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ADR Cheats

Javascript based cheats for A Dark Room

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This is a script that has cheats for A Dark Room.
I was bored one day and decided to make this. I really dunno how to code well in javascript so uh this is probably not well made :p
If you want to improve this go ahead, I'd be interested in seeing it as well :)

* 1.1 - Added additional resources (weren't in my original js that I used to make this)
* 1.2 - Made Auto Stoke/Gather/Check into individual keybinds
* 1.3 - Changed $SM.set to $SM.add so that it adds the resources/weapons instead of just setting them
* 1.4 - Changed from If Statements to switch statements
* 1.5 - Added: No Food/Water Consumption, Cured Meat/Medicine heals 50k, 999,999,999 HP, 999,999 Weight (Rucksack space), Add 100 Cured Meat & Medicine to current amount in rucksack, and reset embark timer.
* 1.6 - Added notification message in the games notifications for enabling cheats, made things a bit more modular, and also added Userscript stuff
* 2.0 - Added a cheat menu with buttons for the cheats. Keybinds still work in place of them if you don't want to use it
* 2.1 - Put the stuff being appended into it's own function as well as changed the buttons to be append through an array and a for-statement
* 2.2 - Added some checking to Stoke, Gather and Check which should stop any errors from not having things unlocked.
* 2.3 - Auto Stoke/Light, Gather and Check are now toggles. Activating it once will enabled it and activating it again will disable it.
* 2.4 - Minor change to how buttons are created. This won't affect the user at all, just for the sake slightly condensing the code.
* 3.0 - Major rewrite, please view here for more info: Changelog.
* 3.1 - Thanks to NightSpaceC: Added new resources, added auto-attacking.