// ==UserScript==
// @name Insanejournal Batch Icon Crediting
// @namespace https://wastintime.insanejournal.com/
// @version 0.1.4
// @description Update your icon credit lines in a batch.
// @author gracefulally
// @match https://www.insanejournal.com/editpics.bml
// @match https://www.dreamwidth.org/manage/icons
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=insanejournal.com
// @copyright 2023+, Allyson Moisan
// @license MIT License
// @supportURL https://wastintime.insanejournal.com/149281.html#comments
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function addForm(){
'use strict';
const art = document.createElement("article"), f = document.createElement("form"), fs = document.createElement("fieldset"),
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l4 = document.createElement("label"), l5 = document.createElement("label"), l6 = document.createElement("label"),
b1 = document.createElement("button"), b2 = document.createElement("button"), b3 = document.createElement("button");
art.id = "gmPopupContainer";
sect.id = "outerSection";
l.innerHTML = "Update Icon Credit For:";
p1.id = "radioContainer"; p2.id = "rangeContainer"; p3.id = "creditContainer"; p4.id = "buttonContainer";
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l1.id = "labelR1"; l2.id = "labelR2"; l3.id = "labelR3";
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r1.type = "radio"; r1.id = "radioAll"; r1.name = "radioButtons"; r1.value = "all";
r2.type = "radio"; r2.id = "radioBlank"; r2.name = "radioButtons"; r2.value = "blank";
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l1.innerHTML = "All"; l2.innerHTML = "Blank Only"; l3.innerHTML = "Range";
i1.type = "text"; i1.id = "creditText"; i1.value = "";
i2.type = "text"; i2.id = "rangeStart"; i2.value = "";
i3.type = "text"; i3.id = "rangeEnd"; i3.value = "";
l4.innerHTML = "Credit:"; l5.innerHTML = "Start:"; l6.innerHTML = "End:";
o.id = "updateOutput"; o.innerHTML = " ";
b1.id = "gmUpdateBtn"; b1.type = "button"; b1.innerHTML = "Update Credit";
b2.id = "gmCloseBtn"; b2.type = "button"; b2.innerHTML = "Clear Form";
b3.id = "gmCloseBtn"; b3.type = "button"; b3.innerHTML = "Close Form";
r1.addEventListener("click", checkRadios, "r1");
r2.addEventListener("click", checkRadios, "r2");
r3.addEventListener("click", checkRadios, "r3");
b1.addEventListener("click", doUpdate);
b2.addEventListener("click", clearForm);
b3.addEventListener("click", closeForm);
art.style.display = "flex"; art.style["justify-content"] = "center"; art.style["flex-direction"] = "column";
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fs.appendChild(l); fs.appendChild(p1); fs.appendChild(p2); fs.appendChild(p3);
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sect.appendChild(f); art.appendChild(sect);
document.getElementById("radioBlank").checked = true;
function checkRadios(event){
const radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="radioButtons"]'), p2 = document.getElementById("rangeContainer");
let selectedRadio;
for (const radioButton of radioButtons) {
if (radioButton.checked) {
selectedRadio = radioButton.value;
if(selectedRadio === "range"){
p2.style.display = "flex";
} else {
p2.style.display = "none";
function doUpdate(event) {
const radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="radioButtons"]'),
i1 = document.getElementById("creditText"), i2 = document.getElementById("rangeStart"), i3 = document.getElementById("rangeEnd"),
o = document.getElementById("updateOutput"), elements = document.getElementsByClassName("userpic_comments");
var i = 0, j = elements.length, all = true, keepGoing = true;
let selectedRadio;
for (const radioButton of radioButtons) {
if (radioButton.checked) {
selectedRadio = radioButton.value;
if(selectedRadio === "blank"){
all = false;
} else if (selectedRadio === "range") {
i = parseInt(i2.value, 10);
j = parseInt(i3.value, 10);
if(Number.isNaN(i) || Number.isNaN(j)){
keepGoing = false;
} else {
for(i; i < j; i++){
var e = elements[i].getElementsByClassName("text")[0];
if(all || e.value.length == 0){
e.value = i1.value;
o.innerHTML = "Credit(s) updated. Remember to Save Settings!";
o.style.display = "flex";
} else {
o.innerHTML = "Start and End must be numbers!";
o.style.display = "flex";
function clearForm(event){
const o = document.getElementById("updateOutput"), r2 = document.getElementById("radioBlank"), i1 = document.getElementById("creditText"),
i2 = document.getElementById("rangeStart"), i3 = document.getElementById("rangeEnd"), p2 = document.getElementById("rangeContainer");
i1.value = "";
i2.value = "";
i3.value = "";
r2.checked = "true";
p2.style.display = "none"
o.innerHTML = " "; o.style.display = "none";
function closeForm(event){
var e = document.getElementById("gmPopupContainer");
if (e.style.display === "none") {
e.style.display = "flex";
} else {
e.style.display = "none";