Change YouTube Leftbar Subscription Links To Channel/User Video Page

Change YouTube leftbar's subscription links to channel/user video page. This script can optionally also move the links to top of the list if it has new uploaded videos. Both features can be enabled/disabled. For new YouTube layout only.

Od 03.10.2019.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Change YouTube Leftbar Subscription Links To Channel/User Video Page
// @namespace    ChangeYouTubeLeftbarSubscriptionLinksToChannelUserVideoPage
// @version      1.1.8
// @license      AGPL v3
// @author       jcunews
// @description  Change YouTube leftbar's subscription links to channel/user video page. This script can optionally also move the links to top of the list if it has new uploaded videos. Both features can be enabled/disabled. For new YouTube layout only.
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(yigd => {

  //===== Configuration Start ===

  var changeLinksURL = true;
  var moveLinksToTop = true;

  //===== Configuration End ===

  function changeUrl(url, m) {
    if (m = url.match(/^\/feed\/subscriptions\/([^\/]+)$/)) {
      return "/channel/" + m[1] + "/videos";
    } else return url + "/videos";

  function patchGuide(guide) {
    if (guide && !guide.cysl_done) {
      guide.cysl_done = 1;
      guide.items.forEach((v, vc, l, w, c, i) => {
        if (v.guideSubscriptionsSectionRenderer) {
          //change links' URL
          if (changeLinksURL) {
            v.guideSubscriptionsSectionRenderer.items.forEach(w => {
              if (w.guideCollapsibleEntryRenderer) {
                w.guideCollapsibleEntryRenderer.expandableItems.forEach(x => {
                  if (x.guideEntryRenderer.badges && (x = x.guideEntryRenderer.navigationEndpoint)) {
                    x.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url = changeUrl(x.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url);
                    if (x.webNavigationEndpointData) x.webNavigationEndpointData.url = changeUrl(x.webNavigationEndpointData.url);
              } else if (w = w.guideEntryRenderer.navigationEndpoint) {
                w.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url = changeUrl(w.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url);
                if (w.webNavigationEndpointData) w.webNavigationEndpointData.url = changeUrl(w.webNavigationEndpointData.url);
          //move links with new uploads to top
          if (moveLinksToTop) {
            v = v.guideSubscriptionsSectionRenderer.items;
            vc = v.length - 1;
            w = v[vc].guideCollapsibleEntryRenderer;
            l = v.splice(0, vc); //main links to list1
            c = -1;
            if (w) { //collapsed links to list1
              (w = w.expandableItems).some((e, i) => {
                if (!e.guideEntryRenderer.badges) {
                  c = i;
                  return true;
              l.push.apply(l, w.splice(0, c));
            c = []; //new links to main links. c = collapsed new links in list2
            for (i = l.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (l[i].guideEntryRenderer.count || (l[i].guideEntryRenderer.presentationStyle === "GUIDE_ENTRY_PRESENTATION_STYLE_NEW_CONTENT")) {
                if (vc--) {
                  v.unshift(l.splice(i, 1)[0]);
                } else c.unshift(l.splice(i, 1)[0]);
            c.push.apply(c, l); //list1 to list2
            if (vc) { //fill up main links from list2
              l = c.splice(0, vc);
              l.unshift.apply(l, [v.length - 1, 0]);
              v.splice.apply(v, l);
            if (w) w.unshift.apply(w, c);
      return true;
    return false;

  Object.defineProperty(window, "ytInitialGuideData", {
    get(v) {
      return yigd;
    set(v) {
      delete window.ytInitialGuideData;
      return yigd = v;

  var ht = 0;
  (function chkSpf() {
    if (window.spf && spf.request && !spf.request_cysl) {
      spf.request_cysl = spf.request;
      spf.request = function(a, b) {
        if (b && b.onDone) {
          var onDone_ = b.onDone;
          b.onDone = function(response) {
            if (response && (/\/guide_ajax\?/).test(response.url) && response.response && response.response.response) {
            return onDone_.apply(this, arguments);
          return this.request_cysl.apply(this, arguments);
    ht = setTimeout(chkSpf, 0);

  addEventListener("load", () => {
