Greasy Fork is available in English.

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Currently operated by NomuitJargon.

A compilation archive-resource containing all the old Kongregate userscripts found on US(M)O, as well as a few from various other areas. The intent is to prevent them from being lost as well as to raise awareness of them, whilst simultaneously bringing them into one specific area/account for easy management.

Prominent Kongregate Scriptmakers:

Ventero - US(M)O - GitHub
Skyboy - US(M)O - GitHub
AlphaOverall - GreasyFork - GitHub
Resterman - US(M)O - GreasyFork - OpenUserJS - GitHub
UnknownGuardian - US(M)O - GitHub
Ruudiluca - GitHub

Two phenomenal scripts not featured here are Rester's Spam Ist Tot (Spam Is Dead) script and his cosmetic Level Extension script. Check 'em out!

Working Status Key:

Working: It currently works with Kongregate.

Unknown: I'm not sure whether it works, due to not having tested it.

Obsolete: While it may or may not work, it has been rendered obsolete by newer scripts either simplifying it or containing it.

Partially Obsolete/Partially Defunct: Aspects of the script have been superseded by newer scripts and/or site updates, while other parts of it are still functioning (or possibly functioning).

Defunct: Kongregate site-side updates have rendered these defunct, either by incorporating them into the site directly or otherwise removing site features integral to the function of the script.

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Script Sets


Nincsenek a feltételeknek megfelelő szkriptek.


  1. AFK-command Library JS (Könyvtár) - Library for Ventero's AFK-command script
