DLNA 投屏 JS - DLNA 投屏,把网页的图片、视频投放到指定设备。因为浏览器权限问题,只能通过主动扫描识别设备
禁用无限调试脚本debugger JS - 破解无限Debugger;禁用无限调试脚本debugger;
Techmny Bypasser for MoviesMod JS - Swiftly go through Techmny to reach your destination link.
Roblox Game Blacklist JS - Lets you blacklist certain games based on their names
论坛列表显示图片 JS - 论坛列表显示图片,同时支持discuz搭建的论坛(如吾爱破解)以及phpwind搭建的论坛(如south plus)灯
FXAA for voxiom (Only Visual) JS - Creates a transparent square with 1px blur on the whole screen. Attempting to blur the distance
Xbox Cloud Play custom Language JS - Set Xbox Cloud Play' game language to your browser's preferred language.
Robux Fake😎 JS - fake roblux
Seterra Hack JS - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in black, then white when clicked.
Automate Arcanum JS - Automates the game arcanum by allowing autoclicking and autocasting
【通用自动版】哔哩哔哩(bilibili.com)屏蔽删除广告动态 JS - 关注的up主经常发布动态广告,又舍不得取关,实在受够了电动牙刷按摩枕眼罩杯子零食水果还有游戏机,没办法写了这个脚本.屏蔽关键词可自定义
FPS Booster [Sploop.io, Moomoo.io and other] (if you want me to add sites, dm me) JS - Improve MooMoo.io FPS performance.(if you want me to add sites, dm me)
HeroWarsHelper_Bot_TC JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
Twitter (X) 片思い表示 JS - Twitter (X) で片思いフォロー中のアカウントのみを表示できます。また、両思いフォロー中のアカウントは強調表示できます。
网页调试 JS - 内置多种网页调试工具,包括:Eruda、vConsole、PageSpy、Chii,可在设置菜单中进行详细配置
Clash.GG - Check tickets JS - This script will show all tickets in a battle
kemono.su links for ppixiv JS - Add kemono.su patreon & fanbox & fantia links into ppixiv
Ironwood RPG - Pancake-Scripts JS - A collection of scripts to enhance Ironwood RPG - https://github.com/Boldy97/ironwood-scripts
Steam FACEIT links JS - Show FACEIT links on Steam profile
Pixeldrain Viewer & Download - With Bypass JS - Enhances PixelDrain by handling file list clicks, displaying media content, and adding download bypass buttons for individual files and lists.
Pixiv反代链接替换 JS - 使用国内反代节点替换Pixiv日本图片节点
Busting reminder JS - Guess how many busts you can do without getting jailed
No Animations JS - Clear all animations on websites
Twitch Sidebar Thumbnail Preview JS - Hover over Channel in the Sidebar to see a Thumbnail Preview of the Stream on Twitch
Shape Aimbot UPDATED JS - try to take over the world!
FileDM Bypass JS - Bypass annoying FileDM download managers!
b站一键删除消息中心通知 JS - b站一键删除消息中心中的点赞通知和回复通知记录
pixmap picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixmap.fun
Devuplads/Up Remove Bloat JS - show only download button and try click
Neon's Hitbox mod JS - A Mod menu for hitbox.io. press shift+a to open the menu or click the white square on the corner.
YouTube Lite (meilleure expérience) JS - Rend l'interface YouTube plus légère, masque les vidéos avec des mots-clés, ajoute un bouton de téléchargement et ouvre la vidéo sur une page sans publicité (intégrer youtube-nocookie).
via浏览器本地密码填充 JS - 让via浏览器有一个自动填充的功能
gimkitcheat JS - A userscript that allows you to cheat across various gimkit games
Blooket Dark Mode JS - Dark mode for Blooket (yay xander is no longer metalic)
RoSnipe JS - Working as of 01/10/2023 - Simple script for roblox server sniping (Without an executor or exploits)
Bonk.io Name Changer JS - Change your name to Chaz in Bonk.io
Rustclash.com - Text to Link JS - This script will replace all "battle/1234567" text messages to clickable links.
quizizz hax - lldvee JS - final ver. bye bye world
欧洲开放大学刷课脚本 JS - None
暴力破解lurl密碼(使用日期) JS - try to take over the world!
HeroWarsDungeon JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
ecsa JS - 为csp的素材商店网页-我的下载和收藏页面 增加“按素材类型排序”和按素材类型筛选快捷按钮
DownloadAllContent ZIP addon JS - Save content as ZIP for DownloadAllContent
Google Search Extra Buttons (Position Slightly Right) JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
MORS CLIENT JS - Creates an overlay with a styled side panel and content area that can be toggled with the "]" key.
广行自动点击登录按钮 JS - 自动识别网页的登录按钮并点击
SteamWorkshop downloader JS - none
统计京东搜索页的商品信息 JS - 在京东搜索商品后,将将页面以内的商品信息统计下载到 excel
xiaohongshu download images and record links JS - Download images and videos from new version weibo UI webpage.
Boolet Theme JS - Boolet' theme
IEEE Paper Downloader JS - IEEE Paper Downloader is a Greasemonkey script that enables batch downloading of papers. It bypasses the IEEE Xplore's limit on downloading up to 10 papers at a time, allowing you to download more than 10 papers in one go.
豆瓣电影同步到Notion JS - 抓取豆瓣电影信息,基于Notion搭建私人电影管理系统
Facebook video downloader JS - Download any video on Facebook (post/chat/comment)
e等公務園+學習平台 小幫手 JS - try to take over the world!
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S. JS - color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
YouTube Anti-AdBlock Bypass via YouTube Enhancer JS - A simple method of bypassing YouTube's AdBlock Detection using Enhancer for YouTube's "Remove Ads" button, featuring a GUI for easy configuration! Does not require the use of any external website like similar tools do.
typeracer.com - Cheats JS - You shouldn't use this script or you are going to be banned from taking races.
知网PDF下载助手 JS - 提供知网搜索页面的直接PDF下载
https://greasyfork.org/en/users/1084379-afterxander JS - Removes a specific dialog from YouTube pages
微博图片批量下载-支持无水印 JS - 本程序支持新版微博图片批量下载功能
IAAA-auto-click JS - Assuming that the credentials are filled in by the browser, this script clicks the big red button for you.
paper2hack JS - Modding utility/menu for paper.io
Youtube视频广告去除 JS - 2023/10/26
Mobile search engineer switcher JS - mobile search engineer switcher, bing google baidu
CharacterAI Dumper JS - Allows downloading saved chat messages and character definitions from CharacterAI.
Github链接重定向 JS - 将Github链接重定向至国内镜像链接
OkCupid Utils JS - Unblurs those who like you on OkCupid, add keybinds for easy navigation
hwm_change_class JS - change class in one click
florr.io | Petal farming progress counter JS - Track and count the number of desired petals.
知乎下载器 JS - 一键复制知乎文章/回答为Markdown,下载文章/回答为zip(包含素材图片与文章/回答信息),备份你珍贵的回答与文章。
ourcoincash.xyz | Auto Claim Faucet, PTC Support JS - https://ourcoincash.xyz/?r=6946
UniPegaso - Tools Quiz & anti EiPass popup JS - Rimuove popup EiPass, espande gli accordion dei moduli, aiuta nei test di autovalutazione
bloxd.io no hit cool down + instant break + hide gui + auto deny telport and auto respawn JS - this is a fun experince for people no copying it u can get banned using this if u do it around players so do it someweres away from players
Bunkrr DL Button JS - Add a direct download button below each thumbnails
Hide ads elements Fly.inc JS - Full Hide ads elements Fly.inc
🚀云班课一键完成所有资源🚀 JS - 咕咚,蓝墨云都消失不见了,我大学生涯还没过完呢!!!我还得陪伴云班课数年!!!没有他们我该怎么办!!!不行!!!我得自力更生!!!自己动手写一个!!!
隐藏抖音登录弹窗 JS - 隐藏抖音上的登录弹窗、评论登录提示和验证码容器
Evoworld.io cелектор серверов Европы JS - a cheat that can connect to a disabled server and so on
AO3: Use Arrow-Keys to Navigate JS - use the left/right arrow keys to jump between pages
BiliBili 高级倍速功能 JS - BiliBili倍速插件,支持自定义速度、记忆上一次速度、快捷键调速。
Torn: Hide Crimes 2.0 Stories JS - Hides the stories from the crime section when initiating crimes
YouTube Remove Ambient CSS - Removes ambient mode around video player on YouTube.
Steamworkshop downloader JS - Downloads Steam Workshop items that really works, replacing the deprecated or free space left from steamworkshop.download
自动答题脚本 JS - 自动回答题目
有道云笔记多合一精简网页 JS - 去除页面周边的多余 信息,使您在有道云笔记中可以直接阅读到清爽的正文效果
云盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名云盘里的文件,支持123云盘、阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、天翼云盘、夸克云盘
UBits认领 JS - 一键认领
Cryzen.io No spread JS - No spread (recoil still presists) TRY SHOTGUN, LOL! (for cryzen)
PTT-顯示推文樓層 JS - 顯示 PTT 的推文樓層數
Zombs.io bad(?) Hack newest JS - The best defensive script (probably)
B站用户成分指示器 JS - 自动标注成分
[Premium] Coinpayu.com by Andrewblood JS - Open and close Framed and Frameless Ads with Overlay for settings
Reddit Show Images Marked with Spoiler/NSFW JS - show images marked with spoiler/nsfw post in reddit
Free host download JS - free down it
FB Mobile - Clean my feeds JS - Removes Sponsored and Suggested posts from Facebook mobile chromium/react version
cryptofaucet.club | Auto Claim Faucet JS - https://cryptofaucet.club/?r=98629
Gats.io - Vaakir's hack pack GUI V4 JS - The almighty one
GitHub Relative Time Format JS - replacing GitHub relative timestamps(<relative-time>) with customizable date and time formats
【移动端】微博优化 JS - 劫持自动跳转登录,修复用户主页正确跳转,伪装客户端,可查看名人堂日程表,解锁视频清晰度(1080p、2K、2K-60、4K、4K-60)
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