
Download videos from video sharing web sites.

Od 11.01.2018.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name		SaveTube
// @version		2018.01.10
// @description		Download videos from video sharing web sites.
// @author		sebaro
// @namespace
// @license		GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @icon
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==


  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2018 Sebastian Luncan

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program. If not, see <>.



(function() {

// Don't run on frames or iframes
if ( != window.self) return;

// ==========Variables========== //

// Userscript
var userscript = 'SaveTube';

// Page
var page = {win: window, doc: window.document, body: window.document.body, url: window.location.href, title: window.document.title, site: window.location.hostname.match(/([^.]+)\.[^.]+$/)[1]};

// Saver
var saver = {};
var feature = {'definition': true, 'container': true, 'autoget': false, 'dash': false};
var option = {'definition': 'HD', 'container': 'MP4', 'autoget': false, 'dash': false};
var sources = {};

// Links
var website = '';
var contact = '';

// ==========Functions========== //

function createMyElement(type, content, event, action, target) {
  var obj = page.doc.createElement(type);
  if (content) {
    if (type == 'div') obj.innerHTML = content;
    else if (type == 'option') {
      obj.value = content;
      obj.innerHTML = content;
  if (event == 'change') {
    if (target == 'video') {
      obj.addEventListener('change', function() {
	saver['videoSave'] = this.value;
	if (feature['autoget'] && saver['buttonGet'] == 'Get') {
	  if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo();
	else {
	  modifyMyElement(saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false);
      }, false);
  else if (event == 'click') {
    obj.addEventListener('click', function() {
      if (action == 'close') {
	removeMyElement(page.body, target);
      else if (action == 'logo') { = website;
      else if (action == 'get') {
      else if (action == 'autoget') {
	option['autoget'] = (option['autoget']) ? false : true;
	if (option['autoget']) {
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'none'});
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
	else {
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'inline'});
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#CCCCCC', textShadow: '0px 0px 0px'});
	setMyOptions('autoget', option['autoget']);
      else if (action == 'definition') {
	for (var itemDef = 0; itemDef < option['definitions'].length; itemDef++) {
	  if (option['definitions'][itemDef].match(/[A-Z]/g).join('') == option['definition']) {
	    var nextDef = (itemDef + 1 < option['definitions'].length) ? itemDef + 1 : 0;
	    option['definition'] = option['definitions'][nextDef].match(/[A-Z]/g).join('');
	modifyMyElement(saver['buttonDefinition'], 'div', option['definition'], false);
	setMyOptions('definition', option['definition']);
	modifyMyElement(saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false);
	if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo();
      else if (action == 'container') {
	for (var itemCont = 0; itemCont < option['containers'].length; itemCont++) {
	  if (option['containers'][itemCont] == option['container']) {
	    var nextCont = (itemCont + 1 < option['containers'].length) ? itemCont + 1 : 0;
	    option['container'] = option['containers'][nextCont];
	modifyMyElement(saver['buttonContainer'], 'div', option['container'], false);
	setMyOptions('container', option['container']);
	modifyMyElement(saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false);
	if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo();
      else if (action == 'dash') {
	option['dash'] = (option['dash']) ? false : true;
	if (option['dash']) {
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonDASH'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
	else {
	  styleMyElement(saver['buttonDASH'], {color: '#CCCCCC', textShadow: '0px 0px 0px'});
	setMyOptions('dash', option['dash']);
      else if (action == 'move') {
	if (saver['saverPanel'].style.right == '25px') {
	  styleMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], {left: '25px', right: 'auto'});
	  modifyMyElement(saver['buttonMove'], 'div', '>', false);
	else {
	  styleMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], {left: 'auto', right: '25px'});
	  modifyMyElement(saver['buttonMove'], 'div', '<', false);
    }, false);
  return obj;

function getMyElement(obj, type, from, value, child, content) {
  var getObj, chObj, coObj;
  var pObj = (!obj) ? page.doc : obj;
  if (type == 'body') getObj = pObj.body;
  else {
    if (from == 'id') getObj = pObj.getElementById(value);
    else if (from == 'class') getObj = pObj.getElementsByClassName(value);
    else if (from == 'tag') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagName(type);
    else if (from == 'ns') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagNameNS(value, type);
  chObj = (child >= 0) ? getObj[child] : getObj;
  if (content && chObj) {
    if (type == 'html' || type == 'body' || type == 'div' || type == 'option') coObj = chObj.innerHTML;
    else if (type == 'object') coObj =;
    else coObj = chObj.textContent;
    return coObj;
  else {
    return chObj;

function modifyMyElement(obj, type, content, clear) {
  if (content) {
    if (type == 'div') obj.innerHTML = content;
    else if (type == 'option') {
      obj.value = content;
      obj.innerHTML = content;
  if (clear) {
    if (obj.hasChildNodes()) {
      while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) {

function styleMyElement(obj, styles) {
  for (var property in styles) {
    if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property))[property] = styles[property];

function appendMyElement(parent, child) {

function removeMyElement(parent, child) {

function replaceMyElement(parent, orphan, child) {
  parent.replaceChild(orphan, child);

function createMySaver() {
  /* Get My Options */

  /* The Panel */
  saver['saverPanel'] = createMyElement('div', '', '', '', '');
  styleMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], {position: 'fixed', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', padding: '5px 5px 10px 5px', bottom: '0px', right: '25px', zIndex: '2000000000', borderTop: '3px solid #EEEEEE', borderLeft: '3px solid #EEEEEE', borderRight: '3px solid #EEEEEE', borderRadius: '5px 5px 0px 0px'});
  appendMyElement(page.body, saver['saverPanel']);

  /* Warnings */
  if (saver['warnMess']) {
    if (saver['warnContent']) showMyMessage(saver['warnMess'], saver['warnContent']);
    else showMyMessage(saver['warnMess']);

  /* Panel Items */
  saver['panelHeight'] = 18;
  var panelItemBorder = 1;
  var panelItemHeight = saver['panelHeight'] - panelItemBorder * 2;

  /* Panel Logo */
  saver['panelLogo'] = createMyElement('div', userscript + ': ', 'click', 'logo', '');
  saver['panelLogo'].title = '{SaveTube: click to visit the script web page}';
  styleMyElement(saver['panelLogo'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', padding: '0px', display: 'inline', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: 'bold', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
  appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['panelLogo']);

  /* Panel Video Menu */
  saver['videoMenu'] = createMyElement('select', '', 'change', '', 'video');
  saver['videoMenu'].title = '{Videos: select the video format for download}';
  styleMyElement(saver['videoMenu'], {width: '200px', height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid transparent', padding: '0px', display: 'inline', backgroundColor: 'inherit', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', verticalAlign: 'baseline', cursor: 'pointer'});
  appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['videoMenu'] );
  for (var videoCode in saver['videoList']) {
    saver['videoItem'] = createMyElement('option', videoCode, '', '', '');
    styleMyElement(saver['videoItem'], {padding: '0px', display: 'block', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
    if (videoCode.indexOf('Video') != -1 || videoCode.indexOf('Audio') != -1) styleMyElement(saver['videoItem'], {color: '#8F6B32'});
    if (saver['videoList'][videoCode] == 'DASH') styleMyElement(saver['videoItem'], {color: '#CF4913'});
    if (saver['videoList'][videoCode] != 'DASH' || option['dash']) appendMyElement(saver['videoMenu'], saver['videoItem']);
    else delete saver['videoList'][videoCode];

  /* Panel Get Button */
  saver['buttonGet'] = createMyElement('div', 'Get', 'click', 'get', '');
  saver['buttonGet'].title = '{Get: click to download the selected video format}';
  styleMyElement(saver['buttonGet'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#C000C0', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
  if (option['autoget']) styleMyElement(saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'none'});
  appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonGet']);

  /* Panel Autoget Button */
  if (feature['autoget']) {
    saver['buttonAutoget'] = createMyElement('div', 'AG', 'click', 'autoget', '');
    saver['buttonAutoget'].title = '{Autoget: click to enable/disable auto download on page load}';
    styleMyElement(saver['buttonAutoget'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', cursor: 'pointer'});
    if (option['autoget']) styleMyElement(saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
    appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonAutoget']);

  /* Panel Definition Button */
  if (feature['definition']) {
    saver['buttonDefinition'] = createMyElement('div', option['definition'], 'click', 'definition', '');
    saver['buttonDefinition'].title = '{Definition: click to change the preferred video definition}';
    styleMyElement(saver['buttonDefinition'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#008000', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
    appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonDefinition']);

  /* Panel Container Button */
  if (feature['container']) {
    saver['buttonContainer'] = createMyElement('div', option['container'], 'click', 'container', '');
    saver['buttonContainer'].title = '{Container: click to change the preferred video container}';
    styleMyElement(saver['buttonContainer'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#008000', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
    appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonContainer']);

  /* Panel DASH Button */
  if (feature['dash']) {
    saver['buttonDASH'] = createMyElement('div', 'MD', 'click', 'dash', '');
    saver['buttonDASH'].title = '{MPEG-DASH: click to enable/disable DASH download using the SaveTube protocol}';
    styleMyElement(saver['buttonDASH'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', cursor: 'pointer'});
    if (option['dash']) styleMyElement(saver['buttonDASH'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'});
    appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonDASH']);

  /* Panel Move Button */
  saver['buttonMove'] = createMyElement('div', '<', 'click', 'move', '');
  saver['buttonMove'].title = '{Move: click to toggle left/right panel position}';
  styleMyElement(saver['buttonMove'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
  appendMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonMove']);

  /* Disabled Features */
  if (!feature['autoget']) option['autoget'] = false;
  if (!feature['dash']) option['dash'] = false;

  /* Select The Video */
  if (feature['definition'] || feature['container']) selectMyVideo();

  /* Get The Video On Autoget */
  if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo();

function selectMyVideo() {
  var vdoCont = (option['container'] != 'Any') ? [option['container']] : option['containers'];
  var vdoDef = option['definitions'];
  var vdoList = {};
  for (var vC = 0; vC < vdoCont.length; vC++) {
    if (vdoCont[vC] != 'Any') {
      for (var vD = 0; vD < vdoDef.length; vD++) {
	var format = vdoDef[vD] + ' ' + vdoCont[vC];
	if (!vdoList[vdoDef[vD]]) {
	  for (var vL in saver['videoList']) {
	    if (vL == format) {
	      vdoList[vdoDef[vD]] = vL;
  if (option['definition'] == 'UHD') {
    if (vdoList['Ultra High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Ultra High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Full High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Full High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
  else if (option['definition'] == 'FHD') {
    if (vdoList['Full High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Full High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
  else if (option['definition'] == 'HD') {
    if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
  else if (option['definition'] == 'SD') {
    if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
  else if (option['definition'] == 'LD') {
    if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
  else if (option['definition'] == 'VLD') {
    if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
    else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
  saver['videoMenu'].value = saver['videoSave'];

function getMyVideo() {
  var vdoURL = saver['videoList'][saver['videoSave']];
  if (saver['videoTitle']) {
    var vdoD = ' (' + saver['videoSave'] + ')';
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Ultra High Definition/, 'UHD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Full High Definition/, 'FHD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/High Definition/, 'HD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Standard Definition/, 'SD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Very Low Definition/, 'VLD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Low Definition/, 'LD');
    vdoD = vdoD.replace(/\sFLV|\sMP4|\sWebM|\s3GP/g, '');
    vdoURL = vdoURL + '&title=' + saver['videoTitle'] + vdoD;
  if (saver['videoList'][saver['videoSave']] == 'DASH') {
    if (saver['videoSave'].indexOf('MP4') != -1) {
      var vdoV = saver['videoList'][saver['videoSave'].replace(/MP4/, 'Video MP4')];
      if (saver['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio MP4']) {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio MP4'];
      else if (saver['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio MP4']) {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio MP4'];
      else {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['Low Bitrate Audio MP4'];
    else {
      var vdoV = saver['videoList'][saver['videoSave'].replace(/WebM/, 'Video WebM')];
      if (saver['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['High Bitrate Audio Opus'];
      else if (saver['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus']) {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['Medium Bitrate Audio Opus'];
      else {
	var vdoA = saver['videoList']['Low Bitrate Audio Opus'];
    var vdoT = 'video';
    if (saver['videoTitle']) vdoT = saver['videoTitle'] + vdoD;
    vdoURL = 'savetube:' + vdoT + '=SAVETUBE=' + vdoV + '=SAVETUBE=' + vdoA;
  if (feature['autoget'] && saver['videoSave'] == 'High Definition MP4') = vdoURL;
  else {
    var vdoLink = 'Get <a href="' + vdoURL + '" style="color:#00892C">Link</a>';
    modifyMyElement(saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', vdoLink, false);

function cleanMyContent(content, unesc) {
  var myNewContent = content;
  if (unesc) myNewContent = unescape(myNewContent);
  myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\u0025/g,'%');
  myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\u0026/g,'&');
  myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\\/g,'');
  myNewContent = myNewContent.replace(/\n/g,'');
  return myNewContent;

function getMyContent(url, pattern, clean) {
  var myPageContent, myVideosParse, myVideosContent;
  if (!sources[url]) {
    var xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
    sources[url] = (xmlHTTP.responseText) ? xmlHTTP.responseText : xmlHTTP.responseXML;
    //console.log('Request: ' + url + ' ' + pattern);
  if (pattern == 'TEXT') {
    myVideosContent = sources[url];
  else {
    myPageContent = (sources[url]) ? sources[url] : '';
    if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent(myPageContent, true);
    myVideosParse = myPageContent.match(pattern);
    myVideosContent = (myVideosParse) ? myVideosParse[1] : null;
  return myVideosContent;

function setMyOptions(key, value) {
  key = + '_' + userscript.toLowerCase() + '_' + key;
  try {
    localStorage.setItem(key, value);
    if (localStorage.getItem(key) == value) return;
    else throw false;
  catch(e) {
    var date = new Date();
    date.setTime(date.getTime() + (356*24*60*60*1000));
    var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
    page.doc.cookie = key + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/';

function getMyOptions() {
  for (var opt in option) {
    if (option.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
      var key = + '_' + userscript.toLowerCase() + '_' + opt;
      try {
	if (localStorage.getItem(key)) {
	  option[opt] = localStorage.getItem(key);
	else throw false;
      catch(e) {
	var cookies = page.doc.cookie.split(';');
	for (var i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
	  var cookie = cookies[i];
	  while (cookie.charAt(0) == ' ') cookie = cookie.substring(1, cookie.length);
	  option[opt] = (cookie.indexOf(key) == 0) ? cookie.substring(key.length + 1, cookie.length) : option[opt];
  option['autoget'] = (option['autoget'] === true || option['autoget'] == 'true') ? true : false;
  option['dash'] = (option['dash'] === true || option['dash'] == 'true') ? true : false;

function showMyMessage(cause, content) {
  styleMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], {color: '#AD0000', fontSize: '12px'});
  if (cause == '!content') {
    var myNoContentMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> Couldn\'t get the videos content. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
    modifyMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoContentMess, false);
  else if (cause == '!videos') {
    var myNoVideosMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> Couldn\'t get any video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
    modifyMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoVideosMess, false);
  else if (cause == '!support') {
    var myNoSupportMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> This video uses the RTMP protocol which is not supported.';
    modifyMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoSupportMess, false);
  else if (cause == 'embed') {
    var myEmbedMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> This is an embedded video. You can get it <a href="' + content + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.';
    modifyMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myEmbedMess, false);
  else if (cause == 'other') {
    modifyMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], 'div', content, false);

// ==========Websites========== //

function SaveTube() {

  // =====YouTube===== //

  if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Redirect Categories */
    if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) { = page.url.replace('gaming', 'www');

    /* Video Availability */
    var ytVideoUnavailable = getMyElement('', 'div', 'id', 'player-unavailable', -1, false);
    if (ytVideoUnavailable) {
      if (ytVideoUnavailable.className.indexOf('hid') == -1) {
	var ytAgeGateContent = getMyElement('', 'div', 'id', 'watch7-player-age-gate-content', -1, true);
	if (!ytAgeGateContent) return;
	else {
	  if(ytAgeGateContent.indexOf('feature=private_video') != -1) return;

    /* Decrypt Signature */
    var ytScriptSrc;
    function ytDecryptSignature(s) {return null;}
    function ytDecryptFunction() {
      var ytSignFuncName, ytSignFuncBody, ytSwapFuncName, ytSwapFuncBody, ytFuncMatch;
      ytScriptSrc = ytScriptSrc.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
      ytSignFuncName = ytScriptSrc.match(/"signature"\s*,\s*([^\)]*?)\(/);
      ytSignFuncName = (ytSignFuncName) ? ytSignFuncName[1] : null;
      if (ytSignFuncName) {
	ytFuncMatch = ytSignFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '\\s*=\\s*function\\s*' + '\\s*\\(\\w+\\)\\s*\\{(.*?)\\}';
	ytSignFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch);
	ytSignFuncBody = (ytSignFuncBody) ? ytSignFuncBody[1] : null;
	if (ytSignFuncBody) {
	  ytSwapFuncName = ytSignFuncBody.match(/((\$|_|\w)+)\.(\$|_|\w)+\(\w,[0-9]+\)/);
	  ytSwapFuncName = (ytSwapFuncName) ? ytSwapFuncName[1] : null;
	  if (ytSwapFuncName) {
	    ytFuncMatch = 'var\\s+' + ytSwapFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '=\\s*\\{(.*?)\\};';
	    ytSwapFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch);
	    ytSwapFuncBody = (ytSwapFuncBody) ? ytSwapFuncBody[1] : null;
	  if (ytSwapFuncBody) ytSignFuncBody = 'var ' + ytSwapFuncName + '={' + ytSwapFuncBody + '};' + ytSignFuncBody;
	  ytSignFuncBody = 'try {' + ytSignFuncBody + '} catch(e) {return null}';
	  ytDecryptSignature = new Function('a', ytSignFuncBody);

    /* Get Video Title */
    var ytVideoTitle = getMyContent(page.url, 'meta\\s+itemprop="name"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
    if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = getMyContent(page.url, 'meta\\s+property="og:title"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
    if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = page.doc.title;
    if (ytVideoTitle) {
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&quot;/g, '\'').replace(/&#34;/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'');
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&#39;/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\'');
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&amp;/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and');
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-');
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, '');
      ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^YouTube\s-\s/, '');

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var ytVideosEncodedFmts, ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, ytVideosContent, ytHLSVideos, ytHLSContent;
    ytVideosEncodedFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
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    ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"adaptive_fmts":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
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      ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts;
    else {
      ytHLSVideos = getMyContent(page.url, '"hlsvp":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
      if (!ytHLSVideos) ytHLSVideos = getMyContent(page.url, '\\\\"hlsvp\\\\":\\s*\\\\"(.*?)\\\\"', false);
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      else {
	var ytVideoID = page.url.match(/(\?|&)v=(.*?)(&|$)/);
	ytVideoID = (ytVideoID) ? ytVideoID[2] : null;
	if (ytVideoID) {
	  var ytVideoSts = getMyContent(page.url.replace(/watch.*?v=/, 'embed/').replace(/&.*$/, ''), '"sts"\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)', false);
	  var ytVideosInfoURL = + '//' + + '/get_video_info?video_id=' + ytVideoID + '&eurl=' + ytVideoID + '&sts=' + ytVideoSts;
	  var ytVideosInfo = getMyContent(ytVideosInfoURL, 'TEXT', false);
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	    ytVideosEncodedFmts = ytVideosInfo.match(/url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=(.*?)&/);
	    ytVideosEncodedFmts = (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ? ytVideosEncodedFmts[1] : null;
	    if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) {
	      ytVideosEncodedFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosEncodedFmts, true);
	      ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts;
	    if (!ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) {
	      ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = ytVideosInfo.match(/adaptive_fmts=(.*?)&/);
	      ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ? ytVideosAdaptiveFmts[1] : null;
	      if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, true);
    if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts && !ytHLSVideos) {
      if (ytVideosContent) ytVideosContent += ',' + ytVideosAdaptiveFmts;
      else ytVideosContent = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts;

    /* Create Saver */
    var ytDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
    function ytSaver() {
      saver = {'videoList': ytVideoList, 'videoSave': ytDefaultVideo, 'videoTitle': ytVideoTitle};
      option['definitions'] = ['Ultra High Definition', 'Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
      option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'WebM', 'FLV', '3GP', 'Any'];

    /* Parse Videos */
    function ytVideos() {
      var ytVideoFormats = {
	'5': 'Very Low Definition FLV',
	'17': 'Very Low Definition 3GP',
	'18': 'Low Definition MP4',
	'22': 'High Definition MP4',
	'34': 'Low Definition FLV',
	'35': 'Standard Definition FLV',
	'36': 'Low Definition 3GP',
	'37': 'Full High Definition MP4',
	'38': 'Ultra High Definition MP4',
	'43': 'Low Definition WebM',
	'44': 'Standard Definition WebM',
	'45': 'High Definition WebM',
	'46': 'Full High Definition WebM',
	'82': 'Low Definition 3D MP4',
	'83': 'Standard Definition 3D MP4',
	'84': 'High Definition 3D MP4',
	'85': 'Full High Definition 3D MP4',
	'100': 'Low Definition 3D WebM',
	'101': 'Standard Definition 3D WebM',
	'102': 'High Definition 3D WebM',
	'135': 'Standard Definition Video MP4',
	'136': 'High Definition Video MP4',
	'137': 'Full High Definition Video MP4',
	'138': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4',
	'139': 'Low Bitrate Audio MP4',
	'140': 'Medium Bitrate Audio MP4',
	'141': 'High Bitrate Audio MP4',
	'171': 'Medium Bitrate Audio WebM',
	'172': 'High Bitrate Audio WebM',
	'244': 'Standard Definition Video WebM',
	'247': 'High Definition Video WebM',
	'248': 'Full High Definition Video WebM',
	'249': 'Low Bitrate Audio Opus',
	'250': 'Medium Bitrate Audio Opus',
	'251': 'High Bitrate Audio Opus',
	'266': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4',
	'272': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM',
	'298': 'High Definition Video MP4',
	'299': 'Full High Definition Video MP4',
	'302': 'High Definition Video WebM',
	'303': 'Full High Definition Video WebM',
	'313': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM'
      var ytVideoFound = false;
      var ytVideos = ytVideosContent.split(',');
      var ytVideoParse, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode, ytVideo;
      for (var i = 0; i < ytVideos.length; i++) {
	if (!ytVideos[i].match(/^url/)) {
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	ytVideoCodeParse = ytVideos[i].match(/itag=(\d{1,3})/);
	ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null;
	if (ytVideoCode) {
	  myVideoCode = ytVideoFormats[ytVideoCode];
	  if (myVideoCode) {
	    ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideos[i], true);
	    ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/url=/, '').replace(/&$/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/itag=/) && ytVideo.match(/itag=/g).length > 1) {
	      if (ytVideo.match(/itag=\d{1,3}&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/itag=\d{1,3}&/, '');
	      else if (ytVideo.match(/&itag=\d{1,3}/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&itag=\d{1,3}/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/clen=/) && ytVideo.match(/clen=/g).length > 1) {
	      if (ytVideo.match(/clen=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/clen=\d+&/, '');
	      else if (ytVideo.match(/&clen=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&clen=\d+/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=/) && ytVideo.match(/lmt=/g).length > 1) {
	      if (ytVideo.match(/lmt=\d+&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/lmt=\d+&/, '');
	      else if (ytVideo.match(/&lmt=\d+/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&lmt=\d+/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/type=(video|audio).*?&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/type=(video|audio).*?&/, '');
	    else ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&type=(video|audio).*$/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/xtags=[^%=]*&/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/xtags=[^%=]*?&/, '');
	    else if (ytVideo.match(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&xtags=[^%=]*$/, '');
	    if (ytVideo.match(/&sig=/)) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace (/&sig=/, '&signature=');
	    else if (ytVideo.match(/&s=/)) {
	      var ytSig = ytVideo.match(/&s=(.*?)(&|$)/);
	      if (ytSig) {
		var s = ytSig[1];
		s = ytDecryptSignature(s);
		if (s) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&s=.*?(&|$)/, '&signature=' + s + '$1');
		else ytVideo = '';
	      else ytVideo = '';
	    ytVideo = cleanMyContent(ytVideo, true);
	    if (ytVideo.indexOf('ratebypass') == -1) ytVideo += '&ratebypass=yes';
	    if (ytVideo && ytVideo.indexOf('http') == 0) {
	      if (!ytVideoFound) ytVideoFound = true;
	      ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytVideo;

      if (ytVideoFound) {
	/* DASH */
	if (!ytVideoList['Standard Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Standard Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Standard Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['Full High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Full High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Full High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition MP4'] && ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition Video MP4']) ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition MP4'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['Standard Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Standard Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Standard Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['Full High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Full High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Full High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
	if (!ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition WebM'] && ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition Video WebM']) ytVideoList['Ultra High Definition WebM'] = 'DASH';
	feature['dash'] = true;

	/* Create Saver */
	feature['autoget'] = true;
      else {
	saver = {};
	if (ytVideosContent.indexOf('conn=rtmp') != -1) saver['warnMess'] = '!support';
	else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos';

    /* Parse HLS */
    function ytHLS() {
      var ytHLSFormats = {
	'92': 'Very Low Definition MP4',
	'93': 'Low Definition MP4',
	'94': 'Standard Definition MP4',
	'95': 'High Definition MP4',
	'96': 'Full High Definition MP4'
      ytVideoList["Any Definition MP4"] = ytHLSVideos;
      if (ytHLSContent) {
	var ytHLSVideo, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode;
	var ytHLSMatcher = new RegExp('(http.*?m3u8)', 'g');
	ytHLSVideos = ytHLSContent.match(ytHLSMatcher);
	if (ytHLSVideos) {
	  for (var i = 0; i < ytHLSVideos.length; i++) {
	    ytHLSVideo = ytHLSVideos[i];
	    ytVideoCodeParse = ytHLSVideo.match(/\/itag\/(\d{1,3})\//);
	    ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null;
	    if (ytVideoCode) {
	      myVideoCode = ytHLSFormats[ytVideoCode];
	      if (myVideoCode && ytHLSVideo) {
		ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytHLSVideo;

      /* Create Saver */
      ytVideoTitle = null;
      ytDefaultVideo = 'Any Definition MP4';

    /* Get Videos */
    var ytVideoList = {};
    if (ytVideosContent) {
      if (ytVideosContent.match(/&s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/,s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/u0026s=/)) {
	var ytScriptURL = getMyContent(page.url, '"js":\\s*"(.*?)"', true);
	if (!ytScriptURL) ytScriptURL = getMyContent(page.url.replace(/watch.*?v=/, 'embed/').replace(/&.*$/, ''), '"js":\\s*"(.*?)"', true);
	if (ytScriptURL) {
	  ytScriptURL = + '//' + + ytScriptURL;
	  ytScriptSrc = getMyContent(ytScriptURL, 'TEXT', false);
	  if (ytScriptSrc) ytDecryptFunction();
	else {
	  saver = {
	    'warnMess': 'other',
	    'warnContent': '<b>SaveTube:</b> Couldn\'t get the signature link. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.'
      else {
    else {
      if (ytHLSVideos) {
	ytHLSContent = getMyContent(ytHLSVideos, 'TEXT', false);
      else {
	saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====DailyMotion===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var dmVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url.replace(/\/video\//, "/embed/video/"), '"qualities":\\{(.*?)\\]\\},', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (dmVideosContent) {
      var dmVideoFormats = {'auto': 'Low Definition MP4', '240': 'Very Low Definition MP4', '380': 'Low Definition MP4', '480': 'Standard Definition MP4',
			    '720': 'High Definition MP4', '1080': 'Full High Definition MP4'};
      var dmVideoList = {};
      var dmVideoFound = false;
      var dmVideoParser, dmVideoParse, myVideoCode, dmVideo;
      for (var dmVideoCode in dmVideoFormats) {
	dmVideoParser = '"' + dmVideoCode + '".*?"type":"video.*?mp4","url":"(.*?)"';
	dmVideoParse = dmVideosContent.match(dmVideoParser);
	if (!dmVideoParse) {
	  dmVideoParser = '"' + dmVideoCode + '".*?"type":"application.*?mpegURL","url":"(.*?)"';
	  dmVideoParse = dmVideosContent.match(dmVideoParser);
	dmVideo = (dmVideoParse) ? dmVideoParse[1] : null;
	if (dmVideo) {
	  if (!dmVideoFound) dmVideoFound = true;
	  dmVideo = cleanMyContent(dmVideo, true);
	  myVideoCode = dmVideoFormats[dmVideoCode];
	  if (!dmVideoList[myVideoCode]) dmVideoList[myVideoCode] = dmVideo;

      if (dmVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	var dmDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': dmVideoList, 'videoSave': dmDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	option['definitions'] = ['Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====Vimeo===== //

  else if (page.url.match(/\/\d+/) || page.url.match(/\/channels\/[^\/]*($|\/$|\/page|\/\d+)/) || page.url.match(/\/originals\/[^\/]*($|\/$|\/\d+)/) || page.url.match(/\/album\/\d+\/video\/\d+/) || page.url.match(/\/groups\/[^\/]*\/videos\/\d+/)) {

    /* Multi Video Page */
    if (getMyElement('', 'div', 'class', 'player_container', -1, false).length > 1) return;

    /* Get Content Source */
    var viVideoSource = getMyContent(page.url, '"config_url":"(.*?)"', false);
    if (viVideoSource) viVideoSource = cleanMyContent(viVideoSource, false);
    else viVideoSource = getMyContent(page.url, 'data-config-url="(.*?)"', false).replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var viVideosContent;
    if (viVideoSource) {
      viVideosContent = getMyContent(viVideoSource, '"progressive":\\[(.*?)\\]', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (viVideosContent) {
      var viVideoFormats = {'1080p': 'Full High Definition MP4', '720p': 'High Definition MP4', '480p': 'Standard Definition MP4', '360p': 'Low Definition MP4', '270p': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
      var viVideoList = {};
      var viVideoFound = false;
      var viVideo, myVideoCode;
      var viVideos = viVideosContent.split('},');
      for (var i = 0; i < viVideos.length; i++) {
	for (var viVideoCode in viVideoFormats) {
	  if (viVideos[i].indexOf('"quality":"' + viVideoCode + '"') != -1) {
	    viVideo = viVideos[i].match(/"url":"(.*?)"/);
	    viVideo = (viVideo) ? viVideo[1] : null;
	    if (viVideo) {
	      if (!viVideoFound) viVideoFound = true;
	      myVideoCode = viVideoFormats[viVideoCode];
	      viVideoList[myVideoCode] = viVideo;

      if (viVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	var viDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': viVideoList, 'videoSave': viDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====MetaCafe===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var mcVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url, 'flashvars\\s*=\\s*\\{(.*?)\\};', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (mcVideosContent) {
      var mcVideoList = {};
      var mcVideoFound = false;
      var mcVideoFormats = {'video_alt_url2': 'High Definition MP4', 'video_alt_url': 'Low Definition MP4', 'video_url': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
      var mcVideoFormatz = {'video_alt_url2': '_720p', 'video_alt_url': '_360p', 'video_url': '_240p'};
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      mcVideoHLS = (mcVideoHLS) ? cleanMyContent(mcVideoHLS[1], false) : null;
      if (mcVideoHLS) {
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	for (var mcVideoCode in mcVideoFormats) {
	  mcVideoParser = '"' + mcVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"';
	  mcVideoParse = mcVideosContent.match(mcVideoParser);
	  mcVideo = (mcVideoParse) ? mcVideoParse[1] : null;
	  if (mcVideo) {
	    if (!mcVideoFound) mcVideoFound = true;
	    myVideoCode = mcVideoFormats[mcVideoCode];
	    mcVideoList[myVideoCode] = mcVideoHLS.replace('.m3u8', mcVideoFormatz[mcVideoCode] + '.m3u8');

      if (mcVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	var mcDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': mcVideoList, 'videoSave': mcDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};
    else {
      saver = {};
      var ytVideoId = page.url.match(/\/yt-(.*?)\//);
      if (ytVideoId && ytVideoId[1]) {
	var ytVideoLink = '' + ytVideoId[1];
	saver['warnMess'] = 'embed';
	saver['warnContent'] = ytVideoLink;
      else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos';


  // =====Break===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1 || page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Video ID */
    var brVideoID = page.url.match(/-(\d+)($|\?)/);
    brVideoID = (brVideoID) ? brVideoID[1] : null;

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var brSource = + '//' + + '/embed/' + brVideoID;
    var brVideosContent = getMyContent(brSource, 'TEXT', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (brVideosContent) {
      var brVideoList = {};
      var brVideoFormats = {};
      var brVideoFound = false;
      var brVideoFormats = {'320_kbps.mp4': 'Very Low Definition MP4', '496_kbps.mp4': 'Low Definition MP4', '864_kbps.mp4': 'Standard Definition MP4', '2240_kbps.mp4': 'High Definition MP4', '3264_kbps.mp4': 'Full High Definition MP4'};
      var brVideoPath, brVideoToken, brVideoThumb, brVideo, myVideoCode;
      brVideoPath = brVideosContent.match(/"videoUri":\s"(.*?)496_kbps/);
      brVideoPath = (brVideoPath) ? brVideoPath[1] : null;
      brVideoToken = brVideosContent.match(/"AuthToken":\s"(.*?)"/);
      brVideoToken = (brVideoToken) ? brVideoToken[1] : null;
      if (brVideoPath && brVideoToken) {
	for (var brVideoCode in brVideoFormats) {
	  if (brVideosContent.match(brVideoPath + brVideoCode)) {
	    if (!brVideoFound) brVideoFound = true;
	    myVideoCode = brVideoFormats[brVideoCode];
	    brVideo = brVideoPath + brVideoCode + '?' + brVideoToken;
	    brVideoList[myVideoCode] = brVideo;

      if (brVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	var brDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': brVideoList, 'videoSave': brDefaultVideo};
	option['definitions'] = ['Very Low Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'High Definition', 'Full High Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'FLV', 'Any'];
      else {
	saver = {};
	var ytVideoId =  brVideosContent.match(/"youtubeId":\s"(.*?)"/);
	if (ytVideoId && ytVideoId[1]) {
	  var ytVideoLink = '' + ytVideoId[1];
	  saver['warnMess'] = 'embed';
	  saver['warnContent'] = ytVideoLink;
	else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos';
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====FunnyOrDie===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var fodVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url, '<video([\\s\\S]*?)video>', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (fodVideosContent) {
      var fodVideoFormats = {'v2500.mp4': 'High Definition MP4', 'v1800.mp4': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'v600.mp4': 'Low Definition MP4', 'v600.webm': 'Low Definition WebM', 'v110.mp4': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
      var fodVideoList = {};
      var fodVideoFound = false;
      var fodVideoPath, fodVideoCodes, fodVideo, myVideoCode;
      fodVideoPath = fodVideosContent.match(/src="(.*?)v\d+.*?\.mp4"/);
      fodVideoPath = (fodVideoPath) ? fodVideoPath[1] : null;
      fodVideoCodes = fodVideosContent.match(/v([^\/]*?)\/master/);
      fodVideoCodes = (fodVideoCodes) ? fodVideoCodes[1] : '';
      if (fodVideoPath) {
	if (fodVideoCodes) {
	  for (var fodVideoCode in fodVideoFormats) {
	    if (fodVideoCodes.indexOf(fodVideoCode.replace(/v/, '').replace(/\..*/, '')) != -1) {
	      if (!fodVideoFound) fodVideoFound = true;
	      fodVideo = fodVideoPath + fodVideoCode;
	      myVideoCode = fodVideoFormats[fodVideoCode];
	      fodVideoList[myVideoCode] = fodVideo;
	else {
	  for (var fodVideoCode in fodVideoFormats) {
	    fodVideo = fodVideoPath + fodVideoCode;
	    if (fodVideosContent.match(fodVideo)) {
	      if (!fodVideoFound) fodVideoFound = true;
	      myVideoCode = fodVideoFormats[fodVideoCode];
	      fodVideoList[myVideoCode] = fodVideo;

      if (fodVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	fodDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': fodVideoList, 'videoSave': fodDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====Veoh===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Video Availability */
    if (getMyElement('', 'div', 'class', 'veoh-video-player-error', 0, false)) return;

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var veVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url, '__watch.videoDetailsJSON = \'\\{(.*?)\\}', false);
    veVideosContent = cleanMyContent(veVideosContent, true);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (veVideosContent) {
      var veVideoFormats = {'fullPreviewHashLowPath': 'Very Low Definition MP4', 'fullPreviewHashHighPath': 'Low Definition MP4'};
      var veVideoList = {};
      var veVideoFound = false;
      var veVideoParser, veVideoParse, veVideo, myVideoCode;
      for (var veVideoCode in veVideoFormats) {
	veVideoParser = veVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"';
	veVideoParse = veVideosContent.match(veVideoParser);
	veVideo = (veVideoParse) ? veVideoParse[1] : null;
	if (veVideo) {
	  if (!veVideoFound) veVideoFound = true;
	  myVideoCode = veVideoFormats[veVideoCode];
	  veVideoList[myVideoCode] = veVideo;

      if (veVideoFound) {
	/* Create Saver */
	var veDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': veVideoList, 'videoSave': veDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	feature['fullsize'] = false;
	option['definition'] = 'LD';
	option['definitions'] = ['Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	saver = {};
	var veVideoSource = getMyContent(page.url, '"videoContentSource":"(.*?)"', false);
	if (veVideoSource == 'YouTube') var ytVideoId = getMyContent(page.url, '"videoId":"yapi-(.*?)"', false);
	if (ytVideoId) {
	  var ytVideoLink = '' + ytVideoId;
	  saver['warnMess'] = 'embed';
	  saver['warnContent'] = ytVideoLink;
	  styleMyElement(vePlayerWindow, {margin: '0px 0px 20px 0px'});
	else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos';
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====Viki===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Get Video ID */
    var vkVideoID = page.url.match(/videos\/(\d+v)/);
    vkVideoID = (vkVideoID) ? vkVideoID[1] : null;

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var vkVideosContent;
    if (vkVideoID) {
      A JavaScript implementation of the SHA family of hashes, as
      defined in FIPS PUB 180-4 and FIPS PUB 202, as well as the corresponding
      HMAC implementation as defined in FIPS PUB 198a

      Copyright Brian Turek 2008-2017
      Distributed under the BSD License
      See for more information

      Several functions taken from Paul Johnston
      'use strict';(function(G){function r(d,b,c){var h=0,a=[],f=0,g,m,k,e,l,p,q,t,w=!1,n=[],u=[],v,r=!1;c=c||{};g=c.encoding||"UTF8";v=c.numRounds||1;if(v!==parseInt(v,10)||1>v)throw Error("numRounds must a integer >= 1");if("SHA-1"===d)l=512,p=z,q=H,e=160,t=function(a){return a.slice()};else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported");k=A(b,g);m=x(d);this.setHMACKey=function(a,f,b){var c;if(!0===w)throw Error("HMAC key already set");if(!0===r)throw Error("Cannot set HMAC key after calling update");
      g=(b||{}).encoding||"UTF8";f=A(f,g)(a);a=f.binLen;f=f.value;c=l>>>3;b=c/4-1;if(c<a/8){for(f=q(f,a,0,x(d),e);f.length<=b;)f.push(0);f[b]&=4294967040}else if(c>a/8){for(;f.length<=b;)f.push(0);f[b]&=4294967040}for(a=0;a<=b;a+=1)n[a]=f[a]^909522486,u[a]=f[a]^1549556828;m=p(n,m);h=l;w=!0};this.update=function(b){var e,g,c,d=0,q=l>>>5;e=k(b,a,f);b=e.binLen;g=e.value;e=b>>>5;for(c=0;c<e;c+=q)d+l<=b&&(m=p(g.slice(c,c+q),m),d+=l);h+=d;a=g.slice(d>>>5);f=b%l;r=!0};this.getHash=function(b,g){var c,k,l,p;if(!0===
      w)throw Error("Cannot call getHash after setting HMAC key");l=B(g);switch(b){case "HEX":c=function(a){return C(a,e,l)};break;case "B64":c=function(a){return D(a,e,l)};break;case "BYTES":c=function(a){return E(a,e)};break;case "ARRAYBUFFER":try{k=new ArrayBuffer(0)}catch(I){throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment");}c=function(a){return F(a,e)};break;default:throw Error("format must be HEX, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER");}p=q(a.slice(),f,h,t(m),e);for(k=1;k<v;k+=1)p=q(p,e,0,x(d),e);
      return c(p)};this.getHMAC=function(b,g){var c,k,n,r;if(!1===w)throw Error("Cannot call getHMAC without first setting HMAC key");n=B(g);switch(b){case "HEX":c=function(a){return C(a,e,n)};break;case "B64":c=function(a){return D(a,e,n)};break;case "BYTES":c=function(a){return E(a,e)};break;case "ARRAYBUFFER":try{c=new ArrayBuffer(0)}catch(I){throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment");}c=function(a){return F(a,e)};break;default:throw Error("outputFormat must be HEX, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER");
      }k=q(a.slice(),f,h,t(m),e);r=p(u,x(d));r=q(k,e,l,r,e);return c(r)}}function C(d,b,c){var h="";b/=8;var a,f;for(a=0;a<b;a+=1)f=d[a>>>2]>>>8*(3+a%4*-1),h+="0123456789abcdef".charAt(f>>>4&15)+"0123456789abcdef".charAt(f&15);return c.outputUpper?h.toUpperCase():h}function D(d,b,c){var h="",a=b/8,f,g,m;for(f=0;f<a;f+=3)for(g=f+1<a?d[f+1>>>2]:0,m=f+2<a?d[f+2>>>2]:0,m=(d[f>>>2]>>>8*(3+f%4*-1)&255)<<16|(g>>>8*(3+(f+1)%4*-1)&255)<<8|m>>>8*(3+(f+2)%4*-1)&255,g=0;4>g;g+=1)8*f+6*g<=b?h+="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".charAt(m>>>
      6*(3-g)&63):h+=c.b64Pad;return h}function E(d,b){var c="",h=b/8,a,f;for(a=0;a<h;a+=1)f=d[a>>>2]>>>8*(3+a%4*-1)&255,c+=String.fromCharCode(f);return c}function F(d,b){var c=b/8,h,a=new ArrayBuffer(c),f;f=new Uint8Array(a);for(h=0;h<c;h+=1)f[h]=d[h>>>2]>>>8*(3+h%4*-1)&255;return a}function B(d){var b={outputUpper:!1,b64Pad:"=",shakeLen:-1};d=d||{};b.outputUpper=d.outputUpper||!1;!0===d.hasOwnProperty("b64Pad")&&(b.b64Pad=d.b64Pad);if("boolean"!==typeof b.outputUpper)throw Error("Invalid outputUpper formatting option");
      if("string"!==typeof b.b64Pad)throw Error("Invalid b64Pad formatting option");return b}function A(d,b){var c;switch(b){case "UTF8":case "UTF16BE":case "UTF16LE":break;default:throw Error("encoding must be UTF8, UTF16BE, or UTF16LE");}switch(d){case "HEX":c=function(b,a,f){var g=b.length,c,d,e,l,p;if(0!==g%2)throw Error("String of HEX type must be in byte increments");a=a||[0];f=f||0;p=f>>>3;for(c=0;c<g;c+=2){d=parseInt(b.substr(c,2),16);if(isNaN(d))throw Error("String of HEX type contains invalid characters");
      l=(c>>>1)+p;for(e=l>>>2;a.length<=e;)a.push(0);a[e]|=d<<8*(3+l%4*-1)}return{value:a,binLen:4*g+f}};break;case "TEXT":c=function(c,a,f){var g,d,k=0,e,l,p,q,t,n;a=a||[0];f=f||0;p=f>>>3;if("UTF8"===b)for(n=3,e=0;e<c.length;e+=1)for(g=c.charCodeAt(e),d=[],128>g?d.push(g):2048>g?(d.push(192|g>>>6),d.push(128|g&63)):55296>g||57344<=g?d.push(224|g>>>12,128|g>>>6&63,128|g&63):(e+=1,g=65536+((g&1023)<<10|c.charCodeAt(e)&1023),d.push(240|g>>>18,128|g>>>12&63,128|g>>>6&63,128|g&63)),l=0;l<d.length;l+=1){t=k+
      p;for(q=t>>>2;a.length<=q;)a.push(0);a[q]|=d[l]<<8*(n+t%4*-1);k+=1}else if("UTF16BE"===b||"UTF16LE"===b)for(n=2,d="UTF16LE"===b&&!0||"UTF16LE"!==b&&!1,e=0;e<c.length;e+=1){g=c.charCodeAt(e);!0===d&&(l=g&255,g=l<<8|g>>>8);t=k+p;for(q=t>>>2;a.length<=q;)a.push(0);a[q]|=g<<8*(n+t%4*-1);k+=2}return{value:a,binLen:8*k+f}};break;case "B64":c=function(b,a,f){var c=0,d,k,e,l,p,q,n;if(^[a-zA-Z0-9=+\/]+$/))throw Error("Invalid character in base-64 string");k=b.indexOf("=");b=b.replace(/\=/g,
      "");if(-1!==k&&k<b.length)throw Error("Invalid '=' found in base-64 string");a=a||[0];f=f||0;q=f>>>3;for(k=0;k<b.length;k+=4){p=b.substr(k,4);for(e=l=0;e<p.length;e+=1)d="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".indexOf(p[e]),l|=d<<18-6*e;for(e=0;e<p.length-1;e+=1){n=c+q;for(d=n>>>2;a.length<=d;)a.push(0);a[d]|=(l>>>16-8*e&255)<<8*(3+n%4*-1);c+=1}}return{value:a,binLen:8*c+f}};break;case "BYTES":c=function(b,a,c){var d,m,k,e,l;a=a||[0];c=c||0;k=c>>>3;for(m=0;m<b.length;m+=
      1)d=b.charCodeAt(m),l=m+k,e=l>>>2,a.length<=e&&a.push(0),a[e]|=d<<8*(3+l%4*-1);return{value:a,binLen:8*b.length+c}};break;case "ARRAYBUFFER":try{c=new ArrayBuffer(0)}catch(h){throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment");}c=function(b,a,c){var d,m,k,e,l;a=a||[0];c=c||0;m=c>>>3;l=new Uint8Array(b);for(d=0;d<b.byteLength;d+=1)e=d+m,k=e>>>2,a.length<=k&&a.push(0),a[k]|=l[d]<<8*(3+e%4*-1);return{value:a,binLen:8*b.byteLength+c}};break;default:throw Error("format must be HEX, TEXT, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER");
      }return c}function n(d,b){return d<<b|d>>>32-b}function u(d,b){var c=(d&65535)+(b&65535);return((d>>>16)+(b>>>16)+(c>>>16)&65535)<<16|c&65535}function y(d,b,c,h,a){var f=(d&65535)+(b&65535)+(c&65535)+(h&65535)+(a&65535);return((d>>>16)+(b>>>16)+(c>>>16)+(h>>>16)+(a>>>16)+(f>>>16)&65535)<<16|f&65535}function x(d){var b=[];if("SHA-1"===d)b=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520];else throw Error("No SHA variants supported");return b}function z(d,b){var c=[],h,a,f,g,m,k,e;h=b[0];a=b[1];
      f=b[2];g=b[3];m=b[4];for(e=0;80>e;e+=1)c[e]=16>e?d[e]:n(c[e-3]^c[e-8]^c[e-14]^c[e-16],1),k=20>e?y(n(h,5),a&f^~a&g,m,1518500249,c[e]):40>e?y(n(h,5),a^f^g,m,1859775393,c[e]):60>e?y(n(h,5),a&f^a&g^f&g,m,2400959708,c[e]):y(n(h,5),a^f^g,m,3395469782,c[e]),m=g,g=f,f=n(a,30),a=h,h=k;b[0]=u(h,b[0]);b[1]=u(a,b[1]);b[2]=u(f,b[2]);b[3]=u(g,b[3]);b[4]=u(m,b[4]);return b}function H(d,b,c,h){var a;for(a=(b+65>>>9<<4)+15;d.length<=a;)d.push(0);d[b>>>5]|=128<<24-b%32;b+=c;d[a]=b&4294967295;d[a-1]=b/4294967296|0;
      b=d.length;for(a=0;a<b;a+=16)h=z(d.slice(a,a+16),h);return h}"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return r}):"undefined"!==typeof exports?("undefined"!==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=r),exports=r):G.jsSHA=r})(this);

      var vkTimestamp = parseInt( / 1000);
      var vkQuery = "/v5/videos/" + vkVideoID + "/streams.json?app=100005a&t=" + vkTimestamp + "&"
      var vkToken = "MM_d*yP@`&1@]@!AVrXf_o-HVEnoTnm$O-ti4[G~$JDI/Dc-&piU&z&5.;:}95\=Iad";
      var shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-1", "TEXT");
      shaObj.setHMACKey(vkToken, "TEXT");
      var vkSig = shaObj.getHMAC("HEX");
      var vkSource = "" + vkQuery + "&sig=" + vkSig;
      vkVideosContent = getMyContent(vkSource, 'TEXT', false);

    /* Get Videos */
    if (vkVideosContent) {
      var vkVideoList = {};
      var vkVideoFormats = {'720p': 'High Definition MP4', '480p': 'Standard Definition MP4', '360p': 'Low Definition MP4', '240p': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
      var vkVideoFound = false;
      var vkVideoParser, vkVideoParse, vkVideo, myVideoCode;
      for (var vkVideoCode in vkVideoFormats) {
	vkVideoParser = '"' + vkVideoCode + '".*?"https":\{"url":"(.*?)"';
	vkVideoParse = vkVideosContent.match(vkVideoParser);
	vkVideo = (vkVideoParse) ? vkVideoParse[1] : null;
	if (vkVideo) {
	  if (!vkVideoFound) vkVideoFound = true;
	  myVideoCode = vkVideoFormats[vkVideoCode];
	  vkVideoList[myVideoCode] = vkVideo;

      /* Create Saver */
      if (vkVideo) {
	var vkDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
	saver = {'videoList': vkVideoList, 'videoSave': vkDefaultVideo};
	feature['container'] = false;
	option['definition'] = 'LD';
	option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition'];
	option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
      else {
	if (vkVideosContent.indexOf('unauth') != -1) {
	  saver = {
	    'warnMess': 'other',
	    'warnContent': '<b>SaveTube:</b> Authorization required!'
	else saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!content'};


  // =====IMDB===== //

  else if (page.url.indexOf('') != -1) {

    /* Redirect To Video Page */
    if (page.url.indexOf('') == -1) {
      page.doc.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
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	while (p) {
	  if (p.tagName === 'A' && p.href.indexOf('/video/imdb') != -1) { = p.href.replace(/imdb\/inline.*/, '');
	  p = p.parentNode;
      }, false);

    /* Get Videos Content */
    var imdbVideoList = {};
    var imdbVideoFormats = {'SD': 'Low Definition MP4', '720p': 'High Definition MP4'};
    var imdbURL, imdbVideo, myVideoCode;
    var imdbVideoFound = false;
    var imdbPageURL = page.url.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/\/$/, '');
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      imdbURL = imdbPageURL + '/imdb/single?vPage=1&format=' + imdbVideoCode;
      imdbVideo = getMyContent(imdbURL, '"videoUrl":"(.*?)"', false);
      if (imdbVideo) {
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	myVideoCode = imdbVideoFormats[imdbVideoCode];
	imdbVideoList[myVideoCode] = imdbVideo;
      if (imdbVideoCode == 'SD') {
	if (!getMyContent(imdbURL, 'format=(.*?)&', false)) break;

    if (imdbVideoFound) {
      /* Create Saver */
      var imdbDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
      saver = {'videoList': imdbVideoList, 'videoSave': imdbDefaultVideo};
      feature['container'] = false;
      option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Low Definition'];
      option['containers'] = ['MP4'];
    else {
      saver = {'warnMess': '!videos'};



// ==========Run========== //

SaveTube(); {
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}, 500);
