musicbrainz.org: Adds some buttons to check all unvoted edits (Yes/No/Abs/None) at once in the edit search page. You can also collapse/expand (all) edits for clarity. A handy reset votes button is also available + Double click radio to vote single edit + range click with shift to vote a series of edits. , Hidden (collapsed) edits will never be voted (even if range click or shift+click force vote).

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2016.6.15 19.11.2023.

    FIX. pending vote info can be masked by static menu

    I eventually took Hawke’s version pattern that suits Chromium’s bug (#1)

    remove chrome work-arounds and advocate Tampermonkey instead when needed (#17)

    Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command

    Conflicts: jasrac-mb-minc_WORK-IMPORT-CROSS-LINKING.user.js

    aligning metadata block keys

    decoding some more unicode

    FIX. returnto=… kind of URLs are blocking user scripts ☞ excluding musicbrainz.org/* instead of just musicbrainz.org* (to allow musicbrainz.org%2F)

    NEW. opening mbsandbox.org to POWER VOTE and LOCAL STORAGE MANAGER.

    various syntax fixes spotted with some OUJS.org’s code display’s warnings (jshint maybe?)

    MBS. buttons style changed

    FIX. ugly button.

    FIX. vote shortcut buttons wrap in Firefox

    FIX. ctrl+alt+click problems (work in progress)

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: //raw.githubusercontent.com → //github.com/…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: //raw.githubusercontent.com → //github.com/…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    MBS. buttons style has changed (#68)

    FIX. submits when selecting votes (regression brought by f30eda37afdb0ff80500ae4fb0462621b9b17958)

    using .classList(.add/.remove/.toggle/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate. replacing clss() and cssClass(), I didn’t know I reinvented the weel.

    CR + LF → LF

    LF → CR+LF back to Windows (my OS) good old end of line characters. clipboard made it too prone to mistake for too few bytes gained.

    stop “locking” forms on submit.


    Using xhr.id to track which edit is being voted (closes #104)

    null when no edit in response. better words.

    alerts are annoying : use tooltip instead when possible

    Warning: OUJS.org minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).

    OpenUserJS block cleanup

    self.getComputedStyle() is not found under Opera 12.18.1872. I will use getComputedStyle() instead, like in the other scripts.

    FIX #210: A new CAA tab error crashes INLINE STUFF FIX #212: SERVER_SWITCH does not show up any more WIP #211: No more background colours for votes (POWER VOTE)

    FIX #211: No more background colours for votes

    MBS /static/scripts/common/MB/Control/EditList.js is not necessarily run before POWER VOTE.

    So, when POWER VOTE ran before EditList.js, POWER VOTE was not able to get computed background colour information, because it was only later set by EditList.js:

    1. on page load, because vote-yes/no/abs CSS classes are not hard coded in the HTML and are only added when EditList.js later runs. FIX: delay initialisation by 1 arbitrary second.
    2. on click, because EditList.js change event listener is bound to vote check boxes only after mine. FIX: make the code asynchronously out of the event handling chain with a 0 second setTimeout().

    Some performance improvements after #211 change.

    • No need for 1 second delay, pull out call from event listener chain with setTimeout seems enough.
    • Extract function declaration from loop for performance optimisation.

    Factorise event listeners (extract event listeners out of the loop). I should probably do the same with the other looped on event listeners. Another performance improvement triggered by #211’s fix.

    Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.18.1272 no longer finds self. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.

    Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //*.mbsandbox.org support where it was missing.

    Report #253 regression fix

    Merge branch 'master' into #244y-van-zall-shook-up-links



  • v2022.8.27 26.08.2022. Deactivate recording permalink until MBS bug is fixed #703 There is a confusion between recording and track in MBS redirect
  • v2022.8.26 26.08.2022. Compute permalink MBID and replace ID #703, Fix broken editor O and E bonus links #704, Fix MBID retrieval for (bugged) works #703, Fix user/editor bonus link E(dit) on entity change #704
  • v2022.8.18.55 17.08.2022. German fix by @kellnerd to a884ba60883935a41520f09583a9a6d230aec8d7 Co-authored-by: David Kellner <52860029+kellnerd@users.noreply.github.com>
  • v2022.8.18 17.08.2022. Deferred manual trigger for preloaded entity lookups #700 Sometimes displayed before MutationObserver starts
  • v2022.8.17.2000 17.08.2022. I broke POWER VOTE on non edit search pages! #700
  • v2022.8.17 17.08.2022. Add hyperlinks after inline looked up entity green fields #700, A little bit of Internationalisation #143, No need to grant GM_info #572 Indeed it worked OK for MASS MERGE RECORDINGS fbb33a85d56d1fcb1fd8fdabfb4473a1d58e5838 Thanks @Martii: https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues/572#issuecomment-1208231813
  • v2022.6.23 23.06.2022. Enable POWER VOTE for all open edits
  • v2022.6.4 03.06.2022. Ignore voted edits when allowing page unload #680, Drop jQuery animations (they seem broken now anyway)
  • v2021.6.1 02.06.2022. Allow page unload more often and smart #680 - when no vote changes remain, and, - when no edit notes remain, Some cleanup
  • v2021.5.26.155 25.05.2022. Allow reloading page when no more edits (2) #680
  • v2021.5.26.151 25.05.2022. Allow reloading page when no more edits #680
  • v2021.5.26 25.05.2022. Prevent leaving voting page with unsaved changes #680
  • v2021.5.25 25.05.2022. ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A, Fast approve with edit notes #425 - If there is an edit note: 1. Save edit note (in the background) then 2. Approve edit (in the background) - If there is no edit note: 1. Approve edit (in the background)
  • v2021.5.5 05.05.2021. Add support for user votes list page (#584)
  • v2021.3.31 31.03.2021. Only show pre-NGS edit markers No more milestone. Some edit lists are sorted opposite, making the milestone displayed backwards.
  • v2021.3.22 22.03.2021. No more Tampermonkey advice (#17) Now there is Violentmonkey on every browsers, so it's even better (open source) than Tampermonkey. Update metadata block (#510), Add mb_NGS-MILESTONE to mb_POWER-VOTE (#574)
  • v2021.2.4 04.02.2021. Revert to fixed deprecated but WORKING initMouseEvent method As said in #539 3519239d93ee66a3808c6f6bd54e818da4c334f1 Setting null instead of a Window did work-around. Using advised new MouseEvent() does not work in all my scripts, like release editor Ctrl+Enter to submit. Closes #540 Tested OK in Vivaldi and Firefox for: - Release editor submit with Ctrl+Enter (SUPER TURBO) - Edit note Shift+click memory (ELEPHANT) - Vote range click and double click (POWER)
  • v2021.2.2 03.02.2021. Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere, Replace manual metadata block parsing by GM_info (#510)
  • v2021.1.19.2099 01.02.2021. eslint recommended: first pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2020.9.18.3 25.11.2020. Use //cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ (allowed by GF) … for require(d) libraries instead of //greasyfork.org/scripts/ One dependency less towards #396 (abandon mirrors). Also give less emphasis on mirrors and update compatibilities in README files.
  • v2020.9.18.2 18.11.2020. Remove *.mbsandbox.org support Freso said: Sandboxes have been discontinued and are not coming back https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/index.php?title=History:Development/Sandbox&diff=73442&oldid=69877
  • v2020.9.18 18.09.2020. Use "click" string instead of inexistant click variable Fixes #515: Reset votes no longer works.
  • v2019.5.7 07.05.2019. Hide autoeditor global vote buttons if POWER VOTE item is shown on top, Stop using obsolete request headers Content-length and Connection (#160) 3 year old ad40df1456930561ec36ff1dd6ea79e78c7f2ee4 had no impact
  • v2018.4.4 27.09.2018. FIX #358: OpenUserJS.org has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.4.4 04.04.2018. FIX #396: GF and OUJS: Abandon or continue to adapt GF mirror should now update back again as I’ve reverted to GF hosted libraries. OUJS mirror support was already fixed by new licences (#358).
  • v2018.1.4 04.01.2018. Greasemonkey v4: xmlHttpRequest.open no longer accept path without protocol and host (#372)
  • v2017.6.16 04.12.2017. update browser support
  • v2017.6.16 16.06.2017. FIX #322: DOMException: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Problem spotted on mb_COOL-ENTITY-LINKS, mb_INLINE-STUFF, mb_REVIVE-DELETED-EDITORS and mb_SUPER-MIND-CONTROL-II-X-TURBO Problem fixed by #331’s 578183b06ef3c359125f9db4785dee35805bd970 Now a deterministic code retrieves the newly added style sheet instead of crossing fingers. cdj_TURBO-DASH was not affected by the problem but I applied same global code.
  • v2016.6.15 16.06.2016. Synced from GitHub - Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //*.mbsandbox.org support where it was missing.
  • v2016.5.17 17.05.2016. Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.5.11 11.05.2016. Synced from GitHub - self.getComputedStyle() is not found under Opera 12.**18**.1872. I will use getComputedStyle() instead, like in the other scripts. FIX #210: A new CAA tab error crashes INLINE STUFF FIX #212: SERVER_SWITCH does not show up any more WIP #211: No more background colours for votes (POWER VOTE) - FIX #211: No more background colours for votes MBS /static/scripts/common/MB/Control/EditList.js is not necessarily run before POWER VOTE. So, when POWER VOTE ran before EditList....
  • v2015.11.18.1621 23.02.2016. Synced from GitHub - OpenUserJS block cleanup
  • v2015.11.18.1621 22.02.2016. Synced from GitHub - Warning: OUJS.org minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).
  • v2015.11.18.1621 18.11.2015. Synced from GitHub - alerts are annoying : use tooltip instead when possible
  • v2015.11.18.1611 18.11.2015. Synced from GitHub - null when no edit in response. better words.
  • v2015.11.18 18.11.2015. Synced from GitHub - Using xhr.id to track which edit is being voted (closes #104)
  • v2015.10.1 01.10.2015. Synced from GitHub - stop “locking” forms on submit. - cleanup
  • v2015.6.4.2302 04.06.2015. Synced from GitHub - using .classList(.add/.remove/.toggle/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate. replacing clss() and cssClass(), I didn’t know I reinvented the weel.
  • v2015.6.4.1626 04.06.2015. Synced from GitHub - using .classList(.add/.remove/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate
  • v2015.4.30.1725 30.04.2015. Synced from GitHub - FIX. submits when selecting votes (regression brought by f30eda37afdb0ff80500ae4fb0462621b9b17958)
  • v2015.4.30.1619 30.04.2015. Synced from GitHub - MBS. buttons style has changed (#68)
  • v2015. 10.04.2015. Synced from GitHub - @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: //raw.githubusercontent.com → //github.com/…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12
  • v2015. 27.01.2015. Synced from GitHub - FIX. ctrl+alt+click problems (work in progress)
  • v2014.12.18.2003 18.12.2014. Synced from GitHub - FIX. vote shortcut buttons wrap in Firefox
  • v2014.12.17.848 17.12.2014. Synced from GitHub - MBS. buttons style changed FIX. ugly button.
  • v2014.11.24.1411 24.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - &lt;ninja&gt; various syntax fixes spotted with some OUJS.org’s code display’s warnings (jshint maybe?)
  • v2014.11.17.1636 17.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - NEW. opening mbsandbox.org to POWER VOTE and LOCAL STORAGE MANAGER.
  • v2014.11.14.2212 15.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - &lt;ninja&gt; decoding some more unicode
  • v2014.11.12.1629 13.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - Merge branch &#39;master&#39; of https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command Conflicts: jasrac-mb-minc_WORK-IMPORT-CROSS-LINKING.user.js &lt;ninja&gt; aligning metadata block keys - @icon with a cute kirby gif I animated long time ago (as suggested by ScitJav https://greasyfork.org/fr/forum/discussion/1692) - @version Chromium bug #1 - @since researched for all - @downloadURL/@updateURL explicit everywhere
  • v2014.11.12.1629 12.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - remove chrome work-arounds and advocate Tampermonkey instead when needed (#17)
  • v2014.6.26.1710 26.06.2014. Synced from GitHub - FIX. pending vote info can be masked by static menu I eventually took Hawke’s version pattern that suits Chromium’s bug (#1)
  • v2014.0409.0641 10.06.2014. Imported from URL