TF2R: Smoother Version JS - Improves the layout of TF2R.
TF2R - Show hidden comments JS - Lets you see the hidden comments on raffles
TF2R Spookoween JS - Changes everyone's avatars to skemeletons (or pumpkins if you're a dork) and more!
TF2R Chat Width JS - I was bored. Changes the chat width to a value set by you.
Remove anime in TF2r JS - One of the best scripts I've ever made. Replaces everyone's avatars with tf2 default avatars, and you can use it as a framework for other "replace everyone's avatars" scripts
TF2R - Confirm leave raffle JS - Makes it difficult to leave raffles accidentally - thanks Iwasawa for original code, all I did was put it in its own script
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