Isohunt- remove sponsored links from search JS - remove fake search results that are actually sponsored ads
Freedit L1+ JS - Vrstva míst úprav pro nováčky Freedit L1+
mmmturkeybacon Show Only HIT Posts JS - Show only posts that contain links to mturk.
Direct Wmode JS - An userscript to make flash object display in "direct" mode.
Coppy Killer JS - Hides Coppy from tumblr (April Fool's Day joke 2015)
sgamer_1 JS - 资料卡添加备注(还未实现),隐藏勋章(显示6个)
RatingR2 JS - REREC, Season TI, TrExMa, RatingR2 JP/EN
Dorkly.com DeFrost JS - Удаление защиты от скачивания картинок
Button Checker JS - watches the button
Test Script Cross Domain POST JS - All tests are outputed to developer javascript console (try F12 hotkey)
ETS2MP Forum Improvements JS - Make everything about the ETS2MP Forums better
Live User View Overlay Colors backported RZ JS - Shows LiveUser current view
Alternative search engines 2 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
Scratch Forums Composer Swag JS - Adds more posting tools to the Scratch forums composer
The Grey Pill JS - Prevents the consequences of casual button clicks
Previsualizer JS - Permet de prévisualiser un topic.
Primedice 3 Faucet Timer JS - Displays time since faucet claim button was last clicked, no more guessing when the timer is up!
Tidy up your Dashboard JS - Tidy Up Your Dashboard is a Userscript which brings along a lot of features for improving the user experience on Warzone.
Reddit - Unread Comment Helper (fork) JS - On topic pages, show "X unread comments (Y total)"; on comment pages, highlight unread comments. Local storage only -- does not work across multiple computers.
Nuuvem Enhancer JS - Currency converter to USD and some translations
Advanced button stats JS - Show Advanced button stats
WBB User Whitelist JS - Keeps topics by Whitelisted users and removes the rest on Forum View & Search on warez-bb.org
Bypass Highland Coffee JS - Go fight HighlandCoffee hotspot!
Weasyl nested messages JS - Will group messages on the notification center - journals are grouped by user and the rest is grouped by submission
TB+RatingR2 JS - REREC, Season TI, TrExMa, RatingR2 JP/EN
KoC Merlin Token Domain Selector FRANCAIS JS - Ce script recupere vos jetons merlins tous les jours depuis les publis Facebook!
Lepro WhoIsWho JS - Наглядность половой принадлежности =) 2.1
Size and color of rating according to it, no Zero (Лепра 2.0) JS - Увеличивает размер и меняет цвет шрифта оценки в зависимости от рейтинга. Делает оценку O белой.
bigass JS - IDGAF
Bunny Black Anti-Ching-Chong JS - Translates http://chaosmemo.net/bunnyblack/
Heise.de Forum: all comments on one page v2 JS - All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores.
AO3: highlight tags JS - Configure tags to be highlighted with different colors - please install V2 of this script instead
Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on (mod) JS - Torrentz.eu: Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors (movie poster added on the mod), and other goodies. Also features an light built-in serie tracker (remove tracker on the mod). Torrentz gets so much simpler and efficient! Demo video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QyuIDw0CIw&feature=youtu.be
Florida MapRaid Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "MapRaid FL - http://j.mp/FL_MR Groups" layer
imgresizevoz JS - banh háng img
YouTube View Most Popular and Newest Uploader Videos (2018+) JS - See the user's most 'Popular' and 'Newest' video pages in a sliding-dropdown preview without even having to leave the video page.
YouTube Two Best Friends Play Skip Intro JS - Skips the first 7 second intro of any Two Best Friends Play videos.
Checkvist Focus Trail Display JS - Displays a dynamic breadcrumb location trail that shows where you are while in both standard and (hoist) focus mode.
Bugmenot Button 2015 JS - Adds menu button that opens the Bugmenot user/password page for the current site you are visiting.
PrimeWire Movie Trailers and Reviews JS - #1 Most Useful Script for Primewire. Adds links to movie/TV show trailers and reviews from YouTube, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Also adds new bonus site features.
Freesound Direct Mp3/Ogg Links JS - Adds direct Mp3 and Ogg audio file download links on freesound.org
Firedrive Putlocker Sockshare Skip JS - Skip waiting screen at Firedrive, Putlocker, Sockshare and 21+ more video hosting sites.
Ellipsis fix [C&C] JS - It prevents ellipsis for long texts in C&C Tiberium Alliances
Funnyjunk Submitter Checker JS - Highlights OP and user's username in comments sections, and brings back NSFW board menus.
Github User Info JS - Show inline user information on avatar hover.
Virtonomica: расчет производства JS - Цена за единицу качества + влияние на качество конечного продукта
Virtonomica: Подсветка в отчете по производству JS - Подсветка по качу производства относительно среднереалмового в отчете по производству
Flightradar24 show flights in title JS - Adds a counter to the page title on Flightradar24 to show the number of matched flights
GC-Vote JS - displays average votes and lets users vote for the quality of caches on geocaching.com
vivo.sx Redirector JS - This script skips the countdown and redirects directly to stream.
Spammers be gone! JS - : This script will add javascript to block unwanted threads
MyAnimeList (MAL) Alternative History JS - Displays anime/manga series history based on RSS feed, instead of default episode/chapter history
N24.de TV-bar auto-hide JS - Automatically hide TV-bar
Anti-Disabler JS - Restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
YouTube Auto Enhanced (Auto Buffer & Auto HD) JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
The West - Connection booster JS - A utility for boost connection
내카체 Plus JS - 네이버 신-웹 카페채팅 스크립트 확장
Tumblr Image Size JS - When directly viewing an image on Tumblr, ensures that the highest resolution image is loaded.
Button Up JS - Кнопка вверх
WoS screenshots fix JS - WoS screens fix
SlaveHack Utilities JS - SlaveHack Utilities bot
Feedly NG Filter JS - ルールにマッチするアイテムを既読にして取り除きます。ルールは正規表現で記述でき、複数のルールをツリー状に組み合わせることができます。
Fix links for individual pictures on suicidegirls.com JS - New SG galleries have weird support to open images in a new tab (browser tries to download instead of display). This script solves the issue by linking to the highest resolution image while using the same webservice that the album functionality uses (it's transparent to the site and doesn't incur any extra load on their servers). Notice you still need to own a suicidegirls.com membership to access albums, this script doesn't try to bypass any of the security measures on the site.
Better HollywoodTuna JS - This script will load all the pictures that belong to the same series and show them below the page.
TW-Collections-RO Translation JS - Romanian Translation - TW-Collections - see below
[s4s] Enhancer JS - Highlights dubs - Never miss your chance to check em again!
AMT Titles JS - Splice and Modify of CH MTurk Page Titles and mTurk Title Bar Timer
IMDB Score Hider JS - Hides all TV and movie scores from IMDB.
Organised Crime JS - Easy initiation of Torn organised crimes.
Tauschbörse St.Gallen JS - Verbessert die Navigation auf der Tauschbörsenseite
Virtonomica: Кнопка "вверх" для форума JS - Добавляет кнопку "вверх" внизу страниц форума
Virtonomica: Делаем видимым поле ввода процента в Управление-Персонал JS - Делаем видимым поле ввода процента в компания-Управление-Персонал
Pokebip - Forum JS - Script permettant de donner une autre apparence au forum.
Pokebip - Espace Membre JS - Script permettant de donner une autre apparence au forum.
JDownloader Autostart Video Hosts JS - Automatically starts download of the hosted video file with JDownloader on many host sites.
Youtube Scrolling Comments Layout 2017 JS - Modern layout for 1080p res, lets you watch videos while being able to scroll and read the entire comments section, by pinning the YouTube video to the left-side page. Plus, a sleek 'More Videos by same user' playlist feed is auto-generated for the current channel and 2 very useful quicklinks are added: 'Most Popular' and 'Newest' sorted user videos. See screenshot for preview.
The Grey Guard JS - Prevents casual button clicks
Reddit - side-by-side editor and RES preview JS - Show the edit box and preview next to each other when writing comments if you have RES installed
Timeliner JS - Script that generates the timeline for Blogger
Pandabutt JS - Is this what my life has become?
mmmturkeybacon Butt-in Buttons JS - Adds a PandA (previewandaccept: accepts a HIT from within in the group at random) link/button. Adds a Pick & Roll button that accepts the very HIT you are previewing (if still available) and then skips to a new HIT. Adds the automatically accept checkbox to HIT previews. Shows the Accept button and CAPTCHAs right away. Adds a RandA button that returns a HIT and loads the HIT's PandA URL. Makes the Return button red. Puts the buttons closer to the workspace. Removes the "Total Earned" field.
Todoist enhancer JS - Todoist.com differnt enhancements
YouTube - add video ID text field JS - Usable for copying a video ID to a clipboard for downloading via youtube-dl. By default it also prefixes the ID with "--" if it starts with a dash (this can be disabled).
Gmail Favicon Alerts 3 JS - Alerts you to the status of your Gmail Inbox through distinct Favicons.
tf2pug.me userscript JS - makes website dark and spooky like my soul
zz Hide Add Boxes - Global - by Pushka.tv JS - Hide Divs which contain adds - all websites - http://pushka.com/coding-donation
SwgAwakening Audio Fix JS - For those of us who think it's loud and obstructs our netflix just to monitor server uptime.
Always-visible Tumblr Tools JS - Forces newly-dropdownable user tools back into the right sidebar
ING Direct Website remove slider banner - Global - by Pushka.tv JS - Hide Divs which contain adds - all websites - http://pushka.com/coding-donation
Warfacts Starlog Real dates JS - Changes time and date for war-facts.com starlog to real. For the new game interface.
KAT - Hide Online Friends JS - Adds a button to toggle online friends
Facebook Timeline Cleaner JS - delete you facebook timeline
WME Polygon Kab Sijunjung JS - Polygons Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatra Barat di WME layer
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock JS - Helps whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock
Show Flairless Count JS - Estimate flairless users on /r/thebutton/
Great GPA For ZJU JWBINFOSYS JS - 麻麻再也不用担心我的GPA
The Sexy Button JS - Allow The Button to change colour
The Sexy Button Header JS - Allow The Button header to change colour from the websocket
Lichess auto analyse JS - Automatically request analysis when going to the analysis page.
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