Show Absolute Time On Reddit Posts JS - Show absolute time of Reddit posting time in addition to the relative time. Applies for links, comments, and messages.
Tae Kim - Hide/reveal answers JS - Hides answers to Tae Kim examples until hover
HyperBot JS - DH1
GotaPlus++ JS - try to take over the world!
Pixiv Download Helper JS - Add download button or link for the Pixiv original picture in view page
Fix Collapse Button on /r/DoctorWho (old Reddit) JS - Move the collapse button back where it's supposed to be on /r/DoctorWho.
Anime Instrumentality replace Flash with HTML5 audio JS - The Anime Instrumentality blog sadly relies on Flash for audio track previews. This fixes it by replacing all audio snippets on the site with simple HTML5 audio players.
WME Image Overlays JS - Makes it possible to add images as overlay on the Waze Map Editor
Better Donnons.org JS - improve website features
Modératorbar JS - -----------------
Ultra Fast Feed W Gaver.io JS - Macro W Gaver.io by Kai
MovieChat.org - Mobile Companion JS - A more compact view for MovieChat.org on mobile.
Disable auto-refresh on PChome Stock JS - 讓 PChome 股市的網頁停止自動更新
SmarTwitter JS - Simple, Fast, So Smart !
YouTube New UI JS - YouTube new UI with dark mode
设置并替换宋体为微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei UI) JS - 适用于edge浏览器默认使用微软雅黑字体(或替换宋体为微软雅黑)
Niconama auto low JS - To low quality niconama images automatically
plume JS - Display feather score on kadokado.com
Asana Dynamic Favicon JS - This modern Asana Inbox favicon notification displays an orange notification circle (just like Asana does in the app) to the top right of the Asana favicon when your active Organization/Workspace Inbox has any unread items. Enjoy!
贴吧高清头像查看 JS - 可以查看贴吧用户的高清头像
M3GaBoT CellCraft.io JS - Cellcraft.io bots
Green Acfun JS - Change Ac avatar to greeeeeeen
DomainKiller JS - Automatycznie zakopuje wybrane domeny. Działa na wykopy sponsorowane.
Wide_Pixiv JS - Make your pixiv more wide
Wallhaven Enhance JS - The script for the coolest wallpaper site provides additional features, can make you more fun to find favorite pictures.
GymHuntr JS - This makes it easier to find what you're looking for, whether you're searching for which gyms particular people are in, or just checking on the state of a gym. In the pull-out menu on the left, you can list your friends and nemeses: these will be highlighted on the map and in the gym popups. Gym popups show all Pokémon in the gym at a glance - no more sideways scrolling.
MicroScatter Cheater Script JS - Press C on micromatch to win
Youtube - Search While Watching Video JS - Search YouTube without interrupting the video, by loading the search results in the related video bar
USERSTYLES - TABLES Sorter SIMPLE JS - Sort Table in Your Profile page
Craig's Unlister JS - Make things that are dead and gone go away.
Tweet Tags JS - Tag your friends with an icon, be able to tell if it's someone's special day.
LambLongs: Battle Script JS - Attacks everything, forever.
LambLongs: Sexual Identity Locator JS - Oh, there it is.
DEBUG CODE - DO NOT DOWNLOAD JS - Forumwarz.com - Shows the status of INCIT and plays sounds.
Do Some Shit JS - Forumwarz.com - Warns you when new .moar files are available
INCIT Monitor JS - Forumwarz.com - Shows the status of INCIT and plays sounds.
Battle Helper JS - Forumwarz.com - Shows battle information in titlebar.
Page Positioning Buttons JS - Add links to go to top, bottom or a user specified position of each page.
关闭新浪博客安装flashplayer提示窗口 JS - 自动关闭新浪博客安装flashplayer提示窗口
Virtonomica: гистограмма для обзора рынка технологий JS - Добавляет гистограмму на страницу обзора рынка технологий
1337X - Subtitle download links to TV and Movie torrents JS - Adds download links for subtitles to every TV and movie torrent on 1337x (addic7ed & subscene)
MSDN中英切换 JS - switch Chinese/English language in MSDN
iEMB+ JS - Makes the new iEMB more tolerable
Octave Time Limit JS - Crack Ovtave Online
Duolingo Wide JS - Make Duolingo wider and more minimalist, and add useful keyboard shortcuts for the main features of the site.
KAT [katcr.co] - Subtitle download links to TV and Movie torrents JS - Adds download links for subtitles to every TV and movie torrent on KAT (addic7ed & subscene)
Deezer DarkCube JS - It's my <strong>dark</strong> reskin of the <strong>deezer.com</strong> website for users who like inverted colors that are easier on your eyes.
格线+背景绿完美版OK-05-10 JS - 格线+背景绿完美版
强制使用微软雅黑 - 单执行方式 JS - 由BackRunner制作的【强制使用微软雅黑】脚本的 单执行方式 版
强制使用思源黑体 JS - 我就是喜欢思源黑体!【解决显示方框问题】
/r/FlashTV flair vibrate JS - Make all /r/FlashTV flairs vibrate
TweetDeck Image Assistant JS - Download/Share Images Faster
Sprytny scroll dla Wykop.pl JS - Płyne przewijanie klawiszami, wyłączanie materiałów które nie są już widoczne.
maddawgjav.net排版Zk版脚本 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,基于Hobby版修改,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
twipai JS - Overwrite noisey users tweet with oppai in tweetdeck.
Aliexpress sort by price JS - Sort by price by one click
InterfaceLIFT | Download Largest Wallpaper Variant JS - Adds a button to instantly download the optimum (largest) wallpaper image variant base on its total megapixels
Jump to AliWangWang in 64bit Browser JS - Fix AliWangWang link can't jump in 64bit browser
Youtube video crop JS - Crop videos on youtube
AniDub-CommentFinder JS - Поисковик комментов по id. Ищет комменты из топа на странице с анимой или из списка последних комментов любого пользователя.
Ubuntu font JS - Warning: Assumes Ubuntu font is installed. See https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29542-ubuntu-font/code for a fix.
豆瓣读书揭示北大馆藏+荐购/CALIS 高校馆际互借 JS - 为豆瓣读书增加北京大学图书馆相关图标和资源链接,以及 CALIS(中国高等教育文献保障系统)联合目录查询与馆际互借入口。1)图书页面——“在哪儿借这本书” 2)批量查馆藏——在图书搜索结果、丛书、豆列、作者作品、作品版本、标签浏览乃至广播页面显示每一本书的北大馆藏情况(该功能受限较多,不稳定,默认不开启,需先勾选页面顶部选项才开启)。如果该书有 ISBN(国际标准书号)但查无此书,或没有 ISBN,则改为提供一个按书名检索的链接。荐购功能:在图书页面点击查馆藏链接后,原图书页面还将显示推荐购买界面,如果能确认该书尚不为北大图书馆所收藏,可由此快捷荐购。
FB Group Admin JS - Delete user or ban - https://teknoseyir.com/u/0x0001
微社VIP视频解析 JS - 集成17个接口来解析主流视频网站的会员视频,此脚本乃本人无聊试水用,如有侵犯网站权利,忘请见谅
Proxer PicPreview JS - Zeigt Vorschaubilder in den Anime- und Mangalisten sowie in der Suche an
Vk Background (Custom) JS - Custom buckground
Klatu's Elements script JS - Deck manager
WK fix 'Next Day' JS - Changes the WK Dashboard's "Next Day" to "Next 24 hours"
Pre-Alpha Zeta Script JS - provides a tricksplit with F, triplesplit with V, Double Split D, Popsplit R, Q Macro Feed & Radio( Press Shift to Pause and play. Left and right arrow Keys to to change stations Up and down to change Volume
JV Notes de test JS - Affiche les notes des jeux sur la page de listing
Schoology NCMS JS - Cool themes
过滤rarbg中IMDB小于7分的内容 JS - try to get good torrents!
The West - westernblumis Toolkit JS - Some useful improvements for The West
Focus Search Field JS - Allows you to focus the search field on any website by using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + ;)
rarbg-auto-focus JS - rarbg autofocus
Youtube Recommendation Blacklist JS - Make your own blacklist, remove the pesky youtube channels you don't want to see from the recommendation list
iconfont免登陆下载图标 JS - iconfont 免登陆下载图标
Hide sidebar SSS JS - Hide it
Hide reblogs from Dashboard v2 JS - This will hide any reblogs on your Tumblr dashboard.
NHK easy furikana toggle JS - try to take over the world!
Add routine to transfer list JS - Add routine to transfer list - TM
ASI in Squad Overview JS - Show ASI on Club Squad page
TrophyManager - Super Squad JS - Show a super detayled TrophyManager player page.
PracujMapa JS - Robi mapę pracodawców po wyszukiwaniu ofert pracy.
YouTube Video Only JS - Hide video and only play audio on YouTube
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
Steam Auto Sign In JS - Auto sign in through Steam for each third-party site.
空中网特贵商城增强-启用点券结算 JS - 修正特贵商城如果点券余额不足结算前的原价,无法使用点券进行交易的问题。
HideVKStories JS - remove annoying stories block on vk.com website
MLB The Show Nation - Inventory Expander 17 JS - Expands inventory screens to include ALL cards, not just a few at a time. Also provides a DUPES button to only show duplicate cards.
MLB The Show Nation Order Helper 18 JS - Detects if your orders are outbid. If you grant notification permissions, it will send a notification to your desktop!
MLB The Show Nation Profit Reporter JS - Get the Chrome script
vkAdblockJS JS - block ads in vk.com
Best Agar.io Scripte | macro keys | + popsplit!!!!!! (enjoy) JS - W = Macro Feed | D = Double-Split | E = 16-Split | R = Popsplit | Z = Triple-trick macro
Macro for N1ceClan Game JS - W = Macro Feed | D = Double-Split | E = 16-Split | R = Popsplit | Z = Triple-trick macro
KeepVid Helper JS - This userscript assists KeepVid in fetching download links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Rutorrent GetMulitpleTorrents JS - gets multiple torrents which you select in rutorrent
Enhanced Google Bar JS - Google Bar Returns
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