common library

Common functions I use for most of my scripts

Od 09.01.2018.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

Ovu skriptu ne treba izravno instalirati. To je biblioteka za druge skripte koje se uključuju u meta direktivu // @require

// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @grant         GM_deleteValue

document.LoadChain = function(scriptSrc, callback, bJQuery)
    if (bJQuery === undefined) bJQuery = false;
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.setAttribute("src", scriptSrc);
    script.addEventListener('load', function()
        var script = document.createElement("script");
        script.textContent = ((bJQuery) ? "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);" : "") + "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
    }, false);

document.LoadJQ = function(oCallback)
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.setAttribute("src", "//");
    script.addEventListener('load', function()
        var subscript = document.createElement("script");
        if (oCallback === undefined)
            subscript.textContent = "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);";
            subscript.textContent = "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);(" + oCallback.toString() + ")();";
    }, false);

document.LoadJavascript = function(sScriptSrc, oCallback)
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.setAttribute("src", sScriptSrc);    
    if (oCallback !== undefined)
        script.addEventListener('load', function()
            var subscript = document.createElement("script");
            subscript.textContent = "(" + oCallback.toString() + ")();";
        }, false);

document.time_val = function()
    return document.CDbl(Math.floor( / 1000));

document.Random = function(iMin, iMax)
    return parseInt(iMin + Math.floor(Math.random() * iMax));

document.ShiftClick = function(oEl)
    if (oEl === undefined)
        var shiftclick = jQ.Event("click");
        shiftclick.shiftKey = true;

        var shiftclickOrig = jQ.Event("click");
        shiftclickOrig.shiftKey = true;

        shiftclick.originalEvent = shiftclick;
        return shiftclick;

if (!String.prototype.replaceAll)
    String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace) { return ((replace === undefined) ? this.toString() : this.replace(new RegExp('[' + search + ']', 'g'), replace)); };

if (!String.prototype.startsWith)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(search, pos) { return this.substr(((!pos) || (pos < 0)) ? 0 : +pos, search.length) === search; };

document.CInt = function(v)
		if (!isNaN(v)) return Math.floor(v);
		if (typeof v === 'undefined') return parseInt(0);
		if (v === null) return parseInt(0);
		var t = parseInt(v);
		if (isNaN(t)) return parseInt(0);
		return Math.floor(t);
	catch (err) { }

	return parseInt(0);

document.CDbl = function(v)
		if (!isNaN(v)) return parseFloat(v);
		if (typeof v === 'undefined') return parseFloat(0.0);
		if (v === null) return parseFloat(0.0);
		var t = parseFloat(v);
		if (isNaN(t)) return parseFloat(0.0);
		return t;
	catch (err) { }

	return parseFloat(0.0);

// dup of String.prototype.startsWith, but uses indexOf() instead of substr()
document.startsWith = function (haystack, needle) { return (needle === "") || (haystack.indexOf(needle) === 0); };
document.endsWith   = function (haystack, needle) { return (needle === "") || (haystack.substring(haystack.length - needle.length) === needle); };

document.ChopperBlank = function (sText, sSearch, sEnd)
	var sIntermediate = "";

	if (sSearch === "")
		sIntermediate = sText.substring(0, sText.length);
		var iIndexStart = sText.indexOf(sSearch);
		if (iIndexStart === -1)
			return "";

		sIntermediate = sText.substring(iIndexStart + sSearch.length);

	if (sEnd === "")
		return sIntermediate;

	var iIndexEnd = sIntermediate.indexOf(sEnd);

	return (iIndexEnd === -1) ? sIntermediate : sIntermediate.substring(0, iIndexEnd);

document.CondenseSpacing = function(text)
	while (text.indexOf("  ") !== -1)
		text = text.replace("  ", " ");
	return text;

document.CookieSet    = function(name, value)  { try { GM_setValue(name, value); } catch (err) { } };
document.CookieGet    = function(name, defVal) { try { return GM_getValue(name, ((defVal !== undefined) ? defVal : null)); } catch (err) { } return null; };
document.CookieDelete = function(name)         { try { GM_deleteValue(name); } catch (err) { } };

document.pad = function(sText, iWidth, sChar)
    sChar = ((sChar !== undefined) ? sChar : ('0'));
    sText = sText.toString();
    return ((sText.length >= iWidth) ? (sText) : (new Array(iWidth - sText.length + 1).join(sChar) + sText));

document.is_visible = (function () {
    var x = window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth - 1 : 0,
        y = window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight - 1 : 0,
        relative = !!((!x && !y) || !document.elementFromPoint(x, y));
        function inside(child, parent) {
                if (child === parent) return true;
                child = child.parentNode;
        return false;
    return function (elem) {
        if (
            document.hidden ||
            elem.offsetWidth==0 ||
            elem.offsetHeight==0 ||
  'hidden' ||
  'none' ||
        ) return false;
        var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
        if (relative) {
            if (!inside(document.elementFromPoint(rect.left + elem.offsetWidth/2, + elem.offsetHeight/2),elem)) return false;
        } else if (
            !inside(document.elementFromPoint(rect.left + elem.offsetWidth/2 + window.pageXOffset, + elem.offsetHeight/2 + window.pageYOffset), elem) ||
       + elem.offsetHeight/2 < 0 ||
                rect.left + elem.offsetWidth/2 < 0 ||
                rect.bottom - elem.offsetHeight/2 > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) ||
                rect.right - elem.offsetWidth/2 > (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)
        ) return false;
        if (window.getComputedStyle || elem.currentStyle) {
            var el = elem,
                comp = null;
            while (el) {
                if (el === document) {break;} else if(!el.parentNode) return false;
                comp = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(el, null) : el.currentStyle;
                if (comp && (comp.visibility=='hidden' || comp.display == 'none' || (typeof comp.opacity !=='undefined' && comp.opacity != 1))) return false;
                el = el.parentNode;
        return true;