Greasy Fork is available in English.

Tieba Quotor


< Commentaires sur Tieba Quotor

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 05/03/2014
Édité le: 05/03/2014

Assessment regarding

The script itself is fine. If you want you can post it separately on Greasy Fork and require the Greasy Fork URL. If you think it would be useful to others, I can also add it as a library. It would be more visible, but you wouldn't be able to easily update it.

Posté le: 05/03/2014

Wow, thanks for the quick response.
I am going to post it separately on Greasy Fork. But I don't think it's useful to others because only a few of my scripts are using it.

BTW, I think it's a hard job to review so many scripts manually, thanks for your great job.

Posté le: 04/05/2014

嘛… 这个脚本一直都在审核列表最上面…

将 @require 指向 即可免审核。

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