ShadeRoot ExtraTorrent JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for ExtraTorrent
input contrast JS - Force inputs colors on pages
Nintendo Store Canada JS - Auto redirect nintendo store to canada store
Helvetica on LIHKG JS - changing font on LIHKG
Disable javascript alert boxs JS - A simple userscript that defeats and disable the javascript alert boxes
WWT Easy Updater JS - Adds update button to "Your Torrents" page
WME Livemap Speed JS - Wazers speed on livemap
华文细黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 STHeiti
Clean Loopy For Youtube (Improved) JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
WWT PM From Shout JS - Adds PM link to posts in shoutbox
WME True Segment Length JS - Displays geodesic segment length in feet & meters
Random Wikia JS - Press a button to go to any random page of the wikia you're on
Séparation sujets JS - Separe le RP du HRP dans la section 'Derniers Sujets'.
AH Clan Extension test #1 JS - D - Double Split -|- S - Triple Split -|- A - 16 Split -|- Q - Feed
__JaZzY's Macros JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! ❤
OGame - Chat Alianza JS - band of brothers
DC_trop_ouha JS - Super secret project
Rep Char Limit Bypasser JS - Bypass the character limit for giving people rep.
Redmine Friendly Time JS - Redmine shows friendly time in tickets
SINGULARITY'S Cross beam JS - Allows a ship to beam from planet to foreign ship directly
PrivateStream Responsive Embed JS - Stupid Website
『净网卫士』 吾爱破解论坛 JS - 移除广告,精简页面。新增论坛后台自动签到。
old-smzdm(旧版张大妈) JS - 什么值得买默认使用旧版本
Gazelle Autofiller JS - Automatically fills a Gazelle form
4chan link fix JS - hiroshiMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
自动放大Phabricator图片 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube NoHTML5 JS - Little primitive youtube html5 disabler
Virgo Gaming Bots JS - SUBSCRIBE Virgo Gaming!
Magog Enhancements Hoard JS - Small enhancements for the Magog forums.
Compteur Sac JS - Affiche sur le sac le nombre d'objets qui y est. Se rafraichit toutes les 3 secondes.
/r/classic4chan css deanonymizer JS - Deanonymize /r/classic4chan users.
video auto size (kissanime) JS - resize the video to pixel format size
Kukualarmklok clock JS - Adds a clock so you can see how long it is until the alarm rings
CubeCraft Reports JS - Adds a link to the appeals page to each report.
Bible.com Headers Toggle JS - Removes headers from Bible.com
Fake News Warnings JS - Display a popup warning on fake news sites. See: http://www.infowars.com/the-ultimate-fake-news-list/
link_open_newtab JS - Open link in a new tab.
lang-8 fix CJK lang-specific variants display JS - fix display of language-specific glyphs of CJK ideographs
dm5.com image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
Virgo Gaming Bots JS - SUBSCRIBE Virgo Gaming!
Disable NYTimes Blog Smooth-Scrolling JS - Disables the smooth scrolling done by site's script
Better WooWee JS - try to take over the world!
Vimeo Player Speed Slider JS - Add Speed Slider to Vimeo Player Settings
GFY Photo Captions JS - On Go Fug Yourself slideshows, move the photo captions to the right sidebar.
YouTube Playlist Close JS - Allow quick closing of playlists
pc 微信跳转页面直接打开 JS - pc上从微信打开taobao等页面 还要手动复制粘贴,表示不爽
NGU Holiday Plugin JS - Adds the ability to toggle the snow effect on NextGenUpdate among other things.
NGU Holiday Plugin - For Dark Themes JS - Adds the ability to toggle the snow effect on NextGenUpdate among other things (DARK THEME).
PassTheHeadphones Collage Export Utility JS - Saves a collection of torrents as a text file
redacted.ch :: Group Top 10 JS - Groups torrents from the same album in Top 10 lists
提取码自动填写 JS - 访问分享链接时自动填写提取码并提交
链接自动跳转 JS - 访问分享链接时自动跳转至下载页面或验证页面
链接附加提取码 JS - 生成分享链接时自动附加提取码
Bot for typeracer.com JS - A simple bot for typeracer.
heiseNewsTickerKommentare JS - Im Newsticker pro Tag die Option zum laden der Anzahl der Kommentare
TextReFlower JS - click on text to reflow into visible area, Android FF USI
GolemMultiPage JS - Lade alle Seiten von mehrteiligen Artikeln in die erste Seite.
Steam Store - Removed App/Sub Redirect To SteamDB JS - If the Steam Store app/sub doesn't exist, is removed or is region-locked, redirect to steamdb.info instead of store.steampowered.com.
VK.com lottery filter (Фильтр розыгрышей ВК) JS - Фильтр слов и новостей вКонтакте. В данном виде скрипт навсегда избавит вас от назойливых розыгрышей призов за репосты. При желании вы можете сами добавить нужные вам фильтры.
Habrahabr collapsible comments JS - Скрипт позволяет сворачивать неинтересные ветки комментариев на geektimes.com и habr.com
Private Agario Elite Script JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Kuracyja na zawsze zabanowany JS - Gdy Kuracyja zabanowany, to cieplutko na sercu się robi.
Vertix Script JS - A script created by /u/ReelablePenny14 and /u/HighNoon643
kvala_personal JS - Отображение максимального числа сотрудников, которое держит топ, а также максимальной технологии установленной в подразделении.
Gazelle Snatched JS - Mark snatched torrents across your favorite gazelle music trackers.
Disable Snow JS - Disables Snow on Epicmafia - Bah-Humbug
Sage con ALT JS - Sage con la letra ALT (Abajo de Bloq. Mayús.)
ScrapTF Raffle Killer JS - try to take over the crapTF Raffles and get b4nned!
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
LIHKG App Url Replacer JS - app shared link redirect to na.cx (web)
Thor Russell:Rate the audio file JS - Rate audio files easily
HWM Silentio's Mod + Pereka4 JS - Add progress bar for Combat, Faction and Guilds levels.
Putlockertv.is Nav Buttons JS - Nav Buttons For Pulockertv.is
煎蛋侠 JS - 为煎蛋jandan.net提供左右方向键快捷翻页、上下方向键快捷切图、鼠标悬停显示大图、屏蔽指定用户发言等功能
修改Youtube为1080P、英文翻译 JS - try to take over the world!
Something Awful True Ignore JS - Hide posts from ignored users and their quotes
RTP Play Downloader JS - Userscript to download media from RTP Play
Vertical Stream Magic JS - Adjust Twitch streams for a vertical orientated monitor.
Bilibili Light Off JS - This script will change all elements' background to black when you click the Light Off button, including player controller.
助手还款时间显示工具 JS - 实时展示用户的最近的历史还款时间记录
info JS - (不要安装,只是学习如何制作和发布脚本)提示用户当前的各种信息,包括:时间、网址、默认文本、浏览器信息、显示器信息
YouTube Auto Speed JS - Автоматического изменения скорости ютуба
No Tiexue Post2 JS - 铁血论坛链接替换'post2'为‘post’,不用再为满屏广告烦恼,直接跳转查看原帖
temizdonanimhaber JS - donanimhaber forumlarındaki reklamları engeller
Kasu`s Agar.io Extension JS - Makes the game easier
Polskie rozszerzenie do agar.io JS - Makes the game easier
Virtonomica:Обзор рынка технологий JS - Сокращаем показ технологий (показываем только те, где в первых технах суммарная цена продажи выше 200 млн)
TorrentLeech V4 Enhancer JS - Enhance TorrentLeech
WME US Government Boundaries JS - Adds a layer to display US (federal, state, and/or local) boundaries.
Hide Thread for Два.ч catalog JS - Ability to hide/unhide threads on 2ch.hk catalog.
geniuschatremover JS - small script to remove chat on page load
BYR SMTH BBS ip2location JS - 显示北邮人论坛、水木论坛用户发贴IP的物理地址
Verm Trending JS - Shows page of trending thread topics
Try without snowflakes JS - Epicmafia fucking snowflakes
HOF Warbase Helper JS - Highlights potential war targets in green on HOF page
bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch JS - bamhaneul 2016.12 Map Patch_
Virtomomica: IC JS - Индикативные цены - автопарсинг и отображение на вкладке "Сбыт"
Reddit Auto-Open First Post JS - Auto open first post in Reddit front page using Reddit API URL: https://api.reddit.com/?goToFirstPost
Disable Confirmation Dialog When Leaving A Web Page JS - Disable confirmation dialog when leaving a web page
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