// ==UserScript==
// @name Keyboard Display Script
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version
// @description shows keyboard inputs on screen
// @author Oki and meppydc
// @match https://*.jstris.jezevec10.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
Keyboard Display Script
(function() {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
//Only display the keyboard if either in a Game or Replay
if (typeof Game != "undefined" || typeof Replayer != "undefined") {
var nameR = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 0 + 1) + 0)
var names = ['jez', 'oki', 'mep']
//positioning stuff: fiddle around with the positioning
//in game
let gameLeft = -300
let gameTop = 100
let replayRight = 200
let replayTop = 200
//names[nameR] is replacable with a string
//labels are 0 1 2 3
var labels = ['180','SD', 'HD', 'CCW',
//4 5 6 7 8 9
'HL', 'CW', names[nameR], '<', 'v', '>']
let kbdisplay = {left:7,right:9,sd:1,hd:2,ccw:3,cw:5,hold:4,180:0,reset:6,new:8}
//each number here corresponds to the label of the corresponding number (ex: 180 is set to 0 so label 0 will be highlighted when 180 key is pressed
//make sure that each number in `kbdisplay` is unique and points to the right label
//don't scroll to the bottom
//nothing important after
// left right sd hd ccw cw hold 180 reset new
//order is: [6, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 0] (.22)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4] (.23)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4] (.24)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4, 0 3] (.24.1)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0 1] (.24.2)
//0.25 added crap ton of variables, maybe use dictionary instead?
//0.25.1 enum
//var highlight = [[6,2],[8,2],[6,0],[8,0],[3,2],[5,2],[0,2],[2,2],[1,2],,[4,2]][this['actions'][this['ptr']]["a"]] //reference
if (typeof getParams != "function") {
var getParams = a => {
var params = a.slice(a.indexOf("(") + 1);
params = params.substr(0, params.indexOf(")")).split(",");
return params
if (typeof trim != "function") {
var trim = a => {
a = a.slice(0, -1);
a = a.substr(a.indexOf("{") + 1);
return a
//Create the "keyboard holder". It's a div positioned where the keyboard will be, but it doesnt contain anything yet.
var kbhold = document.createElement("div");
kbhold.id = "keyboardHolder";
kbhold.style.position = "absolute"
//Im trying to position it relative to the main canvas (this doesnt really work well...)
kbhold.style.left = (myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().left + gameLeft) + "px";
kbhold.style.top = (myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + gameTop) + "px";
//Helper method for keyboards in replays
if (typeof Replayer != "undefined" && typeof Game == "undefined") {
Replayer["pressKey"] = function(num, type) {
//type: 0=release 1=down 2=press
//Highlights the corresponding key
//gets array of all "kbkey" classes and takes cell "num" and hightlights it
document.getElementsByClassName("kbkey")[num].style.backgroundColor = type ? "lightgoldenrodyellow" : ""
if (type == 2) {
//from replay data you dont really know how long a key has been pressed. im using 100ms as a default
setTimeout(x => {
document.getElementsByClassName("kbkey")[num].style.backgroundColor = ""
}, 20)
//positions the keyboard holder differently for replays (thanks to meppydc)
kbhold.style.left = (myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().right + replayRight) + "px";
kbhold.style.top = (myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + replayTop) + "px";
//this is what is pasted into the keyboard holder and makes up the entire visual keyboard.
//(i decompressed and tidied it up a bit)
//basically it's a table consisting of 2 rows and 6 columns
//maybe read up on css tables if you wanna add new cells
f = `
#kbo {text-align:center;position: absolute;font-size:15px;}
#kbo .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;color:red;}
#kbo .tg td{padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:2px;}
#kbo .tg th{padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:2px;}
#kbo .tg .tg-wp8o{border-color:#000000;border:inherit;}
#kbo .tg .tg-tc3e{border-color:#34ff34;}
#kbo .tg .tg-jy2k{border-color:#f8a102;}
#kbo .tg .tg-p39m{border-color:#f8ff00;}
#kbo .kbkey {background-color:black;}
<div id=\"kbo\"><div id=\"kps\"></div>
<table class=\"tg\">
<td class=\"tg-tc3e kbkey\">${labels[0]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-tc3e kbkey\">${labels[1]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-tc3e kbkey\">${labels[2]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-wp8o\"></td>
<td class=\"tg-jy2k kbkey\">${labels[3]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-wp8o\"></td>
<td class=\"tg-p39m kbkey\">${labels[4]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-p39m kbkey\">${labels[5]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-p39m kbkey\">${labels[6]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-jy2k kbkey\">${labels[7]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-jy2k kbkey\">${labels[8]}</td>
<td class=\"tg-jy2k kbkey\">${labels[9]}</td>
keyboardHolder.innerHTML = f
//keyboard if in game (not replays)********************************************************************************************************************************
if (typeof Game != "undefined") {
document['addEventListener']('keydown', press);
document['addEventListener']('keyup', press);
function press(e) {
if (~Game['set2ings'].indexOf(e.keyCode)) {
//console.log(Game['set2ings'])//displays the keycodes of your controls
// left right sd hd ccw cw hold 180
//listens to pressed keys and highlights the corresponsing div.
//the magic array converts between the actions and the div that is highlighted.
//If you change the order of the boxes, you might also have to adjust the numbers in this array
// left right sd hd ccw cw hold 180 reset new
//order is: [6, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 0] (.22 order)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4] (.23 order)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4] (.24 order)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4, 0 3] (.24.1 order)
//order is: [7, 9, 8, 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0 1] (.24.2 order)
var corresponding = [kbdisplay.left, kbdisplay.right, kbdisplay.sd, kbdisplay.hd, kbdisplay.ccw, kbdisplay.cw, kbdisplay.hold, kbdisplay['180'], kbdisplay.reset, kbdisplay.new][Game['set2ings'].indexOf(e.keyCode)]
document.getElementsByClassName("kbkey")[corresponding].style.backgroundColor = ["lightgoldenrodyellow", ""][+(e.type == "keyup")]
//This saves the settings array (which maps all actions in jstris to their keycodes) to a global variable for me to use (called Game['se2ings'])
//resets every time a new game is started
var set2ings = Game['prototype']['readyGo'].toString()
set2ings = "Game['set2ings']=this.Settings.controls;" + trim(set2ings)
Game['prototype']['readyGo'] = new Function(set2ings);
//calculates kps from kpp and pps and writes it into the kps element
var updateTextBarFunc = Game['prototype']['updateTextBar'].toString()
updateTextBarFunc = trim(updateTextBarFunc) + ";kps.innerHTML='KPS: '+(this.getKPP()*this.placedBlocks/this.clock).toFixed(2)"
Game['prototype']['updateTextBar'] = new Function(updateTextBarFunc);
} else {
//else: we're in a replay********************************************************************************************************************************
var website = "jstris.jezevec10.com"
var url = window.location.href
var parts = url.split("/")
if (parts[3] == "replay" && parts[2].endsWith(website)) {
//making a web request for the sole purpose of getting the DAS that was used for the replay
//(can be done more elegantly)
fetch("https://" + parts[2] + "/replay/data?id=" + (parts.length == 6 ? (parts[5] + "&live=1") : (parts[4])))
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(jsonResponse) {
var das = jsonResponse.c.das
var playT = Replayer['prototype']['playUntilTime'].toString()
var playTparams = getParams(playT);
//going though the list of actions done in the replay, and translating that into the timings for highlighting the divs
//i dont rememer how exactly i did this but it's not pretty
var insert1 = `
kps.innerHTML="KPS: "+(this.getKPP()*this.placedBlocks/(this.clock/1000)).toFixed(2)
this["delayedActions"] = []
for (var i = 0; i < this["actions"].length; i++) {
var action = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this["actions"][i]));
if(action.a == 2 || action.a == 3){
action.t = (action.t-` + das + `)>0 ? (action.t-` + das + `) : 0
this["delayedActions"].sort(function(a, b) {
return a.t - b.t;
var oldVals = [this["timer"],this["ptr"]]
while (` + playTparams[0] + ` >= this['delayedActions'][this['ptr']]['t']) {
if (this['ptr']) {
this['timer'] += (this['delayedActions'][this['ptr']]['t'] - this['delayedActions'][this['ptr'] - 1]['t']) / 1000
if(this['delayedActions'][this['ptr']]["a"] == 2){
if(this['delayedActions'][this['ptr']]["a"] == 3){
if (this['delayedActions']['length'] === this['ptr']) {
this['reachedEnd'] = true;
this["timer"] = oldVals[0]
this["ptr"] = oldVals[1]`
//this maps a specific action (this['actions'][this['ptr']]["a"]) to what to do with the divs
//the list of what action code equals what action is in that one harddrop forum post
//for example, if you DAS_LEFT then left will be held down.
//You might also adjust the numbers here (the first number in the pairs. remap them the same as in the magic array)
var insert2 = `
var highlight = [[${kbdisplay.left},2],[${kbdisplay.right},2],[${kbdisplay.left},0],[${kbdisplay.right},0],[${kbdisplay.ccw},2],[${kbdisplay.cw},2],[${kbdisplay['180']},2],[${kbdisplay.hd},2],[${kbdisplay.sd},2],,[${kbdisplay.hold},2]][this['actions'][this['ptr']]["a"]]
playT = playT.replace(";", insert1 + ";")
playT = playT.replace("1000};", "1000};" + insert2)
Replayer['prototype']['playUntilTime'] = new Function(...playTparams, trim(playT));
//i hate myself - Oki
//I heard jez whips Oki - meppydc
//I hate myself as well once it stopped working when I did basically nothing - meppydc
//typing var names sucks - meppydc
//typos make me sad - meppydc