阿里云盘会员青春版 JS - 《也许同类型中最好用?》系列 - 显示阿里云盘身份信息为会员,支持使用视频倍速、修改视频画质、修改头像、修改用户名等功能,自定义程度超高!需要修改头部代码来配置显示内容(非常简单!)
Shellshock.IO Aimbot & ESP Enhanced Plus JS - Adds advanced aimbot, ESP features, spin bot, and teammate exclusion for Shellshock.IO.
全网VIP视频解析在线原网页观看 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站等全网VIP视频免费解析
Nuker (Original by DOGEWARE) - Krunker.io script / WORKING JS - Krunker's Mod Menu Aimbot targets nearest VISIBLE player. Adjust Smoothing for precision. Use Xray to see through walls, wireframe for players & world, and more
TMVN Squad Value for R6 JS - Trophymanager: display value of player with infomations like: bank price, wage, routine, rerec, r6, asi.
Medium Member Bypass JS - Modern Medium GUI with multiple bypass services and fallback with availability checks, including custom domains and Freedium banner auto-close.
Bumble Beeline Unblur JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles
Shell Shockers advanced sounds JS - Change your weapon sounds - Shell Shockers
批量图片提取与下载 JS - 提取图片后支持全选、取消全选、一键下载全部图片和下载选中图片为 ZIP 文件,UI 美化版,带链接输入界面。
Krunker Market Tweaks JS - Tweaks the krunker market
ʀᴜɪɴ / - ᴄʟɪᴇɴᴛ no password JS - ق8#مَ^P7@س!L3ع6$فِJ1%طَ+X9&كدِQ2!زَW0+ش^T5حَN@بَ8%عَ^F4+زس@ج^Q7!م3$عِP9@تَL5& (pass fo error king)
EnaeaAssistant-学习公社全自动4X速 JS - Automate course learning on enaea.edu.cn with 4X video speed control
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Adds a list of members available for OC2.0, and adds a notifier to the sidebar if you are not in an OC.
Agar.io Custom skin Uploader v2 JS - Upload your picture as custom skin on agar.io
图片爬虫|图片批量自动打包下载|网页图片批量下载器V2 JS - 自动爬取网页图片并支持预览下载
CS助手 - 磨损与模板价格查询 JS - 该脚本为CS:GO玩家提供磨损值价格查询与模板价格查询功能,帮助用户更方便地查看当前皮肤交易历史与同模板交易历史。
Arcalive gallery view JS - arcalive 게시글의 이미지를 미리보여줍니다.
Bing China Search Optimization JS - Make your Bing China searches cleaner and more efficient!
Bloxd.io Performance Booster JS - Reduce lag and cap FPS in Bloxd.io (No maximum cap depending on your pc) USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK
🚀继续教育刷课平台-自助下单【影刃】 JS - 继续教育刷课平台,支持华医网、安徽继续教育在线、深圳市教师教育网、成都职业培训网络学院、网络研修平台、浙江水利-浙水安澜-浙水学习、山财培训网、杭州专业技术人员学习新干线、内蒙古干部网络学院、59iedu甘肃专技-临夏州、国培网-融学APP、河北省专业技术人员继续教育管理系统、国家中小学智慧教育平台、安徽省建筑施工企业“安管人员”和特种作业人员继续教育学习平台、丽水市人社专技继续教育培训、河南干部网络学院
音乐视频下载器 JS - 使用脚本和客户端结合,实现一键下载音乐视频。目前支持【网易云音乐(music.163.com)】【QQ音乐(y.qq.com)】【bilibili(www.bilibili.com)】【小红书(www.xiaohongshu.com)】【乐视网(www.le.com)】【斗鱼(v.douyu.com)】【虎牙(www.huya.com)】【搜狐视频(tv.sohu.com)】【喜马拉雅FM(www.ximalaya.com)】【央视频(v.cctv.com)】【中国国际电视台(news.cgtn.com)】持续更新中。。。
ED-Puzzle Hack JS - An Ed-Puzzle Hack with a LOT of Features!!!!!!!
DeepSeek对话分类管理 JS - 为DeepSeek网页版添加分类管理功能
Kahoot Auto Answer JS - Auto-answer Kahoot questions with random answers
Kirka Wallhack 2025 JS - Free Working Kirka Wallhack 2025
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
DeepSeek Redesign JS - Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
gimkit cheats (MOD MENU) JS - A userscript gives you a mod menu to cheat in gimkit!
新标签页打开(YouTube、Twitter、Facebook、知乎、百度等动态加载网站) JS - 让所有链接都在新标签页打开,同时原页面不会变化
简洁网页翻译助手 JS - 单击按钮即可将当前页面翻译成中文(使用 Google 翻译)
Web Page Accelerator JS - Automatically accelerates hyperlinks on web pages to improve loading speed. Integrates the latest instant.page v5.2.0 features with multi-language support (default: English) and removes store link redirection functionality.
Komica Blur JS - Blur images on Komica
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
百度网盘助手 JS - 显示百度网盘文件的直接链接,突破大文件需要使用电脑管家的限制
Kill TieBa AD JS - Just Kill TieBa AD
繁簡自由切換 JS - 任意轉換網頁中的簡體中文與正體中文(默認簡體→正體),顯示漢字對應漢語拼音,自訂任意替換文本
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
PixivUserBatchDownload JS - Batch download pixiv user's images in one key.(Based on Aria2)
Clicker JS - Clicks attack every second no matter how many autos you own.
SLITio by szymy JS - slither.io MOD
Cookie Monster JS - Loads the CookieMonster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
telegramNSFW JS - Enable NSFW to media
Vimeo Download Button JS - Adds a download button to the HTML5 Vimeo Player (embeded or not)
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
VIP Video Cracker(VIP视频解析) JS - 主要解析爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯、乐视、搜狐、土豆、芒果、PPTV、1905、A站、B站、音悦Tai、华视TV等VIP在线视频,在浏览器左上角添加“@史婷露”按钮,当鼠标放在左上角才会显示,既美观又实用。
超简易解除网页限制 JS - 解除网页的复制 、拖动 、选中 、右键 、粘贴等限制。没有多余的代码,仅28行,尽量做到不占资源.
豆瓣电影下载插件 JS - 在豆瓣电影页面显示http://torrentproject.com/的下载链接
Revert to Google's Old 2012-2015 Favicon JS - Replaces New 2015 Google Search Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
网易云音乐高音质支持 JS - 去除网页版网易云音乐仅可播放低音质(96Kbps)的限制,强制播放高音质版本
微博图片全显示 JS - 同屏显示多图微博的全部大图。
百度云下载不受限制 JS - 把"share"改为"wap"百度网盘下载大于2G的文件不用安装云管家
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
Discuz-download JS - Discuz附件下载权限绕过
Google Images direct link JS - NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
Youtube Age Confirmation Bypass JS - Prevents you from having to sign in to view age restricted videos on YouTube
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
My Mouse Gestures JS - A simple mouse gesture script
TWLeoTools JS - Useful tools for The West!
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
YouTube Links JS - Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Aliexpress Plus JS - Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages
TrophyManager - Super Squad JS - Show a super detayled TrophyManager player page.
Economist Paywall Demolisher JS - Removes the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
WME Speedhelper JS - Makes inputting speed data easier
WME Color Speeds JS - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
Instagram Reloaded JS - View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
Disable 'disable right click' JS - Disables the ugly feature that disables right click
HKG Agar Tool - Script blocker (Firefox ONLY) JS - Blocking agar default game logic in firefox
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz JS - Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
百度贴吧图片点击放大 JS - 直接在当前页面点击查看原图(包括签名档)。支持图片的多开、拖拽、垂直或水平滚动和缩放旋转
Fuck百度云 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
清理百度贴吧插入广告 JS - 清理掉贴吧列表和贴子中插入的广告
The ULTIMATE Agario Script JS - Easily configurable keys in code. Credits to Jack Burch, Tom Burris AND Ali Ahfad Mehdi
腾讯视频h5 JS - 腾讯视频html5播放器
Hide Facebook Ads JS - Remove "sponsored" facebook ads
bilibili HTML5播放器 JS - 启用bilibili的html5播放器,自动宽屏、原生右键菜单
Quizlet micromatch bot JS - Win micromatch in < 100 seconds!
RobuxChanger by ModderOP JS - Script by ModderOP
FILE EXTENSION - FREE AGAR.IO BOTS ! JS - Provides you new features to Agar.io & free bots !
BaiduPanDownloadHelper JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
115批量文件迅雷下载(暂不支持文件夹类型下载) JS - 迅雷党的福音来啦~\(≧▽≦)/~,免VIP,免115浏览器,对了还能在线播放(使用前务必阅读“使用步骤”)
Komica NGID JS - NG id and post on komica
Netflix: Click to Play/Pause JS - Play/Pause when clicking the video.
新标签页打开 JS - 强制所有链接在新标签页打开
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
网易云音乐直接下载 JS - 在单曲页面显示歌词、翻译、封面、MV、歌曲下载链接并以高音质试听。同时支持歌单、专辑等页面直接下载单曲、封面、歌词(压缩包)。如遇到错误,请阅读附加信息后进行反馈。
Google Search Region JS - A user script that lets you quickly switch Google search to different region.
饰品比例计算脚本 JS - 买买买
WhatsApp Web Spammer JS - Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
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