[Katcr.co] Bring Back Cheevos JS - Allows you to get cheevos back on KAT.
F - Emote Organization JS - Fixes the smiley clown fiesta
_sentient JS - blank
ao3 tags savior JS - hide works with too many tags on the AO3
[PrivateHD.to] Fix Beta Downloads JS - Trying to download through beta beta.privatehd.to/download/torrent/*.torrent causes a 500 error. Simple bug fix to resolve this.
Em-8ER Forums Dashboard JS - Tune-up for em8er.com forums
[HWM] TimePortalDataCollector JS - [HWM] Time Portal Data Collector
Habitaclia JS - Redirige a versión escritorio
mail_ustc_select_stu_domain JS - select mail.ustc.edu.cn domain automatically
USTC教学评估 JS - USTC教学评估自动好评
Redirect torcache.net to itorrents.org JS - Change torcache.net links on torrent websites to itorrents.org links
userstyles.org - Auto Enable Source Editor JS - auto enables the source editor on userstyles.org
MyDealz Toggle Description JS - functionality to toggle deal descriptions on mydealz.de
MyDealz Just Deal Search JS - Changes the default search to "for deals only" on mydealz.de
MyDealz Google Search JS - Adds google search functionality on mydealz.de
RSS Feed Finder JS - Looks for RSS links on the page when there isn't a subscribe button set in the header
SPARTAN DZ GAMER agario y copias de agario JS - SPARTAN y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
MyDealz User Info JS - Adds extended user information (online status, nr of comments/deals/...) below each comment on mydealz.de
Hide Facebook Ads JS - Remove "sponsored" facebook ads
titulky.com - odstraneni upozorneni o AdBlocku JS - odstraneni upozorneni o AdBlocku
bilibili notify JS - 自动监听bilibili直播推送信息,当所关注者开启直播时自动打开直播网页的javascript脚本。
获取淘宝评论图片 JS - Get TAOBAO Comment Pic
Indeed.com hide certain employers JS - Provides an option on Indeed to select employers that you are uninterested in working for and collapse their openings in search results
[FrostTorrents.com] Better Header JS - Redoes the header on FT
toutiao jumper JS - jump direct to dest websites on toutiao.io
WME State Districts JS - Adds state districts as a layer, and displays district info for selected road segments.
vk-chat-shortcuts JS - Allows to change active chats with Ctrl+(1-5) (only 5 last of them)
PageEditor JS - Allows you to edit web pages easily for taking fake screenshots or videos!
DLE links decoder JS - Прямые ссылки на сайтах с движком DataLife Engine (DLE)
WME URComments Dominican Spanish List JS - This script is for Dominican Spanish comments to be used with Rick Zabel's script URComments (URC)
facebook block more sponsors JS - Block Facebook news feed "sponsored" posts that hide in :after css
userstyles.org - auto select keep me logged in JS - Auto checks keep me logged in on userstyles.org
Prevent Wikia Ads JS - Prevent the ads that pop up when clicking a link to an external page on Wikias
Wider facebook content JS - Set facebook content to 100% width after removing column between content and chat
NzBinnewZ JS - Ajoute des liens vers les moteurs Nzb, Allociné.fr et Imdb.com et Tmdb sur Binnewz, Renvois sur BZ RSS si soucis de SQL
YouTube Wait for Me - Pause and Start Player in Background Tabs JS - Pause the video in YouTube tabs opened in the background, play on activation 2016-08-18 (I know, it doesn't pause fast enough)
Gitlab Default dropdown to Https JS - Make default clone method is HTTPS instead of SSH
VK-Center JS - Картинки в ленте по центру
Toggl-Button Jira JS - Toggle button for Jira
Без загрузчиков JS - Файлообменники без сторонних загрузчиков
1444422 JS - lul
Anti-Disabler JS - Restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
KissAnime Video Expander JS - Remove the page background and expands the video player while watching videos on KissAnime. It's like full screen without full screen.
Remove ad posts from VK.com JS - removes ad posts from feed and walls by keywords
WaniKani Lesson Overlearning JS - Always automatically click the 'Need more time' button after lessons to enable overlearning.
Ask for name JS - Asks for your name when you open a website!
YouTube Ad-Buster! JS - Remove ads from youtube! Exactly what the title is!
Открепление верхней панели ВКонтакте (VK) JS - Открепление верхней панели в социальной сети ВКонтакте (новый дизайн) при прокрутке страницы.
Neige By Karim Tita JS - try to take over the world!
Hide 'Recommended for you' videos on YouTube sidebar JS - Hides 'Recommended for you' videos on YouTube sidebar
13 macro's for Agar.io :) JS - 13 macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere JS - Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery)
BezpiecznyKlucz 500+ JS - System generaowania obrazów z tekstu.
Gfycator 500+ JS - Dodatkowy przycisk ułatwiający szybką konwersję gifów lub obrazków do postaci gfycatów
Adblock for Requestly JS - Evades Requestly's adblock blocker
reddit: redirect mobile links to desktop JS - redirects mobile reddit links to desktop reddit links
VKResizer JS - Auto-resize vk.com wall content
NGA网址重定向 JS - 重定向NGA玩家社区的各种不同域名的网址到bbs.nga.cn,避免重复登录。
Bye-Bye KAT Ads JS - Removes ads from KAT
Notifications JS - show desktop notifications
HLJU Class Schedule JS - Export your classes to a ics file.
Reapers split extension〚????〛 JS - macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
iABW JS - Przerabia linki do kanału.
Notifications JS - show desktop notifications (no new messages)
Anti BD Redirect JS - 反重定向
Kinopoisk fast switch JS - Quick switch kinopoisk sorting
(pnl) (kame) shout JS - QLF QLF QLF, Smilley PNL et Kame (label PNL) sur la shoutbox de RG
SoundCloud Toggle Continuous Play and Autoplay JS - Adds options to toggle continuous play and autoplay in SoundCloud
Quip JS - Fix formatting and hide the conversation sidebar on Quip pages
WaniKani SRS Grid JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Extra! JS - Adds a button that lets you download YouTube videos as mp4 & mp3.
BetterNestCamView JS - try to take over the world!
TMacros JS - The official ƬҲ Clan Userscript!
Gates of Survival - Combat Assist JS - A collection combat things. Highlights and enlarges your post-modified health at the end of each round (and only the last of the health totals) in order to make it very easy to see at a glance. Will play a sound effect if your health is "red". Also tracks many combat stats (thanks to dangnabbit for greatly increasing the number of things it tracks) and provides an export button to export that data to a CSV.
Agar Infinity JS - This extension modifies Agar.io, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
Direct Image Link Twitter JS - Прямые ссылки под эскизами
expand trade routes JS - ...
Loft Lounge Board Game Filters JS - Adds Filters to the Loft Lounge board game page
淘宝圈子电脑版 JS - 用于显示手机版淘宝论坛里圈子
The Works Burger Chooser JS - Choose a random burger on the works menu
Loteria paragonowa - pomocnik JS - Pomaga wprowadzać nowe paragony na stronie loteriaparagonowa.gov.pl
Get lost loading message JS - Remove loading message from slack. Adapted from "Get lost giphy!" by Christopher Gervais.
Select All Checkboxes JS - A mate for checkbox, select all checkboxes by press Ctrl+Alt+mouse1, or select checkboxes with mouse over by press Alt, or select checkboxes between 2 marks by press Shift.
Fullwidth Text Generator JS - AESTHETIC
Load All Soundcloud Likes JS - Handy button to auto AJAX load all your liked tracks. Basically just scrolls the page for you quickly until there's no more.
Pool Live Tour JS - Editing www.duelovky.cz for game Pool Live Tour.
DR no-spoilers JS - no spoilers
DR spoilersOnClick JS - Show spoilers on click
贴吧屏蔽帖子列表页第五位热门推送 JS - 屏蔽百度贴吧帖子列表页除置顶外第五个帖子,一般是热门推送
Qzone_Mod+NoAD(GM) JS - Qzone_Mod+NoAD样式去广告辅助脚本
v2exBetterReply JS - better reply experience for v2ex
Remove Mention Gabs From Gab.ai Homepage JS - This script will remove all posts which begin with a @ mention
Freeport7 visible sage JS - Brings back red sage span on FP7
Gab.ai Endlessly Scrollable Content JS - Automatically loads more Gab.ai content when you scroll to the ended of the loaded content.
HACG Force Https JS - 对琉璃神社强制使用HTTPS,解决某些地方打不开的问题
GitHub JS - Fix formatting
Markdown and BB-codes for vk.com JS - Enable ability mark text in VK.
= STN = TradeOffer Helper JS - Trying to make your TradeOffer Experience better!
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