Geoguessr Resolver Hack

Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps | See enemy guess Distance

Version au 18/09/2023. Voir la dernière version.

Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.

  • v12.4 22/04/2024

    Fixes for no move gamemode + fixes for Firefox

  • v12.3 17/04/2024


  • v12.2 04/02/2024

    Bugfix and streak fix

  • v12.1 02/02/2024

    Fixed place marker options.

  • v12 31/01/2024

    Fixed for geoguessr update

  • v11.31 14/01/2024

    Removed annoying google maps sidebar

  • v11.30 11/01/2024

    Hopeful fix for detection. (Script will no longer list controls on main menu, please note the controls.)

  • v11.22 09/01/2024

    Google maps option now opens a bit more zoomed out

  • v11.21 01/11/2023


  • v11.20 01/11/2023

    Fixes for update

  • v11.11 29/10/2023

    Added streaks mode + security fixes for google maps mode.

  • v11.03 29/10/2023

    further bug fixes + re-added safemode

  • v11.02 29/10/2023

    bug fixing (again)

  • v11.01 29/10/2023

    Fixed menu bug

  • v11.0 29/10/2023

    Fixed for update.

  • v10.4_Beta 24/09/2023

    Fixed BR and made return iterator actually do what it's meant to

  • v10.3_Beta 21/09/2023

    Added duels replay warning.

  • v10.2_Beta 18/09/2023
  • v10.2_Beta 18/09/2023

    Fixed BR distance guess shower ( press 5 in BR distance)

  • v10.1_Beta 18/09/2023
  • v10.1_Beta 16/09/2023

    Added maprunner support.

  • v10 14/09/2023

    Added a more robust method for fetching coordinates / general cleanup / Fixed submit button distance thing

  • v9.8.3 11/09/2023

    Fixed BR(?)

  • v9.8.2 09/09/2023

    Fixed again

  • v9.8.1 08/09/2023

    fixed homescreen text

  • v9.8 08/09/2023

    Update to fix recent geoGuessr patches. Please note new security by GeoGuessr.

  • v9.7 17/06/2023

    Fixed duels (hopefully)

  • v9.6 12/06/2023

    BR best distance shown in button

  • v9.5 09/06/2023

    Now displays how much damage the next move will do in duels. (Please leave feedback if this doesn't work as intended)

  • v9.1 05/06/2023

    Attempted a fix at guessing for pro users.

  • v9.0 02/06/2023

    Added anticheat preventative measures.

  • v8.4 31/05/2023
  • v8.4 31/05/2023

    User distance from correct location is now calculated with no button presses. Controls popup is now on the geoguessr main menu, created a new popup for when the script has updated. Minor other fixes.

  • v8.3.2 30/05/2023

    Added prevention of perfect guesses back again after bug fix.

  • v8.3.1 29/05/2023

    revert update due to bug.

  • v8.3 29/05/2023

    Prevented user from making 5k guesses and thus getting banned. Can be circumvented by just pressing the guess button again after the warning.

  • v8.2 28/05/2023

    Added ability to see distance between your guess and correct guess. Appears in submit button.

  • v8.1 26/05/2023

    User's distance from correct answer is now only shown if the user has guessed this round.

  • v8.0 25/05/2023

    Added new feature to see the enemies distance to the correct location in duels.

  • v7.5 03/02/2023
  • v7.5 03/02/2023
  • v7.5 03/02/2023

    Added new google maps feature.

  • v7.0 03/02/2023

    Fixed script to work in duels + general maintenance

  • v6.5 26/10/2022

    Added back the brief description option.

  • v6.0 26/10/2022
  • v6.0 26/10/2022
    • Updated to now work in competitive mode for new update.
    • Changed controls to a more intuitive system.
    • Added options to not instantly make a guess.
  • v5.0 05/09/2022
  • v5.0 05/09/2022
  • v5.0 05/09/2022

    Now supports the following game modes: e.g. Country Streak, State Streaks, Battle Royale Countries

  • v4.5 02/09/2022

    Added a safemode guess feature, which attempts to avoid bans by scoring the user a guess between 4500 to 5000 points, instead of 5000 points repeatedly. The user should use this alongside common sense to avoid bans.

Afficher toutes les versions de script