Make in-game chat messages selectable JS - Simple bonk.io mod that allows you to select chatbox message content in-game.
douyu.com pure mode JS - Hide comments on douyu.com
The Wall Street Journal CN site Full Text Articles JS - Fetch the full text of The Wall Street Journal articles from the AMP version. I've identified an issue affecting iOS Safari users while reading articles on wsj.com. The font size may appear too large. As a temporary workaround, please use the font adjustment tool in the Safari address bar to increase or decrease the font size, then reset it to the original size. This should fix the issue. This bug is not present on cn.wsj.com. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
基础教育教师培训网,全自动学习! JS - https://jx19qy.gpa.enetedu.com/
khanacademy dark mode JS - Go into settings and turn on dark mode.
BV2AV + 视频统计 JS - 支持 Safari | 干净 URL | 视频统计 | V 家成就
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate GitHub
哔哩哔哩PWA JS - 立刻将哔哩哔哩网页变为轻量的、简洁的软件界面
Nitrotype Bot JS - nitro type hack
Best Zombs.io Hack 2022 | Multivox Raider JS - Best Raiding Script of 2022! Destroy your Enemies and Take Over the Game!
Case Clicker 2 Importing & Exporting save Tool (By Lapide) JS - A CS:GO/Case Clicker 2 tool focused on save exporting and importing.
金山文档解除复制限制 JS - try to take over the world!
FloatingPlayer JS - FloatingPlayer!悬浮窗
喵哉B站数据分析助手 JS - 显示当前B站视频的详细数据,用作简单的数据对比和分析。
协同放置(Synergism)自定义倍速 JS - 通过劫持performance.now方法进行加速。【测试版,不保证无BUG】
F**k zhihu JS - 知乎免登录
embyDouban JS - emby 里展示: 豆瓣 Bangumi bgm.tv 评分 链接 (豆瓣评论可关)
Super Auto Clicker JS - Dominate the web with your auto clicking powers! Install this script and this power is yours! Click Alt+M on a webpage to enable the autoclicker. Press Alt+M again to turn it off. You need this extension to use Super Auto Clicker: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en
国家中小学智慧教育平台 JS - 国家中小学平台自动16倍数,下一集,全程静音
NGA网址重定向178 JS - 应急重定向nga到178域名。
强制缩放与桌面模式 JS - 浏览器ua为手机ua时启用强制缩放,浏览器ua非手机ua时启用桌面模式,脚本菜单可以单独设置桌面模式宽度或全局宽度
Skribbl Cheat German by Stabel JS - Fetches the Skribbl.io wordlist and displays clickable hints based on the current word's pattern.
Bonk.io IP Logger JS - See people's IP addresses in bonk.io
去你大爷的百家号 JS - 移除搜索结果中的百家号
Aternos Ad Delete JS - Delete the advertisement on Aternos.org and have more space for editing files
云南森林安全平台自动辅助问答 JS - 显示WE Learn随行课堂题目答案;支持班级测试;自动答题;刷时长;开放自定义设置
搜索页面美化-自用 JS - 支持的搜索引擎有1.百度;2.搜狗;3.谷歌;4.必应。兼容“AC-baidu”脚本【支持自定义背景】【支持随机背景图】【支持背景图分类】【支持屏蔽广告】【支持透明度调节】
随手小说下载 JS - 带图形化界面的小说下载器。任意网站,自动识别任何目录列表,自动识别正文,自由下载,简单直观。
IdlePixel Market Overhaul JS - Overhaul of market UI and functionality.
题海 x 划词搜题 JS - 所有网页均支持划词搜题,支持截图搜题,也可输入文本搜题悬浮窗可拖动可关闭,可个性化设置解除网页禁止复制限制适用于各类问答,网课问题,竞赛问题,专业术语,业务名称,情景问题,在线作业等
JPDB-Export JS - Allows you to export your JPDB decks (see readme on github for more info)
媒体流捕获 JS - 捕获HTML视频流,并下载的实现。理论上可以捕获任意在线视频或直播的媒体流
TemTem MapGenie Tweaks JS - Adds some info to the TemTem MapGenie site.
pikpak助手 JS - pikpak网盘助手,绕过ip限制,支持aria2下载!
新新·三相之力&查成分小助手(个人自用版) JS - B站评论区自动标注三相玩家,虚拟主播的粉丝,依据是动态里是否有相关内容(基于原神指示器和原三相,新三相一些小的修改)。前一个显示虚拟主播粉丝(ASOUL粉丝名颜色已改为应援色,其余主播由于我没查到就用发色大概代替一下),后一个显示游戏玩家。
AMQ Detailed Song Info JS - Display detailed information on the side panel of the song.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Vibration JS - Add game force feedback (vibration or rumble) support for Xbox Cloud Gaming
duolingo auto practice JS - please download my other script [duohacker] for it to work properly. duolingo cheat, duolingo hack, duolingo farmer, duolingo xp.
falinks-teambuilder-helper JS - A UserScript helps import teams to a Falinks Teambuilder room
AMQ Song Guess Rate JS - Display guess rates per song in side panel of the song. (Requires AMQ Detailed Song Info plugin: version 0.3.0 or higher)
喜马拉雅音频地址提取工具 - 12redcircle JS - 提取喜马拉雅网页上专辑和音频的播放链接
Steam - Intigrate HowLongToBeat JS - Adds a button that shows the completion time for the "Main Story" and links to HowLongToBeat.
Shoptet zkratky beta JS - Zkratky do Shoptetu
EasyWJX-破解问卷星复制限制,全自动填写答案,绕过微信限制 JS - 这个脚本可以帮助你绕过问卷星的复制限制,并且可以直接在问卷星的答题页面搜索答案,防止被企业版防作弊检测。同时可以自动清理cookie来绕过设备限制(部分浏览器可用)
Pixiv Novel Translator (Pixiv 小说翻译器) JS - Pixiv翻译器,支持PC端列表页、小说页面和Fanbox.cc投稿页面的翻译,使用彩云小译API。
Tradingview A股助手 JS - 给 Tradingview 增加同花顺同步、拼音搜索等功能
图书互助查询小帮手: 读秀超星图书联盟显示图书编号 JS - 免注册,查询超星、读秀、全国图书馆参考咨询联盟等文献馆书籍编号(SSID, DXID),并发起互助获取全文。
网页翻译 JS - 🍓 一个按钮的事,一点都不费事
Soundgasm Improvements JS - Restyles and adds new functionality to Soundgasm --- dark mode/keyboard shortcuts/quick download/and more
Chaoxing Fuck JS - Play Chaoxing course videos at 10x speed.
Geoguessr Team Duels Advanced Options JS - Adds extra options to team duel settings.
TSI Arrivals JS - script for calculating TSI arrivals
Dcard 助手 JS - 完整去廣告、移除登入彈窗、隱藏下方登入 Banner
AutoMudae JS - Automates the use of Mudae bot in Discord
Geoguessr duel guess times & team duels player list JS - Display guess times, rating changes for duels, and a list of players for team duels
Hedge Streak Counter (Automated) JS - Adds a hedge streak counter to the GeoGuessr website. Compatible with country streak counters if both scripts are at least v.1.3.0.
PP-Client JS - Pixel Place Client
优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果等全网VIP视频破解播放,知乎视频、微信公众号视频下载,QQ音乐网易云音乐及MV下载、酷狗音乐、喜马拉雅、蜻蜓FM听书有声小说下载。长期更新,放心使用。 JS - B站视频大会员视频解析播放,QQ音乐MV下载、网易云音乐MV下载、抖音视频下载、快手视频下载无水印、知乎视频、微信公众号视频下载,酷狗音乐下载、喜马拉雅、蜻蜓FM听书有声小说下载。优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯等全网VIP视频免费破解去广告在线播放,长期更新,放心使用。
Перевод чата Twitch JS - Перевод сообщений в чате с любого языка на русский!
小草助手 JS - 社区访问优化&菜区综合助手
StreamableDownloader JS - Downloads the current Streamable video when you click the button.
IMDb Scout Mod - CL Version JS - Fork d'IMDb Scout Mod pour CL
Discord Watch Deleted Messages JS - Records all deleted messages in every opened channel and stores them so you can read it later ;)
Health-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds a health bar to the Shell Shockers game UI with sound FX
百度云批量保存 JS - 批量保存百度云文件
Musescore Downloader JS - download pdf or print any sheets!
Bilibili Live Banned Danmaku Marker JS - You sent banned danmakus will be add strikethrough line.
Return YouTube Trending JS - Re-display the Explore/Trending Button in the Side Menu on YouTube
微信读书自动滚动翻页 JS - 为微信阅读pc版添加自动滚动和翻页功能
Blooket.Mod2 JS - Get All blooks in blooket in the lobby to show off to your friends!
Blooket.Mod3(crypto) JS - Get every password in crypto correct!
GeoGuessr Country Streaks United JS - A GeoGuessr country streak counter that also saves locations to a map of yours.
Bilibili直播自动追帧 JS - 自动追帧bilibili直播至设定的buffer length
道客88 JS - 以pdf形式下载道客88文件
Fuck微博网页版Fix JS - 自动关闭广告,关闭视频自动播放以及微博视频号语音,强制跳转最新微博(避免植入)
Alts, krunker fps booster JS - Change it to whatever website you want just click where it says krunker.io keep the *:// /* and fill in the space with any website you want
chaoxing学习通,自动两倍速刷视频,禁止自动暂停,自动下一章 JS - 此脚本仅适用于 mooc1.chaoxing.com 这个网址
定时刷新页面 JS - 设置倒计时,在计时结束时对页面进行刷新。同时增加了倒计时的进度条,可以更直观地看到多久后页面会刷新
放开飞书复制和右键 JS - 让飞书文档不受权限限制,可以复制任意内容,可以打开右键菜单(图片需点击2次右键才可弹出菜单),可以将复制内容粘贴到新的飞书文档
IQRPG Labyrinth Companion JS - QoL enhancement for IQRPG Labyrinth
继续解锁(Theres More)自定义倍速及暴露存储变量 JS - 通过劫持performance.now方法进行加速(动画会不流畅暂无改进方案)以及暴露存储变量到window.game【测试版,不保证无BUG】
PatreonExpander-Monthly JS - Expand content and comments.
Storm Trainer JS - new cheat by storm
微博一键下载(9宫格&&视频) JS - 一个兴趣使然的脚本,微博一键下载脚本。傻瓜式🐵(简单🍎、易用🧩、可靠💪)
Kahoot Autoplay JS - Kahoot autoplay for streamers
提取视频链接 JS - try to take over the world!
Displaycase Item Sets JS - Get plushie and flower sets
Kirka.IO Enhanced JS - Wallhack, adblock and more for Kirka.IO.
【全题型支持】EasyWJX附加-问卷星随机答案填写问卷;速通问卷,可配合EasyWJX使用;问卷星随机填写;问卷星快速填写; JS - EasyWJX附加脚本,随机填写答案,速通问卷
[IN SCHOOL HACK] Krunker.io & Shellshockers Hidden(MOD) [H] redirect you to(URL) of your choice JS - Krunker.io & shellshockers Hidden(MOD) Press [H] to redirect you to a (URL) of your choice To [PLAY IN SCHOOL] Menu Press [R] For a Radio works For Shellshockers also works for some alterive URLs #Hack #krunker #Shellshockers #school #Hidden
安徽继续教育在线自动刷课 JS - 点进视频即可刷课 现只支持视频
😄😄😄浏览器美化增强-适用所有网站😄😄😄 JS - 浏览器美化,目前仅做了字体适配鸿蒙字体(因为我喜欢这个字体),适用所有网页所有网站。仅仅四行原生js代码就实现了这个功能!所以性能几乎无损耗。自用方案,不喜勿喷,本人不喜欢过度美化。
91 Plus M JS - 打造91譜的最佳體驗
Overleaf Editor Font Customizer JS - Customize your Overleaf editor's font family.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Global Touch Control JS - Force touch controls on all Xbox Cloud Gaming games (only working in regions that do not support Xbox Cloud Gaming)
中国教育网络电视台 JS - 已支持【学习通】【陕西省继续教育平台】吉林/山西/江苏/江西/浙江/广西/云南/新疆/贵州/甘肃/青海/宁夏/湖南/湖北/山东各省继续教育平台挂机脚本正在开发中。
网页访问加速器 JS - 基于谷歌quicklink的网页访问加速器,加快网页打开速度,提升浏览体验
ChatGPT Search JS - ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
ChatGPT Copy as Markdown with MathJax Support JS - Copy the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text, with MathJax Render Support, you can use this together with 'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (with MathJax V2)' that adds support for math render, based on 'chatGPT Markdown' by 赵巍໖.
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