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Youtube UI Fix

Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015

Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.

  • v2.4.16 26/09/2023

    Should work better in embedded now (the progress didn't update before, and the watch later button was misaligned).

  • v2.4.15 26/09/2023

    Fixed some more buttons that were too big, this time in fullscreen mode.

  • v2.4.14 26/09/2023

    Used code from this script to fix the issue that the time and progress didn't update anymore. Fixed the size of the volume and watch later buttons. And the player shouldn't go over the title under the player anymore.

    There's is still a problem with the options page, I'll try to fix that later... For now you can edit the defaults of the settings in the script itself.

  • v2.4.13 11/12/2020 Added @include*
  • v2.4.12 11/12/2020 Controls are now visible again in embedded. Watch later button now has less margin in embedded. Chapters are no longer cut off. Removed sourcemap comment to prevent console message. Added an extra if to prevent error message in console. Removed delete style.textContent, because it doesn't seem to work anymore in typescript.
  • v2.4.11 16/06/2020 The floating player from Iridium doesn't take up the whole viewheight anymore. (Thanks to q1k)
  • v2.4.10 30/04/2020 Small attempt to fix the settings
  • v2.4.9 30/04/2020 Added css fix to prevent de watch later button from messing up the UI when embedded (
  • v2.4.8 01/08/2018 Added a button to create a userscript to set the settings.
  • v2.4.7 28/07/2018 Fixed that controls went over the title in the material layout.
  • v2.4.6 14/11/2017 Apperently the new version of greasemonkey doesn't like non existing sourceMappingURL's...
  • v2.4.5 30/10/2017 Fixed the previous bug again but this time without accidentally half-fixing a bug from another script (switch over to theater mode if you get a half progressbar)
  • v2.4.4 27/10/2017 The controls were a little bit too wide in the material layout.
  • v2.4.3 27/10/2017 The content below the video was not being moved down in the new material layout.
  • v2.4.2 20/09/2017 The last change didn't work, this will...
  • v2.4.1 20/09/2017 Watch later button would sometimes disappear on mouseleave if the show title on hover option was turned on.
  • v2.4.0 20/09/2017 Made sure that the controls never dissapeared (display:block). Made sure that the settings only appeared in the playback section of the settings of youtube. Fixed the watch-later button's size, and made sure it wouldn't be re-added every second.
  • v2.3.6 23/04/2017 Fixed a small issue with certain elements going up and down when moving the mouse over the controls.
  • v2.3.5 26/10/2016 updated homepage url
  • v2.3.4 26/10/2016 Cleaned up the code, and dropped the new part in the name (2015 is pretty long time ago)
  • v2.3.3 26/10/2016 Made the checking for option changes more efficient, and now the addwatchlater option is also affected.
  • v2.3.2 25/10/2016 Made it possible to access the settings through other means. For embedded videos on or, and for people without an account.
  • v2.3.1 24/10/2016 Added a class (yt-ui-fix) to the body to indicate that this script is active.
  • v2.3.0 24/10/2016 Works better with the floating mode from youtube+ (it now can be dragged around without stopping after a second, and is now a little bit bigger in height for the controls). And fixed a small problem with the sidebar being to low in some cases.
  • v2.2.5 22/10/2016 Made the script compatible with Resize YT To Window Size, and the Fullbrowser mode from Youtube+
  • v2.2.4 22/10/2016 Updated the original typescript code link
  • v2.2.3 20/10/2016 Settings that are changed will now be applied in less than a second on every open tab with youtube. So you can change the settings in one tab, and see the results in another.
  • v2.2.2 02/10/2016 Fixed the placement of the playlist in non-theatre mode
  • v2.2.1 26/09/2016 Added another option, similar to the previous to revert the colors in fullscreen or in non-fullscreen
  • v2.2.0 25/09/2016 Added an option to not revert the colors.
  • v2.1.3 09/09/2016 Reverted the new way of keeping the progress going back to the mouseEvent way (to make it work even on youtube streams)
  • v2.1.2 09/09/2016 Last fix broke the progressbar
  • v2.1.1 09/09/2016 Live streaming should work better now.
  • v2.1.0 07/09/2016 Fixed embedded videos again
  • v2.0.9 07/09/2016 Fixed a tiny bug when autohiding controls in fullscreen.
  • v2.0.8 07/09/2016 Fixed Embedded videos (they can now hide the controls if settings allow it).
  • v2.0.7 07/09/2016 Removed Accidental space in css
  • v2.0.6 07/09/2016 When hiding the controls in non-fullscreen, the theatre background and placeholder were 35px too big.
  • v2.0.5 07/09/2016 Fixed embedded videos. New feature: hide in non fullscreen
  • v2.0.4 06/09/2016 Small change to the timestamp function
  • v2.0.3 06/09/2016 Cleaned up css
  • v2.0.2 06/09/2016 Cleaned up css a bit
  • v2.0.1 06/09/2016 Fixed a small bug with fullscreen in chrome
  • v2.0.0 05/09/2016 Rewrote the whole thing to make it much more readable. The method of keeping the progress updated has changed. And a couple of things have improved.
  • v1.12.0 10/07/2016 changed the way the content under the video gets moved down. The old way was conflicting with the reporting comments.
  • v1.11.11 24/06/2016 Fixed some padding issues
  • v1.11.10 24/06/2016 Fixed the padding for the channel videos
  • v1.11.9 23/06/2016 if floater no height change
  • v1.11.8 23/06/2016 height is now important if not floater
  • v1.11.7 23/06/2016 Fixed a bug, where the video appears lower than it should.
  • v1.11.6 18/06/2016 The event to prevent controls hide out will not be fired if a dragging-mode class is on the movie player.
  • v1.11.5 18/06/2016 Made the change of height unimportant, so it's correctly overriden by other scripts like youtube+. The height that they set will be most likely 35 pixels too small though...
  • v1.11.4 18/06/2016 Made the options menu a little bit smaller.
  • v1.11.3 18/06/2016 Fixed the volume slider in full screen (it will now look like 100% if the volume is at its max).
  • v1.11.2 23/04/2016 If the colume slider is always visible, it wont become slightly bigger when hovering over.
  • v1.11.1 22/04/2016 previous changes are now made important
  • v1.11.0 22/04/2016 Changed the line-height of the context menu, fixed the colors of some of the buttons, and the size of the timestamp is now 100% instead of 109%.
  • v1.10.0 04/02/2016 made progressBigger default off
  • v1.10.0 04/01/2016 added an option to always show the volume slider; and fixed the scrubber in full-screen
  • v1.9.15 20/11/2015 Fixed height issue in embedded. Disabled show title bar in embedded (couldn't make it work). Made the buttons next to the title brighter and a bit bigger.
  • v1.9.14 19/11/2015
  • v1.9.13 19/11/2015
  • v1.9.13 19/11/2015 Made the tooltip of the watch later button appear at the tp when the "Add the watch later button to the controls" option is turned off.
  • v1.9.12 19/11/2015 gradiant is now visible when title bar appears
  • v1.9.11 18/11/2015 fixed the top-margin of the title in full-screen
  • v1.9.10 18/11/2015 Fixed the watch later button. Made the title appear in full-screen but only when the hide controls in full-screen is enabled.
  • v1.9.9 13/11/2015 Added an option to show the title on hover (thanks to q1k for the suggestion and css code)
  • v1.9.8 07/11/2015 Made the progressbar thing into an option
  • v1.9.7 06/11/2015 Added a bit of css to have the progressbar take up all space when not hovering over it.
  • v1.9.6 23/10/2015 Added the !important, it seemed to have broken for some people otherwise.
  • v1.9.5 19/10/2015 Small fix to solve the 17px box at the top of the video when using youtube+
  • v1.9.4 18/10/2015
  • v1.9.3 18/10/2015
  • v1.9.3 18/10/2015 Fixed a small bug where the black bars at the side were visible when they weren't supposed to be visible
  • v1.9.2 18/10/2015 Lowered the tooltips, and settings menu by 5 pixels.
  • v1.9.1 18/10/2015 Removed the scrollbar on the quality settings. The black bars under the theater mode are back. The settings menu will now light up the option you are hovering over. Added an option to move the 'go back' button to the bottom of the options menu.
  • v1.9.0 30/09/2015 Added google drive videos to include. Added a revert scrubber option (the now red circle that shows where you are one the progessbar). Fixed a few small bugs.
  • v1.8.11 31/08/2015 If you skip to the end of the video, and restart it, it will now restart from the beginning it rather than resuming where you left of before going to the end.
  • v1.8.10 24/08/2015 Remove unused method, and added a homepageurl to this page
  • v1.8.9 22/08/2015 Didn't upload the new version...
  • v1.8.7 21/08/2015 Youtube changed some of the classes, making the options menu transparent again.
  • v1.8.6 19/08/2015 Made the videoplayer element finding code a bit more robust. If it found a videoplayer, but it got replaced in the mean time, it should now be able to detect that and find the correct videoplayer.
  • v1.8.5 17/08/2015 The stuff below the video didn't move down correctly when using this script in combination with the resize to window script.
  • v1.8.4 13/08/2015 Fixed the red line under the subtitles icon in full-screen mode
  • v1.8.3 13/08/2015 forgot to remove the new include from the old code...
  • v1.8.2 13/08/2015 Fixed the red line under the subtitles icon
  • v1.8 12/08/2015 The options thing I wanted to do doesn't actually work, too bad...
  • v1.7 12/08/2015
  • v1.7 12/08/2015 Added this greasyfork page to the included urls, to show the options here as well.
  • v1.6.3 12/08/2015 Fixed a bug with the play button, where it would not appear if you go to a video from the settings (or some other places too)
  • v1.6.2 10/08/2015 In chrome, it seems that percentages don't always work. I changed the calc(100% - 35px) into calc(100vh - 35px) on the max-height.
  • v1.6.1 10/08/2015 edited description to mention the options
  • v1.6 10/08/2015 Added an option to remove the animations of the play/pause button and the panels for changing the quality.
  • v1.5.1 09/08/2015 Used a wrong setting in the css
  • v1.5 09/08/2015 Rewrote the code in typescript to make it easier to read (for me at least). I also added options for this script to the playback options page on youtube (
  • v1.4.5 09/08/2015 Changed some of the way how the movieplayer is obtained to work better for embedded videos
  • v1.4.4 08/08/2015 removed a console.log
  • v1.4.3 08/08/2015 Sometimes the watchlater button didn't got added, fixed that.
  • v1.4.2 08/08/2015 Fixed a bug where sometimes the watchlater button didn't get added, and where the progressbar wouldn't update.
  • v1.4.1 08/08/2015
  • v1.4.1 08/08/2015 Old code completely bugged out when pulling the scrubber button up (the red circle you see when hovering on the progressbar).
  • v1.4 07/08/2015 Added the watch-later button (can be turned of by setting addWatchLater to false)
  • v1.3.5 07/08/2015
  • v1.3.4 07/08/2015
  • v1.3.3 07/08/2015
  • v1.3.2 07/08/2015 HD badge works correctly
  • v1.3.1 07/08/2015
  • v1.3 07/08/2015 Corrected a potential bug, and changed the css a bit to make the controls smaller in full-screen, and fixed the progressbar.
  • v1.2 05/08/2015
  • v1.2 05/08/2015 The video in full-screen on chrome was not the right height, and the subtitles are now a little higher in full-screen.
  • v1.1 05/08/2015 Fixed the full-screen (gave a black screen)
  • v1 05/08/2015