Filmtipset copy & paste field for filmtipset forum JS - Adds a input field on each movie page with link code for the forum.
Filmtipset favorite lists JS - Filmtipset favorite lists makes it possible to select movie lists and assign them custom colors. Colored markings are then placed on the movies, if they belong to the specific list.
Filmtipset mark nicks. JS - Mark your own and friends names with a little square.
Last.fm generate album BB-code JS - Adds an textarea on each album page on last.fm, with corresponding bb-code... Cat, dog and mouse ecosystem, but above all cheese.
LAST.FM Color Visited Links JS - LAST.FM Color Visited Links with grey
Last.fm link to Metal Archives JS - Creates a small M in front of each artist link on www.last.fm
Google Calendar Time Box Duration JS - Shows the duration of each event.
steamgifts.com shortcut keys JS - Adds helpful keyboard shortcut keys to steamgifts.com
Happash JS - Bot de flood
AppleLinks JS - Brings back glorious System 7.
Timesheet JS - Add options to workflowmax.com timesheet
TwitterプロフィールページにTwitter関連サイトのリンクを追加 JS - TwitterのプロフィールページにTwitter関連サイトを開くリンクを付け加える
USO to Webextender JS - Redirect Userscripts.org to Webextender.net
douban_shenzhenLib JS - Show book available info in douban book page, adds "Search in Douban" in Shenzhen Libaray opac search page
Wanikani Self-Study Plus JS - Adds an option to add and review your own custom vocabulary
Memrise LaTeX Integration JS - This will convert any text that looks like LaTeX inline math (beginning and ending with $) into an image of a well-formatted math expression
Github Gist JS - More space for gists
RelevanceQuest JS - Flag images Non Adult and hide instructions
InstaSynchP Emote Names JS - Show emote names when hovering over the image
mTurk HITs Accepted on Dashboard JS - This script is for mTurk. Shows the number of hits you have accepted and lists the first page of them on your dashboard.
Text Rainbowifier JS - Make text into rainbow
Feedly: partial refresh by R in any keyboard layout JS - Refresh by "R" in any national keyboard layout, add styles, date of refresh and floating title of opened article
Twitter Script JS - helps with the twitter event stuff
Pferd.de quote split JS - Quote split button for pferd.de
(mTurk) Show captcha and accept button ASAP JS - (mTurk) Shows the captcha and accept buttons on hits ASAP instead of waiting for the page to fully load.
(mTurk) ProductRnR HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects "Non-Adult" for all images. Click the image to flag. Left mouse selects "Explicit". Double click (left mouse) selects "Hard-Core". Right mouse selects "Suggestive". Double click (right mouse) selects "Educational Nudity". Middle mouse reverts back to "Non-Adult".
Channel9 Resolver JS - Download video/audio from Channel 9
Filmtipset Custom Search Links JS - Adds custom search links on each movie page. Edit the code to add and remove links.
Blogger.com Tahoma Font JS - Tahoma font for blogger. If you are sick of Blogger font, this script is for you.
Waimai-M-jiesuan JS - Waimai结算审核图片增强
Autostrife JS - Automatically strifes on the Overseer project.
Andrew Ryan Dropwdown Menu Helper JS - helps with hits
Nicopedia-Resanchor-Popup JS - ニコニコ大百科 掲示板のレスアンカーをポップアップ表示する
Strib script JS - Removes the pay wall on StarTribune.com
Supremacy Ressource Helper JS - Can calculate various important statistics for the browsergame Supremacy 1914.
SB/SV Thread-Starter Highlighter JS - This is a userscript which highlights subsequent posts by the thread-starter in the SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity forums. It also displays a short information at the top of each page if a post by the thread-starter can be found on the current page.
zive.cz - odstraneni spamu kristalova lupa na konci clanku JS - odstraneni spamu kristalova lupa na konci clanku
OTRS_Timer JS - Timer for OTRS with auto-complete of Time Units
access_to_erep JS - 用https://访问游戏时,各个功能正常
Feedly - Mark Previous As Read JS - Adds a button to Feedly that marks items above the current item "as read".
Browser Ponies JS - Ponify Scratch!
FavIcon_Grabber_base64_URI_Converter JS - Extracts websites FavIcons and converts them into corresponding base64 URI
mlmb JS - Media Lens Message Board - add-on to improve the usability of the board
InstaSynchP ModSpy JS - Log mod actions into the chat (kick, ban, remove videos, ...)
Block TiebaAD 5 JS - 屏蔽贴吧各種恼人元素
RYM google current album JS - populate RYM album page with tons of warez searches
Slickdeals Old Forum Redirect JS - Redirects to old forum version of posts
Support Forums Black Theme JS - Gets rid of the whiteness on the Support Forums website.
PNDCVLLookup JS - Property News LPS DCVL Value Lookup
Simple Youtube HTML5 enabler JS - This scipt (simple) enables html5 on youtube by adding &html5=1 to the url. It takes no options.
BvS Banked Hangouts JS - Modifies the Top Friend Rankings page to show only the allies you need to hang out with for retail
Safe Cats JS - Safe Hotkeys for Categorization Masters HITs (Single Layer)
WME Validator North Carolina Localization JS - This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Dotabuff Match Link JS - Match ID on match pages will launch Dota2 to watch that match.
F-List Kinks Calculator JS - Generates an estimated compatibility score when comparing character kinks.
(mTurk) Dave Cobb HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Press "1" to select "Yes, we missed some faces/heads!" and advance. Press "2" to select "No, every single face/head has been found." and advance. "3" submits.
A Better eBay Filter JS - Allow filtering eBay searches based on additional criteria, global site support
GitHub file list beautifier JS - Adds colors to files by type, displays small images in place of file-type icons in a repository source tree
Delete Friends Facebook iHay.Net JS - Delete All Friends Facebook By iHay.Net
NOMarmelos JS - Sem Filtros para chans
Dave Cobb Goodface JS - Marks all faces as "good" to begin with
Ello - smaller posted images JS - The images are giant in posts, just limit max size, on click they will enlarge
Planets.nu - Enemy Ship List Plugin JS - NU dashboard plugin which tracks and lists all ships ever seen. The plugin automatically updates the list and let's you gather information on the enemy fleet.
userstyles.org Download Styles Without Stylish JS - This scripts allows you to download style directly without stylish installed.
PopupFlash JS - 鼠标悬停在 flash 视频上会出现一个按钮,点击后可放大浮动在页面上。
CtgoFx JS - Remove ads and white spaces.
[bib] RequestUpload JS - Facilitates uploading and filling requests.
Hatırlat Canım Hatırlat JS - Made By Clive Sadhu
Grepolis Academy Overview JS - Grepolis: List all researches of all towns
Search Engine Jump for Academic(IE compatible) JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转学术版(IE适用)
Planets.nu - Open Slot Filter Plugin JS - Adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.
MyAnimeList - Genre filter for anime lists JS - Filters animelists by genre. All anime entries without tags will be set to a comma separated list of genres to enable filtering. Warning: has functionality that permanently deletes all current tags when used.
cab.Emoticons JS - cabEmoticons used for CAB
CandidForum No Registration Required JS - Browse CandidForum and click on links without an account; not recommended if you have an active account.
ThePirateBay - Search Exclusion JS - Adds an Excludes field below the search field
Kick-o-matic JS - Ускоряет процесс раздачи погон (Acelera el proceso de asignación de rangos en batallas)
DCFever+ JS - Enhancement for trading forum in DCFever.
Youtube Middle Click Search JS - Middle clicking the search on youtube opens the results in a new tab
phpBB User Hide JS - Hide posts of the selected users on any phpBB system.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
phpBB User Hide engl JS - Hide posts of the selected users on any phpBB system.
Disable TamperMonkey Update Tab JS - Close Tamper Monkey update window
tmbo open in new tab JS - all tmbo images open in a new tab
taybear JS - none
WaniKani ALC JS - Adds a link to the alc.co.jp results to vocab pages
720P.im 豆瓣电影下载搜索工具 JS - 增加豆瓣电影的下载搜索链接
FIMFiction - Preview Button JS - Adds a button to preview PMs and new threads.
猫超detail自动显示大图地址 JS - 猫超detail自动显示大图的url地址
SkinSilhouette JS - Voir des silhouettes personnalisées
WME PlaceNames JS - Show area and point place names in WME, color and highlight places by type and properties
Redirect Userscripts.org to webextender.net JS - On any web page it will check if the clicked links goes to userscripts.org. If so, the link will be rewritten to point to webextender.net
Internet Archive File Types JS - A script to show you which file types are available for each identifier
Archive Excavation Tool JS - A tool to provide extended functionality for archive entries
Dreamwidth Site Skin Detector JS - Add classes to BODY when site-skin selectors are detected. Works for Tropospherical, Celerity and Gradation.
Masterani Placeholder JS - Loads badass Luffy as a placeholder if original image doesn't load (under recent anime)
Tsu Friends and Followers JS - Tsu script to display Friends and Followers of all users on the current page
Weibo_v6_Custom JS - 自定义微博v6版本的颜色
Weibo Classic JS - Back to Weibo V5 (恢复新浪微博V5)
TradeMe List View Enforcer JS - Forces the list view!
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