Greasy Fork is available in English.


Intercepts console.log calls to display log messages in a div floating on the page. Tries to be a replacement for normal browser Error Consoles (which can be a little slow to open).

Od 24.01.2015.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           FastJSLogger
// @namespace      FastJSLogger
// @description    Intercepts console.log calls to display log messages in a div floating on the page.  Tries to be a replacement for normal browser Error Consoles (which can be a little slow to open).
// @include        *
// @version
// ==/UserScript==


	// You may configure FastJSLogger before loading it, by putting options in
	// window.FJSL = { startHidden: false, displaySearchFilter: true };

	// var FJSL = {};
	if (!window.FJSL) {
		window.FJSL = {};
	var FJSL = window.FJSL;

	FJSL.defaults = {
		autoHide:    true,       // hides some time after displaying, even if you are focused on it!
		startHidden: true,
		logTimeouts: false,
		logEvents:   true,            // Log any activity over the wrapped listeners.
		logCommonMouseEvents: false,  // These can be triggered a lot!
		logChangesToGlobal:   true,   // Logs any new properties which are added to window

		watchWindowForErrors: true,   // Catches and reports DOM error events, including syntax errors from scripts loaded later, and missing images.  BUG: It can hide the line number from Chrome's console - sometimes worth disabling to get that back.
		interceptTimeouts:    true,   // Wraps calls to setTimeout, so any errors thrown may be reported.
		interceptEvents:      true,   // Wraps any listeners registered later, so errors can be caught and reported.

		displaySearchFilter:  false,  // This messes up the size of the textbox on Firefox and Konqueror but not Chrome.

		// Hack to avoid infinite loops.  Disabled since they have stopped!  :)
		// Mute console.log messages repeated to the browser console.
		// (Display them only in the fastlogger, keep the browser log clear for
		// warnings, errors and info messages.)
		// TODO: Similarly, we may want to mute log messages in the FJSL, and only
		// show info/warn/errors.
		muteLogRepeater: 0,

		logNodeInsertions:     false, // Watch for and report DOMNodeInserted events.

		bringBackTheStatusBar: true   // TODO: add fake statusbar div, watch window.status for change?

	for (var k in FJSL.defaults) {
		if (FJSL[k] === undefined) {
			FJSL[k] = FJSL.defaults[k];

	if (this.localStorage) {
		// TODO: Recall and store FJSL preferences in localStorage.
		// UNWANTED: During testing, I am toggling this setting.
		// FJSL.interceptTimeouts = !Boolean(localStorage['fastjslogger_interceptTimeouts']);
		localStorage['fastjslogger_interceptTimeouts'] = FJSL.interceptTimeouts;

	// This fails to intercept GM_log calls from other userscripts.
	// However it intercepts everything when we run bookmarklets.

	// Partly DONE: We may be able to capture errors by overriding setTimeout,
	// setInterval, XMLHttpRequest and any other functions which use callbacks,
	// with our own versions which attempt the callback within a try-catch which
	// logs and throws any intercepted exceptions.
	// Unfortunately wrapping a try-catch around the main scripts in the document
	// (which have alread run) is a bit harder from here.  ;)
	// Aha!  Turns out we can catch those errors with window.onerror!

	// TODO: No thanks to Wikipedia's pre styling(?) I can't set a good default, so we need font zoom buttons!
	// TODO: Add ability to minimize but popup again on new log message.
	// TODO: Report file/line-numbers where possible.  (Split output into table? :E)
	// TODO: Option to watch for new globals.
	// TODO: Options to toggle logging of any intercepted setTimeouts, XMLHttpRequest's etc, in case the reader is interested.

	// TESTING: all DOM events!  TODO: XHR.
	// TESTING: We could even put intercepts on generic functions, in case an error occurs inside them, in a context which we had otherwise failed to intercept.

	// TODO: If the FJSL is wanted for custom logging, not normal console.log
	// logging, we will need to expose a function (FJSL.log()?), and *not*
	// intercept console.log.

	// TODO: Perhaps instead of creating a new console, we should just replace
	// functions in the existing one (and leave anything we haven't altered
	// intact).

	// TODO: See
	// for more log actions.

	var loadFJSL = function(){

		// I did have two running happily in parallel (Chrome userscript and page
		// script) but it is rarely useful.  Perhaps we should close the older one?
		if (document.getElementById("fastJSLogger") != null) {

		// GUI creation library functions

		function addStyle(css) {
			// Konqueror 3.5 does not act on textValue, it requires textContent.
			// innerHTML doesn't work for selectors containing '>'
			var st = newNode("style", { type: "text/css", innerHTML: css } );

		function newNode(tag,data) {
			var elem = document.createElement(tag);
			if (data) {
				for (var prop in data) {
					elem[prop] = data[prop];
			return elem;

		function newSpan(text) {
			return newNode("span",{textContent:text});

		function addCloseButtonTo(elem) {

			var b = document.createElement("button");
			b.textContent = "X"; = 2000;

			b.onclick = function() {
				GM_log("[",b,"] Destroying:",elem); = 'none';
			}; = 'right';   // BUG: not working in FF4!


		// == Main Feature - Present floating popup for log messages ==

		// Cleaner to expose the div via id?  It may have been removed from DOM!
		// We could fetch logDiv from FJSL when needed?
		var logDiv = null;
		var logContainer = null;

		var autoHideTimer = null;

		var oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;

		function createGUI() {

			var css = "";
			css += " .fastJSLogger { position: fixed; right: 8px; top: 8px; width: 40%; /*max-height: 90%; height: 320px;*/ background-color: #ffffcc; color: black; border: 1px solid black; z-index: 10000; } ";
			css += " .fastJSLogger > span { max-height: 10%; }";
			// css += " .fastJSLogger > pre  { max-height: 90%; overflow: auto; }";
			//// On the pre, max-height: 90% is not working, but specifying px does.
			var maxHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.8 | 0;
			css += " .fastJSLogger > pre  { max-height: "+maxHeight+"px; overflow: auto; word-wrap: break-word; }";
			css += " .fastJSLogger > pre  { padding: 0.4em; }";
			// Must set the colors again, in case the page defined its own bg or fg color for pres that conflicts ours.
			css += " .fastJSLogger > pre  { background-color: #ffffcc; color: black; }";
			// css += " .fastJSLogger > pre > input { width: 100%, background-color: #888888; }";
			css += " .fastJSLogger        { opacity: 0.8; } ";
			css += " .fastJSLogger:hover  { opacity: 1.0; } ";
			if (
				css += " .fastJSLogger > pre  { font-size: 60%; }";
				css += " .fastJSLogger > pre { font-size: 85%; } ";

			// Add var before logDiv to break hideLogger()!
			logDiv = newNode("div",{ id: 'fastJSLogger', className: 'fastJSLogger' });
			if (FJSL.startHidden) {

			// = 'fixed';
			// = '20px';
			// = '20px';

			// @todo refactor
			// I/O: logDiv, logContainer

			var heading = newSpan("FastJSLogger");

			// addCloseButtonTo(logDiv);

			var closeButton = newSpan("[X]"); = 'right'; = 'pointer'; = '5px';
			closeButton.onclick = function() { logDiv.parentNode.removeChild(logDiv); };

			var logContainer = newNode("pre");

			var rollupButton = newSpan("[-]"); = 'right'; = 'pointer'; = '10px';
			rollupButton.onclick = function() {
				if ( == 'none') { = '';
					rollupButton.textContent = "[-]";
				} else { = 'none';
					rollupButton.textContent = "[+]";

			if (FJSL.displaySearchFilter) {
				function createSearchFilter(logDiv,logContainer) {
					var searchFilter = document.createElement("input");
					searchFilter.type = 'text'; = 'right'; = '5px';
					searchFilter.onchange = function(evt) {
						var searchText = this.value;
						// console.log("Searching for "+searchText);
						var logLines = logContainer.childNodes;
						for (var i=0;i<logLines.length;i++) {
							if (logLines[i].textContent.indexOf(searchText) >= 0) {
								logLines[i].style.display = '';
							} else {
								logLines[i].style.display = 'none';
					return searchFilter;
				var searchFilter = createSearchFilter(logDiv,logContainer);
				// logDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));


			return [logDiv,logContainer];


		function addToFastJSLog(a,b,c) {

			// Make FJSL visible if hidden

			if (logContainer) {

				// We cannot do arguments.join (FF4)
				var out = "";
				for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) {
					var obj = arguments[i];
					var str = ""+obj;
					// Non-standard: inform type if toString() is dull.
					if (str === "[object Object]" && typeof obj === 'object' /*&& obj!==null*/) {
						if (obj.constructor) {
							str = "[object ""]";
						} else {
							// str += " [no type]";
					if (str.length > 202) {
						str = shortenString(str);
					var gap = (i>0?' ':'');
					out += gap + str;

				if (logContainer.childNodes.length >= 1000) {

				// logContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
				// logContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(out));
				// logContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode("div")).textContent = out;
				// var d = document.createElement("div");
				// = 'Monospaced';
				var d = document.createElement("div");
				d.textContent = out;

				// Scroll to bottom
				// TODO: This is undesirable if the scrollbar was not already at the bottom, i.e. the user has scrolled up manually and is trying to read earlier log entries!
				logContainer.scrollTop = logContainer.scrollHeight;


			if (autoHideTimer !== null) {
				autoHideTimer = null;
			if (FJSL.autoHide) {
				// Never log this setTimeout!  That produces an infinite loop!
				autoHideTimer = oldSetTimeout(hideLogger,15 * 1000);

			return d;


		function showLogger() {
			if (logDiv) { = '';
				//// BUG: Transition is not working!  Perhaps it only works when switching between CSS classes.
				// = 'opacity';
				// = '2s'; = 1.0;

		function hideLogger() {
			if (logDiv) { = 'none';
				// = 'opacity';
				// = '2s';
				// = 0.0;

		var k = createGUI();
		logDiv = k[0];
		logContainer = k[1];

		// target.console.log("FastJSLogger loaded this="+this+" GM_log="+typeof this.GM_log);
		// console.log("interceptTimeouts is "+(FJSL.interceptTimeouts?"ENABLED":"DISABLED"));

		// Intercept messages for console.log if it exists.
		// Create console.log if it does not exist.

		var oldConsole = this.console; // When running as a userscript in Chrome, cannot see this.console!
		var oldGM_log = this.GM_log;

		var target = ( this.unsafeWindow ? this.unsafeWindow : window );

		// Replace the old console
		target.console = {};

		var preventInfLoop = null;

		target.console.log = function(a,b,c) {

			// I tried disabling this and regretted it!
			// My Console bookmarklet can cause an infloop with FJSL if you want to test it.
			if (a+b+c === preventInfLoop) {
			preventInfLoop = a+b+c;

			// Replicate to the old loggers we intercepted (overrode)

			if (oldConsole && oldConsole.log && !FJSL.muteLogRepeater) {
				// Some browsers dislike use of .call and .apply here, e.g. GM in FF4.
				// So to avoid "oldConsole.log is not a function":
				try {
				} catch (e) {
					// Ugly chars to signify that sucky fallback is being used

			//// WARNING: *This* is the cause of infinite console.logging, if it has been implemented by FallbackGMAPI.
			//// Solution: FBGMAPI should take a reference to console when creating it's GM_log, not waiting until later to look for the console.
			if (oldGM_log) {

			return addToFastJSLog.apply(this,arguments);


		//// NOT TESTED.  Intercept Greasemonkey log messages.  (Worth noting we have disabled calls *to* GM_log above.)
		// this.GM_log = target.console.log;

		// The rest is all optional so may be stripped for minification.

		/* Provide/intercept */

		target.console.error = function(a,b,c) {
			// We can get away with this in Chrome!

			var args =,0);

			if (oldConsole) {
				if (oldConsole.error) {
				} else {

			// TODO CONSIDER: if (a instanceof Error) { ... report stack? }
			if (a instanceof Error) {
				addToFastJSLog.apply(this,args); // ,'\n'+getStack(2,20).join("\n"));
				return target.console.error(""+a.stack);

			return addToFastJSLog.apply(this,args); // ,'\n'+getStack(2,20).join("\n"));

		// Could generalise the two functions below:

		target.console.warn = function(a,b,c) {
			var args =,0);
			// args.push(""+getCallerFromStack());
			if (oldConsole) {
				if (oldConsole.warn) {
				} else {
			//// This was quite useful on one occasion.  But not in the presence of lots of warnings!
			// logStack(getStackFromCaller());
			//// It appeared before the warn line in FJSL, although in the correct order in Chrome's console.

			// CONSIDER: I guess we should forward the log-level as an argument to
			// addToFastJSLog, so it can decide whether to mark or color entries.
			// OTOH we are marking here, which is kind of a good place!
			// So perhaps we should forward level marker and color, like cool_logger does.
			// addToFastJSLog can decide whether to ignore them based on options (bare/mono).
			return addToFastJSLog.apply(this,args);
		}; = function(a,b,c) {
			var args =,0);
			if (oldConsole) {
				if ( {,arguments);
				} else {
			return addToFastJSLog.apply(this,args);

		target.console.error = function(e) {
			// target.console.log("[ERROR]",e,e.stack);
			var newArgs = [];
			for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) {
			try {
				newArgs.push("(reported from function "")");
				// console.error("caller = "+arguments.callee.caller);
				// console.error("stack = "+e.stack);
			} catch (e) {

		// Some more library functions:

		function tryToDo(fn,target,args) {

			try {

				return true;

			} catch (e) {
				// Actually hard to read!
				// var prettyFn = fn; // (""+fn) .replace(/\n/g,'\\n');
				var fnName = fn &&;
				if (!fnName) {
					fnName = "<anonymous>";
				// console.log("[ERR]",e,prettyFn);
				// console.log("[Exception]",e,"from "+fnName+"()");
				if (e.stack) {
					console.error("!! "+e.stack);
				} else if (e.lineNumber) {
					console.error("!! "+e+" on "+e.lineNumber+")");
				} else {
				// var prettyFn = (""+fn).replace(/\n/,/ /,'g');
				var prettyFn = shortenString(fn);
				console.error("occurred when calling: "+prettyFn);
				// throw e;
				// Unfortunately even Chrome dev shows the throw as coming from here!
				// So it is better if we leave it alone.
				return false;


		function showObject(obj) {
			return "{ " + Object.keys(obj).map(function(prop) {
				return prop+": "+shortenString(obj[prop]);
			}).join(", ") + " }";

		function getXPath(node) {
			var parent = node.parentNode;
			if (!parent) {
				return '';
			var siblings = parent.childNodes;
			var totalCount = 0;
			var thisCount = -1;
			for (var i=0;i<siblings.length;i++) {
				var sibling = siblings[i];
				if (sibling.nodeType == node.nodeType) {
				if (sibling == node) {
					thisCount = totalCount;
			return getXPath(parent) + '/' + node.nodeName.toLowerCase() + (totalCount>1 ? '[' + thisCount + ']' : '' );

		function getStack(drop,max) {
			var stack;
			try {
				throw new Error("Dummy for getStack");
			} catch (e) {
				stack = e.stack.split('\n').slice(drop).slice(0,max);
			return stack;

		// What frame/function called the function which called us?
		function getCallerFromStack() {
			return getStack(4,1);

		// The frame/function which called our caller, and all above it.
		function getStackFromCaller() {
			return getStack(4,-1);

		function logStack(stack) {
			for (var i=0;i<stack.length;i++) {

		// == Error Interceptors ==

		// Whenever a callback is placed, we should wrap it!
		// DONE:
		//   event listeners (added after we run)
		//   setTimeout
		// TODO:
		//   setInterval
		//   XMLHttpRequest

		// We could even wrap any standard functions which are common sources of
		// Errors, in case we fail to catch them any other way.

		if (FJSL.watchWindowForErrors) {
			// Registers a window.onerror event handler, which catches DOM Errors like
			// img elements which failed to load their src resource.
			function handleError(evt) {

				if (!FJSL.firstWindowErrorEvent) {
					FJSL.firstWindowErrorEvent = evt;
				//// Expose this event for inspection
				FJSL.lastWindowErrorEvent = evt;
				// console.log("Error caught by FJSL:");
				// console.log(evt);
				// console.log(Object.keys(evt));
				// target.console.error(evt.filename+":"+evt.lineno+" "+evt.message+" ["+evt.srcElement+"]",evt);

				// In fact repeating these to the browser log is redundant, since the
				// browser is likely to report these errors anyway.
				// Therefore, we could use addToFastJSLog instead of console.log below.

				// Chrome sometimes gives us a message, sometimes doesn't.
				if (evt.message) {
					// This is what Chrome provides for an error thrown by a page script.
					// In Chrome this event object contains neither an Error nor a stack-trace.
					// Also the current stack-trace is uninformative (see nothing about the call to handleError.)
					// So we don't use the following: , evt, getStack(0,99).join('\n')
					console.error("[Caught Error] "+evt.message+" "+evt.filename+":"+evt.lineno);
				} else {
					var report = '[Caught Unknown Error] ';
					report += "type="+evt.type+" ";

					// For some errors neither Firefox nor Chrome give us a message.
					// But sometimes we can peek into the element that fired the error.
					// If it was an image, then its src attribute may be useful.
					var elem = evt.srcElement ||;
					if (elem) {
						report += "From element "+elem+" ";
						try {
							report += "with src="+elem.src+" ";
						} catch (e) { }

					if (elem == window) {
						FJSL.lastEE = evt;

					if (!elem) {
						// Firefox 14 was providing only a constructor function in the event,
						// so I wonder if calling it will reproduce the error for us.  Either
						// that, or it will try to construct an event object.  :P
						// I will probably remove this if I see it again and confirm that it's useless.
						// I did get a HUGE string from Firefox which was pretty interesting.
						// But it's not what we were looking for.
						if (typeof evt.constructor == "function") {
							try {
								var result = evt.constructor();
								if (result) {
									console.error(report + "Constructor result: "+result);
							} catch (e) {
								// I think in Firefox this gives us useful information.
								// TODO: But I have seen us reach here in Chrome, with an error "cannot call DOM Object constructor" presumably meaning out evt.constructor() call was forbidden, and we should look elsewhere for information.
								report += "(Constructor error: \""+e+"\") ";
								// Dirty cheat expose it for dev/debugger:
								evt.FJSLconstructorError = e;
								// I have come to the conclusion that although they are different, the errors I get in both Firefox and Chrome are errors about the way I have called the constructor, and not any useful error I was after :P
								// FF: Timestamp: 29/07/12 18:10:14
								// Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS: Not enough arguments
								console.log("[Constructor Error]",e);
								throw e;

			// document.body.addEventListener("error",handleError,true);

		function shortenString(s) {
			s = ""+s;
			s = s.replace(/\n[ \t]+/,'\\n ','g');
			s = s.replace(/\n/,'\\n','g');
			s = s.replace(/\t/,'  ','g');
			if (s.length>202) {
				s = s.substring(0,202)+"...";
			return s;

		if (FJSL.interceptTimeouts) {

			window.setTimeout = function(fn,ms) {
				if (FJSL.logTimeouts) {
					// TODO: We used to pass ,fn to log here.  That was nice in Chrome, because we can fold it open or closed, but too spammy for plain FJSL.  Recommendation: Refactor out prettyShow() fn which will determine browser and provide raw object for chrome or shortened string for noob browsers?"[EVENT] setTimeout() called: "+ms+", "+shortenString(fn));
				var wrappedFn = function(){

					// We can catch the error here, but if we do, even if we throw it again, the Chrome debugger shows this function as the source.
					// It is preferable to let the error fall up to Chrome, so we can easily jump to the line number.
					// Unfortunately, if we don't catch the error, we can't report it to FJSL!

					if (typeof fn === 'string') {
						var str = fn;
						fn = function(){ eval(str); };
					if (!typeof fn === 'function') {
						throw new Error("[FJSL] setTimeout was not given a function!",fn);

					var passed = tryToDo(fn);

					if (!passed) {

						// tryToDo has caught and reported the Error, but it is nice to let
						// it fall out to the browser, since browsers often have nifty features.

						console.log("Re-running to reproduce stack-trace (may fail)");
						throw new Error("Re-run failed to produce any error!",fn);



				return oldSetTimeout(wrappedFn,ms);


		// == General Info Logging Utilities ==

		if (FJSL.logNodeInsertions) {
			document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) {
				if ( === logContainer || === logContainer) {
				// console.log("[DOMNodeInserted]: target=",," event=",evt);
				// console.log("[DOMNodeInserted]:",evt,,"path="+getXPath(,"html=";
				console.log("[DOMNodeInserted]: path="+getXPath(" html=",evt);
			}, true);

		if (FJSL.interceptEvents) {

			var realAddEventListener = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
			// HTMLElement.prototype.oldAddEventListener = realAddEventListener;
			HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = function(type,handler,capture,other){
				if (FJSL.logEvents) {
					// Note niceFunc is re-used later, so don't remove this!
					var niceFunc = || (""+handler).substring(0,80).replace(/\n/," ",'g').replace(/[ \t]*/," ",'g')+"...";
					/*"[EVENTS] Listening for "+type+" events on "+getXPath(this)+" with handler "+niceFunc);,3).join("\n"));
				var newHandler = function(evt) {
					if (FJSL.logEvents) {
						var isNastyMouseEvent = ["mousemove","mouseover","mouseout"].indexOf(evt.type) >= 0;
						if (!isNastyMouseEvent || FJSL.logCommonMouseEvents) {
							if ( == logContainer) {
								// Do not log events in the console's log area, such as DOMNodeInserted!
							} else {
								// console.log("("+type+") on ";
								//"[EVENT] "+type+" on "+getXPath(;
								// console.log("[EVENT] "+type+" on "+getXPath(" evt="+showObject(evt));"[EVENT] "+type+" on "+getXPath(" being handled by "+niceFunc);
				// tryToDo(realAddEventListener,this,type,handler,capture,other);
				var that = this;


		if (FJSL.logChangesToGlobal) {
			function newChangeWatcher() {
				var checkSpeed = 4000;
				var watcher = {};
				var global = window;
				var knownKeys = {};
				var firstCheck = true;
				function checkGlobal() {
					if (FJSL.logChangesToGlobal) {
						for (var key in global) {
							if (knownKeys[key] === undefined) {
								if (!firstCheck) {
									var obj = global[key];
									console.log("[NEW_GLOBAL] "+key+" =",obj);
								knownKeys[key] = 1;
						firstCheck = false;
				return watcher;
			var changeWatcher = newChangeWatcher();


	if (document.body) {
	} else {
		// doc bod may not exist if we are loaded in the HEAD!  Better wait till later...
		// But we would quite like to start doing stuff now anyway!
		// TODO: Load what we can immediately, delay only things we must.
		// E.g. start capturing text, even if we can't display it yet.
