מראה את התוצאות לכל השפות. הראה רק תוצאות בשפה העברית.
AbemaTV Auto Reload JS - ABEMAの番組を閲覧中に動画が止まったとき、動画を再読み込みします。
修改Youtube为1080P、英文翻译 JS - try to take over the world!
Something Awful True Ignore JS - Hide posts from ignored users and their quotes
RTP Play Downloader JS - Userscript to download media from RTP Play
Vertical Stream Magic JS - Adjust Twitch streams for a vertical orientated monitor.
Bilibili Light Off JS - This script will change all elements' background to black when you click the Light Off button, including player controller.
助手还款时间显示工具 JS - 实时展示用户的最近的历史还款时间记录
info JS - (不要安装,只是学习如何制作和发布脚本)提示用户当前的各种信息,包括:时间、网址、默认文本、浏览器信息、显示器信息
YouTube Auto Speed JS - Автоматического изменения скорости ютуба
No Tiexue Post2 JS - 铁血论坛链接替换'post2'为‘post’,不用再为满屏广告烦恼,直接跳转查看原帖
temizdonanimhaber JS - donanimhaber forumlarındaki reklamları engeller
Kasu`s Agar.io Extension JS - Makes the game easier
Polskie rozszerzenie do agar.io JS - Makes the game easier
Virtonomica:Обзор рынка технологий JS - Сокращаем показ технологий (показываем только те, где в первых технах суммарная цена продажи выше 200 млн)
TorrentLeech V4 Enhancer JS - Enhance TorrentLeech
WME US Government Boundaries JS - Adds a layer to display US (federal, state, and/or local) boundaries.
Hide Thread for Два.ч catalog JS - Ability to hide/unhide threads on 2ch.hk catalog.
geniuschatremover JS - small script to remove chat on page load
BYR SMTH BBS ip2location JS - 显示北邮人论坛、水木论坛用户发贴IP的物理地址
Verm Trending JS - Shows page of trending thread topics
Try without snowflakes JS - Epicmafia fucking snowflakes
HOF Warbase Helper JS - Highlights potential war targets in green on HOF page
bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch JS - bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch_
Virtomomica: IC JS - Индикативные цены - автопарсинг и отображение на вкладке "Сбыт"
Reddit Auto-Open First Post JS - Auto open first post in Reddit front page using Reddit API URL: https://api.reddit.com/?goToFirstPost
Disable Confirmation Dialog When Leaving A Web Page JS - Disable confirmation dialog when leaving a web page
KF_fastreply JS - fastreply for Kf
Flynder: simplify JS - Simplify Flynder interface: unstick nav to save v-space, remove overlaping soc. buttons, etc
Pikabu Down Comments JS - Добавляет кнопку -Комментарии- к концу поста
Kharus Chat Mono Patch JS - for Kharus Chatting
「Z-Blog」开发者工具(应用中心) JS - 含订单搜索,附带隐藏未付订单,应用审核回显;
TabacooRecorder JS - Record your tabacoo order
ZurDo Edit JS - Macro feed "E", x16 "T", doblesplt "g"
pepecine: no embeded viewing, follow link instead + minor tweaks JS - Enable viewing on remote backend instead of the slow embeded viewing + minor tweaks(WIP)
pepecine: remove non latino episodes JS - remove non latino episodes
gdst-study JS - javascripts for auto study
Hack Forums Booksmarks List JS - Special bookmarks for HF sections
维基百科优先简体中文(或繁体) JS - Wikipedia 维基百科中文优先选择地区 简/繁 中文。
Extencion ☯Ǥற? JS - hacer la tricks mejor y dividirse mas rapido
Gazelle Quick Quote JS - Only selected text is quoted as long as it's quoted in the proper quote box
新浪微博一键清空 JS - 清空您发过的所有微博
弹琴吧VIP破解脚本 JS - 突然发现弹琴吧要VIP才能看以前不要钱的谱子,就写了一个破解的脚本
eBay Filter Active Inventory JS - Search filter for the current inventory
Bilibili Live Cover JS - Show Bilibili Live Cover
Globy.tk-Mass-Ejector JS - A Simple, Better way to eject mass in Globy.tk
外卖菜单转换 JS - 获取美团/饿了么/百度外卖菜单页并指定格式输出
Macros Por ZeroAgar JS - try to take over the world!
Redacted.CH :: Artist Focus & HTML5 Upload Form Validation JS - Type directly the artist you are looking for without clicking on "artist" field in the header
Love Archiver JS - Archives projects you love into a specific studio.
Trello - change bg set cookie JS - 修改trello背景
RED unread posts history link JS - Insert link for your posts into the main menu
HS.fi Paywall remover JS - Remove Paywall
Trimps+ JS - Autobuys storage when full
Comment Replacer JS - try to take over the world!
Batoto Quick Links JS - Add convenient links to Batoto series pages.
Steam Gems-to-Price Helper JS - 处理垃圾库存的好帮手 ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Shouts en Perfil JS - Te muestra cantidad de shouts en el perfil y saca esos comentarios de la mugrosa home
PTH embed youtube JS - Embed youtube videos on PTH forums
PTH Change default request vote amount JS - Set the default request vote amount when clicking the [+] vote
PTH Collages on searchbar JS - Add a search box for collages to the search bar
PTH Colourful Sandbox JS - Give the different types of threads in the PTH sandbox different colours
PTH Derefer JS - Derefer external links on PTH
PTH Drop Logfile JS - Enable dropping logfiles into a dropzone on the upload page
PTH Edition auto-move JS - Move the year, label, and catalogue number to the edition fields
PTH Everynoise JS - Add everynoise.com overload (ctrl+click) to every tag link
PTH Freeze Avatars JS - Freeze the animated avatars on PTH
PTH iTunes Cover Search JS - Search iTunes for cover art
PTH non-ascii search workaround JS - Redirect on searches that fail due to 16-bit non-ascii characters
PTH Non-Jam Top 10 JS - Hide torrents with jam.band on the "Top 10"
PTH Posts JS - Show a Posts link that takes you to your grouped post history
PTH Preview Tracks JS - Embed youtube clips for the tracks of a torrent group
PTH progress to next Class JS - Shows the progress to the next user classes
PTH Remove required ratio if it's 0.00 JS - Remove required ratio either when it's 0.00 or always
PTH Search requests on failed search JS - Add a link to the 'Your search did not match anything' page to search for a request with the same search
PTH Search requests on search pages JS - Add a link to search pages to search for a request with the same search
PTH Skip upload warning JS - Skip the warning page generated when uploading a torrent without the 'source' option set
PTH Top 10 Cover Art View JS - Show the top 10 with album art rather than as a list
PTH Torrent quickview JS - Add a hover that shows the album art and files for a torrent from the artist page
PTH Upload page save textarea sizes JS - Save the sizes of the textareas when you change them, and then set them back on page load
PTH Upload Save Defaults JS - Save the dropdown menu selections on the upload form and automatically set them on page load
Rehost cover to... JS - Rehost an existing cover image to a whitelisted site
Rehost image to... JS - Rehost images to a whitelisted site by ctrl+shift+clicking them
Upload image from upload page JS - Upload album art from within the PTH upload page
PTH Collector JS - Download multiple torrents by some criteria on PTH
MANUU INTERNET Authentication Freezer JS - Freeze the time for MANUU Authentication Page
Coincidence Detector JS - Detects coincidences.
河北工业大学教务处 chrome兼容 JS - 在chorme上登陆河北工业大学教务处网站
Trello - Thenow Trello Extend JS - Extend trello.com
Proxer Remember JS - Schnellauswahl für den letzten Manga und Anime
vid.me Playback Speed JS - Adds playback speed options to vid.me in the quality menu (gear icon).
LWMActivityTracker JS - This script tracks your daily activities by monitoring experience, guilds, and faction points
RED search link on discogs JS - Link to a search from discogs pages to RED
Traidores JS - Pone en el perfil del usuario una lista de traidores
PTH Random album JS - Load a random album
KissAnime/Cartoon Downloader JS - Download videos from the sites KissAnime.com, KissAsian.com and KissCartoon.com
PTH Record label collages on search JS - Show record label collages on searches that include a record label
PTH Fixed submit link JS - Add a link that can submit the upload form from anywhere on the page
Balise [membre] JS - Balise [membre] qui est remplacée par le pseudonyme de l'auteur à la soumission d'une réponse.
Convertidor Youtube MP3 Button JS - Añade un botón de descarga a los videos de YouTube que te permite descargar el MP3 del video sin tener que salir de la página