltaPTS = l : t.deltaPTS = Math.max(l, t.deltaPTS), o = Math.max(r, t.startPTS), r = Math.min(r, t.startPTS), a = Math.max(a, t.endPTS), n = Math.min(n, t.startDTS), s = Math.max(s, t.endDTS)
var u = r - t.start;
t.start = t.startPTS = r, t.maxStartPTS = o, t.endPTS = a, t.startDTS = n, t.endDTS = s, t.duration = a - r;
var d =;
if (!e || d < e.startSN || d > e.endSN) return 0;
var f, c, h;
for (f = d - e.startSN, (c = e.fragments)[f] = t, h = f; h > 0; h--) i.updatePTS(c, h, h - 1);
for (h = f; h < c.length - 1; h++) i.updatePTS(c, h, h + 1);
return e.PTSKnown = !0, u
updatePTS: function(e, t, r) {
var i = e[t],
n = e[r],
s = n.startPTS;
isNaN(s) ? n.start = r > t ? i.start + i.duration : Math.max(i.start - n.duration, 0) : r > t ? (i.duration = s - i.start, i.duration < 0 && a.logger.warn("negative duration computed for frag " + + ",level " + i.level + ", there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!")) : (n.duration = i.start - s, n.duration < 0 && a.logger.warn("negative duration computed for frag " + + ",level " + n.level + ", there should be some duration drift between playlist and fragment!"))
t.exports = i
}, {
54: 54
39: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(2)),
o = a(e(35)),
l = e(33),
u = a(e(43)),
d = a(e(41)),
f = a(e(42)),
c = a(e(13)),
h = a(e(12)),
g = a(e(11)),
v = e(54),
p = a(e(1)),
y = e(4),
m = function() {
function e() {
var t = this,
r = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
i(this, e);
var a = e.DefaultConfig;
if ((r.liveSyncDurationCount || r.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount) && (r.liveSyncDuration || r.liveMaxLatencyDuration)) throw new Error("Illegal hls.js config: don't mix up liveSyncDurationCount/liveMaxLatencyDurationCount and liveSyncDuration/liveMaxLatencyDuration");
for (var n in a) n in r || (r[n] = a[n]);
if (void 0 !== r.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount && r.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount <= r.liveSyncDurationCount) throw new Error('Illegal hls.js config: "liveMaxLatencyDurationCount" must be gt "liveSyncDurationCount"');
if (void 0 !== r.liveMaxLatencyDuration && (r.liveMaxLatencyDuration <= r.liveSyncDuration || void 0 === r.liveSyncDuration)) throw new Error('Illegal hls.js config: "liveMaxLatencyDuration" must be gt "liveSyncDuration"');
(0, v.enableLogs)(r.debug), this.config = r, this._autoLevelCapping = -1;
var s = = new p.default;
s.trigger = function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, r = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++) r[a - 1] = arguments[a];
s.emit.apply(s, [e, e].concat(r))
}, = function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, r = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++) r[a - 1] = arguments[a];
s.removeListener.apply(s, [e].concat(r))
}, this.on = s.on.bind(s), =, this.trigger = s.trigger.bind(s);
var o = this.abrController = new r.abrController(this),
l = new r.bufferController(this),
y = new r.capLevelController(this),
m = new r.fpsController(this),
E = new u.default(this),
b = new d.default(this),
T = new f.default(this),
k = new g.default(this),
_ = [this.levelController = new h.default(this), this.streamController = new c.default(this)],
R = r.audioStreamController;
R && _.push(new R(this)), this.networkControllers = _;
var S = [E, b, T, o, l, y, m, k];
if (R = r.audioTrackController) {
var A = new R(this);
this.audioTrackController = A, S.push(A)
if (R = r.subtitleTrackController) {
var L = new R(this);
this.subtitleTrackController = L, S.push(L)
} [r.subtitleStreamController, r.timelineController].forEach(function(e) {
e && S.push(new e(t))
}), this.coreComponents = S
return n(e, null, [{
key: "isSupported",
value: function() {
var e = window.MediaSource = window.MediaSource || window.WebKitMediaSource,
t = window.SourceBuffer = window.SourceBuffer || window.WebKitSourceBuffer,
r = e && "function" == typeof e.isTypeSupported && e.isTypeSupported('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E,mp4a.40.2"'),
a = !t || t.prototype && "function" == typeof t.prototype.appendBuffer && "function" == typeof t.prototype.remove;
return r && a
}, {
key: "version",
get: function() {
return "0.7.11"
}, {
key: "Events",
get: function() {
return o.default
}, {
key: "ErrorTypes",
get: function() {
return l.ErrorTypes
}, {
key: "ErrorDetails",
get: function() {
return l.ErrorDetails
}, {
key: "DefaultConfig",
get: function() {
return e.defaultConfig ? e.defaultConfig : y.hlsDefaultConfig
set: function(t) {
e.defaultConfig = t
}]), n(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
v.logger.log("destroy"), this.trigger(o.default.DESTROYING), this.detachMedia(), this.coreComponents.concat(this.networkControllers).forEach(function(e) {
}), this.url = null,, this._autoLevelCapping = -1
}, {
key: "attachMedia",
value: function(e) {
v.logger.log("attachMedia"), = e, this.trigger(o.default.MEDIA_ATTACHING, {
media: e
}, {
key: "detachMedia",
value: function() {
v.logger.log("detachMedia"), this.trigger(o.default.MEDIA_DETACHING), = null
}, {
key: "loadSource",
value: function(e) {
e = s.default.buildAbsoluteURL(window.location.href, e, {
alwaysNormalize: !0
}), v.logger.log("loadSource:" + e), this.url = e, this.trigger(o.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, {
url: e
}, {
key: "startLoad",
value: function() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : -1;
v.logger.log("startLoad(" + e + ")"), this.networkControllers.forEach(function(t) {
}, {
key: "stopLoad",
value: function() {
v.logger.log("stopLoad"), this.networkControllers.forEach(function(e) {
}, {
key: "swapAudioCodec",
value: function() {
v.logger.log("swapAudioCodec"), this.streamController.swapAudioCodec()
}, {
key: "recoverMediaError",
value: function() {
var e =;
this.detachMedia(), this.attachMedia(e)
}, {
key: "levels",
get: function() {
return this.levelController.levels
}, {
key: "currentLevel",
get: function() {
return this.streamController.currentLevel
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set currentLevel:" + e), this.loadLevel = e, this.streamController.immediateLevelSwitch()
}, {
key: "nextLevel",
get: function() {
return this.streamController.nextLevel
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set nextLevel:" + e), this.levelController.manualLevel = e, this.streamController.nextLevelSwitch()
}, {
key: "loadLevel",
get: function() {
return this.levelController.level
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set loadLevel:" + e), this.levelController.manualLevel = e
}, {
key: "nextLoadLevel",
get: function() {
return this.levelController.nextLoadLevel
set: function(e) {
this.levelController.nextLoadLevel = e
}, {
key: "firstLevel",
get: function() {
return Math.max(this.levelController.firstLevel, this.minAutoLevel)
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set firstLevel:" + e), this.levelController.firstLevel = e
}, {
key: "startLevel",
get: function() {
return this.levelController.startLevel
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set startLevel:" + e);
var t = this; - 1 !== e && (e = Math.max(e, t.minAutoLevel)), t.levelController.startLevel = e
}, {
key: "autoLevelCapping",
get: function() {
return this._autoLevelCapping
set: function(e) {
v.logger.log("set autoLevelCapping:" + e), this._autoLevelCapping = e
}, {
key: "autoLevelEnabled",
get: function() {
return -1 === this.levelController.manualLevel
}, {
key: "manualLevel",
get: function() {
return this.levelController.manualLevel
}, {
key: "minAutoLevel",
get: function() {
for (var e = this, t = e.levels, r = e.config.minAutoBitrate, a = t ? t.length : 0, i = 0; i < a; i++)
if ((t[i].realBitrate ? Math.max(t[i].realBitrate, t[i].bitrate) : t[i].bitrate) > r) return i;
return 0
}, {
key: "maxAutoLevel",
get: function() {
var e = this,
t = e.levels,
r = e.autoLevelCapping;
return -1 === r && t && t.length ? t.length - 1 : r
}, {
key: "nextAutoLevel",
get: function() {
var e = this;
return Math.min(Math.max(e.abrController.nextAutoLevel, e.minAutoLevel), e.maxAutoLevel)
set: function(e) {
var t = this;
t.abrController.nextAutoLevel = Math.max(t.minAutoLevel, e)
}, {
key: "audioTracks",
get: function() {
var e = this.audioTrackController;
return e ? e.audioTracks : []
}, {
key: "audioTrack",
get: function() {
var e = this.audioTrackController;
return e ? e.audioTrack : -1
set: function(e) {
var t = this.audioTrackController;
t && (t.audioTrack = e)
}, {
key: "liveSyncPosition",
get: function() {
return this.streamController.liveSyncPosition
}, {
key: "subtitleTracks",
get: function() {
var e = this.subtitleTrackController;
return e ? e.subtitleTracks : []
}, {
key: "subtitleTrack",
get: function() {
var e = this.subtitleTrackController;
return e ? e.subtitleTrack : -1
set: function(e) {
var t = this.subtitleTrackController;
t && (t.subtitleTrack = e)
}]), e
r.default = m
}, {
1: 1,
11: 11,
12: 12,
13: 13,
2: 2,
33: 33,
35: 35,
4: 4,
41: 41,
42: 42,
43: 43,
54: 54
40: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
t.exports = e(39).default
}, {
39: 39
41: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(33),
f = e(54),
c = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.FRAG_LOADING));
return r.loaders = {}, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
var e = this.loaders;
for (var t in e) {
var r = e[t];
r && r.destroy()
this.loaders = {},
}, {
key: "onFragLoading",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag,
r = t.type,
a = this.loaders[r],
i = this.hls.config;
t.loaded = 0, a && (f.logger.warn("abort previous fragment loader for type:" + r), a.abort()), a = this.loaders[r] = t.loader = void 0 !== i.fLoader ? new i.fLoader(i) : new i.loader(i);
var n = void 0,
s = void 0,
o = void 0;
n = {
url: t.url,
frag: t,
responseType: "arraybuffer",
progressData: !1
var l = t.byteRangeStartOffset,
u = t.byteRangeEndOffset;
isNaN(l) || isNaN(u) || (n.rangeStart = l, n.rangeEnd = u), s = {
timeout: i.fragLoadingTimeOut,
maxRetry: 0,
retryDelay: 0,
maxRetryDelay: i.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout
}, o = {
onSuccess: this.loadsuccess.bind(this),
onError: this.loaderror.bind(this),
onTimeout: this.loadtimeout.bind(this),
onProgress: this.loadprogress.bind(this)
}, a.load(n, s, o)
}, {
key: "loadsuccess",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
i =,
n = r.frag;
n.loader = void 0, this.loaders[n.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.FRAG_LOADED, {
payload: i,
frag: n,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
}, {
key: "loaderror",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = t.loader;
a && a.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
frag: t.frag,
response: e,
networkDetails: r
}, {
key: "loadtimeout",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = t.loader;
a && a.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT,
fatal: !1,
frag: t.frag,
networkDetails: r
}, {
key: "loadprogress",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
i = t.frag;
i.loaded = e.loaded, this.hls.trigger(l.default.FRAG_LOAD_PROGRESS, {
frag: i,
stats: e,
networkDetails: a
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
42: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function n(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function s(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(35)),
u = a(e(34)),
d = e(33),
f = e(54),
c = function(e) {
function t(e) {
i(this, t);
var r = n(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, l.default.KEY_LOADING));
return r.loaders = {}, r.decryptkey = null, r.decrypturl = null, r
return s(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
for (var e in this.loaders) {
var t = this.loaders[e];
t && t.destroy()
this.loaders = {},
}, {
key: "onKeyLoading",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.frag,
r = t.type,
a = this.loaders[r],
i = t.decryptdata,
n = i.uri;
if (n !== this.decrypturl || null === this.decryptkey) {
var s = this.hls.config;
a && (f.logger.warn("abort previous key loader for type:" + r), a.abort()), t.loader = this.loaders[r] = new s.loader(s), this.decrypturl = n, this.decryptkey = null;
var o = void 0,
u = void 0,
d = void 0;
o = {
url: n,
frag: t,
responseType: "arraybuffer"
}, u = {
timeout: s.fragLoadingTimeOut,
maxRetry: s.fragLoadingMaxRetry,
retryDelay: s.fragLoadingRetryDelay,
maxRetryDelay: s.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout
}, d = {
onSuccess: this.loadsuccess.bind(this),
onError: this.loaderror.bind(this),
onTimeout: this.loadtimeout.bind(this)
}, t.loader.load(o, u, d)
} else this.decryptkey && (i.key = this.decryptkey, this.hls.trigger(l.default.KEY_LOADED, {
frag: t
}, {
key: "loadsuccess",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = r.frag;
this.decryptkey = a.decryptdata.key = new Uint8Array(, a.loader = void 0, this.loaders[a.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.KEY_LOADED, {
frag: a
}, {
key: "loaderror",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = t.frag,
a = r.loader;
a && a.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
frag: r,
response: e
}, {
key: "loadtimeout",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = t.frag,
a = r.loader;
a && a.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0, this.hls.trigger(l.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT,
fatal: !1,
frag: r
}]), t
r.default = c
}, {
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
54: 54
43: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
function n(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
function s(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
l = a(e(2)),
u = a(e(35)),
d = a(e(34)),
f = e(33),
c = a(e(47)),
h = e(54),
g = /#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:([^\n\r]*)[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)/g,
v = /#EXT-X-MEDIA:(.*)/g,
p = new RegExp([/#EXTINF:(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(?:,(.*)\s+)?/.source, /|(?!#)(\S+)/.source, /|#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:*(.+)/.source, /|#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:(.+)/.source, /|#.*/.source].join(""), "g"),
y = /(?:(?:#(EXTM3U))|(?:#EXT-X-(PLAYLIST-TYPE):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(MEDIA-SEQUENCE): *(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(TARGETDURATION): *(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(KEY):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(START):(.+))|(?:#EXT-X-(ENDLIST))|(?:#EXT-X-(DISCONTINUITY-SEQ)UENCE:(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(DIS)CONTINUITY))|(?:#EXT-X-(VERSION):(\d+))|(?:#EXT-X-(MAP):(.+))|(?:(#)(.*):(.*))|(?:(#)(.*))(?:.*)\r?\n?/,
m = function() {
function e() {
s(this, e), this.method = null, this.key = null, this.iv = null, this._uri = null
return o(e, [{
key: "uri",
get: function() {
return !this._uri && this.reluri && (this._uri = l.default.buildAbsoluteURL(this.baseuri, this.reluri, {
alwaysNormalize: !0
})), this._uri
}]), e
E = function() {
function e() {
s(this, e), this._url = null, this._byteRange = null, this._decryptdata = null, this.tagList = []
return o(e, [{
key: "createInitializationVector",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = new Uint8Array(16), r = 12; r < 16; r++) t[r] = e >> 8 * (15 - r) & 255;
return t
}, {
key: "fragmentDecryptdataFromLevelkey",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = e;
return e && e.method && e.uri && !e.iv && ((r = new m).method = e.method, r.baseuri = e.baseuri, r.reluri = e.reluri, r.iv = this.createInitializationVector(t)), r
}, {
key: "cloneObj",
value: function(e) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e))
}, {
key: "url",
get: function() {
return !this._url && this.relurl && (this._url = l.default.buildAbsoluteURL(this.baseurl, this.relurl, {
alwaysNormalize: !0
})), this._url
set: function(e) {
this._url = e
}, {
key: "programDateTime",
get: function() {
return !this._programDateTime && this.rawProgramDateTime && (this._programDateTime = new Date(Date.parse(this.rawProgramDateTime))), this._programDateTime
}, {
key: "byteRange",
get: function() {
if (!this._byteRange) {
var e = this._byteRange = [];
if (this.rawByteRange) {
var t = this.rawByteRange.split("@", 2);
if (1 === t.length) {
var r = this.lastByteRangeEndOffset;
e[0] = r || 0
} else e[0] = parseInt(t[1]);
e[1] = parseInt(t[0]) + e[0]
return this._byteRange
}, {
key: "byteRangeStartOffset",
get: function() {
return this.byteRange[0]
}, {
key: "byteRangeEndOffset",
get: function() {
return this.byteRange[1]
}, {
key: "decryptdata",
get: function() {
return this._decryptdata || (this._decryptdata = this.fragmentDecryptdataFromLevelkey(this.levelkey,, this._decryptdata
}]), e
b = function(e) {
function t(e) {
s(this, t);
var r = i(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, u.default.MANIFEST_LOADING, u.default.LEVEL_LOADING, u.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADING, u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADING));
return r.loaders = {}, r
return n(t, e), o(t, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
for (var e in this.loaders) {
var t = this.loaders[e];
t && t.destroy()
this.loaders = {},
}, {
key: "onManifestLoading",
value: function(e) {
this.load(e.url, {
type: "manifest"
}, {
key: "onLevelLoading",
value: function(e) {
this.load(e.url, {
type: "level",
level: e.level,
}, {
key: "onAudioTrackLoading",
value: function(e) {
this.load(e.url, {
type: "audioTrack",
}, {
key: "onSubtitleTrackLoading",
value: function(e) {
this.load(e.url, {
type: "subtitleTrack",
}, {
key: "load",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = this.loaders[t.type];
if (r) {
var a = r.context;
if (a && a.url === e) return void h.logger.trace("playlist request ongoing");
h.logger.warn("abort previous loader for type:" + t.type), r.abort()
var i = this.hls.config,
n = void 0,
s = void 0,
o = void 0,
l = void 0;
"manifest" === t.type ? (n = i.manifestLoadingMaxRetry, s = i.manifestLoadingTimeOut, o = i.manifestLoadingRetryDelay, l = i.manifestLoadingMaxRetryTimeout) : (n = i.levelLoadingMaxRetry, s = i.levelLoadingTimeOut, o = i.levelLoadingRetryDelay, l = i.levelLoadingMaxRetryTimeout, h.logger.log("loading playlist for " + t.type + " " + (t.level ||, r = this.loaders[t.type] = t.loader = void 0 !== i.pLoader ? new i.pLoader(i) : new i.loader(i), t.url = e, t.responseType = "";
var u = void 0,
d = void 0;
u = {
timeout: s,
maxRetry: n,
retryDelay: o,
maxRetryDelay: l
}, d = {
onSuccess: this.loadsuccess.bind(this),
onError: this.loaderror.bind(this),
onTimeout: this.loadtimeout.bind(this)
}, r.load(t, u, d)
}, {
key: "resolve",
value: function(e, t) {
return l.default.buildAbsoluteURL(t, e, {
alwaysNormalize: !0
}, {
key: "parseMasterPlaylist",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = [],
a = void 0;
for (g.lastIndex = 0; null != (a = g.exec(e));) {
var i = {},
n = i.attrs = new c.default(a[1]);
i.url = this.resolve(a[2], t);
var s = n.decimalResolution("RESOLUTION");
s && (i.width = s.width, i.height = s.height), i.bitrate = n.decimalInteger("AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH") || n.decimalInteger("BANDWIDTH"), = n.NAME;
var o = n.CODECS;
if (o) {
o = o.split(/[ ,]+/);
for (var l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
var u = o[l]; - 1 !== u.indexOf("avc1") ? i.videoCodec = this.avc1toavcoti(u) : -1 !== u.indexOf("hvc1") ? i.videoCodec = u : i.audioCodec = u
return r
}, {
key: "parseMasterPlaylistMedia",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
i = void 0,
n = [],
s = 0;
for (v.lastIndex = 0; null != (i = v.exec(e));) {
var o = {},
l = new c.default(i[1]);
l.TYPE === r && (o.groupId = l["GROUP-ID"], = l.NAME, o.type = r, o.default = "YES" === l.DEFAULT, o.autoselect = "YES" === l.AUTOSELECT, o.forced = "YES" === l.FORCED, l.URI && (o.url = this.resolve(l.URI, t)), o.lang = l.LANGUAGE, || ( = o.lang), a && (o.audioCodec = a), = s++, n.push(o))
return n
}, {
key: "avc1toavcoti",
value: function(e) {
var t, r = e.split(".");
return r.length > 2 ? (t = r.shift() + ".", t += parseInt(r.shift()).toString(16), t += ("000" + parseInt(r.shift()).toString(16)).substr(-4)) : t = e, t
}, {
key: "parseLevelPlaylist",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i, n, s = 0,
o = 0,
l = {
type: null,
version: null,
url: t,
fragments: [],
live: !0,
startSN: 0
u = new m,
d = 0,
f = null,
g = new E;
for (p.lastIndex = 0; null !== (i = p.exec(e));) {
var v = i[1];
if (v) {
g.duration = parseFloat(v);
var b = (" " + i[2]).slice(1);
g.title = b || null, g.tagList.push(b ? ["INF", v, b] : ["INF", v])
} else if (i[3]) {
if (!isNaN(g.duration)) {
var T = s++;
g.type = a, g.start = o, g.levelkey = u, = T, g.level = r, = d, g.baseurl = t, g.relurl = (" " + i[3]).slice(1), l.fragments.push(g), f = g, o += g.duration, g = new E
} else if (i[4]) {
if (g.rawByteRange = (" " + i[4]).slice(1), f) {
var k = f.byteRangeEndOffset;
k && (g.lastByteRangeEndOffset = k)
} else if (i[5]) g.rawProgramDateTime = (" " + i[5]).slice(1), g.tagList.push(["PROGRAM-DATE-TIME", g.rawProgramDateTime]);
else {
for (i = i[0].match(y), n = 1; n < i.length && void 0 === i[n]; n++);
var _ = (" " + i[n + 1]).slice(1),
R = (" " + i[n + 2]).slice(1);
switch (i[n]) {
case "#":
g.tagList.push(R ? [_, R] : [_]);
l.type = _.toUpperCase();
s = l.startSN = parseInt(_);
l.targetduration = parseFloat(_);
case "VERSION":
l.version = parseInt(_);
case "EXTM3U":
case "ENDLIST": = !1;
case "DIS":
d++, g.tagList.push(["DIS"]);
d = parseInt(_);
case "KEY":
var S = _,
A = new c.default(S),
L = A.enumeratedString("METHOD"),
w = A.URI,
D = A.hexadecimalInteger("IV");
L && (u = new m, w && ["AES-128", "SAMPLE-AES"].indexOf(L) >= 0 && (u.method = L, u.baseuri = t, u.reluri = w, u.key = null, u.iv = D));
case "START":
var O = _,
I = new c.default(O).decimalFloatingPoint("TIME-OFFSET");
isNaN(I) || (l.startTimeOffset = I);
case "MAP":
var P = new c.default(_);
g.relurl = P.URI, g.rawByteRange = P.BYTERANGE, g.baseurl = t, g.level = r, g.type = a, = "initSegment", l.initSegment = g, g = new E;
h.logger.warn("line parsed but not handled: " + i)
return (g = f) && !g.relurl && (l.fragments.pop(), o -= g.duration), l.totalduration = o, l.averagetargetduration = o / l.fragments.length, l.endSN = s - 1, l
}, {
key: "loadsuccess",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
i =,
n = e.url,
s = r.type,
o =,
l = r.level,
d = this.hls;
if (this.loaders[s] = void 0, void 0 !== n && 0 !== n.indexOf("data:") || (n = r.url), t.tload =, 0 === i.indexOf("#EXTM3U"))
if (i.indexOf("#EXTINF:") > 0) {
var c = "audioTrack" !== s && "subtitleTrack" !== s,
g = isNaN(l) ? isNaN(o) ? 0 : o : l,
v = this.parseLevelPlaylist(i, n, g, "audioTrack" === s ? "audio" : "subtitleTrack" === s ? "subtitle" : "main");
v.tload = t.tload, "manifest" === s && d.trigger(u.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, {
levels: [{
url: n,
details: v
audioTracks: [],
url: n,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
}), t.tparsed =, v.targetduration ? c ? d.trigger(u.default.LEVEL_LOADED, {
details: v,
level: l || 0,
id: o || 0,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
}) : "audioTrack" === s ? d.trigger(u.default.AUDIO_TRACK_LOADED, {
details: v,
id: o,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
}) : "subtitleTrack" === s && d.trigger(u.default.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADED, {
details: v,
id: o,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
}) : d.trigger(u.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
url: n,
reason: "invalid targetduration",
networkDetails: a
} else {
var p = this.parseMasterPlaylist(i, n);
if (p.length) {
var y = this.parseMasterPlaylistMedia(i, n, "AUDIO", p[0].audioCodec),
m = this.parseMasterPlaylistMedia(i, n, "SUBTITLES");
if (y.length) {
var E = !1;
y.forEach(function(e) {
e.url || (E = !0)
}), !1 === E && p[0].audioCodec && !p[0].attrs.AUDIO && (h.logger.log("audio codec signaled in quality level, but no embedded audio track signaled, create one"), y.unshift({
type: "main",
name: "main"
d.trigger(u.default.MANIFEST_LOADED, {
levels: p,
audioTracks: y,
subtitles: m,
url: n,
stats: t,
networkDetails: a
} else d.trigger(u.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
url: n,
reason: "no level found in manifest",
networkDetails: a
else d.trigger(u.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: f.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !0,
url: n,
reason: "no EXTM3U delimiter",
networkDetails: a
}, {
key: "loaderror",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a, i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
n = t.loader;
switch (t.type) {
case "manifest":
r = f.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR, a = !0;
case "level":
r = f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR, a = !1;
case "audioTrack":
r = f.ErrorDetails.AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_ERROR, a = !1
n && (n.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0), this.hls.trigger(u.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: r,
fatal: a,
url: n.url,
loader: n,
response: e,
context: t,
networkDetails: i
}, {
key: "loadtimeout",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a, i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
n = t.loader;
switch (t.type) {
case "manifest":
r = f.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT, a = !0;
case "level":
r = f.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT, a = !1;
case "audioTrack":
r = f.ErrorDetails.AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_TIMEOUT, a = !1
n && (n.abort(), this.loaders[t.type] = void 0), this.hls.trigger(u.default.ERROR, {
type: f.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR,
details: r,
fatal: a,
url: n.url,
loader: n,
context: t,
networkDetails: i
}]), t
r.default = b
}, {
2: 2,
33: 33,
34: 34,
35: 35,
47: 47,
54: 54
44: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1,
s = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e)
return i(e, null, [{
key: "init",
value: function() {
e.types = {
avc1: [],
avcC: [],
btrt: [],
dinf: [],
dref: [],
esds: [],
ftyp: [],
hdlr: [],
mdat: [],
mdhd: [],
mdia: [],
mfhd: [],
minf: [],
moof: [],
moov: [],
mp4a: [],
".mp3": [],
mvex: [],
mvhd: [],
pasp: [],
sdtp: [],
stbl: [],
stco: [],
stsc: [],
stsd: [],
stsz: [],
stts: [],
tfdt: [],
tfhd: [],
traf: [],
trak: [],
trun: [],
trex: [],
tkhd: [],
vmhd: [],
smhd: []
var t;
for (t in e.types) e.types.hasOwnProperty(t) && (e.types[t] = [t.charCodeAt(0), t.charCodeAt(1), t.charCodeAt(2), t.charCodeAt(3)]);
var r = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 105, 100, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 105, 100, 101, 111, 72, 97, 110, 100, 108, 101, 114, 0]),
a = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 111, 117, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 111, 117, 110, 100, 72, 97, 110, 100, 108, 101, 114, 0]);
video: r,
audio: a
var i = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 12, 117, 114, 108, 32, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
n = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
e.STTS = e.STSC = e.STCO = n, e.STSZ = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), e.VMHD = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), e.SMHD = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), e.STSD = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
var s = new Uint8Array([105, 115, 111, 109]),
o = new Uint8Array([97, 118, 99, 49]),
l = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1]);
e.FTYP =, s, l, s, o), e.DINF =,, i))
}, {
key: "box",
value: function(e) {
for (var t, r =, 1), a = 8, i = r.length, n = i; i--;) a += r[i].byteLength;
for ((t = new Uint8Array(a))[0] = a >> 24 & 255, t[1] = a >> 16 & 255, t[2] = a >> 8 & 255, t[3] = 255 & a, t.set(e, 4), i = 0, a = 8; i < n; i++) t.set(r[i], a), a += r[i].byteLength;
return t
}, {
key: "hdlr",
value: function(t) {
return, e.HDLR_TYPES[t])
}, {
key: "mdat",
value: function(t) {
return, t)
}, {
key: "mdhd",
value: function(t, r) {
r *= t;
var a = Math.floor(r / (n + 1)),
i = Math.floor(r % (n + 1));
return, new Uint8Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t, a >> 24, a >> 16 & 255, a >> 8 & 255, 255 & a, i >> 24, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, 255 & i, 85, 196, 0, 0]))
}, {
key: "mdia",
value: function(t) {
return, e.mdhd(t.timescale, t.duration), e.hdlr(t.type), e.minf(t))
}, {
key: "mfhd",
value: function(t) {
return, new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, t >> 24, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t]))
}, {
key: "minf",
value: function(t) {
return "audio" === t.type ?,, e.SMHD), e.DINF, e.stbl(t)) :,, e.VMHD), e.DINF, e.stbl(t))
}, {
key: "moof",
value: function(t, r, a) {
return, e.mfhd(t), e.traf(a, r))
}, {
key: "moov",
value: function(t) {
for (var r = t.length, a = []; r--;) a[r] = e.trak(t[r]);
return, [e.types.moov, e.mvhd(t[0].timescale, t[0].duration)].concat(a).concat(e.mvex(t)))
}, {
key: "mvex",
value: function(t) {
for (var r = t.length, a = []; r--;) a[r] = e.trex(t[r]);
return, [e.types.mvex].concat(a))
}, {
key: "mvhd",
value: function(t, r) {
r *= t;
var a = Math.floor(r / (n + 1)),
i = Math.floor(r % (n + 1)),
s = new Uint8Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t, a >> 24, a >> 16 & 255, a >> 8 & 255, 255 & a, i >> 24, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, 255 & i, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255]);
return, s)
}, {
key: "sdtp",
value: function(t) {
var r, a, i = t.samples || [],
n = new Uint8Array(4 + i.length);
for (a = 0; a < i.length; a++) r = i[a].flags, n[a + 4] = r.dependsOn << 4 | r.isDependedOn << 2 | r.hasRedundancy;
return, n)
}, {
key: "stbl",
value: function(t) {
return, e.stsd(t),, e.STTS),, e.STSC),, e.STSZ),, e.STCO))
}, {
key: "avc1",
value: function(t) {
var r, a, i, n = [],
s = [];
for (r = 0; r < t.sps.length; r++) i = (a = t.sps[r]).byteLength, n.push(i >>> 8 & 255), n.push(255 & i), n = n.concat(;
for (r = 0; r < t.pps.length; r++) i = (a = t.pps[r]).byteLength, s.push(i >>> 8 & 255), s.push(255 & i), s = s.concat(;
var o =, new Uint8Array([1, n[3], n[4], n[5], 255, 224 | t.sps.length].concat(n).concat([t.pps.length]).concat(s))),
l = t.width,
u = t.height,
d = t.pixelRatio[0],
f = t.pixelRatio[1];
return, new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l >> 8 & 255, 255 & l, u >> 8 & 255, 255 & u, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 18, 100, 97, 105, 108, 121, 109, 111, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 104, 108, 115, 46, 106, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 17, 17]), o,, new Uint8Array([0, 28, 156, 128, 0, 45, 198, 192, 0, 45, 198, 192])),, new Uint8Array([d >> 24, d >> 16 & 255, d >> 8 & 255, 255 & d, f >> 24, f >> 16 & 255, f >> 8 & 255, 255 & f])))
}, {
key: "esds",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.config.length;
return new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 23 + t, 0, 1, 0, 4, 15 + t, 64, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5].concat([t]).concat(e.config).concat([6, 1, 2]))
}, {
key: "mp4a",
value: function(t) {
var r = t.samplerate;
return, new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.channelCount, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, 0, 0]),, e.esds(t)))
}, {
key: "mp3",
value: function(t) {
var r = t.samplerate;
return[".mp3"], new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.channelCount, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, 0, 0]))
}, {
key: "stsd",
value: function(t) {
return "audio" === t.type ? t.isAAC || "mp3" !== t.codec ?, e.STSD, e.mp4a(t)) :, e.STSD, e.mp3(t)) :, e.STSD, e.avc1(t))
}, {
key: "tkhd",
value: function(t) {
var r =,
a = t.duration * t.timescale,
i = t.width,
s = t.height,
o = Math.floor(a / (n + 1)),
l = Math.floor(a % (n + 1));
return, new Uint8Array([1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, r >> 24 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, 0, 0, 0, 0, o >> 24, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, 255 & o, l >> 24, l >> 16 & 255, l >> 8 & 255, 255 & l, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, i >> 8 & 255, 255 & i, 0, 0, s >> 8 & 255, 255 & s, 0, 0]))
}, {
key: "traf",
value: function(t, r) {
var a = e.sdtp(t),
i =,
s = Math.floor(r / (n + 1)),
o = Math.floor(r % (n + 1));
return,, new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, i >> 24, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, 255 & i])),, new Uint8Array([1, 0, 0, 0, s >> 24, s >> 16 & 255, s >> 8 & 255, 255 & s, o >> 24, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, 255 & o])), e.trun(t, a.length + 16 + 20 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 8), a)
}, {
key: "trak",
value: function(t) {
return t.duration = t.duration || 4294967295,, e.tkhd(t), e.mdia(t))
}, {
key: "trex",
value: function(t) {
var r =;
return, new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, r >> 24, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]))
}, {
key: "trun",
value: function(t, r) {
var a, i, n, s, o, l, u = t.samples || [],
d = u.length,
f = 12 + 16 * d,
c = new Uint8Array(f);
for (r += 8 + f, c.set([0, 0, 15, 1, d >>> 24 & 255, d >>> 16 & 255, d >>> 8 & 255, 255 & d, r >>> 24 & 255, r >>> 16 & 255, r >>> 8 & 255, 255 & r], 0), a = 0; a < d; a++) n = (i = u[a]).duration, s = i.size, o = i.flags, l = i.cts, c.set([n >>> 24 & 255, n >>> 16 & 255, n >>> 8 & 255, 255 & n, s >>> 24 & 255, s >>> 16 & 255, s >>> 8 & 255, 255 & s, o.isLeading << 2 | o.dependsOn, o.isDependedOn << 6 | o.hasRedundancy << 4 | o.paddingValue << 1 | o.isNonSync, 61440 & o.degradPrio, 15 & o.degradPrio, l >>> 24 & 255, l >>> 16 & 255, l >>> 8 & 255, 255 & l], 12 + 16 * a);
return, c)
}, {
key: "initSegment",
value: function(t) {
e.types || e.init();
var r, a = e.moov(t);
return (r = new Uint8Array(e.FTYP.byteLength + a.byteLength)).set(e.FTYP), r.set(a, e.FTYP.byteLength), r
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {}],
45: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
function i(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
s = a(e(36)),
o = a(e(35)),
l = e(54),
u = a(e(44)),
d = e(33),
f = function() {
function e(t, r, a, n) {
i(this, e), = t, this.config = r, this.typeSupported = a;
var s = navigator.userAgent;
this.isSafari = n && n.indexOf("Apple") > -1 && s && !s.match("CriOS"), this.ISGenerated = !1
return n(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function(e) {
this._initPTS = this._initDTS = e
}, {
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function() {
this.ISGenerated = !1
}, {
key: "remux",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, n, s) {
if (this.ISGenerated) {
if (s) {
var u = this._initPTS,
d = this._PTSNormalize,
f = e.inputTimeScale || t.inputTimeScale,
c = 1 / 0,
h = 1 / 0,
g = e.samples;
if (g.length && (c = h = d(g[0].pts - f * i, u)), (g = t.samples).length) {
var v = g[0];
c = Math.min(c, d(v.pts - f * i, u)), h = Math.min(h, d(v.dts - f * i, u))
if (c !== 1 / 0) {
var p = u - c;
Math.abs(p) > 10 * f && (l.logger.warn("timestamp inconsistency, " + (p / f).toFixed(3) + "s delta against expected value: missing discontinuity ? reset initPTS/initDTS"), this._initPTS = c, this._initDTS = h,, {
initPTS: c
} else this.generateIS(e, t, i);
if (this.ISGenerated)
if (e.samples.length) {
e.timescale || (l.logger.warn("regenerate InitSegment as audio detected"), this.generateIS(e, t, i));
var y = this.remuxAudio(e, i, n, s);
if (t.samples.length) {
var m = void 0;
y && (m = y.endPTS - y.startPTS), t.timescale || (l.logger.warn("regenerate InitSegment as video detected"), this.generateIS(e, t, i)), this.remuxVideo(t, i, n, m, s)
} else {
var E = void 0;
t.samples.length && (E = this.remuxVideo(t, i, n, s)), E && e.codec && this.remuxEmptyAudio(e, i, n, E)
} r.samples.length && this.remuxID3(r, i), a.samples.length && this.remuxText(a, i),
}, {
key: "generateIS",
value: function(e, t, r) {
var a, i, n =,
s = e.samples,
f = t.samples,
c = this.typeSupported,
h = "audio/mp4",
g = {},
v = {
tracks: g
p = void 0 === this._initPTS;
if (p && (a = i = 1 / 0), e.config && s.length && (e.timescale = e.samplerate, l.logger.log("audio sampling rate : " + e.samplerate), e.isAAC || (c.mpeg ? (h = "audio/mpeg", e.codec = "") : c.mp3 && (e.codec = "mp3")), = {
container: h,
codec: e.codec,
initSegment: !e.isAAC && c.mpeg ? new Uint8Array : u.default.initSegment([e]),
metadata: {
channelCount: e.channelCount
}, p && (a = i = s[0].pts - e.inputTimeScale * r)), t.sps && t.pps && f.length) {
var y = t.inputTimeScale;
t.timescale = y, = {
container: "video/mp4",
codec: t.codec,
initSegment: u.default.initSegment([t]),
metadata: {
width: t.width,
height: t.height
}, p && (a = Math.min(a, f[0].pts - y * r), i = Math.min(i, f[0].dts - y * r),, {
initPTS: a
Object.keys(g).length ? (n.trigger(o.default.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, v), this.ISGenerated = !0, p && (this._initPTS = a, this._initDTS = i)) : n.trigger(o.default.ERROR, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
reason: "no audio/video samples found"
}, {
key: "remuxVideo",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i) {
var n, s, f, c, h, g, v, p = 8,
y = e.timescale,
m = e.samples,
E = [],
b = m.length,
T = this._PTSNormalize,
k = this._initDTS,
_ = this.nextAvcDts,
R = this.isSafari;
R && (r |= m.length && _ && (i && Math.abs(t - _ / y) < .1 || Math.abs(m[0].pts - _ - k) < y / 5)), r || (_ = t * y), m.forEach(function(e) {
e.pts = T(e.pts - k, _), e.dts = T(e.dts - k, _)
}), m.sort(function(e, t) {
var r = e.dts - t.dts,
a = e.pts - t.pts;
return r || (a || -
var S = m.reduce(function(e, t) {
return Math.max(Math.min(e, t.pts - t.dts), -18e3)
}, 0);
if (S < 0) {
l.logger.warn("PTS < DTS detected in video samples, shifting DTS by " + Math.round(S / 90) + " ms to overcome this issue");
for (var A = 0; A < m.length; A++) m[A].dts += S
var L = m[0];
h = Math.max(L.dts, 0), c = Math.max(L.pts, 0);
var w = Math.round((h - _) / 90);
r && w && (w > 1 ? l.logger.log("AVC:" + w + " ms hole between fragments detected,filling it") : w < -1 && l.logger.log("AVC:" + -w + " ms overlapping between fragments detected"), h = _, m[0].dts = h, c = Math.max(c - w, _), m[0].pts = c, l.logger.log("Video/PTS/DTS adjusted: " + Math.round(c / 90) + "/" + Math.round(h / 90) + ",delta:" + w + " ms")), L = m[m.length - 1], v = Math.max(L.dts, 0), g = Math.max(L.pts, 0, v), R && (n = Math.round((v - h) / (m.length - 1)));
for (var D = 0, O = 0, I = 0; I < b; I++) {
for (var P = m[I], C = P.units, x = C.length, F = 0, M = 0; M < x; M++) F += C[M].data.length;
O += F, D += x, P.length = F, P.dts = R ? h + I * n : Math.max(P.dts, h), P.pts = Math.max(P.pts, P.dts)
var N = O + 4 * D + 8;
try {
s = new Uint8Array(N)
} catch (e) {
return void, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.MUX_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
bytes: N,
reason: "fail allocating video mdat " + N
var U = new DataView(s.buffer);
U.setUint32(0, N), s.set(u.default.types.mdat, 4);
for (var B = 0; B < b; B++) {
for (var G = m[B], j = G.units, H = 0, W = void 0, K = 0, V = j.length; K < V; K++) {
var Y = j[K],
z =,
X =;
U.setUint32(p, X), p += 4, s.set(z, p), p += X, H += 4 + X
if (R) W = Math.max(0, n * Math.round((G.pts - G.dts) / n));
else {
if (B < b - 1) n = m[B + 1].dts - G.dts;
else {
var q = this.config,
Q = G.dts - m[B > 0 ? B - 1 : B].dts;
if (q.stretchShortVideoTrack) {
var J = q.maxBufferHole,
Z = q.maxSeekHole,
$ = Math.floor(Math.min(J, Z) * y),
ee = (a ? c + a * y : this.nextAudioPts) - G.pts;
ee > $ ? ((n = ee - Q) < 0 && (n = Q), l.logger.log("It is approximately " + ee / 90 + " ms to the next segment; using duration " + n / 90 + " ms for the last video frame.")) : n = Q
} else n = Q
W = Math.round(G.pts - G.dts)
size: H,
duration: n,
cts: W,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: G.key ? 2 : 1,
isNonSync: G.key ? 0 : 1
this.nextAvcDts = v + n;
var te = e.dropped;
if (e.len = 0, e.nbNalu = 0, e.dropped = 0, E.length && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1) {
var re = E[0].flags;
re.dependsOn = 2, re.isNonSync = 0
e.samples = E, f = u.default.moof(e.sequenceNumber++, h, e), e.samples = [];
var ae = {
data1: f,
data2: s,
startPTS: c / y,
endPTS: (g + n) / y,
startDTS: h / y,
endDTS: this.nextAvcDts / y,
type: "video",
nb: E.length,
dropped: te
return, ae), ae
}, {
key: "remuxAudio",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i, n, f, c, h, g, v, p = e.inputTimeScale,
y = p / e.timescale,
m = (e.isAAC ? 1024 : 1152) * y,
E = this._PTSNormalize,
b = this._initDTS,
T = !e.isAAC && this.typeSupported.mpeg,
k = e.samples,
_ = [],
R = this.nextAudioPts;
if ((r |= k.length && R && (a && Math.abs(t - R / p) < .1 || Math.abs(k[0].pts - R - b) < 20 * m)) || (R = t * p), k.forEach(function(e) {
e.pts = e.dts = E(e.pts - b, R)
}), k.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.pts - t.pts
}), a && e.isAAC)
for (var S = 0, A = R; S < k.length;) {
var L, w = k[S];
L = w.pts - A;
var D = Math.abs(1e3 * L / p);
if (L <= -m) l.logger.warn("Dropping 1 audio frame @ " + (A / p).toFixed(3) + "s due to " + D + " ms overlap."), k.splice(S, 1), e.len -= w.unit.length;
else if (L >= m && D < 1e4 && A) {
var O = Math.round(L / m);
l.logger.warn("Injecting " + O + " audio frame @ " + (A / p).toFixed(3) + "s due to " + Math.round(1e3 * L / p) + " ms gap.");
for (var I = 0; I < O; I++) {
var P = Math.max(A, 0);
(f = s.default.getSilentFrame(e.manifestCodec || e.codec, e.channelCount)) || (l.logger.log("Unable to get silent frame for given audio codec; duplicating last frame instead."), f = w.unit.subarray()), k.splice(S, 0, {
unit: f,
pts: P,
dts: P
}), e.len += f.length, A += m, S++
w.pts = w.dts = A, A += m, S++
} else Math.abs(L), w.pts = w.dts = A, A += m, S++
for (var C = 0, x = k.length; C < x; C++) {
var F = k[C],
M = F.unit,
N = F.pts;
if (void 0 !== v) n.duration = Math.round((N - v) / y);
else {
var U = Math.round(1e3 * (N - R) / p),
B = 0;
if (r && e.isAAC && U) {
if (U > 0 && U < 1e4) B = Math.round((N - R) / m), l.logger.log(U + " ms hole between AAC samples detected,filling it"), B > 0 && ((f = s.default.getSilentFrame(e.manifestCodec || e.codec, e.channelCount)) || (f = M.subarray()), e.len += B * f.length);
else if (U < -12) {
l.logger.log("drop overlapping AAC sample, expected/parsed/delta:" + (R / p).toFixed(3) + "s/" + (N / p).toFixed(3) + "s/" + -U + "ms"), e.len -= M.byteLength;
N = R
if (g = Math.max(0, N), !(e.len > 0)) return;
var G = T ? e.len : e.len + 8;
i = T ? 0 : 8;
try {
c = new Uint8Array(G)
} catch (e) {
return void, {
type: d.ErrorTypes.MUX_ERROR,
details: d.ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR,
fatal: !1,
bytes: G,
reason: "fail allocating audio mdat " + G
T || (new DataView(c.buffer).setUint32(0, G), c.set(u.default.types.mdat, 4));
for (var j = 0; j < B; j++)(f = s.default.getSilentFrame(e.manifestCodec || e.codec, e.channelCount)) || (l.logger.log("Unable to get silent frame for given audio codec; duplicating this frame instead."), f = M.subarray()), c.set(f, i), i += f.byteLength, n = {
size: f.byteLength,
cts: 0,
duration: 1024,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: 1
}, _.push(n)
c.set(M, i);
var H = M.byteLength;
i += H, n = {
size: H,
cts: 0,
duration: 0,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: 1
}, _.push(n), v = N
var W = 0,
K = _.length;
if (K >= 2 && (W = _[K - 2].duration, n.duration = W), K) {
this.nextAudioPts = R = v + y * W, e.len = 0, e.samples = _, h = T ? new Uint8Array : u.default.moof(e.sequenceNumber++, g / y, e), e.samples = [];
var V = g / p,
Y = R / p,
z = {
data1: h,
data2: c,
startPTS: V,
endPTS: Y,
startDTS: V,
endDTS: Y,
type: "audio",
nb: K
return, z), z
return null
}, {
key: "remuxEmptyAudio",
value: function(e, t, r, a) {
var i = e.inputTimeScale,
n = i / (e.samplerate ? e.samplerate : i),
o = this.nextAudioPts,
u = (void 0 !== o ? o : a.startDTS * i) + this._initDTS,
d = a.endDTS * i + this._initDTS,
f = 1024 * n,
c = Math.ceil((d - u) / f),
h = s.default.getSilentFrame(e.manifestCodec || e.codec, e.channelCount);
if (l.logger.warn("remux empty Audio"), h) {
for (var g = [], v = 0; v < c; v++) {
var p = u + v * f;
unit: h,
pts: p,
dts: p
}), e.len += h.length
e.samples = g, this.remuxAudio(e, t, r)
} else l.logger.trace("Unable to remuxEmptyAudio since we were unable to get a silent frame for given audio codec!")
}, {
key: "remuxID3",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a = e.samples.length,
i = e.inputTimeScale,
n = this._initPTS,
s = this._initDTS;
if (a) {
for (var l = 0; l < a; l++)(r = e.samples[l]).pts = (r.pts - n) / i, r.dts = (r.dts - s) / i;, {
samples: e.samples
e.samples = [], t = t
}, {
key: "remuxText",
value: function(e, t) {
e.samples.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.pts - t.pts
var r, a = e.samples.length,
i = e.inputTimeScale,
n = this._initPTS;
if (a) {
for (var s = 0; s < a; s++)(r = e.samples[s]).pts = (r.pts - n) / i;, {
samples: e.samples
e.samples = [], t = t
}, {
key: "_PTSNormalize",
value: function(e, t) {
var r;
if (void 0 === t) return e;
for (r = t < e ? -8589934592 : 8589934592; Math.abs(e - t) > 4294967296;) e += r;
return e
}]), e
r.default = f
}, {
33: 33,
35: 35,
36: 36,
44: 44,
54: 54
46: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
s = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), = t
return i(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "resetTimeStamp",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "resetInitSegment",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "remux",
value: function(e, t, r, a, i, s, o, l) {
var u =,
d = "";
e && (d += "audio"), t && (d += "video"), u.trigger(n.default.FRAG_PARSING_DATA, {
data1: l,
startPTS: i,
startDTS: i,
type: d,
nb: 1,
dropped: 0
}), u.trigger(n.default.FRAG_PARSED)
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {
35: 35
47: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/,
s = /\s*(.+?)\s*=((?:\".*?\")|.*?)(?:,|$)/g,
o = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), "string" == typeof t && (t = e.parseAttrList(t));
for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (this[r] = t[r])
return i(e, [{
key: "decimalInteger",
value: function(e) {
var t = parseInt(this[e], 10);
return t > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? 1 / 0 : t
}, {
key: "hexadecimalInteger",
value: function(e) {
if (this[e]) {
var t = (this[e] || "0x").slice(2);
t = (1 & t.length ? "0" : "") + t;
for (var r = new Uint8Array(t.length / 2), a = 0; a < t.length / 2; a++) r[a] = parseInt(t.slice(2 * a, 2 * a + 2), 16);
return r
return null
}, {
key: "hexadecimalIntegerAsNumber",
value: function(e) {
var t = parseInt(this[e], 16);
return t > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? 1 / 0 : t
}, {
key: "decimalFloatingPoint",
value: function(e) {
return parseFloat(this[e])
}, {
key: "enumeratedString",
value: function(e) {
return this[e]
}, {
key: "decimalResolution",
value: function(e) {
var t = n.exec(this[e]);
if (null !== t) return {
width: parseInt(t[1], 10),
height: parseInt(t[2], 10)
}], [{
key: "parseAttrList",
value: function(e) {
var t, r = {};
for (s.lastIndex = 0; null !== (t = s.exec(e));) {
var a = t[2];
0 === a.indexOf('"') && a.lastIndexOf('"') === a.length - 1 && (a = a.slice(1, -1)), r[t[1]] = a
return r
}]), e
r.default = o
}, {}],
48: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
search: function(e, t) {
for (var r = 0, a = e.length - 1, i = null, n = null; r <= a;) {
var s = t(n = e[i = (r + a) / 2 | 0]);
if (s > 0) r = i + 1;
else {
if (!(s < 0)) return n;
a = i - 1
return null
t.exports = a
}, {}],
49: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = {
42: 225,
92: 233,
94: 237,
95: 243,
96: 250,
123: 231,
124: 247,
125: 209,
126: 241,
127: 9608,
128: 174,
129: 176,
130: 189,
131: 191,
132: 8482,
133: 162,
134: 163,
135: 9834,
136: 224,
137: 32,
138: 232,
139: 226,
140: 234,
141: 238,
142: 244,
143: 251,
144: 193,
145: 201,
146: 211,
147: 218,
148: 220,
149: 252,
150: 8216,
151: 161,
152: 42,
153: 8217,
154: 9473,
155: 169,
156: 8480,
157: 8226,
158: 8220,
159: 8221,
160: 192,
161: 194,
162: 199,
163: 200,
164: 202,
165: 203,
166: 235,
167: 206,
168: 207,
169: 239,
170: 212,
171: 217,
172: 249,
173: 219,
174: 171,
175: 187,
176: 195,
177: 227,
178: 205,
179: 204,
180: 236,
181: 210,
182: 242,
183: 213,
184: 245,
185: 123,
186: 125,
187: 92,
188: 94,
189: 95,
190: 124,
191: 8764,
192: 196,
193: 228,
194: 214,
195: 246,
196: 223,
197: 165,
198: 164,
199: 9475,
200: 197,
201: 229,
202: 216,
203: 248,
204: 9487,
205: 9491,
206: 9495,
207: 9499
s = function(e) {
var t = e;
return n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t = n[e]), String.fromCharCode(t)
o = 15,
l = 100,
u = {
17: 1,
18: 3,
21: 5,
22: 7,
23: 9,
16: 11,
19: 12,
20: 14
d = {
17: 2,
18: 4,
21: 6,
22: 8,
23: 10,
19: 13,
20: 15
f = {
25: 1,
26: 3,
29: 5,
30: 7,
31: 9,
24: 11,
27: 12,
28: 14
c = {
25: 2,
26: 4,
29: 6,
30: 8,
31: 10,
27: 13,
28: 15
h = ["white", "green", "blue", "cyan", "red", "yellow", "magenta", "black", "transparent"],
g = {
verboseFilter: {
DATA: 3,
INFO: 2,
TEXT: 1,
time: null,
verboseLevel: 0,
setTime: function(e) {
this.time = e
log: function(e, t) {
v = function(e) {
for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t.push(e[r].toString(16));
return t
p = function() {
function e(t, r, i, n, s) {
a(this, e), this.foreground = t || "white", this.underline = r || !1, this.italics = i || !1, this.background = n || "black", this.flash = s || !1
return i(e, [{
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.foreground = "white", this.underline = !1, this.italics = !1, this.background = "black", this.flash = !1
}, {
key: "setStyles",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = ["foreground", "underline", "italics", "background", "flash"], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
e.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this[a] = e[a])
}, {
key: "isDefault",
value: function() {
return "white" === this.foreground && !this.underline && !this.italics && "black" === this.background && !this.flash
}, {
key: "equals",
value: function(e) {
return this.foreground === e.foreground && this.underline === e.underline && this.italics === e.italics && this.background === e.background && this.flash === e.flash
}, {
key: "copy",
value: function(e) {
this.foreground = e.foreground, this.underline = e.underline, this.italics = e.italics, this.background = e.background, this.flash = e.flash
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return "color=" + this.foreground + ", underline=" + this.underline + ", italics=" + this.italics + ", background=" + this.background + ", flash=" + this.flash
}]), e
y = function() {
function e(t, r, i, n, s, o) {
a(this, e), this.uchar = t || " ", this.penState = new p(r, i, n, s, o)
return i(e, [{
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.uchar = " ", this.penState.reset()
}, {
key: "setChar",
value: function(e, t) {
this.uchar = e, this.penState.copy(t)
}, {
key: "setPenState",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "equals",
value: function(e) {
return this.uchar === e.uchar && this.penState.equals(e.penState)
}, {
key: "copy",
value: function(e) {
this.uchar = e.uchar, this.penState.copy(e.penState)
}, {
key: "isEmpty",
value: function() {
return " " === this.uchar && this.penState.isDefault()
}]), e
m = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e), this.chars = [];
for (var t = 0; t < l; t++) this.chars.push(new y);
this.pos = 0, this.currPenState = new p
return i(e, [{
key: "equals",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = !0, r = 0; r < l; r++)
if (!this.chars[r].equals(e.chars[r])) {
t = !1;
} return t
}, {
key: "copy",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < l; t++) this.chars[t].copy(e.chars[t])
}, {
key: "isEmpty",
value: function() {
for (var e = !0, t = 0; t < l; t++)
if (!this.chars[t].isEmpty()) {
e = !1;
} return e
}, {
key: "setCursor",
value: function(e) {
this.pos !== e && (this.pos = e), this.pos < 0 ? (g.log("ERROR", "Negative cursor position " + this.pos), this.pos = 0) : this.pos > l && (g.log("ERROR", "Too large cursor position " + this.pos), this.pos = l)
}, {
key: "moveCursor",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.pos + e;
if (e > 1)
for (var r = this.pos + 1; r < t + 1; r++) this.chars[r].setPenState(this.currPenState);
}, {
key: "backSpace",
value: function() {
this.moveCursor(-1), this.chars[this.pos].setChar(" ", this.currPenState)
}, {
key: "insertChar",
value: function(e) {
e >= 144 && this.backSpace();
var t = s(e);
this.pos >= l ? g.log("ERROR", "Cannot insert " + e.toString(16) + " (" + t + ") at position " + this.pos + ". Skipping it!") : (this.chars[this.pos].setChar(t, this.currPenState), this.moveCursor(1))
}, {
key: "clearFromPos",
value: function(e) {
var t;
for (t = e; t < l; t++) this.chars[t].reset()
}, {
key: "clear",
value: function() {
this.clearFromPos(0), this.pos = 0, this.currPenState.reset()
}, {
key: "clearToEndOfRow",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "getTextString",
value: function() {
for (var e = [], t = !0, r = 0; r < l; r++) {
var a = this.chars[r].uchar;
" " !== a && (t = !1), e.push(a)
return t ? "" : e.join("")
}, {
key: "setPenStyles",
value: function(e) {
this.currPenState.setStyles(e), this.chars[this.pos].setPenState(this.currPenState)
}]), e
E = function() {
function e() {
a(this, e), this.rows = [];
for (var t = 0; t < o; t++) this.rows.push(new m);
this.currRow = o - 1, this.nrRollUpRows = null, this.reset()
return i(e, [{
key: "reset",
value: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < o; e++) this.rows[e].clear();
this.currRow = o - 1
}, {
key: "equals",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = !0, r = 0; r < o; r++)
if (!this.rows[r].equals(e.rows[r])) {
t = !1;
} return t
}, {
key: "copy",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < o; t++) this.rows[t].copy(e.rows[t])
}, {
key: "isEmpty",
value: function() {
for (var e = !0, t = 0; t < o; t++)
if (!this.rows[t].isEmpty()) {
e = !1;
} return e
}, {
key: "backSpace",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "clearToEndOfRow",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "insertChar",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "setPen",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "moveCursor",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "setCursor",
value: function(e) {
g.log("INFO", "setCursor: " + e), this.rows[this.currRow].setCursor(e)
}, {
key: "setPAC",
value: function(e) {
g.log("INFO", "pacData = " + JSON.stringify(e));
var t = e.row - 1;
if (this.nrRollUpRows && t < this.nrRollUpRows - 1 && (t = this.nrRollUpRows - 1), this.nrRollUpRows && this.currRow !== t) {
for (var r = 0; r < o; r++) this.rows[r].clear();
var a = this.currRow + 1 - this.nrRollUpRows,
i = this.lastOutputScreen;
if (i) {
var n = i.rows[a].cueStartTime;
if (n && n < g.time)
for (var s = 0; s < this.nrRollUpRows; s++) this.rows[t - this.nrRollUpRows + s + 1].copy(i.rows[a + s])
this.currRow = t;
var l = this.rows[this.currRow];
if (null !== e.indent) {
var u = e.indent,
d = Math.max(u - 1, 0);
l.setCursor(e.indent), e.color = l.chars[d].penState.foreground
var f = {
foreground: e.color,
underline: e.underline,
italics: e.italics,
background: "black",
flash: !1
}, {
key: "setBkgData",
value: function(e) {
g.log("INFO", "bkgData = " + JSON.stringify(e)), this.backSpace(), this.setPen(e), this.insertChar(32)
}, {
key: "setRollUpRows",
value: function(e) {
this.nrRollUpRows = e
}, {
key: "rollUp",
value: function() {
if (null !== this.nrRollUpRows) {
g.log("TEXT", this.getDisplayText());
var e = this.currRow + 1 - this.nrRollUpRows,
t = this.rows.splice(e, 1)[0];
t.clear(), this.rows.splice(this.currRow, 0, t), g.log("INFO", "Rolling up")
} else g.log("DEBUG", "roll_up but nrRollUpRows not set yet")
}, {
key: "getDisplayText",
value: function(e) {
e = e || !1;
for (var t = [], r = "", a = -1, i = 0; i < o; i++) {
var n = this.rows[i].getTextString();
n && (a = i + 1, e ? t.push("Row " + a + ": '" + n + "'") : t.push(n.trim()))
return t.length > 0 && (r = e ? "[" + t.join(" | ") + "]" : t.join("\n")), r
}, {
key: "getTextAndFormat",
value: function() {
return this.rows
}]), e
b = function() {
function e(t, r) {
a(this, e), this.chNr = t, this.outputFilter = r, this.mode = null, this.verbose = 0, this.displayedMemory = new E, this.nonDisplayedMemory = new E, this.lastOutputScreen = new E, this.currRollUpRow = this.displayedMemory.rows[o - 1], this.writeScreen = this.displayedMemory, this.mode = null, this.cueStartTime = null
return i(e, [{
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.mode = null, this.displayedMemory.reset(), this.nonDisplayedMemory.reset(), this.lastOutputScreen.reset(), this.currRollUpRow = this.displayedMemory.rows[o - 1], this.writeScreen = this.displayedMemory, this.mode = null, this.cueStartTime = null, this.lastCueEndTime = null
}, {
key: "getHandler",
value: function() {
return this.outputFilter
}, {
key: "setHandler",
value: function(e) {
this.outputFilter = e
}, {
key: "setPAC",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "setBkgData",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "setMode",
value: function(e) {
e !== this.mode && (this.mode = e, g.log("INFO", "MODE=" + e), "MODE_POP-ON" === this.mode ? this.writeScreen = this.nonDisplayedMemory : (this.writeScreen = this.displayedMemory, this.writeScreen.reset()), "MODE_ROLL-UP" !== this.mode && (this.displayedMemory.nrRollUpRows = null, this.nonDisplayedMemory.nrRollUpRows = null), this.mode = e)
}, {
key: "insertChars",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) this.writeScreen.insertChar(e[t]);
var r = this.writeScreen === this.displayedMemory ? "DISP" : "NON_DISP";
g.log("INFO", r + ": " + this.writeScreen.getDisplayText(!0)), "MODE_PAINT-ON" !== this.mode && "MODE_ROLL-UP" !== this.mode || (g.log("TEXT", "DISPLAYED: " + this.displayedMemory.getDisplayText(!0)), this.outputDataUpdate())
}, {
key: "ccRCL",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "RCL - Resume Caption Loading"), this.setMode("MODE_POP-ON")
}, {
key: "ccBS",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "BS - BackSpace"), "MODE_TEXT" !== this.mode && (this.writeScreen.backSpace(), this.writeScreen === this.displayedMemory && this.outputDataUpdate())
}, {
key: "ccAOF",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "ccAON",
value: function() {}
}, {
key: "ccDER",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "DER- Delete to End of Row"), this.writeScreen.clearToEndOfRow(), this.outputDataUpdate()
}, {
key: "ccRU",
value: function(e) {
g.log("INFO", "RU(" + e + ") - Roll Up"), this.writeScreen = this.displayedMemory, this.setMode("MODE_ROLL-UP"), this.writeScreen.setRollUpRows(e)
}, {
key: "ccFON",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "FON - Flash On"), this.writeScreen.setPen({
flash: !0
}, {
key: "ccRDC",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "RDC - Resume Direct Captioning"), this.setMode("MODE_PAINT-ON")
}, {
key: "ccTR",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "TR"), this.setMode("MODE_TEXT")
}, {
key: "ccRTD",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "RTD"), this.setMode("MODE_TEXT")
}, {
key: "ccEDM",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "EDM - Erase Displayed Memory"), this.displayedMemory.reset(), this.outputDataUpdate()
}, {
key: "ccCR",
value: function() {
g.log("CR - Carriage Return"), this.writeScreen.rollUp(), this.outputDataUpdate()
}, {
key: "ccENM",
value: function() {
g.log("INFO", "ENM - Erase Non-displayed Memory"), this.nonDisplayedMemory.reset()
}, {
key: "ccEOC",
value: function() {
if (g.log("INFO", "EOC - End Of Caption"), "MODE_POP-ON" === this.mode) {
var e = this.displayedMemory;
this.displayedMemory = this.nonDisplayedMemory, this.nonDisplayedMemory = e, this.writeScreen = this.nonDisplayedMemory, g.log("TEXT", "DISP: " + this.displayedMemory.getDisplayText())
}, {
key: "ccTO",
value: function(e) {
g.log("INFO", "TO(" + e + ") - Tab Offset"), this.writeScreen.moveCursor(e)
}, {
key: "ccMIDROW",
value: function(e) {
var t = {
flash: !1
if (t.underline = e % 2 == 1, t.italics = e >= 46, t.italics) t.foreground = "white";
else {
var r = Math.floor(e / 2) - 16,
a = ["white", "green", "blue", "cyan", "red", "yellow", "magenta"];
t.foreground = a[r]
g.log("INFO", "MIDROW: " + JSON.stringify(t)), this.writeScreen.setPen(t)
}, {
key: "outputDataUpdate",
value: function() {
var e = g.time;
null !== e && this.outputFilter && (this.outputFilter.updateData && this.outputFilter.updateData(e, this.displayedMemory), null !== this.cueStartTime || this.displayedMemory.isEmpty() ? this.displayedMemory.equals(this.lastOutputScreen) || (this.outputFilter.newCue && this.outputFilter.newCue(this.cueStartTime, e, this.lastOutputScreen), this.cueStartTime = this.displayedMemory.isEmpty() ? null : e) : this.cueStartTime = e, this.lastOutputScreen.copy(this.displayedMemory))
}, {
key: "cueSplitAtTime",
value: function(e) {
this.outputFilter && (this.displayedMemory.isEmpty() || (this.outputFilter.newCue && this.outputFilter.newCue(this.cueStartTime, e, this.displayedMemory), this.cueStartTime = e))
}]), e
T = function() {
function e(t, r, i) {
a(this, e), this.field = t || 1, this.outputs = [r, i], this.channels = [new b(1, r), new b(2, i)], this.currChNr = -1, this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null, this.bufferedData = [], this.startTime = null, this.lastTime = null, this.dataCounters = {
padding: 0,
char: 0,
cmd: 0,
other: 0
return i(e, [{
key: "getHandler",
value: function(e) {
return this.channels[e].getHandler()
}, {
key: "setHandler",
value: function(e, t) {
}, {
key: "addData",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a, i, n = !1;
this.lastTime = e, g.setTime(e);
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s += 2) a = 127 & t[s], i = 127 & t[s + 1], 0 !== a || 0 !== i ? (g.log("DATA", "[" + v([t[s], t[s + 1]]) + "] -> (" + v([a, i]) + ")"), (r = this.parseCmd(a, i)) || (r = this.parseMidrow(a, i)), r || (r = this.parsePAC(a, i)), r || (r = this.parseBackgroundAttributes(a, i)), r || (n = this.parseChars(a, i)) && (this.currChNr && this.currChNr >= 0 ? this.channels[this.currChNr - 1].insertChars(n) : g.log("WARNING", "No channel found yet. TEXT-MODE?")), r ? this.dataCounters.cmd += 2 : n ? this.dataCounters.char += 2 : (this.dataCounters.other += 2, g.log("WARNING", "Couldn't parse cleaned data " + v([a, i]) + " orig: " + v([t[s], t[s + 1]])))) : this.dataCounters.padding += 2
}, {
key: "parseCmd",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = null,
a = (20 === e || 28 === e) && 32 <= t && t <= 47,
i = (23 === e || 31 === e) && 33 <= t && t <= 35;
if (!a && !i) return !1;
if (e === this.lastCmdA && t === this.lastCmdB) return this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null, g.log("DEBUG", "Repeated command (" + v([e, t]) + ") is dropped"), !0;
r = 20 === e || 23 === e ? 1 : 2;
var n = this.channels[r - 1];
return 20 === e || 28 === e ? 32 === t ? n.ccRCL() : 33 === t ? n.ccBS() : 34 === t ? n.ccAOF() : 35 === t ? n.ccAON() : 36 === t ? n.ccDER() : 37 === t ? n.ccRU(2) : 38 === t ? n.ccRU(3) : 39 === t ? n.ccRU(4) : 40 === t ? n.ccFON() : 41 === t ? n.ccRDC() : 42 === t ? n.ccTR() : 43 === t ? n.ccRTD() : 44 === t ? n.ccEDM() : 45 === t ? n.ccCR() : 46 === t ? n.ccENM() : 47 === t && n.ccEOC() : n.ccTO(t - 32), this.lastCmdA = e, this.lastCmdB = t, this.currChNr = r, !0
}, {
key: "parseMidrow",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = null;
return (17 === e || 25 === e) && 32 <= t && t <= 47 && ((r = 17 === e ? 1 : 2) !== this.currChNr ? (g.log("ERROR", "Mismatch channel in midrow parsing"), !1) : (this.channels[r - 1].ccMIDROW(t), g.log("DEBUG", "MIDROW (" + v([e, t]) + ")"), !0))
}, {
key: "parsePAC",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = null,
a = null,
i = (17 <= e && e <= 23 || 25 <= e && e <= 31) && 64 <= t && t <= 127,
n = (16 === e || 24 === e) && 64 <= t && t <= 95;
if (!i && !n) return !1;
if (e === this.lastCmdA && t === this.lastCmdB) return this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null, !0;
r = e <= 23 ? 1 : 2, a = 64 <= t && t <= 95 ? 1 === r ? u[e] : f[e] : 1 === r ? d[e] : c[e];
var s = this.interpretPAC(a, t);
return this.channels[r - 1].setPAC(s), this.lastCmdA = e, this.lastCmdB = t, this.currChNr = r, !0
}, {
key: "interpretPAC",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = t,
a = {
color: null,
italics: !1,
indent: null,
underline: !1,
row: e
return r = t > 95 ? t - 96 : t - 64, a.underline = 1 == (1 & r), r <= 13 ? a.color = ["white", "green", "blue", "cyan", "red", "yellow", "magenta", "white"][Math.floor(r / 2)] : r <= 15 ? (a.italics = !0, a.color = "white") : a.indent = 4 * Math.floor((r - 16) / 2), a
}, {
key: "parseChars",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = null,
a = null,
i = null;
if (e >= 25 ? (r = 2, i = e - 8) : (r = 1, i = e), 17 <= i && i <= 19) {
var n = t;
n = 17 === i ? t + 80 : 18 === i ? t + 112 : t + 144, g.log("INFO", "Special char '" + s(n) + "' in channel " + r), a = [n]
} else 32 <= e && e <= 127 && (a = 0 === t ? [e] : [e, t]);
if (a) {
var o = v(a);
g.log("DEBUG", "Char codes = " + o.join(",")), this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null
return a
}, {
key: "parseBackgroundAttributes",
value: function(e, t) {
var r, a, i, n = (16 === e || 24 === e) && 32 <= t && t <= 47,
s = (23 === e || 31 === e) && 45 <= t && t <= 47;
return !(!n && !s) && (r = {}, 16 === e || 24 === e ? (a = Math.floor((t - 32) / 2), r.background = h[a], t % 2 == 1 && (r.background = r.background + "_semi")) : 45 === t ? r.background = "transparent" : (r.foreground = "black", 47 === t && (r.underline = !0)), i = e < 24 ? 1 : 2, this.channels[i - 1].setBkgData(r), this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null, !0)
}, {
key: "reset",
value: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.channels.length; e++) this.channels[e] && this.channels[e].reset();
this.lastCmdA = null, this.lastCmdB = null
}, {
key: "cueSplitAtTime",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.channels.length; t++) this.channels[t] && this.channels[t].cueSplitAtTime(e)
}]), e
r.default = T
}, {}],
50: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = e(57),
i = {
newCue: function(e, t, r, i) {
for (var n, s, o, l, u, d = window.VTTCue || window.TextTrackCue, f = 0; f < i.rows.length; f++)
if (n = i.rows[f], o = !0, l = 0, u = "", !n.isEmpty()) {
for (var c = 0; c < n.chars.length; c++) n.chars[c].uchar.match(/\s/) && o ? l++ : (u += n.chars[c].uchar, o = !1);
n.cueStartTime = t, t === r && (r += 1e-4), s = new d(t, r, (0, a.fixLineBreaks)(u.trim())), l >= 16 ? l-- : l++, navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\//) ? s.line = f + 1 : s.line = f > 7 ? f - 2 : f + 1, s.align = "left", s.position = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, l / 32 * 100 + (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\//) ? 50 : 0))), e.addCue(s)
t.exports = i
}, {
57: 57
51: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r.findFragWithCC = function(e, t) {
return, function(e) {
return < t ? 1 : > t ? -1 : 0
var a = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
}, {
48: 48
52: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
s = function() {
function e(t, r, i, s) {
a(this, e), this.hls = t, this.defaultEstimate_ = s, this.minWeight_ = .001, this.minDelayMs_ = 50, this.slow_ = new n.default(r), this.fast_ = new n.default(i)
return i(e, [{
key: "sample",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = 8e3 * t / (e = Math.max(e, this.minDelayMs_)),
a = e / 1e3;
this.fast_.sample(a, r), this.slow_.sample(a, r)
}, {
key: "canEstimate",
value: function() {
var e = this.fast_;
return e && e.getTotalWeight() >= this.minWeight_
}, {
key: "getEstimate",
value: function() {
return this.canEstimate() ? Math.min(this.fast_.getEstimate(), this.slow_.getEstimate()) : this.defaultEstimate_
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {}
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {
53: 53
53: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), this.alpha_ = t ? Math.exp(Math.log(.5) / t) : 0, this.estimate_ = 0, this.totalWeight_ = 0
return i(e, [{
key: "sample",
value: function(e, t) {
var r = Math.pow(this.alpha_, e);
this.estimate_ = t * (1 - r) + r * this.estimate_, this.totalWeight_ += e
}, {
key: "getTotalWeight",
value: function() {
return this.totalWeight_
}, {
key: "getEstimate",
value: function() {
if (this.alpha_) {
var e = 1 - Math.pow(this.alpha_, this.totalWeight_);
return this.estimate_ / e
return this.estimate_
}]), e
r.default = n
}, {}],
54: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a() {}
function i(e, t) {
return t = "[" + e + "] > " + t
function n(e) {
var t = self.console[e];
return t ? function() {
for (var r = arguments.length, a = Array(r), n = 0; n < r; n++) a[n] = arguments[n];
a[0] && (a[0] = i(e, a[0])), t.apply(self.console, a)
} : a
function s(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, r = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++) r[a - 1] = arguments[a];
r.forEach(function(t) {
u[t] = e[t] ? e[t].bind(e) : n(t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
l = {
trace: a,
debug: a,
log: a,
warn: a,
info: a,
error: a
u = l;
r.enableLogs = function(e) {
if (!0 === e || "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : o(e))) {
s(e, "debug", "log", "info", "warn", "error");
try {
} catch (e) {
u = l
} else u = l
}, r.logger = u
}, {}],
55: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
toString: function(e) {
for (var t = "", r = e.length, a = 0; a < r; a++) t += "[" + e.start(a).toFixed(3) + "," + e.end(a).toFixed(3) + "]";
return t
t.exports = a
}, {}],
56: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r.default = function() {
function e(e) {
return "string" == typeof e && (!!n[e.toLowerCase()] && e.toLowerCase())
function t(e) {
return "string" == typeof e && (!!s[e.toLowerCase()] && e.toLowerCase())
function r(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var a in r) e[a] = r[a]
return e
function a(a, n, s) {
var o = this,
l = function() {
if ("undefined" != typeof navigator) return /MSIE\s8\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)
u = {};
l ? o = document.createElement("custom") : u.enumerable = !0, o.hasBeenReset = !1;
var d = "",
f = !1,
c = a,
h = n,
g = s,
v = null,
p = "",
y = !0,
m = "auto",
E = "start",
b = 50,
T = "middle",
k = 50,
_ = "middle";
if (Object.defineProperty(o, "id", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return d
set: function(e) {
d = "" + e
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "pauseOnExit", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return f
set: function(e) {
f = !!e
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "startTime", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return c
set: function(e) {
if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Start time must be set to a number.");
c = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "endTime", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return h
set: function(e) {
if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("End time must be set to a number.");
h = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "text", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return g
set: function(e) {
g = "" + e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "region", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return v
set: function(e) {
v = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "vertical", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return p
set: function(t) {
var r = e(t);
if (!1 === r) throw new SyntaxError("An invalid or illegal string was specified.");
p = r, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "snapToLines", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return y
set: function(e) {
y = !!e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "line", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return m
set: function(e) {
if ("number" != typeof e && e !== i) throw new SyntaxError("An invalid number or illegal string was specified.");
m = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "lineAlign", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return E
set: function(e) {
var r = t(e);
if (!r) throw new SyntaxError("An invalid or illegal string was specified.");
E = r, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "position", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return b
set: function(e) {
if (e < 0 || e > 100) throw new Error("Position must be between 0 and 100.");
b = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "positionAlign", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return T
set: function(e) {
var r = t(e);
if (!r) throw new SyntaxError("An invalid or illegal string was specified.");
T = r, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "size", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return k
set: function(e) {
if (e < 0 || e > 100) throw new Error("Size must be between 0 and 100.");
k = e, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), Object.defineProperty(o, "align", r({}, u, {
get: function() {
return _
set: function(e) {
var r = t(e);
if (!r) throw new SyntaxError("An invalid or illegal string was specified.");
_ = r, this.hasBeenReset = !0
})), o.displayState = void 0, l) return o
if ("undefined" != typeof window && window.VTTCue) return window.VTTCue;
var i = "auto",
n = {
"": !0,
lr: !0,
rl: !0
s = {
start: !0,
middle: !0,
end: !0,
left: !0,
right: !0
return a.prototype.getCueAsHTML = function() {
return window.WebVTT.convertCueToDOMTree(window, this.text)
}, a
}, {}],
57: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a() {
this.window = window, this.state = "INITIAL", this.buffer = "", this.decoder = new d, this.regionList = []
function i(e) {
function t(e, t, r, a) {
return 3600 * (0 | e) + 60 * (0 | t) + (0 | r) + (0 | a) / 1e3
var r = e.match(/^(\d+):(\d{2})(:\d{2})?\.(\d{3})/);
return r ? r[3] ? t(r[1], r[2], r[3].replace(":", ""), r[4]) : r[1] > 59 ? t(r[1], r[2], 0, r[4]) : t(0, r[1], r[2], r[4]) : null
function n() {
this.values = Object.create(null)
function s(e, t, r, a) {
var i = a ? e.split(a) : [e];
for (var n in i)
if ("string" == typeof i[n]) {
var s = i[n].split(r);
2 === s.length && t(s[0], s[1])
function o(e, t, r) {
function a() {
var t = i(e);
if (null === t) throw new Error("Malformed timestamp: " + l);
return e = e.replace(/^[^\sa-zA-Z-]+/, ""), t
function o() {
e = e.replace(/^\s+/, "")
var l = e;
if (o(), t.startTime = a(), o(), "--\x3e" !== e.substr(0, 3)) throw new Error("Malformed time stamp (time stamps must be separated by '--\x3e'): " + l);
e = e.substr(3), o(), t.endTime = a(), o(),
function(e, t) {
var a = new n;
s(e, function(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "region":
for (var i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (r[i].id === t) {
a.set(e, r[i].region);
} break;
case "vertical":
a.alt(e, t, ["rl", "lr"]);
case "line":
var n = t.split(","),
s = n[0];
a.integer(e, s), a.percent(e, s) && a.set("snapToLines", !1), a.alt(e, s, ["auto"]), 2 === n.length && a.alt("lineAlign", n[1], ["start", c, "end"]);
case "position":
n = t.split(","), a.percent(e, n[0]), 2 === n.length && a.alt("positionAlign", n[1], ["start", c, "end", "line-left", "line-right", "auto"]);
case "size":
a.percent(e, t);
case "align":
a.alt(e, t, ["start", c, "end", "left", "right"])
}, /:/, /\s/), t.region = a.get("region", null), t.vertical = a.get("vertical", "");
var i = a.get("line", "auto");
"auto" === i && -1 === f.line && (i = -1), t.line = i, t.lineAlign = a.get("lineAlign", "start"), t.snapToLines = a.get("snapToLines", !0), t.size = a.get("size", 100), t.align = a.get("align", c);
var o = a.get("position", "auto");
"auto" === o && 50 === f.position && (o = "start" === t.align || "left" === t.align ? 0 : "end" === t.align || "right" === t.align ? 100 : 50), t.position = o
}(e, t)
function l(e) {
return e.replace(/<br(?: \/)?>/gi, "\n")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r.fixLineBreaks = void 0;
var u = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
d = function() {
return {
decode: function(e) {
if (!e) return "";
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new Error("Error - expected string data.");
return decodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(e))
n.prototype = {
set: function(e, t) {
this.get(e) || "" === t || (this.values[e] = t)
get: function(e, t, r) {
return r ? this.has(e) ? this.values[e] : t[r] : this.has(e) ? this.values[e] : t
has: function(e) {
return e in this.values
alt: function(e, t, r) {
for (var a = 0; a < r.length; ++a)
if (t === r[a]) {
this.set(e, t);
integer: function(e, t) {
/^-?\d+$/.test(t) && this.set(e, parseInt(t, 10))
percent: function(e, t) {
return !!(t.match(/^([\d]{1,3})(\.[\d]*)?%$/) && (t = parseFloat(t)) >= 0 && t <= 100) && (this.set(e, t), !0)
var f = new u.default(0, 0, 0),
c = "middle" === f.align ? "middle" : "center";
a.prototype = {
parse: function(e) {
function t() {
var e = r.buffer,
t = 0;
for (e = l(e); t < e.length && "\r" !== e[t] && "\n" !== e[t];) ++t;
var a = e.substr(0, t);
return "\r" === e[t] && ++t, "\n" === e[t] && ++t, r.buffer = e.substr(t), a
var r = this;
e && (r.buffer += r.decoder.decode(e, {
stream: !0
try {
var a;
if ("INITIAL" === r.state) {
if (!/\r\n|\n/.test(r.buffer)) return this;
var i = (a = t()).match(/^WEBVTT([ \t].*)?$/);
if (!i || !i[0]) throw new Error("Malformed WebVTT signature.");
r.state = "HEADER"
for (var n = !1; r.buffer;) {
if (!/\r\n|\n/.test(r.buffer)) return this;
switch (n ? n = !1 : a = t(), r.state) {
case "HEADER":
/:/.test(a) ? s(a, function(e, t) {}, /:/) : a || (r.state = "ID");
case "NOTE":
a || (r.state = "ID");
case "ID":
if (/^NOTE($|[ \t])/.test(a)) {
r.state = "NOTE";
if (!a) continue;
if (r.cue = new u.default(0, 0, ""), r.state = "CUE", -1 === a.indexOf("--\x3e")) { = a;
case "CUE":
try {
o(a, r.cue, r.regionList)
} catch (e) {
r.cue = null, r.state = "BADCUE";
r.state = "CUETEXT";
case "CUETEXT":
var d = -1 !== a.indexOf("--\x3e");
if (!a || d && (n = !0)) {
r.oncue && r.oncue(r.cue), r.cue = null, r.state = "ID";
r.cue.text && (r.cue.text += "\n"), r.cue.text += a;
case "BADCUE":
a || (r.state = "ID");
} catch (e) {
"CUETEXT" === r.state && r.cue && r.oncue && r.oncue(r.cue), r.cue = null, r.state = "INITIAL" === r.state ? "BADWEBVTT" : "BADCUE"
return this
flush: function() {
var e = this;
try {
if (e.buffer += e.decoder.decode(), (e.cue || "HEADER" === e.state) && (e.buffer += "\n\n", e.parse()), "INITIAL" === e.state) throw new Error("Malformed WebVTT signature.")
} catch (e) {
throw e
return e.onflush && e.onflush(), this
}, r.fixLineBreaks = l, r.default = a
}, {
56: 56
58: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
var a = function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
i = function(e, t, r) {
return e.substr(r || 0, t.length) === t
n = function(e) {
var t = parseInt(e.substr(-3)),
r = parseInt(e.substr(-6, 2)),
a = parseInt(e.substr(-9, 2)),
i = e.length > 9 ? parseInt(e.substr(0, e.indexOf(":"))) : 0;
return isNaN(t) || isNaN(r) || isNaN(a) || isNaN(i) ? -1 : (t += 1e3 * r, t += 6e4 * a, t += 36e5 * i)
s = function(e) {
for (var t = 5381, r = e.length; r;) t = 33 * t ^ e.charCodeAt(--r);
return (t >>> 0).toString()
o = function(e, t, r) {
var a = e[t],
i = e[a.prevCC];
if (!i || ! && return e.ccOffset = e.presentationOffset = a.start, void( = !1);
for (; i &&;) e.ccOffset += a.start - i.start, = !1, i = e[(a = i).prevCC];
e.presentationOffset = r
l = {
parse: function(e, t, r, l, u, d) {
var f = /\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r/g,
c = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(e)).trim().replace(f, "\n").split("\n"),
h = "00:00.000",
g = 0,
v = 0,
p = 0,
y = [],
m = void 0,
E = !0,
b = new a.default;
b.oncue = function(e) {
var t = r[l],
a = r.ccOffset;
t && && (void 0 !== v ? a = r.ccOffset = t.start : o(r, l, p)), p && (a = p + r.ccOffset - r.presentationOffset), e.startTime += a - v, e.endTime += a - v, = s(e.startTime) + s(e.endTime) + s(e.text), e.text = decodeURIComponent(escape(e.text)), e.endTime > 0 && y.push(e)
}, b.onparsingerror = function(e) {
m = e
}, b.onflush = function() {
m && d ? d(m) : u(y)
}, c.forEach(function(e) {
if (E) {
if (i(e, "X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=")) {
E = !1, e.substr(16).split(",").forEach(function(e) {
i(e, "LOCAL:") ? h = e.substr(6) : i(e, "MPEGTS:") && (g = parseInt(e.substr(7)))
try {
g -= t = t < 0 ? t + 8589934592 : t, v = n(h) / 1e3, p = g / 9e4, -1 === v && (m = new Error("Malformed X-TIMESTAMP-MAP: " + e))
} catch (t) {
m = new Error("Malformed X-TIMESTAMP-MAP: " + e)
"" === e && (E = !1)
b.parse(e + "\n")
}), b.flush()
t.exports = l
}, {
57: 57
59: [function(e, t, r) {
"use strict";
function a(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = t[r];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
return function(t, r, a) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), a && e(t, a), t
n = e(54),
s = function() {
function e(t) {
a(this, e), t && t.xhrSetup && (this.xhrSetup = t.xhrSetup)
return i(e, [{
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
this.abort(), this.loader = null
}, {
key: "abort",
value: function() {
var e = this.loader;
e && 4 !== e.readyState && (this.stats.aborted = !0, e.abort()), window.clearTimeout(this.requestTimeout), this.requestTimeout = null, window.clearTimeout(this.retryTimeout), this.retryTimeout = null
}, {
key: "load",
value: function(e, t, r) {
this.context = e, this.config = t, this.callbacks = r, this.stats = {
retry: 0
}, this.retryDelay = t.retryDelay, this.loadInternal()
}, {
key: "loadInternal",
value: function() {
var e, t = this.context;
e = "undefined" != typeof XDomainRequest ? this.loader = new XDomainRequest : this.loader = new XMLHttpRequest;
var r = this.stats;
r.tfirst = 0, r.loaded = 0;
var a = this.xhrSetup;
try {
if (a) try {
a(e, t.url)
} catch (r) {"GET", t.url, !0), a(e, t.url)
e.readyState ||"GET", t.url, !0)
} catch (r) {
return void this.callbacks.onError({
code: e.status,
text: r.message
}, t, e)
t.rangeEnd && e.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + t.rangeStart + "-" + (t.rangeEnd - 1)), e.onreadystatechange = this.readystatechange.bind(this), e.onprogress = this.loadprogress.bind(this), e.responseType = t.responseType, this.requestTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.loadtimeout.bind(this), this.config.timeout), e.send()
}, {
key: "readystatechange",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.currentTarget,
r = t.readyState,
a = this.stats,
i = this.context,
s = this.config;
if (!a.aborted && r >= 2)
if (window.clearTimeout(this.requestTimeout), 0 === a.tfirst && (a.tfirst = Math.max(, a.trequest)), 4 === r) {
var o = t.status;
if (o >= 200 && o < 300) {
a.tload = Math.max(a.tfirst,;
var l = void 0,
u = void 0;
u = "arraybuffer" === i.responseType ? (l = t.response).byteLength : (l = t.responseText).length, a.loaded = = u;
var d = {
url: t.responseURL,
data: l
this.callbacks.onSuccess(d, a, i, t)
} else a.retry >= s.maxRetry || o >= 400 && o < 499 ? (n.logger.error(o + " while loading " + i.url), this.callbacks.onError({
code: o,
text: t.statusText
}, i, t)) : (n.logger.warn(o + " while loading " + i.url + ", retrying in " + this.retryDelay + "..."), this.destroy(), this.retryTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.loadInternal.bind(this), this.retryDelay), this.retryDelay = Math.min(2 * this.retryDelay, s.maxRetryDelay), a.retry++)
} else this.requestTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.loadtimeout.bind(this), s.timeout)
}, {
key: "loadtimeout",
value: function() {
n.logger.warn("timeout while loading " + this.context.url), this.callbacks.onTimeout(this.stats, this.context, null)
}, {
key: "loadprogress",
value: function(e) {
var t = e.currentTarget,
r = this.stats;
r.loaded = e.loaded, e.lengthComputable && ( =;
var a = this.callbacks.onProgress;
a && a(r, this.context, null, t)
}]), e
r.default = s
}, {
54: 54
}, {}, [40])(40)