RSS+Atom Feed Subscribe Button Generator JS - Finds RSS and/or Atom links on a page and inserts feed subscription links for use by aggregators
Github Image Viewer JS - Preview images from within the listing.
PDF Tools JS - An userscript that enhances the pdf.js window in Firefox.
Zing Receipt Compare Script JS - Allows you to press one button on Zing's "Are these two receipts the same" HITs and it'll automatically pick that option and submit for you. There will be a confirm pop-up (to avoid errors), you can quickly press Enter on your keyboard to confirm & submit.
WME Validator Localization for South Carolina JS - This script localizes WME Validator for South Carolina, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Fanfiction.net story export script. JS - Writes all chapters of the story on one page.
BrickLink - Wanted List: Automatically Load Images JS - Automatically load images when adding items to wanted list
Multiple Windows Live IDs JS - Easy login with multiple Microsoft accounts.
UselessScript#1 JS - Change some words to fruits because why not
JR zing receipt helper for mturk.com JS - A script for zings with buttons to make it easier to submit and allows keyboard shortcuts.
Japanika.net Credit Card JS - Allows credit-card autofill on japanika.net
WME Validator Localization for Hungary JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Hungary. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
btn torrent background colour alternator JS - makes btn easier to see
YouTube Thumbnail Retriever JS - Created for anyone who wants the URL of a YouTube video and doesn't want to work for it.
Fix Twitter Layout JS - fix twitter layout. Move the post box back to left side. Put titlebar inside timeline.
P9IDFilter JS - unofficial helper for psnine.com (PSNINE)
LOG2 scripting reference JS - Legend of Grimrock 2 scripting reference formatter
Jeu Bishop version 2.0 JS - Tapez pas Bishop !
Steam URL Filter Redirector JS - Automatically skips that moronic link filter Steam employs.
joshua l rogers HIT Helper JS - Opens the link for "joshua l rogers".
iciba划词翻译 JS - 小巧简洁实用的划词翻译。选择单词或段落进行查词或翻译,或手动输入文本查词翻译。支持iciba,google字典,google翻译,百度翻译等多个查词翻译接口
hintable new tweets for vimperator JS - this script makes twitter new tweets bar hintable for vimperator/vimium, just hit `f` and you'll see
Forvo Audio in the Memrise Level Editor JS - Adds a column to the Memrise level/database editor with buttons to check for Forvo audio
ImgFit JS - 95% width for all third-party images
Lap JS - 贴吧编辑框生成舔楼主图片
True URL downloads 2(Ⅱ) JS - Decryption links,Display the real URL of the downloads.(xunlei,kuaiche,xuanfeng;thunder,flashget,qqdl)
Rescue Console JS - Rescues the console at website refresh to prevent overwriting by the website.
Swappa Out of Stock Device Remover JS - removes out of stock devices from Swappa
Swappa Price Sorter JS - sorts devices from Swappa by price
uTorrent Magnet Tracker Adder for Torrentz.eu JS - Use this script to easily add all the trackers listed on torrentz.eu pages to you active download in uTorrent.
The West - Selector de Buffs JS - Encontrar Buff rapidamente
DCI New HIT Monitor - Party Edition JS - Scans first 3 pages of new HITs for your search terms.
RuTracker JS - Rutracker.net poster preview
Tylko Mirko JS - Wykop wolny od głównej! #tylkomirko
Re 2ch Links JS - 2ch各種連結還原、縮圖預覽
Super Jeu Bishop 2.0 JS - Tapez pas Bishop !
Easy Report to xadamxk JS - Makes reporting posts/threads to xadamxk easy
InstaSynchP Commands JS - Plugin for custom commands
A-P Links JS - Adds useful links to other manga\anime pages for viewed entries
Endless deviantart gallery pages JS - rt
BvS Village Chat JS - Improvement for the chat on the Village Page
BvS Village Page Revamp JS - Improvement for the Village Page
Google search history deleter helper JS - Will select all items on page and click remove button until everything is deleted.
subtitleLinks JS - Basic script for imdb.com.This script is provide to subtitle link of movie.
Yarportal Ignore 2 JS - Игнор для форумов на IPB 1.3
Waze pomocná lišta JS - Skript přidávající do editoru Waze odkazy na zdroje dat v ČR.
SkyGo DE: Larger Player JS - Adds a button to the german SkyGo website to enlarge the player
Youtube Offliberate Button JS - Places an "Offliberate" button next to the subscribe button under YouTube videos. The button redirects you to Offliberty.com, where the conversion is started automatically. Based on "Youtube MP3 Download Button" by Soulweaver.
Moochable book filter for Bookmooch mobile JS - Adds a button to toggle the display of unavailable books on the wishlist and search results pages.
beemp3s.org MP3 JS - Genera enlaces de descarga en beemp3s.org si esta activo el enlace.(nota: algunos no se descargan por que el archivo fue borrado)
onnotfocus unload tab and save CPU! JS - This script detect if you are using a tab or not, if not it unload unused tab using display:none and save your CPU Usage, this script reduce CPU Usage drastically because it unload flash, gif, everything that cause animation and eat up your CPU Usage.
Tencent-Weibo(腾讯微博) Thumbnail-InNewWindow Auto Larger JS - 腾讯微博-缩略图-在新窗口打开时-自动跳转大图
Webadmin - toggle Formularparameter JS - Add a toggle to expand/collapse the form-parameters of a afs-webadmin
Improve Mantis JS - To customize and improve our a2w-mantis
v4c/InstaSynch Additional Features JS - Provides many additional features to enhance the experience of watching the same videos every day. Created by biggles; all credit given in script source.
GitHub Sortable Filelist JS - appends sorting function to github directories
Open Tweet Image JS - A thrown together script to open a tweets image in a new tab.
Tsu Helper JS - Tsu script that adds a bunch of tweaks to make Tsu more user friendly.
Github Issue title + GFM Link JS - Provides a Github Flavored Markdown text as an issues title
Github remove relative date stupidness JS - Removes relative date stamps on Github commits, and shows actual date/time created.
UD Scale JS - Betrays the weight of things
UD Never an Option JS - Removes the 'Suicide Button' from the game.
Myschool einkunnir JS - Birtir einkunnadreifingu.
Evan J Helper JS - Makes the URL a google search link
Nicopedia-Smartphone-Previewer JS - ニコニコ大百科の記事編集ページにスマートフォン版のプレビューを追加する
Nicopedia-Redefine-MMLPlayer (Deprecated) JS - ニコニコ大百科 ピコカキコプレーヤーの読み込み位置を正しくする
Check_MK - WATO Shortcut to services JS - Generates icon which opens the host's services configuration.
FxForumNewTab JS - Opens posted links in new tabs.
Kenny Translator JS - Translates text into what Kenny from South Park would say and back again. A translation window appears when you click selected text with the alt key pressed.
MediaWiki LinkToEditUser JS - Gives on userpages of mediawikis a link to Special:EditUser (you'll need mw-extension EditUser on that wiki).
phpBB Count Posts JS - Shows number of post in phpbb-thread.
phpBB New Topics JS - Generates button which opens all new topics of phpBB3-boards in tabs.
vBulletin - Full ignore JS - Stops display of truncated posts from users on your ignore list.
vBulletin - Show full links JS - Reveals truncated (...) links in vBulletin-forums.
vBulletin - Show Postnumber JS - Shows [post=n]title[/post] near # postnumber, so internal links to single posts in vBulletin-forums could be done easy. Works in linear and hybrid mode only!
vBulletin - Signature Collapse JS - Allows quick display toggle of user's signature on vBulletin- and other forums.
xenForo - Endless Forum Pages JS - Makes xenForo forum pages infinitely long instead of a limited number of posts per page by loading more when you scroll to near the bottom of the page.
xenForo - New Topics JS - Generates button which opens all new topics of xenForo-boards in tabs
xenForo - Select Permalink JS - Selects whole permalink-code in xenForo-boards with one click.
YouTube Watch Page Return JS - Resizes Youtube player to the old, smaller configuration
UserScripts to Mirror site JS - adds link to userscripts-mirror.org
www.manhua8.com image links JS - Generate image link
manhuadao Image Link JS - Generate image link
GMail Basic HTML Enhancement JS - Enhance GMail Basic HTML with "select all"
imanhua Image Link JS - Display image URL
imanke Image URL JS - Generate image URL
kyomh Image Link JS - Generate image link
ETI Archive Quoter JS - Adds a 'Quote' button to posts in the archives
onnotfocus unload everything JS - Final level of my onnotfocus series, this script is ultimate version of all those and it is really dangerous, it not only unload plugin animation, image animation, it also break textarea but save much more CPU than two previous version.
Edit ZapChain Answer inline JS - Adds a button to edit your ZapChain answer inline into the page | BTC Donations welcome: http://onename.io/jt
osu! Alternative Add Friend Button JS - osu! Alternative Add Friend Button. ts8zs' request
SpongePowered Forum Navigation JS - Adds a navigation to the left or right panel.
GameFAQs Custom Spoiler Colors JS - Allow specification of GameFAQs spoiler tag colors
MiWiFi mini RUS JS - Перевод настроек роутера
reload scheduler JS - it does nothing but just schedule a page reload
Mobile FB Photo Tag Removal JS - Remove photo tags using the FB Mobile Interface
Google Play Music Album Sorter JS - Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey UserScript for extending Google Play Music with album sorting functionality
make_vatican_white JS - makes the background of vatican.va white
Slickdeals Click Track Removal JS - it will remove coded links
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