ao3 savior

Hide specified works on AO3

< Feedback on ao3 savior

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2017.04.25.

savior or savior config not working?

A few days ago I accidentally updated the ao3 savior and it deleted all my blacklisted tags. I saw the recommendation in the description box and decided to install the ao3 savior config to avoid that happening in the future. However, the config script didn't actually hide any works. I disabled/enabled and uninstalled/re-installed both the config and the savior, but that didn't work either. I uninstalled both and updated the greasemonkey extension, then restarted and updated my mozilla browser and tried installing them again,but they still didn't work. I even tried installing an earlier version of ao3 savior only which worked previously (the 1.7) and put in my blacklist tags but still nothing. What am I doing wrong? I haven't seen anyone else with this problem

Posted: 2017.04.26.

I think I'm having the same problem...? I have my tags backed up and have done since an auto update way back in the mists of time, so that's not a problem, but I just installed the config script, pasted in my tags to the appropriate sections, installed, and... nothing. After fiddling with that I gave up and went back and reinstalled 1.7 which also now is doing nothing. Everything is definitely installed and enabled.

Posted: 2017.04.26.

Apologies, now that I commented publicly I of course managed to make it work. Sorry about that. I've just pasted my config file into the updated 1.9 savior. In hindsight I'm happy to just stick with how I had it, which was to keep auto update turned off, and back up regularly. Will I cause any problems if I just keep doing this? (Pasting my config section into the main script.)

Posted: 2017.04.26.

@arysteia, it shouldn't cause any problems, no. If you find out why the config didn't work for you I'd like to know though. Maybe an answer will turn up in this thread, let's see how it goes.

Posted: 2017.04.26.

@"Afterlife Inc." could you try following these steps please?

  1. Remove both the savior and -config scrips. Remove or disable all other userscripts.
  2. Restart Firefox and re-install both savior scripts. This is to ensure that we're not testing with a custom config or any edits yet.
  3. Visit

I'm hoping you'll see this: screenshot

Can you let me know?

Posted: 2017.04.26.

That worked (which was a bit strange to me as I tried removing everything and installing again before). Anyway, after I updated my blacklisted tags in the ao3 savior config script, everything is working as it did before, so thank you very much for your help. It just might have been an error from my browser

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