Ezt a szkriptet nem ajánlott közvetlenül telepíteni. Ez egy könyvtár más szkriptek számára, amik tartalmazzák a // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/370113/611220/WME%20Norway%20-%20Utils.js
You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this style.
You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this style.
You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this style.
You will need to install a user style manager extension to install this style.
You will need to install a user style manager extension to install this style.
You will need to install a user style manager extension to install this style.
(I already have a user style manager, let me install it!)
// ==UserScript==
// @name WME Norway - Utils
// @namespace WazeNOR
// @version 1.0
// @description UTIL functions
// @author MtsAssen
// @include /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/24851-wazewrap/code/WazeWrap.js
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* global $ */
/* global W */
var Nor = {};
(function () {
Nor.TabBuilder = class TabBuilder {
* Creates a new tab builder and returns it self.
* @param {string} html
constructor(html = "") {
this.html = html;
return this;
* Creates a new header (h4)
* @param {string} header The header text
* @param {string} id The header element id (not required)
header(header, id = "") {
this.html += "<h4 style='margin-bottom: 10px;'" + (id == "" ? "" : " id='" + id + "'") + ">" + header + "</h4>";
return this;
* Adds text or custom html to the page.
* @param {string} text Text or HTML tags to include.
text(text) {
this.html += text;
return this;
* Adds a span with bold weight.
* @param {string} text The bold text
bold(text) {
this.html += "<span style='font-weight: bold;'>" + text + "</span>";
return this;
* Adds a 25px break.
break () {
this.html += "<br style='line-height: 25px;' />";
return this;
* Adds a form element. Use TabForm builder object to create elements.
* @param {Nor.TabForm} form
form(form) {
this.html += form.html.join("");
return this;
Nor.TabForm = class TabForm {
* Creates a new form element.
* @param {string} html
constructor(html = "") {
if (html == "") {
html = new Array();
html.push("<form class='attributes-form side-panel-section'>");
this.html = html;
return this;
* Util function to add new elements to the second last array position
* @private
* @param {string} html
add(html) {
this.html.splice(this.html.length - 1, 0, html);
return this;
* Create a form group element using the Nor.FormGroup builder.
* @param {Nor.FormGroup} form
formGroup(formGroup) {
return this.add(formGroup.html.join(""));
Nor.FormGroup = class FormGroup {
* Creates new form group element.
* @param {string} html
constructor(html = "") {
if (html == "") {
html = new Array();
html.push("<div class='form-group'>");
this.html = html;
return this;
* Adds an element to the html array at the second last position.
* @param {string} html
add(html) {
this.html.splice(this.html.length - 1, 0, html);
return this;
* Adds a label to the form group
* @param {string} text label text
label(text) {
return this.add("<label class='control-label' style='margin-bottom: none;'>" + text + "</label>");
* Adds a checkbox to the form group
* @param {string} text checkbox label text
* @param {string} id checkbox element id
* @param {boolean} checked checked?
* @param {boolean} removeTopPadding removes the top padding on the element, used to make labels above look better.
checkbox(text, id, checked = false, removeTopPadding = false) {
return this.add("<div class='controls-container'" + (removeTopPadding ? "style='padding-top: 0 !important;'" : "") + "><div class='controls-container' style='padding-top: 2px;'><input type='checkbox' id='" + id + "'" + (checked ? "checked" : "") + "><label for='" + id + "' style='white-space: pre-line;'>" + text + "</label></div></div>");
* @param {string} text button text
* @param {string} id button element id
* @param {string} color button color. Available: green, red, blue, gray and white (default)
button(text, id, color = "white") {
return this.add("<div class='controls-container'><button type='button' class='waze-btn waze-btn-smaller waze-btn-" + color + "' id='" + id + "'>" + text + "</button></div>");
* @param {string} label the label above the dropdown
* @param {string} id dropdown element id
* @param {Array} list list of elements that should be added to dropdown
* @param {string} displayPropName the property name of the element that is visible
* @param {string} valuePropName the property name of the element that is the value
* @param {string} selectedValue the value of the default selected element
dropdown(label, id, list, displayPropName, valuePropName, selectedValue) {
this.add('<label class="control-label">' + label + '</label>');
this.add('<div class="controls"><div><select class="form-control" id="' + id + '">')
list.forEach(item => {
this.add('<option value="' + item[valuePropName] + '" ' + (item[valuePropName] == selectedValue ? 'selected=""' : '') + '>' + item[displayPropName] + '</option>')
return this;
// Util functions
* Calls an GET ajax function to a specified URL.
* @param url URL to call
* @param onSuccess Callback function
Nor.callAjax = function (url, onSuccess) {
type: "GET",
url: url,
jsonp: "callback",
data: {
alt: "json-in-script"
dataType: "jsonp",
success: onSuccess
* Parses a google spreadsheet table into a object array.
* @param url The spreadsheet URL (list feed)
* @param result Callback function - returns array list with table rows.
Nor.parseSpreadsheetTable = function (url, result) {
// Get JSON formatted data
Nor.callAjax(url, response => {
// Create array list to store the lines in the table. Then - loop the response feed.
var DATA = [];
for (var i = 0; i < response.feed.entry.length; i++) {
// Create object to store list item. Then - loop the entry nodes.
var obj = {}
for (var key in response.feed.entry[i]) {
// If the property node is called something like "gsx$" we know that it's a nested cell value.
if (response.feed.entry[i].hasOwnProperty(key) && key.substr(0, 4) === "gsx$") {
obj[key.substr(4)] = response.feed.entry[i][key].$t;
// Callback function
Nor.Overlay = {}
Nor.Overlay.getUrl = function(providerUrl, quadLetters) {
var quadDigits = Nor.Overlay.QuadLettersToQuadDigits(quadLetters);
var xyz = Nor.Overlay.QuadDigitsToTileXYZ(quadDigits);
var url = providerUrl
if (!url)
url = url.replace("QUADLETTERS", quadLetters);
url = url.replace("QUADDIGITS", quadDigits);
url = url.replace("XCORDS", xyz.x);
url = url.replace("YCORDS", xyz.y);
url = url.replace("ZCORDS", xyz.z);
return url
Nor.Overlay.TileXYZToQuadDigits = function(tileX, tileY, zoom) {
var quadKey = "";
for (var i = zoom; i > 0; i--) {
var digit = '0';
var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
if ((tileX & mask) != 0) {
if ((tileY & mask) != 0) {
quadKey = quadKey.concat(digit);
return quadKey;
Nor.Overlay.QuadDigitsToTileXYZ = function (quadKey) {
var x, y, z;
z = quadKey.length;
for (var i = z; i > 0; i--) {
var digit = quadKey[z - i];
var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
if (digit == '0')
else if (digit == '1')
x |= mask;
else if (digit == '2')
y |= mask;
else if (digit == '3') {
x |= mask;
y |= mask;
return {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"z": z
Nor.Overlay.QuadDigitsToQuadLetters = function(quadKey) {
var quadLetters = "t";
for (var i = 0; i < quadKey.length; i++) {
switch (quadKey[i]) {
case '0':
quadLetters += 'q';
case '1':
quadLetters += 'r';
case '2':
quadLetters += 't';
case '3':
quadLetters += 's';
return quadLetters;
Nor.Overlay.QuadLettersToQuadDigits = function (quadKey) {
var quadDigits = "";
for (var i = 1; i < quadKey.length; i++) {
switch (quadKey[i]) {
case 'q':
quadDigits += '0';
case 'r':
quadDigits += '1';
case 't':
quadDigits += '2';
case 's':
quadDigits += '3';
return quadDigits;
Nor.Overlay.TileBounds = function (tx, ty, zoom) {
var p = Math.pow(2, zoom);
return {
'x1': tx * 360 / p - 180,
'y1': 90 - 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-(0.5 - ty / p) * 2 * Math.PI)) / Math.PI,
'x2': (tx + 1) * 360 / p - 180,
'y2': 90 - 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-(0.5 - (ty + 1) / p) * 2 * Math.PI)) / Math.PI
Nor.Overlay.TileBoundsOffset = function(tx, ty, zoom) {
var epsilonX = 0.00013;
var epsilonY = 0.0001;
var bounds = Nor.Overlay.TileBounds(tx, ty, zoom);
bounds.x1 -= epsilonX;
bounds.x2 -= epsilonX;
bounds.y1 -= epsilonY;
bounds.y2 -= epsilonY;
return bounds;
Nor.Overlay.URLToArray = function(url) {
var request = {};
var pairs = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i].split('=');
request[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
return request;