Moonwalk&HDGo&Kodik FIX JS - Смотри фильмы и сериалы без ожидания!
FVToolkit CustomCssLoader JS - Custom CSS loader for profile/villager pages.
MAXIMUM Search JS - Add search links VK, Yandex Music and Last.fm to radio Maximum (RUS)
NZBKing Sorter JS - Sort NZBKing results by size
AgarCancer JS - Kill your ears, eyes, and everything else....
Lichess study comment keybind JS - Press the 'a' key to show comment field in study
Improved Steam Achievements JS - Improves the appearance of Steam achievements on Steam pages and also on Achievement Stats pages.
ModuleHider JS - hides empty modules in the uspace overview
Auto Redirect MSDN JS - Auto redirects Windows Desktop MSDN articles to the proper MSDN article, since they have links to related functions and the default page doesn't have them
file4go.net JS - Remove o tempo de espera
[Extratorrent.cc] Quick Download JS - Converts all ad download links to direct download.
GitHub Editor - Change Default Settings JS - change default settings for the github editor
EnchancedPool JS - Dodatek dodaje podgląd wyników bez konieczności klikania czegokolwiek.
[Katcr.co] People Page Revive JS - Makes the people page thread like the old site again.
Youtube floating player JS - Pins the video player in its original position while you scroll the page.
Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay JS - Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay with Conditional Logic
Bangumi 标签批量管理 JS - Bangumi 标签批量管理和修改自己可见
MH - Mamoune - Script change peau JS - Gestion des ascendants et descendants dans le profil d'un trõll
MH - Marmotte - Messagerie JS - Aperçu des MPs et Gestion des "Re"
MH - Marmotte - MZ no CSS JS - Gestion de la CSS pour MZ
MH - Mr X - Actions speciales JS - Mise en avant des actions spéciales
MH - Raistlin - Previous/Next Msg JS - Boutons "Message suivant" et "Message précédent" dans la fenêtre de lecture des messages
MH - Raistlin - Keyboard shortcuts JS - Raccourcis clavier pour les compétences et sortilèges
MH - Kassbi - Message RTE JS - Transformation de la boite d'édition standard des messages en un Rich Text Editor
MH - H2P - Forums focus search JS - When you surf to MountyHall's Forums, focus the search field so that you can enter a search without having to use the mouse to focus the field
MH - H2P - Modifs interface JS - Envoi automatique des modifs en Tanière et repli automatique des Équipements Équipés
MH - H2P - Mountypedia focus search JS - When you surf to Mountypedia, focus the search field so that you can enter a search without having to use the mouse to focus the field
reddit clickable linkflair JS - turns flairs to links that search the sub for threads with the same flair
MH - Marmotte - DLA rebours JS - Affiche un compte à rebours avant la prochaine DLA
fofplus JS - fofAgar.io Edited
GF enhance new version upload JS - Select Syntax highlight (enhanced editor) and resize the code box by default when uploading a script
Dribbble Extender JS - Shows who follows you on your following list
[Katcr.co] Old Header JS - Updates the header to be like the old one.
Amazon Link Shortener JS - Adds a shortlink to applicable amazon pages.
Amazon: Redirect from amazon.com to amazon.de via ASIN JS - Asks if you want to go to the local amazon page using ASIN. Some parts are not availible on anamzon.de.
AposLoader JS - Grabs latest versions of the bot scripts automatically.
AO Scroll top next/prew JS - Add to anime-odcinki.pl's players form stict to top
imgur.direct JS - Adds image direct links for imgur uploads.
LibraryThing alphabetize book tags JS - Sort a book's tag in alphabetical order
WME SpeedhelperVEN JS - Makes inputting speed data easier
Fastzone imageUrl fixer JS - Fix the fastzone image url bug.
No more Fox/Newsmax on Yahoo News JS - Remove Fox and Newsmax from Yahoo News feed. Variation on another script by Edward.
[Katcr.co] Always HTTPS JS - As the KAT team seem to be ignoring the KAT's Problems thread, here it goes.
AbemaTV Quick NG Comment JS - AbemaTVのコメントを一時的にNG。連投コメントをブロック
[TorrentProject.se] Quick Download JS - Adds quick download buttons to TorrentProject.se
Forzar HTML5 en AnimeFLV.net JS - Obliga a la página a que utilice el reproductor nativo, incluso con Flash activado. Petición de https://greasyfork.org/users/3118-roxz, ¡que lo disfrutes!
Mathworks no select country JS - Disable country selection nag which comes up every time if cookies are deactivated
Google Docs Wordcount JS - Adds a word counter to Google Docs
FURSTREAM background toggle JS - Adds button to switch background to dark or light colored
Agar.io Troll Your Friends!! JS - Forces the installer to split every time they press w LOL
4chan browser JS - Button in catalog that shows all the images in all posts.
FVToolkit-Sidebar JS - scrollable sidebar with all villagers
Zaladunek surowcow JS - [email protected]
Agar.io Feed Macro + Split Hotkeys + Rip Ads JS - Y - Double Split -|- U - Triple Split -|- T - 16 Split -|- E - Feed
OGame: Przeprowadzane badania i budynki na gorze JS - Badane badania lub budynki zawsze na gorze
Furvilla Post Normalizer JS - Removes post CSS.
Steam DLC wishlister JS - Add all DLCs on wishlist by one click. Also you can remove game from wishlist directly from game store page.
Agar.io By Deez JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Proxy for ESB JS - Erişim Sağlayıcılar Birliği (ESB) tarafından erişime engellenerek başka bir sayfaya yönlendirilen siteler için otomatik olarak proxy (vekil sunucu) üzerinden erişim sağlar.
Bajar MP3 YouTube JS - Descarga MP3 desde YouTube con un solo clic / Download mp3 from YouTube with just one click
Beamdog user ignore script JS - Blocks specified users on the Beamdog forums
mmo-champ author sneak-peak JS - Hover recent threads to see author. I don't guarantee this works on anything other than Chrome and the current page structure of mmo-champion.
mmo-champion.com author sneak-peak JS - Hover recent threads to see author. I don't guarantee this works on anything other than Chrome and the current page structure of mmo-champion.
Scrambler JS - scrambles all the text on a page
Youtube Gray-Out JS - Overlay thumbnails of already watched videos with white layer and view counter. Aims to counteract Youtube's clickbait design.
Keep Scrambling JS - scrambles all the text on a page on a 1 second interval
Dospy论坛自动签到 JS - 自动签到工具
Myself-bbs.com HTML5 Player JS - HTML5 Player for 云端
FVToolkit-AnimalTrafficking JS - Toolkit for Animal Husbandry. Shortcuts for transferring to own villagers, gender, breedability and status highlighting.
Auto Close Deez nutz JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
WME Clear Feed JS - Adds a link to the sidebar to clear your WME feed
Molineux Mix Lite JS - Cruft Free Molineux Mix Browsing
JWPlayer Force HTML5 JS - Makes JWPlayer think that you don't have the Flash plugin, thus forcing HTML5 mode
Preview a Visualforce page in ASIDE.IO JS - Preview a Visualforce page in ASIDE.IO by clicking the 'Preview' button at the bottom of the page.
Agar Cancer Mod JS - Add some cancer to Agar and make your eyes bleed
Greasy Fork Content Filter JS - Filter out unwanted content on Greasy Fork
Trello Category JS - try to take over the world!
VK top comments JS - Топовые комментарии VK!
acfun2aixifan JS - http://acfun.tv域名自动跳转到http://www.aixifan.com,网站出问题时可启动
Block reklama vk.com JS - Blokiruet reklamnuyi block na vk.com
removeFacebookSuggestedPosts JS - Remove facebook suggested posts and games
scrollWithMouseMove JS - 鼠标在滚动条上移动滚动网页
Namejs on chrome JS - enter something useful
MaSt Play Mods Useful And Powerful! JS - MODS FOR AGAR & OTHER !
Confirm SoundCloud leave (Alpha) JS - Shows a confirm box when closing SoundCloud tab.
CG Multiplayer Helper JS - Adds a SWAP and PLAY_100 button to IDE
Google - Middle Click Search JS - Opens search results in new tab when you middle click
82 skins JS - Add skin changing
reddit comments expand JS - when you've collapsed a lot of comment threads on a reddit thread and don't want to expand them all one by one
gh-better-monospace JS - Better github code reading experience
orlygift-expansion JS - A grease monkey script for adding functionality to orlygift.
[firstBank] Hack firstBank login for 1password JS - allow right click and set id for loginCustId
GitHub Make Tooltips JS - A userscript converts title tooltips into Github Tooltips
xkcd Tweaks JS - Some tweaks to xkcd.com and what-if.xkcd.com
获取哔哩哔哩视频和直播间的封面图片 get bilibili cover image JS - 在视频列表上以及视频播放页面,按 ctrl+鼠标右键 ,就会在新窗口打开这个视频的封面图
京东优惠券抢购 JS - 京东优惠券刷新测试
youtube playlist statitics JS - statirics the videos duration of youtube playlist video include total,longest,shortest time
Auto Check Remember Login JS - The script will automatically check all remember login checkbox
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