PC World disable autoplaying how-to video JS - Disables autoplay for the video in the right sidebar on PC World
Shoutbox tag JS - Ameliorations de la shoutbox
GPlay虚拟农场助手 JS - 一键种植(需选中种子)、一键收菜、一键偷菜。PS:收菜时可跳过成长周期,直接成熟。
GMX RemindLogout Bypass JS - Skip GMX logout reminder
myshows-rarbg JS - Adds torrent links from rarbg.to
RektMacro JS - ReaktClanMacro
AntiKappa - Remove chat spam from Twitch.tv [fixed 2016-11] JS - Removes repetitive spam from Twitch.tv. Includes personal r9k mode, and removes caps lock, ascii, repetitive text if you want (and more). Fixed to work with twitch.tv Nov 2016.
Youtube - Ultrawide Layout JS - a JPM tweaked script
Virtonomica: быстрая отмена строительства JS - Позволяет быстро отменять строительство подразделения без дополнительных окон
__JaZzY's Fishing Boat Spawner for Doblons.io! (Darkmode) JS - Pressing [W] spawns in Fishing Boats! (Darkmode is HighNoon643's code!)
GA threads authorName JS - Добавляет имя автора в заглавный пост на страницах тредов форума "Глобальная авантюра".
Import JS - Import your card collection in CSV spreadsheet format into tradingcarddb.com
WF science paste to select box JS - Adds a textarea for pasting in scientist names to select for a given project
WF scientists overview easy export button JS - Adds a button onto the scientists overview to easily allow scientists export to sheets, excel, etc
Steam Community - Group List Sorter JS - This userscript makes it possible to sort your group list by group name, creation date or total members.
批量百度直链 JS - try to take over the world!
斗鱼弹幕过滤屏蔽 JS - 设置过滤列表,从此和节奏说再见! Allowing you to set up a ban list to filter the foolish barrage on douyu.com
Link not display retweet For twitter JS - リツイートを非表示にするリンクを生成します。リンクをクリックすると、タイムライン上のリツイートを非表示にできます。
FollowOver JS - Rollover for user info and follow button.
谷歌在线翻译替换%0A为%20 JS - try to take over the world!
[HF] Report counter JS - Report counter in the header.
HTML5 stop autoplay JS - Prevent HTML5 videos or music from autoplaying. Move mouse over player to start playing.
PCworld stop sidebar autoplay video JS - fuck PCworld
Url in title JS - Puts the url in the title bar. Very useful for KeePass.
MillitaryMovementsSpliter JS - Dzieli ruchy wojsk na wygodne zakładki
mutare armata pt . swordhell JS - nirobot
T-Square Auto click login JS - Auto clicks the login button on t-square
SteamGifts - Remove Unwanted Entries JS - Adds a button that removes entries from giveaways of owned steam games you entered
DI Compare JS - try to take over the world!
Pinegar JS - Parody of Ogar and Agarplus
Trophy Room Enhancer JS - Highlights, rearranges, and adds context to Trophy Room stuff
广城选修高校邦修改视频进度脚本 JS - 一键修改进度到100%,妈妈再也不用担心的选修啦!
Select2 JS - The jQuery replacement for select boxes
DC_safe_zone JS - Try to take over the world!
Magar JS - Pinegar with minimap added.
Skin Changer After Patch JS - A skin changer for the web game agario
ch_ftchinese_bg JS - change ftchinese background
简书 Markdown 预览同步滚动 JS - 给简书的在线 Markdown 编辑器增加输入预览同步滚动的功能
Steamgifts One-Click Entry v2 JS - Steamgifts one-click entry
x4的夺宝岛脚本•Plus JS - zh-cn
HSTM link JS - Click TM button on HS to send to TM
WME Clear Geometry JS - Temporary script to hook "1" for clearing geometry until Toolbox is fixed
Fliesnow's Politics and War Aide JS - Extends the Politics and War game to reduce gruntwork
Macro Agario// Ten YT JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
HWM_InstantParametersChange JS - Мгновенная переброска параметров до заданных значений, не требует места в инвентаре для зелья. Использована форма от похожего скрипта авторства УжеЛежу.
Remove autocomplete=off JS - Removes the attribute autocomplete=off of forms and inputs.
HWM_Def_Pre_Notifications JS - Уведомления о начинающемся вскоре наборе в защиты (уведомляет когда вкладка битв становится оранжевой)
Sporcle Lyrics Quiz Semi-Cheater JS - automatically populates a lyrics quiz on sporcle with 87 common words
View Forum Moderators Fix JS - A simple fix so you can see the forum moderators
游民星空去除视频跳转 JS - 去除游民新闻中的视频跳转!
Toradorable Agar-Networks.com JS - A Toradorable skin changer supporting multiple animations and variable image display times. Includes a UI. To use, press "C" in game to cycle between different animations.
Simple redmine JS - Simple redmine, remove unnecessary part and add email link
Lichess Forum Embed Images JS - Turn image URLs into embeded images.
frisch's UserScript Extender JS - Extends the document with a new namespace for user script crosswide functions to utilize. Has no use alone but can be accessed by other scripts using document.fExt
myHomework Ad removal JS - Removes ads on myhomework.com and and allows display of third column
frisch's Custom Search JS - Custom Search Engines added to the custom context menu. Requires my Userscript Extender https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24896-frisch-s-userscript-extender
Reddit Enhancer JS - Extends Reddit and adds some useful Functions. (Requires frisch's UserScript Extender)
TwitterUnfollow JS - Quick Unfollow button for every tweet and mass unfollow button for the following page.
Registration date in VK JS - Registration date in VK profile
EBS loading indicator JS - Cool spinner which lets you know if Oracle EBS is making any async request
Obrazki na mirkoczat.pl JS - Automatycznie otwiera obrazki na mirkoczat.pl
Aliexpress Plus Fixed and more... JS - View Search Results by list automatically & Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, Lets you search your wishlish, Shows related wishlist items in search and item pages, Adds search default options.
WME PL Jump JS - Opens a PL in an existing WME window/tab.
Theme tweaker LN JS - This script provides some useful tools for ln translation website like a FullScreen Reader and some design style change for better readability. I provide the software as is, you can fully modify it to your likings :)
frisch's Utilities JS - Combines several userscripts. Includes Shift-Copy, Image Transformation, Html Element Deletion, Mousegrab for Link selection
Tinychat Cleanup JS - 9.2.2017 After stylebot (http://stylebot.me/styles/10932) + ABP, remove the other spam.
Vkontakte - Logo JS - Заменяет логотип VK. Влияет на [BadComedian], The Nafig, Hell Yeah
himado BanUser Cleaner JS - ひまわり動画において、「この投稿者の動画を非表示」の機能を補強するスクリプトです。
Capture current page JS - Screen capture for current full page with Ctrl+F10, also be used to change text into image which inside the INPUT/TEXTAREA element.
Wanikani Wrap-up Button Enhancement JS - Beefed-up Wrap-up button
WaniKani Customize Wrap Up JS - Customize the number of wrap-up items
AdoptaUnTioPlus JS - Descargar fotos de los perfiles, busca clones/fakes y añade un nivel para saber el comportamiento mandando mensajes de las usuarias con un click en la web de citas adoptauntio.com
Hide Marktplaats ads JS - Marktplaats hide ads
Virtonomica: убирает из списка предприятия в отпуске JS - Убирает из списка предприятия в отпуске на странице Управление - Персонал
Brazzers force trailer JS - forces brazzers trailer
Video Autoplay removal (aftonbladet.se, expressen.se) JS - Remove autoplay from videos
DN Video Autoplay removal JS - Remove autoplay from videos
WME Show locked HN + Restriction JS - Enables View HN and View Restrictions buttons for locked or out of area segments
Allow fullscreen JS - Add allowfullscreen to iframes
淘宝网小功能 JS - 1.自动勾选匿名购买。
pkgetBigMap JS - Bigger map for pkget.com & remove ads.
FxP Like bot JS - FxP Auto Liker + Auto page mover
Agar Gods Clan Extension Powerful and Useful! JS - MODS FOR AGAR & OTHER !
Réponse Prédéfinis JS - RealityGaming
Réponse Prédéfinis JS - RealityGaming
T411 - Redirection Forum JS - Permet d'éviter un bug d'affichage en redirigeant l'adresse d'accès au forum T411
Warframe WTB JS - Auto WTB message
自动启动Daocloud容器 JS - 进入Daocloud容器页面;若容器关闭则自动启动容器
Sliding Navbar for douban JS - Add Sliding Sub-Navbar for douban.com
Aces and Zack JS - T - 16 Split -|- S - Triple Split -|- D - Double Split
Kray's Gota Script JS - E - 16 Split -|- Y - Triple Split -|- Q - Double Split
GTAForums: GTA Mods on top of the sidebar JS - moves the 'GTA Mods' section to the top of the sidebar on GTAForums
Extension de Mayk, macros para gota.io edited by benshi JS - Para dar 16 splits es la E, para dar 2 splits es la D y para dar 3 splits es la A; Canal de Mayk: https://goo.gl/djkHYY ; Canal de Benshi: https://goo.gl/Nj20ip
BYRBT Music Upload Page Auto Fillin JS - 自动填写北邮人音乐发布页面
「Z-Blog」前台编辑文章入口 JS - 配合主题以显示前台编辑入口
Better Peka2.TV JS - The script adds emote functions in the chat.
Virtonomica: отображение сумм с разделителями в подсказке к полю ввода JS - Добавляет в поля ввода всплывающую подсказку с форматированными числами
reddit: switch URL and title field JS - switches title and url field so it is consistent between link and self posts
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