// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube検索結果「全てキューに入れて再生」ボタンを追加
// @description musictonicの代わり 右クリックだとシャッフル再生 e:カーソル下の動画をキューに入れる y:再生開始 Alt+c:視聴中の再生リストをURLにしてコピー
// @version 0.1.17
// @run-at document-idle
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @match *://www.youtube.com/
// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
// @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js
// @grant GM.setClipboard
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/181558
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
const CLOSE_MINI_PLAYER_ALWAYS = 1; // 1:Escでミニプレイヤーを常に閉じる
const AGREE_TO_CONTINUE_ALWAYS = 1; // 1:無操作一時停止を常に解除
const HIDE_SUGGEST = 1000; // 1-:検索結果に割り込む「あなたへのおすすめ」「他の人はこちらも視聴しています」「家にいながら学ぶ」を隠す
const YOUTUBE_WATCH_ALTC_VARIATIONS = 3; // Alt+Cの機能を何番目まで使うか 1:通常のみ 2:動画IDの列挙 3:動画URLの列挙
const COE = 1; // chrome以外のウエイト係数 取りこぼす時は大きく
const COE_CHROME = 1; // chromeのウエイト係数 取りこぼす時は大きく
const CHROME = (window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') != -1);
const WAIT_FIRST = CHROME ? 700 : 200; // 取りこぼす時は大きく
const WAIT_MIN = CHROME ? 190 : 160; // 取りこぼす時は大きく 50-
const WAIT_MAX = 300; // 取りこぼす時は大きく 250-
const waitLast = performance.now() * 1; // 現在の負荷
const wait = Math.round((Math.min(WAIT_MAX, Math.max(WAIT_MIN, waitLast / 10))) * (CHROME ? COE_CHROME : COE));
const DEBUG = 0; // 1:wait値を表示
String.prototype.match0 = function(re) { let tmp = this.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
let inYOUTUBE = location.hostname.match0(/^www\.youtube\.com|^youtu\.be/);
var videoDisplayedLast = 0;
var lastLength = 0;
var mllID = 0;
var kaisuu = 0;
var playAllCount;
var myqueue = [];
var href = location.href;
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
if (href !== location.href) {
href = location.href;
setTimeout(() => {
lastLength = 0;
}, 1500);
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
setTimeout(() => { run(); }, 1009);
setInterval(() => { hideSuggest() }, 1511);
setInterval(() => {
if (eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[text()="動画が一時停止されました。続きを視聴しますか?"]')) {
elegeta('//yt-formatted-string[@class="style-scope yt-button-renderer style-blue-text size-default" and text()="はい"]').forEach(e => e.click());
}, 3001);
var mousex = 0;
var mousey = 0;
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
mousex = e.clientX;
mousey = e.clientY;
}, false);
if (CLOSE_MINI_PLAYER_ALWAYS) setInterval(() => { // ミニプレイヤーを常に閉じる
let e = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@id="text" and @class="style-scope yt-button-renderer style-blue-text size-default" and text()="プレーヤーを閉じる"]');
if (e) e.click();
}, 701);
document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.getAttribute('contenteditable') === 'true' || (inYOUTUBE && (document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages') || document.activeElement.closest('ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
var key = (e.shiftKey ? "Shift+" : "") + (e.altKey ? "Alt+" : "") + (e.ctrlKey ? "Ctrl+" : "") + e.key;
if (key === "e") { // e::enqueue
var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
var ancestorEle = getTitleFromParent(ele, 0, '//ytd-item-section-renderer|//ytd-playlist-video-renderer|//ytd-grid-video-renderer|//div[@id="dismissible" and @class="style-scope ytd-video-renderer"]|//div[@id="dismissible" and @class="style-scope ytd-rich-grid-media"]|//ytd-compact-video-renderer');
if (!ancestorEle) return false
let menuButton = elegeta('//yt-icon[@class="style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"]', ancestorEle);
if (menuButton.length == 1) {
setTimeout(() => { ancestorEle.style.opacity = 0.5 }, 0)
setTimeout(() => { ancestorEle.style.opacity = 0.5 }, 17 * 2)
setTimeout(() => { ancestorEle.style.opacity = 1 }, 17 * 4)
setTimeout(() => { menuButton[0].click() }, 0);
setTimeout(() => {
let queue = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[text()="キューに追加"]|//yt-formatted-string[text()="Add to queue"]');
if (queue) queue.click();
}, 100)
return false;
if (key === "y" && !/\/watch/.test(location.href)) { // y::start playing
cli('//div[contains(@class,\"ytp-miniplayer-play-button-container\")]/button[@aria-label=\"再生(k)\"]|//button[@class="ytp-play-button ytp-button" and @aria-label="Play (k)"]')
if (!(location.href.match(/\/watch\?v=/))) cli('//div[@class="ytp-miniplayer-scrim"]/button[@aria-label="拡大(i)"]|//div[@class="ytp-miniplayer-scrim"]/button[@aria-label="Expand (i)"]', 111, "infinity");
setTimeout(() => { let e = eleget0('//video'); if (e) { e.play(); } }, 222);
return false;
if (key === "Alt+c" && /\/watch/.test(location.href)) { // Alt+c::視聴中の再生リストをURLにしてコピー
let eles = elegeta('//ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer[@id="playlist-items"]/a');
let eles2 = [...new Set(eles.map(c => c.href.match0(/\?v=([^&]+)/)))].slice(0, 50); // 重複削除
if (eles.length) {
let indexEle = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@class="index-message style-scope ytd-playlist-panel-renderer"]/span[1]|//div/div[@id="secondary-inner" and @class="style-scope ytd-watch-flexy"]/ytd-playlist-panel-renderer[@id="playlist" and @class="style-scope ytd-watch-flexy" and @js-panel-height="" and @collapsible="" and @playlist-type="TLPQ"]/div/div[1]/div[@id="header-contents"]/div[@id="header-top-row" and contains(@class,"style-scope ytd-playlist-panel-renderer")]/div[@id="header-description"]/div/div/span');
let indexNo = indexEle && indexEle.textContent ? indexEle.textContent.match0(/(\d+)/mi) - 1 : 0;
let indexUrlQP = indexNo > 0 ? `&index=${indexNo}` : "";
elegeta("#link4bm").forEach(e => e.remove())
if (kaisuu == 2) {
list = [...new Set(elegeta('//h4[@class=\"style-scope ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer\"]/span[@id=\"video-title\"]').map(e => { return e.textContent.trim() + "\n" + e.closest('a').href.trim().replace(/&.*/, "") + "\n" }).map(a => JSON.stringify(a)))].map(a => JSON.parse(a)).join("")
popup(list, "#303060")
GM.setClipboard(list + "");
} else if (kaisuu == 1) {
let list = "," + eles2.join(",")
GM.setClipboard(list + "\n");
} else {
var cb = kaisuu == 2 ? `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${eles2[0]}?playlist=${ eles2.join(",")}` : "https://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=" + eles2.join(",") + indexUrlQP;
var embedHTML = `<iframe referrerpolicy="no-referrer" src="${cb}" id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width=320 height=180 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen>`
var cb2 = cb
var cbEsc = (cb2).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''')
var title = `▶ ${indexNo+1}/${eles2.length} ${document.title}`
popup(document.title + "\n" + cb)
GM.setClipboard(document.title + "\n" + cb2 + "\n");
$(`<div style="font-size:14px;" id="link4bm">${kaisuu==2?"埋め込み":"ブックマーク"}用リンク(${eles2.length})<br><a href=${cb}>${title}</a></div>`).hide(0).insertBefore($(elegeta('//div/ytd-playlist-panel-renderer'))).show(150).delay(9999).hide(250, function() { $(this).remove() })
let eley = 0; //$(".cccbox").offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + $(quoteDesEle).outerHeight() + 1;
let marginheight = $('#link4bm').offset().top; //Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight) - eley
let eleheight = $("#cccbox").height() + 4
if (marginheight / eleheight < 1) $("#cccbox").css({ "transform-origin": "top right", "transform": `scale(${Math.max(0.2,marginheight/eleheight)})` })
return false
}, false)
function hideSuggest() {
if (HIDE_SUGGEST && location.href.indexOf('www.youtube.com/results?') !== -1) {
['//div/div/span[@id="title" and (text()="Learn while you\'re at home" or text()="For you" or text()="People also watched" or text()="家にいながら学ぶ" or text()="あなたへのおすすめ" or text()="他の人はこちらも視聴しています")]/../../../../..', // 縦横
'//div[@class="style-scope ytd-shelf-renderer"]/h2[@class="style-scope ytd-shelf-renderer"]/span[@id="title" and contains(@class,"style-scope ytd-shelf-renderer") and (text()="Learn while you\'re at home" or text()="For you" or text()="People also watched" or text()="家にいながら学ぶ" or text()="あなたへのおすすめ" or text()="他の人はこちらも視聴しています")]/../../../..', // 縦1列
].forEach(xp => {
$(elegeta(xp)).hide(HIDE_SUGGEST, function() { $(this).remove() }); // 検索結果に割り込むサジェストを隠す
function run(node = document) {
if (location.href == "https://www.youtube.com/" ||
location.href.match(/https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/results\?.*(q=|search_query=)/) ||
location.href.match("//www.youtube.com/channel/.*/search|//www.youtube.com/user/.*/search") ||
(location.href.match("//www.youtube.com/channel/|//www.youtube.com/c/|//www.youtube.com/user/") && !(location.href.match("/community|/channels|/about|/playlists"))) ||
location.href.match("//www.youtube.com/playlist") ||
location.href.match("//www.youtube.com/watch")) {
var place = eleget0('//div[@id="center" and @class="style-scope ytd-masthead"]');
} else return;
if (place) {
var playAllButton = $('<span class="ignoreMe" style="cursor:pointer;color:var(--yt-spec-icon-active-other); text-align:center; font-size:15px; " title="クリックで画面に出ている動画を全てキューに入れて再生(右クリックだとシャッフル)\nEnqueue all displayed videos and start playing (right-click to shuffle)" id="playAllButton">Play All</span>')
playAllButton.on("contextmenu", () => { playAll("shuffle"); return false; });
playAllButton.on("click", () => { playAll(); return false; });
if (!playAllCount) {
playAllCount = setInterval(() => {
let currentLength = elegeta('//yt-icon[@class="style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"]').length;
if (lastLength != currentLength) $('#playAllButton').html("Play All (" + currentLength + ")" + (DEBUG ? "<br>wait:" + wait : ""));
lastLength = currentLength;
}, 1000);
function pauseVideo() {
let e = eleget0('//video');
if (e) { e.pause(); } else { setTimeout(pauseVideo, 17) }
function playAll(option = false) {
setTimeout(pauseVideo, 17);
let videoLength = elegeta('//yt-icon[@class="style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"]', document, 0).length;
//notifyMe(videoLength * 2)
elegeta('//ytd-rich-item-renderer|//div[@id="dismissible"]', document.body, 0).forEach(e => { e.remove(); });
let d = 0;
let videoEle = elegeta('//yt-icon[@class="style-scope ytd-menu-renderer"]');
for (let e of (option == "shuffle" ? shuffle(videoEle) : videoEle)) {
setTimeout(() => { e.click() }, d);
if (d == 0) d += WAIT_FIRST + (videoLength * 2); // ?
setTimeout(() => {
let queue = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[text()="キューに追加"]|//yt-formatted-string[text()="Add to queue"]');
if (queue) queue.click();
}, d + wait / 2);
d += wait + (videoLength / 5);
d += wait * Math.min(7000, Math.max(2000, waitLast)) / 1000 + videoLength / 3;
cli('//div[contains(@class,\"ytp-miniplayer-play-button-container\")]/button[@aria-label=\"再生(k)\"]|//button[@class="ytp-play-button ytp-button" and @aria-label="Play (k)"]', d);
d += wait * Math.min(7000, Math.max(2000, waitLast)) / 1000 + videoLength / 3;
if (!(location.href.match(/\/watch\?v=/))) cli('//div[@class="ytp-miniplayer-scrim"]/button[@aria-label="拡大(i)"]|//div[@class="ytp-miniplayer-scrim"]/button[@aria-label="Expand (i)"]', d, "infinity");
d += wait;
setTimeout(() => { let e = eleget0('//video'); if (e) { e.play(); } }, d);
function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
return array;
function cli(xpath, wait, mode = "") { // mode: infinity:押せるまで監視し続ける
setTimeout(() => {
let ele = eleget0(xpath);
if (ele) { ele.click(); } else if (mode === "infinity") { cli(xpath, 200, mode) }
}, wait);
if (eleget0(xpath)) { return true } else { return false }
function elegeta(xpath, node = document, onlyVisible = 1) {
if (!xpath) return [];
if (!/^\.?\/\//.test(xpath)) return document.querySelectorAll(xpath);
try {
var array = [];
var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
let j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ele.snapshotLength; i++) {
let ei = ele.snapshotItem(i);
if (ei.offsetHeight) { if (onlyVisible) { array[j++] = ei; } } else { if (!onlyVisible) { array[j++] = ei; } }
return array;
} catch (e) { return []; }
function eleget0(xpath, node = document) {
if (!xpath) return null;
try {
var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
if (ele.snapshotLength < 1) return "";
let ei = ele.snapshotItem(0);
if (ei.offsetHeight) return ei;
return "";
} catch (e) { return null; }
function notifyMe(body, title = "") {
if (!("Notification" in window)) return;
else if (Notification.permission == "granted") new Notification(title, { body: body });
else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {
if (permission === "granted") new Notification(title, { body: body });
function getTitleFromParent(ele, nodisplay = 0, ancestorXP) { // ele要素の親の出品物タイトルを返す
if (elegeta(ancestorXP).includes(ele)) return ele;
for (let i = 0; i < (9); i++) {
var ele2 = elegeta(ancestorXP, ele);
if (ele2.length === 1) {
return ele2[0];
if (ele === document) return;
ele = ele.parentNode;
if (elegeta(ancestorXP).includes(ele)) return ele
function popup(text, bgcolor = "") {
var e = document.getElementById("cccbox");
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bgcolor = bgcolor || (/www\.translatetheweb\.com|\.translate\.goog\/|translate\.google\.com|\/embed\//gmi.test(location.href + " " + text) ? "#822" : "#6080ff");
ele.innerHTML = `<span id="cccbox" style="all:initial; position: fixed; right:0em; top:0em; z-index:2147483647; opacity:1; word-break:break-all; font-size:${Math.max(11,15-(text.length/300)-((text.match(/<br>/gm)||[]).length/50))}px; font-weight:bold; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important; text-align:none; padding:1px 6px 1px 6px; border-radius:12px; background-color:${bgcolor}; color:white; ">${ text }</span>`;
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