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LibraryThing Sort and Re-link on Combine/Separate Pages

Adds the ability to alphabetically sort editions and changes "separate" links so you can open them in a new window/tab.

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03 April 2016
03 April 2016
Public Domain
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This script was originally posted on userscripts by brightcopy. A mirrored copy of the old script can be found at . This updated edition was made by Max Starkenburg.

Adds the ability to alphabetically sort editions and changes "separate" links so you can open them in a new window/tab.

This script will make two major changes to the author and work combination pages. A new link will be shown to allow you to sort the editions alphabetically with each work having its own sort link. It will also change the links to "separate" so that you can easily open them as new windows or tabs. Prior to having this script, all "separate" links were javascript confirmation links that could only be opened in the current window, thus causing you to continually have to go back to the main page when you were doing a lot of separations.

The alphabetizing is done by throwing out any punctuation or whitespace characters before alphabetizing. It is also case-sensitive, but only if the two titles being compared are otherwise the same. Both of these changes are geared towards readability and grouping of similar titles together rather than strictly alphabetizing.