Fimfiction - Last User Sighting JS - Makes how long ago someone was online more easily visible.
A-Medical Center img reload JS - 메디칼 센터 이미지 주소변경 & 로딩실패시 재로딩(페이지,사진)
Ordens de Defesa - MoD ePortuguês JS - Plugin feito pelo Ministério da Defesa Português, para ver todas as batalhas importantes em que ePortugal está a lutar.
Add Agent to Search JS - Show agent on player search pages
Minecraft Gift Code Hider JS - Automatically hides gift codes and adds button to toggle visibility.
ustAllDownload JS - 批量下载香港科技大学提供的香港天文台天气图
NMC Moodle Login P1+P2 JS - Automatic login to NMC moodle site
OCMP Extract Multiple Dividends JS - Expand the work area and site boxes
RelevanceQuest HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects all "Non Adult" radio buttons in "Flag images - (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.)" Clicking on an image flags it as explicit. Clicking on an image twice flags it as fetish. Right clicking on an image flags it as gruesome. Middle clicking an image flags it as suggestive.
Imgur Thumbnail Tag Remover JS - Removes the thumbnail tags.
OpenRaid Highlight JS - Highlights the selected keyword in the chat when it's posted
(dm) Deviant Art Gallery Ripper (old slowmode) JS - Click button and generate a list of direct image link urls for all images for a users gallery.
hnust jiaowu JS - 解决湖南科技大学教务网不能兼容Chrome和Firefox浏览器的问题
Fimfiction Full Names JS - This script changes the tags and ratings to display the full text, adds the name to the back of the cards, and another minor tweak or two.
Show wage on HIT submit JS - (mTurk) This script puts an overlay on the page of your hourly wage when you submit a HIT. Meant for use with batches.
Github Rawgit Button JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
OGame - UserPositions JS - Shows user position in galaxy at highscore page.
Hide videos seen on Youtube JS - Hide videos seen on Youtube, on any page, by X'ing them
Mark Read Creepypasta.com JS - Mark stories as read on Creepypasta.com
NMC Login JS - Automatic login to NMC
Duże zdjęcia wish.com JS - Po kliknięciu na zdjęciu otwiera zdjęcie w nowej karcie
StackOverflow close votes shortcuts JS - A script to add keyboard shortcuts to StackOverflow's close votes review queue
Homosuck JS - Makes Homestuck suck less
/r/leagueoflegends red tracker JS - turn links red if rioter comments. tracks rioter comments on comment page.
Open sblocks (rpg.net) JS - If spoiler blocks are present on an rpg.net page, then two further buttons are overlaid on the page to show/hide all the spoilers.
Open sblocks (unseen servant) JS - If spoiler blocks are present on an unseenservant.us page, then two further buttons are overlaid on the page to show/hide all the spoilers.
MAL Voice Actor Filter JS - This script filters voice actor: "Voice Acting Roles" and anime staff: "Anime Staff Positions" by your anime list entries
Youtube Html5 Disable JS - ///
Project Euler Hide Solved By Number JS - if you feel 'solved by' count is affecting your ability and desire to solve a Project Euler question
Wish show seller JS - enter something useful
MAL flair to link JS - Transforms all flairs to links on anime related subreddits.
InstaSynchP Event Hooks JS - Attaches itself to the functions on InstaSync to fire events
InstaSynchP Core JS - The core for a modular plugin system for InstaSync
InstaSynchP Input History JS - Plugin to browse your chat history
Nexus Clash Character List Sort JS - Sorts the list of people by allegiance, then by hp, more severely wounded first.
WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms JS - adds User Synonyms to the lesson page. adds User Synonyms and Notes to unlearned item pages.
Github: Add Releases Button JS - Adds a releases button
Yahoo!ニュース自動推移 JS - Yahoo!ニュースのリンクを自動で推移します。
virtonomica:Salary & Education edited JS - Облегчение установку зарплат на странице управления персоналом
Blip.tv Links JS - Shows all the available video formats at the top of the page on the blip.tv watch page so that they can be saved easily.
GMail Pause JS - Put GMail on pause to stop distractions!
GMail Change Title JS - Change the GMail title and remove the unread message count!
Navigate_streamallthis.is JS - A little script to navigate trough series at the streaming host <a href="http://streamallthis.is">streamallthis.is</a>
Broodhollow Navigation Improvements JS - Arrow Key navigation
Hummingbird User Compare JS - Adds a button that compares the anime list of a hummingbird user against yours
TEST JS - all tests for my extensions
Fix images for token pages JS - makes images work in token pages
MusicBrainz: Sort artists JS - Allows you to change the order of artist names in any of the multiple artists editors. NOTICE: This will remove any artist lookup data already present in the editor. You have to assign this manually again.
Add URL in tooltip JS - Add URL in tooltip to include more informaton
Dirty Ghost Spellchecker JS - A solution for spellcheck in Ghost
Show all child pages in Confluence JS - This extension automatically clicks the "X more child pages" link in Confluence's sidebar to show all child pages
ETI Animated Avatars JS - animates gifs in avatars
Yun Pan WAP Redirect JS - 重定向百度云盘的 WAP 页面到普通页面
Show info about buyer on aliexpress.com JS - Shows buyers feedback
BBCodes for MAL JS - Add BBCode to MAL Forum posts
KissAnime Slimmer Header JS - Removes the cruft from this site's navigation bar.
MetaFilter Filter By Favorites JS - Allows users to view MetaFilter comments by favorite count.
InstaSynchP CSSLoader JS - Framework plugin to load and unload CSS urls
InstaSynchP Settings JS - Provides the ability to store settings for the plugins
Black Shadow Username Changer JS - Jesus
Old.InstaEmotes JS - New maymays for you to love!
Evan J JS - Search for company news URL
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip MLiteKeysOn.
EUISUMN checkall JS - males isi evaluasi dosen? install ini langsung centang semua
EUISUMN checkall JS - males isi evaluasi dosen? install ini langsung centang semua | INSTANT VERSION
HITs Accepted on Dashboard/HIT Scraper Link JS - This is a grouped script. If you want just the link, or just the dashboard, find my other scripts on GreasyFork. Shows the number of hits you have accepted, lists theme, and also a link to HIT scraper.
InstaSynchP Layouts JS - Larger layouts and fullscreen mode
1Tool Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all 1Tool short links to their direct links
Downloadiz2 Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Downloadiz2 short links to their direct links
Imzdb Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Imzdb short links to their direct links
nbanews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all nbanews short links to their direct links
TakeMyFile Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all TakeMyFile short links to their direct links
Takhzen Catalog Link Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen Catalog Links to their direct links
Takhzen Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Takhzen short links to their direct links
Wwenews Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates all Wwenews short links to their direct links
zPag Short Links Elongator JS - Elongates zPag Links to their direct links
Farfesh.Com Download Links Extractor JS - Extracts Download Links From Farfesh.Com
CDV Compte a rebourd JS - Decompte
Gain X with IMVU JS - Gain X with IMVU in the review product session
oglaf NextPage clarifier JS - Oglaf has stories which may have 1 or more pages. The "Next Page" button takes you to the next story if there isn't a next page, which is a bit unclear.
Metal Archives discography pages - Reviews column split and sortable tables JS - Splits the Reviews column into Reviews(count) and Ratings and makes the tables in all discography tabs sortable.
Anime1 filter JS - Removes links to objectionable adult content.
clinton JS - Turns clinton into an emoji
Date highlighter日期字体阴影高亮 JS - Add text shadow to highlight dates in text.
OFM DE2 - Vereinsseite - oFIFA.de2 Info-Panel JS - Adds an additional element to the team page, if the manager is collecting players of one nation.
Mangareader JS - Help for the website mangareader, to view your manga you read
Copy/Paste for banking.barclaycard.de JS - banking.barclaycard.de disables pasting through Javascript. This script reenables it.
AMALL JS - makes giving back Llamas on deviantart.com way easer
dA_clear_corrs JS - clears expired/rejected/approved messages from your correspondence
da_devfolder JS - folders for deviation notifications
dA_ignore JS - ignores people on dA
dA_name_info JS - Gives details about a deviant when hovering over his name
dA_quick_img_pop JS - Displays buttons beneath each deviationon its submission site, so you can easily see how much resonance a picture got!
dA_signature_visibility JS - alter appearance of signatures
dA_top_menu_links JS - additional liks in the top-bar
dAhub_MessageCenter_ContestWidget JS - integrates dAhub's contest-feature into your messagebox!
dev_broken_thumbs JS - remove broken thumb-code within your custom-boxes on deviantart.
dev_hide_critique JS - shortens critiques until you click them
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