Average Reviews Calculator for MAL

Have a better reviews page with this script that loads all reviews on a single page instead of needing to navigate to the next web pages, and shows the averages of all score categories, if you want to sort the reviews with the same category click on the "Sort Reviews" button.

Voici toutes les versions de ce script. Voir uniquement les versions où le code a été modifié.

  • v12 13/08/2024
  • v12 06/06/2024
  • v12 11/06/2023
  • v12 28/04/2022

    Version number updated

  • v0.10 12/06/2021

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work for on-going series.

  • v0.9 12/06/2021

    Whenever Preliminary is checked, a new select box is added. It will ask if you want to only show Preliminaries. If you select "Yes", then only preliminary reviews will appear and the average will only take into account preliminary reviews.

  • v0.8 27/03/2021
  • v0.8 21/02/2021 Fixed bug that was keeping the "0" entries as data points and was lowering the score because of them, so now they are ignored.
  • v0.7 20/02/2021
  • v0.7 20/02/2021 Updated to work on manga pages.
  • v0.6 20/02/2021 Fixed small bug...
  • v0.5 20/02/2021 Updated to show the average score for every single possible ratings (art,enjoyment etc.) on anime pages. This version of the script doesn't work for mangas yet. Added a "Sort Reviews" button that allows you to sort the reviews by any category you select ("overall" is the default sort category).
  • v0.4 01/01/2021 Added Icon.
  • v0.3 05/11/2020
  • v0.2 30/09/2020 Now the average review result will be displayed faster
  • v0.1 30/09/2020
  • v0.1 18/08/2020
  • v0.1 25/07/2020
  • v0.1 25/07/2020
  • v0.1 25/07/2020
  • v0.1 25/07/2020