JASRAC. work importer/editor into MusicBrainz + MB-JASRAC-音楽の森-NexTone links + MB back search links

One click imports JASRAC works into MusicBrainz (name, iswc, type, credits, edit note, sort name, search hint) and マス歌詞®(mass-lyrics) and wikipedia links. It will do the same magic in work editor. Work links to both JASRAC and 音楽の森 / ongakunomori / music forest / minc / magic db and back to MB

Mint 2020.10.18.. Lásd a legutóbbi verzió

"use strict";
var meta = function() {
// ==UserScript==
// @name         JASRAC. work importer/editor into MusicBrainz + MB-JASRAC-音楽の森-NexTone links + MB back search links
// @version      2020.6.26b
// @description  One click imports JASRAC works into MusicBrainz (name, iswc, type, credits, edit note, sort name, search hint) and マス歌詞®(mass-lyrics) and wikipedia links. It will do the same magic in work editor. Work links to both JASRAC and 音楽の森 / ongakunomori / music forest / minc / magic db and back to MB
// @compatible   vivaldi(3.1.1929.34)+violentmonkey  my setup
// @compatible   firefox(77.0.1)+greasemonkey        my setup
// @compatible   chrome+violentmonkey                should be same as vivaldi
// @namespace    https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command
// @author       jesus2099
// @licence      CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// @licence      GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
// @since        2011-01-14; http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/94676
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/10888-super/code/SUPER.js?version=263111&v=2018.3.14
// @grant        none
// @match        *://*.mbsandbox.org/work/*
// @match        *://*.musicbrainz.org/work/*
// @match        *://www.minc.gr.jp/db/*
// @match        *://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=*WORKS_CD=*
// @exclude      *.org/work/*/*edits*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
// ==OpenUserJS==
// @unstableMinify it might break metadata block parser
// ==/OpenUserJS==
meta = meta.toString();
meta = {
	name: meta.match(/@name\s+(.+)/)[1],
	version: meta.match(/@version\s+(.+)/)[1],
	namespace: meta.match(/@namespace\s+(.+)/)[1]
	POST work credits NG https://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz/2015/2015-04/2015-04-09.html#T16-34-38-396540
	GET JASRAC ID (work attributes) NG http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8341
var MBS7313 = "This script has been partially fixed now but is back to VERY EXPERIMENTAL status!\n(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ 彡┻━┻ Work credits are back on import (not on edit yet). Aliases are still disabled (maybe forever?).";
var chrome = "Please run “" + meta.name + "” with Tampermonkey instead of plain Chrome.";
var DEBUG = localStorage.getItem("jesus2099debug");
var userjs = "jesus2099userjs94676";
var RE_GUID = "[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}";
var reISWC = "T- ?\\d{3}\\.\\d{3}.\\d{3}-\\d";
var reCode = "\\d[A-Z\\d]\\d-\\d{4}-\\d";
var reAnnotCode = "(?:jasrac|作品コード)\\W+(" + reCode + ")";
var MBS = self.location.protocol + "//" + self.location.host;
var pagecat = self.location.href.match(new RegExp("(jasrac(?=\\.or\\.jp)|minc(?=\\.gr\\.jp)|work(/" + RE_GUID + "/edit$|/create)|work)"));
var oldTitle = document.title;
var xhrForm = {}, xhrWork = {}, h1, iname;
var MBlookups = [];
var joblist = [];
var xhrJobs = {
	"workinfo-get": {
		info: "PLEASE WAIT (get current work info)",
		async: true,
		method: "get",
		init: function(xhr) {
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		onload: function() {
			if (this.status > 199 && this.status < 400 && this.responseText.match(new RegExp(xhrWork.mbid))) {
				var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
				xhrWork.error = res.error;
				if (!xhrWork.error) {
					xhrWork.aliases = res.aliases;
					xhrWork.annotation = res.annotation ? res.annotation : "";
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					if (code) {
						insertBefore(createTag("div", {a: {class: "row"}}, [createTag("label", {}, "JASRAC作品コード:"), createTag("b", {s: {backgroundColor: background}}, createA(code[1], workLookupURL("jasrac", "code", code[1]), "JASRAC work code from annotation", "_blank"))]), /*xhrForm.name*/iname.parentNode);
				document.title = oldTitle;
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		init: function(xhr) {
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			var inps = xhrForm.form.querySelectorAll("form > div > fieldset:not(." + userjs + ") input[name]:not([name='']):not([type='button']), form > div > fieldset:not(." + userjs + ") textarea[name], form > div > fieldset:not(." + userjs + ") select[name]");
			xhrJobs["work-create/edit"].params = "";
			for (var inp = 0; inp < inps.length; inp++) {
				xhrJobs["work-create/edit"].params += (inp > 0 ? "&" : "") + inps[inp].getAttribute("name") + "=" + encodeURIComponent(inps[inp].value);
		onload: function() {
			var mbid = this.responseText.match(new RegExp("<h1>(?:<span class=\"mp\">)?<a[^>]+(" + RE_GUID + ")\""));
			xhrWork.id = this.responseText.match(new RegExp("<a[^>]+/work/merge_queue\\?add-to-merge=([0-9]+)\""));
			if (!xhrWork.edit && mbid) {
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					h1.appendChild(createA(iname.value, "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid, null, "_blank"));
			if (xhrWork.mbid && xhrWork.id && xhrWork.mbid == mbid[1]) {
			} else {
				alert("Work create (or edit) error #" + this.status + ".\n\n" + this.responseText);
				h1.style.setProperty("background-color", "pink");
				joblist = [];
				disable(xhrForm.form, false);
	"batch-relationship-create": {
		method: "post",
		async: false,
		url: "/relationship-editor",
		init: function(xhr) {
			var inps = xhrForm.form.querySelectorAll("div#" + userjs + "wcs input.name.lookup-performed, form > div > fieldset:not(." + userjs + ") textarea.edit-note");
			xhrJobs["batch-relationship-create"].params = "rel-editor.as_auto_editor=" + (isAutoEdit() ? "1" : "0");
			var reli = 0;
			for (var inp = 0; inp < inps.length; inp++) {
				var input = inps[inp];
				if (input.classList.contains("lookup-performed")) {
					var row = getParent(input, "div", "row");
					var rel = "&rel-editor.rels." + (reli++) + ".";
					xhrJobs["batch-relationship-create"].params +=
						rel + "action=add" +
						+ rel + "link_type=" + row.querySelector("input[name='ar.link_type_id']").value
						+ rel + "period.ended=0"
						+ rel + "entity.0.gid=" + encodeURIComponent(row.querySelector("input[class='gid']").value)
						+ rel + "entity.0.type=" + input.parentNode.className.match(/artist|label/)
						+ rel + "entity.1.gid=" + xhrWork.mbid
						+ rel + "entity.1.type=work";
					if (row.querySelector("input[name='ar.attrs.additional']")) {
						xhrJobs["batch-relationship-create"].params += rel + "attrs.additional=1";
					if (row.querySelector("input[name='ar.attrs.translated']")) {//TODO: obsolete, cf. da6c5d8a-ce13-474d-9375-61feb29039a5
						xhrJobs["batch-relationship-create"].params += rel + "attrs.translated=1";
				} else if (input.tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
					xhrJobs["batch-relationship-create"].params += "&rel-editor.edit_note=" + encodeURIComponent(input.value.replace(/('''PERFORMERS'''|'''MAIN TITLE''')[^※]+※/, "''{…} cf. MB add work edit for full JASRAC extract''\n\n※").replace(/\u00a0(.+)/g, "") + "\n" + MBlinks());
		async: true,
		info: "get current work annotation",
		method: "get",
		init: function(xhr) {
			xhrJobs["annotation-get"].url = MBS + "/ws/2/work/" + xhrWork.mbid + "?inc=annotation";
		onload: function() {
			if (this.status > 199 && this.status < 400 && this.responseText.match(new RegExp("<work.+id=\"" + xhrWork.mbid + "\">"))) {
				var oldannot = this.responseText.match(/<annotation><text>([^<]+)<\/text><\/annotation>/);
				if (!oldannot || oldannot && !oldannot[1].match(new RegExp(xhrWork.code))) {
					if (oldannot) {
						xhrWork.annotation = oldannot[1];
		async: false,
		info: "JASRAC work code annotation",
		method: "post",
		init: function(xhr) {
			xhrJobs["annotation-add"].url = MBS + "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid + "/edit_annotation";
			var curl = workLookupURL("jasrac", "code", xhrWork.code);
			xhrJobs["annotation-add"].params = "edit-annotation.text=" + encodeURIComponent("JASRAC: '''" + xhrWork.code + "''' ([http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-7359|MBS-7359])" + (xhrWork.annotation ? "\n" + xhrWork.annotation : "")) + "&edit-annotation.changelog=" + encodeURIComponent("JASRAC: " + xhrWork.code + " (MBS-7359)") + "&edit-annotation.edit_note=" + encodeURIComponent("JASRAC: '''" + xhrWork.code + "''' (" + curl + ") ← requires JASRACへの直リンク ('''jasrac_DIRECT-LINK''')\nStill needed for JASRAC auto‐linking (until http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-7359).\n\n" + MBlinks());
		async: false,
		method: "post",
		init: function(xhr) {
			xhrJobs["alias-add"].url = MBS + "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid + "/add-alias";
			xhrJobs["alias-add"].params = "edit-alias.as_auto_editor=" + (isAutoEdit() ? "1" : "0");
			var newAlias = xhrWork.newAliases.shift();
			if (newAlias) {
				xhrJobs["alias-add"].info = newAlias["edit-alias.name"] + " alias";
				if (newAlias["edit-alias.sort_name"].length > 0 && newAlias["edit-alias.sort_name"] != newAlias["edit-alias.name"]) {
					xhrJobs["alias-add"].info += "(" + newAlias["edit-alias.sort_name"] + ")";
				for (var p in newAlias) if (newAlias.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
					xhrJobs["alias-add"].params += "&" + p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(newAlias[p]);
				xhrJobs["alias-add"].params += "&edit-alias.period.ended=&edit-alias.edit_note=" + encodeURIComponent(teditnote.value.replace(/'''CREDITS'''[^※] + '''MAIN TITLE'''/, "'''MAIN TITLE'''") + "\n" + MBlinks());
if (pagecat && !document.title.match(/slow down!/i)) {
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	var background = "#FF6";/*favourite game*/
	var cOK = "#CFC";/*bad for ozone layer*/
	var cWARN = "gold";
	var cERR = "pink";
	var hasLyrics = "詞";
	var hasCredits = "作曲";
	var vocal = "vocal";
	var instrumental = "instrumental";
	if (DEBUG) console.log(userjs + " pagecat : " + pagecat);
	switch (pagecat) {
		case "jasrac":setTimeout(function(){ // quick and dirty patch
			var workName;
			var sakuhinCode;
			var iswc;
			var summary = "";
			var createWork = "https://musicbrainz.org/work/create?edit-work.name=";
			var isVocal = false;
			var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
			if (tables) {
				var work = tables[1];
				if (true || work) { // quick and dirty patch
					workName = document.querySelector(".baseinfo--name").textContent.trim();
					sakuhinCode = document.querySelector(".baseinfo--code strong").textContent;
					document.title = workName + " " + sakuhinCode + " " + document.title;
					createWork += encodeURIComponent(fullwidthToHalfwidth(workName)).replace(/%20/g, "+");
					summary += workName + " (work code '''" + sakuhinCode + "'''/" + sakuhinCode.replace(/-/g, "");
					iswc = document.querySelector(".baseinfo--iswc strong");
					if (iswc) {
						iswc = {node: iswc, value: iswc.textContent};
						summary += " — ISWC '''" + iswc.value + "'''/" + iswc.value.replace(/[-\.]/g, "");
					summary += ")\n";
					/*var srccred = tables[3];
					if (srccred) {
						var tmpcred = "";
						var credtr = srccred.getElementsByTagName("tr");
						if (credtr) {
							for (var icred = 2; icred < credtr.length; icred++) {
								var credtd = credtr[icred].getElementsByTagName("td");
								if (credtd) {
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									credit["trust"] = credtd[4].textContent.trim();
									if (credit.trust != "") {
										credit.trust = "\u00a0(信託状況:" + credit.trust; // + (!credit.trust.match(/全信託/) ? "sic" : "")
									credit["manager"] = credtd[5].textContent.trim();
									if (credit.manager != "") {
										credit.trust += (credit.trust!="" ? "/" : "(") + credit.manager;
									if (credit.trust != "") {
										credit.trust += ")";
									if (!isVocal && credit.role.indexOf(hasLyrics) > -1) {
										isVocal = true;
									credit["line"] = credit.role + ":" + credit.who + credit.trust + "\n";
									if (credit.who != "UNKNOWN PUBLISHER" && tmpcred.indexOf(credit.line) < 0) {
										tmpcred += credit.line;
						if (tmpcred != "") {
							summary += "\n'''CREDITS'''\n" + tmpcred;
					var perf = tables[6];
					if (perf) {
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						var max = Math.min(perfs.length, 13);
						var tmpperf = "\n'''PERFORMERS'''" + (perfs.length > max ? " (" + (perfs.length - 3) + ")" : "") + "\n";
						var isperf = true;
						for (var iperf = 3; iperf < max; iperf++) {
							var artist = perfs[iperf].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].textContent.trim();
							if (artist == "") {
								isperf = false;
							tmpperf += (iperf > 3 ? "\n" : "") + fullwidthToHalfwidth(artist);
						if (perfs.length > max) tmpperf += "\n…";
						if (isperf) {
							summary += tmpperf + "\n";
					var alias = tables[5];
					if (alias) {
						var transtypes = ["'''genuine'''", "''yomikata''", "latin"];
						var aliases = alias.getElementsByTagName("tr");
						var tmptran = "\n'''MAIN TITLE'''";
						var hastran = false;
						var hasali = false;
						for (var iali = 2; iali < aliases.length; iali++) {
							var type = aliases[iali].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].textContent.match(/(正題|タイトルの続き)/);
							if (type) {
								type = type[1];
							} else {
								type = "";
							var alis = aliases[iali].getElementsByTagName("div");
							for (var itran = 0; itran < 3; itran++) {
								var ali = alis[itran].textContent.trim();
								if(type == "正題") {
									if (!hastran) {
										hastran = true;
									tmptran += "\n" + ali + " (" + transtypes[itran] + ")";
								} else {
									if (type == "タイトルの続き") {
										if (!ali.match(/^[--]$/)) {
											var prevalias = tmpali.substring(tmpali.lastIndexOf("\n")).split("◇");
											prevalias[itran] += ali;
											tmpali = tmpali.substring(0, tmpali.lastIndexOf("\n")) + prevalias.join("◇");
									} else {
										if (!hasali) {
											hasali = true;
										tmpali += (itran>0 ? "◇" : "\n") + ali;
						if (hastran) {
							summary += tmptran + "\n";
						if (hasali) {
							summary += tmpali + "\n";
						summary += "\n";
			/* -- vv ------ copiable full summary ------ vv -- */
					var tr = document.createElement("tr");
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					td.style.setProperty("text-align", "center");
					td.style.setProperty("background-image", "/eJwid/img/kokoronelogo_A-2out.jpg");
					summary += "※ '''JASRAC work importer''' (" + meta.version + ")\n" + workLookupURL("jasrac", "code", sakuhinCode) + " ← requires '''JASRAC direct links enabler'''\n" + workLookupURL("minc", "code", sakuhinCode) + " ← mirror, requires account\n" + workLookupURL("nextone", "code", sakuhinCode) + " ← another mirror";
					td.appendChild(document.createTextNode("click to select → "));
					var ta = createTag("textarea", {a: {name: "tsummary"}}, summary);
					ta.setAttribute("id", ta.getAttribute("name"));
					ta.style.setProperty("width", "40%");
					ta.setAttribute("rows", "1");
					ta.style.setProperty("color", "black");
					ta.style.setProperty("background", background);
					ta.addEventListener("focus", function(e) {
						this.setAttribute("rows", "20");
					}, false);
					ta.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
					}, false);
					ta.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) {
						this.setAttribute("rows", "1");
					}, false);
					td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ← CONTROL key + mouse over to expand + select"));
			/* -- vv ------ Add to MB ------ vv -- */
					var form = createTag("form", {a: {action: createWork.split("?")[0], method: "post", "accept-charset": "utf-8", title: "PLEASE REVIEW before final submission!"}, s: {display: "inline", background: background}});
					form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.attributes.0.type_id", value: "3"}}));
					form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.attributes.0.value", value: sakuhinCode}}));
					createWork += "&edit-work.attributes.0.type_id=3&edit-work.attributes.0.value=" + sakuhinCode;
					if (iswc) {
						form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.iswcs.0", value: iswc.value}}));
						createWork += "&edit-work.iswcs.0=" + iswc.value;
					if (isVocal) {
						form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.type_id", value: "17"}}));
						createWork += "&edit-work.type_id=17";
					} else {
						form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.language_id", value: "486"}}));
						createWork += "&edit-work.language_id=486";
					/* https://musicbrainz.org/relationships */
					createWork += getWorkCredits({
						"作詞": { nomatch: /^権利者 /, type: "3e48faba-ec01-47fd-8e89-30e81161661c" },
						"訳詞": { nomatch: /^権利者 /, type: "da6c5d8a-ce13-474d-9375-61feb29039a5" },
						"補詞": { nomatch: /^権利者 /, type: "3e48faba-ec01-47fd-8e89-30e81161661c", additional: "1" },
						"作曲": { nomatch: /^権利者 /, type: "d59d99ea-23d4-4a80-b066-edca32ee158f" },
						"作曲作詞": { type: "a255bca1-b157-4518-9108-7b147dc3fc68" },
						"不明": { type: "a255bca1-b157-4518-9108-7b147dc3fc68" }
					}, summary, createWork);
					createWork += getWorkCredits({
						"作詞": { match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" },
						"訳詞": { match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" },
						"補詞": { match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" },
						"作曲": { match: /^権利者 ㈱?(.+)$/, type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" },
						"出版者": { type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" },
						"サブ出版": { type: "05ee6f18-4517-342d-afdf-5897f64276e3" }
					}, summary, createWork);
					form.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "edit-work.edit_note", value: summary}}));
					createWork += "&edit-work.edit_note=" + encodeURIComponent(summary).replace(/%20/g, "+");
/*						form.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {title: MBS7313 + "\nImport this work in MusicBrainz (name, iswc, type, edit note)"}, s: {background: background, cursor: "pointer", textDecoration: "underline", color: "blue"}, e: {click: function(event) {
						this.parentNode.setAttribute("target", event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey ? "_blank" : "_self");
						return stop(event);
					}}}, "Add to MB"));*/
					form.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: createWork, title : MBS7313 + "\nImport this work in MusicBrainz (name, iswc, type, edit note)"}, s: {background: background, cursor: "pointer", textDecoration: "blink line-through", color: "blue"}}, "BROKEN")) // textDecoration: "underline" Add to MusicBrainz
					var sakuhin = document.querySelector(".baseinfo--name").firstChild; // quick and dirty patch
					sakuhin.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ("));
			/* -- vv ------ sakuhin links ------ vv -- */
					addAfter(document.createElement("sup"), sakuhin).appendChild(createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "name", workName), "Search this work name in MusicBrainz"));
					addAfter(document.createElement("sup"), sakuhin).appendChild(createA("NT", workLookupURL("nextone", "name", workName), "Search this work name in NexTone"));
					addAfter(document.createTextNode(" "), sakuhin);
			/* -- vv ------ sakuhin code links ------ vv -- */
					var span = document.createElement("span");
					span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
					var suppo = span.appendChild(document.createElement("sup"));
					suppo.appendChild(createA("MF", workLookupURL("minc", "code", sakuhinCode), "This work in 音楽の森 music FOREST"));
					suppo.appendChild(createA("NT", workLookupURL("nextone", "code", sakuhinCode), "This work in NexTone"));
					suppo.appendChild(createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "code", sakuhinCode), "Search this work code in MusicBrainz work annotation (#281 / SEARCH-434)"));
					span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
					sakuhin = replaceElement(span, sakuhin); /*TODO replaceChild returns sakuhin already (removed element), no ?*/
			/* -- vv ------ iswc links ------ vv -- */
					if (iswc) {
						addAfter(createTag("sup", {}, createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "iswc", iswc.value), "Search this ISWC in MusicBrainz")), iswc.node);
						addAfter(document.createTextNode(" "), iswc.node);
			}}, 4000); // quick and dirty patch
		case "minc":
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				var sakuhincode_v = sakuhincode.textContent.match(new RegExp(reCode)) + "";
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				var iswccode_v = iswccode.textContent.match(new RegExp(reISWC));
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				jwSubmit.replaceChild(document.createTextNode("JW"), jwSubmit.firstChild);
				jwSubmit.setAttribute("title", "Search this work name in JASRAC");
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				//insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), sakuhinmei.firstChild).appendChild(createA("NT", workLookupURL("nextone", "name", sakuhinmei_v), "Search this work name in NexTone"));
				insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), sakuhinmei.firstChild).appendChild(createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "name", sakuhinmei_v), "Search this work name in MusicBrainz"));
				insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), sakuhincode.firstChild).appendChild(createA("JW", workLookupURL("jasrac", "code", sakuhincode_v), "Go to this work in JASRAC"));
				//insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), sakuhincode.firstChild).appendChild(createA("NT", workLookupURL("nextone", "code", sakuhincode_v), "Go to this work in NexTone"));
				insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), sakuhincode.firstChild).appendChild(createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "code", sakuhincode_v), "Search this work code in MusicBrainz work annotation (#281 / SEARCH-434)"));
				if (iswccode_v) {
					iswccode_v += "";
					insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), iswccode.firstChild).appendChild(createA("JW", workLookupURL("jasrac", "iswc", iswccode_v), "Search this ISWC in JASRAC"));
					insertBefore(createTag("sup", {s: {float: "right"}}), iswccode.firstChild).appendChild(createA("MB", workLookupURL("mb", "iswc", iswccode_v.replace(/T- /, "T-")), "Search this ISWC in MusicBrainz"));
			} else {
				var sakuhincodet = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='SakCdInfo.aspx?SAKUHINCD='], a[href^='SakCDInfo.aspx?SAKUHINCD='], div#ctl00_ctl00_phMain_phDBMain_PanelDetail table.tbl > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(8)");
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					addAfter(createA("JW", workLookupURL("jasrac", "code", sakuhincode), "Go to this work in JASRAC"), prec);
					addAfter(createA("NT", workLookupURL("nextone", "code", sakuhincode), "Go to this work in NexTone"), prec);
		case "work":
			if (getExtLinks()) {
				/* -- vv ------ JASRAC + ongakunomori sakuhin code link ------ vv -- */
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					} else {
						if (confirm("Duplicate JASRAC ID detected in work attributes.\nDo you want to edit?")) {
							self.location.href = self.location.pathname + "/edit";
				/* -- vv ------ JASRAC ISWC link ------ vv -- */
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					getExtLinks().appendChild(createTag("li", {a: {class: userjs + "jasrac no-favicon"}}, createA("JASRAC — " + iswct, workLookupURL("jasrac", "iswc", iswct.replace(/T-/, "T-+")), "Search this ISWC in JASRAC")));
				/* -- vv ------ JASRAC name search link ------ vv -- */
				var title = document.querySelector("h1 a").textContent.trim();
				getExtLinks().appendChild(createTag("li", {a: {class: userjs + "jasrac no-favicon"}}, jasracSearch("title", title)));
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				getExtLinks().appendChild(createTag("li", {a: {class: userjs + "nextone no-favicon"}}, createTag("a", {a: {href: workLookupURL("nextone", "name", title)}, s: {background: background}}, "NexTone — " + title)));
				/* -- vv ------ NexTone work ID permalink ------ vv -- */
				var NexToneIDs = document.querySelectorAll("div#sidebar > dl.properties > dd.work-attribute-nex-tone-id");
				for (var i = 0; i < NexToneIDs.length; i++) {
					ddcode = NexToneIDs[i].textContent.trim();
					replaceElement(createTag("a", {a: {href: workLookupURL("nextone", "code", ddcode)}, s: {background: background}}, ddcode), NexToneIDs[i].firstChild);
		case "work/edit":
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			xhrWork.mbid = self.location.pathname.match(new RegExp(RE_GUID));
		case "work/create":
			h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
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			insertBefore(createTag("p", {s: {color: "purple", border: "1px dashed #fcc", backgroundColor: "#ffc"}}, [createTag("h3", {}, meta.name), MBS7313, " ☞ ", createA("Read more…", "https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues/14", null, "_blank")]), xhrForm.form);
/*				xhrForm.form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
				var inputs = xhrForm.form.querySelectorAll(xhrForm.originalInputs.css);
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				if (xhrWork.code && xhrWork.edit && !xhrWork.jasracidmatch) {//je sais pas si je comprendrai toujours ça la prochaine fois
					if (xhrWork.edit && typeof xhrWork.annotation == "undefined") {
					if (!xhrWork.edit || typeof xhrWork.annotation == "string" && !xhrWork.annotation.match(new RegExp(xhrWork.code))) {
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					disable(this, true);
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//TODO: restore language button feature (search slangid) https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues/321
			var slangid = document.querySelector("select[name='edit-work.languages.0']");
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			if (document.referrer.match(/jasrac\.or\.jp/) && (sakuhin = teditnote.value.match(new RegExp("^(.+) \\(work code '''(" + reCode + ")'''")))) {
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//				workSortName(teditnote.value);
//				workCredits(teditnote.value);
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			tjasrac = tjasrac.appendChild(createTag("textarea", {a: {placeholder: "Paste JASRAC summary here"}}));
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				if (sakuhinCode && this.value.indexOf(hasCredits) != -1) {
					sakuhinCode = sakuhinCode[1];
					xhrWork.code = sakuhinCode;
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						iname.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
					} else {
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					var workattrCSS = "form > div > fieldset > table#work-attributes";
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					) {
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						workattr[workattr.length - 2].querySelector(workattrValueCSS).value = xhrWork.code;
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					} else {
						xhrForm.form.querySelector(workattrCSS + " button.add-item").click();
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						jasracidnew.querySelector(workattrValueCSS).style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
						jasracidnew.querySelector(workattrValueCSS).value = xhrWork.code;
					var iswc = this.value.match(/— ISWC '''(T-[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}-[0-9])'''/);/*reISWC when MBS-4727 fixed*/
					var insel = "form.edit-work div.form-row-text-list div.text-list-row input.value[name^='edit-work.iswcs.']";
					var iiswcs = document.querySelectorAll(insel);
					if (iiswcs.length > 0 && iswc) { /*MBS-4727*/
						iswc = iswc[1];
						var iiswcm;
						for (var im = 0; im < iiswcs.length; im++) {
							if (iiswcs[im].value == iswc) {
								iiswcm = iiswcs[im];
						if (iiswcm) {
							iiswcm.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
						} else if (iiswcs[iiswcs.length - 1].value == "") {
							iiswcs[iiswcs.length - 1].value = iswc;
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						} else {
							document.querySelector("form.edit-work div.form-row-text-list div.form-row-add button.add-item").click();
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							iswcn.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
							iswcn.value = iswc;
					setType(this.value.indexOf(hasLyrics) != -1 ? vocal : instrumental);
//					workSortName(this.value);
//					workCredits(this.value);
					teditnote.value = this.value;
					this.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
					this.value = xhrWork.code + " " + sakuhin;
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					stypeid.style.setProperty("background", "");
					this.style.setProperty("background", cERR);
				scrollTo(0, 0);
			}, false);
			return false;
function MBlinks() {
	return (xhrWork.id && self.location.href.match(/^\/work\/create/) ? "MB add work edit: " + MBS + "/search/edits?combinator=and&conditions.0.field=work&conditions.0.operator=%3D&conditions.0.name=" + (iname.value ? encodeURIComponent(iname.value) : "TA+GUEULE") + "&conditions.0.args.0=" + xhrWork.id[1] + "&conditions.1.field=type&conditions.1.operator=%3D&conditions.1.args=41\n" : "") + "MB work edit history: " + MBS + "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid + "/edits";
function workSortName(txt) {
	var sortname = txt.match(/(.+) \(''yomikata''\)/);
	var searchint = txt.match(/(.+) \(latin\)/);
	var alrows = [];
	var aldone = [];
	if (sortname) {
		alrows.push({name: iname.value, "sort-name": sortname[1], type: "1", locale: "ja", primary: "1"});
	if (searchint) {
		searchint = swapTHE(searchint[1], true);
		alrows.push({name: searchint, "sort-name": searchint, type: "2"});
	var aliases = txt.substring(txt.indexOf("ALIASES/SUBTITLES/SEARCHES/TRANSLATIONS")).split("\n");
	for (var al = 1; al < aliases.length && aliases[al].match(/^.*◇.*◇.*$/); al++) {
		var alias = fixSTR(aliases[al]).split("◇");
		if (alias[0].length > 0 && !alias[1].match(/^[--]?$/)) {
			alrows.push({name: alias[0], "sort-name": alias[1], type: "1", locale: "ja"});
			if (alias[2].length > 0) {
				var swapped = swapTHE(alias[2], true);
				alrows.push({name: swapped, "sort-name": swapped, type: "2"});
		} else {
			for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
				var swapped = swapTHE(alias[a], true);
				if (!alias[a].match(/^[--]?$/) && aldone.indexOf(swapped) == -1) {
					alrows.push({name: swapped, "sort-name": swapTHE(alias[a], false)});
	if (alrows.length > 0) {
		aliasTable(alrows, true);
function workCredits(txt) {
	var wcs = document.getElementById(userjs + "wcs");
	if (!wcs) {
		wcs = addAfter(createTag("fieldset", {a: {class: userjs}}, [createTag("legend", {}, "Relationships"), createTag("p", {}, [createTag("b", {}, "JASRAC sometimes has wrong credits"), " so, please double-check with your booklet then only lookup for the correct relationship(s) you want to create.", document.createElement("br"), "If you change your mind and want to un-lookup one of them, just select and clear the text field.", document.createElement("br"), "Only green fields will queue relationship edits."]), createTag("div", {a: {id: userjs + "wcs"}})]), xhrForm.form.querySelector("form > div > fieldset")).querySelector("div#" + userjs + "wcs");
	try { jQuery; } catch (error) {
		wcs.parentNode.appendChild(createTag("p", {s: {color: "red"}}, error.message + " — “Credits inline searches” can’t work. " + chrome));
	workCredit("artist", {
		"作詞": {nomatch: /^権利者 /, english: "lyrics", "ar.link_type_id": "165"},
		"訳詞": {nomatch: /^権利者 /, english: "translate lyrics", "ar.link_type_id": "165", "ar.attrs.translated": "1"},//TODO: obsolete, cf. da6c5d8a-ce13-474d-9375-61feb29039a5
		"補詞": {nomatch: /^権利者 /, english: "additional lyrics", "ar.link_type_id": "165", "ar.attrs.additional": "1"},
		"作曲": {nomatch: /^権利者 /, english: "compose", "ar.link_type_id": "168"},
		"作曲作詞": [{english: "generic write", "ar.link_type_id": "167"}, {english: "compose", "ar.link_type_id": "168"}, {english: "lyrics", "ar.link_type_id": "165"}],
		"不明": [{english: "generic write", "ar.link_type_id": "167"}, {english: "compose", "ar.link_type_id": "168"}, {english: "lyrics", "ar.link_type_id": "165"}]
	}, txt, wcs);
	workCredit("label", {
		"作詞": {match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, english: "publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"},
		"訳詞": {match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, english: "publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"},
		"補詞": {match: /^権利者 (.+)$/, english: "publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"},
		"作曲": {match: /^権利者 ㈱?(.+)$/, english: "publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"},
		"出版者": {english: "publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"},
		"サブ出版": {english: "sub-publish", "ar.link_type_id": "208"}
	}, txt, wcs);
function workCredit(enttype, credtypes, source, pTarget) {
	var i = pTarget.querySelectorAll("a[title^='reset'][ref]");
	i = i.length > 0 ? parseInt(i[i.length - 1].getAttribute("ref"),10) + 1 : 0;
	for (var credtype in credtypes) if (credtypes.hasOwnProperty(credtype)) {
		var ctype = credtypes[credtype].english ? [credtypes[credtype]] : credtypes[credtype];
		var cont = pTarget;
		for (var c = 0; c < ctype.length; c++) {
			var credit, credits = new RegExp("^" + credtype + ":([^\u00a0]+)(?:\u00a0(.+))?$", "igm");
			while (credit = credits.exec(source)) {
				if (cont.tagName != "FIELDSET" && ctype.length > 1) {
					cont = cont.appendChild(createTag("fieldset", {a: {class: userjs}}, [createTag("legend", {}, "choose either")]));
				credit = credit[1].trim();
				if (credtypes[credtype].nomatch && credit.match(credtypes[credtype].nomatch)) {
				if (credtypes[credtype].match) {
					if (credit = credit.match(credtypes[credtype].match)) {
						credit = credit[1];
						} else {
				var ilookupid = userjs + "ilookup" + i;
				var target = cont.appendChild(createTag("div", {a: {class: "row", title: credit}}));
				target.appendChild(createTag("label", {a: {for: ilookupid}}, ctype[c].english + ":"));
				target.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {title: "reset\n" + credit, ref: i}, s: {cursor: "pointer"}, e: {click: function(event) {
				}}}, "× "));
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					target.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: wap, value: ctype[c][wap]}}));
				target.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "+credtype));
function getWorkCredits(credtypes, source, url) {
	var newParams = "", r = url.lastIndexOf("&rels.");
	if (r > -1) {
		r = url.substr(r).match(/&rels\.(\d+)\./);
	} else {
		r = 0;
	if (r) {
		r = parseInt(r[1], 10) + 1;
	for (var credtype in credtypes) if (credtypes.hasOwnProperty(credtype)) {
		var ctype = credtypes[credtype].type ? [credtypes[credtype]] : credtypes[credtype];
		for (var c = 0; c < ctype.length; c++) {
			var credit, credits = new RegExp("^" + credtype + ":([^\u00a0]+)(?:\u00a0(.+))?$", "igm");
			while (credit = credits.exec(source)) {
				credit = credit[1].trim();
				if (credtypes[credtype].nomatch && credit.match(credtypes[credtype].nomatch)) {
				if (credtypes[credtype].match) {
					if (credit = credit.match(credtypes[credtype].match)) {
						credit = credit[1];
					} else {
				newParams += "&rels." + r + ".target=" + encodeURIComponent(fullwidthToHalfwidth(credit)) + "&rels." + r + ".direction=backward";
				for (var wap in ctype[c]) if (!wap.match(/match$/) && ctype[c].hasOwnProperty(wap)) {
					newParams += "&rels." + r + "." + wap + "=" + ctype[c][wap];
	return newParams;
function disable(w, dis) {
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		return false;
function getExtLinks() {
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/*bug I reported DSK-376978, opera adds a "; charset=accept-charset" to the POST Content-Type header: "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=shift_jis"
workaround here, using multipart/form-data accepted by JASRAC (unlike GET)*/
function jasracSearch(type, query) {
	var formJASRAC = createTag("form", {a: {action: "http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=A00401-3", method: "post", "accept-charset": "Shift_JIS", enctype: "multipart/form-data"}, s: {display: "inline", background: background}});
	formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_MAX", value: "100"}}));
	formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_SEQ", value: "1"}}));
	switch (type) {
		case "title":
			if (!maybeJapanese(query)) {
				query = removeLeadingArticle(query).toLowerCase();
			query = removeAccents(query);
			formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_WORKS_TITLE_NAME1", value: query}}));
			formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_WORKS_TITLE_CONDITION", value: "1"}}));//or
			formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_WORKS_TITLE_NAME2", value: halfwidthToFullwidth(query)}}));//full width name
	formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "IN_DEFAULT_SEARCH_WORKS_NAIGAI", value: "0"}}));
	formJASRAC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "RESULT_CURRENT_PAGE", value: "1"}}));
	formJASRAC.appendChild(createCoolSubmit("JASRAC — " + query));
	return formJASRAC;
/*workaround here, using GET accepted by MINC (unlike multipart)*//*TOTO since minc is now utf-8, see what can be dumped here*/
function mincSearch(type, query) {
	var formMINC = createTag("form", {a: {action: "https://www.minc.gr.jp/db/SakCdInfo.aspx", method: "get", "accept-charset": "utf-8"}, s: {display: "inline", background: background}});
	formMINC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "DATATYPE", value: "2"}}));
	switch (type) {
		case "title":
			if (!maybeJapanese(query)) {
				query = removeLeadingArticle(query);
			query = halfwidthToFullwidth(query.toUpperCase());
			formMINC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "GTITLE", value: query}}));
			formMINC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "SAKUSINM", value: ""}}));
			formMINC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "ARTNAME", value: ""}}));
	formMINC.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {type: "hidden", name: "SRCHTYPE", value: "2"}}));
	formMINC.appendChild(createCoolSubmit("音楽の森 — " + query));
	return formMINC;
function removeLeadingArticle(title) {
	return title.replace(/^((?:LA|LE|LES|UN|UNE|DES|A|AN|THE) |L\W)/i, "");
function removeAccents(title) {
	return title.replace(/[đ]/g, "d").replace(/[ñ]/g, "n").replace(/[áàảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậ]/g, "a").replace(/[ïîíìỉĩị]/g, "i").replace(/[úùủũụưứừửữựû]/g, "u").replace(/[éèẻẽẹêếềểễệ]/g, "e").replace(/[óòỏõọơớờởỡợôốồổỗộ]/g, "o").replace(/[ýỳỷỹỵ]/g, "y")
function swapTHE(n, swap) {
	return fullwidthToHalfwidth(n.replace(/^(.+)\s{2}(A|THE|UN|UNE|L)$/i, swap ? "$2 $1" : "$1, $2")).replace(/\w\(/g, " (").replace(/\)\w/g, ") ").trim();
function toCamelCase(s) {
	return s.toLowerCase().replace(/\b(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); });
function setType(type) {
	switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
		case vocal.toLowerCase():
			if (stypeid.value == 17) {
				stypeid.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
			} else {
				stypeid.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
				stypeid.value = 17;
			if (slangid.value != 486) {
				slangid.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
			} else {
				slangid.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
				slangid.selectedIndex = 0;
		case instrumental.toLowerCase():
			if (stypeid.selectedIndex == 0) {
				stypeid.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
			} else {
				stypeid.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
				stypeid.selectedIndex = 0;
			if (slangid.value == 486) {
				slangid.style.setProperty("background", cOK);
			} else {
				slangid.style.setProperty("background", cWARN);
				slangid.value = 486;
function workLookupURL(db, type, q) {
	switch (db) {
		case "mb": switch (type) {
			case "name": return "https://musicbrainz.org/search?type=work&limit=100&query=" + encodeURIComponent(q);
			case "code": return "https://musicbrainz.org/search?type=annotation&limit=100&method=advanced&query=type%3Awork+AND+text%3A" + q;
			case "iswc": return "https://musicbrainz.org/iswc/" + q;
		case "jasrac": switch (type) {
			case "name": return "http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=A00401-3&IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_MAX=100&IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_SEQ=1&IN_WORKS_TITLE_NAME1=" + q + "&IN_DEFAULT_SEARCH_WORKS_NAIGAI=0&RESULT_CURRENT_PAGE=1";
			case "code": return "http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=F20101&WORKS_CD=" + q.replace(/-/g, "") + "&subSessionID=001&subSession=start";
			case "iswc": return "http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main?trxID=A00401-3&IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_MAX=100&IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_SEQ=1&IN_ISWC=" + q.replace(/ /, "+") + "&IN_DEFAULT_SEARCH_WORKS_NAIGAI=0&RESULT_CURRENT_PAGE=1";
		case "minc": switch (type) {
			case "code": return "https://www.minc.gr.jp/db/SakCdInfo.aspx?SAKUHINCD=" + q.replace(/-/g, "");
		case "nextone": switch (type) {
			case "name": return "https://search.nex-tone.co.jp/result?freeWord=" + q;
			case "code": return "https://search.nex-tone.co.jp/result?pieceCd=" + q;
function aliasTable(add, clear) {
	var alta = document.getElementById(userjs + "alta");
	if (!alta) {
		alta = addAfter(createTag("fieldset", {a: {class: userjs}}, [createTag("legend", {}, "Aliases"), createTag("p", {}, "You can add some aliases including (but not limited to) the default work sort-name and a latin search-hint. The JASRAC readings are almost always already cool. Sometimes you may fix few ツ→ッ but it’s rare. You can visually check the existing aliases."), createTag("table", {a: {id: userjs + "alta"}}, [
			createTag("thead", {}, createTag("tr", {}, [createTag("th", {}, "Name"), createTag("th", {}, "Sort name"), createTag("th", {}, "Type"), createTag("th", {}, "Locale"), createTag("th", {}, "Add?")])), 
			document.createElement("tfoot"), document.createElement("tbody")
		])]), xhrForm.form.querySelector("form > div > fieldset")).querySelector("table#" + userjs + "alta");
	var aliases = add ? add : xhrWork.aliases;
	var cont = alta.getElementsByTagName(add ? "tfoot" : "tbody")[0];
	if (clear || !add) {
		var headr = createTag("tr", {}, createTag("th", {a: {colspan: 5}, s: {borderTop: "1px solid black", color: "#666"}}));
		if (clear) {
			var th = cont.appendChild(headr).firstChild;
			th.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Alias suggestions ("));
			th.appendChild(createTag("a", {s: {cursor: "pointer"}, e: {click: function(event) {
				aliasTable([{name: ""}]);
			}}}, "add another alias"));
		} else if (!add) {
			cont.appendChild(headr).firstChild.appendChild(createA((aliases.length > 0 ? aliases.length : "no") + " existing aliase" + (aliases.length != 1 ? "s" : ""), "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid + "/aliases", "Work aliases page", "_blank"));
	for (var a = 0; a < aliases.length; a++) {
		var tr = cont.appendChild(document.createElement("tr"));
		if (!add && a%2 == 0) {
			tr.style.setProperty("background-color", "#f2f2f2");
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			tr.appendChild(createTag("td", {}, add ? createTag("input", {a: {name: "edit-alias.sort_name", value: aliases[a]["sort-name"] ? aliases[a]["sort-name"] : ""}, s: {width: "10em"}}) : aliases[a]["sort-name"]));
		} else {
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			var inps = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input:not(." + userjs + "addit)");
			for (var i = 0; i < inps.length; i++) {
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				for (var t = 0; t < titles.length; t++) {
					titles[t].value = lang == "en" ? toCamelCase(titles[t].value) : titles[t].value.toUpperCase();
		}}}) : (aliases[a].locale ? aliases[a].locale : "")));
		if (add) {
			var cb = td.appendChild(createTag("input", {a: {name: "edit-alias.primary_for_locale", value: "1", type: "checkbox", title: "primary"}}));
			if (aliases[a].primary) {
				cb.checked = true;/*for display*/
				cb.setAttribute("checked", "checked");/*for reset*/
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			td.setAttribute("title", "primary");
		tr.appendChild(createTag("td", {}, add ? createTag("input", {a: {type: "checkbox", title: "add this work alias?", class: userjs + "addit"}}) : ""));
		if (se) {/*se is the work type <select>*/
			if (aliases[a].type) {
				se.value = aliases[a].type;
				sendEvent(se, "change");
				se.querySelector("option[value='" + aliases[a].type + "']").setAttribute("selected", "selected");/*for reset*/
			se.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
				var addit = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("input." + userjs + "addit");
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				if (this.value == "1") {
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					ops[o].parentNode.value = ops[o].value;
					sendEvent(ops[o].parentNode, "change");
			}, false);
			if (!xhrWork.edit && a < 2 && !(aliases[a].type == "2" && aliases[a].name == iname.value)) {
				getParent(se, "tr").querySelector("input." + userjs + "addit[type='checkbox']").click();
			var wname = tr.querySelector("input[name='edit-alias.name']");
			var wsname = tr.querySelector("input[name='edit-alias.sort_name']");
			var wnameaddit = tr.querySelector("input."+userjs+"addit[type='checkbox']");
			if (clear && a == 0 && aliases[a].type == "1") {
				if (wname) {
					iname.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
						var wname = document.querySelector("table#" + userjs + "alta > tfoot > tr > td > input[name='edit-alias.name']");
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						if (wname) {
							if (this.value != wname.value && wnameaddit && wnameaddit.checked) {
							wname.value = this.value;
					}, false);
					wname.setAttribute("title", "work name is always used here");
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					this.setAttribute("ref", this.value);
				}, false);
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					this.setAttribute("ref", this.value);
				}, false);
				if (wsname.value.length > 0) {
					wsname.setAttribute("title", wsname.value + (wsname.value==wname.value ? "\n(=name)" : ""));
			if (aliases.length == 1 && aliases[a].name == "" && !wnameaddit.checked) {
				/*OMG I’M LOST*/
	return alta;
function createA(text, link, title, tgt) {
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function createCoolSubmit(txt) {
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function weirdobg() {
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	try {
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	} catch(e) {}
	return weirdo;
function createButtor(type) {
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function createButtol(txt, val) {
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		var slang;
		var title = this.getAttribute("title");
		if (title && title.length > 0 && (slang = getSibling(this.parentNode, "select", null, true))) {
			slang.value = this.getAttribute("title");
function isAutoEdit() {
	var ae = xhrForm.form.querySelector("div.auto-editor > input[type='checkbox'][name='edit-work.as_auto_editor']");
	return (ae && ae.checked);
function insertBefore(newSibling, element) {
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function fixSTR(s) {
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function fullwidthToHalfwidth(s) {
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function halfwidthToFullwidth(s) {
	return s.replace(/[!-}]/g, function(a) {
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	}).replace(/\u0020/g, "\u3000");
function maybeJapanese(text) {
	return fullwidthToHalfwidth(text).match(/[ぁ-\uFFFF]/);
function xhrMachine(_job) {
	var job;
	if (_job) {
		job = _job;
	} else {
		if (joblist.length > 0) {
			job = xhrJobs[joblist.shift()];
		} else if (xhrWork.mbid) {
			self.location.href = "/work/" + xhrWork.mbid;
		} else {
			alert("MAXI ERROR NO MBID (OMG BBQ WTF?)\nMaybe reload everything and try again…");
			disable(xhrForm.form, false);
	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
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	xhr.open(job.method ? job.method : "get", job.url, async);
	if (job.params) {
		xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	if (DEBUG) console.log(job.info + "\n" + job.url + "\n" + (job.params ? job.params.replace(/&/g, "\n") : ""));
	if (!async) {
function removeElement(element) {
	return element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
function replaceElement(newElement, oldElement) {
	return oldElement.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, oldElement);