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WK Auto Commit

Auto commit for Wanikani

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WK Auto Commit
// @namespace    WKAUTOCOMMIT
// @version      0.4.8
// @description  Auto commit for Wanikani
// @author       Johannes Mikulasch
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// @license
// ==/UserScript==

 * WK Auto Commit
 * If you typed in the correct answer then it is automatically commited.
 * Therefore, you have to use the 'enter' key way less than before.
 * Version 0.4.8
 *  Fix: Run this script on "", as Wanikani have just renamed their lessons URL
 * Version 0.4.7
 *  Fix: show button to activate/deactivate in footer again.
 * Version 0.4.6
 *  Revert input detection to onkeyup, as "input" event missed kana input
 * Version 0.4.5
 *  Consider user-defined synonyms for the meaning of a vocab/kanji/radical as well
 *  Further prevent double commits by using the "input" element's "input" event instead of the "onkeyup" function
 * Version 0.4.4
 *  Bugfix: correctly detect double-check from lightning mode
 * Version 0.4.3
 *  Bugfix: prevent a double commit when typing fast, which led to a shaking input window or in the worst case to
 *   wrong input.
 * Version 0.4.2
 *  Quickfix: adapt to Wanikani update, which was deployed on March 27th, 2023
 *   (see
 *   - removed jStorage and jQuery references
 *   - changed the @match for the new lesson and review urls
 *   - Note: did not check with compatibilites of other user scripts (like Lightning mode or Katakana for On'yomi) yet.
 * Version 0.4.1
 *  Bugfix: call commit() at most one time for each item
 *   (see
 * Version 0.4
 *  Compatibility with Lightning mode from the Double-Check userscript
 *  Compatibility with Katakana For On'yomi userscript
 * Version 0.3
 *  Script works now on the Lessons page too
 * Version 0.2
 *  Makes script work with Greasemonkey and Firefox
 * Version 0.1
 *  Initial version

/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';

var activated = true;
var click_threshold = 600;

let expected_answers = [];
let synonyms = {};

var is_userscript_lightningmode_active = function () {
    /* Returns true if "Lightning Mode" from Userscript Double-Check is active */
    return Boolean(document.querySelector('.doublecheck-active'));

var toggle = function () {
    var button = document.querySelector("#WKAUTOCOMMIT_button");
    if (activated) {
        // Deactivates WK Auto Commit mode
        button.title = "Switch auto commit on"; = 0.5;
        button.textContent = "Auto Commit is off";
        activated = false;
    } else {
        // Activates WK Auto Commit mode
        button.title = "Switch auto commit off"; = 1.0;
        button.textContent = "Auto Commit is on";
        activated = true;

var sanitize = function (str1) {
    var str2 = str1.replace(/\s/g, ''); // Removes Whitespaces
    str2 = str2.toLowerCase();
    return str2;

var commit = function () {
    if(!commit.usable) return;
    // Temporarily deactivate the commit function to prevent double commits
    commit.usable = false;
    const inputbutton = document.querySelector(".quiz-input__submit-button");;
    if (!is_userscript_lightningmode_active()) {
        setTimeout(function(){;}, click_threshold);


var check_input = function () {
        const currentresponse = document.querySelector("#user-response").value;
        //console.log("Checking Input", currentresponse, expected_answers);
        for (var i in expected_answers) {
            if (sanitize(currentresponse) === sanitize(expected_answers[i])) {

var register_check_input = function () {
    var userinput = document.querySelector("#user-response");
    //userinput.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
    userinput.onkeyup = function (event) {
        if (activated) {

var addButton = function () {
    /* Define button */
    var button = document.querySelector("#WKAUTOCOMMIT_button");
    if (!button) {
        button = document.createElement("div"); = "WKAUTOCOMMIT_button";
        button.title = "Toggle Auto Commit Mode";
        button.textContent = "Auto Commit is on"; = "#C55"; = 1; = "inline-block"; = "0.8125em"; = "#FFF"; = "pointer" = "10px"; = "10px"; = "bottom";
        button.onclick = toggle;

        /* Prepend button to footer */
        var footer = document.querySelector(".quiz-footer");

/* Load user synonyms. Load them only once. */
var loadSynonyms = function () {
    if (loadSynonyms.loaded) return;
    const dataUserSynonyms = document.querySelector('script[data-quiz-user-synonyms-target]');
    if (!dataUserSynonyms) return;
    synonyms = JSON.parse(dataUserSynonyms.innerHTML);
    loadSynonyms.loaded = true;

/* Save synonyms added by the user during the quiz session */
window.addEventListener("didUpdateUserSynonyms", function(event) {
    //console.log("Received didUpdateUserSynonyms event from WaniKani", event);
    synonyms[event.detail.subjectId] = event.detail.synonyms;

/* React on a willShowNextQuestion event, which is triggered by WaniKani when a new question is shown */
window.addEventListener("willShowNextQuestion", function(event) {
    //console.log("Received willShowNextQuestion event from WaniKani", event);

    /* Get expected answers from current item depending on the task (reading or meaning) */
    expected_answers = []
    const item = event.detail;
    const subject = item.subject;
    if (item.questionType === "meaning") {
        expected_answers = expected_answers.concat(subject.meanings);
        const subjectSynonyms = ( in synonyms) ? synonyms[] : [];
        expected_answers = expected_answers.concat(subjectSynonyms);
    } else if (item.questionType === "reading") {
        if (subject.type === 'Vocabulary') {
            expected_answers = expected_answers.concat( => e.reading));
        } else if (subject.type === 'Kanji') {
            if (subject.primary_reading_type === 'kunyomi') {
                expected_answers = expected_answers.concat(subject.kunyomi);
            } else if (subject.primary_reading_type === 'onyomi') {
                expected_answers = expected_answers.concat(subject.onyomi);

    // Make the commit function usable again
    commit.usable = true;

(function () {
    console.log('WK Auto Commit (a plugin for Wanikani): Initialized');