Karnage Fast fire(Might Not Work) JS - Fire bullets without Cool Down.
Youtube: UpDown to Scroll JS - Scroll up/down when using home/end/up/down arrow/page up/page down instead of controlling the volume.
慕课网 下载视频(失效) JS - 获取视频下载链接,使用方法:进入任意课程点击下载即可。如http://www.imooc.com/learn/814。慕课网已废弃v1和v2接口, 全面启用HLS, 此脚本失效, 详情看脚本内说明。github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
虎扑论坛新标签 JS - 虎扑论坛打开新标签页
Remove annoying boxes from Sci-Hub JS - Remove annoying boxes when reading PDFs from Sci-Hub
DH2 0% Gameplay QoL JS - Literally zero gameplay
淘宝登录 JS - try to take over the world!
wuk JS - Imperiaonline attackCheker
OTRS enhancements (unipd) JS - Miglioramenti ad OTRS
WeiboBlocker JS - try to take over the world!
douban_global_nav JS - align global nav's items to center
Compteur politique 2017 fr JS - Compteur politique des élus 2017
Hack-Forums-Userscript-Theme JS - Custom theme for Hack Forums.
iqiyi-player-switch JS - 爱奇艺flash播放器与html5播放器随意切换,改善html5播放器播放体验。
比特大熊广告移除 JS - try to take over the world!
SS JS - SS clan extension(shit)
CouchPotato Script Injector JS - Injects the CouchPotato automation script on IMDB movie pages
Facebook AutoPoker JS - Automagically repokes anyone that pokes you, for as long as the pokes page is open.
Split Macro | Made By XamBo JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Qidian score autoclick JS - Open the score site and let the script do all the click!
new_douban_marks_on_amazon JS - Display douban.com book rating on amazon.cn
diep.io dark theme - modified JS - dark them by 162893476, script by BlazingFire007, modified by 325 Gerbils
Cowlevel Deep Blue JS - A Solarized like dark theme for Cowlevel.net. Repository: https://github.com/Arcadia822/cowlevel_deep_blue
Hide ill posts JS - Let sunshine take over Huasing!
Komica NGID JS - NG id and post on komica
Komica notify JS - Notify new post every 60seconds on komica
Milan Script JS - Milan is a FUCKING QT
Milan Script For Milan's nigger pussy JS - Milan is a FUCKING QT
Netflix: Click to Play/Pause JS - Play/Pause when clicking the video.
Amazon hide recommendations JS - Tries to hide recommendations on every page. Might block too much sometimes so if the site seems broken you might temporarily disable this script.
A.V. Club Classic JS - Change newswire links to old style, non-streaming links with comments.
Self feed alis Macro (Press W) JS - Macro for selfFeed by Zenov
irodexx JS - try to take over the world!
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Tools to hide contact names and pictures of Whatsapp Web.
down2transmission JS - Add a button in torrent sites to support adding torrent to Transmission directly.
GitHub FileSize Viewer JS - Show the file size next to it on the website
MDN 重定向到中文 JS - 重定向 MDN 文档到中文
Google Title Tooltips JS - Applies original Google search result titles to result links as title attributes
Add Opensearch Link JS - Appends missing Opensearch link from https://github.com/opensearch-directory/opensearch-directory
Diep.io Deep Theme JS - Deep Theme.. It makes everything... Deeper... You'll see once you try it out.
Ted's market UI JS - Ted's Diamond Hunt 2 custom market user interface
jump@5ch回避 JS - 5ちゃんねるに貼られているリンクにjump@5chを介さずにアクセスします
YouTube Auto-DisLike Playlist JS - Automatically clicks the 'DisLike' and then 'Next' button in a playlist
SocialBar JS - Скрипт
雅黑 JS - *
Comcast Business SMCD3G Port Forward Autoconfig JS - Easily/Automatically create port forwards, without having to sit and wait for each change to apply. Created to while diagnosing an issue with SMCD3G that caused it to forgets all configured port forwards, which seems to be a common problem for some xfinity customers as well.
Download images from vsco.co JS - Adds download buttons for the full-resolution images to thumbnails all over vsco.co
Tumblr Self-Posts JS - Show only a Tumblr's self-posts using a third-party service (http://studiomoh.com/fun/tumblr_originals/?tumblr=)
GitHub Code Show Whitespace JS - A userscript that shows whitespace (space, tabs and carriage returns) in code blocks
Dribbble Zoomer JS - Auto Expand Zoomable Content
animeflv.net - AdsFix JS - remove ads social, etc, just pure player style.
qq-h5 JS - 在非mac平台上使用qq html5播放器
Auto Refresh for Google+ JS - Auto Post Refresh for Google+
P2P分享by SeLang JS - 目标是网页右键收藏,一键打包种子,一键分享,浏览器直接查看,在线编辑发布网站。 QQ群号:455809302,点击链接加入群【油猴脚本私人定制】:https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=45p9bea。
Gearbest JS - Avisa cuando un estado deja de estar en Processing
MyDramaListCompletedHighlight JS - Simple highlights of movies and shows you already finished.
KaKo ™ © [[GrozaVlogs]] JS - KAKOBOTS by kako
download.mokeedev.com JS - download.mokeedev.com without waiting
Decrease click at Sakurafile JS - none
Tripcolor JS - Colorize tripcodes, the way YOU want it
北邮人pt自动感谢 JS - 浏览 bt.byr.cn 资源详情页面时使用 AJAX 方式在后台自动感谢发布者。
NGA AC娘表情FGO化补完计划 by 间桐咕哒子@NGA JS - 将 间桐咕哒子@NGA 制作的FGO化AC娘表情加入到表情列表中
Douban Rating JS - display douban rating and link in e commercial websites' book page, supports jd.com, tmall.com, dangdang.com and amzon.cn..
EM deathsound JS - Adds button to profiles to listen to deathsound
Twitter t.co GO TO HELL JS - Restore t.co links, support Twitter/TweetDeck
Pandora Notifications JS - Displays a browser notification when a song plays.
v2ex_signin JS - V2EX自动签到
Auto respawn for back.alis.io by Perfectionist JS - Automatic resurrection after death.
Ingress Report inappropriate gameplay Tool JS - Auto Report inappropriate gameplay
百度贴吧只看楼主 JS - 在帖子的任何地方,按下Alt+L组合键即可自动点击“只看楼主”,不用再翻到帖子顶部去点击啦
Improve 8bcDump JS - Improve the interface of the public 8bitcollective archive on brkbrkbrk.com.
Enhanced Ticker JS - Various fixes for the very bare ticker.
bupt-mooc-helper JS - BUPT MOOC Helper
Redmine Hide Tasks JS - hide tasks without remaining hours
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
BundleStar_GetKey&Gift JS - shows how to use babel compiler
SteamGifts GA input JS - Adds input on top menu where you can enter 5characters of GA id and it will open the GA page for you.
NoMouseWheelZoom JS - No Mouse Wheel Zoom -> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-scroll-wheel-zoom/mdpfkohgfpidohkakdbpmnngaocglmhl
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
4chan better image server replace JS - Use this script if images in 4chan threads won't load/open.
Tall Farmville Live Chat JS - Make the Farmville Live Chat window taller than the default.
Commits2PR JS - Add the commits to PR textarea.
Wishlist profile linkifier and contest search fixer JS - try to take over the world!
TruyenCV.com QuickPaste JS - QuickPaste for Add Chapter
Leader_BOT JS - RAF
Geizhals.de geizhals.at geizhals.eu cenowarka.pl skinflint.co.uk item property list beautifier JS - Beautify key value property list in Geizhals (geizhals.de) article descriptions.
Mina Helper JS - try to take over the world!
close baidu Pry JS - 自动关闭百度隐私追踪
163music JS - 播放那些因版权无法播放的云音乐
Clarin no-login JS - Saltear la ventana de login en clarin.com
Skipper for ouo.io JS - You can bypass countdown after reCAPTCHA
GitHub Search Autocomplete JS - A userscript that adds autocomplete search filters to GitHub
Fix 1000 mile challenge start date JS - Corrects the bug in displayed start date
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
知乎浅色床单 JS - try to take over the world!
VK Post Notes JS - Add the ability to add notes to any post + add categories to post + hide posts\categories
簡體字翻譯器 JS - 會把簡體字翻譯到繁體字
NGA Re-collapse Button JS - NGA 折叠内容展开后可再次收起
SimonX JS - Best Gota Extension
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