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mangaupdates Cover Preview

Previews covers in when hovering over hyperlinks that lead to serie pages.

< Commentaires sur mangaupdates Cover Preview

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 21/07/2021

Even tho manga on my list it says "not in a reading list or logged in" except this i did not see any bug.

Posté le: 21/07/2021

also it does not work on "Category Recommendations" etc.

Posté le: 22/07/2021
Édité le: 22/07/2021
Even tho manga on my list it says "not in a reading list or logged in" except this i did not see any bug.

Press [P] option should be default deactivated. Can be toggled on/off. Have used it for my novelupdates cover preview version. I'll permanently deactivate it in the next version.

also it does not work on "Category Recommendations" etc.

Can confirm. I'm gonna look up why that bug exist.

Posté le: 22/07/2021
Édité le: 22/07/2021

Updated script to work for Category Recommendations on individual serie pages (Reason: Individual serie page use relative links. Previously using absolute links with complete domain)

Bugfixed: reading list icon/title. Queries were missing.
On hover over serie: Update with hotkey [5] for single serie or clear with hotkey[9] all coverData, to reload everything on next load

Posté le: 24/07/2021

Sorry for late response, I thought greasyfork would send me an notification but it did not. I meant at the top, Even tho manga is on my list it says it is not in.

Posté le: 24/07/2021
Édité le: 24/07/2021

Oh after doing 9 list stuff works too. Please dont deactivate it I found it very useful.

Posté le: 24/07/2021
Édité le: 24/07/2021
Oh after doing 9 list stuff works too. Please dont deactivate it I found it very useful.

Won't be removed. Previously was not fully implemented.
Had thought i needed to do more tweaks, but i only needed to get the correct placement to make it work here too.

Just to remember. Data is cached for 90days. If a serie is put in another list, it needs a manual reload of the serie data (hover hotkey [5] or wait until the coverdata has aged for 90 days and it reloads automatically)

When you post a reply just over "post reply" there is a checkbox for "Notify me of any replies". Maybe it was not activated?

Posté le: 24/07/2021

It is activated, thanks for your hardwork! I appreciate.

Posté le: 24/07/2021

By the way I wonder how the script handle the list's icon stuff, because I have some custom lists some have emoji like this "🤯 ", script can not handle them

Posté le: 24/07/2021
By the way I wonder how the script handle the list's icon stuff, because I have some custom lists some have emoji like this "🤯 ", script can not handle them

Haven't checked it against emojis
My function that parses the text is tryToGetTextContent() which should remove all html tags by a regex (result.replace(reWhiteListStripHTML, ""))
reWhiteListStripHTML = new RegExp(
"g" );
. Currently i am not sure which part overlaps with the emoji.

This was the easiest method to get textcontent (description etc) which cascaded in deeper html boxes.
Will make a note for myself. Maybe sometime i'll get an idea how to handle emoji cases.

Could you write the reading list name?
Is before/after the emoji text or another emoji?

When i test it on

the following regex seems to work.

on this test string

<_b> xvbk <_i>put here your reading list title🤯 test<_/i> asdfa<_/b>

can you try to copy paste your title between the i brackets?

If it works only the brackets should be marked. Then i have got to search for another point of error.

Posté le: 24/07/2021

It can handle when the emoji is on the title like zort😋 but it can not when its on description stuff, Im talking about the emoji that you select while you are creating a custom list.

Posté le: 25/07/2021

Ah i see. Currently i am just parsing for an image and using that as the icon.
Haven't thought that an emoji symbol was used as an icon.
Have taken a note. Gotta look up what i'd need to change. Maybe i'll change it in a future version.

Posté le: 25/07/2021

Updated the script to V2.6.3
Should be able to parse text/emoji now, if no image icon in place found.

Posté le: 25/07/2021

It works! Thank you so much

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