Multireddit to link JS - Convert a new-style multireddit to an old-style link
Qobuz Country Switcher JS - Relocates the country selector menu to just above the album list or just below the cover artwork, and remaps the menu URLs from their countries' homepages to the current page's equivalent page in each country/language.
LorientOwnage JS - Il écrit des trucs chelou Staline56 :malade:
Freshdesk Monitor JS - Alerts you if the responder of the ticket you are viewing changes, there is a new ticket or one updates, and auto-refreshes the ticket page. New ticket and updated ticket notifications only work when you have a ticket list open in a tab
Freshdesk Ticket Report JS - Allows creation of csv ticket reports
WME URComments India English List JS - This script is to facilitate the handling of URs in India. To be used with the main script URComments.
Anitube Scripts JS - Adiciona o Tema red e melhoria para o player
TUM eAccess Redirector JS - Automatically redirect to the proxified equivalent as provided by the libary of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen via the eAccess-System. TUM credentials required.
BetterLM JS - make Linkomanija great again
Agarlist Skin Changer JS - Add skin changing
Вакаба-разметка для vk.com JS - Включает вакаба-разметку в сообщениях ВК.
Comments killfile for Cyanide & Happiness JS - Removes comments by users that I don't care to read
Twitter.com Show More Tweets Auto-Loader JS - When you are trying to load lots of Tweets on Twitter you may end up pressing the "HOME"+"END" key combination repeatedly. This script is a workaround for this behaviour. To begin auto-loader double-click anywhere on the page. To disable auto-loader double-click anywhere on the page.
Dość nocnej JS - Skrypt ukrywający na Mikroblogu Wykop.pl wpisy dodane między godziną 1:00 a 6:00.
lang8 JS - remove the ad of lang8
Furvilla - Hide Recent Activity JS - Removes recent forum activity from the sidebar.
ShowModalDialog Polyfill JS - https://github.com/niutech/showModalDialog
steam family auto login JS - auto log on steam if family mode is enabled
.M3U8 HLS support for HTML5 video JS - Lets you play fragmented Apple-style adaptive videos in browsers like Firefox, by making use of Media Source Extensions. No Flash needed.
Agar Cancer Mod JS - Add some cancer to Agar and make your eyes bleed
Anonymizer for Scratch JS - Makes all users on scratch anonymous.
Sri Lanka 3rd MapRaid Boundary JS - a script to define border for Sri Lanka MapRaid (01 August to 31 August 2016)
Taguj to gówno JS - Skrypt ukrywający na Mikroblogu Wykop.pl wpisy, które nie zostały otagowane.
eRev Improver JS - Añade mejoras a eRevollution.com
INARA Cargo Ext JS - Cargo Calc
(Dab) (Gran) shout JS - Avoir le smilies Grandma dancing et Dab sur la Shoutbox Facebook
Lichess Lounger JS - Include chat in Lichess TV
Stavki_ENVD_in_memo JS - Создаёт список ставок ЕНВД. origin https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/8427-sale-envd
WME Validator New Hampshire Localization JS - This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Lagkadeo JS - Reduce el lag en Arkadeo
WME REGION CENTRAL VENEZUELA 2016 JS - polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "REGION CENTRAL 2016" layer
A9 - Category Validation JS - Does stuff.
ROBLOX - Skip video ads JS - Allows you to start games immediately without waiting for the video ad to finish
蜜柑计划助手 JS - 添加搜索链接到番的页面
蜜柑计划助手(acer版) JS - 添加搜索链接到番的页面
TOC Lista Ludopedia JS - Mostra um TOC para os itens de uma lista da ludopedia, bem como informação de leilões (preço) (ludopedia.com.br)
2chVladChekunovAntiCaptcha JS - 2ch AntiCaptcha by Vlad Chekunov
FVToolkit-AutoExplorer JS - AutoExplorer for FV. Click once and it will click 'Explore Again' for you!
Bypass EM Filter JS - cunt
Dealabs Compagnon JS - améliore l'expérience utilisateur
Correct All The Coordinates JS - This script enables the functionality to change the coordinates of every cachetype
RGdoi JS - Detect DOIs as hyperlinks
Google Translate Keyboard Shortcut JS - Press ctrl-s to swap active languages
JIRA: Copy standup report JS - Copy your standup report as markdown.
Blogger Editor IMG helper JS - Help adding/removing classes to your images and automatically remove anchor links.
Kinopoisk Extender JS - Расширение функционала kinopoisk.ru.
[Katcr.co] Original Smileys JS - Adds the original smileys back
Moonwalk&HDGo&Kodik FIX JS - Смотри фильмы и сериалы без ожидания!
FVToolkit CustomCssLoader JS - Custom CSS loader for profile/villager pages.
MAXIMUM Search JS - Add search links VK, Yandex Music and Last.fm to radio Maximum (RUS)
NZBKing Sorter JS - Sort NZBKing results by size
AgarCancer JS - Kill your ears, eyes, and everything else....
Lichess study comment keybind JS - Press the 'a' key to show comment field in study
Improved Steam Achievements JS - Improves the appearance of Steam achievements on Steam pages and also on Achievement Stats pages.
ModuleHider JS - hides empty modules in the uspace overview
Auto Redirect MSDN JS - Auto redirects Windows Desktop MSDN articles to the proper MSDN article, since they have links to related functions and the default page doesn't have them
file4go.net JS - Remove o tempo de espera
[Extratorrent.cc] Quick Download JS - Converts all ad download links to direct download.
GitHub Editor - Change Default Settings JS - change default settings for the github editor
EnchancedPool JS - Dodatek dodaje podgląd wyników bez konieczności klikania czegokolwiek.
[Katcr.co] People Page Revive JS - Makes the people page thread like the old site again.
Youtube floating player JS - Pins the video player in its original position while you scroll the page.
Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay JS - Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay with Conditional Logic
Bangumi 标签批量管理 JS - Bangumi 标签批量管理和修改自己可见
MH - Mamoune - Script change peau JS - Gestion des ascendants et descendants dans le profil d'un trõll
MH - Marmotte - Messagerie JS - Aperçu des MPs et Gestion des "Re"
MH - Marmotte - MZ no CSS JS - Gestion de la CSS pour MZ
MH - Mr X - Actions speciales JS - Mise en avant des actions spéciales
MH - Raistlin - Previous/Next Msg JS - Boutons "Message suivant" et "Message précédent" dans la fenêtre de lecture des messages
MH - Raistlin - Keyboard shortcuts JS - Raccourcis clavier pour les compétences et sortilèges
MH - Kassbi - Message RTE JS - Transformation de la boite d'édition standard des messages en un Rich Text Editor
MH - H2P - Forums focus search JS - When you surf to MountyHall's Forums, focus the search field so that you can enter a search without having to use the mouse to focus the field
MH - H2P - Modifs interface JS - Envoi automatique des modifs en Tanière et repli automatique des Équipements Équipés
MH - H2P - Mountypedia focus search JS - When you surf to Mountypedia, focus the search field so that you can enter a search without having to use the mouse to focus the field
reddit clickable linkflair JS - turns flairs to links that search the sub for threads with the same flair
MH - Marmotte - DLA rebours JS - Affiche un compte à rebours avant la prochaine DLA
fofplus JS - fofAgar.io Edited
GF enhance new version upload JS - Select Syntax highlight (enhanced editor) and resize the code box by default when uploading a script
Dribbble Extender JS - Shows who follows you on your following list
[Katcr.co] Old Header JS - Updates the header to be like the old one.
Amazon Link Shortener JS - Adds a shortlink to applicable amazon pages.
Amazon: Redirect from amazon.com to amazon.de via ASIN JS - Asks if you want to go to the local amazon page using ASIN. Some parts are not availible on anamzon.de.
AposLoader JS - Grabs latest versions of the bot scripts automatically.
AO Scroll top next/prew JS - Add to anime-odcinki.pl's players form stict to top
imgur.direct JS - Adds image direct links for imgur uploads.
LibraryThing alphabetize book tags JS - Sort a book's tag in alphabetical order
WME SpeedhelperVEN JS - Makes inputting speed data easier
Fastzone imageUrl fixer JS - Fix the fastzone image url bug.
No more Fox/Newsmax on Yahoo News JS - Remove Fox and Newsmax from Yahoo News feed. Variation on another script by Edward.
[Katcr.co] Always HTTPS JS - As the KAT team seem to be ignoring the KAT's Problems thread, here it goes.
AbemaTV Quick NG Comment JS - AbemaTVのコメントを一時的にNG。連投コメントをブロック
[TorrentProject.se] Quick Download JS - Adds quick download buttons to TorrentProject.se
Forzar HTML5 en AnimeFLV.net JS - Obliga a la página a que utilice el reproductor nativo, incluso con Flash activado. Petición de https://greasyfork.org/users/3118-roxz, ¡que lo disfrutes!
Mathworks no select country JS - Disable country selection nag which comes up every time if cookies are deactivated
Google Docs Wordcount JS - Adds a word counter to Google Docs
FURSTREAM background toggle JS - Adds button to switch background to dark or light colored
Agar.io Troll Your Friends!! JS - Forces the installer to split every time they press w LOL
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