Greasy Fork is available in English.


for each discord editor in your region's channel, this script will open the associated editor's profile, capture relevant information, and download that information into

נכון ליום 28-09-2018. ראה הגרסה האחרונה.

// //// // ==UserScript==
// @name         updateEditorProgress
// @namespace
// @version      2018.09.28.01
// @description  for each discord editor in your region's channel, this script will open the associated editor's profile, capture relevant information, and download that information into
// @description  comma separated value (CSV) file.  The contents of the file can then be programmaticaly added to a google sheet (using a separate script)
// @description  With the script installed, open any WME editor profile page to execute the script.
// @author       ramblinwreck_81
// @match*
// @require
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

// TO DO:
// filter out >R4
// add code that removes editors based on inactivity
// fix bot code to avoid editor name errors

(function() {
  'use strict';
  var discordEditors = [];
  var tableUnlockedEditors = [];
  var tableLockedEditors = [];
  var API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDOdMtqjg0CUHMeFt29GeQzrR0__0hr5YQ'
  var CLIENT_ID = ''
  var DISCOVERY_DOCS = ["$discovery/rest?version=v4"];
  var SCOPES = "";
  var spreadsheetId = '15TYXaO7iYRNNDUkkavG-2X75yP6iPobPV-VNBGhVjIU';
  var ssRange = 'discordEditors!A:C';
  var authorizeButton;
  var signoutButton;
  var blnReadyToBuildTable = false;
  var blnWrite = false;
  var blnLockChange = false;
  var blnHomeRegionChange = false;
  var blnNotHomeRegion = false;

  var regionSpecificEditors = true;

  function bootstrap(tries) {
    if (W && W.Map &&
      W.Model &&
      $) {
    } else if (tries < 100) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        tries += 1;
      }, 200);
  } // end of bootstrap

  function init() {
    console.log("initializing editor progress script");

    function createUploadElements() {
      var y = document.createElement("div");
      y.setAttribute("id", "csv-info");
      var z = document.createElement("button");
      z.setAttribute("type", "button");
      z.setAttribute("value", "Run");
      z.setAttribute("id", "run-editor-update");
      var aa = document.createTextNode("Editor Update");
      document.getElementById("run-editor-update").style.height = "20px";
      document.getElementById("run-editor-update").style.width = "100px";
      var node = document.createElement('div');
      node.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="select-region" name="check"><label for="region-specific">My Region Only</label>';
      $('#select-region').attr('autofocus', 'true')
      //    $('#select-region').attr('label','Only SER Editors?');
      $('#select-region').attr('checked', 'true');
      $('#csv-info').append('<button id="authorize_button" style="display: none;">Authorize</button><button id="signout_button" style="display: none;">Sign Out</button>');
      authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize_button');
      signoutButton = document.getElementById('signout_button');
    } // end of createUploadElements
    document.getElementById("select-region").addEventListener("click", setEditorFilter, false);
    document.getElementById("run-editor-update").addEventListener("click", handleClientLoad, false);

  } // end of init
  function handleClientLoad() {
    gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);

  function initClient() {
      //apiKey: API_KEY,
      clientId: CLIENT_ID,
      discoveryDocs: DISCOVERY_DOCS,
      scope: SCOPES
    }).then(function() {
      // Listen for sign-in state changes.

      // Handle the initial sign-in state.
      authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick;
      signoutButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick;

  function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
    if (isSignedIn) { = 'none'; = 'block';
      if (blnWrite === false) {
      } else {
        if ((blnHomeRegionChange) && (blnLockChange === false)) {
          blnHomeRegionChange = false;
        } else if ((blnLockChange) && (blnHomeRegionChange === false)) {
          blnLockChange = false;
        } else {
          blnLockChange = false;
          blnHomeRegionChange = false;
    } else { = 'block'; = 'none';

  function handleAuthClick(event) {

   *  Sign out the user upon button click.
  function handleSignoutClick(event) {

  $('body').append('<script async defer src="" onload="this.onload=function(){};handleClientLoad()" onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === complete) this.onload()"></script>');

  function setEditorFilter() {
    if ($('#select-region').prop('checked')) {
      regionSpecificEditors = true;
    } else {
      regionSpecificEditors = false;

  function executionSequence() {
    let lockedArray = localStorage.getItem('lockedEditors') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lockedEditors')) : [];
    var validatedProfileCount = 0;
    var profilePageErrors = 0;
    var editors = [];
    var rangeLength = 0;
    var inactiveEditors = 0;
    var L1Editors = 0;
    var L2Editors = 0;
    var L3Editors = 0;
    var L4Editors = 0;
    var L5Editors = 0;
    var L6Editors = 0;
    var L7Editors = 0;
    var totalEditors = 0;
    var L1Edits = 0;
    var L2Edits = 0;
    var L3Edits = 0;
    var L4Edits = 0;
    var L5Edits = 0;
    var L6Edits = 0;
    var L7Edits = 0;
    var alreadyWarned = false;
    var totalNotInRegion = 0;
    var duplicatesRemoved = 0;
    var skipCount = 0;

    function connectGoogleAPI() {
      var params = {
        // The ID of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from.
        spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId, //TODO: Update placeholder value.

        // The A1 notation of the values to retrieve.
        ranges: ssRange,

        // How values should be represented in the output.
        // The default render option is ValueRenderOption.FORMATTED_VALUE.
        valueRenderOption: 'UNFORMATTED_VALUE', // TODO: Update placeholder value.

        // How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output.
        // This is ignored if value_render_option is
        // The default dateTime render option is [DateTimeRenderOption.SERIAL_NUMBER].
        dateTimeRenderOption: 'FORMATTED_STRING', // TODO: Update placeholder value.

      var request = gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.batchGet(params);
      request.then(function(response) {
        var apiEditors = response.result.valueRanges[0].values
        rangeLength = response.result.valueRanges[0].values.length;
//        if (regionSpecificEditors) {
          var filteredArr = apiEditors.filter(notSERFilter);

          function notSERFilter(element, index, array) {
            return array[index][2] !== true;
          totalNotInRegion = rangeLength - filteredArr.length;
        apiEditors.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
          var string = array[index][0].toString().toLowerCase().trim();
          array[index][0] = string;
          if (apiEditors[index][1] === true) {}
          if (apiEditors[index][1] === true) {
            discordEditors[index][1] = true;
          } else {
            discordEditors[index][1] = '';
          if (regionSpecificEditors === false) {
            if (apiEditors[index][2] === true) {
              discordEditors[index][2] = true;
            } else {
              discordEditors[index][2] = '';

        }); // end of .forEach
        console.log('total editors not in region is ' + totalNotInRegion);
        var stringArr = [];
        var testArr = [];
        var a = discordEditors.reduce(function(accum, value, idx, array) {
          var string = array[idx][0].toString().trim().toLowerCase();
          if (stringArr.indexOf(string) < 0) {
            accum = testArr;
            return accum;
        }, []);
        duplicatesRemoved = discordEditors.length - testArr.length;
        console.log('duplicate editors removed: ' + duplicatesRemoved);
        discordEditors = testArr;
      }, function(reason) {
        console.error('error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
    var timeoutCounter = 0;

    function c() {
      var waitTime = 400;

      var g_Wait;
      if (((discordEditors.length + duplicatesRemoved) === rangeLength) && rangeLength > 300) {
      } else {
        timeoutCounter += 1;
        g_Wait = setTimeout(function d() {
        }, 400);
    timeoutCounter = 0;

    function a() {
      var wait;
      var waitTime = 1000;
      if ((profilePageErrors + validatedProfileCount + inactiveEditors + skipCount === discordEditors.length) && discordEditors.length > 0) {
        blnReadyToBuildTable = true;
      } else {
console.log('profilepageerrors: ' + profilePageErrors + ' and validatedprofileCount: ' + validatedProfileCount + ' and inactiveEditors: ' + inactiveEditors + ' and totalNotInRegion: ' + totalNotInRegion + ' and skipCount: ' + skipCount + ' and discordEditors.length: ' + discordEditors.length);
        wait = setTimeout(function b() {
          timeoutCounter += 1;
        }, 1000);

    function connectWazeAPI() {
      function Editor(name, rank, firstEditDate, totalEdits, editHistory, milestone, rate, lastEditDate, milliFirstEditDate, sevenDayEdits, rankLocked, blnNotHomeRegion) { = name;
        this.rank = rank;
        this.firstEditDate = firstEditDate;
        this.totalEdits = totalEdits;
        this.editHistory = editHistory; // note that edit history is reverse chronological.  so edit history at index 0 is actually 91 days ago.  at index 91 is today.
        this.sevenDayEdits = sevenDayEdits;
        this.milestone = milestone;
        this.rate = rate;
        this.lastEditDate = lastEditDate;
        this.milliFirstEditDate = milliFirstEditDate;
        this.rankLocked = rankLocked;
        this.notHomeRegion = blnNotHomeRegion;

      function pullEditorInfo(element, index, array) {

        if((array[index][2] !== true) || (regionSpecificEditors === false)) {  // if filter on region editors is false OR an editor NOT is marked as out of this region...
            var wazeURL = '';
                url: wazeURL + array[index][0],
                success: function(data, status, xhr) {
                    var $result = $.parseHTML(xhr.responseText, true)[9].text;
                    var cdata = JSON.parse($result.split(";")[1].replace("", ""));
                    var userdata = "\nUsername: " + cdata.username + "\nRank: " + parseInt(cdata.rank + 1) + "\nEdits: " + cdata.edits + "\nFirst Edit Date: " + cdata.firstEditDate;
                    if (cdata.firstEditDate === undefined) {
                        profilePageErrors += 1;
                        console.log(`${cdata.username} has no valid date.`);
                    editors[validatedProfileCount] = new Editor(cdata.username, parseInt(cdata.rank + 1), cdata.firstEditDate, cdata.edits, cdata.editingActivity);
                    var active = -1;
                    editors[validatedProfileCount].lastEditDate = findLastEditDate(editors[validatedProfileCount]);
                    editors[validatedProfileCount].milliFirstEditDate = cdata.firstEditDate;
                    if (array[index][1] === true) {
                        editors[validatedProfileCount].rankLocked = true;
                    } else {
                        editors[validatedProfileCount].rankLocked = false;
                    if (array[index][2] === true) {
                        editors[validatedProfileCount].notHomeRegion = true;
                    } else {
                        editors[validatedProfileCount].notHomeRegion = false;

                    function findLastEditDate(curEditor) {
                        var arr = curEditor.editHistory;
                        var foundFirst = false;
                        var lastDay;
                        arr = arr.reverse();
                        arr.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
                            if ((array[index] > 0) && (foundFirst === false)) {
                                foundFirst = true;
                                active = index;
                        var today = new Date();
                        var lastDayMS = 0;
                        if (active > -1) {
                            lastDayMS = active * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
                        } else {
                            lastDayMS = 92 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
                            inactiveEditors += 1;
                        var lastDate = new Date(today - lastDayMS);
                        return lastDate.toLocaleDateString();

                    } // end of findLastEditDate
                    if (active > -1) {
                        validatedProfileCount += 1;
                        switch (parseInt(cdata.rank + 1)) {
                            case 1:
                                L1Editors += 1;
                                L1Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer, 0);
                            case 2:
                                L2Editors += 1;
                                L2Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer, 0);
                            case 3:
                                L3Editors += 1;
                                L3Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer, 0);
                            case 4:
                                L4Editors += 1;
                                L4Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer, 0);
                            case 5:
                                L5Editors += 1;
                                L5Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer, 0);
                            case 6:
                                L6Editors += 1;
                                L6Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer,0);
                            case 7:
                                L7Editors += 1;
                                L7Edits += cdata.editingActivity.reduce(reducer,);
                                console.log('no rank found for editor ' + cdata.username);

                        function reducer(accumulator, value) {
                            return accumulator + value;
                        totalEditors = L1Editors + L2Editors + L3Editors + L4Editors + L5Editors + L6Editors;
                error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    profilePageErrors += 1;
            }); // end of ajax
        } else {
            skipCount += 1;
        } // end if

        } // end of pullEditorInfo

    } // end of connectWazeAPI

    function buildWebDisplay() {
      var editorHTML = '';
      var regionEditorsHTML = '<div class = "table-area1"><button  type = "button" id = "save-locked">Save Locked Editors</button>' +
        '<button type ="button" id = "save-nonRegion">Save Non-region Editors</button><div id = "total-editors">' +
        '</div><div id = regions-edits></div>' +
        '<pre tr:nth-child(even) {background: #CCC} tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #FFF}</pre> <table id= "region-table">' +
        '<thead id = "the-head"><tr><th id= "name" class = "col1 columz"><button type="button" id="sort-name" ' +
        '>Name</button></th><th id="level" class = "col2 columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-level">Level</button></th><th id= "locked" class = ' +
        '"col3 columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-locked">Locked</button></th><th id="began" class = "col4 columz">' +
        '<button type = "button" id= "sort-began">Editing Since</button>' +
        '</th><th id="total-edits" class = "col5 columz"><button type = "button" id= "sort-edits">Total Edits</button>' +
        '</th><th id="milestone" class = "col6 columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-milestone">Milestone</button></th>' +
        '<th id = "last-edit" class = "col6A columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-last-edit-date">Last Edit Date</button></th>' +
        '<th id="rate" class = "col7 columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-rate">Edits(L1:7 days, >L1:30 days)</button></th>' +
        '<th id = "outside-SER" class = "col7A columz"><button type = "button" id = "sort-outsideSER">Not Normally a SER Editor</button></th>' +
        '<th id = "milliDate" class = "col8 columz">msDate</tr></thead><tbody id = "theTable-body">';


      function addStatsToTable(element, index, array) {
        function convertSecondsToDate(sec) {
          var a = new Date(sec).toLocaleDateString();
          if (array[index].firstEditDate !== NaN) {
            array[index].firstEditDate = a;
            return a;
          } else {
            console.log(`array[index] first edit date is not a number. array[index].name`);

        var startDate = convertSecondsToDate(editors[index].firstEditDate);
        var rate = editRate(editors[index]);

        function editRate(rateEditor) {
          var period;
          if (rateEditor.rank !== NaN) {
            if (rateEditor.rank === 1) {
              period = 7;
            } else if (rateEditor.rank >= 2) {
              period = 30;
          } else {
            console.log( + ' does not have a valid rank.');

          function sumEdits(accumulator, currentValue) {
            return accumulator + currentValue;
          if (rateEditor.editHistory.length === 0) {
            console.log( + 'does not have a valid edit history. ');
          } else {
            var reversedArr = rateEditor.editHistory.reverse();
            var a = reversedArr.slice(reversedArr.length - period);
            //              console.log(, rateEditor.editHistory.length, "period: " + period, rateEditor.editHistory.length-period);
            var b = a.reduce(sumEdits);
            rateEditor.rate = b;
            return b;
        } // end of editRate function
        var mileStr = milestone(editors[index]);

        function milestone(curEditor) {
          switch (curEditor.rank) {
            case 1:
              if (curEditor.totalEdits > 1000 && rate > 0) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'true, total edits';
              } else if ((curEditor.totalEdits + rate) > 2000) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'true, edit rate';
              } else if (rate > 1000) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'true, edit rate';
              } else if (curEditor.totalEdits > 400 && rate > 0) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'initial review required';
              } else {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'false';
            case 2:
              if (curEditor.totalEdits > 20000) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'true, edits';
              } else if ((curEditor.totalEdits + rate) > 25000) {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'true, 30 day edit rate'
              } else {
                return curEditor.milestone = 'false';

              return curEditor.milestone = 'false';


        } // end of milestone function
        var regionStatus = '';
        if (editors[index].notHomeRegion === true) {
          regionStatus = 'not-home';
        } else {
          regionStatus = 'home';

        var lockStatus = '';
        if (editors[index].rankLocked === true) {
          lockStatus = 'locked';
        } else {
          lockStatus = 'not-locked';
        editorHTML += '<tr class = "table-rows"><td headers= "name" class = "col1 all-cells"><a class= tbl-link href=' +
          editors[index].name + '>' + editors[index].name + "</a>" + '</td><td headers = "level" class = "col2">' + editors[index].rank +
          '</td><td headers = "locked" class = "col3" ><input class = ' + lockStatus + ' type = "checkbox" /><td headers="began" class = "col4">' + startDate + '</td><td headers="total-edits" ' +
          'class = "col5">' + editors[index].totalEdits +
          '</td>' + '<td headers="milestone" class = "col6">' + mileStr + '</td><td headers = "last-edit" class = "col6A">' + editors[index].lastEditDate + '<td headers="rate" class = "col7">' + rate + '</td>' +
          '<td headers = "outside-SER" class = "col7A"><input class = ' + regionStatus + ' type = "checkbox" />' +
          '<td headers="msDate" class = "col8">' + editors[index].milliFirstEditDate + '</td></tr>';
      } // end of addStatsToTable

      var closingHTML = '</tbody></table></div>';
      $('#recent-edits').append(regionEditorsHTML + editorHTML + closingHTML);
      //     $('#header').after(regionEditorsHTML + editorHTML + closingHTML);
      $('.tbl-link').attr('target', '_blank');
        "display": "inline-block",
        "max-height": "500px",
        "overflow": "auto"
        "max-height": "50px",
        "display": "table-header-group",
        "margin-bottom": "5px"
        "max-height": "500px",
        "margin-bottom": "50px"
        "table-layout": "fixed",
        "width": "100%",
        "white-space": "nowrap",
        "border": "3",
        "border-style": "solid",
        "border-collapse": "collapse"
        "white-space": "nowrap",
        "overflow": "hidden",
        "text-overflow": "ellipsis"
        "width": "20px"
        "width": "25px"
        "width": "25px"
        "width": "30px"
        "width": "35px"
        "width": "30px"
        "width": "30px"
        "width": "30px"
        "width": "35px"
        "width": "20px",
        "display": "none"
        "border": "solid thin"
      $('#sort-rate').css('fontSize', '8px');
      $('.columz').attr('title', 'Click to sort.  After the sort is complete, a second click will sort in reverse order.');
      var tbl = document.getElementById("region-table");
      if (tbl != null) {
        for (var i = 1; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) {
          tbl.rows[i].style.cursor = "pointer";
          tbl.rows[i].onmousemove = function() {
   = "#FFFF00";
   = "black";
          tbl.rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
   = "";
   = "";
            $("tr:even").css("background-color", "#CCC");
            $("tr:odd").css("background-color", "#fff");
      $("tr:even").css("background-color", "#CCC");
      $('#total-editors').html(`Total Editors: ${totalEditors} (L1: ${L1Editors}, L2: ${L2Editors}, L3: ${L3Editors}, L4: ${L4Editors}, L5: ${L5Editors}, L6: ${L6Editors})`);
      $('#regions-edits').html(`Total Edits last 90 days... (L1: ${L1Edits.toLocaleString()}, L2: ${L2Edits.toLocaleString()}, L3: ${L3Edits.toLocaleString()}, L4: ${L4Edits.toLocaleString()}, L5: ${L5Edits.toLocaleString()}, L6: ${L6Edits.toLocaleString()})`);
      $('.locked').prop('checked', true);
      $('.not-locked').prop('checked', false);
      $('.not-home').prop('checked', true);
      $('.home').prop('checked', false);
      $(document).on('change', '.locked', function() {
        if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
          blnLockChange = true;
        } else {
          blnLockChange = true;
      $(document).on('change', '.not-locked', function() {
        if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
          blnLockChange = true;
        } else {
          blnLockChange = true;
      $(document).on('change', '.not-home', function() {
        if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
          blnHomeRegionChange = true;
        } else {
          blnHomeRegionChange = true;
      $(document).on('change', '.home', function() {
        if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
          blnHomeRegionChange = true;
        } else {
          blnHomeRegionChange = true;

      function beCareful() {
        if (alreadyWarned === false) {
          alert('Changes will not be saved unless you click on the Save Locked Editors or Save Non-Region Editors buttons as appropriate before refreshing this page!');
          alreadyWarned = true;
      var nameAscending = false;
      var levelAscending = false;
      var startAscending = false;
      var totalAscending = false;
      var milestoneAscending = true;
      var rateAscending = false;
      var lockedAscending = false;
      var insideOutsideAsc = false;
      var lastEditAsc = false;
      document.getElementById("name").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (nameAscending) {
          nameAscending = false;
        } else {
          nameAscending = true;
        sort(nameAscending, 'col1', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("level").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (levelAscending) {
          levelAscending = false;
        } else {
          levelAscending = true;
        sort(levelAscending, 'col2', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("began").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (startAscending) {
          startAscending = false;
        } else {
          startAscending = true;
        sort(startAscending, 'col8', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("sort-locked").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (lockedAscending) {
          lockedAscending = false;
        } else {
          lockedAscending = true;
        sort(lockedAscending, 'col3', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("total-edits").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (totalAscending) {
          totalAscending = false;
        } else {
          totalAscending = true;
        sort(totalAscending, 'col5', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("milestone").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (milestoneAscending) {
          milestoneAscending = false;
        } else {
          milestoneAscending = true;
        sort(milestoneAscending, 'col6', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById("rate").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (rateAscending) {
          rateAscending = false;
        } else {
          rateAscending = true;
        sort(rateAscending, 'col7', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      //last-edit outside-SER
      document.getElementById('last-edit').addEventListener('click', function() {
        if (lastEditAsc) {
          lastEditAsc = false;
        } else {
          lastEditAsc = true;
        sort(lastEditAsc, 'col6A', 'region-table');
      }, false);
      document.getElementById('outside-SER').addEventListener('click', function() {
        if (insideOutsideAsc) {
          insideOutsideAsc = false;
        } else {
          insideOutsideAsc = true;
        sort(insideOutsideAsc, 'col7A', 'region-table');
      }, false);

      function sort(ascending, columnClassName, tableId) {
        var tbody = document.getElementById(tableId).getElementsByTagName(
        var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr");

        var unsorted = true;

        while (unsorted) {
          unsorted = false;

          for (var r = 0; r < rows.length - 1; r++) {
            var row = rows[r];
            var nextRow = rows[r + 1];
            if (columnClassName !== 'col3') {
              var value = row.getElementsByClassName(columnClassName)[0].innerHTML;
              var nextValue = nextRow.getElementsByClassName(columnClassName)[0].innerHTML;

              value = value.replace(',', '.'); // in case a comma is used in float number
              nextValue = nextValue.replace(',', '.');

              if (!isNaN(value)) {
                value = parseFloat(value);
                nextValue = parseFloat(nextValue);
            } else { // element is a checkbox
              var chk = row.getElementsByClassName(columnClassName)[0];
              var nextChk = nextRow.getElementsByClassName(columnClassName)[0];
              if (chk.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]") !== null) { // checkbox case
                value = chk.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked;
                nextValue = nextChk.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").checked;

            if (ascending ? value > nextValue : value < nextValue) {
              tbody.insertBefore(nextRow, row);
              unsorted = true;
          } // end of for
        } // end of while
        $("tr:even").css("background-color", "#CCC");
        $("tr:odd").css("background-color", "#fff");
      } //end of sort function

      function storageSave() {
        lockedArray = [];
        localStorage.setItem('lockedEditors', JSON.stringify(lockedArray));
        var a = $('.col3 input:checked').map(function() {
          return $(this).closest('tr').find('td:eq(0)').text();
        if (a.length > 0) {
          a.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
        localStorage.setItem('lockedEditors', JSON.stringify(lockedArray));
      } // end of storageSave

    } // end of buildWebDisplay

  } // end of executionSequence

  function listenMore() {
    if (blnReadyToBuildTable) {
      console.log('save button loaded');
      blnWrite = true;
      document.getElementById("save-locked").addEventListener("click", handleClientLoad);
      document.getElementById("save-nonRegion").addEventListener("click", handleClientLoad);
    } else {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 10000);

  function addLockedEditors() {
    if (document.getElementById('save-locked') !== null) {
    } else {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 500);

    function idLockedEditors() {
      var pleaseConfirm = false;
      tableUnlockedEditors = [];
      tableLockedEditors = [];
      $.each($("input[class = 'not-locked']:checked"), function() {
      $.each($("input[class = 'not-locked']:not(:checked"), function() {
      $.each($("input[class = 'locked']:not(:checked)"), function() {
      $.each($("input[class = 'locked']:checked"), function() {
      var introText = '';
      var moreText = '';

      if (tableLockedEditors.length > 0 && tableUnlockedEditors.length === 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the lock status of editors.  With your changes, the following editors will be locked: ' + tableLockedEditors.join(", ") + ".  ";

      if (tableUnlockedEditors.length > 0 && tableLockedEditors.length > 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the lock status of editors.  With your changes, the following editors will be locked: ' + tableLockedEditors.join(", ") + ".  ";
        moreText = '';
      } else if (tableUnlockedEditors.length > 0 && tableLockedEditors.length === 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the lock status of editors. ';
      var finishText = 'Please do not make these changes unless you are absolutely certain of these editors lock status. Click cancel to remove these changes.  ';

      pleaseConfirm = window.confirm(introText + moreText + finishText);
      var blnMatch = false;
      if (pleaseConfirm) {
        if (tableLockedEditors.length > 0) {
          tableLockedEditors.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
            var test = element.trim();
            test = test.toLowerCase();
            var idx = discordEditors.findIndex(function(element1, index1, array1) {
              if (element1.length > 0) {
                return element1[0] === test;
              } else {
                console.log('When adding lock for ' + test + ', this editor does not have the correct sub-array elements');
            if (idx < 0) {
              console.log('no match for ' + test + 'while adding lock status.');
            } else {
              var testArr = [test, true, discordEditors[idx][2]];
              console.log('At tableLocked Editors.length >0, removing ' + discordEditors[idx] + ' and adding ' + testArr);
              discordEditors.splice(idx, 1, testArr);
          }); // end of tableLockedEditors forEach function
        } // end of tableLockedEditors > 0 if statement
        blnMatch = false;
        if (tableUnlockedEditors.length > 0) {

          tableUnlockedEditors.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
            var test = element.trim();
            test = test.toLowerCase();
            var idx = discordEditors.findIndex(function(element1, index1, array1) {
              if (element1.length > 0) {
                return element1[0] === test;
              } else {
                console.log('while removing lock status for ' + test + ', found this editor does not have the correct sub-array elements');
            if (idx < 0) {
              console.log('no match for ' + test + ' while removing lock status.');
            } else {
              var testArr = [test,'', discordEditors[idx][2]];
              console.log('At tableUnlocked Editors.length >0, removing ' + discordEditors[idx] + ' and adding ' + testArr);
              discordEditors.splice(idx, 1, testArr);
          }); // end of tableUnlockedEditors forEach function
        } // end of tableUnlockedEditors > 0 if statement
        tableLockedEditors = [];
        tableUnlockedEditors = [];

      } else {
        $('.locked').prop('checked', true);
        $('.not-locked').prop('checked', false);
        tableLockedEditors = [];
        tableUnlockedEditors = [];
    } // end of idLockedEditors
    var valueRangeBody = {
      values: discordEditors
    var params = {
      spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId, //TODO: Update placeholder value.
      range: ssRange,
      valueInputOption: 'RAW'
    var request = gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.update(params, valueRangeBody);
    request.then(function(response) {
      // TODO: Change code below to process the `response` object:
      console.log('response is ' + response.result);
    }, function(reason) {
      console.error('google sheets error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
  } // end of addLockedEditors
  function handleNonRegionEditors() {
    if (document.getElementById('save-nonRegion') !== null) {
    } else {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 500);

    function idNonRegionEditors() {
      var moveIn = [];
      var moveOut = [];
      var pleaseConfirm = false;
      moveOut = [];
      moveIn = [];
      $.each($("input[class = 'not-home']:not(:checked)"), function() {
        // these are editors moving back into SER as primary region
      $.each($("input[class = 'not-home']:checked"), function() {
        // these are editors moving out of the SER as primary region
      $.each($("input[class = 'home']:checked"), function() {
        // these are editors moving out of the SER as their primary region
      $.each($("input[class = 'home']:not(:checked)"), function() {
        moveIn.push($(this).closest('tr').find('td:eq(0)').text()); // these are editors already in or moving back into the SER as their primary region
      var introText = '';
      var moreText = '';

      if (moveOut.length > 0 && moveIn.length === 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the status of editors that edit primarily in the SER.  ';
        moreText = '';
      if (moveIn.length > 0 && moveOut.length > 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the status of editors, indicating additional editors that do not edit primarily in the SER. ';
        moreText = 'Additional changes will add editors to the list of those that primarily edit in the SER.  '

      } else if (moveIn.length > 0 && moveOut.length === 0) {
        introText = 'You are about to change the status of editors, indicating additional editors that do not edit primarily in the SER. ';
        moreText = '';
      var finishText = 'Please do not make these changes unless you are absolutely certain of these editors status.  Click cancel to remove these changes.  '

      pleaseConfirm = window.confirm(introText + moreText + finishText);

      var blnMatch = false;
      if (pleaseConfirm) {

        if (moveOut.length > 0) { 
          moveOut.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
            var test = element.trim();
            test = test.toLowerCase();
            blnMatch = false;
            var idx = discordEditors.findIndex(function(element1, index1, array1) {
              if (element1.length > 0) {
                return element1[0] === test;
              } else {
                console.log('While setting this editor(' + test + ') as a non-region editor, found this editor does not have the correct sub-array elements');
            if (idx < 0) {
              console.log('no match for ' + test + 'while moving this editor outside the region.');
            } else {
              var testArr = [test, discordEditors[idx][1], true];
              console.log('At moveOut.length >0, removing ' + discordEditors[idx] + ' and adding ' + testArr);
              discordEditors.splice(idx, 1, testArr);
          }); // end of notHomeRegion forEach function
        } // end of notHomeRegion > 0 if statement
        blnMatch = false;
        if (moveIn.length > 0) { 

          moveIn.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
            var test = element.trim();
            test = test.toLowerCase();
            blnMatch = false;
            var idx = discordEditors.findIndex(function(element1, index1, array1) {
              if (element1.length > 0) {
                return element1[0] === test;
              } else {
                console.log('While setting this editor(' + test + ') as a native to this region, this editor does not have the correct sub-array elements');
            if (idx < 0) {
              console.log('no match for ' + test);
            } else {
              var testArr = [test, discordEditors[idx][1], ''];
              console.log('At moveIn.length >0, removing ' + discordEditors[idx] + ' and adding ' + testArr);
              discordEditors.splice(idx, 1, testArr);
          }); // end of  forEach function
        } // end of homeRegion > 0 if statement

        moveOut = [];
        moveIn = [];

      } else {
        $('.not-home').prop('checked', true);
        $('.home').prop('checked', false);
        homeRegion = [];
        notHomeRegion = [];
    } // end of idNonRegionEditors
    var valueRangeBody = {
      values: discordEditors
    var params = {
      spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId, //TODO: Update placeholder value.
      range: ssRange,
      valueInputOption: 'RAW'
    var request = gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.values.update(params, valueRangeBody);
    request.then(function(response) {
      // TODO: Change code below to process the `response` object:
      console.log('response is ' + response.result);
    }, function(reason) {
      console.error('google sheets error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
  } // end of handleNonRegionEditors

