Greasy Fork is available in English.

WME URComments India English List

This script is to facilitate the handling of URs in India. To be used with the main script URComments.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           WME URComments India English List
// @description    This script is to facilitate the handling of URs in India. To be used with the main script URComments.
// @namespace
// @grant          none
// @grant          GM_info
// @version
// @match*editor/*
// @match*editor*
// @match*editor/*
// @match*/editor*
// @match*editor*
// @author         Rick Zabel '2014 / Moweez 2015>
// @license        MIT/BSD/X11
// @icon			
// ==/UserScript==

var UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion = GM_info.script.version;
//var UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion = "0.0.0"; //manually change this version number to match the script's version
var UrcommentsIndiaEnglishUpdateMessage = "yes"; // yes alert the user, no has a silent update.
var UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersionUpdateNotes = "URC Indian List has been updated to " + UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion;
UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersionUpdateNotes = UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersionUpdateNotes + "\n" + "\ndeleted mapraid responses and added some for basic areas" + "\n" + "\n\nLet\'s clean up the rest of India now!";

if (UrcommentsIndiaEnglishUpdateMessage === "yes") {
    if (localStorage.getItem('UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion') !== UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion) {
        localStorage.setItem('UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion', UrcommentsIndiaEnglishVersion);

 * 0.0.5 - deleted mapraid responses; added responses for basic areas
 * 0.0.4 - MapRaid version
 * 0.0.3 - more speed limit responses; minor text improvements
 * 0.0.2 - added speed limit responses; added responses 'Area in need of maintenance, 'add road' and 'Solved adding Place'; removed response about house numbers, as it is not used; minor text improvements
 * 0.0.1 - initial version
//I will try not to update this file but please ALWAYS KEEP AN EXTERNAL BACKUP of your comments. The main script might force and update to this file and than you will loose your custom comments. By making this a separate script, we try to limit how often this would happen, but be warned, it will eventually happen!
//if you are using quotes in your titles or comments they must be properly escaped. example "This is \"quoted\" in your comment",
//if you wish to have text on the next line, use \r. example "Line1\rLine2",
//if you wish to have blank lines in your messages use \r\r. example "Paragraph1\r\rParagraph2",
//Custom Configuration: this allows your "reminder", and close as "not identified" messages to be named what ever you would like.
//the position in the list that the reminder message is at. (starting at 0 counting titles, comments, and ur status). in my list this is "Reminder"
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishReminderPosistion = 21;

//this is the note that is added to the the reminder link (option disabled, not necessary at this moment)
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishReplyInstructions = 'To reply, please either use the Waze app or go to '; //followed by the URL

//the position of the close as Not Identified message (starting at 0 counting titles, comments, and ur status). In this list this is "Close without reply"
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishCloseNotIdentifiedPosistion = 24;

//This is the list of Waze's default UR types. edit this list to match the titles used in your area!
//You must have these titles in your list for the auto text insertion to work!
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names = [];
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[6] = "Incorrect turn (known turn)"; //"Incorrect turn";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[7] = "Incorrect address"; //"Incorrect address";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[8] = "Incorrect route"; //"Incorrect route";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[9] = "Missing roundabout"; //"Missing roundabout";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[10] = "General error"; //"General error";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[11] = "Turn not allowed (known junction)"; //"Turn not allowed";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[12] = "Incorrect junction"; //"Incorrect junction";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[13] = "Missing bridge overpass"; //"Missing bridge overpass";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[14] = "Wrong driving direction"; //"Wrong driving direction";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[15] = "Missing Exit"; //"Missing Exit";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[16] = "Missing Road"; //"Missing Road";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[18] = "Missing Landmark"; //"Missing Landmark";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[19] = "Blocked Road"; //"Blocked Road";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[21] = "Missing Street Name"; //"Missing Street Name";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[22] = "Incorrect Street Prefix or Suffix"; //"Incorrect Street Prefix or Suffix";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishdef_names[23] = "Speed Limit";  //speed limit ur type is number 23;

//below is all of the text that is displayed to the user while using the script
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text = [];
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip = [];
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT = [];
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_URL = [];

//zoom out links
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[0] = "Zoom Out 0 & Close UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[0] = "Zooms all the way out and closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[1] = "Zoom Out 2 & Close UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[1] = "Zooms out to level 2 closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[2] = "Zoom Out 3 & Close UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[2] = "Zooms out to level 3 where I found most of the toolbox highlighting works and closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[3] = "Reload the map";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[4] = "Number of URs Shown";

//tab names
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[5] = "Comments";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[6] = "UR Filtering";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[7] = "Settings";

//UR Filtering Tab
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[8] = "Click here for Instructions";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[8] = "Instructions for UR filtering";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_URL[8] = "";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[9] = "Enable URComments UR filtering";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[9] = "Enable or disable URComments filtering";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[10] = "Enable UR pill counts";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[10] = "Enable or disable the pill with UR counts";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[12] = "Hide Waiting";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[12] = "Only show URs that need work (hide in-between states)";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[13] = "Only show my UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[13] = "Hide URs where you have no comments";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[14] = "Show others URs past reminder + close";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[14] = "Show URs where others commented, that have gone past the reminder and close day settings added together";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[15] = "Hide URs Reminders needed";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[15] = "Hide UR where reminders are needed";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[16] = "Hide URs user replies";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[16] = "Hide UR with user replies";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[17] = "Hide URs close needed";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[17] = "Hide URs that need closing";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[18] = "Hide UR no comments";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[18] = "Hide UR that have zero comments";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[19] = "hide 0 comments without descriptions";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[19] = "Hide UR that do not have descriptions or comments";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[20] = "hide 0 comments with descriptions";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[20] = "Hide UR that have descriptions and zero comments";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[21] = "Hide Closed UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[21] = "Hide closed UR";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[22] = "Hide Tagged URs";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[22] = "Hide URs that are tagged with URO+ style tags like [NOTE]";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[23] = "Reminder days: ";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[23] = "Amount of days after last response";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[24] = "Close days: ";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[23] = "Amount of days after last response";

//settings tab
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[25] = "Auto set new UR comment";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[25] = "Auto set the UR comment on new URs that do not already have comments";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[26] = "Auto set reminder UR comment";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[26] = "Auto set the UR reminder comment for URs that are older than reminder days setting and have only one comment";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[27] = "Auto zoom in on new UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[27] = "Auto zoom in when opening URs with no comments and when sending UR reminders";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[28] = "Auto center on UR";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[28] = "Auto Center the map at the current map zoom when UR has comments and the zoom is less than 3";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[29] = "Auto click open, solved, not identified";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[29] = "Suppress the message about recent pending questions to the reporter and then depending on the choice set for that comment Clicks Open, Solved, Not Identified";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[30] = "Auto save after a solved or not identified comment";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[30] = "If Auto Click Open, Solved, Not Identified is also checked, this option will click the save button after clicking on a UR-Comment and then the send button";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[31] = "Auto close comment window";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[31] = "For the user requests that do not require saving this will close the user request after clicking on a UR-Comment and then the send button";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[32] = "Auto reload map after comment";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[32] = "Reloads the map after clicking on a UR-Comment and then send button. This does not apply to any messages that needs to be saved, since saving automatically reloads the map. Currently this is not needed but I am leaving it in encase Waze makes changes";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[33] = "Auto zoom out after comment";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[33] = "After clicking on a UR-Comment in the list and clicking send on the UR the map zoom will be set back to your previous zoom";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[34] = "Auto switch to the UrComments tab";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[34] = "Auto switch to the URComments tab after page load and when opening a UR, when the UR window is closed you will be switched to your previous tab";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[35] = "Close message - double click link (auto send)";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[35] = "Add an extra link to the close comment when double clicked will auto send the comment to the UR windows and click send, and then will launch all of the other options that are enabled";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[36] = "All comments - double click link (auto send)";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[36] = "Add an extra link to each comment in the list that when double clicked will auto send the comment to the UR windows and click send, and then will launch all of the other options that are enabled";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[37] = "Comment List";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[37] = "This shows the selected comment list. There is support for a custom list. If you would like your comment list built into this script or have suggestions on the Comments team’s list, please contact me at rickzabel @waze or @gmail";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[38] = "Disable done / next buttons";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[38] = "Disable the done / next buttons at the bottom of the new UR window";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[39] = "Unfollow UR after send";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[39] = "Unfollow UR after sending comment";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[40] = "Auto send reminders";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[40] = "Auto send reminders to my UR as they are on screen";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[41] = "Replace tag name with editor names";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[41] = "When a UR has the logged in editors name in it replace the tag type with the editors name";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[42] = "(DblClick)";//double click to close links
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[42] = "Double click here to auto send comment";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text[43] = "Don't show tag name on pill";
window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_Text_tooltip[43] = "Don't show tag name on pill where there is a URO tag";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[0] = "URComments - You either have a older version of the custom comments file or a syntax error either will keep the custom list from loading. Missing: ";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[1] = "URComments - You are missing the following items from your custom comment list: ";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[2] = "List can not be found-you can find the list and instructions at";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[3] = "URComments - you can not set close days to zero";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[4] = "URComments - to use the double click links you must have the autoset UR status option enabled";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[5] = "Aborting FilterURs2 because both filtering, counts, and auto reminders are disabled";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[6] = "URComments: Loading UR data has timed out, retrying."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[7] = "URComments: Adding reminder message to UR: "; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[8] = "URComment's UR Filtering has been disabled because URO\'s UR filters are active."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[9] = "UrComments has detected that you have unsaved changes!\n\nWith the Auto Save option enabled and with unsaved changes you cannot send comments that would require the script to save. Please save your changes and then re-click the comment you wish to send.";

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[10] = "URComments: Can not find the comment box! In order for this script to work you need to have a user request open."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishURC_USER_PROMPT[11] = "URComments - This will send reminders at the reminder days setting. This only happens when they are in your visible area. NOTE: when using this feature you should not leave any UR open unless you had a question that needed an answer from the wazer as this script will send those reminders. "; //conformation message/ question

//The comment array should follow the following format,
// "Title",     * is what will show up in the URComment tab
// "comment",   * is the comment that will be sent to the user currently
// "URStatus"   * this is action to take when the option "Auto Click Open, Solved, Not Identified" is on. after clicking send it will click one of those choices. usage is. "Open", or "Solved",or "NotIdentified",
// to have a blank line in between comments on the list add the following without the comment marks // there is an example below after "Clear Comments"
// "<br>",
// "",
// "",

//there is an example just after the "Clear comments" message

//if you are using quotes in your titles or comments, they must be properly escaped. Example "This is \"quoted\" in your comment",
//if you wish to have text in your comment starting on the next line, use \r (backslash r). For example: "Here is the first text\rThis text starts on a new line",
//if you wish to have blank lines in your message, use \r\r. For example: "This will be paragraph 1\r\rAnd here is paragraph 2",

//India English list

window.UrcommentsIndiaEnglishArray2 = [
"Most used responses",

"Unclear URs",
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Can you help us and explain what went wrong? Thanks!",

"Old unclear URs",
"Sorry for the late response. Could you send us more info about the problem, if you still remember? Thank you.",

"very old/inviting",
"Sorry for the late response. We are currently working hard to update the map in your neighbourhood. In case you want to help improve the map, we have a wiki available ( You are welcome to join the India community on Slack via We will leave this report open for a couple of days so you can also reply here. Thanks!",

"Area in need of maintenance, add road",
"Thank you for your report. The Waze map is maintained by voluntary editors and we need more editors to improve the map in your area.\r\rIn case you want to help, you can start by adding new roads while driving over them: \rTap the orange button > Map Issue > Pave. \rStart driving. \rOnce done, tap the Map Issue icon at the left of the screen > Stop. \rYou can provide information about the new road -such as it's name- by reporting another Map Issue. We will leave this report open for a while, in case you have questions. Thank you!\r\rmore info on editing in India:",

"Include Users Description",
"You reported \"$URD\", but we don't understand the problem. What can we improve?",

"User followed Waze's route",
"Thanks for your report! It appears that you followed the route Waze suggested. Can you help us and explain what went wrong? Thanks!",

"Reminder message", //do not change title (rickzabel)
"Just a reminder: We have not received a response on your report. If we don't hear back from you soon, we will infer everything is okay and close the report. Thanks!",

"Close without reply",
"No further information was received and the request is being closed. As you travel, keep on reporting any map issue you encounter to make the map better.\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Close Missing Road", 
"We tried to add as many missing roads as we could, but it is not always possible to identify them correctly from satellite imagery. The good news is that you can add new roads yourself while driving over them: \rTap the orange button > Map Issue > Pave. \rStart driving. \rOnce done, tap the Map Issue icon at the left of the screen > Stop. \rYou can provide information about the new road -such as it's name- by reporting another Map Issue.  Thanks!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Solved",//in explanation is the term INT map tiles, for this list is mostly used on ROW. In case working on NA, just remove the mention or change it to NA
"The problem is solved. The changes should reach your device within a few days (check the 'INTL map tiles' at\r\rThank you for your help improving the map. As you travel, keep on reporting any map issue you encounter to make the map better.\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Solved adding road",
"We added a road to the location of your report. The changes should reach your device within a few days (check the “INTL map tiles” at Thank you for your help improving the map!\r\rDid you know that you can add roads yourself from the app? \rTap the orange button > Map Issue > Pave. \rStart driving. \rOnce done, tap the Map Issue icon at the left of the screen > Stop. \rYou can provide information about the new road -such as it's name- by reporting another Map Issue.\r\rOf course, keep on reporting any map issue you encounter to make the map better. Thank you!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Solved adding Place",
"Thanks for your report. We added the place. The changes should reach your device within a few days (check the “INTL map tiles” at\r\rNext time, you can also add a missing place at your drive by tapping the orange button > Place. If you add a photo, make sure it won’t contain any personal information. Thanks in advance!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Solved adding Speed Limit",
"We added the speed limit according to your report. The update should reach your device within a few days (check the “INTL map tiles” at\r\rBecause of the lack of street view, we don't know where the speed limit changes. You would help us a lot if you can report these at the exact location of the change by reporting a map issue:\rTap the orange button > Map Issue > General Error\rIf possible, write down if it is the start or the end of the speed limit\rThank you for your help improving the map!\r\rWiki Waze India:\r\r",

"Thanks for your report! Apparently, you are using Waze on the train. We added a rail road here, but please be aware that Waze is meant for car drivers. Using it on public transport will contaminate the data, which in turn decreases the accuracy for drivers. Waze-drivers will be grateful if you don't use Waze on the train. Thank you. \r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Keep map simple",
"Thanks for your report! Please be aware that Waze is meant for car drivers. All features not necessary for driving will make map maintenance more complex and data usage larger. Therefore, we try to keep the map simple and effective. Thank you. \r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Clear comments",


"other responses",

"Turn not allowed (unknown junction)",
"Thanks for your report! Waze didn't send us information on a turn in your drive. Which turn has problems? If possible, please specify the street names at the intersection, and the direction of the turn. Thanks in advance!",

"SL Speedometer",
"If you would like to have the current speed limit displayed at all times, please go to Settings > Speedometer > Show speed limit.\rOf course, keep on reporting any map issue you encounter to make the map better. Thank you!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Add Camera",
"Thanks for your report! You can add a camera from the app. Use Report > Camera, and choose Speed, Red Light or Fake. Editors will then approve it. Of course, keep on reporting any map issue you encounter to make the map better. Thank you!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Missing place",
"Thank you for your report. Anytime you find a place that is missing, you can add it from the app by tapping the orange button > Place. If you add a photo, make sure it won’t contain any personal information. You may also tell us the name, address, and any other detail you know, and we will add it to the map.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while in case you need further help.",

"Wrong place",
"Waze uses data from various search engines and we think the coordinates lead to the wrong location on the map. To manually add the correct location, tap the orange button > Place. If you add a photo, make sure it doesn’t contain any personal information. \r\rYou may also reply with the name, address, and any other detail you know, and we will add it to the map.",

"Address fishing",
"Waze does not tell us your starting or ending destinations. Would you tell us your destination as you entered it into Waze, so we can check the route? Thank you in advance!",

"Wrong search results",
"Thanks for your report! Search results in Waze are retrieved from numerous sources and may not be correct. You may add the right location to the Waze database by clicking on Report (the orange button) > Places. Keep in mind that pictures should not contain personal details.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while if you need further help.",

"Update search results",
"To get an updated result, remove the location from your navigation history and favorites (click the 3 dots on the right, see Then search for the location again.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while if you need further help.",

"Clear TTS Cache",
"Possibly there is a problem with your Text-to-Speech cache. In the navigate search box, type cc@tts in the search field and press search. You will get a message that the TTS file has been cleared. Try search the next route when you have Wifi, for the spoken street names to be downloaded quickly.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while if you need further help.",

"Refresh ",
"Please try to refresh your app. On Android, go to Settings > Display & Map > Data transfer > Refresh Map Of My Area. On iOS you need to first enter debug mode by typing 2##2 in the search bar, and then tap search. If that doesn't help, you can clear Waze's app cache in your phone’s app manager. The final option is to reset the app by going to the navigation screen and type ##@resetapp in the search bar, and then tap search.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while if you need further help.",

"App Bug",
"Unfortunately, this seems to be a bug of the app and we editors cannot help. Please send logs and report this to Waze directly, see \r\rWe will leave this report open for a while in case you have further questions.",

"Max routing distance",
"The search and navigation capabilities of Waze are limited to about 1000-1500 km, depending on the road network and map quality. When the route to your destination yields an error, you can split up your travel, and choose one or more stops in between. More info:,_bugs_and_limitations \r\rHappy travels and keep on Wazing!\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Detours / Odd-Routing",
"Thank you for your report! We can't find anything on the map to explain the route Waze gave you. Waze routes (sometimes complex) detours to save time. Try the suggested route a few times, it may be faster. If not, Waze learns that this route is slower, and the faster route will become preferred. Of course, keep on reporting any problem you encounter to make the map better.\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Valid Route",
"Thanks for your report! We reviewed the issue and did not find any map errors. It looks like Waze provided you with a valid route. Try the suggested route a few times, as it may be faster. If not, Waze learns that this route is slower, and the faster route will become preferred. Of course, keep on reporting any problem you encounter to make the map better.\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Bad GPS",
"Thanks for your report! Probably your device was having GPS trouble. GPS signals do not travel through vehicles or tall buildings. Please make sure your device is somewhere with a clear view of the sky. To be sure, you may test your device with a GPS app. As we cannot provide further help in this case, we will close the report. Of course, keep on reporting any problem you encounter to make the map better.\r\rWiki Waze India:",

"Road closure or traffic jam",
"If there is heavy traffic, please use Report > Traffic. If the road is completely blocked, please use Report > Closure. Waze will route you and others around it. \rIf this is a long-term closure, please tell us: Which road is closed? From where to where is this road closed? How long (estimate) will the road be closed? Thanks in advance for your help.",


//Default URs 6 through 22 are the different types of UR that a user can submit from the app and the Live Map. Do not change them, thanks!
"default type-based responses",

"Incorrect turn (known turn)", //6
"Thanks for your report! Could you tell us what was wrong with the turn? Is this a temporary situation (e.g., due to road works) or a permanent (e.g., the connecting street is one-way)? ",

"Incorrect address", //7
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you tell us the right address and what was the problem with it? ",

"Incorrect route", //8
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what went wrong with the route Waze gave you? ",

"Missing roundabout", //9
"Thanks for your report! We can't identify a possible roundabout at the location of your report. Can you describe where it is? ",

"General error", //10
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Can you help us and explain what went wrong? ",

"Turn not allowed (known junction)", //11
"Thanks for your report! Would you please let us know why the turn is not allowed? Is this a temporary situation (e.g., due to road works) or a permanent change (e.g., the connecting street is one-way)?",

"Incorrect junction", //12
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Can you help us and explain what was wrong with the junction? Thank you.",

"Missing bridge overpass", //13
"Thanks for your report! We cannot identify a bridge or overpass at this location, but probably you miss a road? You can always add new roads yourself while driving over them: \rTap the orange button > Map Issue > Pave. \rStart driving. \rOnce done, tap the Map Issue icon at the left of the screen > Stop. \rYou can provide information about the new road -such as it's name- by reporting another Map Issue.\rWe will leave this report open for a while in case you want to share more information.",

"Wrong driving direction", //14
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what went wrong with the route Waze gave you? Thank you.",

"Missing Exit", //15
"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Can you tell us more about about the missing exit? Where does it lead to?",

"Missing Road", //16
"Thanks for your report! It is hard for us to identify the missing road correctly from satellite imagery. The good news is that you can add new roads yourself while driving over them: \rTap the orange button > Map Issue > Pave. \rStart driving. \rOnce done, tap the Map Issue icon at the left of the screen > Stop. \rYou can provide information about the new road -such as it's name- by reporting another Map Issue.\r\rWe will leave this report open for a while in case you want to share more information.",

"Missing Landmark", //18
"Thanks for your report. Anytime you find a place that is missing, you can add it from the app by tapping Report (the orange button) > Place. If you add a photo, make sure it won’t contain any personal information. You may also tell us the name, address, and any other detail you know, and we will add it to the map. Thanks in advance!",

"Speed Limit", //23
"You reported a $URD, but it seems a bit unlikely at this location. Could you verify it? Thanks in advance for your help!",

//End of Default URs

//end of the India English list