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Od 07.01.2022.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-05-29 77 5.379
2024-05-30 85 5.411
2024-05-31 84 5.396
2024-06-01 108 4.756
2024-06-02 93 4.552
2024-06-03 75 5.655
2024-06-04 78 5.512
2024-06-05 98 5.445
2024-06-06 92 5.500
2024-06-07 83 5.381
2024-06-08 86 4.510
2024-06-09 101 4.364
2024-06-10 95 4.462
2024-06-11 121 5.659
2024-06-12 80 5.476
2024-06-13 97 5.511
2024-06-14 94 5.565
2024-06-15 107 4.829
2024-06-16 84 4.697
2024-06-17 77 5.554
2024-06-18 73 5.575
2024-06-19 72 5.495
2024-06-20 65 5.614
2024-06-21 75 5.387
2024-06-22 79 4.794
2024-06-23 70 4.712
2024-06-24 71 5.679
2024-06-25 82 5.473
2024-06-26 67 5.428
2024-06-27 50 3.371
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