CheatGuessr | WorldGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable WorldGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
自动转换 ed2k 和磁力链接并一键复制 JS - 自动检测网页中的所有 ed2k 和磁力链接并将其转换为可点击的超链接,同时提供一键复制所有链接的功能,并支持排除指定网址。
Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
简洁网页翻译助手 JS - 单击按钮即可将当前页面翻译成中文(使用 Google 翻译)
Blooket Hacks NEW JS - An upload of Minesraft2's Blooket Hacks.Working currently the best
Auto Click Collect Your Reward Button on OurCoinCash Faucet JS - Klickt automatisch auf den "Collect Your Reward"-Button auf https://ourcoincash.xyz/faucet
My Novel Reader JS - 小说阅读脚本,统一阅读样式,内容去广告、修正拼音字、段落整理,自动下一页
Steam Info JS - 快速查询Steam游戏信息
TW-FriendsEvents JS - Add a button for filtering friends who wants event stuff
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
W.A.R. Links Checker Premium JS - this script automatically checks links from hundreds of filehosts. For Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari & edge.
Video.mediaset.it native video player and direct links JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Mediaset Play.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
一帆视频去广告 JS - 一帆视频(曾用名 "iF 视频"、"多瑙")去广告
Pixiv Previewer JS - Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.
酷绘-VIP会员视频免费看 JS - 各大视频网站VIP会员视频免费看,支持各大视频网站,操作更加便捷
Gota.io Features by Donut + Linesplit JS - Linesplit up, down, left and right • Diagonal linesplit with just one key • Hotkeys to show/hide skins, names, mass, food, chat, minimap, score panel, party panel and leaderboard • Auto respawn in Team Scrimmage • Leave a scrimmage match before it ends • You can change the keys as you wish
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
AC-百度去广告 JS - 去掉百度的推广链接
Slither.io bot JS - Bot for Slither.io
Agar.io Reborn 2019 JS - Rewritten in 2019. Previous name is Agar.io auto respawn (evergreen)
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
网易云音乐直接下载 JS - 在单曲页面显示歌词、翻译、封面、MV、歌曲下载链接并以高音质试听。同时支持歌单、专辑等页面直接下载单曲、封面、歌词(压缩包)。如遇到错误,请阅读附加信息后进行反馈。
save WEB page to PDF JS - save HTML to PDF
robux JS - changes robux on refresh
最新爱奇艺/优酷/搜狐/腾讯/芒果/AB站等全网 VIP 视频在线解析,接口每日更新,一键免费看Vip影视,音乐在线试听 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站
Pixiv Replace With Original JS - Replace Pixiv image with original image
Reddit expand media and comments JS - Shows pictures and some videos right after the link, loads and expands comment threads.
bilibili merged flv+mp4+ass+enhance JS - bilibili/哔哩哔哩:超清FLV下载,FLV合并,原生MP4下载,弹幕ASS下载,CC字幕转码ASS下载,AAC音频下载,MKV打包,播放体验增强,原生appsecret,不借助其他网站
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
手机浏览器触摸手势 JS - 为手机浏览器添加触摸手势,即装即用,无需配置。除了通用手势外,还有针对文字、图片、视频的特殊手势。还嫌不够?支持添加属于你的个性化手势。推荐使用狐猴浏览器、Edge浏览器和Yandex浏览器。
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
京东自动抢购 超强直接下单 (原作者吾爱mr.z.j-自用备份) JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
CSDN免登录+极简化 JS - CSDN极简化
skribblHax vBetter JS - better than other skribbl hax
倍速播放 JS - HTML5播放器,倍速|最高10倍|计时器掌控者|视频跳过广告|视频广告加速
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
CSDN Clean JS - csdn align center, auto readmore, clean clipboard, no login.
ConfusionGuesser JS - If you give a wrong answer during reviews, it tries to guess which other WaniKani item you confused it with.
RedGifs AutoHD JS - Automatically sets Gfycat/RedGifs video to HD mode and other improvements
中国知网CNKI硕博论文PDF下载 JS - 知网文献、硕博论文PDF批量下载,下载硕博论文章节目录
知乎去强制下载app JS - 知乎去强制下载app,评论关闭按钮优化单手操作
Bilibili_Anime4K JS - Bring Anime4K to Bilibili and ACFun's HTML5 player to clearify 2D anime.
知网PDF下载助手 JS - 提供知网搜索页面的直接PDF下载
IXL JS - It adds confetti to the ixl awards screen!
Case Clicker Money Hack JS - Csgo Clicker Money hack pretty basic script but it works.
百度系网站去广告 JS - 去除百度搜索结果和页面中的绝大多数广告,包括:百度搜索、百度百科、百度知道、百度文库、百度贴吧等
Bilibili 旧播放页 JS - 恢复Bilibili旧版页面,为了那些念旧的人。
Mouseover Popup Image Viewer JS - Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.
pixiv_sort_by_popularity JS - non premium menber use "Sort by popularity"
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
能不能好好说话? JS - 首字母缩写划词翻译工具
Tiktok Video Controls JS - Web player controls and volume reduction to 15%
Instagram - browse not logged JS - Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page.
云学堂全自动刷视频 yunxuetang.cn JS - 云学堂视频播放 文档浏览 自动筛选学习未学习的视频 自动提交考试
Simple Krunker ESP JS - ESP in 8 lines of code
Diep.io Home Console Commands list JS - press that button on top left. r to hide
知乎美化 JS - 宽屏显示、暗黑模式(4种)、暗黑模式跟随浏览器、屏蔽首页活动广告、隐藏文章开头大图、调整图片最大高度、向下翻时自动隐藏顶栏
吾爱破解论坛增强 - 自动签到、翻页 JS - 自动签到、自动无缝翻页、屏蔽导读悬赏贴(最新发表页)
twitchAdSkip JS - Bezos is already too rich;i didn't make this
Diep.io Custom Points Upgrader. Beta JS - NEW! custom upgrade builds update! Your upgrade builds will save now! This is still in beta!
知乎不登录查看问题和回答 JS - 隐藏知乎不可关闭的登录弹窗
灯塔在线 JS - 山东党员网络学院在线挂机学习脚本
蓝奏云网盘增强 JS - 文件排序、刷新不回根目录、快捷返回上一级(右键网页空白处)、后退返回上一级、右键文件显示菜单、点击直接下载文件、点击空白进入目录、自动显示更多文件、一键复制所有分享链接、自定义分享链接域名、自动打开/复制分享链接、带密码的分享链接自动输密码、拖入文件自动显示上传框、输入密码后回车确认、优化编辑框初始大小
MAL English Titles JS - Add English Titles to various MyAnimeList pages, whilst still displaying Japanese Titles
音视频下载工具 JS - 下载网页上非加密的音视频
起点小说解锁手机版 JS - 可解锁起点小说VIP付费章节
Autokahoot JS - Automatically move through kahoots - with more power and ease
GitHub镜像 JS - GitHub镜像,加速访问GitHub,支持Clone、Release、Raw、Zip加速。
RIP HLTV BET JS - Remove hltv.org Annoy AD
Panopto-Video-DL JS - Video downloader for Panopto
超星学习通助手[最强答题][支持图片题] JS - 超星学习通自动自动挂视频、自动答题
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal) JS - Unlock right-click, remove restrictions on copy, cut, select text, right-click menu, text copying, text selection, image right-click, and enhance functionality: Alt key hyperlink text selection.
全网视频去水印-VIP视频解析 JS - 本脚本支持去除 腾讯视频 爱奇艺 优酷 西瓜 PPTV 视频平台的非内嵌水印,并且支持解析视频网站VIP蓝光视频
地址精简 JS - 去掉 抖音、bilibili、西瓜、腾讯新闻 网址的多余部分,减小长度。
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
超星学习通网课助手自动学习考试 JS - 开放优化收录系统,超过1600W自收录题库,支持自动答题,支持视频自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点等,开放自定义参数
DigDig.IO X-Ray JS - Let's you see more in digdig.io
PSChina Server Translation SV JS - PSChina Server Translation朱紫蓝之圆盘汉化脚本
Paper.io Hacked Menu JS - Here is a simple hack menu for Paper.io!
喜马拉雅专辑下载器 JS - 可能是你见过最丝滑的喜马拉雅下载器啦!登录后支持VIP音频下载,支持专辑批量下载,支持添加编号,链接导出、调用aria2等功能,直接下载M4A,MP3、MP4文件。
Geoguessr Unity Script JS - For a full list of features included in this script, see this document https://docs.google.com/document/d/18nLXSQQLOzl4WpUgZkM-mxhhQLY6P3FKonQGp-H0fqI/edit?usp=sharing
💯【超星学习通满分助手】支持任务点自动跳转|章节测验、作业、考试全网检索答案,简答题支持chatgpt对接|音频、视频全自动静音播放|可视化参数配置 JS - 💯超星学习通满分助手,挂机解放时间,无需任何操作自动完成所有任务点。汇集全网免费、付费题库接口支持一键对接,答案更全更靠谱。
Nitro Type - Safe Space JS - Replaces the Race Track with a Typing Test Lobby Chatroom. Choose which users to mute and block, it's your "safe space".
Wordle - Word Reveal Hack JS - This script adds an element to the bottom of the page with the daily word. Simply hover & click it and the daily word is revealed. Always "guess" the word on the first try and impress your friends.
Pixiv Novel Downloader JS - Download novels from Pixiv
Youtube shorts redirect JS - Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect
网页翻译-彩云小译 JS - 网页翻译,全文翻译,双语对照
AssaultBots Hack v2 JS - Assault Bots hack script [ infinite ammo, rapid fire, no overheat, no recoil, godmode, unchain]
Arras.io Aimlock JS - use aimbot by just 2 clicks! press P for Aimlock in the press of a button. [UPDATED] may not work
Wanikani: Reorder Omega JS - Reorders n stuff
MooMoo Starter for your script JS - This is a script that modifies MooMoo.io!
VNDB优先原文和中文化 JS - 优先显示原文(title->value),以及中文化(mainMap[value]->value)
Telegram Photo Protection Remover JS - Removes photo protection in Telegram
Кураторы форума by S.Beezy JS - Скрипт для Кураторов форума на ответы на жалобы игроков | Black Russia по всем вопросам на счет скрипта VK - https://vk.com/sabudu , Лучшие что выбрали именно этот скрипт
Cookie Clicker Mod Menu JS - Mod menu for Cookie Clicker
非常简洁优酷/爱奇艺/腾讯等会员视频解析 JS - 目前只有12KB大小,希望能够在简洁以更小的代码实现复杂和该有的功能;请大家注意隐私安全:视频解析中的广告勿点击,不要相信黄赌毒等有害信息~支持腾讯视频、优酷视频、爱奇艺视频、bilibili视频、搜狐视频、乐视视频、PPTV视频、MGTV视频、1905视频、咪咕视频等视频解析
venge mod menu JS - CheatWare a mod menu for many games but at the moment only venge.io also works with school laptops/computers
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