Manga Loader

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites

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This scripts allows you to load entire chapters from manga sites in a long strip format (all images on one page).

It is a very simple and lightweight script that tries to do away with the bloat that many other similar scripts have.

Tip: To zoom into the manga on pages with small images just use your browsers built in zooming, usually easy to do from the browser menu or by pressing ctrl (cmd for macs) and +/-

When you reach a page that supports this userscript a button will appear with the text "Load Manga", click that to load the manga into the current page.

If you prefer that the userscript loads automatically whenever possible then "Enable manga autoload" from the greasemonkey/tampermonkey command menu for this userscript.

NEW in v1.3.0: By default all the images in the chapter are loaded in one go, but there is an alternative, you can make the userscript load 10 images at a time (loading more intelligently as you scroll near the bottom) by toggling the "Load 10 pages at a time" setting in the greasemonkey/tampermonkey command menu for this userscript. You might want to enable this if you're experiencing broken images or browser slowdowns, especially when loading a manga with a lot of pages in it.

How to get to the menu options for this script

In chrome click the tampermonkey icon while on a manga page and you'll see the options in the left column. In firefox click the dropdown arrow beside the greasemonkey icon while on a manga page and then hover over "userscript commands" and you'll see the options.

Supported Sites

SFW (Relatively)

  • Batoto
  • Mangafox
  • Mangastream
  • Mangareader
  • Mangahere
  • Mangapanda
  • Mangadeer
  • MangaCow


  • Fakku
  • NowShelf