YouTube SuperChat货币转换器 JS - 将各种国际货币金额转为你所在地区的币种(如CNY,HKD,NTD,USD,JPY等)
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
[ARCHIVED]Youtube SuBar JS - Puts the action buttons in one line with the 'Subscribe' button. Reveals the number of subscriptions. Turns Theater mode on player.
Youtube - Whitelist by Channel JS - Whitelist Youtube Videos from only channels you wish to support
Video Player Toothbrush JS - 牙刷科技!让所有视频播放器网页全屏!默认快捷键ALT+1,可自行修改
hikakin remover JS - youtube hidden user
Simple Youtube HTML5 enabler JS - This scipt (simple) enables html5 on youtube by adding &html5=1 to the url. It takes no options.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
YouTube - Cosmic Panda Watch Page JS - attempts to re-create cosmic panda (2011 watch6 Test) using Javascript. It has all four size buttons fully implemented, has the prev and next buttons next to player, and makes the watch page look and feel like Cosmic Panda.
Youtube Video Download Linker JS - A video download linker for youtube. Provides download links on youtube video pages. Does not need javascript enabled for youtube.com (NoScript compatible), does not use a third-party website, and does not use unsafeWindow.
YouTube Download JS - On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
YouTube HTML5 Video Pan And Zoom JS - Add controls to pan and zoom HTML5 video.
YouTube Dozenator part 1 JS - Dozenates Youtube
Youtube Dozenator part 2 JS - Dozenates Youtube
Youtube: AutoPlay Next Right Away JS - Play next video within 1 second of the end of a video.
Hide Run Times JS - Hides the Run Times for youtube GDQs
Youtube Get Playlist Time JS - Get Youtube Playlist Total Time
youtube_ex JS - enhanced youtube
YouTube Comment Filter JS - Removes typical comments like 'first' and 'I'm early'. Everything can be modified to the users liking.
Youtube remove channels JS - Removing the recommended channels
Youtube: Add to Playlist Icons JS - Adds icons to the video toolbar which adds to specific playlists with 1 click.
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
One Click YouTube Subscription Feed Delete JS - Add a delete button to items on the YouTube Subscription Feed.
Youtube Recommendation Blacklist JS - Make your own blacklist, remove the pesky youtube channels you don't want to see from the recommendation list
YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating) JS - It shows rating bars which represents Like/Dislike rating ratio.
Download MP3 - Youtube JS - download whatever you want as a MP3
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
YouTube Embedded Popupper JS - You can pop up embeded videos by right click. (It may require permission for pop up blocker at the first pop)
YouTube Title Fixer JS - Fixes a severely broken UI flaw in YouTube by removing the annoying and unnecessary "(X)" from page titles. Seriously, I have 15 tabs in a row showing "(1) ...", obscuring the actual page titles. This is just stupid.
Youtube Advanced Speed Controller JS - Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed
YouTube arrow keys FIX JS - Fix YouTube keyboard controls (arrow keys) to be more consistent (Left,Right - jump, Up,Down - volume) after page load or clicking individual controls.
Youtube 翻译中文字幕下载 v14 JS - Youtube 播放器右下角有个 Auto-tranlsate,可以把视频字幕翻成中文。这个脚本是下载这个中文字幕
YouTube Auto Resume JS - Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.
Youtube player keyboard controls JS - Use play/pause/ArrowRight/ArrowLeft keyboard btns anywhere, but not only when youtube player is in focus. Additionaly use '[' and ']' keys to change playbackRate.
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
YouTube - Remove Watched Videos JS - Watched videos will be removed from subfeed
Youtube No Resume JS - Disables the resume feature in Youtube.
GiveAway精灵 JS - GiveAway精灵,2步领Key
Best Youtube MP3 Converter, convert any online video into MP3 JS - Add a button to convert youtube to MP3 directly. Convert the video into mp3 with the best quality. The bitrate will be calculated precisely, which ranges from 128kbps to 320kbps depending on original file. Allows you to convert any online video into MP3 audio file. Support most oneline video sites like YouTube, Vemo, Viki, Dramafever, TED and 5000 more.
YouTube Playlist Page - Show Date Posted and View Count JS - Show date posted and view count on youtube playlist page
YouTubeとニコニコ動画にRSSリンクを追加 JS - YouTube:ユーザー、マイリスト、チャンネル ニコニコ動画:ユーザー、マイリスト、タグ reddit:キーワード検索結果、サブレディット、スレッド、ユーザー twitter:キーワード検索、ユーザー Pinterest:ユーザー、ボード
Youtube watched hider JS - Hide already watched (progress bar at 100%) video on user's, channel's and subscriptions' pages
Youtube Auto-translate Canceler JS - Remove auto-translated youtube titles
Youtube exact upload JS - Adds exact upload time to youtube videos
油管视频旋转 JS - 油管的视频旋转插件.
Zoom and crop YouTube videos to fill screen height JS - Removes letterboxing by cropping the left and right edges off of full-screen YouTube videos and zooming to fill the screen height.
Xmillsa's Youtube Downloader JS - A simple script to enable in browser downloading of Youtube videos, no external scripts required.
YouTube Volume Mouse Controller JS - Control YouTube video volume by mouse wheel.
Youtube Multiscript JS - Returns youtube's old layout and adds a download button.
小窗口视频(bili,mgtv,youtube) JS - 小窗口视频(bili,mgtv)。网页右下角会出现一个小按钮,点击之后视频会通过小窗口播放。基于chrome浏览器的画中画(Picture in Picture)。限支持HTML5播放器的网站。如需添加其他网站,可以在脚本的“设置”页面->“用户匹配”栏中添加,或者通过greasyfork反馈给我们。ps:最新推出插件版,功能全面加强,已在 chrome 商店上架,地址https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%E5%B0%8F%E7%AA%97%E5%8F%A3%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91-by-c4r/banggcaohiaanmdkalekjcffjonamlkj
YouTube Speedrun Timer JS - Adds quality of life features for YouTube frame timing
【玩的嗨】VIP工具箱,夸克网盘直链批量获取,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,获取B站封面,下载B站视频等众多功能聚合 长期更新,放心使用 JS - 🔥功能介绍🔥:🎉 1、Vip视频解析;🎉 2、一站式音乐搜索解决方案;🎉 3、bilibili视频封面获取;🎉 4、bilibili视频下载(已支持分P下载);🎉 5、夸克网盘直链批量获取;🎉 6、CSDN页面、剪切板清理;🎉 7、页面自动展开(更多网站匹配中,欢迎提交想要支持的网站) 🎉 8、YouTube视频下载🎉 9、中间页自动跳转;🎉 10、搜索引擎快速跳转
ヤフオクで非表示とメモ JS - q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works) JS - (Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly
* Streaming Comment Reader chan JS - It reads comment text on streaming sites by speech synthesis.
Youtube End-Screen Remover (End Screen disposer) JS - Remove annoyed end-screens on youtube videos
YouTube - Seek 1 sec by Ctrl+Arrow key JS - Ctrl+矢印キーで1秒づつシークします 小数点以下を丸めてシークするのでタイムスタンプの作成に便利です
Show Youtube Videos' Publishing Date JS - Fix hidden video's publishing date
YouTube Normal Thumbnails JS - Restores normal thumbnails size
YouTubeで自動翻訳字幕(日本語)を常にオン JS - B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化
学園祭カレンダー絞り込み JS - s:絞り込み(h:強調付き) Shift+S:例で絞り込み (とどラン)a:相関が弱いものを消す
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
YouTube in compact JS - Show 6 video in row on YouTube top page!
[youtube.com] Arrow buttons constant binding JS - The arrow buttons don't depend on slider/seekbar focus. Left/Right - always playback, Down/Up - always sound volume.
YouTube Autoplay Continuer JS - Automatically clicks Yes when YouTube prompts: "Video paused. Continue watching?""
Crab Rave for New Years JS - This will almost perfectly play the crab rave rave when it hits the new year
YouTube ProgressBar Preserver JS - It preserves YouTube's progress bar always visible even if the controls are hidden.
YouTube Live Filled Up View JS - Get maximized video-and-chat view with no margins on YouTube Live or Premieres.
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
YouTube Live CPU Tamer JS - It reduces the high CPU usage on Super Chats with nothing to lose.
视频倍速快捷键 JS - speed up/down video
自动展开全文(停更,详细请看说明) JS - 自动展开网站内容而无需点击。【本脚本停更(详情请看: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/397476 ),转入 Beta 版】, Beta 版地址: https://meta.appinn.net/t/17991
fixed youtube captions JS - Some of youtube entancer of mine
iTubeGo YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos and audios for free without external service, convert YouTube to all formats.
Subscriber Changer JS - 1M Subcribers apear when you got to your channel page
Youtube Music Lyrics JS - Adds lyrics to Youtube Music
YouTube Music album art resolution fix JS - Forces YouTube Music to load now playing album art at a decent resolution so it doesn't look like shit.
YouTube Click To Play JS - It disables autoplay and enables click to play.
LIVE in Desktop Palyer JS - using desktop player watching Bilibili and Youtube live
Youtube keyboard shortcuts JS - Add keyboard shortcuts for Youtube
YouTube Bolder Subtitles JS - Make subtitles bolder for better visibility on YouTube.
Display remaining Youtube playlist time JS - Displays the sum of the lengths of the remaining videos in a playlist
YouTube検索結果「全てキューに入れて再生」ボタンを追加 JS - musictonicの代わり 右クリックだとシャッフル再生 e:カーソル下の動画をキューに入れる y:再生開始 Alt+c/Ctrl+x:視聴中のキューリストをURLにしてコピー
redirect 外链跳转 JS - 自动跳转(重定向)到目标链接,免去点击步骤。适配了简书、知乎、微博、QQ邮箱、QQPC、QQNT、印象笔记、贴吧、CSDN、YouTube、微信、企业微信、微信开放社区、开发者知识库、豆瓣、个人图书馆、Pixiv、搜狗、Google、站长之家、OSCHINA、掘金、腾讯文档、pc6下载站、爱发电、Gitee、天眼查、爱企查、企查查、优设网、51CTO、力扣、花瓣网、飞书、Epic、Steam、语雀、牛客网、哔哩哔哩、少数派、5ch、金山文档、石墨文档、urlshare、酷安、网盘分享、腾讯云开发者社区、腾讯兔小巢、云栖社区、NodeSeek、亿企查、异次元软件
Youtube/Twitch to streamlink JS - Add button to youtube and twitch player to watch the video/stream in streamlink
YT-FIXED JS - Fixes media skip keys and adds volume control hotkeys (ALT+1|2|3|4|)
YouTube Repeated Recommendations Hider JS - Hide any videos that are recommended more than twice. You can also hide by channel or by partial title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts.
Youtube Extended Controls JS - Adding keyboard shortcuts for cycling playback speed setting and looping a specific time span
[ 2 in 1 ] The Best Youtube Downloader and End screen remover, [Download: 320Kbps MP3 / 4K MP4] JS - Download any video and/or audio from youtube.com in HIGH Quality and remove annoying end-screens
Disable YouTube Number Keyboard Seek Shortcuts JS - disables the 0-9 keyboard shortcuts
Disable YouTube number shortcuts JS - Stop the anoying 0 to 9 YouTube shortcuts from ruining your wathing experience while allowing all the other shortcuts to work
YouTube Permanent ProgressBar JS - Keeps YouTube progress bar visible all the time.
YouTube Live minimum latency JS - YouTube Live の遅延を自動的に最小化します
Click on video thumbnail to play in MPV JS - Opens videos in external player (mpv) by simply clicking on a thumbnail.
Drag and download any youtube video to 6 instances including smplayer JS - Drag to the search bar and download any video from any part of youtube to 6 different instances including external program smplayer.exe
Youtube留言黑名單 JS - 屏蔽黑名單內頻道在其他影片下的留言,可以查看和移除黑名單內的頻道。
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