Bilibili 旧播放页


Od 12.12.2022.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bilibili 旧播放页
// @namespace    MotooriKashin
// @version      10.0.6-b275300100e44a7c515b157a7047e3830613493b
// @description  恢复Bilibili旧版页面,为了那些念旧的人。
// @author       MotooriKashin, wly5556
// @homepage
// @supportURL
// @icon
// @match        *://**
// @connect      *
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.deleteValue
// @grant        GM.cookie
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const MODULES = `
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod2) => function __require() {
  return mod2 || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod2 = { exports: {} }).exports, mod2), mod2.exports;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
  if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
    for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
      if (!, key) && key !== except)
        __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
  return to;
var __toESM = (mod2, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod2)) : {}, __copyProps(
  isNodeMode || !mod2 || !mod2.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod2, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
  __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
  return value;

// node_modules/crypt/crypt.js
var require_crypt = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/crypt/crypt.js"(exports2, module2) {
    (function() {
      var base64map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", crypt = {
        rotl: function(n, b) {
          return n << b | n >>> 32 - b;
        rotr: function(n, b) {
          return n << 32 - b | n >>> b;
        endian: function(n) {
          if (n.constructor == Number) {
            return crypt.rotl(n, 8) & 16711935 | crypt.rotl(n, 24) & 4278255360;
          for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
            n[i] = crypt.endian(n[i]);
          return n;
        randomBytes: function(n) {
          for (var bytes = []; n > 0; n--)
            bytes.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
          return bytes;
        bytesToWords: function(bytes) {
          for (var words = [], i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8)
            words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << 24 - b % 32;
          return words;
        wordsToBytes: function(words) {
          for (var bytes = [], b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8)
            bytes.push(words[b >>> 5] >>> 24 - b % 32 & 255);
          return bytes;
        bytesToHex: function(bytes) {
          for (var hex = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
            hex.push((bytes[i] >>> 4).toString(16));
            hex.push((bytes[i] & 15).toString(16));
          return hex.join("");
        hexToBytes: function(hex) {
          for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
            bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
          return bytes;
        bytesToBase64: function(bytes) {
          for (var base64 = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
            var triplet = bytes[i] << 16 | bytes[i + 1] << 8 | bytes[i + 2];
            for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
              if (i * 8 + j * 6 <= bytes.length * 8)
                base64.push(base64map.charAt(triplet >>> 6 * (3 - j) & 63));
          return base64.join("");
        base64ToBytes: function(base64) {
          base64 = base64.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\\/]/ig, "");
          for (var bytes = [], i = 0, imod4 = 0; i < base64.length; imod4 = ++i % 4) {
            if (imod4 == 0)
            bytes.push((base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i - 1)) & Math.pow(2, -2 * imod4 + 8) - 1) << imod4 * 2 | base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i)) >>> 6 - imod4 * 2);
          return bytes;
      module2.exports = crypt;

// node_modules/charenc/charenc.js
var require_charenc = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/charenc/charenc.js"(exports2, module2) {
    var charenc = {
      utf8: {
        stringToBytes: function(str) {
          return charenc.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
        bytesToString: function(bytes) {
          return decodeURIComponent(escape(charenc.bin.bytesToString(bytes)));
      bin: {
        stringToBytes: function(str) {
          for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
            bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
          return bytes;
        bytesToString: function(bytes) {
          for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
          return str.join("");
    module2.exports = charenc;

// node_modules/is-buffer/index.js
var require_is_buffer = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/is-buffer/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    module2.exports = function(obj) {
      return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer);
    function isBuffer(obj) {
      return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === "function" && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj);
    function isSlowBuffer(obj) {
      return typeof obj.readFloatLE === "function" && typeof obj.slice === "function" && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0));

// node_modules/md5/md5.js
var require_md5 = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/md5/md5.js"(exports2, module2) {
    (function() {
      var crypt = require_crypt(), utf8 = require_charenc().utf8, isBuffer = require_is_buffer(), bin = require_charenc().bin, md52 = function(message, options) {
        if (message.constructor == String)
          if (options && options.encoding === "binary")
            message = bin.stringToBytes(message);
            message = utf8.stringToBytes(message);
        else if (isBuffer(message))
          message =, 0);
        else if (!Array.isArray(message) && message.constructor !== Uint8Array)
          message = message.toString();
        var m = crypt.bytesToWords(message), l = message.length * 8, a = 1732584193, b = -271733879, c = -1732584194, d = 271733878;
        for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
          m[i] = (m[i] << 8 | m[i] >>> 24) & 16711935 | (m[i] << 24 | m[i] >>> 8) & 4278255360;
        m[l >>> 5] |= 128 << l % 32;
        m[(l + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = l;
        var FF = md52._ff, GG = md52._gg, HH = md52._hh, II = md52._ii;
        for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i += 16) {
          var aa = a, bb = b, cc = c, dd = d;
          a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 7, -680876936);
          d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 1], 12, -389564586);
          c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 17, 606105819);
          b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 3], 22, -1044525330);
          a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 7, -176418897);
          d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 5], 12, 1200080426);
          c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 17, -1473231341);
          b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 7], 22, -45705983);
          a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 7, 1770035416);
          d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 9], 12, -1958414417);
          c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 17, -42063);
          b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 11], 22, -1990404162);
          a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 7, 1804603682);
          d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 13], 12, -40341101);
          c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 17, -1502002290);
          b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 15], 22, 1236535329);
          a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 5, -165796510);
          d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 6], 9, -1069501632);
          c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 14, 643717713);
          b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 0], 20, -373897302);
          a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 5, -701558691);
          d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 10], 9, 38016083);
          c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 14, -660478335);
          b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 4], 20, -405537848);
          a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 5, 568446438);
          d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 14], 9, -1019803690);
          c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 14, -187363961);
          b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 8], 20, 1163531501);
          a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 5, -1444681467);
          d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 2], 9, -51403784);
          c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 14, 1735328473);
          b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 12], 20, -1926607734);
          a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 4, -378558);
          d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 8], 11, -2022574463);
          c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 16, 1839030562);
          b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 14], 23, -35309556);
          a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 4, -1530992060);
          d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 4], 11, 1272893353);
          c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 16, -155497632);
          b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 10], 23, -1094730640);
          a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 4, 681279174);
          d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 0], 11, -358537222);
          c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 16, -722521979);
          b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 6], 23, 76029189);
          a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 4, -640364487);
          d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 12], 11, -421815835);
          c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 16, 530742520);
          b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 2], 23, -995338651);
          a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 6, -198630844);
          d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 7], 10, 1126891415);
          c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 15, -1416354905);
          b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 5], 21, -57434055);
          a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 6, 1700485571);
          d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 3], 10, -1894986606);
          c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 15, -1051523);
          b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 1], 21, -2054922799);
          a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 6, 1873313359);
          d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 15], 10, -30611744);
          c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 15, -1560198380);
          b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 13], 21, 1309151649);
          a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 6, -145523070);
          d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 11], 10, -1120210379);
          c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 15, 718787259);
          b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 9], 21, -343485551);
          a = a + aa >>> 0;
          b = b + bb >>> 0;
          c = c + cc >>> 0;
          d = d + dd >>> 0;
        return crypt.endian([a, b, c, d]);
      md52._ff = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
        var n = a + (b & c | ~b & d) + (x >>> 0) + t;
        return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
      md52._gg = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
        var n = a + (b & d | c & ~d) + (x >>> 0) + t;
        return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
      md52._hh = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
        var n = a + (b ^ c ^ d) + (x >>> 0) + t;
        return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
      md52._ii = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
        var n = a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + (x >>> 0) + t;
        return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
      md52._blocksize = 16;
      md52._digestsize = 16;
      module2.exports = function(message, options) {
        if (message === void 0 || message === null)
          throw new Error("Illegal argument " + message);
        var digestbytes = crypt.wordsToBytes(md52(message, options));
        return options && options.asBytes ? digestbytes : options && options.asString ? bin.bytesToString(digestbytes) : crypt.bytesToHex(digestbytes);

// node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js
var require_aspromise = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = asPromise;
    function asPromise(fn, ctx) {
      var params = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset2 = 0, index = 2, pending = true;
      while (index < arguments.length)
        params[offset2++] = arguments[index++];
      return new Promise(function executor(resolve, reject) {
        params[offset2] = function callback(err) {
          if (pending) {
            pending = false;
            if (err)
            else {
              var params2 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset3 = 0;
              while (offset3 < params2.length)
                params2[offset3++] = arguments[offset3];
              resolve.apply(null, params2);
        try {
          fn.apply(ctx || null, params);
        } catch (err) {
          if (pending) {
            pending = false;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js
var require_base64 = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var base64 = exports2;
    base64.length = function length(string) {
      var p = string.length;
      if (!p)
        return 0;
      var n = 0;
      while (--p % 4 > 1 && string.charAt(p) === "=")
      return Math.ceil(string.length * 3) / 4 - n;
    var b64 = new Array(64);
    var s64 = new Array(123);
    for (i = 0; i < 64; )
      s64[b64[i] = i < 26 ? i + 65 : i < 52 ? i + 71 : i < 62 ? i - 4 : i - 59 | 43] = i++;
    var i;
    base64.encode = function encode(buffer, start, end) {
      var parts = null, chunk = [];
      var i2 = 0, j = 0, t;
      while (start < end) {
        var b = buffer[start++];
        switch (j) {
          case 0:
            chunk[i2++] = b64[b >> 2];
            t = (b & 3) << 4;
            j = 1;
          case 1:
            chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 4];
            t = (b & 15) << 2;
            j = 2;
          case 2:
            chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 6];
            chunk[i2++] = b64[b & 63];
            j = 0;
        if (i2 > 8191) {
          (parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
          i2 = 0;
      if (j) {
        chunk[i2++] = b64[t];
        chunk[i2++] = 61;
        if (j === 1)
          chunk[i2++] = 61;
      if (parts) {
        if (i2)
          parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2)));
        return parts.join("");
      return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2));
    var invalidEncoding = "invalid encoding";
    base64.decode = function decode(string, buffer, offset2) {
      var start = offset2;
      var j = 0, t;
      for (var i2 = 0; i2 < string.length; ) {
        var c = string.charCodeAt(i2++);
        if (c === 61 && j > 1)
        if ((c = s64[c]) === void 0)
          throw Error(invalidEncoding);
        switch (j) {
          case 0:
            t = c;
            j = 1;
          case 1:
            buffer[offset2++] = t << 2 | (c & 48) >> 4;
            t = c;
            j = 2;
          case 2:
            buffer[offset2++] = (t & 15) << 4 | (c & 60) >> 2;
            t = c;
            j = 3;
          case 3:
            buffer[offset2++] = (t & 3) << 6 | c;
            j = 0;
      if (j === 1)
        throw Error(invalidEncoding);
      return offset2 - start;
    base64.test = function test(string) {
      return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?\$/.test(string);

// node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js
var require_eventemitter = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = EventEmitter;
    function EventEmitter() {
      this._listeners = {};
    EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(evt, fn, ctx) {
      (this._listeners[evt] || (this._listeners[evt] = [])).push({
        ctx: ctx || this
      return this;
    }; = function off(evt, fn) {
      if (evt === void 0)
        this._listeners = {};
      else {
        if (fn === void 0)
          this._listeners[evt] = [];
        else {
          var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
          for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
            if (listeners[i].fn === fn)
              listeners.splice(i, 1);
      return this;
    EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(evt) {
      var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
      if (listeners) {
        var args = [], i = 1;
        for (; i < arguments.length; )
        for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
          listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i++].ctx, args);
      return this;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js
var require_float = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = factory(factory);
    function factory(exports3) {
      if (typeof Float32Array !== "undefined")
        (function() {
          var f32 = new Float32Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f32.buffer), le = f8b[3] === 128;
          function writeFloat_f32_cpy(val, buf, pos) {
            f32[0] = val;
            buf[pos] = f8b[0];
            buf[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
            buf[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
            buf[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
          function writeFloat_f32_rev(val, buf, pos) {
            f32[0] = val;
            buf[pos] = f8b[3];
            buf[pos + 1] = f8b[2];
            buf[pos + 2] = f8b[1];
            buf[pos + 3] = f8b[0];
          exports3.writeFloatLE = le ? writeFloat_f32_cpy : writeFloat_f32_rev;
          exports3.writeFloatBE = le ? writeFloat_f32_rev : writeFloat_f32_cpy;
          function readFloat_f32_cpy(buf, pos) {
            f8b[0] = buf[pos];
            f8b[1] = buf[pos + 1];
            f8b[2] = buf[pos + 2];
            f8b[3] = buf[pos + 3];
            return f32[0];
          function readFloat_f32_rev(buf, pos) {
            f8b[3] = buf[pos];
            f8b[2] = buf[pos + 1];
            f8b[1] = buf[pos + 2];
            f8b[0] = buf[pos + 3];
            return f32[0];
          exports3.readFloatLE = le ? readFloat_f32_cpy : readFloat_f32_rev;
          exports3.readFloatBE = le ? readFloat_f32_rev : readFloat_f32_cpy;
        (function() {
          function writeFloat_ieee754(writeUint, val, buf, pos) {
            var sign = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
            if (sign)
              val = -val;
            if (val === 0)
              writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, buf, pos);
            else if (isNaN(val))
              writeUint(2143289344, buf, pos);
            else if (val > 34028234663852886e22)
              writeUint((sign << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0, buf, pos);
            else if (val < 11754943508222875e-54)
              writeUint((sign << 31 | Math.round(val / 1401298464324817e-60)) >>> 0, buf, pos);
            else {
              var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2), mantissa = Math.round(val * Math.pow(2, -exponent) * 8388608) & 8388607;
              writeUint((sign << 31 | exponent + 127 << 23 | mantissa) >>> 0, buf, pos);
          exports3.writeFloatLE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE);
          exports3.writeFloatBE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE);
          function readFloat_ieee754(readUint, buf, pos) {
            var uint = readUint(buf, pos), sign = (uint >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = uint >>> 23 & 255, mantissa = uint & 8388607;
            return exponent === 255 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign * 1401298464324817e-60 * mantissa : sign * Math.pow(2, exponent - 150) * (mantissa + 8388608);
          exports3.readFloatLE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE);
          exports3.readFloatBE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE);
      if (typeof Float64Array !== "undefined")
        (function() {
          var f64 = new Float64Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f64.buffer), le = f8b[7] === 128;
          function writeDouble_f64_cpy(val, buf, pos) {
            f64[0] = val;
            buf[pos] = f8b[0];
            buf[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
            buf[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
            buf[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
            buf[pos + 4] = f8b[4];
            buf[pos + 5] = f8b[5];
            buf[pos + 6] = f8b[6];
            buf[pos + 7] = f8b[7];
          function writeDouble_f64_rev(val, buf, pos) {
            f64[0] = val;
            buf[pos] = f8b[7];
            buf[pos + 1] = f8b[6];
            buf[pos + 2] = f8b[5];
            buf[pos + 3] = f8b[4];
            buf[pos + 4] = f8b[3];
            buf[pos + 5] = f8b[2];
            buf[pos + 6] = f8b[1];
            buf[pos + 7] = f8b[0];
          exports3.writeDoubleLE = le ? writeDouble_f64_cpy : writeDouble_f64_rev;
          exports3.writeDoubleBE = le ? writeDouble_f64_rev : writeDouble_f64_cpy;
          function readDouble_f64_cpy(buf, pos) {
            f8b[0] = buf[pos];
            f8b[1] = buf[pos + 1];
            f8b[2] = buf[pos + 2];
            f8b[3] = buf[pos + 3];
            f8b[4] = buf[pos + 4];
            f8b[5] = buf[pos + 5];
            f8b[6] = buf[pos + 6];
            f8b[7] = buf[pos + 7];
            return f64[0];
          function readDouble_f64_rev(buf, pos) {
            f8b[7] = buf[pos];
            f8b[6] = buf[pos + 1];
            f8b[5] = buf[pos + 2];
            f8b[4] = buf[pos + 3];
            f8b[3] = buf[pos + 4];
            f8b[2] = buf[pos + 5];
            f8b[1] = buf[pos + 6];
            f8b[0] = buf[pos + 7];
            return f64[0];
          exports3.readDoubleLE = le ? readDouble_f64_cpy : readDouble_f64_rev;
          exports3.readDoubleBE = le ? readDouble_f64_rev : readDouble_f64_cpy;
        (function() {
          function writeDouble_ieee754(writeUint, off0, off1, val, buf, pos) {
            var sign = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
            if (sign)
              val = -val;
            if (val === 0) {
              writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
              writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, buf, pos + off1);
            } else if (isNaN(val)) {
              writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
              writeUint(2146959360, buf, pos + off1);
            } else if (val > 17976931348623157e292) {
              writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
              writeUint((sign << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
            } else {
              var mantissa;
              if (val < 22250738585072014e-324) {
                mantissa = val / 5e-324;
                writeUint(mantissa >>> 0, buf, pos + off0);
                writeUint((sign << 31 | mantissa / 4294967296) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
              } else {
                var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2);
                if (exponent === 1024)
                  exponent = 1023;
                mantissa = val * Math.pow(2, -exponent);
                writeUint(mantissa * 4503599627370496 >>> 0, buf, pos + off0);
                writeUint((sign << 31 | exponent + 1023 << 20 | mantissa * 1048576 & 1048575) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
          exports3.writeDoubleLE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE, 0, 4);
          exports3.writeDoubleBE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE, 4, 0);
          function readDouble_ieee754(readUint, off0, off1, buf, pos) {
            var lo = readUint(buf, pos + off0), hi = readUint(buf, pos + off1);
            var sign = (hi >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = hi >>> 20 & 2047, mantissa = 4294967296 * (hi & 1048575) + lo;
            return exponent === 2047 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign * 5e-324 * mantissa : sign * Math.pow(2, exponent - 1075) * (mantissa + 4503599627370496);
          exports3.readDoubleLE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE, 0, 4);
          exports3.readDoubleBE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE, 4, 0);
      return exports3;
    function writeUintLE(val, buf, pos) {
      buf[pos] = val & 255;
      buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
      buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
      buf[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
    function writeUintBE(val, buf, pos) {
      buf[pos] = val >>> 24;
      buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 16 & 255;
      buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 8 & 255;
      buf[pos + 3] = val & 255;
    function readUintLE(buf, pos) {
      return (buf[pos] | buf[pos + 1] << 8 | buf[pos + 2] << 16 | buf[pos + 3] << 24) >>> 0;
    function readUintBE(buf, pos) {
      return (buf[pos] << 24 | buf[pos + 1] << 16 | buf[pos + 2] << 8 | buf[pos + 3]) >>> 0;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js
var require_inquire = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js"(exports, module) {
    "use strict";
    module.exports = inquire;
    function inquire(moduleName) {
      try {
        var mod = eval("quire".replace(/^/, "re"))(moduleName);
        if (mod && (mod.length || Object.keys(mod).length))
          return mod;
      } catch (e) {
      return null;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js
var require_utf8 = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var utf8 = exports2;
    utf8.length = function utf8_length(string) {
      var len = 0, c = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
        c = string.charCodeAt(i);
        if (c < 128)
          len += 1;
        else if (c < 2048)
          len += 2;
        else if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && (string.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 64512) === 56320) {
          len += 4;
        } else
          len += 3;
      return len;
    }; = function utf8_read(buffer, start, end) {
      var len = end - start;
      if (len < 1)
        return "";
      var parts = null, chunk = [], i = 0, t;
      while (start < end) {
        t = buffer[start++];
        if (t < 128)
          chunk[i++] = t;
        else if (t > 191 && t < 224)
          chunk[i++] = (t & 31) << 6 | buffer[start++] & 63;
        else if (t > 239 && t < 365) {
          t = ((t & 7) << 18 | (buffer[start++] & 63) << 12 | (buffer[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer[start++] & 63) - 65536;
          chunk[i++] = 55296 + (t >> 10);
          chunk[i++] = 56320 + (t & 1023);
        } else
          chunk[i++] = (t & 15) << 12 | (buffer[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer[start++] & 63;
        if (i > 8191) {
          (parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
          i = 0;
      if (parts) {
        if (i)
          parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i)));
        return parts.join("");
      return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i));
    utf8.write = function utf8_write(string, buffer, offset2) {
      var start = offset2, c1, c2;
      for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
        c1 = string.charCodeAt(i);
        if (c1 < 128) {
          buffer[offset2++] = c1;
        } else if (c1 < 2048) {
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 | 192;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
        } else if ((c1 & 64512) === 55296 && ((c2 = string.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 64512) === 56320) {
          c1 = 65536 + ((c1 & 1023) << 10) + (c2 & 1023);
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 18 | 240;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 12 & 63 | 128;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
        } else {
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 12 | 224;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
          buffer[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
      return offset2 - start;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js
var require_pool = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = pool;
    function pool(alloc, slice, size) {
      var SIZE = size || 8192;
      var MAX = SIZE >>> 1;
      var slab = null;
      var offset2 = SIZE;
      return function pool_alloc(size2) {
        if (size2 < 1 || size2 > MAX)
          return alloc(size2);
        if (offset2 + size2 > SIZE) {
          slab = alloc(SIZE);
          offset2 = 0;
        var buf =, offset2, offset2 += size2);
        if (offset2 & 7)
          offset2 = (offset2 | 7) + 1;
        return buf;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js
var require_longbits = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = LongBits;
    var util = require_minimal();
    function LongBits(lo, hi) {
      this.lo = lo >>> 0;
      this.hi = hi >>> 0;
    var zero = = new LongBits(0, 0);
    zero.toNumber = function() {
      return 0;
    zero.zzEncode = zero.zzDecode = function() {
      return this;
    zero.length = function() {
      return 1;
    var zeroHash = LongBits.zeroHash = "\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0";
    LongBits.fromNumber = function fromNumber(value) {
      if (value === 0)
        return zero;
      var sign = value < 0;
      if (sign)
        value = -value;
      var lo = value >>> 0, hi = (value - lo) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
      if (sign) {
        hi = ~hi >>> 0;
        lo = ~lo >>> 0;
        if (++lo > 4294967295) {
          lo = 0;
          if (++hi > 4294967295)
            hi = 0;
      return new LongBits(lo, hi);
    LongBits.from = function from(value) {
      if (typeof value === "number")
        return LongBits.fromNumber(value);
      if (util.isString(value)) {
        if (util.Long)
          value = util.Long.fromString(value);
          return LongBits.fromNumber(parseInt(value, 10));
      return value.low || value.high ? new LongBits(value.low >>> 0, value.high >>> 0) : zero;
    LongBits.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(unsigned) {
      if (!unsigned && this.hi >>> 31) {
        var lo = ~this.lo + 1 >>> 0, hi = ~this.hi >>> 0;
        if (!lo)
          hi = hi + 1 >>> 0;
        return -(lo + hi * 4294967296);
      return this.lo + this.hi * 4294967296;
    LongBits.prototype.toLong = function toLong(unsigned) {
      return util.Long ? new util.Long(this.lo | 0, this.hi | 0, Boolean(unsigned)) : { low: this.lo | 0, high: this.hi | 0, unsigned: Boolean(unsigned) };
    var charCodeAt = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
    LongBits.fromHash = function fromHash(hash) {
      if (hash === zeroHash)
        return zero;
      return new LongBits(
        (, 0) |, 1) << 8 |, 2) << 16 |, 3) << 24) >>> 0,
        (, 4) |, 5) << 8 |, 6) << 16 |, 7) << 24) >>> 0
    LongBits.prototype.toHash = function toHash() {
      return String.fromCharCode(
        this.lo & 255,
        this.lo >>> 8 & 255,
        this.lo >>> 16 & 255,
        this.lo >>> 24,
        this.hi & 255,
        this.hi >>> 8 & 255,
        this.hi >>> 16 & 255,
        this.hi >>> 24
    LongBits.prototype.zzEncode = function zzEncode() {
      var mask = this.hi >> 31;
      this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
      this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
      return this;
    LongBits.prototype.zzDecode = function zzDecode() {
      var mask = -(this.lo & 1);
      this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
      this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
      return this;
    LongBits.prototype.length = function length() {
      var part0 = this.lo, part1 = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, part2 = this.hi >>> 24;
      return part2 === 0 ? part1 === 0 ? part0 < 16384 ? part0 < 128 ? 1 : 2 : part0 < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : part1 < 16384 ? part1 < 128 ? 5 : 6 : part1 < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : part2 < 128 ? 9 : 10;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js
var require_minimal = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var util = exports2;
    util.asPromise = require_aspromise();
    util.base64 = require_base64();
    util.EventEmitter = require_eventemitter();
    util.float = require_float();
    util.inquire = require_inquire();
    util.utf8 = require_utf8();
    util.pool = require_pool();
    util.LongBits = require_longbits();
    util.isNode = Boolean(typeof global !== "undefined" && global && global.process && global.process.versions && global.process.versions.node); = util.isNode && global || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || exports2;
    util.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [];
    util.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {};
    util.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function isInteger(value) {
      return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
    util.isString = function isString(value) {
      return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;
    util.isObject = function isObject2(value) {
      return value && typeof value === "object";
    util.isset = util.isSet = function isSet(obj, prop) {
      var value = obj[prop];
      if (value != null && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
        return typeof value !== "object" || (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length : Object.keys(value).length) > 0;
      return false;
    util.Buffer = function() {
      try {
        var Buffer2 = util.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
        return Buffer2.prototype.utf8Write ? Buffer2 : null;
      } catch (e) {
        return null;
    util._Buffer_from = null;
    util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
    util.newBuffer = function newBuffer(sizeOrArray) {
      return typeof sizeOrArray === "number" ? util.Buffer ? util._Buffer_allocUnsafe(sizeOrArray) : new util.Array(sizeOrArray) : util.Buffer ? util._Buffer_from(sizeOrArray) : typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" ? sizeOrArray : new Uint8Array(sizeOrArray);
    util.Array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array;
    util.Long = && || || util.inquire("long");
    util.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1\$/;
    util.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\$/;
    util.key64Re = /^(?:[\\\\x00-\\\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))\$/;
    util.longToHash = function longToHash(value) {
      return value ? util.LongBits.from(value).toHash() : util.LongBits.zeroHash;
    util.longFromHash = function longFromHash(hash, unsigned) {
      var bits = util.LongBits.fromHash(hash);
      if (util.Long)
        return util.Long.fromBits(bits.lo, bits.hi, unsigned);
      return bits.toNumber(Boolean(unsigned));
    function merge(dst, src, ifNotSet) {
      for (var keys = Object.keys(src), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
        if (dst[keys[i]] === void 0 || !ifNotSet)
          dst[keys[i]] = src[keys[i]];
      return dst;
    util.merge = merge;
    util.lcFirst = function lcFirst(str) {
      return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
    function newError(name) {
      function CustomError(message, properties) {
        if (!(this instanceof CustomError))
          return new CustomError(message, properties);
        Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function() {
          return message;
        } });
        if (Error.captureStackTrace)
          Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
          Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" });
        if (properties)
          merge(this, properties);
      CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
        constructor: {
          value: CustomError,
          writable: true,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true
        name: {
          get() {
            return name;
          set: void 0,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true
        toString: {
          value() {
            return + ": " + this.message;
          writable: true,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true
      return CustomError;
    util.newError = newError;
    util.ProtocolError = newError("ProtocolError");
    util.oneOfGetter = function getOneOf(fieldNames) {
      var fieldMap = {};
      for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
        fieldMap[fieldNames[i]] = 1;
      return function() {
        for (var keys = Object.keys(this), i2 = keys.length - 1; i2 > -1; --i2)
          if (fieldMap[keys[i2]] === 1 && this[keys[i2]] !== void 0 && this[keys[i2]] !== null)
            return keys[i2];
    util.oneOfSetter = function setOneOf(fieldNames) {
      return function(name) {
        for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
          if (fieldNames[i] !== name)
            delete this[fieldNames[i]];
    util.toJSONOptions = {
      longs: String,
      enums: String,
      bytes: String,
      json: true
    util._configure = function() {
      var Buffer2 = util.Buffer;
      if (!Buffer2) {
        util._Buffer_from = util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
      util._Buffer_from = Buffer2.from !== Uint8Array.from && Buffer2.from || function Buffer_from(value, encoding) {
        return new Buffer2(value, encoding);
      util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = Buffer2.allocUnsafe || function Buffer_allocUnsafe(size) {
        return new Buffer2(size);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js
var require_writer = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Writer;
    var util = require_minimal();
    var BufferWriter;
    var LongBits = util.LongBits;
    var base64 = util.base64;
    var utf8 = util.utf8;
    function Op(fn, len, val) {
      this.fn = fn;
      this.len = len; = void 0;
      this.val = val;
    function noop() {
    function State(writer) {
      this.head = writer.head;
      this.tail = writer.tail;
      this.len = writer.len; = writer.states;
    function Writer() {
      this.len = 0;
      this.head = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
      this.tail = this.head;
      this.states = null;
    var create = function create2() {
      return util.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup() {
        return (Writer.create = function create_buffer() {
          return new BufferWriter();
      } : function create_array() {
        return new Writer();
    Writer.create = create();
    Writer.alloc = function alloc(size) {
      return new util.Array(size);
    if (util.Array !== Array)
      Writer.alloc = util.pool(Writer.alloc, util.Array.prototype.subarray);
    Writer.prototype._push = function push(fn, len, val) {
      this.tail = = new Op(fn, len, val);
      this.len += len;
      return this;
    function writeByte(val, buf, pos) {
      buf[pos] = val & 255;
    function writeVarint32(val, buf, pos) {
      while (val > 127) {
        buf[pos++] = val & 127 | 128;
        val >>>= 7;
      buf[pos] = val;
    function VarintOp(len, val) {
      this.len = len; = void 0;
      this.val = val;
    VarintOp.prototype = Object.create(Op.prototype);
    VarintOp.prototype.fn = writeVarint32;
    Writer.prototype.uint32 = function write_uint32(value) {
      this.len += (this.tail = = new VarintOp(
        (value = value >>> 0) < 128 ? 1 : value < 16384 ? 2 : value < 2097152 ? 3 : value < 268435456 ? 4 : 5,
      return this;
    Writer.prototype.int32 = function write_int32(value) {
      return value < 0 ? this._push(writeVarint64, 10, LongBits.fromNumber(value)) : this.uint32(value);
    Writer.prototype.sint32 = function write_sint32(value) {
      return this.uint32((value << 1 ^ value >> 31) >>> 0);
    function writeVarint64(val, buf, pos) {
      while (val.hi) {
        buf[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
        val.lo = (val.lo >>> 7 | val.hi << 25) >>> 0;
        val.hi >>>= 7;
      while (val.lo > 127) {
        buf[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
        val.lo = val.lo >>> 7;
      buf[pos++] = val.lo;
    Writer.prototype.uint64 = function write_uint64(value) {
      var bits = LongBits.from(value);
      return this._push(writeVarint64, bits.length(), bits);
    Writer.prototype.int64 = Writer.prototype.uint64;
    Writer.prototype.sint64 = function write_sint64(value) {
      var bits = LongBits.from(value).zzEncode();
      return this._push(writeVarint64, bits.length(), bits);
    Writer.prototype.bool = function write_bool(value) {
      return this._push(writeByte, 1, value ? 1 : 0);
    function writeFixed32(val, buf, pos) {
      buf[pos] = val & 255;
      buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
      buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
      buf[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
    Writer.prototype.fixed32 = function write_fixed32(value) {
      return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, value >>> 0);
    Writer.prototype.sfixed32 = Writer.prototype.fixed32;
    Writer.prototype.fixed64 = function write_fixed64(value) {
      var bits = LongBits.from(value);
      return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits.lo)._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits.hi);
    Writer.prototype.sfixed64 = Writer.prototype.fixed64;
    Writer.prototype.float = function write_float(value) {
      return this._push(util.float.writeFloatLE, 4, value);
    Writer.prototype.double = function write_double(value) {
      return this._push(util.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, value);
    var writeBytes = util.Array.prototype.set ? function writeBytes_set(val, buf, pos) {
      buf.set(val, pos);
    } : function writeBytes_for(val, buf, pos) {
      for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i)
        buf[pos + i] = val[i];
    Writer.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes(value) {
      var len = value.length >>> 0;
      if (!len)
        return this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
      if (util.isString(value)) {
        var buf = Writer.alloc(len = base64.length(value));
        base64.decode(value, buf, 0);
        value = buf;
      return this.uint32(len)._push(writeBytes, len, value);
    Writer.prototype.string = function write_string(value) {
      var len = utf8.length(value);
      return len ? this.uint32(len)._push(utf8.write, len, value) : this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
    Writer.prototype.fork = function fork() {
      this.states = new State(this);
      this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
      this.len = 0;
      return this;
    Writer.prototype.reset = function reset() {
      if (this.states) {
        this.head = this.states.head;
        this.tail = this.states.tail;
        this.len = this.states.len;
        this.states =;
      } else {
        this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
        this.len = 0;
      return this;
    Writer.prototype.ldelim = function ldelim() {
      var head = this.head, tail = this.tail, len = this.len;
      if (len) { =;
        this.tail = tail;
        this.len += len;
      return this;
    Writer.prototype.finish = function finish() {
      var head =, buf = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), pos = 0;
      while (head) {
        head.fn(head.val, buf, pos);
        pos += head.len;
        head =;
      return buf;
    Writer._configure = function(BufferWriter_) {
      BufferWriter = BufferWriter_;
      Writer.create = create();

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js
var require_writer_buffer = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = BufferWriter;
    var Writer = require_writer();
    (BufferWriter.prototype = Object.create(Writer.prototype)).constructor = BufferWriter;
    var util = require_minimal();
    function BufferWriter() {;
    BufferWriter._configure = function() {
      BufferWriter.alloc = util._Buffer_allocUnsafe;
      BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer = util.Buffer && util.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && === "set" ? function writeBytesBuffer_set(val, buf, pos) {
        buf.set(val, pos);
      } : function writeBytesBuffer_copy(val, buf, pos) {
        if (val.copy)
          val.copy(buf, pos, 0, val.length);
          for (var i = 0; i < val.length; )
            buf[pos++] = val[i++];
    BufferWriter.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes_buffer(value) {
      if (util.isString(value))
        value = util._Buffer_from(value, "base64");
      var len = value.length >>> 0;
      if (len)
        this._push(BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer, len, value);
      return this;
    function writeStringBuffer(val, buf, pos) {
      if (val.length < 40)
        util.utf8.write(val, buf, pos);
      else if (buf.utf8Write)
        buf.utf8Write(val, pos);
        buf.write(val, pos);
    BufferWriter.prototype.string = function write_string_buffer(value) {
      var len = util.Buffer.byteLength(value);
      if (len)
        this._push(writeStringBuffer, len, value);
      return this;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js
var require_reader = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Reader;
    var util = require_minimal();
    var BufferReader;
    var LongBits = util.LongBits;
    var utf8 = util.utf8;
    function indexOutOfRange(reader, writeLength) {
      return RangeError("index out of range: " + reader.pos + " + " + (writeLength || 1) + " > " + reader.len);
    function Reader(buffer) {
      this.buf = buffer;
      this.pos = 0;
      this.len = buffer.length;
    var create_array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? function create_typed_array(buffer) {
      if (buffer instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(buffer))
        return new Reader(buffer);
      throw Error("illegal buffer");
    } : function create_array2(buffer) {
      if (Array.isArray(buffer))
        return new Reader(buffer);
      throw Error("illegal buffer");
    var create = function create2() {
      return util.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup(buffer) {
        return (Reader.create = function create_buffer(buffer2) {
          return util.Buffer.isBuffer(buffer2) ? new BufferReader(buffer2) : create_array(buffer2);
      } : create_array;
    Reader.create = create();
    Reader.prototype._slice = util.Array.prototype.subarray || util.Array.prototype.slice;
    Reader.prototype.uint32 = function read_uint32_setup() {
      var value = 4294967295;
      return function read_uint32() {
        value = (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return value;
        value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 7) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return value;
        value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 14) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return value;
        value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 21) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return value;
        value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 15) << 28) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return value;
        if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) {
          this.pos = this.len;
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 10);
        return value;
    Reader.prototype.int32 = function read_int32() {
      return this.uint32() | 0;
    Reader.prototype.sint32 = function read_sint32() {
      var value = this.uint32();
      return value >>> 1 ^ -(value & 1) | 0;
    function readLongVarint() {
      var bits = new LongBits(0, 0);
      var i = 0;
      if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
        for (; i < 4; ++i) {
          bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return bits;
        bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 28) >>> 0;
        bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >> 4) >>> 0;
        if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
          return bits;
        i = 0;
      } else {
        for (; i < 3; ++i) {
          if (this.pos >= this.len)
            throw indexOutOfRange(this);
          bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return bits;
        bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos++] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
        return bits;
      if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
        for (; i < 5; ++i) {
          bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return bits;
      } else {
        for (; i < 5; ++i) {
          if (this.pos >= this.len)
            throw indexOutOfRange(this);
          bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return bits;
      throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
    Reader.prototype.bool = function read_bool() {
      return this.uint32() !== 0;
    function readFixed32_end(buf, end) {
      return (buf[end - 4] | buf[end - 3] << 8 | buf[end - 2] << 16 | buf[end - 1] << 24) >>> 0;
    Reader.prototype.fixed32 = function read_fixed32() {
      if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
      return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4);
    Reader.prototype.sfixed32 = function read_sfixed32() {
      if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
      return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4) | 0;
    function readFixed64() {
      if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, 8);
      return new LongBits(readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4), readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4));
    Reader.prototype.float = function read_float() {
      if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
      var value = util.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
      this.pos += 4;
      return value;
    Reader.prototype.double = function read_double() {
      if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
      var value = util.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
      this.pos += 8;
      return value;
    Reader.prototype.bytes = function read_bytes() {
      var length = this.uint32(), start = this.pos, end = this.pos + length;
      if (end > this.len)
        throw indexOutOfRange(this, length);
      this.pos += length;
      if (Array.isArray(this.buf))
        return this.buf.slice(start, end);
      return start === end ? new this.buf.constructor(0) :, start, end);
    Reader.prototype.string = function read_string() {
      var bytes = this.bytes();
      return, 0, bytes.length);
    Reader.prototype.skip = function skip(length) {
      if (typeof length === "number") {
        if (this.pos + length > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, length);
        this.pos += length;
      } else {
        do {
          if (this.pos >= this.len)
            throw indexOutOfRange(this);
        } while (this.buf[this.pos++] & 128);
      return this;
    Reader.prototype.skipType = function(wireType) {
      switch (wireType) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
          while ((wireType = this.uint32() & 7) !== 4) {
        case 5:
          throw Error("invalid wire type " + wireType + " at offset " + this.pos);
      return this;
    Reader._configure = function(BufferReader_) {
      BufferReader = BufferReader_;
      Reader.create = create();
      var fn = util.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber";
      util.merge(Reader.prototype, {
        int64: function read_int64() {
        uint64: function read_uint64() {
        sint64: function read_sint64() {
        fixed64: function read_fixed64() {
        sfixed64: function read_sfixed64() {

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js
var require_reader_buffer = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = BufferReader;
    var Reader = require_reader();
    (BufferReader.prototype = Object.create(Reader.prototype)).constructor = BufferReader;
    var util = require_minimal();
    function BufferReader(buffer) {, buffer);
    BufferReader._configure = function() {
      if (util.Buffer)
        BufferReader.prototype._slice = util.Buffer.prototype.slice;
    BufferReader.prototype.string = function read_string_buffer() {
      var len = this.uint32();
      return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len));

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js
var require_service = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Service;
    var util = require_minimal();
    (Service.prototype = Object.create(util.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = Service;
    function Service(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited) {
      if (typeof rpcImpl !== "function")
        throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");;
      this.rpcImpl = rpcImpl;
      this.requestDelimited = Boolean(requestDelimited);
      this.responseDelimited = Boolean(responseDelimited);
    Service.prototype.rpcCall = function rpcCall(method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request, callback) {
      if (!request)
        throw TypeError("request must be specified");
      var self2 = this;
      if (!callback)
        return util.asPromise(rpcCall, self2, method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request);
      if (!self2.rpcImpl) {
        setTimeout(function() {
          callback(Error("already ended"));
        }, 0);
        return void 0;
      try {
        return self2.rpcImpl(
          requestCtor[self2.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](request).finish(),
          function rpcCallback(err, response) {
            if (err) {
              self2.emit("error", err, method);
              return callback(err);
            if (response === null) {
              return void 0;
            if (!(response instanceof responseCtor)) {
              try {
                response = responseCtor[self2.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](response);
              } catch (err2) {
                self2.emit("error", err2, method);
                return callback(err2);
            self2.emit("data", response, method);
            return callback(null, response);
      } catch (err) {
        self2.emit("error", err, method);
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0);
        return void 0;
    Service.prototype.end = function end(endedByRPC) {
      if (this.rpcImpl) {
        if (!endedByRPC)
          this.rpcImpl(null, null, null);
        this.rpcImpl = null;
      return this;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js
var require_rpc = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var rpc = exports2;
    rpc.Service = require_service();

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js
var require_roots = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = {};

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js
var require_index_minimal = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var protobuf = exports2; = "minimal";
    protobuf.Writer = require_writer();
    protobuf.BufferWriter = require_writer_buffer();
    protobuf.Reader = require_reader();
    protobuf.BufferReader = require_reader_buffer();
    protobuf.util = require_minimal();
    protobuf.rpc = require_rpc();
    protobuf.roots = require_roots();
    protobuf.configure = configure;
    function configure() {

// node_modules/@protobufjs/codegen/index.js
var require_codegen = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/codegen/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = codegen;
    function codegen(functionParams, functionName) {
      if (typeof functionParams === "string") {
        functionName = functionParams;
        functionParams = void 0;
      var body = [];
      function Codegen(formatStringOrScope) {
        if (typeof formatStringOrScope !== "string") {
          var source = toString2();
          if (codegen.verbose)
            console.log("codegen: " + source);
          source = "return " + source;
          if (formatStringOrScope) {
            var scopeKeys = Object.keys(formatStringOrScope), scopeParams = new Array(scopeKeys.length + 1), scopeValues = new Array(scopeKeys.length), scopeOffset = 0;
            while (scopeOffset < scopeKeys.length) {
              scopeParams[scopeOffset] = scopeKeys[scopeOffset];
              scopeValues[scopeOffset] = formatStringOrScope[scopeKeys[scopeOffset++]];
            scopeParams[scopeOffset] = source;
            return Function.apply(null, scopeParams).apply(null, scopeValues);
          return Function(source)();
        var formatParams = new Array(arguments.length - 1), formatOffset = 0;
        while (formatOffset < formatParams.length)
          formatParams[formatOffset] = arguments[++formatOffset];
        formatOffset = 0;
        formatStringOrScope = formatStringOrScope.replace(/%([%dfijs])/g, function replace(\$0, \$1) {
          var value = formatParams[formatOffset++];
          switch (\$1) {
            case "d":
            case "f":
              return String(Number(value));
            case "i":
              return String(Math.floor(value));
            case "j":
              return JSON.stringify(value);
            case "s":
              return String(value);
          return "%";
        if (formatOffset !== formatParams.length)
          throw Error("parameter count mismatch");
        return Codegen;
      function toString2(functionNameOverride) {
        return "function " + (functionNameOverride || functionName || "") + "(" + (functionParams && functionParams.join(",") || "") + "){\\n  " + body.join("\\n  ") + "\\n}";
      Codegen.toString = toString2;
      return Codegen;
    codegen.verbose = false;

// node_modules/@protobufjs/fetch/index.js
var require_fetch = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/fetch/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = fetch2;
    var asPromise = require_aspromise();
    var inquire2 = require_inquire();
    var fs = inquire2("fs");
    function fetch2(filename, options, callback) {
      if (typeof options === "function") {
        callback = options;
        options = {};
      } else if (!options)
        options = {};
      if (!callback)
        return asPromise(fetch2, this, filename, options);
      if (!options.xhr && fs && fs.readFile)
        return fs.readFile(filename, function fetchReadFileCallback(err, contents) {
          return err && typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" ? fetch2.xhr(filename, options, callback) : err ? callback(err) : callback(null, options.binary ? contents : contents.toString("utf8"));
      return fetch2.xhr(filename, options, callback);
    fetch2.xhr = function fetch_xhr(filename, options, callback) {
      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function fetchOnReadyStateChange() {
        if (xhr.readyState !== 4)
          return void 0;
        if (xhr.status !== 0 && xhr.status !== 200)
          return callback(Error("status " + xhr.status));
        if (options.binary) {
          var buffer = xhr.response;
          if (!buffer) {
            buffer = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < xhr.responseText.length; ++i)
              buffer.push(xhr.responseText.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
          return callback(null, typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(buffer) : buffer);
        return callback(null, xhr.responseText);
      if (options.binary) {
        if ("overrideMimeType" in xhr)
          xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
        xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
      }"GET", filename);

// node_modules/@protobufjs/path/index.js
var require_path = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/@protobufjs/path/index.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var path = exports2;
    var isAbsolute = path.isAbsolute = function isAbsolute2(path2) {
      return /^(?:\\/|\\w+:)/.test(path2);
    var normalize = path.normalize = function normalize2(path2) {
      path2 = path2.replace(/\\\\/g, "/").replace(/\\/{2,}/g, "/");
      var parts = path2.split("/"), absolute = isAbsolute(path2), prefix = "";
      if (absolute)
        prefix = parts.shift() + "/";
      for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ) {
        if (parts[i] === "..") {
          if (i > 0 && parts[i - 1] !== "..")
            parts.splice(--i, 2);
          else if (absolute)
            parts.splice(i, 1);
        } else if (parts[i] === ".")
          parts.splice(i, 1);
      return prefix + parts.join("/");
    path.resolve = function resolve(originPath, includePath, alreadyNormalized) {
      if (!alreadyNormalized)
        includePath = normalize(includePath);
      if (isAbsolute(includePath))
        return includePath;
      if (!alreadyNormalized)
        originPath = normalize(originPath);
      return (originPath = originPath.replace(/(?:\\/|^)[^/]+\$/, "")).length ? normalize(originPath + "/" + includePath) : includePath;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/types.js
var require_types = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/types.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var types = exports2;
    var util = require_util();
    var s = [
    function bake(values, offset2) {
      var i = 0, o = {};
      offset2 |= 0;
      while (i < values.length)
        o[s[i + offset2]] = values[i++];
      return o;
    types.basic = bake([
    types.defaults = bake([
    types.long = bake([
    ], 7);
    types.mapKey = bake([
    ], 2);
    types.packed = bake([

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/field.js
var require_field = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/field.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Field;
    var ReflectionObject = require_object();
    ((Field.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Field).className = "Field";
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var types = require_types();
    var util = require_util();
    var Type2;
    var ruleRe = /^required|optional|repeated\$/;
    Field.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      return new Field(name,, json.type, json.rule, json.extend, json.options, json.comment);
    function Field(name, id, type, rule, extend, options, comment) {
      if (util.isObject(rule)) {
        comment = extend;
        options = rule;
        rule = extend = void 0;
      } else if (util.isObject(extend)) {
        comment = options;
        options = extend;
        extend = void 0;
      }, name, options);
      if (!util.isInteger(id) || id < 0)
        throw TypeError("id must be a non-negative integer");
      if (!util.isString(type))
        throw TypeError("type must be a string");
      if (rule !== void 0 && !ruleRe.test(rule = rule.toString().toLowerCase()))
        throw TypeError("rule must be a string rule");
      if (extend !== void 0 && !util.isString(extend))
        throw TypeError("extend must be a string");
      if (rule === "proto3_optional") {
        rule = "optional";
      this.rule = rule && rule !== "optional" ? rule : void 0;
      this.type = type; = id;
      this.extend = extend || void 0;
      this.required = rule === "required";
      this.optional = !this.required;
      this.repeated = rule === "repeated"; = false;
      this.message = null;
      this.partOf = null;
      this.typeDefault = null;
      this.defaultValue = null;
      this.long = util.Long ? types.long[type] !== void 0 : false;
      this.bytes = type === "bytes";
      this.resolvedType = null;
      this.extensionField = null;
      this.declaringField = null;
      this._packed = null;
      this.comment = comment;
    Object.defineProperty(Field.prototype, "packed", {
      get: function() {
        if (this._packed === null)
          this._packed = this.getOption("packed") !== false;
        return this._packed;
    Field.prototype.setOption = function setOption(name, value, ifNotSet) {
      if (name === "packed")
        this._packed = null;
      return, name, value, ifNotSet);
    Field.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        this.rule !== "optional" && this.rule || void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
    Field.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
      if (this.resolved)
        return this;
      if ((this.typeDefault = types.defaults[this.type]) === void 0) {
        this.resolvedType = (this.declaringField ? this.declaringField.parent : this.parent).lookupTypeOrEnum(this.type);
        if (this.resolvedType instanceof Type2)
          this.typeDefault = null;
          this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[Object.keys(this.resolvedType.values)[0]];
      } else if (this.options && this.options.proto3_optional) {
        this.typeDefault = null;
      if (this.options && this.options["default"] != null) {
        this.typeDefault = this.options["default"];
        if (this.resolvedType instanceof Enum && typeof this.typeDefault === "string")
          this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[this.typeDefault];
      if (this.options) {
        if (this.options.packed === true || this.options.packed !== void 0 && this.resolvedType && !(this.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
          delete this.options.packed;
        if (!Object.keys(this.options).length)
          this.options = void 0;
      if (this.long) {
        this.typeDefault = util.Long.fromNumber(this.typeDefault, this.type.charAt(0) === "u");
        if (Object.freeze)
      } else if (this.bytes && typeof this.typeDefault === "string") {
        var buf;
        if (util.base64.test(this.typeDefault))
          util.base64.decode(this.typeDefault, buf = util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(this.typeDefault)), 0);
          util.utf8.write(this.typeDefault, buf = util.newBuffer(util.utf8.length(this.typeDefault)), 0);
        this.typeDefault = buf;
      if (
        this.defaultValue = util.emptyObject;
      else if (this.repeated)
        this.defaultValue = util.emptyArray;
        this.defaultValue = this.typeDefault;
      if (this.parent instanceof Type2)
        this.parent.ctor.prototype[] = this.defaultValue;
    Field.d = function decorateField(fieldId, fieldType, fieldRule, defaultValue) {
      if (typeof fieldType === "function")
        fieldType = util.decorateType(fieldType).name;
      else if (fieldType && typeof fieldType === "object")
        fieldType = util.decorateEnum(fieldType).name;
      return function fieldDecorator(prototype, fieldName) {
        util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new Field(fieldName, fieldId, fieldType, fieldRule, { "default": defaultValue }));
    Field._configure = function configure(Type_) {
      Type2 = Type_;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/oneof.js
var require_oneof = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/oneof.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = OneOf;
    var ReflectionObject = require_object();
    ((OneOf.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = OneOf).className = "OneOf";
    var Field = require_field();
    var util = require_util();
    function OneOf(name, fieldNames, options, comment) {
      if (!Array.isArray(fieldNames)) {
        options = fieldNames;
        fieldNames = void 0;
      }, name, options);
      if (!(fieldNames === void 0 || Array.isArray(fieldNames)))
        throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array");
      this.oneof = fieldNames || [];
      this.fieldsArray = [];
      this.comment = comment;
    OneOf.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      return new OneOf(name, json.oneof, json.options, json.comment);
    OneOf.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
    function addFieldsToParent(oneof) {
      if (oneof.parent) {
        for (var i = 0; i < oneof.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
          if (!oneof.fieldsArray[i].parent)
    OneOf.prototype.add = function add(field) {
      if (!(field instanceof Field))
        throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
      if (field.parent && field.parent !== this.parent)
      field.partOf = this;
      return this;
    OneOf.prototype.remove = function remove(field) {
      if (!(field instanceof Field))
        throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
      var index = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(field);
      if (index < 0)
        throw Error(field + " is not a member of " + this);
      this.fieldsArray.splice(index, 1);
      index = this.oneof.indexOf(;
      if (index > -1)
        this.oneof.splice(index, 1);
      field.partOf = null;
      return this;
    OneOf.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(parent) {, parent);
      var self2 = this;
      for (var i = 0; i < this.oneof.length; ++i) {
        var field = parent.get(this.oneof[i]);
        if (field && !field.partOf) {
          field.partOf = self2;
    OneOf.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(parent) {
      for (var i = 0, field; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
        if ((field = this.fieldsArray[i]).parent)
          field.parent.remove(field);, parent);
    OneOf.d = function decorateOneOf() {
      var fieldNames = new Array(arguments.length), index = 0;
      while (index < arguments.length)
        fieldNames[index] = arguments[index++];
      return function oneOfDecorator(prototype, oneofName) {
        util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new OneOf(oneofName, fieldNames));
        Object.defineProperty(prototype, oneofName, {
          get: util.oneOfGetter(fieldNames),
          set: util.oneOfSetter(fieldNames)

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/namespace.js
var require_namespace = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/namespace.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Namespace;
    var ReflectionObject = require_object();
    ((Namespace.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Namespace).className = "Namespace";
    var Field = require_field();
    var util = require_util();
    var OneOf = require_oneof();
    var Type2;
    var Service;
    var Enum;
    Namespace.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      return new Namespace(name, json.options).addJSON(json.nested);
    function arrayToJSON(array, toJSONOptions) {
      if (!(array && array.length))
        return void 0;
      var obj = {};
      for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
        obj[array[i].name] = array[i].toJSON(toJSONOptions);
      return obj;
    Namespace.arrayToJSON = arrayToJSON;
    Namespace.isReservedId = function isReservedId(reserved, id) {
      if (reserved) {
        for (var i = 0; i < reserved.length; ++i)
          if (typeof reserved[i] !== "string" && reserved[i][0] <= id && reserved[i][1] > id)
            return true;
      return false;
    Namespace.isReservedName = function isReservedName(reserved, name) {
      if (reserved) {
        for (var i = 0; i < reserved.length; ++i)
          if (reserved[i] === name)
            return true;
      return false;
    function Namespace(name, options) {, name, options);
      this.nested = void 0;
      this._nestedArray = null;
    function clearCache(namespace) {
      namespace._nestedArray = null;
      return namespace;
    Object.defineProperty(Namespace.prototype, "nestedArray", {
      get: function() {
        return this._nestedArray || (this._nestedArray = util.toArray(this.nested));
    Namespace.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      return util.toObject([
        arrayToJSON(this.nestedArray, toJSONOptions)
    Namespace.prototype.addJSON = function addJSON(nestedJson) {
      var ns = this;
      if (nestedJson) {
        for (var names = Object.keys(nestedJson), i = 0, nested; i < names.length; ++i) {
          nested = nestedJson[names[i]];
            (nested.fields !== void 0 ? Type2.fromJSON : nested.values !== void 0 ? Enum.fromJSON : nested.methods !== void 0 ? Service.fromJSON : !== void 0 ? Field.fromJSON : Namespace.fromJSON)(names[i], nested)
      return this;
    Namespace.prototype.get = function get(name) {
      return this.nested && this.nested[name] || null;
    Namespace.prototype.getEnum = function getEnum(name) {
      if (this.nested && this.nested[name] instanceof Enum)
        return this.nested[name].values;
      throw Error("no such enum: " + name);
    Namespace.prototype.add = function add(object) {
      if (!(object instanceof Field && object.extend !== void 0 || object instanceof Type2 || object instanceof OneOf || object instanceof Enum || object instanceof Service || object instanceof Namespace))
        throw TypeError("object must be a valid nested object");
      if (!this.nested)
        this.nested = {};
      else {
        var prev = this.get(;
        if (prev) {
          if (prev instanceof Namespace && object instanceof Namespace && !(prev instanceof Type2 || prev instanceof Service)) {
            var nested = prev.nestedArray;
            for (var i = 0; i < nested.length; ++i)
            if (!this.nested)
              this.nested = {};
            object.setOptions(prev.options, true);
          } else
            throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
      this.nested[] = object;
      return clearCache(this);
    Namespace.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
      if (!(object instanceof ReflectionObject))
        throw TypeError("object must be a ReflectionObject");
      if (object.parent !== this)
        throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
      delete this.nested[];
      if (!Object.keys(this.nested).length)
        this.nested = void 0;
      return clearCache(this);
    Namespace.prototype.define = function define(path, json) {
      if (util.isString(path))
        path = path.split(".");
      else if (!Array.isArray(path))
        throw TypeError("illegal path");
      if (path && path.length && path[0] === "")
        throw Error("path must be relative");
      var ptr = this;
      while (path.length > 0) {
        var part = path.shift();
        if (ptr.nested && ptr.nested[part]) {
          ptr = ptr.nested[part];
          if (!(ptr instanceof Namespace))
            throw Error("path conflicts with non-namespace objects");
        } else
          ptr.add(ptr = new Namespace(part));
      if (json)
      return ptr;
    Namespace.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
      var nested = this.nestedArray, i = 0;
      while (i < nested.length)
        if (nested[i] instanceof Namespace)
      return this.resolve();
    Namespace.prototype.lookup = function lookup(path, filterTypes, parentAlreadyChecked) {
      if (typeof filterTypes === "boolean") {
        parentAlreadyChecked = filterTypes;
        filterTypes = void 0;
      } else if (filterTypes && !Array.isArray(filterTypes))
        filterTypes = [filterTypes];
      if (util.isString(path) && path.length) {
        if (path === ".")
          return this.root;
        path = path.split(".");
      } else if (!path.length)
        return this;
      if (path[0] === "")
        return this.root.lookup(path.slice(1), filterTypes);
      var found = this.get(path[0]);
      if (found) {
        if (path.length === 1) {
          if (!filterTypes || filterTypes.indexOf(found.constructor) > -1)
            return found;
        } else if (found instanceof Namespace && (found = found.lookup(path.slice(1), filterTypes, true)))
          return found;
      } else
        for (var i = 0; i < this.nestedArray.length; ++i)
          if (this._nestedArray[i] instanceof Namespace && (found = this._nestedArray[i].lookup(path, filterTypes, true)))
            return found;
      if (this.parent === null || parentAlreadyChecked)
        return null;
      return this.parent.lookup(path, filterTypes);
    Namespace.prototype.lookupType = function lookupType(path) {
      var found = this.lookup(path, [Type2]);
      if (!found)
        throw Error("no such type: " + path);
      return found;
    Namespace.prototype.lookupEnum = function lookupEnum(path) {
      var found = this.lookup(path, [Enum]);
      if (!found)
        throw Error("no such Enum '" + path + "' in " + this);
      return found;
    Namespace.prototype.lookupTypeOrEnum = function lookupTypeOrEnum(path) {
      var found = this.lookup(path, [Type2, Enum]);
      if (!found)
        throw Error("no such Type or Enum '" + path + "' in " + this);
      return found;
    Namespace.prototype.lookupService = function lookupService(path) {
      var found = this.lookup(path, [Service]);
      if (!found)
        throw Error("no such Service '" + path + "' in " + this);
      return found;
    Namespace._configure = function(Type_, Service_, Enum_) {
      Type2 = Type_;
      Service = Service_;
      Enum = Enum_;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/mapfield.js
var require_mapfield = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/mapfield.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = MapField;
    var Field = require_field();
    ((MapField.prototype = Object.create(Field.prototype)).constructor = MapField).className = "MapField";
    var types = require_types();
    var util = require_util();
    function MapField(name, id, keyType, type, options, comment) {, name, id, type, void 0, void 0, options, comment);
      if (!util.isString(keyType))
        throw TypeError("keyType must be a string");
      this.keyType = keyType;
      this.resolvedKeyType = null; = true;
    MapField.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      return new MapField(name,, json.keyType, json.type, json.options, json.comment);
    MapField.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
    MapField.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
      if (this.resolved)
        return this;
      if (types.mapKey[this.keyType] === void 0)
        throw Error("invalid key type: " + this.keyType);
    MapField.d = function decorateMapField(fieldId, fieldKeyType, fieldValueType) {
      if (typeof fieldValueType === "function")
        fieldValueType = util.decorateType(fieldValueType).name;
      else if (fieldValueType && typeof fieldValueType === "object")
        fieldValueType = util.decorateEnum(fieldValueType).name;
      return function mapFieldDecorator(prototype, fieldName) {
        util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new MapField(fieldName, fieldId, fieldKeyType, fieldValueType));

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/method.js
var require_method = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/method.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Method;
    var ReflectionObject = require_object();
    ((Method.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Method).className = "Method";
    var util = require_util();
    function Method(name, type, requestType, responseType, requestStream, responseStream, options, comment, parsedOptions) {
      if (util.isObject(requestStream)) {
        options = requestStream;
        requestStream = responseStream = void 0;
      } else if (util.isObject(responseStream)) {
        options = responseStream;
        responseStream = void 0;
      if (!(type === void 0 || util.isString(type)))
        throw TypeError("type must be a string");
      if (!util.isString(requestType))
        throw TypeError("requestType must be a string");
      if (!util.isString(responseType))
        throw TypeError("responseType must be a string");, name, options);
      this.type = type || "rpc";
      this.requestType = requestType;
      this.requestStream = requestStream ? true : void 0;
      this.responseType = responseType;
      this.responseStream = responseStream ? true : void 0;
      this.resolvedRequestType = null;
      this.resolvedResponseType = null;
      this.comment = comment;
      this.parsedOptions = parsedOptions;
    Method.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      return new Method(name, json.type, json.requestType, json.responseType, json.requestStream, json.responseStream, json.options, json.comment, json.parsedOptions);
    Method.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        this.type !== "rpc" && this.type || void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0,
    Method.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
      if (this.resolved)
        return this;
      this.resolvedRequestType = this.parent.lookupType(this.requestType);
      this.resolvedResponseType = this.parent.lookupType(this.responseType);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/service.js
var require_service2 = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/service.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Service;
    var Namespace = require_namespace();
    ((Service.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Service).className = "Service";
    var Method = require_method();
    var util = require_util();
    var rpc = require_rpc();
    function Service(name, options) {, name, options);
      this.methods = {};
      this._methodsArray = null;
    Service.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      var service = new Service(name, json.options);
      if (json.methods)
        for (var names = Object.keys(json.methods), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
          service.add(Method.fromJSON(names[i], json.methods[names[i]]));
      if (json.nested)
      service.comment = json.comment;
      return service;
    Service.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var inherited =, toJSONOptions);
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        inherited && inherited.options || void 0,
        Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.methodsArray, toJSONOptions) || {},
        inherited && inherited.nested || void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
    Object.defineProperty(Service.prototype, "methodsArray", {
      get: function() {
        return this._methodsArray || (this._methodsArray = util.toArray(this.methods));
    function clearCache(service) {
      service._methodsArray = null;
      return service;
    Service.prototype.get = function get(name) {
      return this.methods[name] ||, name);
    Service.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
      var methods = this.methodsArray;
      for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i)
    Service.prototype.add = function add(object) {
      if (this.get(
        throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
      if (object instanceof Method) {
        this.methods[] = object;
        object.parent = this;
        return clearCache(this);
      return, object);
    Service.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
      if (object instanceof Method) {
        if (this.methods[] !== object)
          throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
        delete this.methods[];
        object.parent = null;
        return clearCache(this);
      return, object);
    Service.prototype.create = function create(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited) {
      var rpcService = new rpc.Service(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited);
      for (var i = 0, method; i < this.methodsArray.length; ++i) {
        var methodName = util.lcFirst((method = this._methodsArray[i]).resolve().name).replace(/[^\$\\w_]/g, "");
        rpcService[methodName] = util.codegen(["r", "c"], util.isReserved(methodName) ? methodName + "_" : methodName)("return this.rpcCall(m,q,s,r,c)")({
          m: method,
          q: method.resolvedRequestType.ctor,
          s: method.resolvedResponseType.ctor
      return rpcService;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/message.js
var require_message = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/message.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Message;
    var util = require_minimal();
    function Message(properties) {
      if (properties)
        for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
          this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
    Message.create = function create(properties) {
      return this.\$type.create(properties);
    Message.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
      return this.\$type.encode(message, writer);
    Message.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
      return this.\$type.encodeDelimited(message, writer);
    Message.decode = function decode(reader) {
      return this.\$type.decode(reader);
    Message.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
      return this.\$type.decodeDelimited(reader);
    Message.verify = function verify(message) {
      return this.\$type.verify(message);
    Message.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
      return this.\$type.fromObject(object);
    Message.toObject = function toObject2(message, options) {
      return this.\$type.toObject(message, options);
    Message.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
      return this.\$type.toObject(this, util.toJSONOptions);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/decoder.js
var require_decoder = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/decoder.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = decoder;
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var types = require_types();
    var util = require_util();
    function missing(field) {
      return "missing required '" + + "'";
    function decoder(mtype) {
      var gen = util.codegen(["r", "l"], + "\$decode")("if(!(r instanceof Reader))")("r=Reader.create(r)")("var c=l===undefined?r.len:r.pos+l,m=new this.ctor" + (mtype.fieldsArray.filter(function(field2) {
      }).length ? ",k,value" : ""))("while(r.pos<c){")("var t=r.uint32()");
      if (
      var i = 0;
      for (; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
        var field = mtype._fieldsArray[i].resolve(), type = field.resolvedType instanceof Enum ? "int32" : field.type, ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
        gen("case %i: {",;
        if ( {
          gen("if(%s===util.emptyObject)", ref)("%s={}", ref)("var c2 = r.uint32()+r.pos");
          if (types.defaults[field.keyType] !== void 0)
            gen("k=%j", types.defaults[field.keyType]);
          if (types.defaults[type] !== void 0)
            gen("value=%j", types.defaults[type]);
          gen("while(r.pos<c2){")("var tag2=r.uint32()")("switch(tag2>>>3){")("case 1: k=r.%s(); break", field.keyType)("case 2:");
          if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
            gen("value=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", i);
            gen("value=r.%s()", type);
          if (types.long[field.keyType] !== void 0)
            gen('%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=value', ref);
            gen("%s[k]=value", ref);
        } else if (field.repeated) {
          gen("if(!(%s&&%s.length))", ref, ref)("%s=[]", ref);
          if (types.packed[type] !== void 0)
            gen("if((t&7)===2){")("var c2=r.uint32()+r.pos")("while(r.pos<c2)")("%s.push(r.%s())", ref, type)("}else");
          if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
            gen( ? "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r))" : "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32()))", ref, i);
            gen("%s.push(r.%s())", ref, type);
        } else if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
          gen( ? "%s=types[%i].decode(r)" : "%s=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", ref, i);
          gen("%s=r.%s()", ref, type);
      for (i = 0; i < mtype._fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
        var rfield = mtype._fieldsArray[i];
        if (rfield.required)
          gen("if(!m.hasOwnProperty(%j))","throw util.ProtocolError(%j,{instance:m})", missing(rfield));
      return gen("return m");

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/verifier.js
var require_verifier = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/verifier.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = verifier;
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var util = require_util();
    function invalid(field, expected) {
      return + ": " + expected + (field.repeated && expected !== "array" ? "[]" : && expected !== "object" ? "{k:" + field.keyType + "}" : "") + " expected";
    function genVerifyValue(gen, field, fieldIndex, ref) {
      if (field.resolvedType) {
        if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum) {
          gen("switch(%s){", ref)("default:")("return%j", invalid(field, "enum value"));
          for (var keys = Object.keys(field.resolvedType.values), j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j)
            gen("case %i:", field.resolvedType.values[keys[j]]);
        } else {
          gen("{")("var e=types[%i].verify(%s);", fieldIndex, ref)("if(e)")("return%j+e", + ".")("}");
      } else {
        switch (field.type) {
          case "int32":
          case "uint32":
          case "sint32":
          case "fixed32":
          case "sfixed32":
            gen("if(!util.isInteger(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer"));
          case "int64":
          case "uint64":
          case "sint64":
          case "fixed64":
          case "sfixed64":
            gen("if(!util.isInteger(%s)&&!(%s&&util.isInteger(%s.low)&&util.isInteger(%s.high)))", ref, ref, ref, ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer|Long"));
          case "float":
          case "double":
            gen('if(typeof %s!=="number")', ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "number"));
          case "bool":
            gen('if(typeof %s!=="boolean")', ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "boolean"));
          case "string":
            gen("if(!util.isString(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "string"));
          case "bytes":
            gen('if(!(%s&&typeof %s.length==="number"||util.isString(%s)))', ref, ref, ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "buffer"));
      return gen;
    function genVerifyKey(gen, field, ref) {
      switch (field.keyType) {
        case "int32":
        case "uint32":
        case "sint32":
        case "fixed32":
        case "sfixed32":
          gen("if(!util.key32Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer key"));
        case "int64":
        case "uint64":
        case "sint64":
        case "fixed64":
        case "sfixed64":
          gen("if(!util.key64Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer|Long key"));
        case "bool":
          gen("if(!util.key2Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "boolean key"));
      return gen;
    function verifier(mtype) {
      var gen = util.codegen(["m"], + "\$verify")('if(typeof m!=="object"||m===null)')("return%j", "object expected");
      var oneofs = mtype.oneofsArray, seenFirstField = {};
      if (oneofs.length)
        gen("var p={}");
      for (var i = 0; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
        var field = mtype._fieldsArray[i].resolve(), ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
        if (field.optional)
          gen("if(%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", ref,;
        if ( {
          gen("if(!util.isObject(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "object"))("var k=Object.keys(%s)", ref)("for(var i=0;i<k.length;++i){");
          genVerifyKey(gen, field, "k[i]");
          genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref + "[k[i]]")("}");
        } else if (field.repeated) {
          gen("if(!Array.isArray(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "array"))("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i){", ref);
          genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref + "[i]")("}");
        } else {
          if (field.partOf) {
            var oneofProp = util.safeProp(;
            if (seenFirstField[] === 1)
              gen("if(p%s===1)", oneofProp)("return%j", + ": multiple values");
            seenFirstField[] = 1;
            gen("p%s=1", oneofProp);
          genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref);
        if (field.optional)
      return gen("return null");

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/converter.js
var require_converter = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/converter.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var converter = exports2;
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var util = require_util();
    function genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, fieldIndex, prop) {
      var defaultAlreadyEmitted = false;
      if (field.resolvedType) {
        if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum) {
          gen("switch(d%s){", prop);
          for (var values = field.resolvedType.values, keys = Object.keys(values), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
            if (values[keys[i]] === field.typeDefault && !defaultAlreadyEmitted) {
              gen("default:")('if(typeof(d%s)==="number"){m%s=d%s;break}', prop, prop, prop);
              if (!field.repeated)
              defaultAlreadyEmitted = true;
            gen("case%j:", keys[i])("case %i:", values[keys[i]])("m%s=%j", prop, values[keys[i]])("break");
        } else
          gen('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s=types[%i].fromObject(d%s)", prop, fieldIndex, prop);
      } else {
        var isUnsigned = false;
        switch (field.type) {
          case "double":
          case "float":
            gen("m%s=Number(d%s)", prop, prop);
          case "uint32":
          case "fixed32":
            gen("m%s=d%s>>>0", prop, prop);
          case "int32":
          case "sint32":
          case "sfixed32":
            gen("m%s=d%s|0", prop, prop);
          case "uint64":
            isUnsigned = true;
          case "int64":
          case "sint64":
          case "fixed64":
          case "sfixed64":
            gen("if(util.Long)")("(m%s=util.Long.fromValue(d%s)).unsigned=%j", prop, prop, isUnsigned)('else if(typeof d%s==="string")', prop)("m%s=parseInt(d%s,10)", prop, prop)('else if(typeof d%s==="number")', prop)("m%s=d%s", prop, prop)('else if(typeof d%s==="object")', prop)("m%s=new util.LongBits(d%s.low>>>0,d%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s)", prop, prop, prop, isUnsigned ? "true" : "");
          case "bytes":
            gen('if(typeof d%s==="string")', prop)("util.base64.decode(d%s,m%s=util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(d%s)),0)", prop, prop, prop)("else if(d%s.length >= 0)", prop)("m%s=d%s", prop, prop);
          case "string":
            gen("m%s=String(d%s)", prop, prop);
          case "bool":
            gen("m%s=Boolean(d%s)", prop, prop);
      return gen;
    converter.fromObject = function fromObject(mtype) {
      var fields = mtype.fieldsArray;
      var gen = util.codegen(["d"], + "\$fromObject")("if(d instanceof this.ctor)")("return d");
      if (!fields.length)
        return gen("return new this.ctor");
      gen("var m=new this.ctor");
      for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
        var field = fields[i].resolve(), prop = util.safeProp(;
        if ( {
          gen("if(d%s){", prop)('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s={}", prop)("for(var ks=Object.keys(d%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){", prop);
          genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop + "[ks[i]]")("}")("}");
        } else if (field.repeated) {
          gen("if(d%s){", prop)("if(!Array.isArray(d%s))", prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": array expected")("m%s=[]", prop)("for(var i=0;i<d%s.length;++i){", prop);
          genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop + "[i]")("}")("}");
        } else {
          if (!(field.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
            gen("if(d%s!=null){", prop);
          genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop);
          if (!(field.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
      return gen("return m");
    function genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, fieldIndex, prop) {
      if (field.resolvedType) {
        if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum)
          gen("d%s=o.enums===String?(types[%i].values[m%s]===undefined?m%s:types[%i].values[m%s]):m%s", prop, fieldIndex, prop, prop, fieldIndex, prop, prop);
          gen("d%s=types[%i].toObject(m%s,o)", prop, fieldIndex, prop);
      } else {
        var isUnsigned = false;
        switch (field.type) {
          case "double":
          case "float":
            gen("d%s=o.json&&!isFinite(m%s)?String(m%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop, prop);
          case "uint64":
            isUnsigned = true;
          case "int64":
          case "sint64":
          case "fixed64":
          case "sfixed64":
            gen('if(typeof m%s==="number")', prop)("d%s=o.longs===String?String(m%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop)("else")("d%s=o.longs===String? util.LongBits(m%s.low>>>0,m%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop, prop, isUnsigned ? "true" : "", prop);
          case "bytes":
            gen("d%s=o.bytes===String?util.base64.encode(m%s,0,m%s.length):o.bytes===Array?", prop, prop, prop, prop, prop);
            gen("d%s=m%s", prop, prop);
      return gen;
    converter.toObject = function toObject2(mtype) {
      var fields = mtype.fieldsArray.slice().sort(util.compareFieldsById);
      if (!fields.length)
        return util.codegen()("return {}");
      var gen = util.codegen(["m", "o"], + "\$toObject")("if(!o)")("o={}")("var d={}");
      var repeatedFields = [], mapFields = [], normalFields = [], i = 0;
      for (; i < fields.length; ++i)
        if (!fields[i].partOf)
          (fields[i].resolve().repeated ? repeatedFields : fields[i].map ? mapFields : normalFields).push(fields[i]);
      if (repeatedFields.length) {
        for (i = 0; i < repeatedFields.length; ++i)
          gen("d%s=[]", util.safeProp(repeatedFields[i].name));
      if (mapFields.length) {
        for (i = 0; i < mapFields.length; ++i)
          gen("d%s={}", util.safeProp(mapFields[i].name));
      if (normalFields.length) {
        for (i = 0; i < normalFields.length; ++i) {
          var field = normalFields[i], prop = util.safeProp(;
          if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum)
            gen("d%s=o.enums===String?%j:%j", prop, field.resolvedType.valuesById[field.typeDefault], field.typeDefault);
          else if (field.long)
            gen("if(util.Long){")("var n=new util.Long(%i,%i,%j)", field.typeDefault.low, field.typeDefault.high, field.typeDefault.unsigned)("d%s=o.longs===String?n.toString():o.longs===Number?n.toNumber():n", prop)("}else")("d%s=o.longs===String?%j:%i", prop, field.typeDefault.toString(), field.typeDefault.toNumber());
          else if (field.bytes) {
            var arrayDefault = "[" +",") + "]";
            gen("if(o.bytes===String)d%s=%j", prop, String.fromCharCode.apply(String, field.typeDefault))("else{")("d%s=%s", prop, arrayDefault)("if(o.bytes!==Array)d%s=util.newBuffer(d%s)", prop, prop)("}");
          } else
            gen("d%s=%j", prop, field.typeDefault);
      var hasKs2 = false;
      for (i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
        var field = fields[i], index = mtype._fieldsArray.indexOf(field), prop = util.safeProp(;
        if ( {
          if (!hasKs2) {
            hasKs2 = true;
            gen("var ks2");
          gen("if(m%s&&(ks2=Object.keys(m%s)).length){", prop, prop)("d%s={}", prop)("for(var j=0;j<ks2.length;++j){");
          genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop + "[ks2[j]]")("}");
        } else if (field.repeated) {
          gen("if(m%s&&m%s.length){", prop, prop)("d%s=[]", prop)("for(var j=0;j<m%s.length;++j){", prop);
          genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop + "[j]")("}");
        } else {
          gen("if(m%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", prop,;
          genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop);
          if (field.partOf)
            gen("if(o.oneofs)")("d%s=%j", util.safeProp(,;
      return gen("return d");

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/wrappers.js
var require_wrappers = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/wrappers.js"(exports2) {
    "use strict";
    var wrappers = exports2;
    var Message = require_message();
    wrappers[".google.protobuf.Any"] = {
      fromObject: function(object) {
        if (object && object["@type"]) {
          var name = object["@type"].substring(object["@type"].lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
          var type = this.lookup(name);
          if (type) {
            var type_url = object["@type"].charAt(0) === "." ? object["@type"].slice(1) : object["@type"];
            if (type_url.indexOf("/") === -1) {
              type_url = "/" + type_url;
            return this.create({
              value: type.encode(type.fromObject(object)).finish()
        return this.fromObject(object);
      toObject: function(message, options) {
        var googleApi = "";
        var prefix = "";
        var name = "";
        if (options && options.json && message.type_url && message.value) {
          name = message.type_url.substring(message.type_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
          prefix = message.type_url.substring(0, message.type_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
          var type = this.lookup(name);
          if (type)
            message = type.decode(message.value);
        if (!(message instanceof this.ctor) && message instanceof Message) {
          var object = message.\$type.toObject(message, options);
          var messageName = message.\$type.fullName[0] === "." ? message.\$type.fullName.slice(1) : message.\$type.fullName;
          if (prefix === "") {
            prefix = googleApi;
          name = prefix + messageName;
          object["@type"] = name;
          return object;
        return this.toObject(message, options);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/type.js
var require_type = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/type.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Type2;
    var Namespace = require_namespace();
    ((Type2.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Type2).className = "Type";
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var OneOf = require_oneof();
    var Field = require_field();
    var MapField = require_mapfield();
    var Service = require_service2();
    var Message = require_message();
    var Reader = require_reader();
    var Writer = require_writer();
    var util = require_util();
    var encoder = require_encoder();
    var decoder = require_decoder();
    var verifier = require_verifier();
    var converter = require_converter();
    var wrappers = require_wrappers();
    function Type2(name, options) {, name, options);
      this.fields = {};
      this.oneofs = void 0;
      this.extensions = void 0;
      this.reserved = void 0; = void 0;
      this._fieldsById = null;
      this._fieldsArray = null;
      this._oneofsArray = null;
      this._ctor = null;
    Object.defineProperties(Type2.prototype, {
      fieldsById: {
        get: function() {
          if (this._fieldsById)
            return this._fieldsById;
          this._fieldsById = {};
          for (var names = Object.keys(this.fields), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
            var field = this.fields[names[i]], id =;
            if (this._fieldsById[id])
              throw Error("duplicate id " + id + " in " + this);
            this._fieldsById[id] = field;
          return this._fieldsById;
      fieldsArray: {
        get: function() {
          return this._fieldsArray || (this._fieldsArray = util.toArray(this.fields));
      oneofsArray: {
        get: function() {
          return this._oneofsArray || (this._oneofsArray = util.toArray(this.oneofs));
      ctor: {
        get: function() {
          return this._ctor || (this.ctor = Type2.generateConstructor(this)());
        set: function(ctor) {
          var prototype = ctor.prototype;
          if (!(prototype instanceof Message)) {
            (ctor.prototype = new Message()).constructor = ctor;
            util.merge(ctor.prototype, prototype);
          ctor.\$type = ctor.prototype.\$type = this;
          util.merge(ctor, Message, true);
          this._ctor = ctor;
          var i = 0;
          for (; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
          var ctorProperties = {};
          for (i = 0; i < this.oneofsArray.length; ++i)
            ctorProperties[this._oneofsArray[i].resolve().name] = {
              get: util.oneOfGetter(this._oneofsArray[i].oneof),
              set: util.oneOfSetter(this._oneofsArray[i].oneof)
          if (i)
            Object.defineProperties(ctor.prototype, ctorProperties);
    Type2.generateConstructor = function generateConstructor(mtype) {
      var gen = util.codegen(["p"],;
      for (var i = 0, field; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
        if ((field = mtype._fieldsArray[i]).map)
          gen("this%s={}", util.safeProp(;
        else if (field.repeated)
          gen("this%s=[]", util.safeProp(;
      return gen("if(p)for(var ks=Object.keys(p),i=0;i<ks.length;++i)if(p[ks[i]]!=null)")("this[ks[i]]=p[ks[i]]");
    function clearCache(type) {
      type._fieldsById = type._fieldsArray = type._oneofsArray = null;
      delete type.encode;
      delete type.decode;
      delete type.verify;
      return type;
    Type2.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      var type = new Type2(name, json.options);
      type.extensions = json.extensions;
      type.reserved = json.reserved;
      var names = Object.keys(json.fields), i = 0;
      for (; i < names.length; ++i)
          (typeof json.fields[names[i]].keyType !== "undefined" ? MapField.fromJSON : Field.fromJSON)(names[i], json.fields[names[i]])
      if (json.oneofs)
        for (names = Object.keys(json.oneofs), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
          type.add(OneOf.fromJSON(names[i], json.oneofs[names[i]]));
      if (json.nested)
        for (names = Object.keys(json.nested), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
          var nested = json.nested[names[i]];
            ( !== void 0 ? Field.fromJSON : nested.fields !== void 0 ? Type2.fromJSON : nested.values !== void 0 ? Enum.fromJSON : nested.methods !== void 0 ? Service.fromJSON : Namespace.fromJSON)(names[i], nested)
      if (json.extensions && json.extensions.length)
        type.extensions = json.extensions;
      if (json.reserved && json.reserved.length)
        type.reserved = json.reserved;
      if ( = true;
      if (json.comment)
        type.comment = json.comment;
      return type;
    Type2.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var inherited =, toJSONOptions);
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        inherited && inherited.options || void 0,
        Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.oneofsArray, toJSONOptions),
        Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.fieldsArray.filter(function(obj) {
          return !obj.declaringField;
        }), toJSONOptions) || {},
        this.extensions && this.extensions.length ? this.extensions : void 0,
        this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : void 0,
        "group", || void 0,
        inherited && inherited.nested || void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
    Type2.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
      var fields = this.fieldsArray, i = 0;
      while (i < fields.length)
      var oneofs = this.oneofsArray;
      i = 0;
      while (i < oneofs.length)
    Type2.prototype.get = function get(name) {
      return this.fields[name] || this.oneofs && this.oneofs[name] || this.nested && this.nested[name] || null;
    Type2.prototype.add = function add(object) {
      if (this.get(
        throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
      if (object instanceof Field && object.extend === void 0) {
        if (this._fieldsById ? this._fieldsById[] : this.fieldsById[])
          throw Error("duplicate id " + + " in " + this);
        if (this.isReservedId(
          throw Error("id " + + " is reserved in " + this);
        if (this.isReservedName(
          throw Error("name '" + + "' is reserved in " + this);
        if (object.parent)
        this.fields[] = object;
        object.message = this;
        return clearCache(this);
      if (object instanceof OneOf) {
        if (!this.oneofs)
          this.oneofs = {};
        this.oneofs[] = object;
        return clearCache(this);
      return, object);
    Type2.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
      if (object instanceof Field && object.extend === void 0) {
        if (!this.fields || this.fields[] !== object)
          throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
        delete this.fields[];
        object.parent = null;
        return clearCache(this);
      if (object instanceof OneOf) {
        if (!this.oneofs || this.oneofs[] !== object)
          throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
        delete this.oneofs[];
        object.parent = null;
        return clearCache(this);
      return, object);
    Type2.prototype.isReservedId = function isReservedId(id) {
      return Namespace.isReservedId(this.reserved, id);
    Type2.prototype.isReservedName = function isReservedName(name) {
      return Namespace.isReservedName(this.reserved, name);
    Type2.prototype.create = function create(properties) {
      return new this.ctor(properties);
    Type2.prototype.setup = function setup() {
      var fullName = this.fullName, types = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
      this.encode = encoder(this)({
      this.decode = decoder(this)({
      this.verify = verifier(this)({
      this.fromObject = converter.fromObject(this)({
      this.toObject = converter.toObject(this)({
      var wrapper = wrappers[fullName];
      if (wrapper) {
        var originalThis = Object.create(this);
        originalThis.fromObject = this.fromObject;
        this.fromObject = wrapper.fromObject.bind(originalThis);
        originalThis.toObject = this.toObject;
        this.toObject = wrapper.toObject.bind(originalThis);
      return this;
    Type2.prototype.encode = function encode_setup(message, writer) {
      return this.setup().encode(message, writer);
    Type2.prototype.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
      return this.encode(message, writer && writer.len ? writer.fork() : writer).ldelim();
    Type2.prototype.decode = function decode_setup(reader, length) {
      return this.setup().decode(reader, length);
    Type2.prototype.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
      if (!(reader instanceof Reader))
        reader = Reader.create(reader);
      return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
    Type2.prototype.verify = function verify_setup(message) {
      return this.setup().verify(message);
    Type2.prototype.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
      return this.setup().fromObject(object);
    Type2.prototype.toObject = function toObject2(message, options) {
      return this.setup().toObject(message, options);
    Type2.d = function decorateType(typeName) {
      return function typeDecorator(target) {
        util.decorateType(target, typeName);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js
var require_root = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Root2;
    var Namespace = require_namespace();
    ((Root2.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Root2).className = "Root";
    var Field = require_field();
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var OneOf = require_oneof();
    var util = require_util();
    var Type2;
    var parse;
    var common;
    function Root2(options) {, "", options);
      this.deferred = [];
      this.files = [];
    Root2.fromJSON = function fromJSON(json, root) {
      if (!root)
        root = new Root2();
      if (json.options)
      return root.addJSON(json.nested);
    Root2.prototype.resolvePath = util.path.resolve;
    Root2.prototype.fetch = util.fetch;
    function SYNC() {
    Root2.prototype.load = function load2(filename, options, callback) {
      if (typeof options === "function") {
        callback = options;
        options = void 0;
      var self2 = this;
      if (!callback)
        return util.asPromise(load2, self2, filename, options);
      var sync = callback === SYNC;
      function finish(err, root) {
        if (!callback)
        var cb = callback;
        callback = null;
        if (sync)
          throw err;
        cb(err, root);
      function getBundledFileName(filename2) {
        var idx = filename2.lastIndexOf("google/protobuf/");
        if (idx > -1) {
          var altname = filename2.substring(idx);
          if (altname in common)
            return altname;
        return null;
      function process(filename2, source) {
        try {
          if (util.isString(source) && source.charAt(0) === "{")
            source = JSON.parse(source);
          if (!util.isString(source))
          else {
            parse.filename = filename2;
            var parsed = parse(source, self2, options), resolved2, i2 = 0;
            if (parsed.imports) {
              for (; i2 < parsed.imports.length; ++i2)
                if (resolved2 = getBundledFileName(parsed.imports[i2]) || self2.resolvePath(filename2, parsed.imports[i2]))
            if (parsed.weakImports) {
              for (i2 = 0; i2 < parsed.weakImports.length; ++i2)
                if (resolved2 = getBundledFileName(parsed.weakImports[i2]) || self2.resolvePath(filename2, parsed.weakImports[i2]))
                  fetch2(resolved2, true);
        } catch (err) {
        if (!sync && !queued)
          finish(null, self2);
      function fetch2(filename2, weak) {
        if (self2.files.indexOf(filename2) > -1)
        if (filename2 in common) {
          if (sync)
            process(filename2, common[filename2]);
          else {
            setTimeout(function() {
              process(filename2, common[filename2]);
        if (sync) {
          var source;
          try {
            source = util.fs.readFileSync(filename2).toString("utf8");
          } catch (err) {
            if (!weak)
          process(filename2, source);
        } else {
          self2.fetch(filename2, function(err, source2) {
            if (!callback)
            if (err) {
              if (!weak)
              else if (!queued)
                finish(null, self2);
            process(filename2, source2);
      var queued = 0;
      if (util.isString(filename))
        filename = [filename];
      for (var i = 0, resolved; i < filename.length; ++i)
        if (resolved = self2.resolvePath("", filename[i]))
      if (sync)
        return self2;
      if (!queued)
        finish(null, self2);
      return void 0;
    Root2.prototype.loadSync = function loadSync(filename, options) {
      if (!util.isNode)
        throw Error("not supported");
      return this.load(filename, options, SYNC);
    Root2.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
      if (this.deferred.length)
        throw Error("unresolvable extensions: " + {
          return "'extend " + field.extend + "' in " + field.parent.fullName;
        }).join(", "));
    var exposeRe = /^[A-Z]/;
    function tryHandleExtension(root, field) {
      var extendedType = field.parent.lookup(field.extend);
      if (extendedType) {
        var sisterField = new Field(field.fullName,, field.type, field.rule, void 0, field.options);
        sisterField.declaringField = field;
        field.extensionField = sisterField;
        return true;
      return false;
    Root2.prototype._handleAdd = function _handleAdd(object) {
      if (object instanceof Field) {
        if (object.extend !== void 0 && !object.extensionField) {
          if (!tryHandleExtension(this, object))
      } else if (object instanceof Enum) {
        if (exposeRe.test(
          object.parent[] = object.values;
      } else if (!(object instanceof OneOf)) {
        if (object instanceof Type2)
          for (var i = 0; i < this.deferred.length; )
            if (tryHandleExtension(this, this.deferred[i]))
              this.deferred.splice(i, 1);
        for (var j = 0; j < object.nestedArray.length; ++j)
        if (exposeRe.test(
          object.parent[] = object;
    Root2.prototype._handleRemove = function _handleRemove(object) {
      if (object instanceof Field) {
        if (object.extend !== void 0) {
          if (object.extensionField) {
            object.extensionField = null;
          } else {
            var index = this.deferred.indexOf(object);
            if (index > -1)
              this.deferred.splice(index, 1);
      } else if (object instanceof Enum) {
        if (exposeRe.test(
          delete object.parent[];
      } else if (object instanceof Namespace) {
        for (var i = 0; i < object.nestedArray.length; ++i)
        if (exposeRe.test(
          delete object.parent[];
    Root2._configure = function(Type_, parse_, common_) {
      Type2 = Type_;
      parse = parse_;
      common = common_;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/util.js
var require_util = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    var util = module2.exports = require_minimal();
    var roots = require_roots();
    var Type2;
    var Enum;
    util.codegen = require_codegen();
    util.fetch = require_fetch();
    util.path = require_path();
    util.fs = util.inquire("fs");
    util.toArray = function toArray(object) {
      if (object) {
        var keys = Object.keys(object), array = new Array(keys.length), index = 0;
        while (index < keys.length)
          array[index] = object[keys[index++]];
        return array;
      return [];
    util.toObject = function toObject2(array) {
      var object = {}, index = 0;
      while (index < array.length) {
        var key = array[index++], val = array[index++];
        if (val !== void 0)
          object[key] = val;
      return object;
    var safePropBackslashRe = /\\\\/g;
    var safePropQuoteRe = /"/g;
    util.isReserved = function isReserved(name) {
      return /^(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)\$/.test(name);
    util.safeProp = function safeProp(prop) {
      if (!/^[\$\\w_]+\$/.test(prop) || util.isReserved(prop))
        return '["' + prop.replace(safePropBackslashRe, "\\\\\\\\").replace(safePropQuoteRe, '\\\\"') + '"]';
      return "." + prop;
    util.ucFirst = function ucFirst(str) {
      return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
    var camelCaseRe = /_([a-z])/g;
    util.camelCase = function camelCase(str) {
      return str.substring(0, 1) + str.substring(1).replace(camelCaseRe, function(\$0, \$1) {
        return \$1.toUpperCase();
    util.compareFieldsById = function compareFieldsById(a, b) {
      return -;
    util.decorateType = function decorateType(ctor, typeName) {
      if (ctor.\$type) {
        if (typeName && ctor.\$ !== typeName) {
          ctor.\$ = typeName;
        return ctor.\$type;
      if (!Type2)
        Type2 = require_type();
      var type = new Type2(typeName ||;
      type.ctor = ctor;
      Object.defineProperty(ctor, "\$type", { value: type, enumerable: false });
      Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, "\$type", { value: type, enumerable: false });
      return type;
    var decorateEnumIndex = 0;
    util.decorateEnum = function decorateEnum(object) {
      if (object.\$type)
        return object.\$type;
      if (!Enum)
        Enum = require_enum();
      var enm = new Enum("Enum" + decorateEnumIndex++, object);
      Object.defineProperty(object, "\$type", { value: enm, enumerable: false });
      return enm;
    util.setProperty = function setProperty(dst, path, value) {
      function setProp(dst2, path2, value2) {
        var part = path2.shift();
        if (part === "__proto__") {
          return dst2;
        if (path2.length > 0) {
          dst2[part] = setProp(dst2[part] || {}, path2, value2);
        } else {
          var prevValue = dst2[part];
          if (prevValue)
            value2 = [].concat(prevValue).concat(value2);
          dst2[part] = value2;
        return dst2;
      if (typeof dst !== "object")
        throw TypeError("dst must be an object");
      if (!path)
        throw TypeError("path must be specified");
      path = path.split(".");
      return setProp(dst, path, value);
    Object.defineProperty(util, "decorateRoot", {
      get: function() {
        return roots["decorated"] || (roots["decorated"] = new (require_root())());

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/object.js
var require_object = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/object.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = ReflectionObject;
    ReflectionObject.className = "ReflectionObject";
    var util = require_util();
    var Root2;
    function ReflectionObject(name, options) {
      if (!util.isString(name))
        throw TypeError("name must be a string");
      if (options && !util.isObject(options))
        throw TypeError("options must be an object");
      this.options = options;
      this.parsedOptions = null; = name;
      this.parent = null;
      this.resolved = false;
      this.comment = null;
      this.filename = null;
    Object.defineProperties(ReflectionObject.prototype, {
      root: {
        get: function() {
          var ptr = this;
          while (ptr.parent !== null)
            ptr = ptr.parent;
          return ptr;
      fullName: {
        get: function() {
          var path = [], ptr = this.parent;
          while (ptr) {
            ptr = ptr.parent;
          return path.join(".");
    ReflectionObject.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
      throw Error();
    ReflectionObject.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(parent) {
      if (this.parent && this.parent !== parent)
      this.parent = parent;
      this.resolved = false;
      var root = parent.root;
      if (root instanceof Root2)
    ReflectionObject.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(parent) {
      var root = parent.root;
      if (root instanceof Root2)
      this.parent = null;
      this.resolved = false;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
      if (this.resolved)
        return this;
      if (this.root instanceof Root2)
        this.resolved = true;
      return this;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.getOption = function getOption(name) {
      if (this.options)
        return this.options[name];
      return void 0;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.setOption = function setOption(name, value, ifNotSet) {
      if (!ifNotSet || !this.options || this.options[name] === void 0)
        (this.options || (this.options = {}))[name] = value;
      return this;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.setParsedOption = function setParsedOption(name, value, propName) {
      if (!this.parsedOptions) {
        this.parsedOptions = [];
      var parsedOptions = this.parsedOptions;
      if (propName) {
        var opt = parsedOptions.find(function(opt2) {
          return, name);
        if (opt) {
          var newValue = opt[name];
          util.setProperty(newValue, propName, value);
        } else {
          opt = {};
          opt[name] = util.setProperty({}, propName, value);
      } else {
        var newOpt = {};
        newOpt[name] = value;
      return this;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.setOptions = function setOptions(options, ifNotSet) {
      if (options)
        for (var keys = Object.keys(options), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
          this.setOption(keys[i], options[keys[i]], ifNotSet);
      return this;
    ReflectionObject.prototype.toString = function toString2() {
      var className = this.constructor.className, fullName = this.fullName;
      if (fullName.length)
        return className + " " + fullName;
      return className;
    ReflectionObject._configure = function(Root_) {
      Root2 = Root_;

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/enum.js
var require_enum = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/enum.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = Enum;
    var ReflectionObject = require_object();
    ((Enum.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Enum).className = "Enum";
    var Namespace = require_namespace();
    var util = require_util();
    function Enum(name, values, options, comment, comments, valuesOptions) {, name, options);
      if (values && typeof values !== "object")
        throw TypeError("values must be an object");
      this.valuesById = {};
      this.values = Object.create(this.valuesById);
      this.comment = comment;
      this.comments = comments || {};
      this.valuesOptions = valuesOptions;
      this.reserved = void 0;
      if (values) {
        for (var keys = Object.keys(values), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
          if (typeof values[keys[i]] === "number")
            this.valuesById[this.values[keys[i]] = values[keys[i]]] = keys[i];
    Enum.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
      var enm = new Enum(name, json.values, json.options, json.comment, json.comments);
      enm.reserved = json.reserved;
      return enm;
    Enum.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
      var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
      return util.toObject([
        this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comment : void 0,
        keepComments ? this.comments : void 0
    Enum.prototype.add = function add(name, id, comment, options) {
      if (!util.isString(name))
        throw TypeError("name must be a string");
      if (!util.isInteger(id))
        throw TypeError("id must be an integer");
      if (this.values[name] !== void 0)
        throw Error("duplicate name '" + name + "' in " + this);
      if (this.isReservedId(id))
        throw Error("id " + id + " is reserved in " + this);
      if (this.isReservedName(name))
        throw Error("name '" + name + "' is reserved in " + this);
      if (this.valuesById[id] !== void 0) {
        if (!(this.options && this.options.allow_alias))
          throw Error("duplicate id " + id + " in " + this);
        this.values[name] = id;
      } else
        this.valuesById[this.values[name] = id] = name;
      if (options) {
        if (this.valuesOptions === void 0)
          this.valuesOptions = {};
        this.valuesOptions[name] = options || null;
      this.comments[name] = comment || null;
      return this;
    Enum.prototype.remove = function remove(name) {
      if (!util.isString(name))
        throw TypeError("name must be a string");
      var val = this.values[name];
      if (val == null)
        throw Error("name '" + name + "' does not exist in " + this);
      delete this.valuesById[val];
      delete this.values[name];
      delete this.comments[name];
      if (this.valuesOptions)
        delete this.valuesOptions[name];
      return this;
    Enum.prototype.isReservedId = function isReservedId(id) {
      return Namespace.isReservedId(this.reserved, id);
    Enum.prototype.isReservedName = function isReservedName(name) {
      return Namespace.isReservedName(this.reserved, name);

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/encoder.js
var require_encoder = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/encoder.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = encoder;
    var Enum = require_enum();
    var types = require_types();
    var util = require_util();
    function genTypePartial(gen, field, fieldIndex, ref) {
      return ? gen("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i)).uint32(%i)", fieldIndex, ref, ( << 3 | 3) >>> 0, ( << 3 | 4) >>> 0) : gen("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i).fork()).ldelim()", fieldIndex, ref, ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0);
    function encoder(mtype) {
      var gen = util.codegen(["m", "w"], + "\$encode")("if(!w)")("w=Writer.create()");
      var i, ref;
      var fields = mtype.fieldsArray.slice().sort(util.compareFieldsById);
      for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
        var field = fields[i].resolve(), index = mtype._fieldsArray.indexOf(field), type = field.resolvedType instanceof Enum ? "int32" : field.type, wireType = types.basic[type];
        ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
        if ( {
          gen("if(%s!=null&&,%j)){", ref,"for(var ks=Object.keys(%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){", ref)("w.uint32(%i).fork().uint32(%i).%s(ks[i])", ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0, 8 | types.mapKey[field.keyType], field.keyType);
          if (wireType === void 0)
            gen("types[%i].encode(%s[ks[i]],w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim().ldelim()", index, ref);
            gen(".uint32(%i).%s(%s[ks[i]]).ldelim()", 16 | wireType, type, ref);
        } else if (field.repeated) {
          gen("if(%s!=null&&%s.length){", ref, ref);
          if (field.packed && types.packed[type] !== void 0) {
            gen("w.uint32(%i).fork()", ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0)("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", ref)("w.%s(%s[i])", type, ref)("w.ldelim()");
          } else {
            gen("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", ref);
            if (wireType === void 0)
              genTypePartial(gen, field, index, ref + "[i]");
              gen("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s[i])", ( << 3 | wireType) >>> 0, type, ref);
        } else {
          if (field.optional)
            gen("if(%s!=null&&,%j))", ref,;
          if (wireType === void 0)
            genTypePartial(gen, field, index, ref);
            gen("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s)", ( << 3 | wireType) >>> 0, type, ref);
      return gen("return w");

// node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-light.js
var require_index_light = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-light.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    var protobuf = module2.exports = require_index_minimal(); = "light";
    function load2(filename, root, callback) {
      if (typeof root === "function") {
        callback = root;
        root = new protobuf.Root();
      } else if (!root)
        root = new protobuf.Root();
      return root.load(filename, callback);
    protobuf.load = load2;
    function loadSync(filename, root) {
      if (!root)
        root = new protobuf.Root();
      return root.loadSync(filename);
    protobuf.loadSync = loadSync;
    protobuf.encoder = require_encoder();
    protobuf.decoder = require_decoder();
    protobuf.verifier = require_verifier();
    protobuf.converter = require_converter();
    protobuf.ReflectionObject = require_object();
    protobuf.Namespace = require_namespace();
    protobuf.Root = require_root();
    protobuf.Enum = require_enum();
    protobuf.Type = require_type();
    protobuf.Field = require_field();
    protobuf.OneOf = require_oneof();
    protobuf.MapField = require_mapfield();
    protobuf.Service = require_service2();
    protobuf.Method = require_method();
    protobuf.Message = require_message();
    protobuf.wrappers = require_wrappers();
    protobuf.types = require_types();
    protobuf.util = require_util();
    protobuf.Namespace._configure(protobuf.Type, protobuf.Service, protobuf.Enum);

// node_modules/protobufjs/light.js
var require_light = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/protobufjs/light.js"(exports2, module2) {
    "use strict";
    module2.exports = require_index_light();

// src/utils/format/integer.ts
function integerFormat(num, byte = 2) {
  return num < 10 ** byte ? (Array(byte).join("0") + num).slice(-1 * byte) : num;

// src/utils/format/time.ts
function timeFormat(time = new Date().getTime(), type) {
  const date = new Date(time);
  const arr2 = date.toLocaleString().split(" ");
  const day = arr2[0].split("/");
  day[1] = integerFormat(day[1], 2);
  day[2] = integerFormat(day[2], 2);
  return type ? day.join("-") + " " + arr2[1] : arr2[1];

// src/utils/debug.ts
var group = {
  i: 0,
  call: []
function debug( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.assert = function(condition, {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.clear = function() {
  group.i = 0; = [];
  return debug;
debug.debug = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.error = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
}; = function( {
  group.i++;, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  return debug;
debug.groupCollapsed = function( {
  group.i++;, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  return debug;
debug.groupEnd = function() {
  if (group.i) {
    !group.i && ( => = []), => setTimeout(d)));
  return debug;
}; = function( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.log = function( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.table = function(tabularData, properties) {, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.time = function(label) {
  return debug;
debug.timeEnd = function(label) {
  return debug;
debug.timeLog = function(label, {
  console.timeLog(label, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`,;
  return debug;
debug.trace = function( {, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;
debug.warn = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
  !group.i && setTimeout(;
  return debug;

// src/utils/file.ts
function readAs(file, type = "string", encoding = "utf-8") {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const reader = new FileReader();
    switch (type) {
      case "ArrayBuffer":
      case "DataURL":
      case "string":
        reader.readAsText(file, encoding);
    reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
    reader.onerror = (e) => reject(e);
async function saveAs(content, fileName, contentType = "text/plain") {
  const a = document.createElement("a");
  const file = new Blob([content], { type: contentType });
  a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = fileName;
  a.addEventListener("load", () => URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href));;
function fileRead(accept, multiple) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const input = document.createElement("input");
    let selected = false;
    input.type = "file";
    accept && (input.accept = accept);
    multiple && (input.multiple = multiple); = "0";
    input.addEventListener("change", () => {
      selected = true;
    window.addEventListener("focus", () => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        selected || reject("取消选择~");
      }, 100);
    }, { once: true });

// src/utils/typeof.ts
var isArray = Array.isArray;
var isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
var isNumber = (val) => !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val);

// src/utils/hook/method.ts
function methodHook(target, propertyKey, callback, modifyArguments) {
  try {
    let modify2 = function() {
      loaded = true;
      if (values[0]) {
        Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, { configurable: true, value: values[0] });
        iArguments.forEach((d) => values[0](...d));
      } else {
        debug.error("拦截方法出错!", "目标方法", propertyKey, "所属对象", target);
    var modify = modify2;
    const values = [];
    const iArguments = [];
    let loading2 = false;
    let loaded = false;
    Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
      configurable: true,
      set: (v) => {
        if (loading2 && !loaded) {
        return true;
      get: () => {
        if (!loading2) {
          loading2 = true;
          setTimeout(() => {
            const res = callback();
            if (res && res.finally) {
              res.finally(() => modify2());
            } else {
        return function() {
  } catch (e) {
function propertyHook(target, propertyKey, propertyValue, configurable = true) {
  try {
    Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
      set: (v) => true,
      get: () => {
        Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, { configurable: true, value: propertyValue });
        return propertyValue;
  } catch (e) {
propertyHook.modify = (target, propertyKey, callback, once = false) => {
  try {
    let value = target[propertyKey];
    value && (value = callback(value));
    Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
      configurable: true,
      set: (v) => {
        value = callback(v);
        return true;
      get: () => {
        if (once) {
          Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propertyKey);
          Reflect.set(target, propertyKey, value);
        return value;
  } catch (e) {
function ProxyHandler(target, parrent, key) {
  return new Proxy(target, {
    deleteProperty(target2, p) {
      const res = Reflect.deleteProperty(target2, p);
      parrent[key] = target2;
      return res;
    set(target2, p, newValue, receiver) {
      const res = Reflect.set(target2, p, newValue, receiver);
      parrent[key] = target2;
      return res;
    get(target2, p, receiver) {
      const res = Reflect.get(target2, p, receiver);
      if (isArray(res) || isObject(res)) {
        return ProxyHandler(res, receiver, p);
      return res;
function propertryChangeHook(target, callback) {
  return new Proxy(target, {
    deleteProperty(target2, p) {
      const res = Reflect.deleteProperty(target2, p);
      callback(p, void 0);
      return res;
    set(target2, p, newValue, receiver) {
      const res = Reflect.set(target2, p, newValue, receiver);
      callback(p, newValue);
      return res;
    get(target2, p, receiver) {
      const res = Reflect.get(target2, p, receiver);
      if (isArray(res) || isObject(res)) {
        return ProxyHandler(res, receiver, p);
      return res;

// src/utils/poll.ts
function poll(check, callback, delay = 100, stop = 180) {
  let timer = setInterval(() => {
    const d = check();
    if (d) {
  }, delay);
  stop && setTimeout(() => clearInterval(timer), stop * 1e3);

// src/utils/element.ts
function addElement(tag, attribute, parrent, innerHTML, top, replaced) {
  let element = document.createElement(tag);
  attribute && Object.entries(attribute).forEach((d) => element.setAttribute(d[0], d[1]));
  parrent = parrent || document.body;
  innerHTML && (element.innerHTML = innerHTML);
  replaced ? replaced.replaceWith(element) : top ? parrent.insertBefore(element, parrent.firstChild) : parrent.appendChild(element);
  return element;
async function addCss(txt, id, parrent) {
  if (!parrent && !document.head) {
    await new Promise((r) => poll(() => document.body, r));
  parrent = parrent || document.head;
  const style = document.createElement("style");
  style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
  id && !parrent.querySelector(\`#\${id}\`) && style.setAttribute("id", id);
  return style;
function loadScript(src, onload) {
  return new Promise((r, j) => {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.src = src;
    script.addEventListener("load", () => {
      onload && onload();
    script.addEventListener("error", () => {
    (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement || document).appendChild(script);
function getTotalTop(node) {
  var sum = 0;
  do {
    sum += node.offsetTop;
    node = node.offsetParent;
  } while (node);
  return sum;

// src/html/button.html
var button_default = '<div class="button" role="button">按钮</div>\\r\\n<style>\\r\\n    .button {\\r\\n        width: fit-content;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        line-height: 28px;\\r\\n        padding-left: 10px;\\r\\n        padding-right: 10px;\\r\\n        text-align: right;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        color: #222;\\r\\n        transition: border-color .2s ease, background-color .2s ease;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        user-select: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .button:hover {\\r\\n        color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n        border-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .button:active {\\r\\n        background-color: #eee;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/utils/button.ts
var PushButton = class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = button_default;
    this._button = root.querySelector(".button");
    this._button.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
      this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
  set text(v) {
    this._button.textContent = v;
customElements.get(\`button-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`button-\${"b275300"}\`, PushButton);

// src/html/popupbox.html
var popupbox_default = '<div class="box">\\r\\n    <div class="contain"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="fork"></div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .box {\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\r\\n        transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.22, 0.61, 0.36, 1);\\r\\n        padding: 12px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        color: black;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 4px 12px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 5%);\\r\\n        border: 1px solid rgba(136, 136, 136, 0.13333);\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        font-size: 13px;\\r\\n        z-index: 11115;\\r\\n        line-height: 14px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain {\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .fork {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        transform: scale(0.8);\\r\\n        right: 10px;\\r\\n        top: 10px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        pointer-events: visible;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .fork:hover {\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/svg/fork.svg
var fork_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M2 2 L98 98 M 98 2 L2 98Z" stroke-width="10px" stroke="#212121" stroke-linecap="round"></path></svg>';

// src/svg/gear.svg
var gear_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.429 1.525a6.593 6.593 0 011.142 0c. 1.105c. 1.53.27l1.102-.303c.11-. 1.456a4.588 4.588 0 010 .582c-.032.499.119 1.05.53 1.456l.815.806c. 6.494 0 01-.573.99c-.02.029-.086.074-.195.045l-1.103-.303c-.559-.153-1.112-.008-1.529.27-.16.107-.327.204-.5.29-.449.222-.851.628-.998 1.189l-.289 1.105c-.029.11-.101.143-.137.146a6.613 6.613 0 01-1.142 0c-.036-.003-.108-.037-.137-.146l-.289-1.105c-.147-.56-.55-.967-.997-1.189a4.502 4.502 0 01-.501-.29c-.417-.278-.97-.423-1.53-.27l-1.102.303c-.11.03-.175-.016-.195-.046a6.492 6.492 0 01-.573-.989c-.014-.031-.022-.11.059-.19l.815-.806c.411-.406.562-.957.53-1.456a4.587 4.587 0 010-.582c.032-.499-.119-1.05-.53-1.456l-.815-.806c-.08-.08-.073-.159-.059-.19a6.44 6.44 0 01.573-.99c.02-.029.086-.075.195-.045l1.103.303c.559.153 1.112.008 1.529-.27.16-.107.327-.204.5-.29.449-.222.851-.628.998-1.189l.289-1.105c.029-.11.101-.143.137-.146zM8 0c-.236 0-.47.01-.701.03-.743.065-1.29.615-1.458 1.261l-.29 1.106c-.017.066-.078.158-.211.224a5.994 5.994 0 00-.668.386c-.123.082-.233.09-.3.071L3.27 2.776c-.644-.177-1.392.02-1.82.63a7.977 7.977 0 00-.704 1.217c-.315.675-.111 1.422.363 1.891l.815.806c. 6.084 0 000 .772c.01.147-.038.246-.088.294l-.815.806c-.474.469-.678 1.216-.363 1.891.2.428.436.835.704 1.218.428.609 1.176.806 1.82.63l1.103-.303c.066-.019.176-. 1.106c.169.646.715 1.196 1.458 1.26a8.094 8.094 0 001.402 0c.743-.064 1.29-.614 1.458-1.26l.29-1.106c.017-.066.078-.158.211-.224a5.98 5.98 0 00.668-.386c.123-.082.233-.09.3-.071l1.102.302c.644.177 1.392-.02 1.82-.63.268-.382.505-.789.704-1.217.315-.675.111-1.422-.364-1.891l-.814-.806c-.05-.048-.098-.147-.088-.294a6.1 6.1 0 000-.772c-.01-.147.039-.246.088-.294l.814-.806c.475-.469.679-1.216.364-1.891a7.992 7.992 0 00-.704-1.218c-.428-.609-1.176-.806-1.82-.63l-1.103.303c-.066.019-.176.011-.299-.071a5.991 5.991 0 00-.668-.386c-.133-.066-.194-.158-.212-.224L10.16 1.29C9.99.645 9.444.095 8.701.031A8.094 8.094 0 008 0zm1.5 8a1.5 1.5 0 11-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 013 0zM11 8a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0z"></svg>';

// src/svg/wrench.svg
var wrench_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M22.7 19l-9.1-9.1c.9-2.3.4-5-1.5-6.9-2-2-5-2.4-7.4-1.3L9 6 6 9 1.6 4.7C.4 7.1.9 10.1 2.9 12.1c1.9 1.9 4.6 2.4 6.9 1.5l9.1 9.1c.4.4 1 .4 1.4 0l2.3-2.3c.5-.4.5-1.1.1-1.4z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/note.svg
var note_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M19 3h-4.18C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1c-1.3 0-2.4.84-2.82 2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-7 0c.55 0 1 .45 1 1s-.45 1-1 1-1-.45-1-1 .45-1 1-1zm2 14H7v-2h7v2zm3-4H7v-2h10v2zm0-4H7V7h10v2z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/dmset.svg
var dmset_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 22 22"><path d="M16.5 8c1.289 0 2.49.375 3.5 1.022V6a2 2 0 00-2-2H4a2 2 0 00-2 2v10a2 2 0 002 2h7.022A6.5 6.5 0 0116.5 8zM7 13H5a1 1 0 010-2h2a1 1 0 010 2zm2-4H5a1 1 0 010-2h4a1 1 0 010 2z"></path><path d="M20.587 13.696l-.787-.131a3.503 3.503 0 00-.593-1.051l.301-.804a.46.46 0 00-.21-.56l-1.005-.581a.52.52 0 00-.656.113l-.499.607a3.53 3.53 0 00-1.276 0l-.499-.607a.52.52 0 00-.656-.113l-1.005.581a.46.46 0 00-.21.56l.301.804c-.254.31-.456.665-.593 1.051l-.787.131a.48.48 0 00-.413.465v1.209a.48.48 0 00.413.465l.811.135c.144.382.353.733.614 1.038l-.292.78a.46.46 0 00.21.56l1.005.581a.52.52 0 00.656-.113l.515-.626a3.549 3.549 0 001.136 0l.515.626a.52.52 0 00.656.113l1.005-.581a.46.46 0 00.21-.56l-.292-.78c.261-.305.47-.656.614-1.038l.811-.135A.48.48 0 0021 15.37v-1.209a.48.48 0 00-.413-.465zM16.5 16.057a1.29 1.29 0 11.002-2.582 1.29 1.29 0 01-.002 2.582z"></path></svg>';

// src/svg/stethoscope.svg
var stethoscope_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5 3.25a.75.75 0 11-1.5 0 .75.75 0 011.5 0zm0 2.122a2.25 2.25 0 10-1.5 0v.878A2.25 2.25 0 005.75 8.5h1.5v2.128a2.251 2.251 0 101.5 0V8.5h1.5a2.25 2.25 0 002.25-2.25v-.878a2.25 2.25 0 10-1.5 0v.878a.75.75 0 01-.75.75h-4.5A.75.75 0 015 6.25v-.878zm3.75 7.378a.75.75 0 11-1.5 0 .75.75 0 011.5 0zm3-8.75a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z"></path></svg>';

// src/svg/play.svg
var play_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.5 8a6.5 6.5 0 1113 0 6.5 6.5 0 01-13 0zM8 0a8 8 0 100 16A8 8 0 008 0zM6.379 5.227A.25.25 0 006 5.442v5.117a.25.25 0 00.379.214l4.264-2.559a.25.25 0 000-.428L6.379 5.227z"></path></svg>';

// src/svg/palette.svg
var palette_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M12 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9s4.03 9 9 9c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5 0-.39-.15-.74-.39-1.01-.23-.26-.38-.61-.38-.99 0-.83.67-1.5 1.5-1.5H16c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5 0-4.42-4.03-8-9-8zm-5.5 9c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S5.67 9 6.5 9 8 9.67 8 10.5 7.33 12 6.5 12zm3-4C8.67 8 8 7.33 8 6.5S8.67 5 9.5 5s1.5.67 1.5 1.5S10.33 8 9.5 8zm5 0c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S13.67 5 14.5 5s1.5.67 1.5 1.5S15.33 8 14.5 8zm3 4c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S16.67 9 17.5 9s1.5.67 1.5 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/download.svg
var download_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M19 9h-4V3H9v6H5l7 7 7-7zM5 18v2h14v-2H5z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/warn.svg
var warn_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M1 21h22L12 2 1 21zm12-3h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-4h2v4z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/linechart.svg
var linechart_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.5 1.75a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v12.5c0 .414.336.75.75.75h14.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5H1.5V1.75zm14.28 2.53a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06L10 7.94 7.53 5.47a.75.75 0 00-1.06 0L3.22 8.72a.75.75 0 001.06 1.06L7 7.06l2.47 2.47a.75.75 0 001.06 0l5.25-5.25z"></path></svg>';

// src/svg/blind.svg
var blind_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M3 17v2h6v-2H3zM3 5v2h10V5H3zm10 16v-2h8v-2h-8v-2h-2v6h2zM7 9v2H3v2h4v2h2V9H7zm14 4v-2H11v2h10zm-6-4h2V7h4V5h-4V3h-2v6z"></path></g></svg>';

// src/svg/like.svg
var like_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 38.89 34.47" width="22px"><defs><style>.cls-1 {fill: #f36392;}</style></defs><g><path class="cls-1" d="M12.06,35.27V10.43h-.15l6.7-8.37A3.83,3.83,0,0,1,25.25,5L25,10.55H35.42a4.15,4.15,0,0,1,3.33,1.67,4.38,4.38,0,0,1,.56,3.47L34.86,30.41a6.37,6.37,0,0,1-6,4.86Zm-2.5,0h-4a4.52,4.52,0,0,1-4.31-2.36,5.61,5.61,0,0,1-.69-2.5V15.55a4.93,4.93,0,0,1,2.5-4.31,8.38,8.38,0,0,1,2.5-.69h4Z" transform="translate(-0.56 -0.82)" /></g></svg>';

// src/svg/dislike.svg
var dislike_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 38.89 34.47" width="22px"><defs><style>.cls-1 {fill: #f36392;}</style></defs><g><path class="cls-1" d="M10.28,32.77h2.5V13.19h-2.5ZM25,10.55H35.42a4.15,4.15,0,0,1,3.33,1.67,4.38,4.38,0,0,1,.56,3.47L34.86,30.41a6.37,6.37,0,0,1-6,4.86H5.56a4.52,4.52,0,0,1-4.31-2.36,5.61,5.61,0,0,1-.69-2.5V15.55a4.93,4.93,0,0,1,2.5-4.31,8.38,8.38,0,0,1,2.5-.69h6.25l6.8-8.49A3.83,3.83,0,0,1,25.25,5Zm10.14,2.51H22.22l.28-2.92L22.92,5a1.26,1.26,0,0,0-.18-1,1.28,1.28,0,0,0-.82-.56,1.11,1.11,0,0,0-1.25.42l-6.36,8.2-.83,1.11H5.14a2,2,0,0,0-.83.28,2.28,2.28,0,0,0-1.25,2.08V30.41a2,2,0,0,0,.42,1.25,2,2,0,0,0,2.08,1.11H28.89a2.38,2.38,0,0,0,1.39-.41,3.61,3.61,0,0,0,2.08-2.78L36.8,15l2.5.56L36.8,15a2.45,2.45,0,0,0-.14-1.39,2.89,2.89,0,0,0-1.52-.54l.28-2.5Z" transform="translate(-0.56 -0.82)" /></g></svg>';

// src/utils/svg.ts
var svg = {
  fork: fork_default,
  gear: gear_default,
  wrench: wrench_default,
  note: note_default,
  dmset: dmset_default,
  stethoscope: stethoscope_default,
  play: play_default,
  palette: palette_default,
  download: download_default,
  warn: warn_default,
  linechart: linechart_default,
  blind: blind_default,
  like: like_default,
  dislike: dislike_default

// src/core/ui/utils/popupbox.ts
var ClickOutRemove = class {
  constructor(target) { = target;
    target.addEventListener("click", (e) => e.stopPropagation());
  enabled = false;
  remove = () => {;
  disable = () => {
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    return this;
  enable = () => {
    this.enabled || setTimeout(() => {
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    return this;
var PopupBox = class extends HTMLElement {
  \$fork = true;
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = popupbox_default;
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  append(...nodes) {
  appendChild(node) {
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  replaceChildren(...nodes) {
  setAttribute(qualifiedName, value) {
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  getAttribute(qualifiedName) {
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  get style() {
  get innerHTML() {
    return this._contain.innerHTML;
  set innerHTML(v) {
    this._contain.innerHTML = v;
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  set fork(v) {
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customElements.get(\`popupbox-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`popupbox-\${"b275300"}\`, PopupBox);

// src/core/ui/alert.ts
function alert(msg, title, buttons) {
  isArray(msg) || (msg = [msg]);
  msg = msg.join("</br>");
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<div><div style="padding-block: 10px;padding-inline: 15px;">\${msg}</div></div>\`;
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      const button = new PushButton();
      button.text = d.text;
      button.addEventListener("change", () => {

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0 0 12px #000000;\\r\\n        opacity: 1;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=100);\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-info {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-error {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-success {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-warning {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-top-center>div,\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-bottom-center>div {\\r\\n        width: 300px;\\r\\n        margin-left: auto;\\r\\n        margin-right: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-top-full-width>div,\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-bottom-full-width>div {\\r\\n        width: 96%;\\r\\n        margin-left: auto;\\r\\n        margin-right: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast {\\r\\n        background-color: #030303;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-success {\\r\\n        background-color: #51A351;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-error {\\r\\n        background-color: #BD362F;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-info {\\r\\n        background-color: #2F96B4;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-warning {\\r\\n        background-color: #F89406;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-progress {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: 0;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        height: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #000000;\\r\\n        opacity: 0.4;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=40);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    /*Responsive Design*/\\r\\n    @media all and (max-width: 240px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 11em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 50px 8px 8px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            right: -0.2em;\\r\\n            top: -0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .rtl .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            left: -0.2em;\\r\\n            right: 0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @media all and (min-width: 241px) and (max-width: 480px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 18em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 50px 8px 8px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            right: -0.2em;\\r\\n            top: -0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .rtl .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            left: -0.2em;\\r\\n            right: 0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @media all and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 768px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 25em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 15px 50px 15px 15px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/utils/type.ts
function toObject(input) {
  switch (input) {
    case "undefined":
      input = void 0;
    case "null":
      input = null;
    case "NaN":
      input = NaN;
      if (!input)
      try {
        const temp = JSON.parse(input);
        if (typeof temp !== "number" || input === String(temp)) {
          input = temp;
      } catch {
        try {
          const temp = Number(input);
          if (String(temp) !== "NaN" && !input.startsWith("0")) {
            input = temp;
        } catch {
        try {
          if (/^\\d+n\$/.test(input))
            input = BigInt(input.slice(0, -1));
        } catch {
  return input;
function toString(input, space = "\\n") {
  let result;
  try {
    result = input.toString();
  } catch {
    result = String(input);
  if (result.startsWith("[object") && result.endsWith("]")) {
    try {
      const str = JSON.stringify(input, void 0, space);
      str === "{}" || (result = str);
    } catch {
  return result;

// src/core/toast.ts
var Toastconfig = {
  position: "top-right",
  rtl: false,
  delay: 4,
  disabled: false
var Toast = class extends HTMLDivElement {
  closeButton = document.createElement("div");
  message = document.createElement("div");
  hovering = false;
  timeout = false;
  constructor() {
    this.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive");
    this.setAttribute("style", "padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom: 0px;height: 0px;");
    this.message.className = "toast-message";
    this.closeButton.className = "toast-close-button";
    this.closeButton.innerHTML = svg.fork;
    this.closeButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
      this.timeout = true;
      this.delay = 1;
    this.addEventListener("mouseover", () => this.hovering = true);
    this.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {
      this.hovering = false;
      this.timeout && (this.delay = 1);
  set data(v) {
    isArray(v) || (v = [v]);
    let html = "";
    v.forEach((d, i) => {
      d = toString(d);
      html += i ? \`<br>\${d}\` : \`<label>\${d}</label>\`;
    const close = this.message.contains(this.closeButton);
    this.message.innerHTML = html;
    close && (this.delay = 0);
    this.setAttribute("style", \`height: \${this.message.scrollHeight + 30}px;\`);
  set type(v) {
    this.classList.remove("toast-success", "toast-error", "toast-info", "toast-warning");
    v && this.classList.add(\`toast-\${v}\`);
  set rtl(v) {
    v ? this.classList.add("rtl") : this.classList.remove("rtl");
  set delay(v) {
    v = Math.max(Math.trunc(v), 0);
    v ? this.message.contains(this.closeButton) && this.closeButton.remove() : this.message.contains(this.closeButton) || this.message.insertBefore(this.closeButton, this.message.firstChild);
    if (v === 1) {
      if (!this.hovering) {
        this.setAttribute("style", "padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom: 0px;height: 0px;");
        setTimeout(() => this.remove(), 1e3);
    } else if (v !== 0) {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
        this.timeout = true;
        this.delay = 1;
      }, v * 1e3);
customElements.get(\`toast-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`toast-\${"b275300"}\`, Toast, { extends: "div" });
var ToastContainer = class extends HTMLElement {
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return [
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = toast_default;
    this.container = root.children[0];
  update(value) {
    Object.entries(value).forEach((d) => {
      this[d[0]] = d[1];
  toast(delay, type = "info", {
    document.body.contains(this) || document.body.appendChild(this);
    const toast = new Toast();
    toast.type = type;
    toast.rtl = this.rtl;
    this.container.insertBefore(toast, this.container.firstChild); = data;
    toast.delay = delay;
    return toast;
  success( {
    this.toast(this.delay, "success",;
    return () => {
  error( {
    this.toast(this.delay, "error",;
    return () => {
  info( {
    this.toast(this.delay, "info",;
    return () => {
  warning( {
    this.toast(this.delay, "warning",;
    return () => {
  set position(v) {
    this.setAttribute("position", v);
  get position() {
    return this.getAttribute("position");
  set rtl(v) {
    this.setAttribute("rtl", v);
  get rtl() {
    return toObject(this.getAttribute("rtl"));
  set delay(v) {
    this.setAttribute("delay", v);
  get delay() {
    return toObject(this.getAttribute("delay"));
  set disabled(v) {
    this.setAttribute("disabled", v);
  get disabled() {
    return toObject(this.getAttribute("disabled"));
  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    if (oldValue === newValue)
    switch (name) {
      case "position":
        newValue && (this.container.className = \`toast-\${newValue}\`);
      case "rtl":
        this.container.querySelectorAll(".toast").forEach((d) => {
          d.rtl = toObject(newValue);
      case "delay":
        this.container.querySelectorAll(".toast").forEach((d) => {
          d.delay = toObject(newValue);
      case "disabled": = toObject(newValue) ? "none" : "";
customElements.get(\`toast-container-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`toast-container-\${"b275300"}\`, ToastContainer);

// src/html/ui-entry.html
var ui_entry_default = '<div class="setting">\\r\\n    <i></i><span>设置</span>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<div class="gear"></div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .gear {\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        right: 40px;\\r\\n        bottom: 60px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #e9eaec;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 12px 4px rgb(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        padding: 10px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        animation: roll 1s ease-out;\\r\\n        transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out;\\r\\n        background: none;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting {\\r\\n        box-sizing: content-box;\\r\\n        color: #fff;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 5px;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        bottom: 65px;\\r\\n        width: 56px;\\r\\n        height: 40px;\\r\\n        transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -moz-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -webkit-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -o-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n        padding: 4px;\\r\\n        right: -54px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting:hover {\\r\\n        right: 0px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: rgba(0, 85, 255, 0.098) 0px 0px 20px 0px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid rgb(233, 234, 236);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting i {\\r\\n        background-position: -471px -982px;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        transition: 0.2s;\\r\\n        background-image: url(//;\\r\\n        margin: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting span {\\r\\n        font-size: 14px;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        width: 50%;\\r\\n        transition: 0.2s;\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        margin: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @keyframes roll {\\r\\n\\r\\n        30%,\\r\\n        60%,\\r\\n        90% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        10%,\\r\\n        40%,\\r\\n        70% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(1.11) rotate(-180deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        20%,\\r\\n        50%,\\r\\n        80% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(0.9) rotate(-360deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/entry.ts
var UiEntryType = "new";
var BilioldEntry = class extends HTMLElement {
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return [
  constructor() {
    this.root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    this.root.innerHTML = ui_entry_default;
    this.stage = this.root.children[0];
    this.gear = this.root.children[1];
    this.gear.innerHTML = svg.gear;
    this.gear.addEventListener("mouseover", () => = "0.8");
    this.gear.addEventListener("mouseout", () => = "0");
  get type() {
    return this.getAttribute("type");
  set type(v) {
    this.setAttribute("type", v);
  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    if (oldValue === newValue)
    switch (name) {
      case "type":
        if (newValue === "old") {
          this.root.contains(this.gear) && this.gear.remove();
          this.root.contains(this.stage) || this.root.appendChild(this.stage);
        } else {
          this.root.contains(this.stage) && this.stage.remove();
          if (!this.root.contains(this.gear)) {
            setTimeout(() => {
     = "0";
            }, 2e3);
customElements.get("biliold-entry-b275300") || customElements.define("bilibili-entry-b275300", BilioldEntry);

// src/core/userstatus.ts
var userStatus = {
  development: true,
  index: true,
  toast: Toastconfig,
  header: true,
  comment: true,
  av: true,
  player: true,
  webRTC: false,
  elecShow: true,
  staff: false,
  bangumi: true,
  videoLimit: {
    status: false,
    server: "内置",
    th: "",
    tw: "",
    hk: "",
    cn: ""
  uposReplace: {
    th: "ks3(金山)",
    gat: "不替换",
    nor: "不替换",
    download: "不替换"
  bangumiEplist: false,
  accessKey: {
    token: "",
    date: 0,
    dateStr: ""
  watchlater: true,
  playlist: true,
  ranking: true,
  read: true,
  search: true,
  album: true,
  jointime: false,
  lostVideo: true,
  history: true,
  liveRecord: false,
  uiEntryType: UiEntryType,
  automate: {
    danmakuFirst: false,
    showBofqi: false,
    screenWide: false,
    noDanmaku: false,
    autoPlay: false,
    webFullScreen: false,
    videospeed: false
  videoDisableAA: false,
  disableSleepChcek: true,
  disableReport: true,
  commentJumpUrlTitle: false,
  ugcSection: false,
  downloadType: ["mp4"],
  TVresource: false,
  downloadQn: 127,
  downloadMethod: "浏览器",
  userAgent: "Bilibili Freedoooooom/MarkII",
  referer: "",
  filepath: "",
  aria2: {
    server: "http://localhost",
    port: 6800,
    token: "",
    split: 4,
    size: 20
  ef2: {
    delay: false,
    silence: false
  like: false,
  bilibiliplayer: true,
  checkUpdate: true,
  show1080p: false,
  fullBannerCover: false,
  dmproto: true,
  dmwrap: true

// src/core/user.ts
var User = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    this.BLOD.GM.getValue("userStatus", userStatus).then((status) => {
      status = Object.assign(userStatus, status);
      const proxy = propertryChangeHook(status, (key, value) => {
        this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.BLOD.GM.setValue("userStatus", status));
        this.emitChange(key, value);
      this.userStatus = proxy;
      this.initialized = true;
      while (this.BLOD.userLoadedCallbacks.length) {
  initialized = false;
  changes = {};
  bindChange(key, callback) {
    this.changes[key] || (this.changes[key] = []);
    const id = this.changes[key].push(callback);
    return () => {
      delete this.changes[key][id - 1];
  emitChange(key, newValue) {
    this.changes[key].forEach(async (d) => {
  addCallback(callback) {
    if (typeof callback === "function") {
      if (this.initialized) {
      } else {
  restoreUserStatus() {
  outputUserStatus() {
    this.BLOD.GM.getValue("userStatus", userStatus).then((d) => {
      saveAs(JSON.stringify(d, void 0, "	"), \`Bilibili-Old-\${timeFormat(void 0, true).replace(/ |:/g, (d2) => "-")}\`, "application/json");
  inputUserStatus() {
    const msg = ["请选择一个备份的数据文件(.json)", "注意:无效的数据文件可能导致异常!"];
    const toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "warning", ...msg);
    fileRead("application/json").then((d) => {
      if (d && d[0]) {
        msg.push(\`读取文件:\${d[0].name}\`); = msg;
        toast.type = "info";
        return readAs(d[0]).then((d2) => {
          const data = JSON.parse(d2);
          if (typeof data === "object") {
            this.BLOD.GM.setValue("userStatus", data);
            const text = "已恢复设置数据,请<strong>刷新</strong>页面以避免数据紊乱!";
   = msg;
            toast.type = "success";
            return alert(text, "刷新页面", [{
              text: "刷新",
              callback: () => location.reload()
        }).catch((e) => {
          msg.push("读取文件出错!", e);
 = msg;
          toast.type = "error";
          debug.error("恢复设置数据", e);
    }).catch((e) => {
      msg.push(e); = msg;
    }).finally(() => {
      toast.delay = 4;

// src/utils/abv.ts
var Abv = class {
  base58Table = "fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF";
  digitMap = [11, 10, 3, 8, 4, 6];
  xor = 177451812;
  add = 8728348608;
  bvidTemplate = ["B", "V", 1, "", "", 4, "", 1, "", 7, "", ""];
  table = {};
  constructor() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 58; i++)
      this.table[this.base58Table[i]] = i;
  check(input) {
    if (/^[aA][vV][0-9]+\$/.test(String(input)) || /^\\d+\$/.test(String(input)))
      return this.avToBv(Number(/[0-9]+/.exec(String(input))[0]));
    if (/^1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}\$/.test(String(input)))
      return this.bvToAv("BV" + input);
    if (/^[bB][vV]1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}\$/.test(String(input)))
      return this.bvToAv(String(input));
    throw input;
  bvToAv(BV) {
    let r = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++)
      r += this.table[BV[this.digitMap[i]]] * 58 ** i;
    return r - this.add ^ this.xor;
  avToBv(av) {
    let bv = Array.from(this.bvidTemplate);
    av = (av ^ this.xor) + this.add;
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++)
      bv[this.digitMap[i]] = this.base58Table[parseInt(String(av / 58 ** i)) % 58];
    return bv.join("");
function abv(input) {
  return new Abv().check(input);
function BV2avAll(str) {
  return str.replace(/[bB][vV]1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}/g, (s) => "av" + abv(s));

// src/utils/format/url.ts
var URL2 = class {
  params = {};
  get param() {
    return Object.entries(this.params).reduce((s, d) => {
      return s += \`\${s ? "&" : ""}\${d[0]}=\${d[1]}\`;
    }, "");
  constructor(url) {
    const arr1 = url.split("#");
    let str = arr1.shift();
    this.hash = arr1.join("#");
    (this.hash || url.includes("#")) && (this.hash = \`#\${this.hash}\`);
    const arr2 = str.split("?");
    this.base = arr2.shift();
    str = arr2.join("?");
    if (str) {
      str.split("&").forEach((d) => {
        const arr3 = d.split("=");
        const key = arr3.shift();
        let value = arr3.join("=") || "";
        try {
          if (!isNumber(value)) {
            value = JSON.parse(value);
        } catch {
          value === "undefined" && (value = void 0);
          value === "NaN" && (value = NaN);
        this.params[key] = value;
  sort() {
    this.params = Object.keys(this.params).sort().reduce((s, d) => {
      s[d] = this.params[d];
      return s;
    }, {});
  toJSON() {
    return \`\${this.base ? this.param ? this.base + "?" : this.base : ""}\${this.param}\${this.hash || ""}\`;
function objUrl(url, obj) {
  const res = new URL2(url);
  Object.entries(obj).forEach((d) => {
    if (d[1] === void 0 || d[1] === null)
    res.params[d[0]] = d[1];
  return res.toJSON();
function urlObj(url) {
  const res = new URL2(url);
  return res.params;

// src/core/url.ts
var paramsSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
var paramArr = Object.entries({
  from: ["search"]
var UrlCleaner = class {
  paramsSet = paramsSet;
  paramArr = paramArr;
  constructor() {
    window.navigation?.addEventListener("navigate", (e) => {
      const newURL = this.clear(e.destination.url);
      if (e.destination.url != newURL) {
        if (newURL == window.location.href)
    window.addEventListener("click", (e) => this.anchorClick(e));
    window.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => this.anchorClick(e));
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    }, { once: true });
  clear(str) {
    const url = new URL2(str);
    if (url) {
      const params = url.params;
      if (params.bvid) {
        params.aid = abv(params.bvid);
      if (params.aid && !Number(params.aid)) {
        params.aid = abv(params.aid);
      paramsSet.forEach((d) => {
        delete params[d];
      paramArr.forEach((d) => {
        if (params[d[0]]) {
          if (d[1].includes(params[d[0]])) {
            delete params[d[0]];
      url.base = BV2avAll(url.base);
      url.hash && (url.hash = BV2avAll(url.hash));
      return url.toJSON();
    } else
      return str;
  location() {
  updateLocation(url) {
    const Url = new self.URL(url);
    if ( === {
      window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, "", url);
  anchorClick(e) {
    var f =;
    for (; f && "A" !== f.tagName; ) {
      f = f.parentNode;
    if ("A" !== f?.tagName) {
  anchor(list) {
    list.forEach((d) => {
      if (!d.href)
      d.href = this.clear(d.href);

// src/utils/htmlvnode.ts
var Vnode = class {
  props = {};
  children = [];
  constructor(tagName) {
    this.tagName = tagName;
var Scanner = class {
  pos = 0;
  vnode = [];
  tagNames = [];
  targets = [];
  text = "";
  quote = "";
  constructor(html) {
    this.html = html;
    this.targets.push({ children: this.vnode });
    while (this.html) {
  organizeTag() {
    if (!this.quote && this.html[0] === "<") {
      if (this.html.startsWith(\`</\${this.tagNames.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0)}\`)) {
        this.html = this.html.replace(new RegExp(\`^</\${this.tagNames.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0)}>\`), "");
      } else {
        if (this.html.startsWith("!-- ")) {
          this.html = this.html.replace(/^!--[\\S\\s]+?-->/, "");
        if (/^[a-zA-Z]/.test(this.html)) {
          const func = [];
          let stop = false;
          for (this.pos = 0; this.pos < this.html.length; this.pos++) {
            if (stop) {
            switch (this.html[this.pos]) {
              case " ":
              case "\\r":
              case "\\n":
                func.push(() => this.organizeProp());
                stop = true;
              case ">":
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function htmlVnode(html) {
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// src/utils/vdomtool.ts
var VdomTool = class {
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// src/page/page.ts
var Page = class {
  initilized = false;
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  updateDom() {
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  loadedCallback() {
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      document.querySelector("#jvs-cert") || window.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));

// src/html/index.html
var html_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords"\\r\\n        content="Bilibili,哔哩哔哩,哔哩哔哩动画,哔哩哔哩弹幕网,弹幕视频,B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,二次元,游戏视频,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid,日本动漫,国产动漫,手机游戏,网络游戏,电子竞技,ACG燃曲,ACG神曲,追新番,新番动漫,新番吐槽,巡音,镜音双子,千本樱,初音MIKU,舞蹈MMD,MIKUMIKUDANCE,洛天依原创曲,洛天依翻唱曲,洛天依投食歌,洛天依MMD,vocaloid家族,OST,BGM,动漫歌曲,日本动漫音乐,宫崎骏动漫音乐,动漫音乐推荐,燃系mad,治愈系mad,MAD MOVIE,MAD高燃" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="//"\\r\\n        title="哔哩哔哩" />\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        /* 隐藏失效节点 */\\r\\n        #fixed_app_download,\\r\\n        #app>>div.ver {\\r\\n            display: none;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        /* 禁用失效节点 */\\r\\n        .bili-tab.rank-tab,\\r\\n        .bili-dropdown.rank-dropdown {\\r\\n            pointer-events: none;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        /* 资讯区图标 */\\r\\n        .icon.icon_t.icon-news {\\r\\n            background-image: url();\\r\\n            background-position: unset;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div id="home-app"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="app" data-server-rendered="true"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/html/news.html
var news_default = '<div class="r-con">\\r\\n    <div class="r-con">\\r\\n        <header style="margin-bottom: 14px">\\r\\n            <h3 style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: 400;">资讯分区正式上线啦!</h3>\\r\\n        </header>\\r\\n        <div class="carousel-module">\\r\\n            <div class="panel"><a href="" target="_blank"><img\\r\\n                        src="//"\\r\\n                        width="260" height="280" /></a></div>\\r\\n        </div>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n</div>';

// src/io/api.ts
var import_md5 = __toESM(require_md5());
function jsonCheck(str) {
  const result = typeof str === "string" ? JSON.parse(str) : str;
  if (result.code === 0)
    return result;
  throw new Error(\`\${result.code} \${result.message}\`, { cause: result.code });
var APP_KEY = /* @__PURE__ */ ((APP_KEY2) => {
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})(APP_KEY || {});
var ApiSign = class {
  constructor(url, appkey) {
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    this.appkey = appkey;
  get ts() {
    return new Date().getTime();
  sign(searchParams = {}, api = "") {
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  get appSecret() {
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      case "4fa4601d1caa8b48":
      case "452d3958f048c02a":
      case "86385cdc024c0f6c":
      case "5256c25b71989747":
      case "e97210393ad42219":
        switch (Math.trunc(new Date().getHours() / 4)) {
          case 0:
            this.appkey = "f3bb208b3d081dc8";
          case 1:
            this.appkey = "4fa4601d1caa8b48";
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          case 4:
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          case 5:
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    return APP_KEY[this.appkey];

// src/io/urls.ts
var _URLS = class {
var URLS = _URLS;
__publicField(URLS, "P_AUTO", "//");
__publicField(URLS, "P_HTTP", "http://");
__publicField(URLS, "P_HTTPS", "https://");
__publicField(URLS, "P_WS", "ws://");
__publicField(URLS, "P_WSS", "wss://");
__publicField(URLS, "D_WWW", "");
__publicField(URLS, "D_API", "");
__publicField(URLS, "D_APP", "");
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__publicField(URLS, "D_INTL", "");
__publicField(URLS, "WEBSHOW_LOCS", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-show/res/locs");
__publicField(URLS, "INDEX_TOP_RCMD", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-interface/index/top/rcmd");
__publicField(URLS, "PAGE_HEADER", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-show/page/header");
__publicField(URLS, "SEASON_RANK_LIST", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/season/rank/web/list");
__publicField(URLS, "VIDEO", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_STATIC_S + "/js/video.min.js");
__publicField(URLS, "JQUERY", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_STATIC_S + "/js/jquery.min.js");
__publicField(URLS, "ARTICLE_CARDS", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/article/cards");
__publicField(URLS, "VIEW_DETAIL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-interface/view/detail");
__publicField(URLS, "VIEW", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/view");
__publicField(URLS, "TAG_INFO", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/tag/info");
__publicField(URLS, "TAG_TOP", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-interface/tag/top");
__publicField(URLS, "BANGUMI_SEASON", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_BANGUMI + "/view/web_api/season");
__publicField(URLS, "SEASON_STATUS", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/view/web/season/user/status");
__publicField(URLS, "SEASON_SECTION", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/web/season/section");
__publicField(URLS, "GLOBAL_OGV_VIEW", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API_GLOBAL + "/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/view/app/season");
__publicField(URLS, "GLOBAL_OGV_PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API_GLOBAL + "/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "APP_PGC_PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/player/api/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "ACCOUNT_GETCARDBYMID", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_ACCOUNT + "/api/member/getCardByMid");
__publicField(URLS, "LOGIN_APP_THIRD", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_PASSPORT + "/login/app/third");
__publicField(URLS, "PLAYER", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/player/v2");
__publicField(URLS, "PLAYURL_PROJ", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_APP + "/v2/playurlproj");
__publicField(URLS, "PGC_PLAYURL_PROJ", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/player/api/playurlproj");
__publicField(URLS, "PGC_PLAYURL_TV", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/player/api/playurltv");
__publicField(URLS, "UGC_PLAYURL_TV", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/tv/ugc/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "PGC_PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/pgc/player/web/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/player/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "INTL_PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_APP + "/x/intl/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "INTL_OGV_PLAYURL", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_INTL + "/intl/gateway/ogv/player/api/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "PLAYURL_INTERFACE", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_INTERFACE + "/v2/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "PLAYURL_BANGUMI", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_BANGUMI + "/player/web_api/v2/playurl");
__publicField(URLS, "LIKE", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-interface/archive/like");
__publicField(URLS, "HAS_LIKE", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/web-interface/archive/has/like");
__publicField(URLS, "DM_WEB_VIEW", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/v2/dm/web/view");
__publicField(URLS, "DM_WEB_SEG_SO", _URLS.P_AUTO + _URLS.D_API + "/x/v2/dm/web/");

// src/io/api-webshow-locs.ts
function ApiWebshowLocs(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.WEBSHOW_LOCS, {
      pf: 0,
      ids: data.ids.join(",")
    })).then((d) => d.text()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(BV2avAll(d)).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-index-top-rcmd.ts
function apiIndexTopRcmd(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.INDEX_TOP_RCMD, {
      fresh_type: data?.fresh_type || 3
    }), {
      credentials: data?.credentials || "include"
    }).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d) => { =; = d2.stat.view;
      d2.aid =;
      return d2;
    }))).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/utils/cookie.ts
function getCookies() {
  return document.cookie.split("; ").reduce((s, d) => {
    let key = d.split("=")[0];
    let val = d.split("=")[1];
    s[key] = unescape(val);
    return s;
  }, {});
function setCookie(name, value, days = 365) {
  const exp = new Date();
  exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3);
  document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";expires=" + exp.toUTCString() + "; path=/;";

// src/utils/conf/uid.ts
var uid = Number(getCookies().DedeUserID);

// src/utils/hook/node.ts
var appendChildHead = HTMLHeadElement.prototype.appendChild;
var appendChildBody = HTMLBodyElement.prototype.appendChild;
var insertBeforeHead = HTMLHeadElement.prototype.insertBefore;
var insertBeforeBody = HTMLBodyElement.prototype.insertBefore;
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    d[0].every((d2) => newChild.src.includes(d2)) && d[1].call(newChild);
  return, newChild, refChild);
function jsonpHook(url, redirect, modifyResponse, once = true) {
  let id;
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function() {
    once && id && delete jsonp[id - 1];
    if (redirect)
      try {
        this.src = redirect(this.src) || this.src;
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("redirect of jsonphook", one, e);
    if (modifyResponse) {
      const obj = urlObj(this.src);
      if (obj) {
        const callback = obj.callback;
        const call = window[callback];
        const url2 = this.src;
        if (call) {
          window[callback] = function(v) {
            try {
              v = modifyResponse(v, url2, call) || v;
            } catch (e) {
              debug.error("modifyResponse of jsonphook", one, e);
            return v !== true && call(v);
  const iid = jsonp.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
jsonpHook.async = (url, condition, modifyResponse, once = true) => {
  let id;
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function() {
    try {
      once && id && delete jsonp[id - 1];
      if (!condition || condition(this.src)) {
        const obj = urlObj(this.src);
        if (obj) {
          const callback = obj.callback;
          const call = window[callback];
          if (call) {
            modifyResponse && modifyResponse(this.src).then((d) => {
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
            }).catch((e) => {
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("error"));
              debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhookasync", one, e);
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("jsonphook", one, e);
  const iid = jsonp.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
jsonpHook.scriptBlock = (url) => {
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function() {
    try {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
        try {
        } catch (e) {
      }, 100);
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("脚本拦截失败!", one, e);
  jsonp.push([one, two]);
jsonpHook.scriptIntercept = (url, redirect, text) => {
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function() {
    try {
      if (text) {
        this.text = text(this.src);
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
        }, 100);
      } else if (redirect) {
        this.src = redirect(this.src);
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("scriptIntercept", one, e);
  const iid = jsonp.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
function removeJsonphook(id) {
  id >= 0 && delete jsonp[id - 1];

// src/utils/hook/xhr.ts
var rules = [];
var open =; = function( {
  const args = [];
  args[1] && rules.forEach((d) => {
    d && d[0].every((d2) => args[1].includes(d2)) && d[1].call(this, args);
  return, ...args);
function xhrHook(url, modifyOpen, modifyResponse, once = true) {
  let id;
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function(args) {
    once && id && delete rules[id - 1];
    if (modifyOpen)
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("modifyOpen of xhrhook", one, e);
    if (modifyResponse)
      try {
        this.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => {
          try {
            if (this.readyState === 4) {
              const response = { response: this.response, responseType: this.responseType, status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText };
              (this.responseType === "" || this.responseType === "text") && (response.responseText = this.responseText);
              (this.responseType === "" || this.responseType === "document") && (response.responseXML = this.responseXML);
              Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: response.response });
              response.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: response.responseText });
              response.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: response.responseXML });
          } catch (e) {
            debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhook", one, e);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhook", one, e);
  const iid = rules.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
xhrHook.async = (url, condition, modifyResponse, once = true) => {
  let id, temp;
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function(args) {
    try {
      if (!condition || condition(args)) {
        this.xhrhookTimes = this.xhrhookTimes ? this.xhrhookTimes++ : 1;
        id && (temp = rules[id - 1]);
        delete rules[id - 1];
        this.send = () => true;
        (!args[2] || args[2] === true) && (this.timeout = 0);
        const et = setInterval(() => {
          this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("progress"));
        }, 50);
        Reflect.defineProperty(this, "status", { configurable: true, value: 200 });
        Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 2 });
        this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
        modifyResponse ? modifyResponse(args).then((d) => {
          if (d) {
            Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: d.response });
            d.responseType && setResponseType(d.responseType, this);
            d.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: d.responseText });
            d.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: d.responseXML });
            !this.responseURL && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseURL", { configurable: true, value: args[1] });
            Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 4 });
            this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
            this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
            this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend"));
        }).catch((d) => {
          if (this.xhrhookTimes === 1) {
            if (d && d.response) {
              Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: d.response });
              d.responseType && setResponseType(d.responseType, this);
              d.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: d.responseText });
              d.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: d.responseXML });
              !this.responseURL && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseURL", { configurable: true, value: args[1] });
              Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 4 });
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend"));
            } else {
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("error"));
          } else {
          debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhookasync", one, d);
        }).finally(() => {
          !once && (id = rules.push(temp));
        }) : (this.abort(), !once && (id = rules.push(temp)));
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("condition of xhrhook", one, e);
  const iid = rules.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
function removeXhrhook(id) {
  id >= 0 && delete rules[id - 1];
xhrHook.ultra = (url, modify) => {
  const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
  const two = function(args) {
    try {, this, args);
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("xhrhook modify", one, modify, e);
  const iid = rules.push([one, two]);
  return () => {
function setResponseType(responseType, xhr) {
  Reflect.defineProperty(xhr, "responseType", { configurable: true, value: responseType });
  xhr.getResponseHeader = (name) => {
    if (name === "content-type") {
      switch (xhr.responseType) {
        case "arraybuffer":
        case "blob":
          return "application/octet-stream";
        case "document":
          return "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
        case "json":
          return "application/json; charset=utf-8";
          return "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
    return "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
  xhr.getAllResponseHeaders = () => {
    switch (xhr.responseType) {
      case "arraybuffer":
      case "blob":
        return "content-type: application/octet-stream\\r\\n";
      case "document":
        return "content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\\r\\n";
      case "json":
        return "content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\\r\\n";
        return "content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\r\\n";

// src/utils/format/unit.ts
function unitFormat(num = 0) {
  num = 1 * num || 0;
  let unit = ["", "万", "亿"], i = unit.length - 1, dex = 1e4 ** i;
  while (dex > 1) {
    if (num >= dex) {
      num = Number((num / dex).toFixed(1));
    dex = dex / 1e4;
  return num + unit[i];

// src/io/api-page-header.ts
function apiPageHeader(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.PAGE_HEADER, data)).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/utils/format/subarray.ts
function subArray(res, num = 1) {
  const arr2 = [...res];
  const out = [];
  num = num || 1;
  num = num < arr2.length ? num : arr2.length;
  while (out.length < num) {
    var temp = Math.random() * arr2.length >> 0;
    out.push(arr2.splice(temp, 1)[0]);
  return num === 1 ? out[0] : out;

// src/css/avatar-animation.css
var avatar_animation_default = "/* 鼠标放在顶栏上的动效 */\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info .i-face .face {\\r\\n    border: 0\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info .i-face .pendant {\\r\\n    transform: scale(0.5);\\r\\n    width: 112px;\\r\\n    height: 112px;\\r\\n    left: -41px;\\r\\n    bottom: -46px;\\r\\n    opacity: 0;\\r\\n    transition: opacity .1s ease-in\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face {\\r\\n    left: 8px !important;\\r\\n    top: 0 !important;\\r\\n    height: 32px !important;\\r\\n    width: 32px !important;\\r\\n    transform: translateY(10px) translateX(-16px) scale(2);\\r\\n    transform-origin: top left\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face .legalize {\\r\\n    transform: scale(0.5) translate(10px, 15px)\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face .pendant {\\r\\n    opacity: 1\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face .face {\\r\\n    border: 0;\\r\\n    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face.scale-in {\\r\\n    transform: translateY(5px) translateX(-10px) scale(1.75)\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .scale-in .face {\\r\\n    height: 32px;\\r\\n    width: 32px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bili-header-m .profile-info.on .i-face.scale-in .legalize {\\r\\n    transform: scale(0.5) translate(38px, 48px)\\r\\n}";

// src/css/message.css
var message_default = "/* 修复消息页样式 */\\r\\n.container[data-v-6969394c] {\\r\\n    height: calc(100vh - 42px) !important;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.container[data-v-1c9150a9] {\\r\\n    height: calc(100vh - 42px) !important;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\,\\r\\ .im-list-box * {\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    line-height: 42px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box {\\r\\n    width: 100%;\\r\\n    overflow: visible;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box .im-list {\\r\\n    line-height: 42px;\\r\\n    height: 42px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box {\\r\\n    height: 14px;\\r\\n    line-height: 13px;\\r\\n    border-radius: 10px;\\r\\n    padding: 1px 3px;\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    min-width: 20px;\\r\\n    text-align: center;\\r\\n    color: #fff;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box {\\r\\n    top: 14px;\\r\\n    left: 80px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box {\\r\\n    top: 11px;\\r\\n    right: -10px;\\r\\n    width: 8px;\\r\\n    height: 8px;\\r\\n    border-radius: 100%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .im-list-box {\\r\\n    top: 16px;\\r\\n    right: 20px;\\r\\n}";

// src/page/header.ts
var _Header = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    this.oldHeader.className = "z-top-container has-menu";
    poll(() => document.readyState === "complete", () => this.styleClear());
  static resourceId() {
    if (location.href.includes("v/douga"))
      return 1576;
    if (location.href.includes("/anime"))
      return 1612;
    if (location.href.includes("v/music"))
      return 1580;
    if (location.href.includes("/guochuang"))
      return 1920;
    if (location.href.includes("v/dance"))
      return 1584;
    if (location.href.includes("v/game"))
      return 1588;
    if (location.href.includes("v/knowledge"))
      return 1592;
    if (location.href.includes("v/tech"))
      return 3129;
    if (location.href.includes("v/life"))
      return 1600;
    if (location.href.includes("v/kichiku"))
      return 1608;
    if (location.href.includes("v/fashion"))
      return 1604;
    if (location.href.includes("v/ent"))
      return 1596;
    if (location.href.includes("v/cinephile"))
      return 2210;
    if (location.href.includes("/cinema"))
      return 1634;
    return 142;
  static primaryMenu() {
    poll(() => document.querySelector("#primary_menu"), (d) => {
      const vue = d.__vue__;
      vue.menuList.forEach((d2, i, s) => {
        switch ( {
          case "动画":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "MAD·AMV", "route": "mad", "tid": 24, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 151 }, "desc": "具有一定制作程度的动画或静画的二次创作视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "MMD·3D", "route": "mmd", "tid": 25, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 152 }, "desc": "使用MMD(MikuMikuDance)和其他3D建模类软件制作的视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "短片·手书·配音", "route": "voice", "tid": 47, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "追求创新并具有强烈特色的短片、手书(绘)及ACG相关配音", "url": "//" }, { "name": "手办·模玩", "route": "garage_kit", "tid": 210, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "手办模玩的测评、改造或其他衍生内容", "url": "" }, { "name": "特摄", "route": "tokusatsu", "tid": 86, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "特摄相关衍生视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "综合", "route": "other", "tid": 27, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 153 }, "desc": "以动画及动画相关内容为素材,包括但不仅限于音频替换、杂谈、排行榜等内容", "url": "//" }];
          case "音乐":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "原创音乐", "route": "original", "tid": 28, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 243 }, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "原创歌曲及纯音乐,包括改编、重编曲及remix", "url": "//" }, { "name": "翻唱", "route": "cover", "tid": 31, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 245 }, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "对曲目的人声再演绎视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "演奏", "route": "perform", "tid": 59, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "乐器和非传统乐器器材的演奏作品", "url": "//" }, { "name": "VOCALOID·UTAU", "route": "vocaloid", "tid": 30, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 247 }, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "以VOCALOID等歌声合成引擎为基础,运用各类音源进行的创作", "url": "//" }, { "name": "音乐现场", "route": "live", "tid": 29, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "音乐表演的实况视频,包括官方/个人拍摄的综艺节目、音乐剧、音乐节、演唱会等", "url": "//" }, { "name": "MV", "route": "mv", "tid": 193, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "为音乐作品配合拍摄或制作的音乐录影带(Music Video),以及自制拍摄、剪辑、翻拍MV", "url": "//" }, { "name": "乐评盘点", "route": "commentary", "tid": 243, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "音乐类新闻、盘点、点评、reaction、榜单、采访、幕后故事、唱片开箱等", "url": "//" }, { "name": "音乐教学", "route": "tutorial", "tid": 244, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "以音乐教学为目的的内容", "url": "//" }, { "name": "音乐综合", "route": "other", "tid": 130, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "dpConfig": [{ "name": "一日", "value": 1 }, { "name": "三日", "value": 3 }], "desc": "所有无法被收纳到其他音乐二级分区的音乐类视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "音频", "customZone": "Audio", "route": "audio", "url": "//" }, { "name": "说唱", "url": "//" }];
          case "科技":
            s[i].name = "知识";
            s[i].route = "knowledge";
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "科学科普", "route": "science", "tid": 201, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 261 }, "desc": "回答你的十万个为什么" }, { "name": "社科·法律·心理", "route": "social_science", "tid": 124, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 263 }, "desc": "基于社会科学、法学、心理学展开或个人观点输出的知识视频" }, { "name": "人文历史", "route": "humanity_history", "tid": 228, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "看看古今人物,聊聊历史过往,品品文学典籍" }, { "name": "财经商业", "route": "business", "tid": 207, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "说金融市场,谈宏观经济,一起畅聊商业故事" }, { "name": "校园学习", "route": "campus", "tid": 208, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 265 }, "desc": "老师很有趣,学生也有才,我们一起搞学习" }, { "name": "职业职场", "route": "career", "tid": 209, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "职业分享、升级指南,一起成为最有料的职场人" }, { "name": "设计·创意", "route": "design", "tid": 229, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "天马行空,创意设计,都在这里" }, { "name": "野生技能协会", "route": "skill", "tid": 122, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "技能党集合,是时候展示真正的技术了" }];
          case "数码":
            s[i].name = "科技";
            s[i].route = "tech";
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "数码", "route": "digital", "tid": 95, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "desc": "科技数码产品大全,一起来做发烧友", "url": "#" }, { "name": "软件应用", "route": "application", "tid": 230, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "desc": "超全软件应用指南", "url": "#" }, { "name": "计算机技术", "route": "computer_tech", "tid": 231, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "desc": "研究分析、教学演示、经验分享......有关计算机技术的都在这里", "url": "#" }, { "name": "科工机械", "route": "industry", "tid": 232, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "desc": "从小芯片到大工程,一起见证科工力量", "url": "#" }, { "name": "极客DIY", "route": "diy", "tid": 233, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "viewHotTag": true, "desc": "炫酷技能,极客文化,硬核技巧,准备好你的惊讶", "url": "#" }];
          case "生活":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "搞笑", "route": "funny", "tid": 138, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 273 }, "desc": "各种沙雕有趣的搞笑剪辑,挑战,表演,配音等视频", "url": "//", "locid": 4204, "recommendId": 4210, "slider": { "width": 620, "height": 220 }, "customComponent": { "name": "Energy", "leftId": 4212, "rightId": 4218, "rightType": "slide" } }, { "name": "家居房产", "route": "home", "tid": 239, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 275 }, "desc": "与买房、装修、居家生活相关的分享", "url": "#" }, { "name": "手工", "route": "handmake", "tid": 161, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "手工制品的制作过程或成品展示、教程、测评类视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "绘画", "route": "painting", "tid": 162, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "绘画过程或绘画教程,以及绘画相关的所有视频", "url": "//" }, { "name": "日常", "route": "daily", "tid": 21, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "记录日常生活,分享生活故事", "url": "//" }];
          case "鬼畜":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "鬼畜调教", "route": "guide", "tid": 22, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 285 }, "desc": "使用素材在音频、画面上做一定处理,达到与BGM一定的同步感", "url": "//" }, { "name": "音MAD", "route": "mad", "tid": 26, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 287 }, "desc": "使用素材音频进行一定的二次创作来达到还原原曲的非商业性质稿件", "url": "//" }, { "name": "人力VOCALOID", "route": "manual_vocaloid", "tid": 126, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "将人物或者角色的无伴奏素材进行人工调音,使其就像VOCALOID一样歌唱的技术", "url": "//" }, { "name": "鬼畜剧场", "route": "theatre", "tid": 216, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "使用素材进行人工剪辑编排的有剧情的作品" }, { "name": "教程演示", "route": "course", "tid": 127, "ps": 10, "rps": 6, "rightComponent": { "name": "CmImgList", "id": 148 }, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 289 }, "hideDropdown": false, "desc": "鬼畜相关的教程演示", "url": "//" }];
          case "时尚":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "美妆护肤", "route": "makeup", "tid": 157, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 279 }, "desc": "彩妆护肤、美甲美发、仿妆、医美相关内容分享或产品测评", "url": "//" }, { "name": "穿搭", "route": "clothing", "tid": 158, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 281 }, "desc": "穿搭风格、穿搭技巧的展示分享,涵盖衣服、鞋靴、箱包配件、配饰(帽子、钟表、珠宝首饰)等", "url": "//" }, { "name": "时尚潮流", "route": "trend", "tid": 159, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "时尚街拍、时装周、时尚大片,时尚品牌、潮流等行业相关记录及知识科普", "url": "#" }];
          case "广告":
            s[i].name = "资讯";
            s[i].route = "information";
            s[i].tid = 202;
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "热点", "route": "hotspot", "tid": 203, "ps": 18, "rps": 10, "desc": "全民关注的时政热门资讯" }, { "name": "环球", "route": "global", "tid": 204, "ps": 18, "rps": 10, "desc": "全球范围内发生的具有重大影响力的事件动态" }, { "name": "社会", "route": "social", "tid": 205, "ps": 18, "rps": 10, "desc": "日常生活的社会事件、社会问题、社会风貌的报道" }, { "name": "综合", "route": "multiple", "tid": 206, "ps": 18, "rps": 10, "desc": "除上述领域外其它垂直领域的综合资讯" }];
          case "娱乐":
            s[i].sub = [{ "name": "综艺", "route": "variety", "tid": 71, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 267 }, "desc": "所有综艺相关,全部一手掌握!", "url": "//" }, { "name": "娱乐杂谈", "route": "talker", "tid": 241, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "ad": { "active": true, "dataLocId": 269 }, "desc": "娱乐人物解读、娱乐热点点评、娱乐行业分析" }, { "name": "粉丝创作", "route": "fans", "tid": 242, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "粉丝向创作视频" }, { "name": "明星综合", "route": "celebrity", "tid": 137, "ps": 15, "rps": 10, "desc": "娱乐圈动态、明星资讯相关" }];
  static banner() {
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[0].pic = header && header.pic || "//";
[0].litpic = header && header.litpic || "";
[0].url = header && header.url || "";
[0].title = header && || "";
      return loc;
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  static plaza() {
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      return { "code": 0, "result": [{ "link": "", "end": 1640966407, "begin": 1456709887, "title": "bilibili 活动", "cover": "", "id": 9, "created_ts": 1491386053 }, { "link": "", "end": 1640966418, "begin": 1544258598, "title": "话题列表", "cover": "", "id": 17, "created_ts": 1491386030 }] };
    }, false);
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      return {
        code: 0,
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        message: "0",
        ttl: 1
    }, false);
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  feedCount() {
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var Header = _Header;
__publicField(Header, "locs", [1576, 1612, 1580, 1920, 1584, 1588, 1592, 3129, 1600, 1608, 1604, 1596, 2210, 1634, 142]);
__publicField(Header, "record", {});
__publicField(Header, "rid", _Header.resourceId());
__publicField(Header, "fullBannerCover", false);

// src/io/api-season-rank-list.ts
function apiSeasonRankList(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.SEASON_RANK_LIST, {
      season_type: data.season_type,
      day: 3
    })).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).data.list)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/page/index.ts
var __INITIAL_STATE__ = {
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    29: null,
    31: null,
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    40: null,
    42: null,
    44: null,
    142: null
  recommendData: null
var PageIndex = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
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  locsData() {
    ApiWebshowLocs({ ids: [4694, 29, 31, 34, 40, 42, 44] }).then((d) => {
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[23] = this.adblock(d[4694]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[29] = this.adblock(d[29]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[31] = this.adblock(d[31]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[34] = this.adblock(d[34]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[40] = this.adblock(d[40]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[42] = this.adblock(d[42]);
      __INITIAL_STATE__.locsData[44] = this.adblock(d[44]);
    }).catch((e) => {
      this.BLOD.toast.error("locsData Error!", e)();
  recommendData() {
    apiIndexTopRcmd().then((d) => {
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        __INITIAL_STATE__.recommendData = d;
        poll(() => document.querySelector(".rec-btn.prev"), () => {
            { class: "rec-btn prev" },
            void 0,
            void 0,
          ).addEventListener("click", () => {
            apiIndexTopRcmd().then((d2) => __INITIAL_STATE__.recommendData = d2);
            { class: "rec-btn next" },
            void 0,
            void 0,
          ).addEventListener("click", () => {
            apiIndexTopRcmd().then((d2) => __INITIAL_STATE__.recommendData = d2);
      } else {
        const one = d.splice(0, 10);
        const two = d.splice(0, 10);
        __INITIAL_STATE__.recommendData = [];
        jsonpHook.async("", void 0, async (str) => {
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              return { code: 0, data: two, message: "0", ttl: 1 };
            } else if ( == "1") {
              return { code: 0, data: d, message: "0", ttl: 1 };
            return { code: 0, data: one, message: "0", ttl: 1 };
        }, false);
    }).catch((e) => {
      this.BLOD.toast.error("recommendData Error!", e)();
  ranking() {
    poll(() => document.querySelector("#ranking_ad"), () => {
      const vue = document.querySelector("#app >").__vue__;
      const ranking_ad = document.querySelector("#ranking_ad").__vue__;
      const ranking_technology = document.querySelector("#ranking_technology").__vue__;
      const ranking_digital = document.querySelector("#ranking_digital").__vue__;
      vue.config[13].morelink = "/v/information/";
      vue.config[13].name = "资讯";
      vue.config[13].tid = 202;
      vue.config[13].type = "news";
      vue.config[8].morelink = "/v/knowledge/";
      vue.config[8].name = "知识";
      vue.config[9].morelink = "/v/tech/";
      vue.config[9].name = "科技";
      ranking_ad.config.morelink = "/v/information/"; = "资讯";
      ranking_ad.config.tid = 202;
      ranking_ad.config.type = "news";
      ranking_technology.config.morelink = "/v/knowledge/"; = "知识";
      ranking_digital.config.morelink = "/v/tech/"; = "科技";
      poll(() => document.querySelector("#ranking_news"), (d) => {
        new VdomTool(news_default).replace(d);
  roomRecommend() {
    xhrHook("", (args) => {
      args[1] = args[1].includes("List") ? args[1].replace("", "") : args[1].replace("", "");
    }, (obj) => {
      let response = obj.responseText?.replace(/preview_banner_list/, "preview").replace(/ranking_list/, "ranking").replace(/recommend_room_list/, "recommend");
      if (response) {
        response = JSON.parse(response); = { text: "233秒居然能做这些!", link: "//" };
        if ( {
          for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  [i].pic =[i].cover;
  [i].link = "//" +[i].link;
        if (
          for (let i = 0; i <; i++)
  [i].url =[i].link;
        obj.response = obj.responseText = JSON.stringify(response);
    }, false);
  newlist() {
    jsonpHook(["newlist", "rid=202"], (url) => url.replace("rid=202", "rid=203"), void 0, false);
  region() {
    jsonpHook("", (url) => {
      const obj = new URL(url);
      let arr2 = void 0;
      switch (obj.searchParams.get("rid")) {
        case "23":
          arr2 = [document.querySelector("#ranking_movie"), 2, "/ranking/cinema/23/0/3"];
        case "11":
          arr2 = [document.querySelector("#ranking_teleplay"), 5, "/ranking/cinema/11/0/3"];
        case "177":
          arr2 = [document.querySelector("#ranking_documentary"), 3, "/ranking/cinema/177/0/3"];
      if (arr2) {
        apiSeasonRankList({ season_type: arr2[1] }).then((d) => {
          let html = \`<header class="rank-head"><h3>排行</h3><div class="bili-dropdown rank-dropdown"><span class="selected">三日</span><i class="icon icon-arrow-down"></i><ul class="dropdown-list"><li class="dropdown-item" style="display: none;">三日</li><li class="dropdown-item">一周</li></ul></div></header><div class="rank-list-wrap"><ul class="bangumi-rank-list rank-list">\`;
          for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            html += \`<li class="rank-item\${i < 3 ? " highlight" : ""}"><i class="ri-num">\${i + 1}</i><a href="\${d[i].url}" target="_blank" title="\${d[i].title} 播放:\${d[i].stat.view}" class="ri-info-wrap"><p class="ri-title">\${d[i].title}</p><span class="ri-total">\${d[i].new_ep.index_show}</span></a></li>\`;
          html += \`</ul></div><a href="\${arr2[2]}" target="_blank" class="more-link">查看更多<i class="icon icon-arrow-r"></i></a>\`;
          const vnode = htmlVnode(html);
          vnode[1].children[0].children?.forEach((t, i) => {
            let node;
            t.event = {
              "mouseover": (e) => {
                const target =;
                const nodes = \`<div class="bangumi-info-module" style="left: \${target.getBoundingClientRect().left}px; top: \${getTotalTop(target) - 150}px;"><div class="v-preview clearfix"><div class="lazy-img cover"><img alt="\${d[i].title}" src="\${d[i].cover.replace("http:", "")}@72w_72h.webp" /></div><div><p class="title">\${d[i].title}</p><p class="desc">\${d[i].new_ep.index_show}</p></div></div><div class="v-data"><span class="play"><i class="icon"></i>\${unitFormat(d[i].stat.view)}</span><span class="danmu"><i class="icon"></i>\${unitFormat(d[i].stat.danmaku)}</span><span class="fav"><i class="icon"></i>\${unitFormat(d[i].stat.follow)}</span></div></div>\`;
                node = new VdomTool(nodes).toFragment().children[0];
              "mouseout": () => node.remove()
          arr2[0].replaceChildren(new VdomTool(vnode).toFragment());
        }).catch((e) => {
          debug.error(arr2[0], e);
      return url;
    }, void 0, false);
  adblock(arr2) {
    return arr2?.filter((d) => !d.is_ad &&;

// src/core/comment.ts
var Feedback;
var loading = false;
var load = false;
var events = {};
var Comment = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
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    Feedback = void 0;
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    load = false;
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  bbComment() {
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              d.href && d.href.includes("comment") && (d.disabled = true);
        Feedback = v;
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      get: () => {
        return Feedback ? Feedback : class {
          constructor() {
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              loadScript("//").then(() => {
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                  d.href && d.href.includes("comment") && (d.disabled = true);
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     && ( = Object.assign(, events));
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  initComment() {
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// src/io/api-article-cards.ts
function apiArticleCards(data) {
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      ids: arr2.join(",")
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// src/core/observer.ts
var nodelist = [];
var observe = new MutationObserver(async (d) => d.forEach((d2) => {
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observe.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function observerAddedNodes(callback) {
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var switchlist = [];
function switchVideo(callback) {
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observerAddedNodes((node) => {
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// src/core/player.ts
var GroupKind = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GroupKind2) => {
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})(GroupKind || {});
var _Player = class {
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  static addModifyArgument(callback) {
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  initData = {};
  EmbedPlayer() {
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  modifyArgument(args) {
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  createPlayer(initData, theme) {
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      next: { get: () => window.player?.next },
      ogvUpdate: { get: () => window.player?.ogvUpdate },
      pause: { get: () => window.player?.pause },
      play: { get: () => window.player?.play },
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      }).catch((e) => {
        debug.error("获取aid详情出错!", e);
    } else {
var Player = _Player;
__publicField(Player, "modifyArgumentCallback", []);

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// src/html/av.html
var av_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords"\\r\\n        content="Bilibili,哔哩哔哩,哔哩哔哩动画,哔哩哔哩弹幕网,弹幕视频,B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,二次元,游戏视频,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid,日本动漫,国产动漫,手机游戏,网络游戏,电子竞技,ACG燃曲,ACG神曲,追新番,新番动漫,新番吐槽,巡音,镜音双子,千本樱,初音MIKU,舞蹈MMD,MIKUMIKUDANCE,洛天依原创曲,洛天依翻唱曲,洛天依投食歌,洛天依MMD,vocaloid家族,OST,BGM,动漫歌曲,日本动漫音乐,宫崎骏动漫音乐,动漫音乐推荐,燃系mad,治愈系mad,MAD MOVIE,MAD高燃" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="//"\\r\\n        title="哔哩哔哩" />\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        #bofqi .player {\\r\\n            width: 980px;\\r\\n            height: 620px;\\r\\n            display: block;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        @media screen and (min-width:1400px) {\\r\\n\\r\\n            #bofqi .player {\\r\\n                width: 1160px;\\r\\n                height: 720px\\r\\n            }\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container has-menu"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="video-page-app"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="app" data-server-rendered="true"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript">\\r\\n        window.getInternetExplorerVersion = function () {\\r\\n            var e = -1; if ("Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName) {\\r\\n                var r = navigator.userAgent;\\r\\n                null != new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})").exec(r) && (e = parseFloat(RegExp.\$1))\\r\\n            }\\r\\n            return e\\r\\n        };\\r\\n        function getQueryString(e) {\\r\\n            var r = new RegExp("(^|&)" + e + "=([^&]*)(&|\$)"),\\r\\n                i =;\\r\\n            return null != i ? unescape(i[2]) : null\\r\\n        }\\r\\n        window.commentAgent = { seek: t => window.player && };\\r\\n    <\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"\\r\\n        crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"\\r\\n        crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"\\r\\n        crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/utils/hook/webpack.ts
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var _Webpack = class {
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var Webpack = _Webpack;
__publicField(Webpack, "load", false);
function webpackHook(len, pos, rpc, params = ["t", "e", "i"]) {
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  getDate() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(d)).catch((e) => reject(e));
  toDetail() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(this.view2Detail(d))).catch((e) => reject(e));
  view2Detail(data) {
    const result = new ApiViewDetail();
    if (data.v2_app_api) {
      delete data.v2_app_api.redirect_url; = data.v2_app_api.owner_ext?.fans; = {, }; = data.v2_app_api.tag; = data.v2_app_api;
      xhrHook(\`\${this.aid}\`, void 0, (res) => {
        const t = \`{"code": 0,"message":"0","ttl":1,"data":\${JSON.stringify(}}\`;
        res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = JSON.parse(t) : res.response = res.responseText = t;
      }, false);
      xhrHook(\`\${this.aid}\`, void 0, (res) => {
        const t = \`{"code": 0,"message":"0","ttl":1,"data":\${JSON.stringify({, aid: this.aid })}}\`;
        res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = JSON.parse(t) : res.response = res.responseText = t;
      }, false);
      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
    } else
      return this.view2Detail_v1(data);
  view2Detail_v1(data) {
    const result = new ApiViewDetail();
    const p = Number(getUrlValue("p")); = {
      face: "//",
      mid: data.mid,
      vip: {}
    }; = {
      aid: data.aid || || this.aid,
      cid: data.list[p ? p - 1 : 0].cid,
      copyright: 1,
      ctime: data.created,
      dimension: { width: 1920, height: 1080, rotate: 0 },
      duration: -1,
      pages: => {
        d.dimension = { width: 1920, height: 1080, rotate: 0 };
        return d;
      pic: data.pic,
      pubdate: data.lastupdatets,
      rights: {},
      stat: {
        aid: data.aid || || this.aid,
        coin: data.coins,
        danmaku: data.video_review,
        dislike: 0,
        evaluation: "",
        favorite: data.favorites,
        his_rank: 0,
        like: -1,
        now_rank: 0,
        reply: -1,
        share: -1,
      state: 0,
      subtitle: { allow_submit: false, list: [] },
      tid: data.tid,
      title: data.title,
      tname: data.typename,
      videos: data.list.length
    data.bangumi && ( = data.bangumi);
    xhrHook(\`\${this.aid}\`, void 0, (res) => {
      const t = \`{"code": 0,"message":"0","ttl":1,"data":\${JSON.stringify(}}\`;
      res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = JSON.parse(t) : res.response = res.responseText = t;
    }, false);
    xhrHook(\`\${this.aid}\`, void 0, (res) => {
      const t = \`{"code": 0,"message":"0","ttl":1,"data":\${JSON.stringify({, aid: this.aid })}}\`;
      res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = JSON.parse(t) : res.response = res.responseText = t;
    }, false);
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));

// src/css/uplist.css
var uplist_default = ".up-info-m .up-card-box {\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    overflow: auto;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .up-card {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    margin-top: 10px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar img {\\r\\n    cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    width: 40px;\\r\\n    height: 40px;\\r\\n    border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar {\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .info-tag {\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    background: #fff;\\r\\n    border: 1px solid #fb7299;\\r\\n    border-radius: 2px;\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    color: #fb7299;\\r\\n    padding: 0 3px;\\r\\n    top: -10px;\\r\\n    right: -10px;\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar {\\r\\n    width: 60px;\\r\\n    height: 30px;\\r\\n    display: -ms-flexbox;\\r\\n    display: flex;\\r\\n    -ms-flex-pack: center;\\r\\n    justify-content: center;\\r\\n    -ms-flex-align: start;\\r\\n    align-items: flex-start;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .name-text {\\r\\n    font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, sans-serif;\\r\\n    line-height: 30px;\\r\\n    color: #222;\\r\\n    word-break: break-all;\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    text-overflow: ellipsis;\\r\\n    display: -webkit-box;\\r\\n    -webkit-line-clamp: 2;\\r\\n    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar,\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .name-text:hover {\\r\\n    color: #fb7299;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .title {\\r\\n    display: block;\\r\\n    font-size: 14px;\\r\\n    margin-right: 80px;\\r\\n    color: #525659;\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    height: 24px;\\r\\n    font-weight: 400;\\r\\n    padding: 8px 0;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n    width: 7px;\\r\\n    height: 7px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\\r\\n    border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    background-color: #EEE;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\\r\\n    border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    background-color: #999;\\r\\n}";

// src/html/bangumi.html
var bangumi_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords"\\r\\n        content="Bilibili,哔哩哔哩,哔哩哔哩动画,哔哩哔哩弹幕网,弹幕视频,B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,二次元,游戏视频,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid,日本动漫,国产动漫,手机游戏,网络游戏,电子竞技,ACG燃曲,ACG神曲,追新番,新番动漫,新番吐槽,巡音,镜音双子,千本樱,初音MIKU,舞蹈MMD,MIKUMIKUDANCE,洛天依原创曲,洛天依翻唱曲,洛天依投食歌,洛天依MMD,vocaloid家族,OST,BGM,动漫歌曲,日本动漫音乐,宫崎骏动漫音乐,动漫音乐推荐,燃系mad,治愈系mad,MAD MOVIE,MAD高燃" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="//"\\r\\n        title="哔哩哔哩" />\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        .new-entry {\\r\\n            display: none;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container has-menu"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="app" data-server-rendered="true" class="main-container"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module" id="home_footer"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script>\\r\\n        window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = { activity: {}, app: false, area: 0, canReview: false, epId: -1, epInfo: {}, epList: [], epStat: { isPay: false, isVip: false, payPack: 0, status: 0, vipNeedPay: false }, isPlayerTrigger: false, loginInfo: { isLogin: false }, mdId: -1, mediaInfo: {}, mediaRating: {}, miniOn: 0, newestEp: {}, paster: {}, payMent: {}, payPack: {}, playerRecomList: [], pubInfo: {}, recomList: [], rightsInfo: {}, seasonFollowed: false, seasonList: [], seasonStat: { coins: 0, danmakus: 0, favorites: 0, views: 0 }, special: false, spending: 0, sponsorTotal: { code: 0, result: { ep_bp: 0, list: [], mine: {}, users: 0 } }, sponsorTotalCount: 0, sponsorWeek: { code: 0, result: { ep_bp: 0, list: [], mine: {}, users: 0 } }, ssId: -1, ssStat: { isPay: false, isVip: false, payPack: 0, status: 0, vipNeedPay: false }, upInfo: {}, userCoined: false, userLongReview: {}, userScore: 0, userShortReview: {}, userStat: { error: true, follow: 0, loaded: true, pay: 0, payPackPaid: 0, sponsor: 0, vipInfo: { due_date: 0, status: 0, type: 0 }, watchProgress: { lastEpId: -1, lastEpIndex: "", lastTime: 0 } }, ver: {} }; (function () { Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "webpackJsonp"); Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "_babelPolyfill"); var s; (s = document.currentScript || document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1]).parentNode.removeChild(s); }());\\r\\n    <\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"\\r\\n        crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"\\r\\n        crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/io/api-tag-info.ts
function apiTagInfo(tag_name) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.TAG_INFO, { tag_name })).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-tag-top.ts
function apiTagTop(tid) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.TAG_TOP, { tid })).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/bangumi-season.ts
function apiBangumiSeason(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.BANGUMI_SEASON, data), { credentials: "include" }).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).result)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-season-status.ts
function apiSeasonStatus(data) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(objUrl(URLS.SEASON_STATUS, data), { credentials: "include" }).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).result)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-season-section.ts
var ApiSeasonSection = class {
  constructor(season_id) {
    this.fetch = fetch(objUrl(URLS.SEASON_STATUS, { season_id }), { credentials: "include" });
  getDate() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).result)).catch((e) => reject(e));
  toEpisodes() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => {
        const res = jsonCheck(d).result;
          res.main_section.episodes.concat( => d2.episodes)).map((d2) => {
            d2.ep_id =;
            d2.episode_status = d2.status;
            d2.index = d2.title;
            d2.index_title = d2.long_title;
            d2.premiere = Boolean(d2.is_premiere);
            return d2;
      }).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-global-view.ts
var ApiGlobalOgvView = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, server = "") {
    super(URLS.GLOBAL_OGV_VIEW.replace("", server), "7d089525d3611b1c");
    data = Object.assign({
      build: 108003,
      mobi_app: "bstar_a",
      s_locale: "zh_SG"
    }, data);
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data));
  getDate() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).result)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-player.ts
var PlayerResponse = class {
  constructor(aid, cid, has_next = false) {
    this.aid = aid;
    this.cid = cid;
    this.has_next = has_next;
  allow_bp = false;
  answer_status = 0;
  block_time = 0;
  fawkes = { config_version: 18964, ff_version: 21289 };
  guide_attention = [];
  ip_info = { city: "", country: "中国", ip: "", province: "", zone_id: 0, zone_ip: "" };
  is_owner = false;
  is_ugc_pay_preview = false;
  jump_card = [];
  last_play_cid = 0;
  last_play_time = 0;
  level_info = { current_level: 0, current_min: 0, current_exp: 0, next_exp: 0, level_up: 0 };
  login_mid = 0;
  login_mid_hash = "";
  max_limit = 1e3;
  name = "";
  no_share = false;
  now_time = new Date().getTime() / 1e3;
  online_count = 1;
  online_switch = { enable_gray_dash_playback: "500", new_broadcast: "1", realtime_dm: "1", subtitle_submit_switch: "1" };
  operation_card = [];
  options = { is_360: false, without_vip: false };
  page_no = 1;
  pcdn_loader = {
    dash: {
      labels: { pcdn_video_type: "dash", pcdn_stage: "release", pcdn_group: "nil", pcdn_version: "nil", pcdn_vendor: "nil" }
    flv: {
      labels: { pcdn_video_type: "flv", pcdn_stage: "release", pcdn_group: "nil", pcdn_version: "nil", pcdn_vendor: "nil" }
  permission = 0;
  preview_toast = "为创作付费,购买观看完整视频|购买观看";
  role = "";
  show_switch = { long_progress: false };
  subtitle = { allow_submit: false, lan: "", lan_doc: "", subtitles: [] };
  toast_block = false;
  view_points = [];
  vip = {
    avatar_subscript: 0,
    avatar_subscript_url: "",
    due_date: 0,
    label: {
      bg_color: "",
      bg_style: 0,
      border_color: "",
      img_label_uri_hans: "",
      img_label_uri_hans_static: "",
      img_label_uri_hant: "",
      img_label_uri_hant_static: "",
      label_theme: "",
      path: "",
      text: "",
      text_color: "",
      use_img_label: false
    nickname_color: "",
    role: 0,
    status: 0,
    theme_type: 0,
    tv_vip_pay_type: 0,
    tv_vip_status: 0,
    type: 0,
    vip_pay_type: 0

// src/io/api-like.ts
async function apiLike(aid, bili_jct, like = false) {
  const response = await fetch(URLS.LIKE, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    body: \`aid=\${aid}&like=\${like ? 1 : 2}&csrf=\${bili_jct}\`,
    credentials: "include"
  const json = await response.json();
  return jsonCheck(json);

// src/io/api-like-has.ts
async function apiLikeHas(aid) {
  const response = await fetch(objUrl(URLS.HAS_LIKE, { aid }), {
    credentials: "include"
  const json = await response.json();
  return jsonCheck(json).data;

// src/core/ui/like.ts
var Like = class extends HTMLSpanElement {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    this.addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
      if (uid) {
        apiLike(this.BLOD.aid, getCookies().bili_jct, !this.liked).then(() => {
          this.liked ? this.number-- : this.number++;
        }).catch((e) => {
          this.BLOD.toast.error("点赞出错!", e)();
      } else {
  liked = false;
  number = 0;
  init() {
    if (uid) {
      apiLikeHas(this.BLOD.aid).then((d) => {
        this.liked = d === 1 ? true : false;
      }).catch((e) => {
        debug.error("获取点赞情况失败", e);
    addCss(".ulike {cursor: pointer;}.ulike svg{vertical-align: middle;margin-right: 10px;transform: translateY(-1px);}", \`ulike\${"b275300"}\`);
  get likes() {
    return this.number;
  set likes(v) {
    this.number = v;
  toggle() {
    this.liked = !this.liked;
  update() {
    this.innerHTML = (this.liked ? : svg.dislike) + "点赞 " + unitFormat(this.number);
customElements.get(\`like-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`like-\${"b275300"}\`, Like, { extends: "span" });

// src/page/bangumi.ts
var PageBangumi = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "__INITIAL_STATE__"); = new Like(this.BLOD);
    new Comment(BLOD2);
    window.__Iris__ = true;
    this.pgc = true;
    location.href.replace(/[sS][sS]\\d+/, (d) => this.ssid = Number(d.substring(2)));
    location.href.replace(/[eE][pP]\\d+/, (d) => this.epid = Number(d.substring(2)));
    BLOD2.status.videoLimit?.status && this.videoLimit();
  get ssid() {
    return this.BLOD.ssid;
  set ssid(v) {
    this.BLOD.ssid = v;
  get epid() {
    return this.BLOD.epid;
  set epid(v) {
    this.BLOD.epid = v;
  get th() {
  set th(v) { = v;
  get limit() {
    return this.BLOD.limit;
  set limit(v) {
    this.BLOD.limit = v;
  get pgc() {
    return this.BLOD.pgc;
  set pgc(v) {
    this.BLOD.pgc = v;
  subtitles = [];
  recommend() {
    xhrHook("", (args) => {
      args[1] = args[1].replace("web/recommend", "season/web");
    }, (r) => {
      try {
        const result = jsonCheck(r.response);
        result.result =;
        r.responseType === "json" ? r.response = result : r.response = r.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
        propertyHook.modify(window, "getPlayerExtraParams", (d) => {
          const res = d();
          res.recommend = result.result;
          return () => res;
      } catch (e) {
  seasonCount() {
    xhrHook("", (args) => {
      args[1] = args[1].replace("", "");
    }, (r) => {
      try {
        const result = jsonCheck(r.response);
        result.result.favorites = result.result.follow;
        r.responseType === "json" ? r.response = result : r.response = r.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
      } catch (e) {
    }, true);
  videoLimit() {
    xhrHook("", void 0, (res) => {
      try {
        const data = res.responseType === "json" ? res.response : JSON.parse(res.response);
        data.result.area_limit = 0;
        data.result.ban_area_show = 0;
        res.responseType === "json" || (res.response = res.responseText = JSON.stringify(data));
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);
  related() {
    const related = {};
    xhrHook.async("x/web-interface/archive/related", () => window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.mediaInfo?.title, async () => {
      let response = { code: 0, data: [], message: "0" };
      if (related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.mediaInfo?.title]) { = related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title];
      } else {
        await apiTagInfo(window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title).then((d) => {
          return apiTagTop(d.tag_id);
        }).then((d) => {
 = related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title] = d;
        }).catch((e) => {
          debug.error("相关视频推荐", e);
      return { response, responseType: "json", responseText: JSON.stringify(response) };
    }, false);
  initialState() {
    const data = this.epid ? { ep_id: this.epid } : { season_id: this.ssid };
    Promise.allSettled([apiBangumiSeason(data), apiSeasonStatus(data), new Promise((r) => poll(() => this.initilized, r))]).then((d) => => d2.status === "fulfilled" && d2.value)).then(async (d) => {
      const t = window.__INITIAL_STATE__;
      const bangumi = d[0];
      const status = d[1];
      if (status) {
        const i = status.progress ? status.progress.last_ep_id : -1, n = status.progress ? status.progress.last_ep_index : "", s = status.progress ? status.progress.last_time : 0, o = status.vip_info || {};
        !this.epid && i > 0 && (this.epid = i);
        t.userStat = {
          loaded: true,
          error: void 0 ===,
          follow: status.follow || 0,
          pay: || 0,
          payPackPaid: status.pay_pack_paid || 0,
          sponsor: status.sponsor || 0,
          watchProgress: {
            lastEpId: 0 === i ? -1 : i,
            lastEpIndex: n,
            lastTime: s
          vipInfo: {
            due_date: o.due_date || 0,
            status: o.status || 0,
            type: o.type || 0
        status.paster && (t.paster = status.paster || {});
        this.limit = status.area_limit || 0;
        this.BLOD.status.videoLimit.status || (t.area = this.limit);
        t.seasonFollowed = 1 === status.follow;
      if (bangumi) {
        let loopTitle2 = function() {
          poll(() => document.title != title, () => {
            document.title = title;
            if (document.title != title)
        var loopTitle = loopTitle2;
        if (bangumi.season_id && bangumi.total_ep && !bangumi.episodes?.[0]) {
          await new ApiSeasonSection(bangumi.season_id).toEpisodes().then((d2) => {
            bangumi.episodes = d2;
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.warn("episodes数据获取出错", e);
        const i = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bangumi));
        delete i.episodes;
        delete i.seasons;
        delete i.up_info;
        delete i.rights;
        delete i.publish;
        delete i.newest_ep;
        delete i.rating;
        delete i.pay_pack;
        delete i.payment;
        delete i.activity;
        if (this.BLOD.status.bangumiEplist)
          delete i.bkg_cover;
        this.BLOD.status.videoLimit.status && bangumi.rights && (bangumi.rights.watch_platform = 0);
        t.mediaInfo = i;
        t.mediaInfo.bkg_cover && (t.special = true, this.BLOD.bkg_cover = t.mediaInfo.bkg_cover);
        t.ssId = bangumi.season_id || -1;
        t.mdId = bangumi.media_id;
        t.epInfo = this.epid && bangumi.episodes.find((d2) => d2.ep_id == this.epid) || bangumi.episodes[0] || {};
        t.epList = bangumi.episodes || [];
        t.seasonList = bangumi.seasons || [];
        t.upInfo = bangumi.up_info || {};
        t.rightsInfo = bangumi.rights || {}; = 1 === t.rightsInfo.watch_platform;
        t.pubInfo = bangumi.publish || {};
        t.newestEp = bangumi.newest_ep || {};
        t.mediaRating = bangumi.rating || {};
        t.payPack = bangumi.pay_pack || {};
        t.payMent = bangumi.payment || {};
        t.activity = bangumi.activity || {};
        t.epStat = this.setEpStat(t.epInfo.episode_status || t.mediaInfo.season_status,, t.userStat.payPackPaid, t.loginInfo);
        t.epId = Number(this.epid || t.epInfo.ep_id);
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      title: "【Fate/卫宫士郎应援】无论发生什么,我也不会后悔!",
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      title: "【OVERLORD】老骨:我请您吃饭..",
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      title: "【HE】换白泽来虐鬼灯!鬼灯:被安排得明明白白...原台词重塑甜向剧情",
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      title: "【AMV·卫宫士郎应援】“输给谁都可以,但是,决不能输给自己!”",
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      desc: "尝试去讲一个机器人少女拥有心的故事,于是选用了镜音的这首歌曲,同时和花たん的翻唱结合做音频处理,试图从休比的个体视角,而不是故事的全局视角,去表现少女从“无心”到拥有“心”的升华过程。\\n\\n素材:no game no life 0(游戏人生剧场版)\\nBGM:ココロ(镜音+花たん,UP主剪辑版)",
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// src/page/watchalter.ts
var PageWatchlater = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2; = new Like(this.BLOD);
    new Comment(BLOD2);
  toview() {
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      setTimeout(() => { => this.BLOD.videoInfo.aidDatail(d2));
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        setTimeout(() => {
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  living() {
    xhrHook("", void 0, (r) => {
      r.response = r.responseText = \` \${r.response}\`;
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  commentAgent() {
    window.commentAgent = { seek: (t) => window.player && };

// src/html/playlist.html
var playlist_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords" content="B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid" />\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords" content="B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid" />\\r\\n    <link\\r\\n        href="//"\\r\\n        rel="stylesheet" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        #bofqi .player {\\r\\n            width: 980px;\\r\\n            height: 620px;\\r\\n            display: block;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        @media screen and (min-width:1400px) {\\r\\n            #bofqi .player {\\r\\n                width: 1160px;\\r\\n                height: 720px\\r\\n            }\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div id="playlist-video-app"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/page/playlist.ts
var PagePlaylist = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2; = new Like(this.BLOD);
    new Comment(BLOD2);
    this.isPl || switchVideo(this.switchVideo);
  route = urlObj(location.href);
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  init() {
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 = this.route.business_id;
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 = 10 * this.route.business_id + % 10;
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 = this.route.business_id;
          this.type = 3;
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  EmbedPlayer() {
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      Player.addModifyArgument((args) => {
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        args[2] = objUrl("", obj);
      xhrHook("x/v2/medialist/resource/list?", void 0, async (res) => {
        const data = jsonCheck(res.response); => {
  toviewHook() {
    jsonpHook.async("toview", void 0, async () => {
      return { code: 0, data: toview_default, message: "0", ttl: 1 };
  elecShow() {
    if (this.BLOD.status.elecShow) {
      jsonpHook("", void 0, (res) => {
        try {
 = [];
        } catch {
        return res;
      }, false);
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      jsonpHook.async("", void 0, async () => {
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  switchVideo = () => {
  enLike() {
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      jsonpHook("x/web-interface/view?", void 0, (d) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          const data = jsonCheck(d).data;
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        return d;
      }, false);
      switchVideo(() => {;

// src/html/ranking.html
var ranking_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <title>热门视频排行榜 - 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords" content="B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid" />\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        .gg-floor-module {\\r\\n            display: none;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container has-menu"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="rank-app"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//" crossorigin=""><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/page/ranking.ts
var PageRanking = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
  location() {
    this.BLOD.urlCleaner.updateLocation(/ranking/.test(document.referrer) ? document.referrer : "");
  overDue() {
    jsonpHook(["", "arc_type=0"], (d) => d.replace(/day=\\d+/, "day=3"), void 0, false);
  initState() {
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  style() {
    addCss("@media screen and (min-width: 1400px){.main-inner {width: 1160px !important;}}");

// src/html/read.html
var read_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head itemprop="Article" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">\\r\\n    <meta charset="UTF-8" />\\r\\n    <meta data-n-head="true" name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=0" />\\r\\n    <meta name="theme-color" content="#de698c" />\\r\\n    <meta http="Cache-Control" content="no-transform" />\\r\\n    <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />\\r\\n    <meta name="applicable-device" content="pc" />\\r\\n    <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="//" />\\r\\n    <link rel="icon" type="image/" href="//" />\\r\\n    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="//" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <link data-n-head="true" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="//" />\\r\\n    <link data-n-head="true" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" type="image/x-icon"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩专栏</title>\\r\\n    <link href="//"\\r\\n        rel="stylesheet" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        .nav-tab-bar .tab-item[data-tab-id="41"]:before {\\r\\n            background-image: url();\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="page-container"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module" id="home_footer"></div>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/page/read.ts
var PageRead = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    new Comment(BLOD2);
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        </div><div class="right-side-bar"><div class="to-comment"><div class="comment-num-holder"><span class="comment-num"></span></div></div><div class="to-top"></div></div>\`;
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// src/html/search.html
var search_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <title data-vue-meta="true"> _ 搜索结果_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" charset="UTF-8">\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" name="renderer" content="webkit|ie-comp|ie-stand">\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" name="description"\\r\\n        content="点击查看更多相关视频、番剧、影视、直播、专栏、话题、用户等内容;你感兴趣的视频都在B站,bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有及时的动漫新番,活跃的ACG氛围,有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。">\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" name="keywords"\\r\\n        content="B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid">\\r\\n    <meta data-vue-meta="true" charset="UTF-8">\\r\\n    <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer-when-downgrade">\\r\\n    <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//">\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//">\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body id="bili-search">\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="search-app"></div>\\r\\n    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module"></div>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript"\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script\\r\\n        src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n    <script src="//"><\\/script>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

// src/page/search.ts
var PageSearch = class extends Page {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
  location() {
    poll(() => location.href.endsWith("all"), () => {
    }, 10, 30);
  initState() {
    propertyHook(window, "__INITIAL_STATE__", void 0);

// src/io/api-biliplus-playurl.ts
var apiBiliplusPlayurl = class {
  constructor(data) {
    this.fetch = fetch(objUrl("//", data));
  getData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(d)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/fnval.ts
var qn = 127;
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// src/io/api-playurl.ts
var PlayurlDescriptionMap = {
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  125: "HDR",
  121: "超清 4K",
  120: "超清 4K",
  116: "高清 1080P60",
  112: "高清 1080P+",
  80: "高清 1080P",
  74: "高清 720P60",
  64: "高清 720P",
  48: "高清 720P",
  32: "清晰 480P",
  16: "流畅 360P",
  15: "流畅 360P",
  6: "流畅 240P",
  5: "流畅 144P"
var PlayurlFormatMap = {
  127: "hdflv2",
  126: "hdflv2",
  125: "hdflv2",
  121: "hdflv2",
  120: "hdflv2",
  116: "flv_p60",
  112: "hdflv2",
  80: "flv",
  74: "flv720_p60",
  64: "flv720",
  48: "flv720",
  32: "flv480",
  16: "mp4",
  15: "mp4",
  6: "mp4",
  5: "mp4"
var PlayurlQualityMap = {
  127: "8K",
  126: "Dolby",
  125: "HDR",
  121: "4K",
  120: "4K",
  116: "1080P60",
  112: "1080P+",
  80: "1080P",
  74: "720P60",
  64: "720P",
  48: "720P",
  32: "480P",
  16: "360P",
  15: "360P",
  6: "240P",
  5: "144P"
var PlayurlCodecs = {
  30126: "hvc1.2.4.L153.90",
  126: "hvc1.2.4.L153.90",
  30121: "hev1.1.6.L156.90",
  121: "hev1.1.6.L156.90",
  30120: "avc1.64003C",
  120: "avc1.64003C",
  30112: "avc1.640028",
  112: "avc1.640028",
  30102: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  102: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  30080: "avc1.640028",
  80: "avc1.640028",
  30077: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  77: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  30064: "avc1.64001F",
  64: "avc1.64001F",
  30066: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  66: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  30032: "avc1.64001E",
  32: "avc1.64001E",
  30033: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  33: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  30011: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  11: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
  30016: "avc1.64001E",
  16: "avc1.64001E",
  30006: "avc1.64001E",
  6: "avc1.64001E",
  30005: "avc1.64001E",
  5: "avc1.64001E",
  30251: "fLaC",
  30250: "ec-3",
  30280: "mp4a.40.2",
  30232: "mp4a.40.2",
  30216: "mp4a.40.2"
var PlayurlCodecsAPP = {
  30016: "avc1.64001E",
  16: "avc1.64001E",
  30032: "avc1.64001F",
  32: "avc1.64001F",
  30064: "avc1.640028",
  64: "avc1.640028",
  30080: "avc1.640032",
  80: "avc1.640032",
  30216: "mp4a.40.2",
  30232: "mp4a.40.2",
  30280: "mp4a.40.2"
var PlayurlFrameRate = {
  30121: "16000/672",
  121: "16000/672",
  30120: "16000/672",
  120: "16000/672",
  30112: "16000/672",
  112: "16000/672",
  30102: "16000/672",
  102: "16000/672",
  30080: "16000/672",
  80: "16000/672",
  30077: "16000/656",
  77: "16000/656",
  30064: "16000/672",
  64: "16000/672",
  30066: "16000/656",
  66: "16000/656",
  30032: "16000/672",
  32: "16000/672",
  30033: "16000/656",
  33: "16000/656",
  30011: "16000/656",
  11: "16000/656",
  30016: "16000/672",
  16: "16000/672",
  30006: "16000/672",
  6: "16000/672",
  30005: "16000/672",
  5: "16000/672"
var PlayurlResolution = {
  30121: [3840, 2160],
  121: [3840, 2160],
  30120: [3840, 2160],
  120: [3840, 2160],
  30112: [1920, 1080],
  112: [1920, 1080],
  30102: [1920, 1080],
  102: [1920, 1080],
  30080: [1920, 1080],
  80: [1920, 1080],
  30077: [1920, 1080],
  77: [1920, 1080],
  30064: [1280, 720],
  64: [1280, 720],
  30066: [1280, 720],
  66: [1280, 720],
  30032: [852, 480],
  32: [852, 480],
  30033: [852, 480],
  33: [852, 480],
  30011: [640, 360],
  11: [640, 360],
  30016: [640, 360],
  16: [640, 360],
  30006: [426, 240],
  6: [426, 240],
  30005: [256, 144],
  5: [256, 144]
var PlayurlDash = class {
  accept_description = [];
  accept_format = "";
  accept_quality = [];
  bp = 0;
  code = 0;
  dash = {
    audio: [],
    dolby: { audio: [], type: 0 },
    duration: 0,
    min_buffer_time: 1.5,
    minBufferTime: 1.5,
    video: []
  fnval = 4048;
  fnver = 0;
  format = "flv";
  from = "local";
  has_paid = true;
  is_preview = 0;
  message = "";
  no_rexcode = 1;
  quality = 80;
  result = "suee";
  seek_param = "start";
  seek_type = "offset";
  status = 2;
  support_formats = [];
  timelength = 0;
  type = "DASH";
  video_codecid = 7;
  video_project = true;
async function apiPlayurl(data, dash = true, pgc = false) {
  data = Object.assign({
    otype: "json",
    fourk: 1
  }, data, dash ? { fnver, fnval } : {});
  const response = await fetch(objUrl(pgc ? URLS.PGC_PLAYURL : URLS.PLAYURL, data), { credentials: "include" });
  const json = await response.json();
  if (pgc) {
    return jsonCheck(json).result;
  return jsonCheck(json).data;
var ApiAppPgcPlayurl = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, server = "") {
    super(URLS.APP_PGC_PLAYURL.replace("", server), "1d8b6e7d45233436");
    data = Object.assign({
      build: 6720300,
      device: "android",
      force_host: 2,
      mobi_app: "android",
      platform: "android"
    }, data);
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data));
  getData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d))).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/sidx.ts
var Sidx = class {
  constructor(url, size = 6e4) {
    this.url = url;
    this.size = size;
  end = 5999;
  start = 0;
  hex_data = "";
  getData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch(resolve, reject);
  fetch(resolve, reject) {
    fetch(this.url.replace("http:", "https:"), {
      headers: {
        range: \`bytes=\${this.start}-\${this.end}\`
    }).then((d) => {
      if ((d.status >= 300 || d.status < 200) && d.status !== 304)
        throw new Error(\`\${d.status} \${d.statusText}\`, { cause: d.status });
      return d.arrayBuffer();
    }).then((d) => {
      const data = new Uint8Array(d);
      this.hex_data +=, (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
      if (this.hex_data.indexOf("73696478") > -1 && this.hex_data.indexOf("6d6f6f66") > -1) {
        const indexRangeStart = this.hex_data.indexOf("73696478") / 2 - 4;
        const indexRagneEnd = this.hex_data.indexOf("6d6f6f66") / 2 - 5;
        resolve(["0-" + String(indexRangeStart - 1), String(indexRangeStart) + "-" + String(indexRagneEnd)]);
      } else {
        this.start = this.end + 1;
        if (this.size && this.start > this.size) {
        } else {
          this.end += 6e3;
          this.size && (this.end = Math.min(this.end, this.size));
          this.fetch(resolve, reject);
    }).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/io/api-global-ogv-playurl.ts
var ApiGlobalOgvPlayurl = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, uposName, server = "") {
    super(URLS.GLOBAL_OGV_PLAYURL.replace("", server), "7d089525d3611b1c");
    this.uposName = uposName;
    data = Object.assign({
      area: "th",
      build: 1001310,
      device: "android",
      force_host: 2,
      download: 1,
      mobi_app: "bstar_a",
      platform: "android"
    }, data);
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data));
  getDate() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.text()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(VideoLimit.uposReplace(d, this.uposName)).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));
  toPlayurl() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.text()).then((d) => jsonCheck(VideoLimit.uposReplace(d, this.uposName)).data).then((d) => {
        const playurl = new PlayurlDash();
        const set = [];
        playurl.quality = d.video_info.stream_list[0].stream_info.quality || d.video_info.quality;
        playurl.format = PlayurlFormatMap[playurl.quality];
        playurl.timelength = d.video_info.timelength;
        playurl.dash.duration = Math.ceil(playurl.timelength / 1e3);
        playurl.dash.minBufferTime = playurl.dash.min_buffer_time = 1.5;
 => (async () => {
            if (d2.dash_video && d2.dash_video.base_url) {
              const id = d2.stream_info.quality;
                description: PlayurlDescriptionMap[id],
                display_desc: PlayurlQualityMap[id],
                format: PlayurlFormatMap[id],
                new_description: PlayurlDescriptionMap[id],
                quality: id,
                superscript: "",
                codecs: [PlayurlCodecs[id]]
              const sidx = await new Sidx(d2.dash_video.base_url, d2.dash_video.size).getData();
                SegmentBase: {
                  Initialization: sidx[0],
                  indexRange: sidx[1]
                segment_base: {
                  initialization: sidx[0],
                  index_range: sidx[1]
                backupUrl: [],
                backup_url: [],
                bandwidth: d2.dash_video.bandwidth,
                baseUrl: d2.dash_video.base_url,
                base_url: d2.dash_video.base_url,
                codecid: d2.dash_video.codecid,
                codecs: PlayurlCodecsAPP[id] || PlayurlCodecs[id],
                frameRate: PlayurlFrameRate[id],
                frame_rate: PlayurlFrameRate[id],
                height: PlayurlResolution[id]?.[1],
                id: d2.stream_info.quality,
                mimeType: "video/mp4",
                mime_type: "video/mp4",
                sar: "1:1",
                startWithSap: 1,
                start_with_sap: 1,
                width: PlayurlResolution[id]?.[0]
 => (async () => {
            const id =;
            const sidx = await new Sidx(d2.base_url, d2.size).getData();
              SegmentBase: {
                Initialization: sidx[0],
                indexRange: sidx[1]
              segment_base: {
                initialization: sidx[0],
                index_range: sidx[1]
              backupUrl: [],
              backup_url: [],
              bandwidth: d2.bandwidth,
              baseUrl: d2.base_url,
              base_url: d2.base_url,
              codecid: d2.codecid,
              codecs: PlayurlCodecsAPP[id] || PlayurlCodecs[id],
              frameRate: "",
              frame_rate: "",
              height: 0,
              mimeType: "audio/mp4",
              mime_type: "audio/mp4",
              sar: "",
              startWithSap: 0,
              start_with_sap: 0,
              width: 0
        ]).then(() => {
          const avc = [], hev = [], video = [];
 => {
            if (d2.codecid == 7)
          let length = avc.length > hev.length ? avc.length : hev.length;
          for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (avc[i])
            if (hev[i])
 = video;
          playurl.accept_format = set.join(",");
          playurl.quality > 80 && (playurl.quality = 80);
        }).catch((e) => reject(e));
      }).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/core/videolimit.ts
var UPOS2 = {
  "ks3(金山)": "",
  "ks3b(金山)": "",
  "ks3c(金山)": "",
  "ks32(金山)": "",
  "kodo(七牛)": "",
  "kodob(七牛)": "",
  "cos(腾讯)": "",
  "cosb(腾讯)": "",
  "coso1(腾讯)": "",
  "coso2(腾讯)": "",
  "bos(腾讯)": "",
  "hw(华为)": "",
  "hwb(华为)": "",
  "uphw(华为)": "",
  "js(华为)": "",
  "hk(香港)": "",
  "akamai(海外)": ""
var AREA = /* @__PURE__ */ ((AREA2) => {
  AREA2[AREA2["tw"] = 0] = "tw";
  AREA2[AREA2["hk"] = 1] = "hk";
  AREA2[AREA2["cn"] = 2] = "cn";
  return AREA2;
})(AREA || {});
var _VideoLimit = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    xhrHook("/playurl?", (args) => {
      const param2 = urlObj(args[1]);
      if (!uid && this.BLOD.status.show1080p && this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token) {
        param2.access_key = this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token;
      param2.fnval && (param2.fnval = fnval);
      args[1] = objUrl(args[1], param2);
      return !(this.BLOD.limit ||;
    }, (res) => {
      try {
        const result = res.responseType === "json" ? JSON.stringify(res) : res.responseText;
        if (this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.nor !== "不替换") {
          const nstr = _VideoLimit.uposReplace(result, this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.nor);
          this.BLOD.toast.warning("已替换UPOS服务器,卡加载时请到设置中更换服务器或者禁用!", \`CDN:\${this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.nor}\`, \`UPOS:\${UPOS2[this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.nor]}\`);
          if (res.responseType === "json") {
            res.response = JSON.parse(nstr);
          } else {
            res.response = res.responseText = nstr;
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);
  Backup = {};
  data = [];
  listening = false;
  enable() {
    if (this.listening)
    const disable = xhrHook.async("/playurl?", (args) => {
      const obj = urlObj(args[1]);
      return Boolean(this.BLOD.limit ||;
    }, async (args) => {
      const response = ? await this._th(args) : await this._gat(args);
      return { response, responseType: "json", responseText: JSON.stringify(response) };
    }, false);
    this.disable = () => {
      this.listening = false;
    this.listening = true;
  async _th(args) { = ["泰区限制视频!"];
    this.toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "info",;
    const obj = urlObj(args[1]);\`aid:\${this.BLOD.aid}\`, \`cid:\${this.BLOD.cid}\`); =;
    const epid = obj.ep_id || obj.episodeId || this.BLOD.epid;
    obj.access_key = this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token;
    if (!this.Backup[epid]) {
      try {
        this.BLOD.networkMock();\`代理服务器:\${}\`); =;
        this.Backup[epid] = { code: 0, message: "success", result: await };"获取代理数据成功!"); =;
        this.toast.type = "success";
      } catch (e) {"代理出错!", e);
        !obj.access_key &&"代理服务器要求【账户授权】才能进一步操作!"); =;
        this.toast.type = "error";
        this.toast.delay = 4;
        delete this.toast; = [];
        return { code: -404, message: e, data: null };
    this.toast.delay = 4;
    delete this.toast; = [];
    return this.__playinfo__ = this.Backup[epid];
  async _gat(args) { = ["港澳台限制视频!"];
    this.toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "info",;
    const obj = urlObj(args[1]);\`aid:\${this.BLOD.aid}\`, \`cid:\${this.BLOD.cid}\`); =;
    const epid = obj.ep_id || obj.episodeId || this.BLOD.epid;
    obj.access_key = this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token;
    if (!this.Backup[epid]) {
      try {
        if (this.BLOD.status.videoLimit.server === "内置") {
          obj.module = "bangumi";
          const upInfo = window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.upInfo;
          if (upInfo) {
            (upInfo.mid == 1988098633 || upInfo.mid == 2042149112) && (obj.module = "movie");
\`代理服务器:内置\`, \`类型:\${obj.module}\`);
          const res = await new apiBiliplusPlayurl(obj).getData();
          this.Backup[epid] = { code: 0, message: "success", result: res };
        } else {
          const res = await this.gat(obj);
          this.Backup[epid] = { code: 0, message: "success", result: res };
        if (this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.gat !== "不替换") {
          this.Backup[epid] = JSON.parse(_VideoLimit.uposReplace(JSON.stringify(this.Backup[epid]), this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.gat));
          this.BLOD.toast.warning("已替换UPOS服务器,卡加载时请到设置中更换服务器或者禁用!", \`CDN:\${this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.gat}\`, \`UPOS:\${UPOS2[this.BLOD.status.uposReplace.gat]}\`);
        ;"获取代理数据成功!"); =;
        this.toast.type = "success";
      } catch (e) {"代理出错!", e);
        !obj.access_key &&"代理服务器要求【账户授权】才能进一步操作!"); =;
        this.toast.type = "error";
        this.toast.delay = 4;
        delete this.toast; = [];
        return { code: -404, message: e, data: null };
    this.toast.delay = 4;
    delete this.toast; = [];
    return this.__playinfo__ = this.Backup[epid];
  disable() {
    this.listening = false;
  updateVaribale(obj) {
    obj.seasonId && (this.BLOD.ssid = obj.seasonId);
    obj.episodeId && (this.BLOD.epid = obj.episodeId);
    obj.ep_id && (this.BLOD.epid = obj.ep_id);
    obj.aid && (this.BLOD.aid = Number(obj.aid)) && (this.BLOD.aid = obj.aid);
    obj.avid && (this.BLOD.aid = Number(obj.avid)) && (this.BLOD.aid = obj.avid);
    obj.cid && (this.BLOD.cid = Number(obj.cid)) && (this.BLOD.cid = obj.cid);
  async th(obj) {
    const d = await new ApiGlobalOgvPlayurl(obj,,;
    this.BLOD.toast.warning("已替换UPOS服务器,卡加载时请到设置中更换服务器或者禁用!", \`CDN:\${}\`, \`UPOS:\${UPOS2[]}\`);
    return d;
  area = 0;
  async gat(obj) {
    if (!this.BLOD.status.videoLimit[AREA[this.area]])
      throw new Error(\`无有效代理服务器:\${AREA[this.area]}\`);
    const server = this.BLOD.status.videoLimit[AREA[this.area]];
    obj.area = AREA[this.area];\`代理服务器:\${server}\`);
    this.toast && ( =;
    try {
      return await new ApiAppPgcPlayurl(obj, server).getData();
    } catch (e) {"代理服务器返回异常!", e);
      if (this.toast) { =;
        this.toast.type = "warning";
      if (this.area > 2)
        throw new Error("代理服务器不可用!");
      return await this.gat(obj);
  static uposReplace(str, uposName) {
    if (uposName === "不替换")
      return str;
    this.upos = true;
    this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.upos = false, 1e3);
    return str.replace(/:\\\\?\\/\\\\?\\/[^\\/]+\\\\?\\//g, () => \`://\${UPOS2[uposName]}/\`);
var VideoLimit = _VideoLimit;
__publicField(VideoLimit, "upos", false);
__publicField(VideoLimit, "timer");

// src/json/mid.json
var mid_default = {
  code: 0,
  data: {
    birthday: "1980-01-01",
    coins: 0,
    face: "",
    fans_badge: false,
    is_followed: true,
    jointime: 1436351229,
    level: 6,
    mid: 11783021,
    moral: 0,
    name: "哔哩哔哩番剧出差",
    official: {
      type: 1,
      desc: "哔哩哔哩番剧出差 官方账号"
    pendant: {
      pid: 0,
      name: "",
      image: "",
      expire: 0
    rank: "10000",
    sex: "保密",
    sign: "",
    silence: 0,
    sys_notice: {},
    theme: {},
    user_honour_info: {
      colour: null,
      mid: 0,
      tags: null
    vip: {
      avatar_subscript: 1,
      avatar_subscript_url: "",
      due_date: 16557408e5,
      label: {
        bg_color: "#FB7299",
        bg_style: 1,
        border_color: "",
        label_theme: "annual_vip",
        path: "",
        text: "年度大会员",
        text_color: "#FFFFFF"
      nickname_color: "#FB7299",
      role: 3,
      status: 1,
      theme_type: 0,
      type: 2,
      vip_pay_type: 1
  message: "0",
  ttl: 1

// src/io/account-getcardbymid.ts
async function accountGetCardByMid(mid, GM2) {
  const data = await GM2.fetch(objUrl(URLS.ACCOUNT_GETCARDBYMID, { mid }));
  return jsonCheck(await data.json()).card;

// src/page/space.ts
var Mid = {
  11783021: "哔哩哔哩番剧出差",
  1988098633: "b站_戲劇咖",
  2042149112: "b站_綜藝咖"
var PageSpace = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    this.mid = Number(this.BLOD.path[3] && this.BLOD.path[3].split("?")[0]);
    this.BLOD.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      status.album && this.album();
      status.jointime && this.jointime();
      status.lostVideo && this.lostVideo();
  aids = [];
  aidInfo = [];
  midInfo() {
    switch (this.mid) {
      case 11783021:
      case 1988098633:
      case 2042149112: = Mid[this.mid]; = + " 官方帐号";
        xhrHook("acc/info?", void 0, (obj) => {
          if (obj.responseText && obj.responseText.includes("-404")) {
            obj.response = obj.responseText = JSON.stringify(mid_default);
        }, false);
  album() {
    xhrHook("", void 0, (obj) => {
      const response = JSON.parse(obj.responseText);
      let data =, d) => {
        return s;
      }, []);
      setTimeout(() => {
        document.querySelectorAll(".album-card").forEach((d, i) => {
          d.firstChild.href = \`//\${data[i]}\`;
          d.children[1].href = \`//\${data[i]}\`;
      }, 1e3);
    }, false);
  static album() {
    xhrHook(["x/polymer/web-dynamic", "detail?"], void 0, (res) => {
      const result = res.responseType === "json" ? res.response : JSON.parse(res.response);
      if (result.code === 0) {
        if ( === "DYNAMIC_TYPE_DRAW")
    }, false);
  jointime() {
    poll(() => document.querySelector(".section.user-info"), (t) => {
      accountGetCardByMid(this.mid, this.BLOD.GM).then((d) => {
        const jointime = timeFormat(d.regtime * 1e3, true);
        const node = t.lastChild;
        new VdomTool(\`<div class="info-regtime" style="display: inline-block;word-break: break-all;">
                    <span class="info-command" style="display: inline-block;font-size: 12px;font-family: Microsoft YaHei;line-height: 16px;color: #9499a0;margin-right: 16px;">注册</span>
                    <span class="info-value" style="color: #6d757a;font-family: Microsoft YaHei;font-size: 12px;line-height: 16px;padding-right: 15px;">\${jointime}</span>
  lostVideo() {
    xhrHook("x/v3/fav/resource/list", void 0, async (res) => {
      try {
        const data = jsonCheck(res.response);
        if ( {
 => {
            d.attr % 2 && this.aids.push(;
        if (this.aids.length) {
          const data2 = ["检测到失效视频!", this.aids.join(" ")];
          const toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "warning", ...data2);
          this.lostVideoView().then(() => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              let resolve = 0, reject = 0;
     = data2;
              toast.type = "success";
              const ele = document.querySelector("#page-fav");
              if (ele) {
                const medias = ele.__vue__.favListDetails.medias;
                medias?.forEach((d) => {
                  if (d.attr % 2) {
                    data2.push(\`-------- av\${} --------\`);
                    if (this.aidInfo[].title) {
                      d.title = this.aidInfo[].title;
                    } else {
                      d.title = \`av\${}\`;
                    this.aidInfo[].cover && (d.cover = this.aidInfo[].cover);
                    d.attr = 0;
           = data2;
                    ele.querySelector(\`[data-aid=\${d.bvid}]\`)?.children[1]?.setAttribute("style", "text-decoration : line-through;color : #ff0000;");
              data2.push("", \`修复结束:成功 \${resolve} 失败 \${reject}\`);
     = data2;
              toast.delay = 4;
            }, 100);
      } catch {
    }, false);
  lostVideoView() {
    const arr2 = [];
    while (this.aids.length) {
      arr2.push((async () => {
        const d = this.aids.shift();
        if (this.aidInfo[d])
        let title, cover;
        await this.BLOD.GM.fetch(\`//\${d}\`).then((d2) => d2.text()).then((d2) => {
          if (d2.match(/\\<title\\>.+?\\ \\-\\ AV/)) {
            title = d2.match(/\\<title\\>.+?\\ \\-\\ AV/)[0].replace(/<title>/, "").replace(/ - AV/, "");
            cover = d2.match(/\\<img style=\\"display:none\\"\\ src=\\".+?\\"\\ alt/)[0].replace(/<img style="display:none" src="/, "").replace(/" alt/, "");
        }).catch((e) => {
          debug.error(\`获取失效视频av\${d}信息错误\`, "BILIPLUS", e);
        if (!title || !cover) {
          await this.BLOD.GM.fetch(\`//\${d}\`).then((d2) => d2.text()).then((d2) => {
            if (d2.match("/api/view_all?")) {
              const url = d2.match(/\\/api\\/view_all\\?.+?\\',cloudmoe/)[0].replace(/\\',cloudmoe/, "");
              return this.BLOD.GM.fetch(\`//\${url}\`);
            throw new Error("无cid缓存");
          }).then((d2) => d2.json()).then((d2) => {
            d2 = jsonCheck(d2);
            title = title ||;
            cover = cover ||;
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.error(\`获取失效视频av\${d}信息错误\`, "BILIPLUSALL", e);
        if (!title || !cover) {
          await this.BLOD.GM.fetch(\`//\${d}\`).then((d2) => d2.text()).then((d2) => {
            if (d2.match("window._INIT")) {
              title = title || d2.match(/\\<title\\>.+?\\-哔哩哔哩唧唧/)[0].replace(/<title>/, "").replace(/-哔哩哔哩唧唧/, "");
              cover = cover || d2.match(/\\"img\\":\\ \\".+?\\",/)[0].match(/http.+?\\",/)[0].replace(/",/, "");
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.error(\`获取失效视频av\${d}信息错误\`, "JIJIDOWN", e);
        cover = cover && cover.replace("http:", "");
        this.aidInfo[d] = { title, cover };
    return Promise.all(arr2);

// src/page/media.ts
var PageMedia = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
  limit() {
    xhrHook("user/status", void 0, (res) => {
      try {
        const result = jsonCheck(res.response);
        result.result.area_limit = 0;
        result.result.ban_area_show = 0;
        res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = result : res.response = res.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);

// src/page/history.ts
var PageHistory = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    BLOD2.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      status.history && this.archive();
  archive() {
    xhrHook(["", "business"], function(args) {
      let obj = new URL(args[1]), max = obj.searchParams.get("max") || "", view_at = obj.searchParams.get("view_at") || "";
      args[1] = objUrl("//", { max, view_at, type: "archive", ps: "20" });
    }, void 0, false);

// src/page/dynamic.ts
var PageDynamic = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    this.BLOD.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      status.liveRecord || this.liveRecord();
  liveRecord() {
    xhrHook("", void 0, (r) => {
      try {
        const response = jsonCheck(r.response); = => d.modules?.module_dynamic?.major?.archive?.badge?.text != "直播回放");
        r.responseType === "json" ? r.response = response : r.response = r.responseText = JSON.stringify(response);
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);

// src/io/api-login-app-third.ts
var ApiLoginAppThird = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(api) {
    api = encodeURIComponent(api);
    super(URLS.LOGIN_APP_THIRD, "27eb53fc9058f8c3");
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign({ api }, api), { credentials: "include" });
  getData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.fetch.then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => resolve(jsonCheck(d).data)).catch((e) => reject(e));

// src/core/accesskey.ts
var AccessKey = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    const button = [{
      text: "开始授权",
      callback: () => this.get()
    if (this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token) {
      button[0].text = "刷新授权";
        text: "取消授权",
        callback: () => this.remove()
    ], "授权确认", button);
  get() {
    if (uid) {
      const data = ["正在申请账户授权~"];
      const toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "info",;
      new ApiLoginAppThird("").getData().then(async (d) => {
        data.push("成功获取到授权链接~"); = data;
        return this.BLOD.GM.fetch(d.confirm_uri, { credentials: "include" });
      }).then((d) => {
        const date = new Date().getTime();
        const dateStr = timeFormat(date, true);
        const obj = urlObj(d.url);
        this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token = obj.access_key; = date;
        this.BLOD.status.accessKey.dateStr = dateStr;
        data.push("------- 授权成功 -------", \`鉴权: \${obj.access_key}\`, \`日期:\${dateStr}\`); = data;
        toast.type = "success";
        toast.delay = 4;
      }).catch((e) => {
        debug.error("授权出错!", e);
        data.push("授权出错!", e); = data;
        toast.type = "error";
        toast.delay = 4;
    } else {
  remove() {
    this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token = ""; = 0;
    this.BLOD.status.accessKey.dateStr = "";
    this.BLOD.toast.warning("已清除账户鉴权", "如果您在【解除播放限制】功能中选择【自定义】服务器,那么第三方服务器中很可能依然有鉴权。", "为求保险,您可以修改一次密码,这会强制所有鉴权失效。")();

// src/utils/base64.ts
var Base64 = class {
  static encode(str) {
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) {
      return String.fromCharCode("0x" + p1);
  static decode(str) {
    return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split("").map(function(c) {
      return "%" + ("00" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

// src/utils/mutex.ts
function getMetux() {
  return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);

// src/core/download/aria2.ts
var Aria2 = class {
  constructor(userAgent, referer, dir, server = "http://localhost", port = 6800, token, split, size) {
    this.userAgent = userAgent;
    this.referer = referer;
    this.dir = dir;
    this.server = server;
    this.port = port;
    this.token = token;
    this.split = split;
    this.size = size;
  get url() {
    return \`\${this.server}:\${this.port}/jsonrpc\`;
  cmdlet(data) {
    const arr2 = ["aria2c"];
    data.urls.forEach((d) => arr2.push(\`"\${d}"\`));
    data.out && arr2.push(\`--out="\${data.out}"\`);
    (data.userAgent || this.userAgent) && arr2.push(\`--user-agent="\${data.userAgent || this.userAgent}"\`);
    (data.referer || this.referer) && arr2.push(\`--referer="\${data.referer || this.referer}"\`);
    (data.dir || this.dir) && arr2.push(\`--dir="\${data.dir || this.dir}"\`);
    (data.split || this.split) && arr2.push(\`--split="\${data.split || this.split}"\`, \`--max-connection-per-server="\${data.split || this.split}"\`);
    (data.size || this.size) && arr2.push(\`--min-split-size="\${data.size || this.size}M"\`);
    data.header && Object.entries(data.header).forEach((d) => arr2.push(\`--header="\${d[0]}: \${d[1]}"\`));
    return navigator.clipboard.writeText(arr2.join(" "));
  rpc(data) {
    const options = {};
    data.out && (options.out = data.out);
    (data.userAgent || this.userAgent) && (options["user-agent"] = data.userAgent || this.userAgent);
    (data.referer || this.referer) && (options.referer = data.referer || this.referer);
    (data.dir || this.dir) && (options.dir = data.dir || this.dir);
    (data.split || this.split) && (options.split = options["max-connection-per-server"] = data.split || this.split);
    (data.size || this.size) && (options["min-split-size"] = \`\${data.size || this.size}M\`);
    data.header && (options.header = data.header);
    return this.postMessage("aria2.addUri",, [data.urls, options]);
  getVersion() {
    return this.postMessage("aria2.getVersion");
  postMessage(method, id = getMetux(), params = []) {
    this.token && params.unshift(\`token:\${this.token}\`);
    return new Promise((r, j) => {
      fetch(this.url, {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({ method, id, params }),
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
      }).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => {
        d.error && j(d.error);
        d.result && r(d.result);
      }).catch((e) => {
        debug.error("RPC<POST>", e);
        fetch(objUrl(this.url, { method, id, params: Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(params)) })).then((d) => d.json()).then((d) => {
          d.error && j(d.error);
          d.result && r(d.result);
        }).catch((e2) => {
          debug.error("RPC<GET>", e2);

// src/css/desc.css
var desc_default = ".container {\\r\\n    position: fixed;\\r\\n    top: 16px;\\r\\n    left: 100%;\\r\\n    background: hsla(0, 0%, 95.7%, .8);\\r\\n    border-radius: 2px;\\r\\n    box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n    color: #000;\\r\\n    width: 381px;\\r\\n    z-index: 1;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.title {\\r\\n    text-align: center;\\r\\n    margin-top: 16px;\\r\\n    margin-bottom: 3px;\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.content {\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    line-height: 19px;\\r\\n    padding: 0 16px 16px;\\r\\n    text-align: justify;\\r\\n    white-space: pre-line;\\r\\n}";

// src/core/ui/desc.ts
var Desc = class extends HTMLElement {
  show = true;
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = \`<div class="container"><div class="title"></div><div class="content"></div></div>\`;
    addCss(desc_default, void 0, root);
    this._container = root.querySelector(".container");
    this._title = root.querySelector(".title");
    this._content = root.querySelector(".content");
  value(title, content, appendTo) {
    this._title.innerHTML = title;
    this._content.innerHTML = content;
    this._parrent = appendTo;
    appendTo.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 300);
    appendTo.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 300);
  toggle(show) { = show === void 0 ? ! : show; = ? "" : "none";
    if (this._parrent) {
      const rect = this._parrent.getBoundingClientRect(); = - rect.height * 2 + "px";
customElements.get(\`desc-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`desc-\${"b275300"}\`, Desc);

// src/html/ui-interface.html
var ui_interface_default = '<div class="box">\\r\\n    <div class="tool">\\r\\n        <div title="关闭" class="icon"></div>\\r\\n        <header>Bilbili Old</header>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n    <div class="content">\\r\\n        <div class="contain">\\r\\n            <div class="menu"></div>\\r\\n            <div class="item"></div>\\r\\n        </div>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .box {\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\r\\n        min-width: 600px;\\r\\n        min-height: 400px;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        border: 0;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        background: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        transition: transform 0.3s ease-in;\\r\\n        line-height: 14px;\\r\\n        font: 12px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Microsoft Yahei, Hiragino Sans GB,\\r\\n            Heiti SC, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, sans-serif;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool {\\r\\n        border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-flex;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool header {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%);\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        font-size: 14px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool div {\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        padding: 10px;\\r\\n        transform: scale(0.8);\\r\\n        pointer-events: visible;\\r\\n        transition: opacity 0.3s ease;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool div:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .content {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain {\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 15px;\\r\\n        background-position: top center;\\r\\n        background-size: contain;\\r\\n        background-repeat: no-repeat;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        align-items: flex-start;\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        height: 360px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menu::-webkit-scrollbar,\\r\\n    .item::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n        width: 0 !important;\\r\\n        height: 0 !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menu {\\r\\n        flex: 1 1 0;\\r\\n        flex-basis: calc(480px * 0.2);\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        position: sticky;\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        min-width: fit-content;\\r\\n        overflow: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item {\\r\\n        flex: 4 4 0;\\r\\n        flex-basis: calc(480px * 0.8);\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        margin: 0 auto;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        overflow: auto;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to top, white, white),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to top, white, white),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));\\r\\n        background-position: bottom center, top center, bottom center, top center;\\r\\n        background-color: white;\\r\\n        background-repeat: no-repeat;\\r\\n        background-size: 100% 20px, 100% 20px, 100% 10px, 100% 10px;\\r\\n        background-attachment: local, local, scroll, scroll;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item>div {\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 60px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        font-weight: 500;\\r\\n        margin-inline-end: 2px;\\r\\n        margin-inline-start: 1px;\\r\\n        min-height: 20px;\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 10px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 23px;\\r\\n        padding-top: 10px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 6%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem>div {\\r\\n        padding-inline-end: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selected {\\r\\n        color: rgb(51, 103, 214) !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selected>.icon {\\r\\n        fill: rgb(51, 103, 214) !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain1 {\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 3px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 20px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-end: 20px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .header .title {\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        font-size: 108%;\\r\\n        font-weight: 400;\\r\\n        letter-spacing: 0.25px;\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 12px;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 4px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .card {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgb(60 64 67 / 30%);\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        line-height: 154%;\\r\\n        user-select: text;\\r\\n        margin-inline: 12px;\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain2 {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 6%);\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        min-height: 24px;\\r\\n        padding: 0 20px;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        background-color: transparent !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .value {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .value>* {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .label {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        padding-block-end: 12px;\\r\\n        padding-block-start: 12px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .switch>.label,\\r\\n    .button>.label,\\r\\n    .select>.label,\\r\\n    .input>.label,\\r\\n    .slider>.label {\\r\\n        flex: 2;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .select>.value,\\r\\n    .input>.value,\\r\\n    .slider>.value {\\r\\n        flex: 3;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .sub {\\r\\n        color: rgb(95, 99, 104);\\r\\n        font-weight: 400;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .icon {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        box-sizing: content-box;\\r\\n        background: none;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/interface.ts
var BiliOldInterface = class extends HTMLElement {
  showing = false;
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = ui_interface_default;
    this._box = root.children[0];
    this._tool = root.children[0].children[0];
    this._close = root.children[0].children[0].children[0];
    this._menu = root.children[0].children[1].children[0].children[0];
    this._item = root.children[0].children[1].children[0].children[1];
    this._close.innerHTML = svg.fork;
    this._close.addEventListener("click", () => this.hide());
  show() {
    document.body.contains(this) || document.body.appendChild(this); = "block";
    this.showing = true;
  hide() { = "";
    this.showing = false;
  addMenu(menu) {
    const sets =; = () => {
      return sets;
customElements.get("bili-old") || customElements.define("bili-old", BiliOldInterface);

// src/core/ui/item.ts
var SettingItem = class extends HTMLDivElement {
  _value = document.createElement("div");
  init(id, title, sub, svg2) {
    this.innerHTML = \`<div class="contain2\${id ? \` \${id}\` : ""}">\${svg2 ? \`<div class="icon">\${svg2}</div>\` : ""}
    <div class="label">\${title}\${sub ? \`<div class="sub">\${sub}</div>\` : ""}</div>
    this._value.className = "value";
  value(value) {
customElements.get(\`item-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`item-\${"b275300"}\`, SettingItem, { extends: "div" });

// src/core/ui/item-container.ts
var ItemContainer = class extends HTMLDivElement {
  constructor() {
    this.innerHTML = \`<div class="contain1">
    <div class="header">
        <h2 class="title"></h2>
<div class="card"></div>\`;
    this._title = this.querySelector(".title");
    this._card = this.querySelector(".card");
  init(title) {
    this._title.textContent = title;
  addSetting(item) {
customElements.get(\`item-container-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`item-container-\${"b275300"}\`, ItemContainer, { extends: "div" });

// src/core/ui/menu.ts
var Menuitem = class extends HTMLDivElement {
  container = [new ItemContainer()];
  constructor() {
    this.addEventListener("click", () => {
  init(name, svg2) {
    this.className = "menuitem";
    this.innerHTML = (svg2 ? \`<div class="icon">\${svg2}</div>\` : "") + name;
    return this.container[0];
  addCard(name) {
    const con = new ItemContainer();
    return con;
  addSetting(item, i = 0) {
    isArray(item) || (item = [item]);
    item.forEach((d) => {
      d.addEventListener("show", (e) => {
        Promise.resolve( => {
          d.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start" });
    i = Math.min(this.container.length - 1, i);
  show() {
    return this.container;
customElements.get(\`menuitem-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`menuitem-\${"b275300"}\`, Menuitem, { extends: "div" });

// src/html/checkbox.html
var checkbox_default = \`<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox">\\r
<label for="checkbox"></label>\\r
    input[type="checkbox"] {\\r
        display: none;\\r
    input~label {\\r
        cursor: pointer;\\r
    input:checked~label:before {\\r
        content: '\\\\2714';\\r
    input~label:before {\\r
        width: 12px;\\r
        height: 12px;\\r
        line-height: 14px;\\r
        vertical-align: text-bottom;\\r
        border-radius: 3px;\\r
        border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;\\r
        display: inline-block;\\r
        text-align: center;\\r
        content: ' ';\\r

// src/core/ui/utils/checkbox.ts
var CheckBox = class extends HTMLElement {
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return [
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = checkbox_default;
    this._input = root.children[0];
    this._text = root.children[1];
    this._input.addEventListener("change", () => {
      this.setAttribute("value", this._input.checked);
      this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
  get value() {
    return this.getAttribute("value") === "true" ? true : false;
  set value(v) {
    v || (v = false);
    this.setAttribute("value", v);
  get label() {
    return this.getAttribute("label");
  set label(v) {
    v || (v = "");
    this.setAttribute("label", v);
  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    if (oldValue === newValue)
    switch (name) {
      case "label":
        this._text.textContent = newValue;
      case "value":
        this._input.checked = newValue === "false" ? false : true;
  update(value) {
    Object.entries(value).forEach((d) => this[d[0]] = d[1]);
customElements.get(\`checkbox-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`checkbox-\${"b275300"}\`, CheckBox);
var CheckBoxs = class extends HTMLDivElement {
  \$value = [];
  checkboxs = {};
  get value() {
    return this.\$value;
  set value(v) {
    v.forEach((d) => {
      if (!this.\$value.includes(d)) {
        if (this.checkboxs[d]) {
          this.checkboxs[d].value = true;
        } else {
          this.checkboxs[d].value = true;
    this.\$value.forEach((d) => {
      v.includes(d) || (this.checkboxs[d].value = false);
    this.\$value = [...v];
  update(labels) {
    labels.forEach((d) => {
      if (!this.checkboxs[d]) {
        const checkbox = new CheckBox();
        checkbox.update({ label: d });
        checkbox.addEventListener("change", () => {
          if (checkbox.value) {
            this.\$value.includes(d) || this.\$value.push(d);
          } else {
            const i = this.\$value.indexOf(d);
            i >= 0 && this.\$value.splice(i, 1);
          this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
        this.checkboxs[d] = checkbox;
    this.\$value.forEach((d) => {
      if (!labels.includes(d)) {
        const i = this.\$value.indexOf(d);
        i >= 0 && this.\$value.splice(i, 1);
customElements.get(\`checkboxs-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`checkboxs-\${"b275300"}\`, CheckBoxs, { extends: "div" });

// src/html/input.html
var input_default = '<div class="input"><input>\\r\\n    <ul class="input-list"></ul>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .input {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border: 0;\\r\\n        overflow: visible;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input input {\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        display: inline;\\r\\n        user-select: auto;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        width: calc(100% - 10px);\\r\\n        background: transparent;\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input input:focus {\\r\\n        border-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        margin: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;\\r\\n        max-height: 120px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: -1px;\\r\\n        right: auto;\\r\\n        z-index: 2;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden auto;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input:hover .input-list {\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row {\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color .3s;\\r\\n        line-height: 30px;\\r\\n        height: 30px;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #222;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: #f4f5f7;\\r\\n        color: #6d757a;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .cancel {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        top: 0px;\\r\\n        width: 38px;\\r\\n        height: 28px;\\r\\n        background: url(// -461px -530px no-repeat;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row:hover .cancel {\\r\\n        background-position: -525px -530px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n        width: 7px;\\r\\n        height: 7px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #EEE;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #999;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/utils/input.ts
var InputArea = class extends HTMLElement {
  \$prop = {};
  \$value = "";
  \$candidate = [];
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = input_default;
    this._input = root.children[0].children[0];
    this._ul = root.children[0].children[1];
    this._input.addEventListener("change", () => {
      this.\$value = this.\$prop.type === "file" ? this._input.files : this._input.value;
      this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
  get prop() {
    return this.\$prop;
  set prop(v) {
    this.\$prop = v;
    Object.entries(v).forEach((d) => this._input.setAttribute(...d));
  get value() {
    return this.\$value;
  set value(v) {
    if (this.\$value === v)
    this.\$value = v || "";
    this._input.value = this.\$value;
  get candidate() {
    return this.\$candidate;
  set candidate(v) {
    this.\$candidate = v;
    this._ul.replaceChildren(, i, t) => {
      const li = document.createElement("li");
      li.className = "input-list-row";
      li.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        this.value = d;
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
      const span = document.createElement("span");
      span.textContent = d;
      const div = document.createElement("div");
      div.className = "cancel";
      div.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        t.splice(i, 1);
      li.append(span, div);
      return li;
  update(value) {
    Object.entries(value).forEach((d) => this[d[0]] = d[1]);
customElements.get(\`input-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`input-\${"b275300"}\`, InputArea);

// src/html/select.html
var select_default = '<div class="selectmenu">\\r\\n    <div class="selectmenu-txt"><span></span></div>\\r\\n    <div class="selectmenu-arrow arrow-down"></div>\\r\\n    <ul class="selectmenu-list"></ul>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .selectmenu {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        overflow: visible;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-txt {\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        vertical-align: top;\\r\\n        text-overflow: ellipsis;\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-arrow {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        background-color: transparent;\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        right: 4px;\\r\\n        z-index: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .arrow-down:before {\\r\\n        margin: 0 auto;\\r\\n        margin-top: 8px;\\r\\n        width: 0;\\r\\n        height: 0;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        border-width: 4px 4px 0;\\r\\n        border-style: solid;\\r\\n        border-color: #99a2aa transparent transparent;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        content: "";\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        margin: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        max-height: 120px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: -1px;\\r\\n        right: auto;\\r\\n        z-index: 2;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden auto;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu:hover .selectmenu-list {\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list-row {\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color .3s;\\r\\n        line-height: 30px;\\r\\n        height: 30px;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #222;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list-row:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: #f4f5f7;\\r\\n        color: #6d757a;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n        width: 7px;\\r\\n        height: 7px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #EEE;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #999;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/utils/select.ts
var SelectMenu = class extends HTMLElement {
  \$value = "";
  \$candidate = [];
  \$styles = {};
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = select_default;
    this._text = root.children[0].children[0].children[0];
    this._list = root.children[0].children[2];
  get value() {
    return this.\$value;
  set value(v) {
    if (this.\$value === v)
    this.\$value = v || "";
    this._text.textContent = v || "";
    v && this.\$styles[v] && this._text.setAttribute("style", this.\$styles[v]);
  get candidate() {
    return this.\$candidate;
  set candidate(v) {
    this.\$candidate = v;
    this._list.replaceChildren(, i, t) => {
      const li = document.createElement("li");
      li.className = "selectmenu-list-row";
      li.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        this.value = d;
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
      const span = document.createElement("span");
      span.textContent = d;
      this.\$styles[d] && span.setAttribute("style", this.\$styles[d]);
      return li;
  get styles() {
    return this.\$styles;
  set styles(v) {
    this.\$styles = v;
    this.candidate = this.candidate;
  update(value) {
    Object.entries(value).forEach((d) => this[d[0]] = d[1]);
customElements.get(\`select-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`select-\${"b275300"}\`, SelectMenu);

// src/html/slider.html
var slider_default = '<div class="block">\\r\\n    <div class="slider">\\r\\n        <div class="slider-tracker-wrp">\\r\\n            <div class="slider-tracker">\\r\\n                <div class="slider-handle">\\r\\n                    <div class="slider-hint"></div>\\r\\n                </div>\\r\\n                <div class="slider-progress"></div>\\r\\n            </div>\\r\\n        </div>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .block {\\r\\n        vertical-align: top;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 13px;\\r\\n        clear: both;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-tracker-wrp {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-tracker {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 6px;\\r\\n        left: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        margin-top: -3px;\\r\\n        background-color: #e5e9ef;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-handle {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: -4px;\\r\\n        height: 14px;\\r\\n        width: 14px;\\r\\n        border-radius: 7px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        margin-left: -7px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 3px #017cc3;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        transition: box-shadow .3s;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-handle:hover {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 5px #017cc3;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-hint {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: -21px;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .8);\\r\\n        padding: 0 3px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #fafafa;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-25%);\\r\\n        user-select: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-progress {\\r\\n        width: 0;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/utils/slider.ts
function offset(node) {
  const result = {
    top: 0,
    left: 0
  const onwer = node.ownerDocument;
  if (node === onwer.body) { = node.offsetTop;
    result.left = node.offsetLeft;
  } else {
    let rect = void 0;
    try {
      rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
    } catch {
    if (!rect || !onwer.documentElement.contains(node)) {
      rect && ( =, result.left = rect.left);
      return result;
    } = + onwer.body.scrollTop - onwer.documentElement.clientTop;
    result.left = rect.left + onwer.body.scrollLeft - onwer.documentElement.clientLeft;
  return result;
var SliderBlock = class extends HTMLElement {
  \$value = 0;
  \$min = 0;
  \$max = 100;
  \$precision = 100;
  \$hint = true;
  \$solid = false;
  \$vertical = false;
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = slider_default;
    this._handle = root.children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0];
    this._progress = root.children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[1];
    this._hinter = root.children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0];
    this._wrp = root.children[0].children[0].children[0];
    const mouseLinster = (e) => {
      const { pageX, pageY } = e;
      const offsetX = this.\$vertical ? pageY - offset(this._wrp).top - 7 : pageX - offset(this._wrp).left - 7;
      const allX = this._wrp.offsetWidth - 14;
      const pv = (0 > offsetX ? 0 : offsetX > allX ? allX : offsetX) / allX;
      this.value = (this.\$max - this.\$min) * Math.round(pv * this.\$precision) / this.\$precision + this.\$min;
      this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
    this.addEventListener("click", mouseLinster);
    const mouseClear = () => {
      window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseLinster);
      window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseClear);
    this._handle.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
      window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseLinster);
      window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseClear);
    this._handle.addEventListener("mouseover", () => this.showChange());
    let nHint = 0;
    this.showChange = () => {
      const pv = (this.\$value - this.\$min) / (this.\$max - this.\$min); = \`left: \${(pv * (this._wrp.offsetWidth - 14) + 7) / this._wrp.offsetWidth * 100}%;\`; = \`width: \${pv * 100}%;\`;
      if (this.\$hint) {
        this._hinter.textContent = this.\$value;
        if ( !== "block")
 = "block";
        if (this.\$solid)
        nHint = setTimeout(() => = "", 300);
  get value() {
    return this.\$value;
  set value(v) {
    if (this.\$vertical)
      v = this.\$max - v + this.\$min;
    v = (this.\$max - this.\$min) * Math.round((v - this.\$min) / (this.\$max - this.\$min) * this.\$precision) / this.\$precision + this.\$min;
    if (v === this.\$value)
    this.\$value = v;
  get min() {
    return this.\$min;
  set min(v) {
    if (v === this.\$min || v >= this.\$max)
    this.\$min = v;
    if (v > this.\$value)
      this.value = v;
  get max() {
    return this.\$max;
  set max(v) {
    if (v === this.\$max || v <= this.\$min)
    this.\$max = v;
    if (v < this.\$value)
      this.value = v;
  get precision() {
    return this.\$precision;
  set precision(v) {
    if (v === this.\$precision)
    this.\$precision = v;
    this.value = this.\$value;
  get hint() {
    return this.\$hint;
  set hint(v) {
    if (v === this.\$hint)
    this.\$hint = v;
  get solid() {
    return this.\$solid;
  set solid(v) {
    if (v === this.\$solid)
    this.\$solid = v;
  get vertical() {
    return this.\$vertical;
  set vertical(v) {
    if (v === this.\$vertical)
    this.\$vertical = v; = v ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "";
  connectedCallback() {
  adoptedCallback() {
  update(value) {
    Object.entries(value).forEach((d) => this[d[0]] = d[1]);
customElements.get(\`slider-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`slider-\${"b275300"}\`, SliderBlock);

// src/html/switch.html
var switch_default = '<div class="switch">\\r\\n    <span class="bar"></span>\\r\\n    <span class="knob">\\r\\n        <i class="circle"></i>\\r\\n    </span>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .switch {\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        min-width: 34px;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 34px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(189, 193, 198);\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        height: 12px;\\r\\n        left: 3px;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: 2px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 28px;\\r\\n        z-index: 0;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar[checked] {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n        opacity: 0.5;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob {\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 40%);\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        height: 16px;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        transition: transform linear 80ms, background-color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 16px;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob[checked] {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n        transform: translate3d(18px, 0, 0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i {\\r\\n        color: rgba(128, 134, 139, 15%);\\r\\n        height: 40px;\\r\\n        left: -12px;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n        top: -12px;\\r\\n        transition: color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 40px;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i[checked] {\\r\\n        color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/utils/switch.ts
var SwitchButton = class extends HTMLElement {
  \$value = false;
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = switch_default;
    this._bar = root.children[0].children[0];
    this._knob = root.children[0].children[1];
    this._circle = root.children[0].children[1].children[0];
    root.children[0].addEventListener("click", (e) => {
      this.value = !this.\$value;
      this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
  get value() {
    return this.\$value;
  set value(v) {
    if (this.\$value === v)
    if (v) {
      this._bar.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
      this._knob.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
      this._circle.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
    } else {
    this.\$value = v;
  update(value) {
    value === void 0 || (this.value = value);
    return this;
customElements.get(\`switch-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`switch-\${"b275300"}\`, SwitchButton);

// src/core/ui.ts
var Menus = {
  common: ["通用", svg.wrench],
  rewrite: ["重写", svg.note],
  danmaku: ["弹幕", svg.dmset],
  restore: ["修复", svg.stethoscope],
  player: ["播放",],
  style: ["样式", svg.palette],
  download: ["下载",]
var UI = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    poll(() => document.readyState === "complete", () => {
      this.entry.type = this.BLOD.status.uiEntryType;
    }, 1e3, 0);
    this.entry.addEventListener("click", (e) => {;
  entry = new BilioldEntry();
  interface = new BiliOldInterface();
  menuitem = {};
  settingItem = {};
  async updateCheck() {
    if (this.BLOD.status.bilibiliplayer && this.BLOD.status.checkUpdate) {
      const version = await this.BLOD.GM.getValue("version");
      if (version !== this.BLOD.version) {
  initMenu() {
    Object.entries(Menus).forEach((d) => {
      const menu = new Menuitem();
      this.menuitem[d[0]] = menu;
      menu.init(d[1][0], d[1][1]);
  initSettings() {
  initSettingCommon() {
      this.switch("development", "开发者模式", "暴露调试接口到控制台", svg.warn, (v) => {
        if (v) {
          propertyHook(window, "BLOD", this.BLOD);
        } else {
          Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "BLOD");
      }, "暴露一个名为【BLOD】的对象到全局,你可以在浏览器控制台里使用内部的属性及方法进行调试。"),
      this.switch("disableReport", "数据上报", "禁止网页跟踪上报", svg.linechart),"uiEntryType", "设置入口样式", {
        candidate: ["old", "new"]
      }, "浮动齿轮或者贴边隐藏", svg.gear, (v) => this.entry.type = v, "【old】入口更具隐蔽性,鼠标移动到贴边位置才会浮现。【new】入口每次网页加载完成都会滚动浮现,隐藏会鼠标移动到对应位置便会浮现。"),
      this.button("userStatus", "管理设置数据", () => {
        ], "备份还原", [
            text: "默认",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.user.restoreUserStatus()
            text: "导出",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.user.outputUserStatus()
            text: "导入",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.user.inputUserStatus()
      }, "备份/恢复", "管理", svg.blind),
      this.switch("bilibiliplayer", "重构播放器", "修复及增强",, (v) => {
        if (v) {
      }, "旧版播放器已于 2019-10-31T07:38:36.004Z 失去官方维护,为了旧版播放器长期可持续维护,我们使用typescript完全重构了旧版播放器。修复了旧版播放器出现异常或失效的功能(如无法获取90分钟以后的弹幕问题),移植了一些B站后续推出的功能(如互动视频、全景视频、杜比视界、杜比全景声、AV1编码支持和DRM支持等)。能力有限无法做到100%复刻,如果您想体验原生的旧版播放器,可以禁用本功能。同时由于项目托管于Github,国内部分网络环境可能访问不畅,初次启动播放器可能耗时较久,加载失败后也会回滚原生播放器。如果您的网络环境始终无法正常加载,也请禁用本功能或者前往反馈。")
      this.switch("toast.disabled", "禁用", '<a href="" target="_blank">toastr</a>', void 0, (v) => this.BLOD.toast.disabled = v),
      this.switch("toast.rtl", "镜像", "左右翻转", void 0, (v) => this.BLOD.toast.rtl = v),"toast.position", "位置", {
        candidate: ["top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "top-full-width", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-center", "bottom-full-width"]
      }, "相对屏幕", void 0, (v) => this.BLOD.toast.position = v),
      this.slider("toast.delay", "时长", {
        min: 2,
        max: 60,
        precision: 58
      }, "单位:/秒", void 0, (v) => this.BLOD.toast.delay = v),"toast.type", "类型", {
        candidate: ["info", "success", "warning", "error"],
        styles: {
          info: "color: #2F96B4",
          success: "color: #51A351",
          warning: "color: #F89406",
          error: "color: #BD362F"
      }, "测试限定"),
      this.inputCustom("toast.test", "测试", {
        candidate: ["Hello World!"]
      }, (v) => {
        try {
          this.BLOD.toast.toast(this.BLOD.status.toast.delay, this.BLOD.status.toast.type, v);
        } catch (e) {
          this.BLOD.toast.error("非常抱歉!发生了错误", e);
      }, "请输入一句话~")
    ], 1);
      this.input("accessKey.token", "token", {
        prop: { type: "text", readonly: "readonly" }
      }, "access_key", void 0, void 0, "鉴权。效果等同于网页端的cookie,B站服务器用以识别您的登录身份。本脚本只会在您本地保存鉴权,绝对不会泄露出去,唯一的例外是如果启用了【解除区域限制】功能并选择自定义服务器,则会向代理服务器发送鉴权,我们无法保证第三方服务器如何使用您的鉴权,所以万请自行必确认代理服务器的可信度,<strong>三思而后行</strong>!"),
      this.input("accessKey.dateStr", "授权日期", {
        prop: { type: "text", readonly: "readonly" }
      }, "有效期一般为一个月", void 0, void 0, "脚本不会代为检查鉴权是否失效,请失效时自行重新授权。"),
      this.button("accessKey.action", "进行授权", () => {
        new AccessKey(this.BLOD);
      }, "授权脚本使用登录鉴权", "授权", svg.warn)
    ], 2);
    if (true) {
        this.switch("checkUpdate", "检查更新", "自动更新播放器",, void 0, "启用【重构播放器】后,脚本会自动检查并更新播放器组件,但可能因为网络原因更新失败,出现反复更新->反复失败的问题。您可以禁用此功能,以继续使用【重构播放器】,等待网络环境改善后再尝试启用。")
  initSettingRewrite() {
      this.switch("av", "av/BV", "恢复旧版av页"),
      this.switch("bangumi", "bangumi", "恢复旧版bangumi页"),
      this.switch("watchlater", "稍后再看", "恢复旧版稍后再看"),
      this.switch("playlist", "播单", "恢复旧版播单页"),
      this.switch("index", "主页", "恢复旧版Bilibili主页"),
      this.switch("player", "播放器", "替换其他未重写页面的播放器"),
      this.switch("read", "专栏", "恢复旧版专栏"),
      this.switch("ranking", "排行榜", "恢复旧版全站排行榜页"),
      this.switch("search", "搜索", "恢复旧版搜索页"),
      this.switch("album", "相簿", "恢复相簿页")
  initSettingDanmaku() {
      this.switch("dmproto", "proto弹幕", "protobuf弹幕支持", void 0, void 0, "因为B站已放弃维护xml弹幕,带来一些问题,比如90分钟后无弹幕,所以此项不建议禁用。【重构播放器】默认启用且不受此项影响。"),
      this.switch("dmwrap", "弹幕提权", "允许普权弹幕排版", void 0, void 0, "上古时代存在大量使用换行及空格等特殊字符来提权以达到高级弹幕效果的作品,在html5时代无法正常显示,启用此项将恢复普权弹幕排版效果。尽情享受弹幕艺术。【重构播放器】默认启用且不受此项影响。")
  initSettingStyle() {[
      this.switch("header", "恢复旧版顶栏", "替换所有B站页面中的顶栏为旧版"),
      this.switch("comment", "恢复评论翻页", "替换瀑布流评论区"),
      this.switch("staff", "合作UP主", "联合投稿显示合作UP主"),
      this.switch("bangumiEplist", "保留bangumi分P", "牺牲特殊背景图", void 0, void 0, "旧版bangumi遇到有特殊背景图的视频时,会隐藏播放器下方的分集选择界面,二者不可得兼。"),
      this.switch("jointime", "注册时间", "个人空间显示账户注册时间"),
      this.switch("history", "纯视频历史", "过滤历史记录页的非视频部分"),
      this.switch("liveRecord", "录屏动态", "允许动态页显示直播录屏"),
      this.switch("commentJumpUrlTitle", "评论超链接标题", "还原为链接或短链接", void 0, void 0, "直接显示链接标题固然方便,但有些时候还是直接显示链接合适。"),
      this.switch("like", "添加点赞功能", "不支持一键三连"),
      this.switch("fullBannerCover", "修正banner分辨率", "顶栏banner完整显示不裁剪", void 0, void 0, "旧版顶栏banner接口已不再更新,脚本使用新版banner接口进行修复,但二者图片分辨率不一致。脚本默认不会去动页面样式以尽可能原汁原味还原旧版页面,导致顶栏banner被裁剪显示不全,启用本项将调整顶栏分辨率以完整显示图片。")
  initSettingRestore() {
      this.switch("lostVideo", "失效视频", "尝试获取失效视频信息"),
      this.switch("disableSleepChcek", "禁用直播间挂机检测", "就喜欢挂后台听个响不行吗!"),
      this.switch("show1080p", "不登录高画质支持", "dash模式限定", void 0, (v) => {
        if (v && !this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token) {
          alert("需要启用【账户授权】功能!是否前往?", "【账户授权】", [{ text: "前往【账户授权】", callback: () =>"accessKey.token") }]);
          this.BLOD.status.show1080p = false;
      }, "B站砍掉了不登录能获取的画质,最多只能获取480P。您可以启用【账户授权】功能,授权本脚本使用您的登录信息,如此您退出登录后依然能获取高画质视频流。本功能只会在请求播放源时添加上登录鉴权,不影响页面其他功能的未登录状态,B站也不会记录您的播放记录。本功能适用于那些经常用浏览器无痕模式上B站的用户。")
  initSettingPlayer() {
      this.switch("webRTC", "WebRTC", "<strong>关闭</strong>以禁用p2p共享带宽", void 0, void 0, "B站使用【WebRTC】实现p2p共享,等同于将您的设备变成了B站的一个视频服务器节点,别人观看相同的视频或直播便可以从您的设备取流而不必访问B站固有的服务器。脚本默认<strong>关闭</strong>了此功能,以减轻小水管的带宽压力,如果您的带宽允许,还是推荐开启,人人为我,我为人人。bilibili~乾杯 - ( ゜-゜)つロ!"),
      this.switch("elecShow", "充电鸣谢", "允许视频结尾的充电鸣谢"),
      this.switch("videoDisableAA", "禁用视频渲染抗锯齿", '详见<a href="" target="_blank">#292</a>说明'),
      this.switch("ugcSection", "视频合集", "以播单形式呈现")
      this.switch("automate.danmakuFirst", "展开弹幕列表", "而不是推荐视频"),
      this.switch("automate.showBofqi", "滚动到播放器", "载入视频时"),
      this.switch("automate.screenWide", "宽屏模式", "隐藏播放器右侧面板", void 0, (v) => v && (this.BLOD.status.automate.webFullScreen = false)),
      this.switch("automate.noDanmaku", "无弹幕模式", "默认关闭弹幕"),
      this.switch("automate.autoPlay", "自动播放", "播放器初始化完成时"),
      this.switch("automate.webFullScreen", "网页全屏模式", "载入视频时", void 0, (v) => v && (this.BLOD.status.automate.screenWide = false)),
      this.switch("automate.videospeed", "记忆播放速率", "永久继承播放速率设定", void 0, void 0, "默认的记忆播放速率记忆仅同一个网页标签页有效,开启后将代为记忆固定下来。")
    ], 1);
      this.switch("videoLimit.status", "解除播放限制", "解除区域/APP限制"),"videoLimit.server", "代理服务器模式", {
        candidate: ["内置", "自定义"]
      }, "<strong>自定义</strong>模式须要填写下面的服务器", void 0, (v) => {
        if (v === "自定义") {
          if (! && ! && ! {
            this.BLOD.toast.warning("请至少填选以下代理服务器中的一下再选择!", "服务器请自行搭建或参考【公共反代服务器】");
            this.BLOD.status.videoLimit.server = "内置";
            alert('<a href="" target="_blank"></a>', "公共反代服务器");
          } else if (!this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token) {
            ], void 0, [
                text: "授权",
                callback: () => {
                text: "取消"
      }, "大部分新视频【内置】服务器只能获取到360P,实在不堪入目,有条件的话还是【自定义】服务器吧。对于大陆用户而言,【自定义】服务器一般填一个台湾就行,或者加上一个泰区。"),
      this.input("", "泰区", {
        prop: { type: "url", placeholder: "" }
      }, "泰国(东南亚)限定视频反代服务器"),
      this.input("", "台湾", {
        prop: { type: "url", placeholder: "" }
      }, "台湾限定视频反代服务器"),
      this.input("", "港澳", {
        prop: { type: "url", placeholder: "" }
      }, "香港澳门限定视频反代服务器"),
      this.input("", "大陆", {
        prop: { type: "url", placeholder: "" }
      }, "大陆限定视频反代服务器")
    ], 2);
    this.menuitem.player.addCard("替换 UPOS 服务器");
    const upos = Object.keys(UPOS2);
    this.menuitem.player.addSetting(["", "泰区", {
        candidate: upos
      }, "针对泰国(东南亚)限制视频", void 0, void 0, "泰区服务器ban了大陆ip,所以必须选一个进行替换。卡加载时请酌情切换。"),"uposReplace.gat", "港澳台", {
        candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
      }, "针对港澳台限制视频", void 0, void 0, "港澳台视频服务器一般为大陆外的Akamai,大陆用户有可能访问不畅,请按需酌情切换。若卡加载请关闭或者换一个。"),"uposReplace.nor", "一般视频", {
        candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
      }, "针对其他视频", void 0, void 0, "一般视频不需要替换,除非分配给您的视频服务器实在不行,请按需酌情切换。若卡加载请关闭或者换一个。"),"", "下载", {
        candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
      }, "针对下载功能", void 0, void 0, "一般视频不需要替换,除非屡屡下载403。若还是403请关闭或者换一个。")
    ], 3);
  initSettingDownload() {[
      this.button("download", "下载当前视频", () => {;
      }, "呼出下载面板", "下载", void 0, "根据当前设置下载当前网页(顶层)的视频,在页面底部列出所有可用下载源。仅在视频播放页可用。"),
      this.chockboxs("downloadType", "请求的文件类型", ["mp4", "dash", "flv"], "视频封装格式", void 0, () =>, "勾选视频的封装类型,具体能不能获取到两说。封装类型≠编码类型:①mp4封装,视频编码avc+音频编码aac,画质上限1080P。②flv封装,编码同mp4,但可能切分成多个分段,须手动合并。③dash,未封装的视频轨和音频轨,以编码格式分类,aac为音频轨(含flac、杜比全景声),avc、hev和av1为视频轨(任选其一即可),须下载音视频轨各一条后手动封装为一个视频文件。另外【解除区域限制】功能获取到的下载源不受本项限制。"),
      this.switch("TVresource", "请求tv端视频源", "无水印", void 0, (e) => {
        e && alert("下载TV源必须将【referer】置空,否则会403(无权访问)!另外浏览器不支持配置UA和referer,请更换【下载方式】!", "403警告", [
            text: "置空referer",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.status.referer = ""
      }, "请求TV端下载源,唯一的优势是可能无Bilibili水印。注意:①B站tv端大会员不通用,所以可能无法获取到大会员视频或画质。②需要进行【账户授权】,否则只能以游客身份获取下载数据。③TV源要求特定的UA且不能发送referer,基本无法通过浏览器直接下载(403无权访问),请选择其他下载工具。④mp4封装的并非tv源。"),"downloadQn", "画质", {
        candidate: ["0", "15", "16", "32", "48", "64", "74", "80", "112", "116", "120", "125", "126", "127"]
      }, "flv限定", void 0, () =>, "画质参数,只针对flv封装。mp4封装没得选,dash则由于特性会一次性提供所有画质选项。"),"downloadMethod", "下载方式", {
        candidate: ["浏览器", "IDM", "ef2", "aria2", "aria2rpc"]
      }, "浏览器或第三方工具", void 0, (e) => {
        switch (e) {
          case "浏览器":
            alert("由于浏览器安全限制,直接鼠标左键点击很难触发下载功能,更良好的习惯是右键要下载的文件选择【另存为】(不同浏览器可能命名不同)", "浏览器下载");
          case "IDM":
            alert('<a href="" target="_blank">IDM(Internet Download Manager)</a>是Windows端著名的的下载工具,本方式将下载数据生成IDM导出文件,您可以在打开IDM -> 任务 -> 导入 -> 从"IDM导出文件"导入开始下载。虽然有点麻烦,但是IDM支持配置UA和referer,并且下载速度的确不是浏览器能比的。', "IDM导出文件");
          case "ef2":
            alert('<a href="" target="_blank">ef2</a>是本脚本作者开发的一款开源的IDM辅助工具,支持直接从浏览器里拉起IDM进行下载,免去使用IDM导出文件的繁琐,同时解放你的鼠标左键。', "ef2辅助下载");
          case "aria2":
            alert('<a href="" target="_blank">aria2</a>是著名的开源命令行下载工具,本方式将下载命令复制到剪切板。命令行不是一般人能使用的工具,没有相应知识储备和使用习惯不推荐选择。', "aria2");
          case "aria2rpc":
            alert("aria2支持rpc方式进行下载,正确配置后方便程度不亚于ef2方式,唯一的问题是配置起来有亿点麻烦。</br>是否跳转到rpc相关设置?", "aria2 rpc", [
                text: "RPC配置",
                callback: () =>"aria2.server")
                text: "不必了"
      }, "使用浏览器下载请右键另存为而不是左键点击!其他选项需要使用对应工具,详见对应选项弹窗说明。"),
      this.input("userAgent", "User-Agent", {
        candidate: [
          "Bilibili Freedoooooom/MarkII",
          "Mozilla/5.0 BiliDroid/7.0.0 (",
      }, "鉴权参数", void 0, void 0, "下载工具发送给服务器的身份标志,鉴权关键参数之一,无效的User-Agent将导致403无权访问。<strong>除非你知道自己在修改什么,否则请不要轻易调整此项。</strong>此项只在使用第三方下载方式时有效。"),
      this.input("referer", "referer", {
        candidate: [location.origin]
      }, "鉴权参数", void 0, (v) => {
        v && alert("您勾选了下载TV源,根据经验必须将referer置空,不然会触发403(无权访问)!是否撤销输入将referer置空?还是取消勾选tv源?", "设置冲突", [
            text: "置空referer",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.status.referer = ""
            text: "取消勾选tv源",
            callback: () => this.BLOD.status.TVresource = false
      }, "下载时发送给服务器的标志之一,鉴权关键参数之一,无效的User-Agent将导致403无权访问。此项在网页端必须存在,而且一般为主站域名,但是<strong>TV、APP等源此项必须为空!</strong>"),
      this.input("filepath", "下载目录", {}, "保存下载文件的本地磁盘目录", void 0, void 0, "ef2、aria2和aria2rpc方式限定。Windows平台请注意使用反斜杠哦。")
    ]);"aria2 相关");[
      this.input("aria2.server", "RPC服务器", {
        prop: { type: "url", placeholder: "http://localhost" },
        candidate: ["http://localhost"]
      }, "本地或远程链接", void 0, void 0, "端口号请另外输入。建议使用下方按钮测试RPC连接可用性。"),
      this.input("aria2.port", "端口", {
        prop: { type: "number", placeholder: "6800" },
        candidate: ["6800"]
      }, "本地或远程端口", void 0, void 0, "服务器链接另外输入。建议使用下方按钮测试RPC连接可用性。"),
      this.input("aria2.token", "token", {
        prop: { type: "password" }
      }, "鉴权", void 0, void 0, "如果RPC服务器启用了token鉴权的话。"),
      this.slider("aria2.split", "分段数目", {
        min: 1,
        max: 16,
        precision: 15
      }, "分段并发下载", void 0, void 0, "对于支持断点续传的文件,启用多线程同时并发下载通常是一种非常有效的提高下载速度的方法。如果需要请自行调整一个合适的并发数,1表示不并发下载。值得注意的是,部分服务器会限制并发连接数目,并发连接过多有触发风控甚至被临时封禁的风险,所以并不是并发数越多越好。"),
      this.slider("aria2.size", "分段大小", {
        min: 1,
        max: 20,
        precision: 19
      }, "单位:/MB", void 0, void 0, "如果一个文件有多个下载源,那么此项会间接决定使用几个下载源。一旦要下载的文件不小于此项的2倍,aria2便会同时尝试连接多个下载源。这也是提高下载速率的有效方法。注意:某种意义上此项是越小越好,原因不言而喻。"),
      this.button("aria2.test", "测试RPC连接", () => {
        const data = ["正在测试RPC连接~"];
        const toast = this.BLOD.toast.toast(0, "info",;
        new Aria2().getVersion().then((d) => {
          toast.type = "success";
          data.push(\`-------aria2 v\${d.version}-------\`, ...d.enabledFeatures);
 = data;
        }).catch((e) => {
          toast.type = "error";
          data.push("RPC链接失败 ಥ_ಥ", e);
          debug.error("RPC链接失败 ಥ_ಥ", e);
 = data;
        }).finally(() => {
          toast.delay = 4;
      }, "获取aria2信息", "ping", void 0, "请确定正确配置并启用了aria2的RPC服务器。")
    ], 1);"ef2 相关");[
      this.switch("ef2.delay", "稍后下载", "添加到IDM下载队列但不开始", void 0, void 0, "要开始时请手动到IDM队列里点击开始。本项可以用来批量下载而不弹出多个窗口。注意:B站视频源使用的是临时链接,过期后无法访问,请及时下载或清理。"),
      this.switch("ef2.silence", "静默下载", "跳过IDM确认对话框", void 0, void 0, "默认情况下IDM会弹窗询问是否确认下载,在该确认框中可以调整保存目录和文件名等操作。启用本项以跳过该确认框。")
    ], 2);
  switch(id, label, sub, svg2, callback, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const button = new SwitchButton();
    const arr2 = id.split(".");
    let looping = false;
    item.init(arr2.join(""), label, sub, svg2);
    button.addEventListener("change", () => {
      looping = true;
      this.BLOD.setStatus(id, button.value);
      callback && callback(button.value);
    this.BLOD.bindStatusChange(arr2.shift(), (v) => {
      looping || button.update(this.BLOD.getStatus(arr2.join("."), v));
      looping = false;
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  select(id, label, value, sub, svg2, callback, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const select = new SelectMenu();
    const arr2 = id.split(".");
    let looping = false;
    item.init(arr2.join(""), label, sub, svg2);
    value.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(id);
    select.addEventListener("change", () => {
      looping = true;
      this.BLOD.setStatus(id, select.value);
      callback && callback(select.value);
    this.BLOD.bindStatusChange(arr2.shift(), (v) => {
      looping || (select.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(arr2.join("."), v));
      looping = false;
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  slider(id, label, value, sub, svg2, callback, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const slider = new SliderBlock();
    const arr2 = id.split(".");
    let looping = false;
    item.init(arr2.join(""), label, sub, svg2);
    value.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(id);
    slider.addEventListener("change", () => {
      looping = true;
      this.BLOD.setStatus(id, slider.value);
      callback && callback(slider.value);
    this.BLOD.bindStatusChange(arr2.shift(), (v) => {
      looping || (slider.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(arr2.join("."), v));
      looping = false;
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  inputCustom(id, label, value, callback, sub, svg2, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const input = new InputArea();
    item.init("", label, sub, svg2);
    input.addEventListener("change", () => {
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  input(id, label, value, sub, svg2, callback, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const input = new InputArea();
    const arr2 = id.split(".");
    let looping = false;
    item.init(arr2.join(""), label, sub, svg2);
    value.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(id);
    input.addEventListener("change", () => {
      looping = true;
      this.BLOD.setStatus(id, input.value);
      callback && callback(input.value);
    this.BLOD.bindStatusChange(arr2.shift(), (v) => {
      looping || (input.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(arr2.join("."), v));
      looping = false;
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  button(id, label, callback, sub, text, svg2, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const button = new PushButton();
    item.init("", label, sub, svg2);
    text && (button.text = text);
    button.addEventListener("change", (ev) => {
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  chockboxs(id, label, values, sub, svg2, callback, desc) {
    const item = new SettingItem();
    const checkboxs = new CheckBoxs();
    const arr2 = id.split(".");
    let looping = false;
    item.init(arr2.join(""), label, sub, svg2);
    checkboxs.value = Array.from(this.BLOD.getStatus(id));
    checkboxs.addEventListener("change", () => {
      looping = true;
      this.BLOD.setStatus(id, checkboxs.value);
      callback && callback(checkboxs.value);
    this.BLOD.bindStatusChange(arr2.shift(), (v) => {
      looping || (checkboxs.value = this.BLOD.getStatus(arr2.join("."), v));
      looping = false;
    this.settingItem[id] = item;
    desc && new Desc().value(label, desc, item);
    return item;
  show(id) {;
    if (id && this.settingItem[id]) {
      this.settingItem[id].dispatchEvent(new Event("show"));
    } else {;

// src/core/storage.ts
var LocalStorage = class {
  static clear() {
  static getItem(key) {
    return toObject(localStorage.getItem(key));
  static keys() {
    return Object.keys(localStorage);
  static removeItem(key) {
  static setItem(key, value) {
    localStorage.setItem(key, toString(value));
var SessionStorage = class {
  static clear() {
  static getItem(key) {
    return toObject(sessionStorage.getItem(key));
  static keys() {
    return Object.keys(sessionStorage);
  static removeItem(key) {
  static setItem(key, value) {
    sessionStorage.setItem(key, toString(value));

// src/core/automate.ts
var Automate = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    switchVideo(() => {
  playerSettings() {
    const local = LocalStorage.getItem("bilibili_player_settings");
    if (local) {
      this.BLOD.GM.setValue("bilibili_player_settings", local);
    } else {
      this.BLOD.GM.getValue("bilibili_player_settings").then((d) => {
        d && LocalStorage.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", d);
  danmakuFirst() {
    this.BLOD.status.automate.danmakuFirst && SessionStorage.setItem("player_last_filter_tab_info", 4);
  showBofqi() {
    const str = [".bangumi_player", "#bofqi", "#bilibiliPlayer"];
    this.BLOD.status.automate.showBofqi && setTimeout(() => {
      const node = str.reduce((s, d) => {
        s = s || document.querySelector(d);
        return s;
      }, document.querySelector("#__bofqi"));
      node && node.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" });
    }, 500);
  webFullScreen() {
    this.BLOD.status.automate.webFullScreen && poll(() => document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-iconfont.bilibili-player-iconfont-web-fullscreen.icon-24webfull.player-tooltips-trigger"), () => document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-web-fullscreen").click());
  videospeed() {
    if (this.BLOD.status.automate.videospeed) {
      this.BLOD.GM.getValue("videospeed").then((videospeed) => {
        if (videospeed) {
          let setting = SessionStorage.getItem("bilibili_player_settings");
          setting ? setting.video_status ? setting.video_status.videospeed = videospeed : setting.video_status = { videospeed } : setting = { video_status: { videospeed } };
          SessionStorage.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", setting);
      switchVideo(() => {
        poll(() => document.querySelector("#bofqi")?.querySelector("video"), (d) => {
          d.addEventListener("ratechange", (e) => {
            this.BLOD.GM.setValue("videospeed", || 1);
  videoDisableAA() {
    this.BLOD.status.videoDisableAA && poll(() => document.querySelector("#bilibiliPlayer .bilibili-player-video video"), (d) => += "contrast(1)");

// src/core/report.ts
var Cache = class {
  fpriskMsg = {};
var EventTracker = class {
  extMsgs = {};
  legalContainer = "report-wrap-module";
  bindEvent() {
  bindHeatMapEvent() {
  checkContainer() {
  eventCB() {
  handleSelfDefReport() {
  todo() {
var LoadTracker = class {
  msg = {};
  showRawPerformance() {
  todo() {
var PvTracker = class {
  extMsgs = {};
  _uuid = "";
  sendPV() {
  todo() {
var ScrollTracker = class {
  extMsgs = {};
  ignoreHidden = true;
  reportedIds = [];
  scrollDivClass = "";
  scrollLintenerFns = [];
  scrollMsg = {};
  scrollReportOffset = 200;
  scrollSubDivClass = "";
  addScrollListenNode() {
  checkScroll() {
  customReport() {
  getOffset() {
  inView() {
  judgeAppear() {
  judgeCustom() {
  judgeHidden() {
  judgeSubAppear() {
  removeScrollListenNode() {
  subInView() {
  todo() {
  todoCustom() {
var reportConfig = { msgObjects: "spmReportData", sample: -1, scrollTracker: false };
var reportMsgObj = {};
var ReportObserver = class {
  constructor() {
    propertyHook(window, "reportObserver", this);
    propertyHook(window, "reportConfig", reportConfig);
  cache = new Cache();
  eventTracker = new EventTracker();
  loadTracker = new LoadTracker();
  pvTracker = new PvTracker();
  scrollTracker = new ScrollTracker();
  forceCommit() {
  importTracker() {
  init() {
  initBsource() {
  initTracker() {
  reportCustomData() {
  reportWithAdditionalParam() {
  reportWithSpmPrefix() {
  sendPV() {
  sendPerformance() {
  setSPM_id() {
  setSpeicalMsg() {
  updateConfig() {
var statisObserverConfig = {
  blackEvents: [],
  clickConfig: { logId: "", isDoubleWrite: false },
  loadPerform: false,
  loadSpecial: false,
  performConfig: { isWrite: false },
  pvConfig: { isDoubleWrite: false, logId: "", selfDefMsg: {} },
  selfConfig: { logId: "", isDoubleWrite: false, isSelfDefWrite: false, isDefaultWrite: false },
  spmId: ""
var StatisObserver = class {
  __bufferFuns = [];
  __initConfig = {};
  __loadedFlag = { baidu: false, error: false, event: false, perform: false, pv: false, special: false };
  __visitId = "";
  constructor() {
    propertyHook(window, "__statisObserver", this);
    propertyHook(window, "reportMsgObj", reportMsgObj);
    propertyHook(window, "__statisObserverConfig", statisObserverConfig);
  addClickTracker() {
  addLegalContainer() {
  addSelfDefineMsg() {
  forceCommit() {
  getPvid() {
  removeLegalContainer() {
  removeSelfDefineMsg() {
  sendBaidu() {
  sendClickEvent() {
  sendCustomMetrics() {
  sendError() {
  sendPV() {
  sendPerform() {
  sendSpecial() {
  setAttrName() {
  setBaseUrl() {
  setErrorInterval() {
  setErrorLogId() {
  setEventLogId() {
  setEventSendStatus() {
  setPVLogId() {
  setPVSendStatus() {
  setPerformLogId() {
  setPvid() {
  setSpecialFirstLoop() {
  setSpecialInterval() {
  setSpecialLogId() {
  setSpmId() {
  startPoolListen() {
  startSpecialLoop() {
  stopPoolListen() {
  stopSpecialLoop() {

// src/page/live.ts
var PageLive = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    BLOD2.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      status.disableSleepChcek && this.disAbleSleepCheck();
      status.disableReport && new StatisObserver();
  sleep = false;
  urlClean() {
  disAbleSleepCheck() {
    const setInterval2 = self.setInterval;
    self.setInterval = (...args) => {
      if (args[0].toString().includes("triggerSleepCallback")) {
        if (!this.sleep) {
          this.sleep = true;
        return Number.MIN_VALUE;
      return, ...args);

// src/core/video-info.ts
var VideoInfo = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
  cids = {};
  stats = {};
  get metadata() {
    const cid = this.BLOD.cid;
    return cid ? this.cids[cid] : void 0;
  get album() {
    return this.metadata?.album || this.title;
  get artist() {
    return this.metadata?.artist;
  get title() {
    return this.metadata?.title || document.title.slice(0, -26);
  get artwork() {
    return this.metadata?.artwork;
  get stat() {
    const aid = this.BLOD.aid;
    return aid ? this.stats[aid] : void 0;
  callbacks = [];
  bindChange(callback) {
    const id = this.callbacks.push(callback);
    return () => {
      delete this.callbacks[id - 1];
  emitChange() {
    this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.callbacks.forEach((d) => d(this)), 100);
  aidDatail(data) {
    const album = data.title;
    const artist =;
    const pic = data.pic;
    data.pages ? data.pages.forEach((d, i) => {
      this.cids[d.cid] = {
        title: d.part || \`#\${i + 1}\`,
        artwork: [{ src: pic }]
    }) : this.cids[data.cid] = {
      title: \`#1\`,
      artwork: [{ src: pic }]
    this.stats[data.aid] = data.stat;
  aidInfo(data) {
    const album = data.title;
    const artist =;
    const pic = data.cover;
    data.pages ? data.pages.forEach((d, i) => {
      this.cids[] = {
        title: d.title || \`#\${i + 1}\`,
        artwork: [{ src: pic }]
    }) : this.cids[] = {
      title: \`#1\`,
      artwork: [{ src: pic }]
  bangumiSeason(data) {
    const album = data.title || data.jp_title;
    const artist = data.actors || data.staff || data.up_info?.name;
    const pic = data.cover;
    const bkg_cover = data.bkg_cover;
    this.bangumiEpisode(data.episodes, album, artist, pic, bkg_cover);
  bangumiEpisode(data, album, artist, pic, bkg_cover) {
    data.forEach((d) => {
      const artwork = [{ src: d.cover }, { src: pic }];
      bkg_cover && artwork.push({ src: bkg_cover });
      this.cids[d.cid] = {
        title: d.index_title,
  toview(data) {
    const album =;
    const pic = data.cover;
    data.list.forEach((d) => {
      const title = d.title;
      const cover = d.pic;
      const artist =;
      d.pages.forEach((d2, i) => {
        this.cids[d2.cid] = {
          title: title + \`(\${d2.part})\`,
          artwork: [{ src: pic }, { src: cover }]
  mediaSession() {
    if (this.metadata) {
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ ...this.metadata });

// src/io/api-playurl-interface.ts
var ApiPlayurlInterface = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, pgc = false) {
    data = Object.assign({
      otype: "json",
      qn: data.quality,
      type: "",
    }, data, pgc ? { module: "bangumi", season_type: 1 } : {});
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data), { credentials: "include" });
  async getData() {
    const response = await this.fetch;
    return await response.json();

// src/io/api-playurl-intl.ts
var ApiPlayurlIntl = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, fetch2 = self.fetch, dash = true, pgc = false) {
    super(pgc ? URLS.INTL_OGV_PLAYURL : URLS.INTL_PLAYURL, "bb3101000e232e27");
    this.pgc = pgc;
    data = Object.assign({
      device: "android",
      force_host: 1,
      mobi_app: "android_i",
      platform: "android_i",
      fourk: 1,
      build: 2100110,
      otype: "json"
    }, data, dash ? { fnval, fnver } : {});
    this.fetch = fetch2(this.sign(data));
  async getData() {
    const response = await this.fetch;
    const json = await response.json();
    if (this.pgc) {
      return jsonCheck(json);
    return jsonCheck(json).data;

// src/io/api-playurl-tv.ts
var ApiPlayurlTv = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, dash = true, pgc = false) {
    super(pgc ? URLS.PGC_PLAYURL_TV : URLS.UGC_PLAYURL_TV, "4409e2ce8ffd12b8");
    data = Object.assign({
      fourk: 1,
      otype: "json",
      platform: "android",
      mobi_app: "android_tv_yst",
      build: 102801
    }, data, dash ? { fnval, fnver } : {});
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data));
  async getData() {
    const response = await this.fetch;
    const json = await response.json();
    return jsonCheck(json);

// src/io/api-playurlproj.ts
var ApiPlayurlProj = class extends ApiSign {
  constructor(data, pgc = false) {
    super(pgc ? URLS.PGC_PLAYURL_PROJ : URLS.PLAYURL_PROJ, "bb3101000e232e27");
    data = Object.assign({
      build: "2040100",
      device: "android",
      mobi_app: "android_i",
      otype: "json",
      platform: "android_i",
    }, data);
    pgc && (data.module = "bangumi");
    this.fetch = fetch(this.sign(data));
  async getData() {
    const response = await this.fetch;
    return await response.json();

// src/core/download/ef2.ts
var Ef2 = class {
  constructor(userAgent, referer, dir, delay = false, silence = false) {
    this.userAgent = userAgent;
    this.referer = referer;
    this.dir = dir;
    this.delay = delay;
    this.silence = silence;
  sendLinkToIDM(data) {
    const ef2str = Ef2.encode(data);
    const a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = ef2str;;
    return ef2str;
  file(data, fileName) {
    return Ef2.file([data], fileName);
  rebuildData(data) {
    this.userAgent && !data.userAgent && (data.userAgent = this.userAgent);
    this.referer && !data.referer && (data.referer = this.referer);
    this.dir && !data.dir && (data.dir = this.dir);
    this.delay && !data.delay && (data.delay = this.delay);
    this.silence && !data.silence && (data.silence = this.silence);
  static file(data, fileName) {
    const result = [];
    data.forEach((d) => {
      const arr2 = [];
      Object.entries(d).forEach((d2) => {
        switch (d2[0]) {
          case "cookie":
            arr2.push(\`cookie: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "delay":
          case "dir":
            d2[1] = d2[1].replace(/\\//, "\\\\");
            d2[1].endsWith("\\\\") && (d2[1] = d2[1].slice(0, -1));
            arr2.push(\`filepath: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "out":
            arr2.push(\`filename: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "password":
            arr2.push(\`password: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "body":
            arr2.push(\`postdata: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "referer":
            arr2.push(\`referer: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "silence":
          case "url":
            d2[1].startsWith("//") && (d2[1] = "https:" + d2[1]);
          case "userAgent":
            arr2.push(\`User-Agent: \${d2[1]}\`);
          case "userName":
            arr2.push(\`username: \${d2[1]}\`);
    saveAs(result.join("\\r\\n"), fileName || \`\${data[0].out || getMetux()}.ef2\`);
  static encode(data) {
    const arr2 = [];
    Object.entries(data).forEach((d) => {
      switch (d[0]) {
        case "cookie":
          arr2.push("-c", d[1]);
        case "delay":
        case "dir":
          d[1] = d[1].replace(/\\//, "\\\\");
          d[1].endsWith("\\\\") && (d[1] = d[1].slice(0, -1));
          arr2.push("-o", d[1]);
        case "out":
          arr2.push("-s", d[1]);
        case "password":
          arr2.push("-P", d[1]);
        case "body":
          arr2.push("-d", d[1]);
        case "referer":
          arr2.push("-r", d[1]);
        case "silence":
        case "url":
          d[1].startsWith("//") && (d[1] = "https:" + d[1]);
          arr2.push("-u", d[1]);
        case "userAgent":
          arr2.push("-a", d[1]);
        case "userName":
          arr2.push("-U", d[1]);
    return \`ef2://\${Base64.encode(arr2.join(" "))}\`;
  static decode(ef2str) {
    ef2str = ef2str.replace("ef2://", "");
    ef2str = Base64.decode(ef2str);
    const arr2 = ef2str.split(" ");
    const data = {};
    for (let i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
      if (/-\\w/.test(arr2[i])) {
        switch (arr2[i]) {
          case "-c":
            data.cookie = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-q":
            data.delay = true;
          case "-o":
            data.dir = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-s":
            data.out = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-P":
            data.password = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-d":
            data.body = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-r":
            data.referer = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-f":
            data.silence = true;
          case "-u":
            data.url = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-a":
            data.userAgent = arr2[i + 1];
          case "-U":
            data.userName = arr2[i + 1];
    return data;

// src/utils/format/size.ts
function sizeFormat(size = 0) {
  let unit = ["B", "K", "M", "G"], i = unit.length - 1, dex = 1024 ** i, vor = 1e3 ** i;
  while (dex > 1) {
    if (size >= vor) {
      size = Number((size / dex).toFixed(2));
    dex = dex / 1024;
    vor = vor / 1e3;
  return size ? size + unit[i] : "N/A";

// src/core/download/playinfo.ts
var PlayinfoFilter = class {
  constructor(fileName) {
    this.fileName = fileName;
  record = [];
  quality = {
    100032: "8K",
    100029: "4K",
    100028: "1080P60",
    100027: "1080P+",
    100026: "1080P",
    100024: "720P",
    100023: "480P",
    100022: "360P",
    30280: "320Kbps",
    30260: "320Kbps",
    30259: "128Kbps",
    30257: "64Kbps",
    30255: "AUDIO",
    30251: "FLAC",
    30250: "ATMOS",
    30232: "128Kbps",
    30216: "64Kbps",
    30127: "8K",
    30126: "Dolby",
    30125: "HDR",
    30121: "4K",
    30120: "4K",
    30116: "1080P60",
    30112: "1080P+",
    30106: "1080P60",
    30102: "1080P+",
    30080: "1080P",
    30077: "1080P",
    30076: "720P",
    30074: "720P",
    30066: "720P",
    30064: "720P",
    30048: "720P",
    30033: "480P",
    30032: "480P",
    30016: "360P",
    30015: "360P",
    30011: "360P",
    464: "预览",
    336: "1080P",
    320: "720P",
    288: "480P",
    272: "360P",
    208: "1080P",
    192: "720P",
    160: "480P",
    127: "8K",
    126: "Dolby",
    125: "HDR",
    120: "4K",
    116: "1080P60",
    112: "1080P+",
    80: "1080P",
    74: "720P60",
    64: "720P",
    48: "720P",
    32: "480P",
    16: "360P",
    15: "360P",
    6: "240P",
    5: "144P"
  codec = {
    hev: [30127, 30126, 30125, 30121, 30106, 30102, 30077, 30066, 30033, 30011],
    avc: [30120, 30112, 30080, 30064, 30032, 30016],
    av1: [100029, 100028, 100027, 100026, 100024, 100023, 100022]
  color = {
    "8K": "yellow",
    "Dolby": "pink",
    "FLAC": "pink",
    "ATMOS": "pink",
    "AUDIO": "pink",
    "HDR": "purple",
    "4K": "purple",
    "1080P60": "red",
    "1080P+": "red",
    "1080P": "red",
    "720P60": "orange",
    "720P": "orange",
    "480P": "blue",
    "360P": "green",
    "320Kbps": "red",
    "128Kbps": "blue",
    "64Kbps": "green"
  filter(playinfo) {
    typeof playinfo === "string" && (playinfo = toObject(playinfo));
    if (playinfo) { && this.filter(;
      playinfo.result && this.filter(playinfo.result);
      playinfo.durl && this.durl(playinfo.durl);
      playinfo.dash && this.dash(playinfo.dash);
    return this.record;
  durl(durl) {
    let index = 0;
    durl.forEach((d) => {
      const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
      const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
      const link = {
        type: "",
        quality: qua,
        size: sizeFormat(d.size),
        color: this.color[qua] || ""
      switch (d.url.includes("mp4?")) {
        case true:
          link.type = "mp4";
        case false:
          link.type = "flv";
          link.flv = index;
      this.fileName && (link.fileName = \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.\${link.type}\`);
  dash(dash) { && this.dashVideo(, dash.duration); && this.dashAudio(, dash.duration);
    dash.dolby && && Array.isArray( && this.dashAudio(, dash.duration);
    dash.flac && && this.dashAudio([], dash.duration, ".flac");
  dashVideo(video, duration) {
    video.forEach((d) => {
      const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
      (d.baseUrl || d.base_url) && url.unshift(d.baseUrl || d.base_url);
      if (!url.length)
      let type = "";
      if (d.codecs) {
        type = d.codecs.includes("avc") ? "avc" : d.codecs.includes("av01") ? "av1" : "hev";
      } else {
        const id = this.getID(url[0]);
        type = this.codec.hev.find((d2) => d2 === id) ? "hev" : "avc";
      const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
        quality: qua,
        size: sizeFormat(d.bandwidth * duration / 8),
        color: this.color[qua] || "",
        fileName: \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.m4v\`
  dashAudio(audio, duration, fmt = ".m4a") {
    audio.forEach((d) => {
      const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
      (d.baseUrl || d.base_url) && url.unshift(d.baseUrl || d.base_url);
      const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
      url.length && this.record.push({
        type: "aac",
        quality: qua,
        size: sizeFormat(d.bandwidth * duration / 8),
        color: this.color[qua] || "",
        fileName: \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.\${fmt}\`
  getQuality(url, id) {
    return this.quality[this.getID(url)] || id && this.quality[id] || "N/A";
  getID(url) {
    let id = 0;
    url.replace(/\\d+\\.((flv)|(mp4)|(m4s))/, (d) => id = Number(d.split(".")[0]));
    return id;

// src/html/download.html
var download_default2 = '<div class="table"></div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .table {\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 11113;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        min-height: 50px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        background: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        transition: transform 0.3s ease-in;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .cell {\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        color: #000 !important;\\r\\n        border: #ccc 1px solid;\\r\\n        border-radius: 3px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        margin: 3px;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        flex-direction: row;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type {\\r\\n        color: #000 !important;\\r\\n        display: table-cell;\\r\\n        min-width: 1.5em;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        vertical-align: middle;\\r\\n        padding: 10px 3px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.mp4 {\\r\\n        background-color: #e0e;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.av1 {\\r\\n        background-color: #feb;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.avc {\\r\\n        background-color: #07e;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.hev {\\r\\n        background-color: #7ba;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.aac {\\r\\n        background-color: #0d0;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.flv {\\r\\n        background-color: #0dd;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item {\\r\\n        display: table-cell;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n        padding: 3px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #1184B4;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item:hover {\\r\\n        color: #FE3676;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up {\\r\\n        color: #fff !important;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        padding: 1px 3px;\\r\\n        background-color: #777;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.yellow {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffe42b;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffe42b, #dfb200);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffafc9;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffafc9, #dfada7);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.purple {\\r\\n        background-color: #c0f;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #c0f, #90f);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #f00;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f00, #c00);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #f90;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f90, #d70);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #00d;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #00d, #00b);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #0d0;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #0d0, #0b0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv9 {\\r\\n        background-color: #151515;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #151515, #030303);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv8 {\\r\\n        background-color: #841cf9;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #841cf9, #620ad7);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv7 {\\r\\n        background-color: #e52fec;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #e52fec, #c30dca);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv6 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ff0000;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000, #dd0000);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv5 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ff6c00;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ff6c00, #dd4a00);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv4 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffb37c;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffb37c, #dd915a);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv3 {\\r\\n        background-color: #92d1e5;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #92d1e5, #70b0c3);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv2 {\\r\\n        background-color: #95ddb2;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #95ddb2, #73bb90);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv1 {\\r\\n        background-color: #bfbfbf;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #bfbfbf, #9d9d9d);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .down {\\r\\n        font-size: 90%;\\r\\n        margin-top: 2px;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        padding: 1px 3px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

// src/core/ui/download.ts
var BilioldDownload = class extends HTMLElement {
  _cells = {};
  constructor() {
    const root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
    root.innerHTML = download_default2;
    this._container = root.children[0];
    this.addEventListener("click", (e) => e.stopPropagation());
    this._noData = addElement("div", void 0, this._container, "正在获取下载数据~");
  updateItem = (key, value) => {
    this._container.contains(this._noData) && this._noData.remove();
    this._cells[key] || (this._cells[key] = addElement("div", { class: "cell" }, this._container));
    this._cells[key].innerHTML = \`<div class="type \${key}">\${key}</div>\`;
    value ? value.forEach((d) => {
      const a = addElement("a", { class: "item", target: "_blank" }, this._cells[key], \`<div class="up\${d.color ? \` \${d.color}\` : ""}">\${d.quality}</div><div class="down">\${d.size}</div>\`);
      d.url && (a.href = d.url[0]);
      d.fileName && ( = d.fileName);
      d.onClick && a.addEventListener("click", (e) => d.onClick(e));
    }) : this._cells[key]?.remove();
    this._container.firstChild || this._container.replaceChildren(this._noData);
  show() {
    document.contains(this) || document.body.appendChild(this); = "";
    window.addEventListener("click", () => { = "none";
    }, { once: true });
  init() {
    return propertryChangeHook({}, this.updateItem);
  disconnectedCallback() {
  destory() {
    this._cells = {};
customElements.get(\`download-\${"b275300"}\`) || customElements.define(\`download-\${"b275300"}\`, BilioldDownload);

// src/core/download.ts
var Download = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    switchVideo(() => this.destory());
  ui = new BilioldDownload();
  data = this.ui.init();
  get fileName() {
    if (this.BLOD.videoInfo.metadata) {
      return \`\${this.BLOD.videoInfo.metadata.album}(\${this.BLOD.videoInfo.metadata.title})\`;
    return "";
  decodePlayinfo(playinfo, fileName = this.fileName) {
    const data = new PlayinfoFilter(fileName).filter(playinfo);
    data.forEach((d) => {[d.type] || ([d.type] = []);[d.type].push({
        url: d.url,
        quality: Reflect.has(d, "flv") ? \`\${d.quality}*\${d.flv}\` : d.quality,
        size: d.size,
        color: d.color,
        onClick: (ev) => this.pushDownload(d, ev)
  pushDownload(data, ev) {
    if (data.onClick) {
    } else if (data.url) {
      switch (this.BLOD.status.downloadMethod) {
        case "IDM":
          new Ef2(this.BLOD.status.userAgent, this.BLOD.status.referer, this.BLOD.status.filepath, this.BLOD.status.ef2.delay, this.BLOD.status.ef2.silence).file({
            url: data.url[0],
            out: data.fileName
          this.BLOD.toast.success('保存IDM导出文件后,打开IDM -> 任务 -> 导入 -> 从"IDM导出文件"导入即可下载');
        case "ef2":
          new Ef2(this.BLOD.status.userAgent, this.BLOD.status.referer, this.BLOD.status.filepath, this.BLOD.status.ef2.delay, this.BLOD.status.ef2.silence).sendLinkToIDM({
            url: data.url[0],
            out: data.fileName
          this.BLOD.toast.warning("允许浏览器打开【IDM EF2辅助工具】即可开始下载", "如果浏览器和IDM都没有任何反应,那些请先安装ef2辅助工具。");
        case "aria2":
          const cmdLine = new Aria2(this.BLOD.status.userAgent, this.BLOD.status.referer, this.BLOD.status.filepath, this.BLOD.status.aria2.server, this.BLOD.status.aria2.port, this.BLOD.status.aria2.token, this.BLOD.status.aria2.split, this.BLOD.status.aria2.size).cmdlet({
            urls: data.url,
            out: data.fileName
        case "aria2rpc":
          new Aria2(this.BLOD.status.userAgent, this.BLOD.status.referer, this.BLOD.status.filepath, this.BLOD.status.aria2.server, this.BLOD.status.aria2.port, this.BLOD.status.aria2.token, this.BLOD.status.aria2.split, this.BLOD.status.aria2.size).rpc({
            urls: data.url,
            out: data.fileName
          }).then((d) => {
            this.BLOD.toast.success("aria2已经开始下载", \`GUID: \${d}\`);
          }).catch((e) => {
            this.BLOD.toast.error("aria2[RPC]错误!", e);
  downloading = false;
  gets = [];
  default() {
    if (this.downloading)
    if (!this.BLOD.cid)
      return this.BLOD.toast.warning("未找到视频文件");
    this.downloading = true;;
    this.BLOD.status.TVresource || this.decodePlayinfo(this.BLOD.videoLimit.__playinfo__);
    const tasks = [];
    this.BLOD.status.downloadType.includes("mp4") && ( || this.gets.includes("mp4") || tasks.push(this.mp4(this.BLOD.cid).then((d) => {
    this.BLOD.status.downloadType.includes("flv") && ( || this.gets.includes("flv") || tasks.push(
      (this.BLOD.status.TVresource ?, this.BLOD.cid, false, this.BLOD.status.downloadQn) : this.interface(this.BLOD.cid, this.BLOD.status.downloadQn)).then((d) => {
    this.BLOD.status.downloadType.includes("dash") && ( || this.gets.includes("dash") || || || tasks.push(
      (this.BLOD.status.TVresource ?, this.BLOD.cid) : this.dash(this.BLOD.aid, this.BLOD.cid)).then((d) => {
    Promise.allSettled(tasks).finally(() => {
      this.downloading = false;
  destory() {
    this.ui.remove(); = this.ui.init();
    this.downloading = false;
    this.gets = [];
    this.BLOD.videoLimit.__playinfo__ = void 0;
  mp4(cid) {
    return new ApiPlayurlProj({ cid, access_key: this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token }, this.BLOD.pgc).getData();
  dash(avid, cid) {
    return apiPlayurl({ avid, cid }, true, this.BLOD.pgc);
  tv(avid, cid, dash = true, quality = qn) {
    return new ApiPlayurlTv({ avid, cid, access_key: this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token, qn: quality }, dash, this.BLOD.pgc).getData();
  intl(aid, cid, dash = true) {
    return new ApiPlayurlIntl({ aid, cid, access_key: this.BLOD.status.accessKey.token }, this.BLOD.GM.fetch, dash, this.BLOD.pgc).getData();
  interface(cid, quality = qn) {
    return new ApiPlayurlInterface({ cid, quality }, this.BLOD.pgc).getData();

// src/io/grpc/api-dm-web.ts
var import_light = __toESM(require_light());

// src/json/dm-web.json
var dm_web_default = {
  nested: {
    bilibili: {
      nested: {
        community: {
          nested: {
            service: {
              nested: {
                dm: {
                  nested: {
                    v1: {
                      nested: {
                        DmWebViewReply: {
                          fields: {
                            state: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 1
                            text: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 2
                            textSide: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 3
                            dmSge: {
                              type: "DmSegConfig",
                              id: 4
                            flag: {
                              type: "DanmakuFlagConfig",
                              id: 5
                            specialDms: {
                              rule: "repeated",
                              type: "string",
                              id: 6
                            checkBox: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 7
                            count: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 8
                            commandDms: {
                              rule: "repeated",
                              type: "CommandDm",
                              id: 9
                            dmSetting: {
                              type: "DanmuWebPlayerConfig",
                              id: 10
                            reportFilter: {
                              rule: "repeated",
                              type: "string",
                              id: 11
                        CommandDm: {
                          fields: {
                            id: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 1
                            oid: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 2
                            mid: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 3
                            command: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 4
                            content: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 5
                            progress: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 6
                            ctime: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 7
                            mtime: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 8
                            extra: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 9
                            idStr: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 10
                        DmSegConfig: {
                          fields: {
                            pageSize: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 1
                            total: {
                              type: "int64",
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                        DanmakuFlagConfig: {
                          fields: {
                            recFlag: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 1
                            recText: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 2
                            recSwitch: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 3
                        DmSegMobileReply: {
                          fields: {
                            elems: {
                              rule: "repeated",
                              type: "DanmakuElem",
                              id: 1
                        DanmakuElem: {
                          fields: {
                            id: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 1
                            progress: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 2
                            mode: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 3
                            fontsize: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 4
                            color: {
                              type: "uint32",
                              id: 5
                            midHash: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 6
                            content: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 7
                            ctime: {
                              type: "int64",
                              id: 8
                            weight: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 9
                            action: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 10
                            pool: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 11
                            idStr: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 12
                            attr: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 13
                        DanmuWebPlayerConfig: {
                          fields: {
                            dmSwitch: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 1
                            aiSwitch: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 2
                            aiLevel: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 3
                            blocktop: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 4
                            blockscroll: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 5
                            blockbottom: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 6
                            blockcolor: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 7
                            blockspecial: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 8
                            preventshade: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 9
                            dmask: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 10
                            opacity: {
                              type: "float",
                              id: 11
                            dmarea: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 12
                            speedplus: {
                              type: "float",
                              id: 13
                            fontsize: {
                              type: "float",
                              id: 14
                            screensync: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 15
                            speedsync: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 16
                            fontfamily: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 17
                            bold: {
                              type: "bool",
                              id: 18
                            fontborder: {
                              type: "int32",
                              id: 19
                            drawType: {
                              type: "string",
                              id: 20

// src/io/grpc/api-dm-web.ts
var _ApiDmWeb = class {
  constructor(aid, cid) {
    this.aid = aid;
    this.cid = cid;
    _ApiDmWeb.Root || _ApiDmWeb.RootInit();
  static RootInit() {
    this.Root = import_light.Root.fromJSON(dm_web_default);
    this.DmWebViewReply = this.Root.lookupType("DmWebViewReply");
    this.DmSegMobileReply = this.Root.lookupType("DmSegMobileReply");
  danmaku = [];
  async getData() {
    if (!this.danmaku.length) {
      const dmWebView = await this.DmWebViewReply();
      const pageSize = dmWebView.dmSge.pageSize ? dmWebView.dmSge.pageSize / 1e3 : 360;
      const total = this.aid == window.aid && window.player?.getDuration?.() / pageSize + 1 ||;
      const promises = [];
      for (let i = 1; i <= total; i++) {
          this.DmSegMobileReply(i).then((d) => {
            d.elems && (this.danmaku = this.danmaku.concat(d.elems));
          }).catch((e) => {
            console.warn("弹幕丢包:", \`segment_index=\${i}\`, e);
      dmWebView.specialDms && dmWebView.specialDms.forEach((d) => {
          this.specialDm(d.replace("http:", "")).then((d2) => {
            d2.elems && (this.danmaku = this.danmaku.concat(d2.elems));
          }).catch((e) => {
            console.warn("高级弹幕丢包:", d, e);
      await Promise.all(promises);
    return this.danmaku;
  async toCmd() {
    const danmaku = await this.getData();
    return this.parseCmd(danmaku);
  async DmWebViewReply() {
    const response = await fetch(objUrl(URLS.DM_WEB_VIEW, {
      type: 1,
      oid: this.cid,
      pid: this.aid
    }), { credentials: "include", cache: "force-cache" });
    const arraybuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    const msg = _ApiDmWeb.DmWebViewReply.decode(new Uint8Array(arraybuffer));
    return _ApiDmWeb.DmWebViewReply.toObject(msg);
  async DmSegMobileReply(segment_index = 1) {
    const response = await fetch(objUrl(URLS.DM_WEB_SEG_SO, {
      type: 1,
      oid: this.cid,
      pid: this.aid,
    }), { credentials: "include" });
    const arraybuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    const msg = _ApiDmWeb.DmSegMobileReply.decode(new Uint8Array(arraybuffer));
    return _ApiDmWeb.DmSegMobileReply.toObject(msg);
  async specialDm(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const arraybuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    const msg = _ApiDmWeb.DmSegMobileReply.decode(new Uint8Array(arraybuffer));
    return _ApiDmWeb.DmSegMobileReply.toObject(msg);
  parseCmd(dms) {
    return => {
      const dm = {
        class: d.pool || 0,
        color: d.color || 16777215,
        date: d.ctime || 0,
        dmid: d.idStr || "",
        mode: +d.mode || 1,
        pool: d.pool || 0,
        size: d.fontsize || 25,
        stime: d.progress / 1e3 || 0,
        text: d.content && d.mode != 8 && d.mode != 9 ? d.content.replace(/(\\/n|\\\\n|\\n|\\r\\n)/g, "\\n") : d.content,
        uhash: d.midHash || "",
        uid: d.midHash || "",
        weight: d.weight,
        attr: d.attr
      d.action?.startsWith("picture:") && (dm.html = \`<img src="\${d.action.replace("http:", "")}" style="width:auto;height:56.25px;">\`);
      return dm;
  sortDmById(dms) {
    dms.sort((a, b) => this.bigInt(a.idStr, b.idStr) ? 1 : -1);
  bigInt(num1, num2) {
    String(num1).replace(/\\d+/, (d) => num1 = d.replace(/^0+/, ""));
    String(num2).replace(/\\d+/, (d) => num2 = d.replace(/^0+/, ""));
    if (num1.length > num2.length)
      return true;
    else if (num1.length < num2.length)
      return false;
    else {
      for (let i = 0; i < num1.length; i++) {
        if (num1[i] > num2[i])
          return true;
        if (num1[i] < num2[i])
          return false;
      return false;
var ApiDmWeb = _ApiDmWeb;
__publicField(ApiDmWeb, "Root");
__publicField(ApiDmWeb, "DmWebViewReply");
__publicField(ApiDmWeb, "DmSegMobileReply");

// src/utils/hook/worker.ts
var _WorkerHook = class {
  static postMessageHook() {
    this.postMessage = Worker.prototype.postMessage;
    Worker.prototype.postMessage = function(message, transfer) {
      let ishook = false;
      _WorkerHook.postMessageCallback.forEach((d) => {, message, transfer) && (ishook = true);
      ishook ||, message, transfer);
  constructor() {
    _WorkerHook.postMessage || _WorkerHook.postMessageHook();
  postMessage(callback) {
    const id = _WorkerHook.postMessageCallback.push(callback);
    return () => {
      id >= 0 && delete _WorkerHook.postMessageCallback[id - 1];
var WorkerHook = _WorkerHook;
__publicField(WorkerHook, "postMessage");
__publicField(WorkerHook, "postMessageCallback", []);

// src/core/danmaku.ts
var Danmaku = class {
  constructor(BLOD2) {
    this.BLOD = BLOD2;
    BLOD2.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      if (!status.bilibiliplayer) {
  listSoFixed = false;
  listSoFix() {
    if (this.listSoFixed)
    this.listSoFixed = true;
    const that = this;
    new WorkerHook().postMessage(function(message) {
      if (message.url && message.url.includes("")) {
        that.BLOD.status.dmwrap && that.trim();
        if (!that.BLOD.status.dmproto)
          return false;
        const params = urlObj(message.url);
        const startTime = new Date().getTime();
        that.getSegDanmaku(void 0, params.oid).then((d) => {
          this.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent("message", {
            data: {
              code: 0,
              danmakuArray: d,
              loadTime: new Date().getTime() - startTime,
              parseTime: Math.random(),
              sendTip: "",
              state: 0,
              textSide: "",
              total: d.length.toString()
        }).catch((e) => {
          console.error("protobuf 弹幕获取失败", e);
        return true;
      return false;
  trim() {
    propertyHook(String.prototype, "trim", function() {
      return String(this);
  async getSegDanmaku(aid = this.BLOD.aid, cid = this.BLOD.cid) {
    if (!cid)
      throw new Error(\`无法获取弹幕 aid:\${aid} cid:\${cid}\`);
    return new ApiDmWeb(aid, cid).toCmd();

// src/bilibili-old.ts
var BLOD = class {
  constructor(GM2) {
    this.GM = GM2;
    this.userLoadedCallbacks = [];
    this.status = userStatus;
    this.path = location.href.split("/");
    this.pgc = false;
    this.playLoaded = false;
    this.networkMocked = false;
    this.isVip = false;
    this.user = new User(this);
    this.urlCleaner = new UrlCleaner();
    this.toast = new ToastContainer();
    this.videoLimit = new VideoLimit(this);
    this.videoInfo = new VideoInfo(this); = new Download(this);
    this.danmaku = new Danmaku(this);
    this.updating = false;
    this.version =;
    this.userLoadedCallback((status) => {
      this.status = status;
    this.path[2] == "" && Header.message();
    /space\\.bilibili\\.com/.test(location.href) && new PageSpace(this);
    /bangumi\\/media\\/md/.test(location.href) && new PageMedia(this);
    location.href.includes("") && new PageHistory(this);
    this.path[2] == "" && new PageLive(this);
    this.path[2] == "" && new PageDynamic(this);
  get aid() {
    return window.aid;
  set aid(v) {
    window.aid = v;
  get cid() {
    return window.cid;
  set cid(v) {
    window.cid = v;
  init() {
    if (this.path[2] == "" && (!this.path[3] || (this.path[3].startsWith("?") || this.path[3].startsWith("#") || this.path[3].startsWith("index.")))) {
      this.status.index && new PageIndex(this);
    if (this.status.av && /(\\/s)?\\/video\\/[AaBb][Vv]/.test(location.href)) {
      this.path[3] === "s" && this.urlCleaner.updateLocation(location.href.replace("s/video", "video"));
      new PageAV(this);
    if (this.status.player && (/\\/festival\\//.test(location.href) || /player\\./.test(location.href) && !location.href.includes("ancient"))) {
    if (this.status.bangumi && /\\/bangumi\\/play\\/(ss|ep)/.test(location.href)) {
      new PageBangumi(this);
    if (this.status.watchlater && /\\/watchlater/.test(location.href)) {
      new PageWatchlater(this);
    if (this.status.playlist && /\\/medialist\\/play\\//.test(location.href) && !/watchlater/.test(location.href) || /\\/playlist\\/video\\/pl/.test(location.href)) {
      new PagePlaylist(this);
    if (this.status.ranking && /\\/v\\/popular\\//.test(location.href)) {
      new PageRanking(this);
    if ( && /\\/read\\/[Cc][Vv]/.test(location.href)) {
      new PageRead(this);
    if ( && this.path[2] == "") {
      new PageSearch(this);
    new Automate(this);
    this.status.disableReport && new ReportObserver();
    this.status.videoLimit.status && this.videoLimit.enable();
    this.status.fullBannerCover && (Header.fullBannerCover = true);
    this.status.header && new Header(this);
    this.status.comment && new Comment(this);
    this.status.webRTC || WebTRC.disable();
    this.status.album && /\\/\\d+/.test(location.href) && PageSpace.album();
    this.status.development && Reflect.defineProperty(window, "BLOD", {
      value: this,
      configurable: true
    }); === window.self && (this.ui = new UI(this));
  EmbedPlayer() {
    if (!this.playLoaded) {
      this.playLoaded = true;
      new Player(this);
  userLoadedCallback(callback) {
    if (this.user) {
    } else {
  defineRes(target, res, v) {
    Object.defineProperties(target, {
      status: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.status
      statusText: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.statusText
      response: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.response
      responseText: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.responseText
      responseXML: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.responseXML
      responseURL: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.finalUrl
  networkMock() {
    if (!this.networkMocked) {
      this.networkMocked = true;
      if (true) {
        const that = this;
        xhrHook.ultra(".m4s", function(target, args) {
          const obj = {
            method: args[0],
            url: args[1],
            headers: {
              "user-agent": that.status.userAgent
            onloadstart: (res) => {
              that.defineRes(this, res, () => {
          args[2] || (obj.anonymous = true);
          Object.defineProperties(this, {
            responseType: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.responseType = v;
              get: () => obj.responseType
            onload: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.onload = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v);
              get: () => obj.onload
            onerror: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.onerror = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v);
              get: () => obj.onerror
            timeout: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.timeout = v;
              get: () => obj.timeout
            ontimeout: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.ontimeout = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v);
              get: () => obj.ontimeout
            onprogress: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.onprogress = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v.bind(this, new ProgressEvent("progress", {
                    lengthComputable: res.lengthComputable,
                    loaded: res.loaded,
              get: () => obj.onprogress
            onabort: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.onabort = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v);
              get: () => obj.onabort
            onreadystatechange: {
              configurable: true,
              set: (v) => {
                obj.onreadystatechange = (res) => {
                  that.defineRes(this, res, v);
              get: () => obj.onreadystatechange
            setRequestHeader: {
              configurable: true,
              value: (name, value) => {
                obj.headers && (obj.headers[name] = value);
            send: {
              configurable: true,
              value: (body) => {
                obj.method === "POST" && body && ( = body);
                const tar = that.GM.xmlHttpRequest(obj);
                this.abort = tar.abort.bind(tar);
                return true;
      } else {
  bindStatusChange(key, callback) {
    return this.user.bindChange(key, callback);
  getStatus(key, obj = this.status) {
    const arr2 = key.split(".");
    let status = obj;
    while (status && arr2.length) {
      const d = arr2.shift();
      d && (status = status[d]);
    return status;
  setStatus(key, value, obj = this.status) {
    try {
      const arr2 = key.split(".");
      let target = obj;
      key = void 0;
      while (arr2.length) {
        key && (target = target[key]);
        key = arr2.shift();
      target[key] = value;
    } catch {
  biliQuickLogin() {
    window.biliQuickLogin ? window.biliQuickLogin() : loadScript("//", () => this.biliQuickLogin());
  bpxPlayerProfile() {
    try {
      const bpx_player_profile = LocalStorage.getItem("bpx_player_profile") || { media: { autoplay: false } }; = false;
      LocalStorage.setItem("bpx_player_profile", bpx_player_profile);
    } catch (e) {
  async loadplayer(force = false) {
    if (!window.jQuery)
      await loadScript(URLS.JQUERY);
    try {
      if (this.status.bilibiliplayer) {
        if (true) {
          const data = await Promise.all([
          if (force || !data[0] || !data[1]) {
            if (this.updating)
              throw new Error("一次只能运行一个更新实例!");
            this.updating = true;
            if (!this.version)
              throw new Error(\`未知错误导致脚本版本异常!version:\${this.version}\`);
            const msg = [
            const toast = this.toast.toast(0, "warning", ...msg);
            let i = 1;
            await Promise.all([
              this.GM.fetch(\`\${this.version}/extension/player/video.js\`).then((d) => d.text()).then((d) => {
                data[0] = d;
       = msg;
              }).catch((e) => {
                msg.push(\`获取播放器组件出错!\${i++}/2\`, e);
       = msg;
                toast.type = "error";
              this.GM.fetch(\`\${this.version}/extension/player/video.css\`).then((d) => d.text()).then((d) => {
                data[1] = d;
       = msg;
              }).catch((e) => {
                msg.push(\`获取播放器组件出错!\${i++}/2\`, e);
       = msg;
                toast.type = "error";
            this.updating = false;
            toast.delay = this.status.toast.delay;
            if (!data[0] || !data[1])
              throw new Error("获取播放器组件出错!");
   = msg;
            toast.type = "success";
            this.GM.setValue("bilibiliplayer", data[0]);
            this.GM.setValue("bilibiliplayerstyle", data[1]);
          new Function(data[0])();
          addCss(data[1], \`bilibiliplayer-\${this.version}\`);
          this.GM.setValue("version", this.version);
        } else {
          await Promise.all([
            this.GM.executeScript("player/video.js", true).then((d) => loadScript(d)),
            this.GM.insertCSS("player/video.css", true).then((d) => loadStyle2(d))
      } else {
        await loadScript(URLS.VIDEO);
        addCss(".bilibili-player-video-progress-detail-img {transform: scale(0.333333);transform-origin: 0px 0px;}", "detail-img");
    } catch (e) {
      this.updating || this.toast.error("播放器加载失败!", "已回滚~", e)();
      await loadScript(URLS.VIDEO);
      addCss(".bilibili-player-video-progress-detail-img {transform: scale(0.333333);transform-origin: 0px 0px;}", "detail-img");

// userscript/gm.ts
GM.fetch = function(input, init) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      input = input.url ? input.url : input;
      input = new URL(input, location.origin).toJSON();
    } catch (e) {
      url: input,
      method: init?.method,
      data: init?.body,
      anonymous: init ? init.credentials === "include" ? false : true : true,
      headers: init?.headers,
      onload: (xhr) => {
        const response = new Response(xhr.response, { status: xhr.status, statusText: xhr.statusText });
        Object.defineProperties(response, {
          url: { value: xhr.finalUrl }
      onerror: reject

// userscript/polyfill/polyfill.ts
if (typeof Element.prototype.replaceChildren === "undefined") {
  Reflect.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "replaceChildren", {
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    value: function() {
      while (this.lastChild)
        this.removeChild(this.lastChild);, ...arguments);

// userscript/main.ts
new BLOD(GM);
 * Determine if an object is a Buffer
 * @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <>
 * @license  MIT
// @license MIT


new Function("GM", MODULES)(GM);