RU AdList JS Fixes

try to take over the world!

Od 28.05.2016.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         RU AdList JS Fixes
// @namespace    ruadlist_js_fixes
// @version      0.5
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       lainverse & dimisa
// @match        *://*/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    if (!/firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // scripts for non-Firefox browsers
        (function() {
            // check if the browser supports Proxy and WebSocket
            if (!window.Proxy || !window.WebSocket) return;
            var to_block =[
            var ws = window.WebSocket;
            window.WebSocket = new Proxy(ws, {
                construct: function(WS,i){
                    console.log('Opening WebSocket on', i[0], '…');
                    var d = i[0].match(/:\/\/[^:/]+/)[0];
                    if (d && to_block.indexOf(d.substring(3)) > -1) {
                        console.log("Nope! Not gonna happen!");
                        return {};
                    } else return new WS(i[0],i[1]);
            var imptt = /((display|(margin|padding)(-top|-bottom)?)\s*:[^;!]*)!\s*important/ig,
                rplsf = function(str,grp){return grp;};

            function unimportanter(el, si) {
                if (!imptt.test(si) || == 'none')
                    return 0; // get out if we have nothing to do here
                var so = si.replace(imptt, rplsf), ret = 0;
                if (si != so) {
                    ret = 1;
                    el.setAttribute('style', so);
                return ret;

            function logger(c) {
                if (c) console.log('Some page elements became a bit less important.');

            function checkTarget(m, c) {
                var si = m.getAttribute ? m.getAttribute('style') : null;
                if (si && si.indexOf('!') > -1)
                    c+=unimportanter(m, si);
                return c;

            function checkNodes(m, c) {
                var i = m.length;
                    c = checkTarget(m[i], c);
                return c;

            var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
                setTimeout(function(m) {
                    var i = m.length, c = 0;
                    while(i--) {
                        if (m[i].target)
                            c = checkTarget(m[i].target, c);
                        if (m[i].addedNodes.length)
                            c = checkNodes(m[i].addedNodes, c);

            observer.observe(document, { childList : true, attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'], subtree : true });

            window.addEventListener ("load", function(){
                var c = 0, imp = document.querySelectorAll('[style*="!"]'), i = imp.length;
                while(i--) {
                    c+= checkTarget(imp[i], c);
            }, false);

    document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        // function to search and remove nodes by conten
        // selector - standard CSS selector to define set of nodes to check
        // words - regular expression to check content of the suspicious nodes
        // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
        //   .parent - parent node to remove if content is found in the child node
        //   .siblings - number of simling nodes to remove (excluding text nodes)
        function scissors (selector, words, scope, params) {
            var nodes = scope.querySelectorAll(selector),
                i = nodes.length,
                toRemove = [];

            while (i--)
                if (words.test(nodes[i].innerHTML) || !nodes[i].childNodes.length) {
                    var node = nodes[i],
                        siblings = Math.abs(params.siblings) || 0,
                        iterFunc = params.siblings > 0 ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
                    // drill up to the specified parent node if required
                    if (params.parent)
                        while(node !== scope &&
                              node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== params.parent)
                            node = node.parentNode;
                    if (node === scope)
                    // add multiple nodes if defined more than one sibling
                    while (siblings) {
                        node = node[iterFunc];
                        if (node.tagName) siblings--; //don't count text nodes
            i = toRemove.length;

            return toRemove.length;

        // function to perform multiple checks if ads inserted with a delay
        // by default does 30 checks withing a 3 seconds unless nonstop mode specified
        // also does 1 extra check when a page completely loads
        // selector and words - passed dow to scissors
        // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
        //   .root - selector to narrow down scope to scan
        //   .watch - if true then check will be performed continuously
        //   .parent - passed down to scissors
        //   .siblings - passed down to scissors
        function gardener(selector, words, params) {
            params = params || {};
            var scope = document.body,
                nonstop = false;
            // narrow dowsn scope to a specific element
            if (params.root) {
                scope = scope.querySelector(params.root);
                if (!scope) // exit if the root element is not present on the page
                    return 0;
            // add watch mode if required
            if ( {
                if (window.MutationObserver) {
                    var o = new MutationObserver(function(ms){
                            if (m.addedNodes.length)
                                scissors(selector, words, scope, params);
                              {childList:true, subtree: true});
                } else nonstop = true;
            // watch for a full page load to do one extra cut
                scissors(selector, words, scope, params);
            // do multiple cuts until ads removed
            function cut(sci, s, w, sc, p, i) {
                if (i > 0) i--;
                if (i && !sci(s, w, sc, p))
                    setTimeout(cut, 100, sci, s, w, sc, p, i);
            cut(scissors, selector, words, scope, params, (nonstop ? -1 : 30));

        var scripts = {};
        scripts[''] = function() {
            function skipClicker(i) {
                if (!i) return;
                var skip = document.querySelector('.b-aplayer-banners__close');
                if (skip)
                    setTimeout(skipClicker, 100, i-1);
            setTimeout(skipClicker, 100, 30);

            var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
            var re = /\w{1,5}\d{1,5}\w{1,5}\d{1,5}/;
            for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
                    divs[i].style.display = 'none';

            var style = document.head.appendChild( document.createElement('style') );
            style.type = 'text/css';

                '.b-aplayer-teasers > a',
                '.b-player-popup__content > div[class][style="position: relative;"]',
            ].join(',')+'{display:none!important}', 0);

            if (/\/view_iframe\//i.test(document.location.pathname)) {
                var p = document.querySelector('#player:not([preload="auto"])'),
                    m = document.querySelector('.main'),
                    adStepper = function(p) {
                        if (p.currentTime < p.duration)
                    cl = function(p) {
                        function skipListener() {
                            if (!p.classList.contains('m-hidden'))
                            setTimeout(adStepper, 1000, p);
                        p.addEventListener('timeupdate', skipListener, false);
                    o = new MutationObserver(function (mut) {
                        mut.forEach(function (e) {
                            for (var i = 0; i < e.addedNodes.length; i++) {
                                if (e.addedNodes[i].id === 'player' &&
                                    e.addedNodes[i].nodeName === 'VIDEO' &&
                                    e.addedNodes[i].getAttribute('preload') != 'auto') {
                if (p.nodeName === 'VIDEO')
                    o.observe(m, {childList: true});
        scripts[''] = scripts[''];
        scripts[''] = scripts[''];

        scripts[''] = function() {
            gardener('.main-post', /543769|Реклама/);

        scripts[''] = function() {
            gardener('div[id][onclick][onmouseup][onmousedown]', /onmouseout/i);


        scripts[''] = function() {
            var words = /member1438|Administration/;
            gardener('form > table[id^="p_row_"]', words);
            gardener('tr > .holder.newsbottom', words, {parent:'tr', siblings:-2});
        scripts[''] = scripts[''];

        scripts[''] = function() {
            var words = /Реклама|Яндекс.Директ|yandex_ad_/;
            var userAdsListAds = [
                '.listing-list > .listing-item',
            var catalogAds = [
            var otherAds = [
                '.pager-listing + div[class]',
                '.card > div[class][style]',
                '.sidebar > div[class]',
                '.main-page__section + div[class]',
                '.listing > tbody'];
            gardener(userAdsListAds.join(','), words, {root:'.listing-wrap', watch:true});
            gardener(catalogAds.join(','), words, {root:'.catalog__page,.content__wrapper', watch:true});
            gardener(otherAds.join(','), words);

        scripts[''] = function() {
            var script = document.createElement('script');
            script.type = "text/javascript";
            script.innerHTML = "function ogonekstart1() {}";

            var style = document.createElement('style');
            style.type = 'text/css';
            style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.background {background: none!important;}'));
            style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.background > script + div, .background > script ~ div:not([id]):not([class]) + div[id][class] {display:none!important}'));

        var domain = document.domain;
        while (domain.indexOf('.') + 1) {
            if (domain in scripts) {
            domain = domain.slice(domain.indexOf('.') + 1);