Zombja Sonar Zs: 0 Hider JS - Hides the Zs: 0 in the Zombja Sonar
BvS WK Sync JS - Attempts to solve World Kaiju sync.
BvS R00t Logger JS - Bvs R00t Logger 1.0.4
BvS Synchro Helper JS - BvS WorldKai Synchro Helper 1.3
BvS BillyMaze JS - Remembers your moves in the BillyMaze
BvS Mission Event Show JS - Knows all mission events and shows them in the attempt-mission window
BvS Kaiju Drop tracker JS - Tells you what a kaiju drops and if you have the drop already
BVS Fields JS - Hotkeys (1-4) for the Fields
BvS - Zombja Ping Map Deluxe JS - This script cleans up the zombja ping map and gives various filter options
Billy Mission Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys for Missions
BvS Automated Card Trade Suggestions JS - Auto-suggests "useless" cards for trading.
WK Emblems turn-in JS - Speeds up the turning in of your WK emblems
BvS Village Chat JS - Improvement for the chat on the Village Page
BvS BillyMaze (For Opera) JS - Remembers your moves in the BillyMaze
BvS_KageTools (Alt version) JS - Compute RP point earnings for villagers, among other things
BvS Mission Hotkeys for April Fools JS - Mission hotkeys for BvS
Trophy Room Enhancer JS - Highlights, rearranges, and adds context to Trophy Room stuff
BvS Number One Win Chances JS - Display chance to win Number One games
BvS_Daily (Non-ES6) JS - Assist in daily tasks
lib_number_one JS (Könyvtár) - A Library Script used for Number One on BvS