Auto Set Youtube Volume JS - Choose the default volume for YouTube videos!
【自用】YoutubeTools JS - 1.恢复页面布局,2.增加按钮,方便IDM下载(配合IDM使用)【需配合Local YouTube Downloader使用】,3.增加按钮,一键重绘下载png格式的cover,4.增加按钮生成合并命令行,5.用clipboard,火狐v99之后抽风
YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame JS - Reduce Browser's Energy Impact for playing YouTube Video
Youtube focusking JS - Helps you not overwhelmed with the recommendations from YT.
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
YouTube Speeder JS - Finer control of youtube playback speed.
Youtube Resumer (using the url) JS - Changes the ?t= parameter when pausing. Other version: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/455475-youtube-resumer
YouTube hotkeys JS - quick hotkeys for quality, speed, subtitles and replay (for RU, EN, DE, FR, SP)
屏蔽所有Youtube广告 Youtube AD blocker (Block all ad). Including blocking Youtube Music. JS - Block all video ads, insert ads, page ads. Including Youtube Music. 屏蔽所有视频广告、插入广告、页面广告。包括Youtube Music
Redirect YT video to embedded video JS - Redirects any opened YT video to the YT embedded video to make the video take the whole screen.
1-click feed maintenance JS - Remove a video or channel from your homepage feed forever, even if you're not logged in to youtube.
Old Youtube Buttons JS - Changes various YouTube elements to resemble the old YouTube Design. (Green/Red Like/Dislike, Yellow Subscribe Button.)
YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture… JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed.
Youtube Video Max Volume Patch JS - Override the html5 video volume to 1 when player's volume slider is set to 100%.
B站倍播快捷键_好用! JS - 在哔哩哔哩网站上播放视频时,按下x键减速播放,按下c键加速播放,按下z原速播放或上一次速度播放。每次步进为0.2。此外按下f键全屏播放或退出全屏。带记忆功能。按键记忆:z、x、c这三个键在键盘上依次排列,即原速档、减速档、加速档。跟开车一样这样就好记多了。操作举例:按下x键2次,当前播放速度为0.6,紧接着再按下z键,这时候回到1倍速,再按下z键,这时再回到0.6倍速。
youtube chat control script&&Blacklist extension JS - One-click to block,One-click report,One-click delete,Block accounts in bulk
u-Youtube JS - make Youtube under ur control
Improved blacklist function&&ブラックリスト機能の改善 JS - Block several channels at once&&一度に複数のチャネルをブロックする
青鸾阁专线VIP视频线路 JS - 【❤️ 视频自动解析,体会拥有VIP的感觉❤️,适配PC+移动 】功能有:1、解锁B站大会员番剧、B站视频解析下载;2、爱奇艺、腾讯、优酷、芒果等全网VIP视频免费破解去广告(免跳出观影特方便);3、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等音乐和有声书音频免客户端下载;4、油管、Facebook等国外视频解析下载;5、网盘搜索引擎(来搜一下:laisoyixia.com, 小猪快盘:xiaozhukuaipan.com)破解无限下载;6、优惠券查询等;7、搜索引擎导航【脚本长期维护更新,完全免费,无广告】
Play-With-MPV JS - 使用 mpv 播放网页中的视频,并支持 potplayer 及自定义播放器
Youtube Music Precise Volume Adjustement JS - Allow you to precisely chose your volume on Youtube Music
All in One Injector.V1 JS - Youtube Downloader, Discord Delete Message Injector, Discord BackGround Injector, Discord Emotes Injector (Use all emotes), AntiVertify Injector
Youtube Audio Mode JS - Listen to only the audio on YouTube without loading the video.
Youtube油管视频播放量优化显示 JS - Youtube 根据国人的使用习惯显示播放量,将【70,929,536,37】 转换为 【70.93亿次】观看,同时显示视频的具体发布时间
Youtube Sort & Filter Playlists When Saving Video JS - When saving a video to a playlist, 1) add a button to sort the list alphabetically and 2) add a filter textbox to filter the list by title
Remove Bot Comments JS - 10/15/2022, 1:36:23 PM
YouTube Video WindowOpener JS - YouTube動画・配信を別ウィンドウで開くアイコンを設置
安乐视 JS - 远程库已删除,此脚本已不可用。有缘再见!远程库已删除,此脚本已不可用。有缘再见!远程库已删除,此脚本已不可用。有缘再见!
YouTube shorts to wide JS - YouTube shorts to wide Ctrl + q
YouTube and Google region setter JS - Youtube and google regularly change your region based on your IP. This userscript automatically sets it to your preferred region instead.
Simple Youtube Surround JS - Makes the youtube sound more surrounded ( It's better when you listen to music )
YTFFWDTMR | Youtube Fast Forward To Most Replayed JS - Fast forward to the most replayed section of a youtube video by pressint ALT+R.
Youtube caption selector JS - make youtube caption can be selected
Unhold YouTube Resource Locks JS - Release YouTube's used IndexDBs & Disable WebLock to make background tabs able to sleep
Reset YouTube Settings JS - Due to YouTube making changes to its layout, some obsolete settings might remain and cause some problems to you. Use this to reset them.
YouTube Ad Removal JS - Removes Ads
YouTube動画上に現在時刻表示 JS - 時間管理 YouTube何時間も見ちゃう人向け 時刻をダブルクリックでデジタル時計・アナログ時計切り替え
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
Youtube Auto "I understand and wish to proceed" JS - Auto click the "I understand and wish to proceed" in age-restricted videos.
고급 볼륨 제어 JS - 고급 볼륨 제어 버튼이 좌측 하단에 계속 따라다니며, 해당 버튼을 누르면 1~10까지 볼륨 조절이 가능하며 ↑방향키와 ↓방향키로도 볼륨 조절이 가능합니다
1Min Website Rotator JS - Rotates youtube videos every minute
y2monkey JS - Pressing "CTRL+SHIFT+D" opens the current YouTube video in y2mate, allowing you to download.
錫蘭訂閱校正 JS - 讓錫蘭的訂閱數正確顯示
Youtube社区帖子图片无裁剪完全显示 JS - 3/31/2023, 1:52:53 PM
Youtube Bandwidth Saver JS - Saves bandwidth on Youtube by not loading videos.
Youtube Custom Emoji Downloader JS - Add Download All Emoji Button on The Membership page.
YouTube Configuration JS - Read and Make YouTube Configuration
Sync media JS - You can set the start timet to syncronize the media.
Youtube Collapse Sidebar JS - collapse youtube sidebar
Youtube volume fix JS - スクロールでの音量調整値を1にする、ついでに音量バーを常時表示する。
Restore YouTube Username from Handle to Custom JS - To restore YouTube Username to the traditional custom name
B站哔哩哔哩使用增强,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,知乎使用增强,短视频无水印下载,油管、Facebook等国外视频解析下载等😈 JS - 功能可选择性打开:1、B站使用增强:支持视频下载(👉支持多P批量快速下载👈)、浏览记录提示、一键三连、自动签到、描述文本网址转链接等;2、全网VIP视频解析:爱奇艺、腾讯、优酷、bilibili等视频免费解析(支持自定义解析接口);3、知乎使用助手:内容种类标识、问答显示优化、视频下载等;4、短视频去水印下载:支持知乎、抖音、快手等;5、油管、Facebook、Tiktok等国外视频解析下载;🔥6、搜索引擎功能增强,百度添加网址显示,google结果新标签页打开灯,导航可自定义网址【脚本长期维护更新,完全免费,无广告,仅限学习交流!!】
YouTube Super Fast Chat JS - Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats
YouTube Optimizer JS - Enhances your YouTube experience with optimized video playback, improved audio quality, bass boost, and enhanced buffering for maximum performance and enjoyment.
YouTube Live DateTime Tooltip JS - Make a tooltip to show the actual date and time for livestream
YouTube Music and Shorts Redirector JS - Provides a redirect button on YouTube '/shorts/' pages to '/watch?v=' and buttons from www.youtube.com to music.youtube.com, even a setting to automatically redirect from /shorts/ to '/watch?v='.
Youtube Player perf JS - Optimizes animation calls for lower GPU/CPU consumption
YouTube Hide Tool JS - 該腳本能夠自動隱藏 YouTube 影片結尾的推薦卡,當滑鼠懸浮於影片上方時,推薦卡會恢復顯示。並額外提供快捷鍵切換功能,可隱藏留言區、影片推薦、功能列表,及切換至極簡模式。設置會自動保存,並在下次開啟影片時自動套用。
YouTube Downloader JS - Author: Maker - MH
YouTube: Force Single Column Mode JS - 8/17/2023, 1:51:20 AM
YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
YouTube Live Subscriptions JS - UX for YouTube Livestreams in https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions
youtube-create-sorted-playlist-related-channnels-when-clicked JS - 2023/9/18 17:09:04
Youtube playlist length JS - 9/22/2023, 1:07:22 PM
bilibili 倍速控制 JS - 使用快捷键控制bilibili的倍速选择
Youtube视频广告去除 JS - 2023/10/26
YouTube sort playlists by play time length JS - Sorting playlists by play time length use internal API .
YouTube: Remove Videos Based on Duration JS - Remove too short or too long videos from your YouTube's recommendation
YouTube Button As Add Notify Video To WL JS - Add button that join Video to watch later playlist from notify.
Youtube - force 'sort by date' on searches JS - Automates the 'sort by date' filter on YouTube search results.
Fullscreen Hotkey Mobile Youtube JS - 9/8/2023, 1:42:06 AM
哎呦不错哦(任何事先看简介) JS - 好东西哦(⊙﹏⊙)
YouTube Theater Plus JS - Enhances YouTube Theater with features like Fullpage Theater, Auto Open Theater, and more, including support for the new UI.
YouTube评论精选固定 JS - YouTube评论区精选滚动条
YouTube Like/Dislike Shortcut JS - Enables keyboard shortcuts to like/dislike a video on YouTube.
YouTube: disable rolling numbers count up animation JS - Remove the annoying count up animation for likes and video views on YouTube
Youtube - Subtitle (PC Version) JS - Automatically enable the subtitles.
Better Youtube Music JS - Create a Better Youtube Music
유튜브 팟 플레이어로 보기 버튼 추가 JS - 유튜브 동영상을 팟 플레이어로 열 수 있는 버튼을 추가합니다. 기존 영상은 일시 정지 됩니다.
YouTube: Audio Only JS - No Video Streaming
YouTube Live: Auto RealTime JS - 1/13/2024, 7:11:55 PM
YouTube / Spotify Playlists Converter JS - Convert your music playlists between YouTube & Spotify with a single click.
Better Youtube Shorts JS - Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, playback speed control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.
Youtube Save/Resume Progress JS - Have you ever closed a YouTube video by accident, or have you gone to another one and when you come back the video starts from 0? With this extension it won't happen anymore
YT快速鍵hotkeys JS - YT快速鍵控制功能,說明鍵:[?]
HTML5快速鍵hotkeys JS - HTML5快速鍵控制跳秒+速度+寬高比+截圖
YouTube Video Playback Shortcut JS - 2/22/2024, 11:29:11 PM
Video Audio Compressor JS - 视频音量压缩器,防止耳聋,避免响度战争,懒得写UI了,直接改脚本文件里面的数值吧。
YouTube video length based on its speed JS - Shows duration and current time in a format divided by video speed
Default Resolution - YouTube JS - Choose the default resolution for YouTube videos!
YouTube Usability JS - Disable frequently mistyped shortcuts (e.g. 0-9 number keys) and auto-looping on shorts.
YouTube All Videos Playlists (YAVP) JS - Adds buttons for various channel playlists: All Uploads, Videos, Shorts, Streams, Members-Only
mytube JS - Skip youtube video ads duration < 180 seconds and banners. Tested on FIrefox
YouTube Shorts Limiter JS - YouTube Shorts で一定回数以上スクロールできなくする User Script
以 yyyy-mm-dd 显示 YouTube 的视频上传日期 JS - 显示具体日期而不是“2 星期前”,“1 年前”这种
YouTube Video Age and Category Filter JS - Filters old YouTube videos and hides videos in certain categories.
YOUTUBE_VIDEO_HIDDEN JS - YouTubeの見たくない動画を非表示
Download Youtube video in just 1 click! JS - download youtube video in just 1 click. It's very easy
YouTube Enchantments JS - Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to, scrolls down on Youtube with a toggle button, and bypasses the AdBlock ban.
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