Greasy Fork is available in English.

Best Hack evru day

Allows the player to access the shop without having to go to the shopkeeper, similar to the old

Ovu skriptu ne treba izravno instalirati. To je biblioteka za druge skripte koje se uključuju u meta direktivu // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Best Hack evru day
// @version      0.23
// @description  Allows the player to access the shop without having to go to the shopkeeper, similar to the old
// @match*
// @run-at document-start
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==


(function() {
    'use strict';
    window.addEventListener('load',function(){ //run script on page load

        var check = true,

// <============= SETTINGS =============>

            toggleshopkey = 81,
            togglechatkey = 69,
            /* To change the toggle shop/chat key, replace the number with the keyCode of your key. Use to find the keyCode number.
        WARNING: do this at your own risk, as some keys may interfere with the game! (eg. WASD, Arrow keys, Tab, Shift, Enter) */

            enableStatsWindow = true, //toggle open shop via Stats window
            enableShopKeyboardShortcut = true, //toggle open/close shop via keyboard shortcut
            enableClicktoClose = true, //enable or disable click to close shop
            enableChatKeyboardShortcut = true; //toggle open/close chat via keyboard shortcut
        //Change the status to "true" or "false" (no quotation marks) to turn on or off the features. By default all are on.

// <============= END SETTINGS =============>

        document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].onkeyup = function() {
            if (parseInt(event.keyCode) == toggleshopkey ){toggleshop();}
            else if (parseInt(event.keyCode) == togglechatkey ){togglechat();}
        }; //toggleshop when togglekey pressed

        document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].onclick = function() {if (enableClicktoClose === true){
            if (document.getElementById('shop-modal').getAttribute('style') === 'display: block'){
                document.getElementById('shop-modal').setAttribute('style', 'display: hidden');}
        }}; //similar to toggleshop() but only checks if open and closes it. used for the click to close feature.

        document.getElementById("shop-modal").getElementsByTagName("*")[7].onclick = function() {toggleshop();};
        //toggleshop when X button is clicked

        document.getElementById("my-score-div").onclick = function() {if (enableStatsWindow === true){toggleshop();}};
        //toggleshop when stats window clicked

        document.getElementById("message").onblur = function(){check = true;}; //textbox DOESN'T have focus
        document.getElementById("message").onfocus = function(){check = false;}; //textbox HAS focus

        function toggleshop() { // hide/show shop
            if (enableShopKeyboardShortcut === true){
                if (check === true){ //checks if chat is NOT focussed
                    if (document.getElementById('shop-modal').getAttribute('style') != 'display: block') {
                        document.getElementById('shop-modal').setAttribute('style', 'display: block');
                    } else {
                        document.getElementById('shop-modal').setAttribute('style', 'display: hidden');

        function togglechat() { // hide/show chatbox
            if (enableChatKeyboardShortcut === true){
                if (check === true){ //checks if chat is NOT focussed
                    if (document.getElementById('chat-box').getAttribute('style') != 'bottom: 0px; display: block') {
                        document.getElementById('chat-box').setAttribute('style', 'bottom: 0px; display: block');
                    } else {document.getElementById('chat-box').setAttribute('style', 'bottom: 0px; display: hidden');
//m0dE if you are reading this, redesign the damn shop as it's really hard to fight for resources!