Greasy Fork is available in English. Trainer Hack a été signalée 10/09/2021 comme copie non autorisée de

hacker09 a dit:
I've never seen that script before so I'm unable to copy something I've never seen... My script is clearly not a copy of that GitHub script,it's almost a copy of another greasy fork script, and I've greatly modified the script with my on knowledge and time. That script is a bot that auto do things,while mine doesn't do anything automatically, mine is just a helper/trainer. This should be enough to keep my script allowed to be on greasyfork

Ce script a été mis à jour depuis le dépôt du rapport.

Ce script a déjà fait l'objet de 2 rapports confirmés ou corrigés.

hacker09(l'utilisateur signalé) a effectué:

signalerCe rapport a été approuver par un modérateur.

The only verifiable fact is that 50% of code is identical. You need to give proper attribution for the source you've used. It's quite likely that whatever you've used was ripped off this github script. See "Conditions" section in the top right corner of its license page: